ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Biblical claims confirmed by science

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1Biblical claims confirmed by science Empty Biblical claims confirmed by science Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:10 am



Biblical claims confirmed by science


Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Noah's Flood (Genesis 6-9) 
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Expanding universe (Isaiah 45:12)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Water in space (Genesis 1:6-9; 2 Peter 3:5)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Deep ocean vents (Genesis 7:11; Job 38:16; Proverbs 8:28)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Mountains beneath the sea (Jonah 2:6)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Spherical earth suspended in space (Job 26:7,10; cf. Luke 17:30-36)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Magma (Job 28:5)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Uniformitarianism (2 Peter 3:4)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Precision of orbits (Jeremiah 31:35-36; Psalm 19:6)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Circulation of atmosphere (Ecclesiastes 1:6)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Evaporation (Isaiah 55:10)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Condensation (Job 37:11, 16)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Precipitation (Job 36:27-28; 38:22)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Principle of isostasy (Isaiah 40:12)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Washing of hands to avoid disease (Exodus 40:30; cf. Exodus 15:26)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The danger of blood cholesterol (Leviticus 3:17; 7:23-25)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Blood circulation (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11, 14; Deuteronomy 12:23)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Psychotherapy (Proverbs 3:1-2, 21-22; 4:20-22; 16:24; 17:22; cf. 1 Samuel 16:23)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Biogenesis (Genesis 1:11, 21, 24, 25; 6:20; 7:14)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Aerodynamics and velocity (1 Samuel 17:49-50)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Atomic disintegration (2 Peter 3:10)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Electrical transmission of information (Job 38:35)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Flour neutralizing poison (2 Kings 4:38-41)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Numerous archaeological and historical evidence in harmony with biblical accounts of ancient empires, rulers, leaders, people groups, individuals, and events.  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The second law of thermodynamics (Psalm 102:25-26; Isaiah 51:6)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Ocean currents (Psalm 8:8 )  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Antarctica's ice caps and the "storehouses of snow" (Job 38:22)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The composition of the human body matching elements of the earth (Genesis 2:7)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Quarantine laws to prevent the spread of disease (Leviticus 13:46)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The importance of blood in sustaining life (Leviticus 17:11)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The existence of paths in the sea (Psalm 8:8 )  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Microscopic organisms (Leviticus 11:32-35)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 Existence of meteorological cycles (Job 36:27-28 )  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The complexity of DNA structure (Psalm 139:14)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The water cycle (Job 36:27-28; Ecclesiastes 1:7)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The existence of dinosaurs (Job 40:15-24)  
Biblical claims confirmed by science 1f449 The concept of entropy (Ecclesiastes 1:4-7)

Noah's Flood (Genesis 6-9)  
The account of Noah's Flood describes a cataclysmic event where waters covered the earth, leading to the preservation of Noah and his family in the ark. This narrative harmonizes with geological evidence of catastrophic flooding events throughout history, which have shaped the earth's landscape. The concept of a significant flood aligns with scientific studies of sedimentary layers and mass extinction events, reflecting the Bible's account of a transformative global event.

Expanding universe (Isaiah 45:12)
Isaiah 45:12 says: "I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." This phrase about God stretching out the heavens harmonizes with the concept of an expanding universe in modern cosmology.

In scientific terms, the expanding universe is a key part of the Big Bang theory, where space itself is expanding, causing galaxies to move away from each other over time. This discovery, supported by Edwin Hubble's observations of redshifted light from distant galaxies, aligns with the idea that the universe is "stretching." The correlation between Isaiah's description and the scientific model of the universe’s expansion lies in the imagery of the heavens being stretched. While the Bible does not aim to provide a scientific explanation, passages like this harmonize with modern understanding when read in a symbolic or poetic way. The stretching of the heavens is a vivid metaphor that resonates with the scientific model of cosmic expansion.

Water in space (Genesis 1:6-9; 2 Peter 3:5)  
Genesis 1:6-9 speaks of a division between the waters above and below, while 2 Peter 3:5 refers to the earth being formed out of water and through water. These passages harmonize with the discovery of water in space, such as ice on comets, water vapor in nebulae, and oceans on moons and planets. The Bible’s references to waters in the heavens align with scientific findings of water existing in various forms throughout the universe, emphasizing the widespread presence of this vital substance.

