ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Evidence that the earth is Young

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26Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:57 pm



DNA in ‘ancient’ fossils. DNA extracted from bacteria that are supposed to be 425 million years old brings into question that age, because DNA could not last more than thousands of years.
Lazarus bacteria—bacteria revived from salt inclusions supposedly 250 million years old, suggest the salt is not millions of years old. See also Salty saga.
The decay in the human genome due to multiple slightly deleterious mutations each generation is consistent with an origin several thousand years ago. Sanford, J., Genetic entropy and the mystery of the genome, Ivan Press, 2005; see review of the book and the interview with the author in Creation30(4):45–47,September 2008. This has been confirmed by realistic modelling of population genetics, which shows that genomes are young, in the order of thousands of years. See Sanford, J., Baumgardner, J., Brewer, W., Gibson, P. and Remine, W., Mendel’s Accountant: A biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program, SCPE 8(2):147–165, 2007.
The data for ‘mitochondrial Eve’ are consistent with a common origin of all humans several thousand years ago.
Very limited variation in the DNA sequence on the human Y-chromosome around the world is consistent with a recent origin of mankind, thousands not millions of years.
Many fossil bones ‘dated’ at many millions of years old are hardly mineralized, if at all. This contradicts the widely believed old age of the earth. See, for example, Dinosaur bones just how old are they really? Tubes of marine worms, ‘dated’ at 550 million years old, that are soft and flexible and apparently composed of the original organic compounds hold the record (original paper).
Dinosaur blood cells, blood vessels, proteins (hemoglobin, osteocalcin, collagen, histones) and DNA are not consistent with their supposed more than 65-million-year age, but make more sense if the remains are thousands of years old (at most).
Lack of 50:50 racemization of amino acids in fossils ‘dated’ at millions of years old, whereas complete racemization would occur in thousands of years.
Living fossils—jellyfish, graptolites, coelacanth, stromatolites, Wollemi pine and hundreds more. That many hundreds of species could remain so unchanged, for even up to billions of years in the case of stromatolites, speaks against the millions and billions of years being real.
Discontinuous fossil sequences. E.g. Coelacanth, Wollemi pine and various ‘index’ fossils, which are present in supposedly ancient strata, missing in strata representing many millions of years since, but still living today. Such discontinuities speak against the interpretation of the rock formations as vast geological ages—how could Coelacanths have avoided being fossilized for 65 million years, for example? See The ‘Lazarus effect’: rodent ‘resurrection’!
The ages of the world’s oldest living organisms, trees, are consistent with an age of the earth of thousands of years.


27Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Tue May 26, 2020 12:29 am



Science Confirms a Young Earth—The Radioactive Dating Methods are Flawed


28Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:29 pm



OECs have a serious problem and Turek is no different.
His first 3 premises can be proven wrong.
Starting with "In the beginning....God created" ... then the days came later. This is a complete misrepresentation of the Bible's language.
That first STATEMENT is an overview that has been interpreted by all Bible scholars, until about the 18th century, as a prelude statement to HOW God Created ... which he then explains starting with day 1 in verse 2. Please note that most of our modern Bibles have created paragraphs which the Hebrew writings never intended.
His next premise talks about assumptions of the speed of light but never mentions gravitational time dilation or anisotropic synchrony convention which both need to be considered when dealing with the speed of light.
And ... excuse me ... who created time and how he was going to apply it?
His next premise deals with the rate of decay in uranium ... but again misrepresents the fact there are two other assumptions that are involved in radiometric dating calculations which means there are at least 3 unknown, assumed but unproven speculations regarding any rock sample.
OEC's are real good a leaving out facts and misrepresenting ALL of the information that needs to be considered.
Oh ... and lest I forget ... When was the sun created???
If you accept the big bang theory ... you have the formation of the sun prior to the earth. Is that what the Bible says?


29Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:25 pm



Creation-Seven days or Seven ages? part 1 of series


Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Creation-300x184Does the Bible teach that creation took place in seven literal days?  Or could it be read as teaching seven long ages of creation?  This has been a great debate among Bible believers for centuries, causing some to view the Bible as conflicting with the findings of modern science.  As a result, many Bible teachers have felt the need to insist that the creation days aren’t literal 24 hour days, in order to make Genesis conform to scientific facts.  But two questions need to be asked.  First, does Genesis really teach literal days or can it be interpreted as teaching long ages?  That will be the subject of this article.  Second, what exactly are those scientific facts about earth’s age and creation, and is it possible to have more than one interpretation of the scientific evidence?  We will address the second question in future articles in this series.
There have been three main attempts to interpret Genesis as teaching non-literal days: The Gap Theory, the Day-Age Theory, and the more recent Framework Hypothesis.  Let’s look at each of these briefly to see if they stand up to sound biblical and scientific study.
The Gap Theory:
This is probably the least popular of the three today, although it was more widespread years ago.  Proponents of this theory teach that a large time gap can be inserted between the first two verses of the creation account in Genesis. They teach that the earth had a great cataclysm and so “became” formless rather than “was ” formless when first created, and was therefore essentially “remade” in six literal days.  So all the geological ages are inserted in between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
One of the main problems with this idea is that such a cataclysm would have destroyed the very geological rock record that the Gap theorists are trying to accommodate.    So the Gap Theory in essence destroys itself!  Furthermore, the rock record speaks of a world much like our own today in terms of types of animals and environments  fossilized, with the same types of suffering and death-neither conforming to a creation called “very good” in Genesis.  It also conflicts with other Bible passages that teach that death started with man’s sin (Romans 5;12, 1 Corinthians 15:21), and that the whole creation took six days (Exodus 20:11).
The Hebrew words “tohu waw bohu”  as in the earth “became formless and empty” as Gap theorists so translate, do not necessarily mean “became formless” but rather their meaning  depends on their context in the chapter. In this case, the context (as well as the Hebrew grammar) does not warrant the translation the Gap theorists give it, but should be instead translated “The earth was formless and empty”, that is, just after creation.   Obviously God did not intend that the earth remain that way forever!  For more on the proper translation of the Hebrew in Genesis 1:2  and about the failure of the Gap Theory,  see the preceding linked article from scientist and Bible scholar Dr.  Jonathan Sarfati.
The Gap theory is unsound Biblical exegesis and a forced interpretation that largely has been abandoned by scholars today.
The Day-Age Theory:  This approach attempts to interpret the six days of creation in Genesis as six long eras, or geological “ages”.  I once loosely held that view myself as a theistic evolutionist.  I say “loosely” because I don’t think I really had thought through the difficulties with it.  At first, it seemed like there was a rough correlation between the days of creation and my understanding of  the evolutionary scenario of the earth forming, then plants and lower animals, then higher animals and finally man. I even had a college professor who taught this as a way of reconciling the two.  But although there is a superficial resemblance, there are several conflicts in the details of the sequences, such as plants before marine animals in Genesis, the reverse in the evolutionary story.  But these problems aside, the more important question is, can the creation days of Genesis be properly interpreted as ages and not literal days?
There are good reasons to believe that a proper reading of the days of creation in Genesis makes them literal days, not long ages.  Context is very important, because the word yom (day) in Hebrew can mean a solar day, daylight, or an indefinite time period.  But in the majority of cases, this word is used to mean a literal day.   Reasons to view the days in Genesis as literal include:

  • The first time the word for day is used, it is defined as a literal day, with a morning and evening.

  • When modified by a numeral (first day, or day one, second day, or day two, etc.) it always refers to a literal day (359 times it is used this way outside Genesis).

  • When modified by the formula of morning and evening it always means a literal day.

  • In Exodus 20: 11, the seven days  of creation form the basis for the length and structure of our work week. There is no clue that the meaning of the days is switched from 24 hour days to long ages.  Also compare Exodus 20:11 to a passage with a similar structure in Exodus 12:15 showing literal, sequential days: “Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses…”.  Also see Exodus 24:16.

