ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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How do you know the Bible is true ?

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1How do you know the Bible is true ?  Empty How do you know the Bible is true ? Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:28 pm



How do you know the Bible is true ?


There is more evidence for the God of the Bible than combined by all world religions. For that reason, we should take Jesus words very seriously.

John 14:6, ESV: 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"

The context is Jesus'  discourse to his disciples before his crucifixion. He is preparing them for his departure and promising them a place in his Father's house (heaven). When Thomas asks how they can know the way, Jesus gives this statement:  Jesus uses the definite article "the" to declare he is not just "a" way among many, but "the" one and only way to the Father. The Greek word for "way" (hodos) means the path, road or journey one must take. Jesus is stating he is the exclusive means to get to the Father and heaven. He reinforces this by adding "No one comes to the Father except through me." This unambiguously excludes any other path or means of salvation. Jesus claims to be not just "the way" but also "the truth and the life" - he is the full revelation of God and the source of eternal life itself. So in this verse, Jesus makes an exclusive claim that he alone is the way to heaven and salvation, rejecting any other religious paths or human efforts to reach God apart from himself. This absolute claim flows from his unique identity as God incarnate and mankind's only redeemer.

John 3:18 (ESV): Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

This verse from the Gospel of John underscores the exclusive nature of salvation through Jesus Christ, similar to John 14:6. Here, the emphasis is on belief in Jesus as the determining factor for one's eternal destiny.
Whoever believes in him is not condemned: This clause offers assurance of salvation to those who place their faith in Jesus. Belief in Jesus is presented as the sole requirement for escaping condemnation.
But whoever does not believe is condemned already: This statement shifts to the fate of those who reject Jesus. The use of "condemned already" suggests that the state of condemnation is a default condition for humanity due to sin, from which only faith in Jesus can deliver.
Because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God: This final phrase clarifies that the basis of condemnation is the refusal to believe in Jesus. The "name" signifies the totality of Jesus' identity and work, including his divinity, his role as Savior, and his sacrificial death and resurrection. Thus, John 3:18 succinctly encapsulates the theological truth that acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ is the decisive factor in one's eternal judgment, affirming the exclusivity of Jesus as the path to salvation and the dire consequences of unbelief.

1. Theology and philosophy. Both lead to an eternal, self-existent, omnipresent transcendent, conscious, intelligent, personal and moral Creator.
2. The Kalaam Cosmological argument leads to the God of the Bible.
3. The Bible. The Old Testament is a catalog of fulfilled prophecies of Jesus Christ, and his mission, death, and resurrection are foretold with specificity.
4. Archaeology. Demonstrates that all events described in the Bible are historical facts.
5. History. Historical evidence reveals that Jesus Christ really did come to this earth, and really did physically rise from the dead
6. The Bible's witnesses. There are many testimonies of Jesus doing miracles still today, and Jesus appearing to people all over the globe, still today.
7. End times. The signs of the end times that were foretold in the Bible are occurring in front of our eyes. New world order, Israel as a nation, microchip implant, etc.
8. After-life experiences. Credible witnesses have seen the afterlife and have come back and reported to us that the afterlife is real.

1. Syllogistic - Arguments of Gods existence based on positive evidence

2. The Kalaam leads to the God of the Bible

3. Fulfilled prophecies in the bible

4. Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

4. Noah's Ark has been found with high probability on Mount Ararat

4. Evidence of Exodus

4. Are the Bible & the Gospels Reliable?

5. Evidence of the historical Jesus

5. Evidence of the resurrection

5. The Impossible Faith: A Defense of the Resurrection

5. The shroud of turin

8. Near-Death experience, evidence of dualism

1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

2. At a time when it was believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant (1500 B.C.), the Bible spoke of the earth’s free float in space: "He...hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7).

3. The prophet Isaiah also tells us that the earth is round: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). This is not a reference to a flat disk, as some skeptic maintain, but to a sphere. Secular man discovered this 2,400 years later. At a time when science believed that the earth was flat, is was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world (see Proverbs 3:6 footnote).

4. God told Job in 1500 B.C.: "Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?" (Job 38:35). The Bible here is making what appears to be a scientifically ludicrous statement—that light can be sent, and then manifest itself in speech. But did you know that radio waves travel at the speed of light? This is why you can have instantaneous wireless communication with someone on the other side of the earth. Science didn’t discover this until 1864 when "British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia).

5. Job 38:19 asks, "Where is the way where light dwells?" Modern man has only recently discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000 miles per second.

6. Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch. God mentioned this in Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."

7. "Most cosmologists (scientists who study the structures and evolution of the universe) agree that the Genesis account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily close to the truth" (Time, Dec. 1976).

8. Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists "discovered" them. "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes 1:6).

9. Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion. Genesis 1:1,2 revealed such truths to the Hebrews in 1450 B.C.: "In the beginning [time] God created [power] the heaven [space] and the earth [matter] . . . And the Spirit of God moved [motion] upon the face of the waters." The first thing God tells man is that He controls of all aspects of the universe.

10. The great biological truth concerning the importance of blood in our body’s mechanism has been fully comprehended only in recent years. Up until 120 years ago, sick people were "bled," and many died because of the practice. If you lose your blood, you lose your life. Yet Leviticus 17:11, written 3,000 years ago, declared that blood is the source of life: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."

11. All things were made by Him, including dinosaurs. Why then did the dinosaur disappear? The answer may be in Job 40:15–24. In this passage, God speaks about a great creature called "behemoth." Some commentators think this was a hippopotamus. However, the hippo’s tail isn’t like a large tree, but a small twig. Following are the characteristics of this huge animal: It was the largest of all the creatures God made; was plant-eating (herbivorous); had its strength in its hips and a tail like a large tree. It had very strong bones, lived among the trees, drank massive amounts of water, and was not disturbed by a raging river. He appears impervious to attack because his nose could pierce through snares, but Scripture says, "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him." In other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become extinct.

12. Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals. As many as 30 percent died after giving birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice, because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Semmelweis insisted that doctors wash their hands before examinations, and the death rate immediately dropped to 2 percent. Look at the specific instructions God gave His people for when they encounter disease: "And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself even days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean" (Leviticus 15:13). Until recent years, doctors washed their hands in a bowl of water, leaving invisible germs on their hands. However, the Bible says specifically to wash hands under "running water."

13. Luke 17:34–36 says the Second Coming of Yahshu Messiah will occur while some are asleep at night and others are working at daytime activities in the field. This is a clear indication of a revolving earth, with day and night at the same time.

14. "During the devastating Black Death of the fourteenth century, patients who were sick or dead were kept in the same rooms as the rest of the family. People often wondered why the disease was affecting so many people at one time. They attributed these epidemics to ‘bad air’ or ‘evil spirits.’ However, careful attention to the medical commands of God as revealed in Leviticus would have saved untold millions of lives. Arturo Castiglione wrote about the overwhelming importance of this biblical medical law: ‘The laws against leprosyin Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of sanitary legislation’ (A History of Medicine)." Grant R. Jeffery, The Signature of God With all these truths revealed in Scripture,how could a thinking person deny that the Bible is supernatural in origin? There is no other book in any of the world’s religions (Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran, Book of Mormon, etc.) that contains scientific truth. In fact, they contain statements that are clearly unscientific. Somebody once said, "Faith in Messiah even is not some blind leap into a dark chasm, but a faith based on established evidence."

The Gospel in Genesis
A Hidden Message

Claim: There are many contradictions in the Bible
Response: A careful study of the texts, an honest study, gives us the clarity of many minor differences.
To be inerrant, it must be perfect. Is it perfect, that is the test.
If God wrote it Himself, and handed it to us complete, not subject to scribal errors, translation errors, then it would be perfect. No problem with that.
That is not how we got the Bible.
God chose humans, prophets, scribes, servants, to convey His message to us.
Humans sin, humans make mistakes, God knows this.
That's the logical side.
Does God tell us that the current book we have is perfect, anywhere?
Yes, you can pull a verse from Psalms that says something like that, but we must look at the whole.
Is it the KJV that is perfect, as some allege?
The massotetic text, but which version?
The septuagint, but which version?
The septuagint was used extensively by the new testament church, but we know it was flawed, yet it was never criticised by the new testament writers.
Another argument made is that the originals were perfect.
A good argument, a logical argument, allows you to hold to the inerancy of scripture without ever being able to get your hands on an inerrant scripture.
What is the point of holding to innerant originals when they no longer exist? What's the point?
Or, or, I will offer an alternate possibility.
Perhaps God used the prophets and scribes to convey His word to us, sufficient that it is close enough with the checks and balances He built in.
1/ two or three witnesses. No important teaching of scripture stands out falls on one verse. All important teachings are backed by multiple verses, entire chapters.
Line upon line, precept upon precept.
My study indicates it is at least 99%, if not 99.9% correct.
The redundancy eliminates the human portion.
2/ regardless the version, the accuracy of the translation, it is the Holy Spirit that illuminates it to our soul, without which we would have no hope of understanding it.
The KJV is a great translation, still one of the best. The Mormons still use it. How is that working out? The JWs used it for nearly a century, still a cult.
God translates it to us.
We are to read it seeking the truth. We are to read it all.
Not run it through our confirmation bias filters, our charismatic or Calvinist or Arminian clouded lenses, but read it fresh, always seeking His word and His will.
No other work ever written is anything like it, no other work can change lives, put people right.
Only God is perfect. The Bible is close enough.

There are no errors or contradictions in the ORIGINAL TEXTS - if that's what you mean by "Bible". God does not inspire mistakes.
"Let God be true, but every man a liar."
So the OP should read, "Claiming that the copies we based the Bible on have no mistakes is not factual", or contain an explanation so as not to give people the wrong idea.
The COPIES do contain many errors, yes "trivial" ones, mostly obvious typos and such. Nothing that takes away the original meaning. When taking the many THOUSANDS of ancient copies together, it is not difficult to see what the original had to have said.
The bible is NOT just what is derived from the ancient MSS copies will have, but the original text. Thus, to say the Bible has contradictions is to play right into the game of the skeptics, who will then proceed to challenge everything in it. Then you have already largely lost the debate. They will have you running in circles, pointing you back to your own claim of errors/contradictions all the time.
Stick to the original meanings. That is discernible using standard bibliographical comparison techniques.
As even skeptic, New Testament Scholar and Agnostic Bart Ehrman writes:
"In fact, most of the changes found in our early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or ideology. Far and away the most changes are the result of mistakes, pure and simple—slips of the pen, accidental omissions, inadvertent additions, misspelled words, blunders of one sort or another."
Ask, How does he know that?
Easy, because we KNOW what the original texts say! Else it would be impossible to claim there are mistakes in the copies! One cannot point out mistakes without knowledge of the original.
There are still some texts where content is debated, but none of it changes the meaning of the whole.
"The Bible survives careful investigation in ways that are unique in all literature. Its superiority to attack, its capacity to withstand criticism, and its amazing facility to be proved right are all staggering by any standards of scholarship. Seemingly assured results “disproving” the Bible have a habit of backfiring."
- Dr Clifford A. Wilson, former Director of the Australian Institute of Archaeology
Nelson Glueck - "It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference."
Professor Glueck, recognized as one of the top five of the ‘greats’ in biblical archaeology said, "I have excavated for 30 years with a Bible in one hand and a trowel in the other, and in matters of historical perspective, I have never yet found the Bible to be in error".
William F. Albright wrote, "There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of Old Testament traditions."
Merrill Unger said, "Old Testament archaeology has rediscovered whole nations, resurrected important peoples, and in a most astonishing manner filled in historical gaps, adding immeasurably to the knowledge of biblical backgrounds."
Millar Burrows: "Archaeology has in many cases refuted the views of modern critics. It has shown in a number of instances that these views rest on false assumptions and unreal, artificial schemes of historical development ... The excessive skepticism of many liberal theologians stems not from a careful evaluation of the available data, but from an enormous predisposition against the supernatural."
The testimony to biblical accuracy by real scholars is prevalent.