Deep ocean vents (Genesis 7:11; Job 38:16; Proverbs 8:28)  
Genesis 7:11 describes the "fountains of the great deep" being broken up during the flood, while Job 38:16 asks, "Have you entered the springs of the sea?" These passages harmonize with the discovery of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, which release heat and minerals from beneath the earth's crust. These vents support unique ecosystems, aligning with the Bible’s descriptions of the deep ocean containing hidden fountains and springs.

Mountains beneath the sea (Jonah 2:6)  
In Jonah 2:6, the prophet refers to going down to the roots of the mountains beneath the sea. This harmonizes with modern geology, which has confirmed the existence of massive mountain ranges beneath the ocean, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Jonah's description of submerged mountains corresponds to the geological understanding of underwater mountain ranges.

Spherical earth suspended in space (Job 26:7,10; cf. Luke 17:30-36)  
Job 26:7 states that God "hangs the earth upon nothing," while verse 10 describes a circular horizon. These passages harmonize with the understanding of the earth as a sphere suspended in space. The concept of a round earth and its placement in the cosmos, supported by gravitational forces, aligns with the Bible's imagery of the earth’s shape and position.

Magma (Job 28:5)  
Job 28:5 mentions that "as for the earth, out of it comes bread, and underneath it is turned up as by fire." This harmonizes with the scientific understanding of magma, the molten rock beneath the earth's crust that surfaces through volcanic activity. The imagery of the earth's hidden fire corresponds to the geological processes involving magma.

Uniformitarianism (2 Peter 3:4)  
2 Peter 3:4 describes scoffers saying, "all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." This harmonizes with the principle of uniformitarianism in geology, which posits that the same natural processes we observe today have been shaping the earth throughout its history. The biblical reference reflects the idea that natural laws have been consistently at work.

Precision of orbits (Jeremiah 31:35-36; Psalm 19:6)  
Jeremiah 31:35-36 and Psalm 19:6 speak of the fixed order of the sun, moon, and stars. These passages harmonize with modern astronomy's understanding of the precise and predictable orbits of celestial bodies. The Bible’s emphasis on the ordered nature of the heavens aligns with the scientific recognition of the consistent and stable paths of planets and stars.

Circulation of atmosphere (Ecclesiastes 1:6)  
Ecclesiastes 1:6 mentions the movement of the wind, "going toward the south, and turning about unto the north." This harmonizes with the scientific understanding of atmospheric circulation, where wind patterns move in large-scale circuits due to the earth's rotation and the differential heating of the planet. The description in Ecclesiastes corresponds to these global wind patterns.

Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)  
Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, "All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again." This harmonizes with the hydrologic cycle, where water evaporates from the sea, condenses in the atmosphere, and falls as precipitation to replenish rivers. The Bible’s description aligns with the continuous movement of water in nature.

Evaporation (Isaiah 55:10)  
Isaiah 55:10 refers to rain returning to the heavens, which harmonizes with the process of evaporation, where water vapor rises from the earth's surface into the atmosphere. This understanding of evaporation as part of the water cycle aligns with the Bible’s depiction of water returning to the sky after nourishing the earth.

Condensation (Job 37:11, 16)  
Job 37:11 mentions that "He loads the clouds with moisture," and verse 16 speaks of the "balancing of the clouds." These verses harmonize with the process of condensation, where water vapor cools and forms clouds. The Bible’s portrayal of clouds filling with water corresponds to this stage of the hydrologic cycle.

Precipitation (Job 36:27-28; 38:22)  
Job 36:27-28 describes God drawing up water droplets and pouring down rain, while Job 38:22 speaks of snow and hail. These passages harmonize with the process of precipitation, where water collected in clouds falls to the earth as rain, snow, or hail. The Bible’s vivid descriptions align with the modern understanding of how water returns to the earth.

Principle of isostasy (Isaiah 40:12)  
Isaiah 40:12 speaks of God measuring the earth’s mountains and hills in a balance. This harmonizes with the geological principle of isostasy, which explains how the earth’s crust is balanced by its varying thickness and density. The Bible’s imagery of balance reflects this scientific concept of equilibrium in the earth's structure.

Washing of hands to avoid disease (Exodus 40:30; cf. Exodus 15:26)  
Exodus 40:30 describes the practice of washing hands before approaching the altar, which harmonizes with the modern understanding of hygiene and the importance of handwashing in preventing disease. The Bible’s emphasis on cleanliness aligns with public health practices to reduce the spread of illness.