  • According to many experts in Hebrew, there is no plainer way to convey the meaning of literal 24 hour days than the way the days of creation are written about in Genesis.   For an excellent article on how Hebrew experts view the days of creation see: 24 hours-Plain as Day

  • The objections about the seventh day being a long day because there is no morning or evening formula are irrelevant, since creation had ceased and there was no need to talk about the 8th or 9th day, etc.  The seventh day can’t still be going on because God called that day blessed, but later on in Genesis the curse was applied to creation after sin entered the world.

  • The objection that Adam couldn’t have named all the animals in one day on day seven doesn’t fly either.  It doesn’t say that Adam named all the animals, only those with which he was likely to have interaction, namely the “beasts of the field”, “birds of the air”,and “cattle” (domestic animals), etc.  These probably did not include fish, insects, or other small wild animals.  That makes sense since none of the latter would likely provide any kind of companionship for Adam.  The number of Genesis “kinds” was much smaller than the number of today’s species, being a broader categorization, and Adam named only a small part of these.  Even if Adam named over 2500 kinds of animals, it certainly wouldn’t have taken more than several hours, especially in his un-fallen state of being (see article: How could Adam have named all the animals in a single day?

  • Both Jesus (Matt. 19:9, Mark 10:6) and Paul (Romans 5:12, 1Corinthians 15:45) apparently take Genesis chapter one very literally.

Given all of the above reasons, it seems the best way to read the creation days in Genesis is to take them as literal, 24 hour days.  For a good summary article with input from an Old Testament scholar, see Genesis means what it says!
The Framework Hypothesis:  This is a relatively new way of looking at Genesis One that does not take the narrative as literal history, but rather as a theological “framework”.  So the days may be literal, but they are not meant to be actual history according to this view.  But there are some sticky problems with this popular theory:
First, just because there may be a theological purpose in the arrangement of the Genesis text does not automatically mean that it isn’t real history.  For example, Genesis contains the genealogies of real people, of whom the real nation of Israel descended.
There is much internal evidence that the creation account in Genesis is meant to be read as history, not poetry.  For example,  in the creation narrative we don’t see poetic parallelism, such as in Psalm 33:9: ”  For he spake, and it was done, He commanded, and it stood fast.”  These are basically two ways of saying the same thing, and is common in Hebrew poetry, but not present in the creation account.  Also, there is a word call the waw connective that is used in historical Hebrew narrative to communicate time sequences in the past.  This waw connective is used 55 times from Genesis 1:1-2:3.   This shows that Genesis is not to be taken as poetry but as historical narrative, as I wrote about in a previous article entitled:  Is the Creation Account in Genesis Historical?
For an extensive refutation of the Framework Hypothesis, see article: A Critique of the Framework Interpretation of the Creation Account
For an extensive scholarly discussion of the days of creation in Genesis, see Refuting Compromise  by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, pages 67-144. (1)

So does all this mean we should conclude that we can’t take the Book of Genesis at its straightforward meaning because it supposedly conflicts with science?  Not so fast!  In the next article in this series we will look at the supposed straightforward evidence of science!


30Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:25 pm



Creation-could it have only taken six days? (Part 2 of series)


Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Earth-and-sun-300x300We saw from a previous article that if the Bible writer’s wanted to convey that the earth was created in six literal days around 6-8,000 years ago, they could not have been much clearer about it than they are in Genesis 1.  But many otherwise fine Bible apologists sweep this option aside, even though they know the facts about the text.  This is because they believe that the scientific evidence shows clearly that the Earth is billions of years old.  But there are also good Bible apologists and credentialed scientists out there that hold to a young earth.  Is this second group composed of all crackpots, or do they have some evidence to challenge the billion year old earth conclusion?
Before I even start this discussion, let me again emphasize that there are good Christian believers on both sides of this issue, so one can be a Christian and believe either.  Most of us, myself included, were taught that the earth has been proven to be about 4.6 billion years old, and the universe even older at about 13 billion years or so.  When I initially heard of the young, thousands of years old earth idea, like most others I was very skeptical.  Up to that time I had never really heard of any scientifically credible evidence otherwise.  So I figured that as a Bible believer, I had to reconcile Genesis to the supposed proven facts of science by interpreting the creation days as ages.  But as we saw in the previous article, there are problems with this day-age idea, as well as the idea that Genesis 1 is figurative or just a myth.  So I wrestled and searched, and in doing so I discovered that the proof of an old earth is not as ironclad as I first thought.
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Thermal_ionization_mass_spectrometer-300x210
Mass spectrometer used in radiometric dating
The main proof offered of an old earth is through radiometric dating of volcanic, or igneous, rocks. (Some also point to the layers of rocks containing fossils, but I will save that discussion for my upcoming articles on the Genesis Flood.)  The rates of decay of the various “parent” elements into the “daughter” elements can be very accurately measured.  So if the decay rates have not changed over time, which is assumed,  and the amounts of  “parent” and”daughter” elements can be either assumed to be zero some other known level, then based on these assumptions the “age” of the rock can be calculated.  Note that there are many assumptions and extrapolations in the process.  Why?  Well, none of us were there during this supposed 4 billion plus year history.  Our recorded history as humans only goes back to a very Biblical 6,000 years.  So we have a very large extrapolation to make in relation to our actual recorded history.  Many of you who are engineers would find this level of extrapolating very uncomfortable.  And our “age” derived by this method is only as good as the assumptions behind it.  See some sample articles on this subject:
Radiometric dating-problems with the assumptions,
Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth
As we will discover, the assumptions of the Uniformitarian Model, the idea that physical processes have not varied significantly over time since the earth was formed, is a critical one in the case for an  old earth.  But there are other models which do not hold to this assumption.  A group of PhD. scientists in the fields of geology and physics who have done research and publications in radioisotope dating came together to examine the evidence and assumptions behind the dating methods. These scientists hold to a young earth position and their research initiative was called RATE (For Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth).  They have done some ground-breaking research which reveals some of the problems with the old earth model. [1]
Not everyone who sees problems with using these dating methods to prove an old earth is a Bible believer.  In the 1997 book Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, Author and Science writer Richard Milton, who is an atheist, points out some of the same problems creationists have raised:  “…you must know the starting value of the clock-how much water was in your water clock to begin with or how tall your candle was before it was lit. And you must be sure that some external factor cannot interfere with the process while it is in operation…the process we choose will have started in pre-historic times, which we have no method of directly observing and verifying.”  [2]   He comes to this conclusion about the earth’s age: “The fact is that presently it is impossible to say with any confidence how old the Earth is, beyond the obvious fact that it predates the calendar of human history” [3]
For an in-depth technical analysis of the different radiometric methods and their pitfalls, a good reference is Earth’s Catastrophic Past, by Phd. geologist Andrew Snelling [4]
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 2000px-Thorium_decay_chain_from_lead-212_to_lead-208.svg_1-225x300
For a series of articles (somewhat technical) by a nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon Cupps, see the following:
Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating (part 1),
The Iconic Isochron- Radioactive Dating (part 2),
The Noble Clock-Radioactive Dating (part 3),
Alkali Metal Dating-Rb/Sr Dating Model (part 4)
Rare Earth Clocks-Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating models (part 5)
Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating Models Part 2-Radioactive Dating (part 6)
Heavy Metal Clocks-U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models (part 7)
Heavy Metal Clocks-Pb-Pb Dating Model (part Cool
In the relatively few cases where independent evidence exists for the age of a rock formation (such as one formed during recorded history), the radiometric ages usually turn out to be orders of magnitude greater than the true age.  For example see this article:The Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens debunks dating methods
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Mt_st_helens_dome_growth_schematic_80-86-300x250
Another question to ponder is  if mankind had the same brain and capabilities for 200,000 years of his supposed history, why didn’t he get around to discovering agriculture, writing, and building cities until about 6,000 years ago, again conveniently in line with the Biblical record?
For some additional material on radiometric ages as proof of an old earth, see: Response to Geochronology: Understanding the Uncertainties, a presentation by Justin Payne, by Jim Mason, and follow up article: More on radioactive dating problems
In the next article in this series, I will discuss some positive evidences for a young earth and universe.
[1] See Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Vardiman, Snelling, and Chaffin, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA,  and Creation Research Society, Chino Valley, AZ, 2005, Vol. II.
[2] Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, Richard Milton, Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, 1997, p. 39.
[3] Ibid., p.56.
[4] Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Volume 2, Dr Andrew Snelling, Institute for Creation Research, Dallas, TX, 2009, pp. 797-864.
[5] Photo credit: Copyright: <a href=’http://www.123rf.com/profile_mozzyb’>mozzyb / 123RF Stock Photo</a>


31Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:28 pm



Is a six to ten thousand year old earth preposterous? Part 3 of series

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Earth-from-space-300x200

You’ve probably heard from someone in “mainstream science” that the biblical idea of the earth only being six to ten thousand years old is totally preposterous.   They will say that there is no evidence for a young earth or universe.  But the age of the earth really cannot be proven, because beyond recorded history, assumptions have to be made about the “clock” being used.  And it turns out that there are many evidences that fit a young world much better than they fit a billions of years old world.  Since you aren’t likely to hear about these because of the current hold that the worldview of long ages and evolution has on modern science, let me clue you in on some positive evidences for a thousands of years old earth.
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Magnetic-field

1. The Earth’s magnetic field points to a young earth: The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field, that among other things, protects this planet from harmful radiation from space.  But the field strength and energy are decaying, at a rate which some scientists believe shows that this field has an upper age limit of about 10,000 years.  The decay has been confirmed by several measurements.  Since 1845 the field has been decaying at a rate of 5% per century, and archaeological measurements show that it was 40% stronger in A.D. 1000.    Some scientists have proposed that the magnetic field is caused by an electrical current in the earth’s core which has been decaying exponentially,  and although different from the conventional model, the electric current model has been confirmed by field data from geology.  The alternative conventional dynamo model contradicts some basic laws of physics, and has some problems explaining the data, including the evidence for rapid magnetic field reversals. And the electric current model was used to make predictions  of the magnetic field strengths for other planets, which were subsequently verified, even though many charge that creationist models don’t make predictions!  For  a good summary article on this, see  The earth’s magnetic field: evidence that the earth is young. For an article showing how the creationist  model explains rapid reversals of the magnetic field, see Can Catastrophic Plate Tectonics explain Flood Geology?

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Carbon-14-cycle

2. Radiocarbon found in ancient organic materials:  First of all, anyone who claims that radiocarbon dates prove that the earth is billions of years old shows that they don’t really understand the radiocarbon method.  Radiocarbon, or Carbon 14, is a radioactive isotope of Carbon.  It is formed from nitrogen in the atmosphere by the bombardment of cosmic rays, and decays back into nitrogen with a half-life of 5,730 years.  So there should be no Carbon 14 detected in any fossils or coal said to be over about 100,000 years old.   Yet many fossils have been found containing Carbon 14, which were found in rocks from all levels of the geological column, usually dated in the millions of years range.  Carbon 14 has also been found in coal seams, natural gas, oil and even diamonds, all of which were dated many times too old to contain Carbon 14. See articles:  Radioactive “dating” in conflict- (article on fossil wood containing radiocarbon), Diamonds: a creationist’s best friend, Carbon 14 Evidence for a recent global flood and a young earth by  Dr. John Baumgardner  Objections that all of this is a result of contamination do not hold up, since there are standard procedures that are designed to test for and eliminate the contamination factor: Measurable C 14 in Fossilized Organic Materials (somewhat technical article)

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Human_population_growth_from_1800_to_2000-300x223

3. Population of the world:  Starting with just 2 people 4500-6000 years ago, with an average population growth rate of only  about .5%, much less than today’s rates of about 1-2%, we could easily reach today’s population numbers of 6-7 billion people, even taking into account wars, famines, medical advances, and the like.  By contrast, if the human race had been around for 1 million years, it would take an average population growth rate much less (.01%) than any every measured in recorded history, to reach today’s population from 2 people.  And even if it had happened that way, there would have been so many people that had lived and died that the volume of them would not fit on the earth.   We should also be able to find billions of bodies buried, since many ancient cultures buried their dead.  Even if their bodies were disintegrated, artifacts should still abound.  Population growth rates have varied throughout history, and so this is not a proof of  a young earth by any means.  However, the data fit the young earth scenario well, and do not fit the old earth model at all.  It’s significant that our recorded human history (not based on radiocarbon dates and interpretations of artefacts) only goes back about 6,000 years.  For more facts and figures on this, see these articles: How did we get so many people in such a short time?   Where are all the people?
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Dinosaur-t-rex-300x265

4. Soft tissue found in dinosaur fossils:  When many people are asked how they know the earth is millions or billions of years old, they will point to dinosaur fossils as proof.  The prevailing wisdom teaches that we know they died off 65 million years ago or so.  But recently, there have been some startling finds in dinosaur fossils that have their discoverers scrambling to explain these findings in an old-earth context.   In the early 90’s paleontologist Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered what appeared to be blood vessels in the bones of a T-rex fossil.   She was quoted in Science magazine in 1993: “It was exactly like looking at a slice of modern bone.  But, of course, I couldn’t believe it.  The bones, after all, are 65 million years old.  How could blood cells survive that long?” [1]  (also see article: The Mysteries of stunning soft tissue fossil finds)
Over the years since then, she and others have discovered  red blood cells with nuclei, branching blood vessels, flexible tissue, several proteins including collagen, immunological evidence of hemoglobin, and DNA, all in dinosaur bones.  (See article: Dinosaur soft tissue and protein-even more confirmation!
The collagen is very significant because it cannot be found in bacteria and so cannot be the result of bacterial biofilms[2].  DNA that has been found could not possibly survive over millions of years according to all laboratory evidence.  (See article by biochemist Dr. Jonathan Sarfati: DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone
Efforts to prove these structures as something other than they appear to be have not been successful so far, but the old-earth paradigm has such a strong hold that most are not willing to consider that these bones are not millions of years old.
See articles: Doubting doubts about the Squishosaur     Squishosaur scepticism squashed   and most recently:Dinosaur Soft Tissue
While this evidence does not prove a young earth, it is highly consistent with that model and problematic for the millions of years old model.