How do you know the Bible is true ?  ZWoFUSx

Is the Bible just another “classic piece of literature” … like Homer’s “Odyssey”; or Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”; or Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”?
Some people have a Bible, but have never opened it. Others have opened it very little.
Still others have no idea what it even is. Many today, make degrading comments about it or mock it’s content and author. A few of us, actually spend time reading it. Some, everyday. And some of us, actually study it with the passion it deserves. Why?
Because … it is the most Unique, most read, most logically consistent, most empirically adequate, most existentially relevant, most authenticated, most criticized collection of documents ever written. Why?
Because … the Bible claims to be the inspired Word of Almighty God.
Of all of the descriptions used to try and define the Bible … the one that may best suit it … is UNIQUE. No other collection of writings, No other book, No other document ever written can offer what the Bible offers. Webster must have been thinking about the Bible when he penned the definition of the word … Unique.
Unique – one and only; single; different from all others; having no like, or equal.
Professor M. Montiero-Williams, former Boden professor of Sanskrit, held the following perspective: “After spending 42 years studying Eastern sacred religions and their writings, you can pile all of the Eastern religious teachings on one side of the study table and the Bible on the opposite side, all alone, by itself. For there is such a wide gap that all of the Eastern writings together can never fill or even come close to matching the uniqueness and utter strength of the Bible. There is a veritable gulf which cannot be bridged over by any science of religious thought.”
The Bible is Unique in it’s Continuity:
Written over a 1500 year span of history; by more than 40 inspired men from every walk of life; in different places; at different times; during different moods; on three continents; in three languages; in a multitude of literary styles; addressing hundreds of controversial subjects which have never been answered fully by man’s explanations.
And, in spite of it’s diversity of times, places and events of history, there is a single redemptive story for all people, for all time, all places, and all events of ongoing history.
And … there is only one main character, which the world admires over any other man to have ever existed … the Man, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is unique in it’s circulation.
The Top 10 Most Printed Books Of All Time:
The Bible , ~5 to 6 billion.
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, 900 million.
The Qur'an , 800 million.
Xinhua Zidian , 400 million.
Book of Common Prayer , Thomas Cranmer, unknown.
Pilgrim's Progress , John Bunyan, unknown.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs , John Foxe, unknown.
Book of Mormon , Joseph Smith, Jr., 120 million.
Harry Potter Book 1, J.K. Rowling, 107 million.
And Then There Were None , Agatha Christie, 100 million.
The Bible is unique in it’s survival; it’s teachings; it’s influence on literature; and most important … it’s influence on civilization has been dramatically positive compared to every other writing.
Now, while the skeptic will undoubtedly state that all of this evidence does not prove the Bible is the Word of God … it does prove one thing. The Bible is uniquely superior to every other writing ever made.
Another noted professor once said: “if you claim to be an intelligent person, you will read the one book that has produced more influence on the world than any other.
And … if it’s truth you are searching for … The Bible Qualifies as “THE BOOK OF TRUTH”.
Theodore Roosevelt once observed: “A thorough knowledge of the Bible, is worth more than a college education.
And then there is the issue that no critic of the Bible can HONESTLY deal with.
Unique among all books ever written, the Bible accurately foretells specific events-in detail-many years, sometimes centuries, before they occur. Approximately 2,500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2,000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter—no errors. No other religious set of documents has prophesies like the Bible. NONE
So … I always get a kick out of the atheist/evolutionist who make assertions that the Bible was just some old book written by a bunch of 'bronze age goat herders’, or that there is no evidence for God, or that Jesus never existed, or that Jesus was not crucified, or the Bible is full of errors, or the Bible is just like all the rest of religious writings or that Christianity is just another religion.
Those kinds of assertions do prove one thing … the people who say things like this … certainly do not appear to be intelligent enough to comprehend the most influential book and fact of all time … the only book, which explains the Truth of human existence, from start to finish … revealed to mankind by the God who created them.



The Historical Evidence For the Bible


Science confirms the Bible

Biblical Scriptures should be regarded as the supreme authority for a Christian since they are the revealed Word of God, the primary source of absolute truth. As Christians, we should view the Bible as the unshakable foundation upon which we must build our understanding of the world and the Lord's ways. Science, when genuinely based on evidence and not ideological assumptions, can never contradict the Scriptures because both stem from the same Source of Truth - God. What is often presented as a science-faith conflict actually arises from misinterpretations or misunderstandings on both sides. example, for a long time, science maintained that the universe was static and eternal, contradicting the biblical narrative of a created universe. However, Hubble's discovery of cosmic expansion confirmed the biblical account of a universe that had a definite beginning. Another example is the discoveries of modern hydrodynamics.

Psalms 8:8, part of a Psalm that praises the majesty of God and His creation, says, "the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas." This verse poetically references the natural world, including an intriguing mention of "paths" in the seas, which has historically been interpreted by some as an allusion to the systematic and predictable movements within the oceans, such as currents and migratory routes of sea life. Matthew Fontaine Maury, in the 19th century, took this verse to heart. He was already a distinguished American naval officer and oceanographer, but the verse from Psalms reportedly inspired him to look more deeply into the movements of the oceans. Maury's faith and his scientific curiosity intersected in this pursuit, illustrating how personal beliefs can sometimes spur scientific exploration. Through extensive research, which involved compiling and analyzing thousands of ships' logs and other maritime records, Maury was able to chart ocean currents, winds, and other navigational data with unprecedented precision. His work led to significant improvements in naval navigation by identifying the most efficient routes across the oceans, which benefitted international trade, naval travel, and reduced journey times.

Maury's discoveries of "paths in the seas" can be seen as a practical uncovering of what was poetically described in Psalms 8:8. His charts and writings, especially "The Physical Geography of the Sea" (1855), the first comprehensive book on oceanography, laid foundational principles for oceanography and are still respected for their impact on the safety and efficiency of sea travel. While the scientific process and discoveries are based on empirical evidence and methodology, Maury's story is a fascinating example of how inspiration, from any source, can lead to scientific inquiry and significant discoveries. This blend of faith and science in Maury's life illustrates how the two can coexist and complement each other in the pursuit of understanding the natural world.