The danger of blood cholesterol (Leviticus 3:17; 7:23-25)  
Leviticus advises against eating animal fat, harmonizing with modern medical advice regarding cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease. The Bible’s dietary instructions align with contemporary knowledge about the dangers of consuming excessive fats.

Blood circulation (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11, 14; Deuteronomy 12:23)  
These passages emphasize that "the life of the flesh is in the blood." This harmonizes with the discovery of blood circulation and its vital role in sustaining life by transporting oxygen and nutrients. The Bible’s emphasis on blood’s importance aligns with modern physiology.

Psychotherapy (Proverbs 3:1-2, 21-22; 4:20-22; 16:24; 17:22; cf. 1 Samuel 16:23)  
Proverbs speaks of the healing power of joyful words and emotions, which harmonizes with modern psychotherapy, recognizing the impact of mental health on physical well-being. The Bible’s focus on emotional and mental care aligns with the therapeutic practices of today.

Biogenesis (Genesis 1:11, 21, 24, 25; 6:20; 7:14)  
Genesis describes the creation of life according to its kinds, harmonizing with the principle of biogenesis, where life originates from pre-existing life. This biblical concept aligns with the scientific understanding that living organisms reproduce and give rise to similar forms of life.

Aerodynamics and velocity (1 Samuel 17:49-50)  
David’s sling in 1 Samuel 17:49-50 demonstrates the principles of aerodynamics and velocity, where the stone’s speed and trajectory lead to Goliath’s defeat. This harmonizes with the scientific principles of projectile motion and energy transfer.

Atomic disintegration (2 Peter 3:10)  
2 Peter 3:10 describes the elements dissolving with great heat, harmonizing with modern knowledge of atomic disintegration and nuclear reactions. The Bible’s description aligns with the scientific understanding of atomic structure and energy release.

Electrical transmission of information (Job 38:35)  
Job 38:35 refers to lightning, asking if it can be sent so that it says, "Here we are!" This harmonizes with the concept of electrical signals transmitting information, as seen in modern communication technology. The Bible’s reference reflects an understanding of the power of electricity in transmitting data.

Flour neutralizing poison (2 Kings 4:38-41)  
In2 Kings 4:38-41, flour is used to neutralize poison in a pot of stew, harmonizing with the ability of certain substances to neutralize toxins. The Bible’s account aligns with scientific knowledge of how particular compounds can mitigate harmful effects.

The existence of paths in the sea (Psalm 8:8 )  
Psalm 8:8 speaks of "the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas." This aligns with the discovery of ocean currents and pathways in the ocean, which are vital for marine navigation and ecosystems. Scientific research has shown that these currents create paths through which water and nutrients travel, supporting the life in the oceans.

Microscopic organisms (Leviticus 11:32-35)  
Leviticus 11:32 discusses the unclean animals that touch a dead body and their potential contamination. This resonates with modern microbiology, which studies microscopic organisms and their roles in health and disease. The understanding of pathogens and their transmission parallels the biblical concern for cleanliness and purity.

Existence of meteorological cycles (Job 36:27-28 )  
Job 36:27-28 states, "For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapor thereof." This reflects the modern understanding of meteorological cycles, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. These processes are crucial for weather patterns and climate, aligning with the biblical description of how rain forms.

The complexity of DNA structure (Psalm 139:14)  
Psalm 139:14 states, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This can be seen as a reflection of the intricate complexity of DNA, which carries genetic information essential for life. The understanding of DNA's role in the development and functioning of organisms resonates with the biblical view of human uniqueness and creation.

The water cycle (Job 36:27-28; Ecclesiastes 1:7)  
Job 36:27-28 and Ecclesiastes 1:7 highlight the continuous movement of water in nature. The hydrologic cycle, where water evaporates, condenses, and precipitates, is a fundamental concept in environmental science. These biblical references align with scientific descriptions of the water cycle's importance for sustaining ecosystems.

The existence of dinosaurs (Job 40:15-24)  
Job 40:15-24 describes a great creature, often associated with dinosaurs in discussions of ancient life forms. While not explicitly naming dinosaurs, this passage resonates with the fossil record and the understanding of diverse species that once roamed the earth, suggesting a biblical acknowledgment of large animals that align with paleontological discoveries.

The concept of entropy (Ecclesiastes 1:4-7)  
Ecclesiastes 1:4-7 describes the cyclical nature of life and the earth, resonating with the scientific principle of entropy, which states that systems tend to move toward disorder. The biblical recognition of life’s cycles reflects an understanding of natural processes that align with thermodynamic principles.



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