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Folded-Rock-layers-300x225

5. Bent and Folded Rock Layers:   A problematic geological find for an ancient earth are bent rock layers in sedimentary rock strata.  Often rock layers believed to have been laid down over time periods of hundreds of millions of years, such as in the Grand Canyon, are found with bends and folds in them, sometimes up to 90 degrees, as if they were in a soft condition when bent.   These layers can be up to thousands of feet thick, yet were bent and folded without apparent cracking or breaking.   Rock layers laid down by water could be bent and folded when in a soft condition, but would harden in at the most 100 years.
For example, in the Grand Canyon, there are several layers believed to have been deposited from 520 to 250 million years ago, then all these layers uplifted around 70 million years ago, yet they did not break or crack, but look as though they were folded and bent while in a soft condition.  How could they have remained in a soft condition for all that time?  But if they were laid down relatively rapidly, then they could have been bent or folded before they hardened.  This phenomenon is not a local one, but can be found in formations that are almost continent-wide.
The standard answer to this finding is that supposedly if there is enough heat and pressure from all sides on a rock, it can be made bendable.  The problem is that this would visible alter and elongate sand grains or cement in the rock, and they would be in either a broken or recrystallized state, and these features are not seen in the bent rock layers.  Also the rock itself is not different then the surrounding rock that is not bent.  It has not been transformed into metamorphic rock such as quartzite or marble, by the heat and pressure, if this were the correct explanation for the bending.
If the Genesis Flood happened as in the Bible, we would expect these sediments to be laid down quickly and would have been deformed during the flood as tectonic uplifting took place.  More recent post-flood uplift and faulting would have broken or cracked these same sediment layers.  In fact, additional evidence that fits the Flood model is the fact that the rocks believed to be pre-flood, such as the Vishnu Schist, did break during tectonic uplifting as would be expected.
This geological phenomenon does not prove a young earth or Noah’s flood, but is consistent with both, and inconsistent with an old-earth model.
For reference articles on this subject,  see below :

Rock Layers Folded, not Fractured,
Warped Earth?
Grand Canyon strata show geologic time to be imaginary
In the next article in this series, we will look at some more evidences for a young earth and universe.
[1]Morell, V, Dino DNA, the hunt and the hype, Science 261 (5118): 160,1993.
[2] Wieland, C. and Menton, D. Answering Objections to creationist “Dinosaur Soft Tissue” age arguments, Journal of Creation, 19 (3):54-59, 2005.
Photo credit: Copyright: <a href=’http://www.123rf.com/profile_grechka’>grechka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>


32Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:32 pm



More evidence for a Young Earth-part 4 of series

In the last article in this series we introduced 5 positive evidences for a young earth.  I want to talk about 5 more lines of evidence in this article.    So let’s pick up where we left off:

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Sea-salt-mounds-300x168

6.  The amount of Salt in the Sea:  Each year many tons of salt are dumped into the oceans from various sources.  These include weathering and dissolving of minerals by rivers, salt from glaciers, dust from the atmosphere and volcanic dust, salt from ground water seepage, and other sources.  These together dump about 350-450 million tons of Sodium Chloride (salt) into the oceans per year.  Salt is removed from the oceans by processes such as sea spray,  ion exchange with clays, the formation of basalts at mid-ocean ridges, and other sources.  These remove about 122 million tons of salt per year from the oceans.   So at today’s rates of input and output, even with the maximum output rates and minimum input rates, the level of salt in today’s oceans would have accumulated in no more than 62 million years (1).  This age is far younger than the assumed 3.6 billion year age for the earth.
Geologist Dr. Stephen Austin and physicist Dr. Russell Humphreys did a study on the level of salt in the ocean, using the most generous output rates and the stingiest input rates, and still came to the conclusion that there should be much more salt if the oceans are 3.6 billion years old (2).  Even the removal of salt by mid ocean ridge basalts doesn’t solve the problem, because the salt is put back into the ocean as the basalts move away from the mid-ocean ridges.  (See articles:
The Sea’s Missing Salt: A dilemma for evolutionists-Steven Austin, PhD & Russell Humphreys, PhD.
Salty Seas-evidence for a young earth)
The 62 million year maximum is based on today’s rates and also assumes no salt at the beginning.  But if the oceans were created with salt already in them for the creatures that lived there, then the age would be reduced.  Also, if the Flood of Noah happened as in the Bible, then great quantities of salt would have been added to the oceans at that time.    But even at today’s rates, if the oceans were billions of years old, then the salt level would be so high that no life could exist in them.

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Seafloor-sediment

7.  Not enough Sediment on Sea Floor/Erosion of Continents:
Yet another problem for the old-earth view is the lack of sufficient sediments on the sea floor.   Currently, water and wind erode about 20 billion tons of rock debris and dirt, which the rivers deposit into the oceans.  Most of this builds up close to the continental shores.  The average thickness of sea floor sediments is about 1,300 feet and the estimated current quantity is about 410 million billion tons (3) .  Sediment is removed from the ocean floor as tectonic plates slide beneath the continents.  However, this subduction process removes only about 1 billion tons per year (4). Also, most sediment accumulates at river deltas, most of which are not near subduction zones. ( for the source of these estimates, see: Very Little Sediment on Seafloor
So, at a net 19 billion tons per year increase and assuming these rates for all of the ocean’s history, the sediment on the sea floor would accumulate in no more than 14 million years, much younger than the assumed 3.6 billion year age of the earth.  In other words, the oceans should be completely filled with sediments if the earth is 3.6 billion years old. The removal of sediment by subduction too slow to compensate for this, as shown above.  Also, the sediments on the continental shelves have features that indicate they were deposited more rapidly than at today’s rates.   Again, the 14 million year old maximum assumes that there was no global Flood which would have sped up the deposition of sediments by many factors.  Others have estimated similar maximum ages: The Mud is Missing , The Sands of Time: A Biblical Model of Deep-Sea Floor Sedimentation
Moreover, there are other indicators of a young ocean floor: Manganese Nodules and the Age of the Ocean Floor, also :  Evolution: the Oceans says NO!
Related to this is the erosion of the continents.  The volume of the continents above sea level has been measured at about 383 million billion tons.  Assuming  erosion rates of about 27.5 million tons per year, the continents would have eroded completely away in about 14 million years! (5)

Some will counter this by saying that the continents are replaced from below by tectonic uplift that balances the erosion.  The problem is, the rocks on the surface now are believed to be the same rocks that were there when ancient uplifts occured, such as the Laramide Orogeny in the Grand Canyon, believed to be about 70 million years ago.  Also there is so much sedimentary rock on the earth believed to be hundreds of millions of years old or more.  If the uplift and erosion had been going on for that long, these ancient rocks should have been eroded away and replaced many times over. (6) If it is claimed that human activity sped up the erosion rate recently, the fact is that would account at the most about a doubling of erosion rates, and that only over a few thousand years.  For more information on how the data of continental erosion fits the young earth model better than the old earth model, see: Eroding Ages; If our continents were old, they would no longer be here, and : Evolution: the Oceans says NO!
These maximum ages for the earth derived for these processes of course do not take the global Flood of Noah into account, which would have greatly accelerated erosion and sedimentation rates. Even a local flash flood today multiplies the rates of erosion and deposition by about 10,000 (7).  But this data shows that the presumed age of the earth, even assuming today’s rates of these processes, is far too old.
Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Zircon-crystals

8. Helium in Radioactive Rocks:  Yet another piece of evidence that fits the young earth model is the presence of large amounts of Helium in radioactive rocks.   A group of PhD Scientists in the fields of geology, physics, and various other disciplines, known as the R.A.T.E group (which stands for Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) studied zircon crystals in granite deposits in New Mexico.  These zircon crystals incorporated radioactive elements such as Uranium and Thorium when they were formed.
Uranium decays into lead and helium over time.  But helium produced by decay is an inert gas and should not combine with other atoms, and helium atoms are small and easily should leak out of the zircon crystals and be mostly gone if the crystals are millions or billions of years old.  Yet the RATE scientists found that way too much helium was still retained in these crystals if they are 1.5 billion years old as dated by Uranium-Lead dating methods, amounting up to 58% retained of  the total amount of helium that should have been produced during 1.5 billion years of decay at a given temperature. As expected, the higher the temperature, the lower percentage of helium retained, but even in the hottest rocks, there was a much larger than expected helium amount still in the rocks.  So the key question to answer is why was the helium still in the rocks, when it should have mostly leaked out over millions or billions of years?
To answer this, they needed to measure the leakage rate of helium, and they sent samples to a laboratory expert in measuring helium diffusion.  They made some predictions: if the zircons were 1.5 billion years old, then the measured diffusion rate should be slow, and if they were only 6,000-10,000 years old, the measured helium diffusion rate should be much faster.  The results from the laboratory gave the faster rate, in fact matching up very well if the helium had only been diffusing out for about 6,000 years {11}.  So the long-age model requires helium diffusion to be about 100,000 time slower than what was actually measured.  They concluded that the only way to reconcile the large amounts of helium with the fast diffusion rate of that helium is to postulate a time or times of accelerated nuclear decay in these crystals, which means that the radiometric “clock” has not always run at the slow rates of today.