The universe had a beginning:
Initial Scientific View: Prior to the 20th century, the prevailing scientific view was that the universe was static, infinite, and eternal, with no beginning or end.
Shift: The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation and the redshift of galaxies, which supported the Big Bang theory, led to the current scientific consensus that the universe had a beginning—a "singularity" from which it expanded. This idea is more in line with the biblical concept of the universe having a beginning (Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.").

Another example where science initially contradicted but later converged with the Bible is the idea of the earth being suspended in space. Before the scientific revolution, the prevailing belief was that the earth sat on pillars or was supported by some structure. However, the Bible stated in Job 26:7 "He hangs the earth on nothing." This accurately depicted the earth's unsupported suspension in orbit around the sun before this was scientifically understood.

Similarly, the Bible described the earth as a sphere ("circle of the earth" in Isaiah 40:22) centuries before this was confirmed through exploration and scientific study.

Regarding the origin of life,
Initial Scientific View: The theory of spontaneous generation, which held that life could arise from non-living matter, was widely accepted until the 19th century.
Shift: Louis Pasteur's experiments disproved spontaneous generation, supporting the idea that life comes from life. This finding aligns more closely with the biblical account of life being created by God, as some interpret it, rather than arising spontaneously from inanimate matter.

Many pseudoscientific theories have emerged and disappeared over the years, such as atheistic Darwinism, which seeks to explain complex biodiversity without an intelligent Creator. These theories have crumbled and the truth revealed in the Scriptures confirmed. Each creature was created upon its kind.

Population Genetics:
Initial Scientific View: Early interpretations of Darwin's theory of evolution suggested an ancient divergence of human populations and no single point of origin for modern humans.
Shift: Advances in genetics and the study of mitochondrial DNA have led to the "Out of Africa" theory and the concept of a "mitochondrial Eve," suggesting that all humans can trace their ancestry back to a single female ancestor at a specific time in history. While not a direct confirmation of the biblical Eve, this concept of a common ancestor for all humans echoes the biblical narrative of humanity descending from a single pair.
Water on Earth:

While evolutionary theory initially seemed at odds with the Bible's account of creation, modern insights into biochemical complexity, irreducible complexity in molecular machines, and the etymology of genetic information are evidence that an intelligent cause better explains the evidence.

How do you know the Bible is true ?  22202310

THE reliability of the New Testament gospels, in particular the writings of Luke have been confirmed as very specific detailed first century history, by archeologist Sir William Ramsey, who spent many years digging in Asia Minor, in the 19th century, with the intention as an avowed atheist, of proving the writer of Luke's gospel and also The Acts of the Apostles, was a fraud written many years after the facts recorded! Sir Ramsey declared Luke to be a historian of the first rank, due to his meticulous details on first century boundaries and titles of dignitaries! ( many of which were lost througj obsurity) and resurfaced as fact through Sir Ramseys digging for 40 years! He died as a converted Christian despite his earnest attempts to prove the writer was fake, whom is also verified by Paul's letters as a travel companion! An unbroken chain of evidence leading back to the 5th decade of the first century through Paul's missionary travels and letters! Evidence of the secondary players such as Pontius Pilate, the Nazareth Decree, issued by Emperor Claudius, among many others, also testify to the reliability of the New Testament credibility!

There is more evidence for the God of the Bible than combined by all world religions:
The Bible and external reasons provide powerful, undeniable evidence that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that it is the true word of God:

Positive arguments for Christian theism
The kalam cosmological argument and the Big Bang theory

The fine-tuning argument from cosmological constants and quantities
The origin of life, part 1 of 2: the building blocks of life
The origin of life, part 2 of 2: biological information
The sudden origin of phyla in the Cambrian explosion
Galactic habitable zones and circumstellar habitable zones
Irreducible complexity in molecular machines
The creative limits of natural selection and random mutation
Angus Menuge’s ontological argument from reason
Alvin Plantinga’s epistemological argument from reason
William Lane Craig’s moral argument
The unexpected applicability of mathematics to nature
Arguments and scientific evidence for non-physical minds
William Lane Craig’s case for the resurrection of Jesus

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:25 am; edited 23 times in total


2How do you know the Bible is true ?  Empty The Catacombs in Rome Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:28 pm



The Catacombs in Rome

If you have the opportunity to visit Rome, i recommend that you visit the Catacombes of the Christians. I have done it, and it was an amazing experience. They extend for kilometers under the earth, and hundreds of thousands of Christians were buried there. When you see the frescos and depictions of the apostles Paul and Peter, you feel very near to what the Bible tells and relates about them.

The catacombs we visited were named of Saint Domitilla,

where Saint Petronilla was buried, which was supposed to be St. Peters dautghter:

Its amazing, a very touching experience.

'Oldest' image of St Paul discovered


28 Jun 2009
The fresco, which dates back to the 4th Century AD, was discovered during restoration work at the Catacomb of Saint Thekla but was kept secret for ten days.
During that time experts carefully removed centuries of grime from the fresco with a laser, before the news was officially announced through the Vatican's official newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.
There are more than 40 known Catacombs or underground Christian burial places across Rome and because of their religious significance the Vatican's Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archeology has jurisdiction over them.
A photograph of the icon shows the thin face of a bearded man with large eyes, sunken nose and face on a red background surrounded with a yellow circle – the classic image of St Paul.
The image was found in the Catacomb of St Thekla, close to the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, which is said to be built on the site where he was buried.

Roman archaeologists find oldest images of Apostles in a catacomb
Archaeologists and art restorers using new laser technology have discovered what they believe are the oldest paintings of the faces of Jesus Christ’s Apostles.  The images in a branch of the catacombs of St Tecla near St Paul’s Basilica, just outside the walls of ancient Rome, were painted at the end of the 4th century or the start of the 5th century.

Archaeologists believe these images may have been among those that most influenced later artists’ depictions of the faces of Christ’s most important early followers.  “These are the first images that we know of the faces of these four Apostles,” said Professor Fabrizio Bisconti, the head of archaeology for Rome’s numerous catacombs, which are owned and maintained by the Vatican.


How do you know the Bible is true ?  Apostl10

This image was found in the same catacomb underneath the city. It is believed to be the earliest image of the Apostles Peter and Paul shown together.
History records that both were martyred for their faith in approximately 64 AD., during the reign of Nero.
Paul was beheaded for his Christian faith, and Peter was reportedly crucified upside down, on a cross in the form of an “X

How do you know the Bible is true ?  Apostl11

Last edited by Admin on Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:42 am; edited 2 times in total






Is the Bible just another “classic piece of literature” … like Homer’s “Odyssey”; or Shakespere’s “Romeo & Juliet”; or Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”?

Some people have a Bible, but have never opened it. Others have opened it very little.

Still others have no idea what it even is. Many today, make degrading comments about it or mock it’s content and author. A few of us, actually spend time reading it. Some, everyday. And some of us, actually study it with the passion it deserves. Why?

Because … it is the most Unique, most read, most logically consistent, most empirically adequate, most existentially relevant, most authenticated, most criticized collection of documents ever written. Why?

Because … the Bible claims to be the inspired Word of Almighty God.

Of all of the descriptions used to try and define the Bible … the one that may best suit it … is UNIQUE. No other collection of writings, No other book, No other document ever written can offer what the Bible offers. Webster must have been thinking about the Bible when he penned the definition of the word … Unique.

Unique – one and only; single; different from all others; having no like, or equal.

Professor M. Montiero-Williams, former Boden professor of Sanskrit, held the following perspective: “After spending 42 years studying Eastern sacred religions and their writings, you can pile all of the Eastern religious teachings on one side of the study table and the Bible on the opposite side, all alone, by itself. For there is such a wide gap that all of the Eastern writings together can never fill or even come close to matching the uniqueness and utter strength of the Bible. There is a veritable gulf which cannot be bridged over by any science of religious thought.”

The Bible is Unique in it’s Continuity:

Written over a 1500 year span of history; by more than 40 inspired men from every walk of life; in different places; at different times; during different moods; on three continents; in three languages; in a multitude of literary styles; addressing hundreds of controversial subjects which have never been answered fully by man’s explanations.

And, in spite of it’s diversity of times, places and events of history, there is a single redemptive story for all people, for all time, all places, and all events of ongoing history.

And … there is only one main character, which the world admires over any other man to have ever existed … the Man, Jesus Christ.

The Bible is unique in it’s circulation.

The Top 10 Most Printed Books Of All Time:

The Bible , ~5 to 6 billion.

Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong , Mao Zedong, 900 million.

The Qur'an , 800 million.

Xinhua Zidian , 400 million.

Book of Common Prayer , Thomas Cranmer, unknown.

Pilgrim's Progress , John Bunyan, unknown.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs , John Foxe, unknown.

Book of Mormon , Joseph Smith, Jr., 120 million.

Harry Potter Book 1, J.K. Rowling, 107 million.

And Then There Were None , Agatha Christie, 100 million.

The Bible is unique in it’s survival; it’s teachings; it’s influence on literature; and most important … it’s influence on civilization has been dramatically positive compared to every other writing.

Now, while the skeptic will undoubtedly state that all of this evidence does not prove the Bible is the Word of God … it does prove one thing. The Bible is uniquely superior to every other writing ever made.

A noted professor once said: “if you claim to be an intelligent person, you will read the one book that has produced more influence on the world than any other. And … if it’s truth you are searching for … The Bible Qualifies as “THE BOOK OF TRUTH”.

Theodore Roosevelt once observed: “A thorough knowledge of the Bible, is worth more than a college education.

I always get a kick out of the atheist/evolutionist who makes the assertion that the Bible was just some old book written by a bunch of 'bronze age goat herders'.

That assertion does prove one thing … the person who says it … is certainly not intelligent enough to comprehend the most influential book of all time.


4How do you know the Bible is true ?  Empty Re: How do you know the Bible is true ? Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:23 am



"Yahweh and his Asherah" does exist on an ancient artifact.
If anyone pays attention when reading the OT, it is clear that the religion of the ancient Israelites was not monolithic. See, for example, the story of Micah in Judges 17. They mixed and matched, combining the worship of Yahweh with the practices and even the gods of other religions. The fact that they intermarried with the Canaanites and other cultures amplified those practices. The Scriptures make no secret of those practices, and the archaeological evidence is consistent. The existence of evidence for those practices says nothing about the origin of the worship of Yahweh. The Scriptures blame such practices for the demise of Israel and Judah. Interesting fact: After Judah emerged from Babylonian captivity, there is no evidence of those practices.