For a comprehensive article on this evidence, see:
Helium Diffusion Rates Support Accelerated Nuclear Decay  For answers to critics, see:
Helium Evidence for a young world continues to confound critics
The RATE scientists concluded that these results give evidence for accelerated radioactive decay, and a young age for the earth.

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Comet

9. The Short lives of Comets:Evidence for a young earth also extends out into the solar system.  Comets are large balls of ice and dirt that have long, sometimes elliptical orbits around the sun in our solar system.  Their orbits eventually pass close by the sun, which “slingshots” them and speeds them up, and the solar wind and radiation produces in them the characteristic “tail”.   But they are not very massive, and each pass by the sun causes a significant amount of disintegration.  In fact, the “tail” means that they are losing material and therefore shrinking.   Eventually they are gone completely, if they haven’t crashed into a planet first.   They can also be ejected from the solar system by passing too close to a large planet and being catapulted away by the planet’s gravity.  So with all these ways they can be lost or destroyed, the average comet  would not last very long .  It is estimated that the typical comet would last only 100,000 years at the most.  The fact that they are so numerous fits a young earth model where the solar system is not billions of years old.  See article:
Comets and the Age of the Solar System
Old earth advocates realize this and have had to come up with a mechanism by which the supply of comets is replenished in the solar system.  One solution is that they come from a cloud of comets called the Oort Cloud, named after it’s proponent  astronomer Jan Oort.  However, there is no positive evidence for the Oort Cloud’s existence.  There are other problems with the Oort Cloud model as well (10).  Another possible source mentioned is a belt of objects on the outer solar system called the Kuiper Belt.  There are indeed thousands of objects out in this region, but they are large asteroids and planetoids (such as Pluto) and are also made of different materials than comets. so are not a likely source for them either.  There is also nowhere near enough Kuiper objects to supply the comets needed, even if comets had been actually found in this region. (10)

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Sun

10.  The Faint Young Sun Paradox:  There are more evidences fitting a young solar system and therefore a young earth. One of these has to do with what energy source powers the sun.  The most recent theory postulates that the sun is powered by the conversion of hydrogen into helium in the sun’s core.  According to this theory the sun could be powered this way for about 10 billion years.  So if the sun is 4.6 billion years old, then it would be a “middle aged” star.  During the time nuclear fusion was going on, the composition of the sun’s core would change, with the result that the sun would gradually get brighter and warmer over time.  So if the sun is 4.6 billion years old, it should have brightened about 40%.
Here’s the problem.  If life began on earth 3.8 billion years ago as is commonly believed, then from then until now the sun would have brightened by about 25%.  This would mean that back then it would have been about 25% fainter, with a corresponding less average earth temperature.  This would give an average temperature so low (about -3 degrees Centigrade, in contrast to the 15 degrees C average temp. today)  that life could not have survived on earth or evolved to higher forms.     Yet most still believe that earth’s temperature was relatively constant over that time period.  How such an even temperature could be maintained with the increasing brightness of the sun is called the “early faint sun paradox”.
To get around this problem, some scientists propose that in the early earth atmosphere there were more greenhouse gases than we have currently and so the coldness would be offset by the greenhouse effect.  But the problem with this idea is that even a small change in temperature drastically affects the earth ecosystem, so the decrease in temperature by having less greenhouse gases over time would have to track very closely with the increase in temperature due to the sun’s changes.  This seems to be an ad-hoc solution with some great fine-tuning required.
The problem goes away completely if the sun is only 6-8 thousand years old, since therefore there would not be as much of a temperature difference during the sun’s lifetime.  So this evidence fits a young solar system model.  For more articles on this subject, see:The Young Faint Sun Paradox and the Age of the Solar System, Our Steady Sun: A problem for billions of years, and Is the Faint Young Sun Paradox solved?, New science on the young sun, and earth migration
See other articles about evidences that fit a young earth and solar system:  The Age of the Jovian Planets ; The Moon’s Recession and Age ; Neptune-Monument to Creation
Summary: So far in this article series we have seen that there is positive evidence out there for a young earth and solar system, evidence that is not often talked about because the reigning preferred method of interpreting the data is the old earth method.   In fact, there are many more evidences besides the ten mentioned in the last two articles  See the following comprehensive article:
Age of the Earth-101 Evidences for a young age of the earth and universe
But how about those evidences that seem to be proof for an old earth and universe?.  We have already discussed radiometric dating and it’s problems.  In the next article in this series, we will look at a few other important evidences that supposedly prove that the earth and universe are billions of years old.
(1) The Young Earth, John Morris, Master Books, Green Forest, AR,  Rev. ed. 2007, p. 90.
(2) Ibid., pp. 89-90.  For original article, see S. A. Austin and D. R. Humphreys, “The Sea’s Missing Salt: A Dilemma for Evolutionists”-in R.E. Walsh and C.L. Brooks, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creationism, Vol II, p. 17-33 (1990).
(3) Ibid., p. 93.
(4) Ibid., p. 93.
(5) Ibid., pp. 92-93.
(6) Ibid., pp. 92-93
(7)Earth’s Catastrophic Past, Andrew Snelling, Institute for Creation Research, Dallas, TX, Volume 2, pp. 488-489. (flash floods)
(8 ) Thousands, not Billions, Dr. Donald DeYoung, Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 2005, pp. 65-78.  For a more detailed and technical discussion by the RATE Scientists, see Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, edited by Dr.s Vardiman, Snelling, and Chaffin, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, and Creation Research Society, Chino Valley, AZ, 2005, pp.25-100.  These included answers to some common objections that have been raised.
(9) Taking Back Astronomy, Dr. Jason Lisle,  Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 2006, pp. 67-68.
(10) Refuting Compromise, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Master Books, Green Forest, AR,  Updated and Expanded edition, 2011, pp.345-348.
{11} See Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Vardiman, Snelling, & Chaffin, editors, ICR and Creation Research Society, Chino Valley, AZ, 2005, pp. 25-100.  For a less technical treatment, see Thousands… not Billions, Dr. Don DeYoung, Master Books, Green Forest, AZ, 2005, pp. 65-78.


33Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:35 pm



But what about other scientific evidence that seems to prove an old earth and universe? part 5 of series

0In our last two articles, we looked at some evidences for a young earth and universe.  So what evidence has many scientists convinced that the universe and earth are millions or billions of years old?  In the next two articles in this series,we will look at two supposedly foolproof evidences, ice core dating and distant starlight.
We have already looked at the principal evidence used for an old earth, radiometric dating, and have seen that it has many assumptions built into it, and there are problems with concluding that it proves an old earth.   See article in part 2 of this series:
Creation-Could it have only taken six days?
But there are other evidences cited as well, such as the age of ice cores that supposedly prove the existence of ancient “ice ages”.
However, just as we saw that there are different ways of interpreting the radiometric data, there are also different results on can get from the ice core data, depending on your starting assumptions.
Ice cores are sections of ice that have been drilled out of Antarctic and Greenland ice, that represent snowfall that has turned to ice.  By counting the bands or layers, and assuming that those bands are annual layers, great ages, in the hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, are deduced from the data.  The question is,  are these really annual layers, especially in the deeper parts of the ice core?
One of the methods used to identify supposed annual layers is the Oxygen Isotope Ratio method.   Marine organisms such as Foraminifera take in oxygen when they build their shells that are made out of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).  These shells become ocean bottom sediment when these creatures die, and two isotopes of oxygen that are incorporated into these shells , the O18 to O16 ratio, can be measured from shell remains at different levels withing the sea sediment.  These two isotopes of Oxygen, O 18 and O 16 , are compared and the ratio determined.  During a warmer period, the ratio of O18 to O16 is higher, and it is lower during a cooler period.  The seasonal difference is interpreted as an annual change.  However, there are serious difficulties with using these isotope ratios to determine past climate changes, because there are many other variables that affect this ratio besides the general overall climate, such as local short-term variations in temperature and ice volume.  Also, this method of detecting annual layers does not work well or at all  in the deeper parts of the cores.
But it is assumed that the ice sheet is millions of years old, and that the sheet has stayed at about the same height and shape for a few million years.  So they believe that each annual layer has been compressed deeper and deeper into the ice sheet, until the layers are very compressed and thin, yet they are still counted as annual layers.  So the large number of annual layers is a product of the assumed long time period.  What makes this an even more difficult problem is that at greater depths in the ice core, the layering become less distinct and methods other than straightforward visual counting must be used (see article by physicist Dr. Jake Hebert: Ice Cores, Seafloor Sediments, and the Age of the Earth  (part 1)).  These other methods such as looking for dusty bands and changes in electrical conductivity of the ice have similar problems as well, getting worse with depth (Ice Cores, Sea Floor Sediments, and the Age of the Earth ( part 2))
But if the ice sheet is assumed to be younger, that is, 4,000 to 5,000 years old according to the theory of a post-flood Ice Age, then the compression of the ice would be much less, and one annual layer deep down may have been interpreted as 100 or 1,000 annual cycles. But they may in fact only represent storm cycles and other variations within a single year.
Atmospheric scientist Michael J. Oard comments on this in his article :Do Greenland ice cores show over one hundred thousand years of annual layers?:

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Ice-core

“From their flow models, uniformitarian scientists estimate the anticipated thickness of each annual layer from the top of the ice to near the bottom. At the top, the annual layers represent about 800 mm of compacted snow, which will compress into 240 mm of ice.8 These annual layers show up quite well near the top of the ice core. Uniformitarians and creationists agree that these measurements represent annual layers. However, after compression, the annual layer thickness of each model, shown in Figure 3, soon diverges significantly, and the agreement ends. For example, 2,000 m down the GISP2 Greenland ice core, the assumed annual layer thickness from the uniformitarian model would be about 20 mm,9 whereas the creationist estimate would be around 2,000 mm, 100 times more.  The assumed thickness of the annual layers is important because it determines how many measurements of each variable are made down the length of the core. Based on their expected annual thickness, uniformitarian scientists take enough measurements to resolve what they believe are annual cycles.”
So we can see that the age estimates depend on the starting assumptions of the model one is using.
Oard goes on in this article to show how changes and oscillations in the variables used in the conventional model to determine annual layers, could in fact be produced in a single year: “
In the creationist model, the oscillations in the variables used by uniformitarians to determine annual layers could have been produced within a single year. Indeed, uniformitarians understand that very short-term oscillations, representing as little as a day or two, show up in the variables.12 For example, a storm has a warm and cold sector that produces significant fluctuation in each of the variables and these storm oscillations may be on the order of several days. Even uniformitarians recognise that these storms can produce problems for counting annual layers, as Alley et al. state:

‘Fundamentally, in counting any annual marker, we must ask whether it is absolutely unequivocal, or whether nonannual events could mimic or obscure a year. For the visible strata (and, we believe, for any other annual indicator at accumulation rates representative of central Greenland), it is almost certain that variability exists at the subseasonal or storm level, at the annual level, and for various longer periodicities (2-year, sunspot, etc.). We certainly must entertain the possibility of misidentifying the deposit of a large storm or a snow dune as an entire year or missing a weak indication of a summer and thus picking a 2-year interval as 1 year. (Alley et al. Visual-stratigraphic dating of the GISP2 ice core: basis, reproducibility, and application, J. Geophysical Research 102 (c12):26367–26381, 1997.)
For more on the post flood theory of the Ice age, and ice core dating, a good reference is An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood, Michael J. Oard, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, Ca, 1990.  Also see The Frozen Record  by Michael J. Oard, June 2005, Institute for Creation Research,  El Cajon, CA.  In these books Oard covers the evidence that there was just one ice age, and it was not as long ago as in the conventional view.
More articles showing this evidence are:
What caused the Ice age?
Astronomical troubles for the Astronomical Hypothesis of the Ice ages
An article showing the circularity of using Deep sea floor sediments dating and ice cores, by Dr. Jake Hebert, a physicist, can be found here:Circular Reasoning in the Dating of Deep Seafloor Sediments and Ice Cores: The Orbital Tuning Method
Other articles on the ice age and ice core dating:
Are the Greenland & Antarctic Ice Sheets Old?
Ice Cores, Seafloor Sediments, and the Age of the Earth (part 3)
Greenland Ice Cores: implicit evidence for catastrophic deposition
For other old earth evidences involving layers of rocks and various geological features, see my upcoming series of articles on Noah’s Flood.
In the final article in this series, we will look at the issue of distant starlight and the age of the universe.


34Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:18 pm



"The first thing to note is that the context has nothing to do with the days of creation. Also, it is not defining a day because it doesn’t say “a day is a thousand years”.

The correct understanding, as always, is derived from the context — the apostle Peter’s readers should not lose heart because God seems slow at fulfilling His promises about the second coming of Christ. Rather they are to remember that He is patient, and also because He is not bound by time as we are.

The text says “one day is like [or as] a thousand years” — the word “like” (or “as”) shows that it is a figure of speech, called a simile, to teach that God is outside of time (because He is the Creator of time itself). In fact, the figure of speech is so effective in its intended aim precisely because the day is literal and contrasts so vividly with 1,000 years — to the eternal Creator of time, a short period of time and a long period of time may as well be the same.

The fact that the passage is actually contrasting a short and long period can be shown by the fact that Peter is likely referring to Psalm 90:4 (Peter’s statement “do not forget” implies that his readers were expected to recall something, and this passage has this very teaching).

This reads: For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

This is synonymous parallelism, where a long period of a thousand years is contrasted with two short periods: a day, and a night watch. But those who try to use this verse to teach that the days of Genesis might be 1,000 years long forget the additional part in italics. For if they were consistent, they would have to say that a watch in the night here also means 1,000 years. It’s difficult to imagine that the same Psalmist is thinking on his bed for thousands of years (Ps. 63:6), or that his eyes stay open for thousands of years (Ps. 119:148).

The immediate context of the psalm is the frailty of mere mortal man in comparison to God. This verse amplifies the teaching, saying that no matter how long a time interval is from man’s time-bound perspective, it is like a twinkling of an eye from God’s eternal perspective." - Jonathan Sarfati


35Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:22 am


I don't think we should measure our time with God time! Since God time is rather timeless, and is not relegated to our 24 hour period. From God viewpoint 1000 years may be a day.

36Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:59 am



cush wrote:
I don't think we should measure our time with God time! Since God time is rather timeless, and is not relegated to our 24 hour period. From God viewpoint 1000 years may be a day.