Is the Bible just another “classic piece of literature” … like Homer’s “Odyssey”; or Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”; or Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”?
Some people have a Bible, but have never opened it. Others have opened it very little.
Still others have no idea what it even is. Many today, make degrading comments about it or mock it’s content and author. A few of us, actually spend time reading it. Some, everyday. And some of us, actually study it with the passion it deserves. Why?
Because … it is the most Unique, most read, most logically consistent, most empirically adequate, most existentially relevant, most authenticated, most criticized collection of documents ever written. Why?
Because … the Bible claims to be the inspired Word of Almighty God.
Of all of the descriptions used to try and define the Bible … the one that may best suit it … is UNIQUE. No other collection of writings, No other book, No other document ever written can offer what the Bible offers. Webster must have been thinking about the Bible when he penned the definition of the word … Unique.
Unique – one and only; single; different from all others; having no like, or equal.
Professor M. Montiero-Williams, former Boden professor of Sanskrit, held the following perspective: “After spending 42 years studying Eastern sacred religions and their writings, you can pile all of the Eastern religious teachings on one side of the study table and the Bible on the opposite side, all alone, by itself. For there is such a wide gap that all of the Eastern writings together can never fill or even come close to matching the uniqueness and utter strength of the Bible. There is a veritable gulf which cannot be bridged over by any science of religious thought.”
The Bible is Unique in it’s Continuity:
Written over a 1500 year span of history; by more than 40 inspired men from every walk of life; in different places; at different times; during different moods; on three continents; in three languages; in a multitude of literary styles; addressing hundreds of controversial subjects which have never been answered fully by man’s explanations.
And, in spite of it’s diversity of times, places and events of history, there is a single redemptive story for all people, for all time, all places, and all events of ongoing history.
And … there is only one main character, which the world admires over any other man to have ever existed … the Man, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is unique in it’s circulation.
The Top 10 Most Printed Books Of All Time:
The Bible , ~5 to 6 billion.
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong , Mao Zedong, 900 million.
The Qur'an , 800 million.
Xinhua Zidian , 400 million.
Book of Common Prayer , Thomas Cranmer, unknown.
Pilgrim's Progress , John Bunyan, unknown.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs , John Foxe, unknown.
Book of Mormon , Joseph Smith, Jr., 120 million.
Harry Potter Book 1, J.K. Rowling, 107 million.
And Then There Were None , Agatha Christie, 100 million.
The Bible is unique in it’s survival; it’s teachings; it’s influence on literature; and most important … it’s influence on civilization has been dramatically positive compared to every other writing.
Now, while the skeptic will undoubtedly state that all of this evidence does not prove the Bible is the Word of God … it does prove one thing. The Bible is uniquely superior to every other writing ever made.
A noted professor once said: “if you claim to be an intelligent person, you will read the one book that has produced more influence on the world than any other. And … if it’s truth you are searching for … The Bible Qualifies as “THE BOOK OF TRUTH”.
Theodore Roosevelt once observed: “A thorough knowledge of the Bible, is worth more than a college education.
And then there is the issue that no critic of the Bible can HONESTLY deal with.
Unique among all books ever written, the Bible accurately foretells specific events-in detail-many years, sometimes centuries, before they occur. Approximately 2,500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2,000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter—no errors.
So … I always get a kick out of the atheist/evolutionist who makes the assertion that the Bible was just some old book written by a bunch of 'bronze age goat herders’, or that there is no evidence for God, or that Jesus never existed, or that the Bible is full of errors.
Those kinds of assertions do prove one thing … the people who say things like this … are certainly not intelligent enough to comprehend the most influential book of all time, which explains the Truth of human existence.




1. the need to circumcise on the eight day was proven in the 1940s to be correct abased on blood clotting factors unknown at the time Moses (or whoever) wrote the first five books.
2. the comparison of the number of stars in the heavens to the grains of sand on a beach at a time when only less than 2,000 stars could be observed. It wasn't until the 1920s that Hubble and the modern telescopes discovered that the number of stars is near infinite.
3. The mention of the fountains of water coming out of the deeps. Not known scientifically until about 1970.
4. The statement that to God a day is thousand years and a thousand years the same as a day. ( A concept not know scientifically until the theory of relativity.)




Contrasting Worldviews: The Cycle of Life and Death in Naturalism vs. the Eternal Celebration of Life in Christianity

The contrast between a naturalistic worldview and the Christian faith is stark, especially when considering their respective perspectives on life and death.

In a naturalistic worldview, the cycle of existence is often perceived as beginning and ending with death. This perspective is rooted in the understanding that life emerged from non-living matter through natural processes and that, ultimately, all life returns to a state of non-existence. In this view, the universe and life are products of chance and natural laws, with no inherent purpose or destiny beyond their physical existence. Life, in this context, is often seen as a brief interlude in an otherwise lifeless expanse of time and space.

In contrast, the Christian faith celebrates life as a central and eternal concept. It posits that existence begins with the life of God, who is seen as the eternal source of all life. This belief is encapsulated in the idea of Christ as the Alpha (the beginning) and the Omega (the end), symbolizing that all things start and end with the life that emanates from God. Christianity views human life not as a transient phenomenon but as part of a divine plan, with the promise of eternal life beyond physical death.

This fundamental difference is evident in how each worldview perceives the purpose and meaning of life. The Christian faith imbues life with intrinsic value and purpose, grounded in a divine plan and destiny. It offers a narrative in which life is a gift from God, and death is not the end but a transition to an eternal existence. In contrast, the naturalistic view tends to see life as a temporary state in an indifferent universe, with no inherent purpose beyond the physical realm.

Thus, while the naturalistic worldview often leads to a perception of life bookended by nonexistence, the Christian faith emphasizes a continuum of life that transcends physical boundaries, asserting that life originates from and culminates in the eternal nature of God. This contrast highlights two profoundly different understandings of existence, purpose, and destiny.

How do you know the Bible is true ?  G271510




Grace Unveiled: The Redemptive Love of Christ

Christianity presents a profound narrative that stands unparalleled in the tapestry of world religions. At the heart of this narrative is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, where God himself steps into the bounds of time and space, embracing humanity in its fullest form. This divine act isn't merely a visitation; it's a deep, abiding presence, where the Creator experiences the breadth of human joy and suffering alongside His creation. What sets Christianity apart is not just the incarnation but the purpose behind it. Jesus Christ, fully divine and fully human, embarks on a mission of redemption, culminating in His sacrificial death on the cross. This isn't a mere martyrdom but a pivotal act of atonement. In this singular event, the sins of humanity, past, present, and future, are absorbed by Christ's willing sacrifice, offering a bridge back to God that no human effort could construct. It's as if, in the cosmic courtroom, the judge steps down to serve the sentence, ensuring justice is met, yet mercy prevails.

This leads us to the beautiful doctrine of grace, the unmerited favor bestowed upon humanity. It's a gift, freely offered, that transcends human merit and works. This grace, accessed through faith in Christ, brings forgiveness, transformation, and the promise of eternal life. It's an invitation to a restored relationship with God, not based on human credentials but on divine generosity. In world religions, many narratives speak of gods and avatars, prophets and sages, each with roles to guide, teach, or exemplify moral truths. Yet, none offers a story where God Himself bears the weight of humanity's failings, not to condemn but to redeem and restore. This narrative of love, sacrifice, and resurrection opens a way for personal reconciliation with God the Father, a path laid not by human striving but by the profound depths of divine love and sacrifice.

Thus, Christianity unfolds a unique and transformative story, where God's love is demonstrated not just in powerful acts from on high but through the humble, self-giving love of Jesus Christ, inviting all into a relationship that heals, redeems, and transcends the brokenness of the human condition.

In many world religions, the pathway to divine favor or enlightenment is intricately tied to moral improvement, adherence to religious laws, and the accumulation of good deeds. This framework often positions the divine as a judge or a distant figure who rewards or punishes based on the moral quality of an individual's actions. The believer's journey, then, becomes one of striving toward moral perfection or spiritual purity through their own efforts and deeds.
Catholicism introduces the concept of purgatory, a temporary state of purification for souls who have died in a state of grace but still need to undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. Purgatory reflects the understanding that the process of sanctification, or being made holy, may continue after death for some, before they can fully enjoy the beatific vision of God. In Hinduism and other Eastern religions, the concept of reincarnation plays a central role. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara) is governed by karma, the law of moral cause and effect. Actions in this life directly influence the circumstances of future lives, with the ultimate goal being liberation (moksha) from the cycle of reincarnation. This liberation is achieved through various paths, such as righteous living, devotion, and knowledge, leading to a union with the divine or an understanding of one's inherent divinity.

In stark contrast, Christianity posits that human effort, no matter how noble or well-intended, is insufficient to bridge the chasm that sin has created between humanity and God. The Christian narrative is different insofar that the salvific act of Christ on the cross is a complete and unrepeatable act of grace that offers reconciliation and redemption to all of humanity. This act is not contingent on human merit but is a free gift that can be accepted by faith. This perspective shifts the focus from human striving to divine grace. While moral improvement and good deeds are valued and encouraged within Christianity, they are seen as the fruit of one's relationship with God through Christ, rather than the means of earning salvation. The emphasis is on transformation from the inside out, powered by the Holy Spirit, rather than solely human effort. This distinct approach underscores a different understanding of the divine-human relationship. In Christianity, God is not a distant judge but a loving Father who has made the ultimate sacrifice to restore the relationship with His creation. The emphasis is on God's initiative in bridging the gap, with human response being one of acceptance, trust, and transformation through grace.

This unique narrative in Christianity, centering on God's redemptive action in Jesus Christ, offers a contrasting viewpoint to the works-based paths to salvation or liberation found in other religious traditions. It highlights the profound belief in the power of grace to redeem, transform, and elevate humanity beyond the limitations of its own efforts to achieve divine favor or enlightenment. The Christian concept of salvation not only showcases the justice and holiness of God but also stands on a foundation that many argue is historically and empirically supported, making a compelling case for its truth. God's justice and holiness are not compromised by His mercy. Instead, they are fully expressed in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The requirement of a holy God is that sin must be punished—this is where His justice stands firm. However, God's love and mercy are equally integral to His character. The incarnation and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ reconcile these seemingly paradoxical aspects of God's nature. By willingly taking upon Himself the punishment for sin, Jesus satisfies divine justice while simultaneously opening the way for mercy and forgiveness. This act upholds God's holiness, demonstrating that sin has been dealt with righteously, not merely overlooked.

The credibility of Christianity is further bolstered by the fulfillment of over 350 prophecies from the Old Testament in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These prophecies, written centuries before Christ's birth, detail everything from His lineage and birthplace to His manner of death and the purpose behind it. The probability of one person fulfilling even a handful of these prophecies by chance is astronomically low, suggesting a divine orchestration behind these events. This interweaving of prophecy and fulfillment serves not only as evidence of the truth of Christian claims but also illustrates the continuity and reliability of God's plan for humanity's redemption.
The Shroud of Turin provides tangible, empirical evidence supporting the historical reality of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. It is a physical artifact that aligns with the biblical descriptions of Christ's burial. The image on the Shroud, which is a photographic negative, was created by a burst of radiant energy, exposing a moment of divine power at the resurrection. The Shroud not only provides material evidence for this crucial event but also signifies the intersection of faith and science, where empirical investigation meets the mysteries of divine action.

The Shroud of Turin is a "receipt" of His sacrificial act—a tangible proof of the price paid for humanity's redemption. This concept of redemption is not merely a spiritual metaphor but is anchored in historical events and physical evidence. The coherence and consistency of the Christian narrative, supported by fulfilled prophecies and historical evidence, present a compelling, powerful case for its truth. The Christian concept of salvation beautifully encapsulates the justice and holiness of God, demonstrating that divine love does not negate divine righteousness but fulfills it. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies in the life of Jesus and the possible empirical evidence of the Shroud of Turin add layers of credibility to the Christian claim, inviting a deeper exploration of faith grounded in historical reality. This unique blend of divine action, prophetic fulfillment, and historical evidence sets Christianity apart, offering a compelling narrative.

To those standing at the crossroads of faith, contemplating this profound narrative and the unparalleled offer of grace it extends, I extend an earnest invitation. Perhaps you've felt the weight of striving, the relentless pursuit of moral perfection or spiritual enlightenment, only to find it just beyond reach. Maybe you've grappled with questions of justice and mercy, wondering how a holy God could reconcile with humanity's failings. Consider this message, a narrative not of human striving but of divine reaching. In Jesus Christ, God Himself stepped into our world, not as a distant judge but as a savior willing to bear the weight of our sins. His sacrifice on the cross wasn't just a historic event; it was a personal act of love for each of us. This is where justice and mercy meet—where the holy requirements of a just God are fully satisfied in the self-giving love of Jesus Christ. This act of grace doesn't demand repayment or earned merit; it simply asks for acceptance. The barriers we erect—be they doubt, fear, or self-reliance—can be dissolved by the profound realization that God's love for us is both unearned and unending. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior isn't a surrender of weakness but a courageous step into true freedom and life to its fullest. So, to those who have yet to respond to this divine invitation, I urge you to consider the barriers within your heart. Reflect on the depth of God's love, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, and the transformative power of His grace. This is an invitation to a relationship, not a transaction; a journey of faith, not a destination of perfection.

Taking this step forward to receive Christ as Lord and Savior is to allow His sacrifice to become effective in your life, to be enveloped in the grace that promises not just forgiveness but transformation. It's an invitation to experience the depth of God's love, to find your place in the story of redemption that He has been writing since the dawn of time. This decision is deeply personal, yet it connects you to a community of believers spanning centuries, all of whom have made the same courageous choice to embrace the gift of God's grace. In Christ, you are offered a new beginning, a narrative marked by love, sacrifice, and the promise of eternal life. I invite you, then, to consider this step, not as the end but as the beginning of a journey with God, where His strength becomes yours, His grace your foundation, and His love the guiding light. Let the sacrifice of Jesus Christ become effective in you, transforming your life from the inside out, and leading you into the fullness of life that was always meant to be yours.

How do you know the Bible is true ?  G1ff0710




Confirming revelation about the AntiChrist

Most major religions embrace the idea of a "savior" or messianic figure who will come to establish righteousness and bring an end to evil and suffering in the world. 

Muslims have been anticipating the arrival of the Mahdi, a messianic figure from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad, for over 1,300 years. 

Hindus have been expecting the advent of the goddess Kali, the destroyer of evil, for around 3,700 years. 

Buddhists have been anticipating the arrival of Maitreya, the future Buddha, for about 2,600 years. 

Jews have been awaiting the Messiah, a descendent of King David, for over 2,500 years. 

The Sunni Muslims have been expecting the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) for about 1,400 years, while the Shia Muslims have been awaiting the reappearance of the Imam Mahdi for over 1,080 years. 

The Druze community has been expecting the return of Hamza ibn Ali for about 1,000 years.

This widespread belief in a messianic figure who will come to establish justice and righteousness on Earth is perhaps an acknowledgment of the inherent human longing for a perfect world, free from evil, suffering, and injustice. It is also a recognition of the limitations of human efforts alone in achieving this ideal state, and a desire for divine intervention to overcome the seemingly intractable problems that plague humanity.

This widespread anticipation of a messiah or savior figure across various religions is a corroboration of the biblical prophecies concerning the antichrist. The Book of Revelation, in particular, speaks of the coming of the Antichrist, a deceiver who will falsely claim to be the Messiah and lead many astray before the true return of Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul warned of a "man of lawlessness" who will come before the Day of the Lord, deceiving many with "all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). This is a reference to the Antichrist, who will temporarily gain power and influence, leading people astray from the truth of the Gospel.

From this perspective, the anticipation of a messiah or savior figure across various religions could be viewed as a spiritual hunger and longing for the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. However, the Bible warns that this longing could also be exploited by the Antichrist, who will deceive many with false signs and wonders.

Therefore, Christians are called to be vigilant and discerning, holding fast to the truth of the Gospel and the teachings of Scripture, while also recognizing the universal human longing for redemption and restoration that can only be fulfilled through the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. The widespread anticipation of a messiah or savior figure across various religions aligns with biblical prophecies concerning the Antichrist. The Book of Revelation and other New Testament writings warn of a deceiver who will falsely claim to be the Messiah and lead many astray before the true return of Jesus Christ. As the world descends into greater turmoil, conflict, and poverty, the stage could be set for the emergence of the Antichrist, who would present himself as a savior, offering solutions to the world's problems and bringing apparent peace and prosperity. In such a dire global situation, with people desperately seeking relief from suffering and hardship, the Antichrist will gain widespread popularity and support by providing work, food, aid, and a semblance of order and security.

The allure of this false messiah will be amplified by his ability to perform counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders, as warned in the Scriptures. These deceptive displays of power and supposed divine backing could sway even those with strong religious convictions, leading them to embrace the Antichrist as the long-awaited savior they have been anticipating. The Antichrist's reign will initially bring a sense of peace and well-being, with the world hailing him as a king or messiah. However, this would ultimately be a deception, as the Bible indicates that his true agenda is one of lawlessness and rebellion against God. His rule will eventually lead to a period of great tribulation and persecution for those who remain faithful to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. This scenario underscores the importance of discernment and vigilance among Christians, as warned by the Apostle Paul. While the world may be desperate for a savior, true believers must hold fast to the teachings of Scripture and the truth of the Gospel, recognizing that the ultimate redemption and restoration of all things will come through the second coming of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah.

The reunification and creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948 is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, paving the way for further prophetic events related to the Antichrist and the end times. According to prophecies in the Book of Ezekiel and other biblical texts, the regathering of the Jewish people in their ancient homeland was foretold as a precursor to the establishment of God's kingdom on earth. The recreation of Israel as a nation-state after nearly two millennia of diaspora sets the stage for the potential construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The Bible speaks of the Antichrist desecrating this future Temple and declaring himself to be God, a pivotal event in the End Times narrative (2 Thessalonians 2:4, Matthew 24:15). The existence of a Jewish state and the possibility of a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem aligns with these prophecies and will facilitate the circumstances described in Revelation.

The infrastructure for a totalitarian worldwide regime is being gradually implemented, potentially setting the stage for the Antichrist's control and oppression. The transition from physical currency to digital or implantable forms of payment, such as microchips, will be a step towards the "mark of the beast" system warned about in Revelation 13:16-18. The proliferation of surveillance technologies, such as China's extensive network of street cameras and facial recognition systems, provides a blueprint for the kind of pervasive monitoring and control that will characterize the Antichrist's reign. When such systems become globally integrated, it will enable an unprecedented level of societal control and suppression of dissent. Furthermore, the increasing centralization of power and the erosion of individual freedoms and privacy rights, under the guise of security or efficiency, could potentially facilitate the establishment of an authoritarian global government as described in biblical prophecies (Revelation 13:7-8 ). 

How do you know the Bible is true ?  Antich10


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