The word YOM is actually a general term for time. It can mean either a 24-hour day or an indefinite period of time (such as days, weeks, months and years). We don't have a word like that in the Portuguese language.
How could it be possible for a Jew to determine whether the word YOM used in a text would have the meaning of a 24-hour day or not?
The answer is simple: by the Hebrew grammar. There are three specific cases.
If a numeral is related to the word YOM, such as "in the tenth YOM of the seventh month" (as in Leviticus 25: 9), the meaning of YOM will be a 24-hour day.
Or if a definite article is related to the word YOM, such as “the YOM of Atonement” (Leviticus 23:28), the meaning of YOM will be a 24-hour day.
Also, the expression “afternoon and morning” is always used to determine a 24-hour period (Exodus 18:13). When this expression is related to the word YOM, its meaning will be one day with 24 hours.
In all the verses in Genesis 1 where the word YOM was used - verses 5, 8, 13, 19, 23 and 31 - the grammatical form used was: the expression “afternoon and morning” + the definite article + an ordinal number + YOM. This form with the three elements appearing simultaneously means that there is no other possible interpretation for the meaning of YOM other than a 24 hour period of time.
Grammatically speaking, the word YOM used in Genesis 1 can only be interpreted as a 24-hour day and not as long periods of time.
Some people have told me the following: But what about the text in II Peter 3: 8 that says: "... for the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day." ... A day for God can't it be like a thousand years? Couldn't the days of Genesis be eras instead of literal days?
It is important to note that the text of II Peter is not related to the text of Genesis 1. This is taking a text out of its context to try to establish a pretext. Those who study hermeneutics know this.
Let me show you why the days of Genesis can only be interpreted as literal. The text of Exodus 20: 8-10, the fourth commandment, shows this.
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. You will work six days and do all your work there, but the seventh day is the Sabbath dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day you will not do any work, neither you nor yours. sons or daughters, neither your male or female servants, nor your animals, nor the foreigners who live in your cities. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything in them, but on the seventh day he rested Therefore, the Lord blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. ”
The word "day" used here is YOM. So how long should each of these six days of work be? How could anyone know the correct meaning? None of the three ways to identify the term YOM as a 24-hour period appears in this text.
So, should we work “thousands of years” days? Of course not! Why not?
We know that YOM in this text means a 24-hour day. But how? The answer is in verse 10.
God commands through the fourth commandment that we work six days out of 24 hours, just as He worked six days out of 24 hours. The text is clear. Notice the conjunction “for” at the beginning of verse 10 linking the 6 YOMs that we are to work with the 6 YOMs that God has worked with.


37Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sun Jul 04, 2021 4:09 pm



James Stroud Creationism Revisited – 2020 – A Defense of Recent Creation by an Agnostic 
YEC and biblical exegesis It is important to touch on a few points of biblical interpretation so we can compare and contrast YEC and OEC viewpoints to establish whether we have enough information to say that an exegetical reading of Scripture fits better theologically with a particular understanding. I leave it to readers to reach their own conclusions as to the virtue of each argument. 65 Young-earth creationists believe that the creation days of Genesis 1 were six literal (24-hour) days, which occurred 6,000–12,000 years ago. They believe that about 2,300–3,300 years before Christ, the surface of the earth was radically rearranged by Noah’s Flood. All land animals and birds not in Noah’s Ark (along with many sea creatures) perished, many of which were subsequently buried in the Flood sediments. Therefore, creationists believe that the global, catastrophic Flood was responsible for most (but not all) of the rock layers and fossils (i.e., some rock layers and possibly some fossils were deposited before the Flood, while other layers and fossils were produced in postdiluvian localized catastrophic sedimentation events or processes). The biblical arguments in support of this view can be briefly summarized as follows:

1. Genesis is history, not poetry, parable, prophetic vision, or mythology. This is seen in the Hebrew verbs used in Genesis 1, the fact that Genesis 1–11 has the same characteristics of historical narrative as in Genesis 12–50, most of Exodus, much of Numbers, Joshua, 1 and 2 Kings, etc. (which are discernibly distinct from the characteristics of Hebrew poetry, parable, or prophetic vision), and the way the other biblical authors and Jesus treat Genesis 1–11 (as literal history). 
2. The dominant meaning of yôm [Day] in the Old Testament is a literal day, and the context of Genesis 1 confirms that meaning there. Yôm is defined in its two literal senses in verse 5. It is repeatedly used with a number (one day, second day, etc.) and with evening and morning, which elsewhere in the OT always means a literal day. It is defined again literally in verse 14 in relation to the movement of the heavenly bodies. 
3. God created the first animate and inanimate things supernaturally and instantly. They were fully formed and fully functioning. For example, plants, animals, and people were mature adults ready to reproduce naturally “after their kinds.” When God said “let there be…” He did not have to wait millions of years for things to come into existence. He spoke, and things happened immediately (Psalm 33:6–9) …. 
4. Exodus 20:8–11 resists all attempts to add millions of years anywhere in or before Genesis 1 because Exodus 20:11  says that God created everything in six days. The day-age view is ruled out because the plural form of the Hebrew word for day (yôm) is used in both parts of the commandment. The days of the Jewish work-week are the same as the days of Creation Week. God could have used several other words or phrases, here or in Genesis 1, if He meant to say “work six days because I created in six long, indefinite periods.” But He didn’t. These verses also rule out the gap theory or any attempt to add millions of years before Genesis 1:1 because God says He created the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them during the six days described in Genesis 1. He made nothing before those six days. It should also be noted that the fourth commandment is one of only a few of the Ten Commandments that contains a reason for the commandment. If God created over millions of years, He could have not given a reason for Sabbath-keeping or He could have given a theological or redemptive reason as He did elsewhere. 
5. In Jesus’ comments about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, etc., He clearly took the events recorded in Genesis as literal history, just as did all the New Testament writers. Several passages show that Jesus believed that man was created at the beginning of creation, not billions of years after the beginning (as all old-earth views imply), which confirms the youngearth creationist view (Mark 10:6 and 13:19 and Luke 11:50–51). His miracles also confirm the young-earth view. From His first miracle of turning water into wine (which revealed his glory as the Creator, cf. John 2:11 and John 1:1–5) to all His other miracles (e.g., Matthew 8:23–27, Mark 1:40–42), His spoken word brought an immediate, instantaneous result, just as God’s word did in Creation Week. 
6. The Bible seems to teach that there was no animal or human death before the Fall of Adam and Eve. If this is true, the geological record of rock layers and fossils could not have been millions of years before the Fall otherwise there was millions of years of death before the Fall…. 
7. The global catastrophic Flood of Noah was responsible for producing most (but not all) of the geological record of rock layers and fossils. Both a casual reading and careful exegesis show that this was not a local flood in Mesopotamia. It is most unreasonable to believe in a global, year-long Flood that left no geological evidence (or that it only left evidence in the lowlands of the Fertile Crescent, as some suppose). The global evidence of sedimentary rock layers filled with land and marine fossils is exactly the kind of evidence we would expect from Noah’s Flood. If most of the rock record is the evidence of the Flood, then there really is no geological evidence for millions of years. But the secular geologists deny the global Flood of Noah’s day because they deny that there is any geological evidence for such a flood. So, the fossiliferous rock record is either the evidence of Noah’s Flood or the evidence of millions of years of geological change. It cannot be evidence of both. If we do not accept the geological establishment’s view of Noah’s Flood, then we cannot accept their view of the age of the earth. So, it is logically inconsistent to believe in both a global Noachian Flood and millions of years. [In other words, you can have millions of years or Noah’s non-local Flood, but you cannot have both]…. 
8. The genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 give us the years from Adam to Abraham, who virtually all scholars agree lived about 2000 BC. This sets the date of creation at approximately 6,000 to 8000 years ago. Some young-earth creationists say the creation may be 10,000–12,000 years old [but there is simply no way of getting millions or billions of years from what the bible gives us]…. 
9. For eighteen centuries the almost universal belief of the Church was that the creation began 4,000–5,500 years before Christ. So, youngearth creationism is historic Christian orthodoxy. It was also Jewish orthodoxy at least up to the end of the first century of church history. In light of this fact, it seems inconsistent with the truth-loving nature of God revealed in Scripture to think that for about 3,000 years God let faithful Jews and Christians (especially the writers of Scripture) believe that Genesis teaches a literal six-day creation about 6,000 to 8,000 years ago but that in the early nineteenth century He used godless men (scientists who rejected the Bible as God’s inerrant Word) to correct the Church’s understanding of Genesis.66



38Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:26 pm



A functionally mature creation
Over six days at the beginning of time, God created a functionally mature universe (Gen. 1:1-2:1) (Appendix A). This is not deceitful because God communicated to mankind what happened. According to the genealogical and historical information in the Bible it occurred about 6k years ago. After the six days:

The vegetation was mature – it had seeds and fruits (Gen. 1:11-12). These were food for Adam and Eve and the animals (Gen. 1:29-30).
The aquatic and marine creatures were mature – they could swim and breed offspring (Gen. 1:20-22).
The birds were mature – they could fly and breed offspring (Gen. 1:20-22).
Adam and Eve were adults – they could breed offspring (Gen. 1:28).
And the sun, moon and stars were visible from earth (Gen.1:14-18).
Therefore, by analogy the astronomical universe was also mature after the 6 days.

In 2016, Nissan’s Sunderland factory in the UK produced about 60 cars per hour (when operating at 98% efficiency). At the end of the assembly line, each car was functionally mature – it was able to be driven. Likewise, at the end of God’s creation each part of creation was able to perform its function.

Inference 2
This was a miraculous supernatural creation, which cannot be explained by the laws of nature alone. In fact, the current laws of nature may not have come into existence until after the creation period.

In a few days God did what biological evolution claims took millions of years by naturalistic means – He created all biological life. And in a few days God did what the big-bang theory claims took 14 billion years by naturalistic means – He created the astronomical universe. God’s functionally mature creation makes the ideas of biological evolution and the big-bang obsolete and un-necessary.

Inference 3
During these few days, God stretched out the heavens to the vast extent of the observable universe and then ceased the action of ‘stretching out’ (Gen. 1:6-7; Job 9:8; Isa. 40:22; 42:5; Jer. 10:12; Zech. 12:1). He made a huge universe in a few days!

Inference 4
On day 6 Adam and Eve saw the astronomical universe much like what we see it today (minus any changes that have occurred in the past 6k years). The universe was huge (but Adam and Eve didn’t know this) – God is not constrained by distance or time. This was not deceptive to Adam and Eve because they didn’t know how far away the astronomical bodies (stars and galaxies) were or what the speed of light was (and the one-way speed of light can’t even be measured today).

We don’t know how God did it (so Adam and Eve could see the stars and galaxies two days after they were created), but it was like the one-way speed of light was much greater than it is assumed to be today (or infinite). This is like the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (see Appendix B). As God created light, He could control it for His own purposes (Gen. 1:3). We don’t need a physical mechanism for this – after all, we don’t seek one for other miracles like the virgin birth of Christ or His resurrection from death. However, some people do propose plausible theories about how it could have happened.

Inference 5
God’s miraculous supernatural creative activity largely ceased after Genesis 1-2 and was replaced with God’s providence.

Inference 6
Today we see the universe like Adam and Eve saw it plus any changes that have occurred in the past 6k years. But there are two ways that this can be viewed – the Einstein Synchrony Convention (ESC) and the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (ASC) are different observational conventions (Appendix B).

Inference 7a – ESC view
Because of the speed of light, when we observe the universe we assume we are seeing how it appeared at earlier times. But according to the Bible when we reach about 6k light-years away we reach a boundary condition, which is Day 4 of creation. The light we see today from any star that is greater than 6k light-years away from the earth will have originated on Day 4 of creation. Beyond this distance we are observing activity that occurred during God’s creation of the astronomical universe. This is the answer to the distant starlight problem (Appendix C) in the ESC viewpoint.

Critics claim that according to this worldview we should not be able to observe astronomical bodies greater that 6k light-years away (because the universe is assumed to be only about 6k years old). But we do see astronomical bodies greater that 6k light-years away! This is called the distant starlight problem (Appendix C). But this ignores God’s supernatural creative activity at the beginning of time. Of course, this supernatural cause of the cosmos can’t be explained by natural laws alone!

Jason Lisle claims, “Even miracles leave evidence in the natural world. So, for example, if God drastically sped up the speed of light during creation week, this would logically affect the wavelength of distant starlight. And we don’t see any evidence of this”. The line spectra from distant nebula do not show any evidence of an increased speed of light. That’s why he believes that the ASC view is the most natural explanation of the distant starlight problem.

Inference 7b – ASC view
In this case the one-way speed of light is infinite so we can directly observe what is happening throughout the universe as it occurs (Appendix B). As we are not looking back in time there is no distant starlight problem in the ASC view.



39Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:39 am



Gentry, Robert  Creation's tiny mystery



Polonium Halos: Unrefuted Evidence for Earth's Instant Creation!

Andrew A. Snelling Radiohalos Startling evidence of catastrophic geologic processes on a young earth

Uranium and polonium radio­halos thus provide startling evidence of catas­trophic geological processes on a young earth. During the year-long Flood (about 4,500 years ago) sediments were eroded and deposited catastrophically on a global scale. The catastrophe buried vast graveyards of plants and animals, producing fossil-bearing rock layers all over the earth. Rapid earth movements pushed up mountains,9 and formed granite bodies quickly. Inside these granites, super-fast radioactive decay generated uranium and polonium radiohalos. These are so microscopic they could be easily overlooked.4 But their presence in abundance in granites all around the world cannot be ignored.10 They are exciting confirmation that the earth and its rocks are not millions and billions of years old as usually claimed, but only about 6,000 years, as God’s Word plainly declares in the historical narratives in Genesis.

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Radiohalos—Solving the Mystery of the Missing Bullets  October 1, 2012


40Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:33 pm



Top FIVE Reasons Young Earth Creationism is Impossible

Claim: There is no precedence for speeding up the the rate of radioactive decay and we know this because we've tried to speed it up it would be very big for us if we could speed up the radioactive decay law but we've thrown everything at it and we can't do it more importantly though when radioactive decay occurs it releases heat so if you want to take all of the radioactive decay that has occurred in the past 4.5 to 4.8 billion years and crab it into one year of noah's flood well that's enough heat to vaporize the granitic crust of the earth several times over the heat problem gets much worse than just that though because 
Reply: Noah’s Flood: The Key to Correct Interpretation of Earth History by John Baumgardner, Ph.D. | Sep 18, 2013

Claim: They also have to cram every single impact event that's occurred in the long history of the earth into a single one year they have to explain how the continent's gotten to their current positions


41Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:37 am




Everything he's saying relies on the assumption that that redshift is caused by bodies moving away from us with space percolating in between. Even if you grant that, it doesn't require a Big Bang. Russell Humphrey's white hole model has God stretching all that out on Day 4 of creation week as part of His act of creating the stars. And that model fits the measurements better.
For one thing, it (and not the Big Bang) explains why cosmic redshifts are quantized: rather than smoothly increasing as you look further out, they all hover around a certain value in near space, then jump dramatically up to a higher value farther out, then hover until they jump again, etc. That's a strong signal in the data and it only makes sense if Earth is at the center of the universe. It wouldn't be possible under the Cosmological Principle that the Big Bang requires.
redshift is not necessarily any indication at all of a rate at which a star or galaxy is traveling away from us, but rather just a simple measure of the amount of plasma between it and us.


42Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:36 am



 the Hydroplate Theory by Dr Walt Brown and the corresponding graphical presentation(s) by Bryan Nickel.
I find them to be not only plausible but also much more comprehensive than pop geology.
I have read the textbook but find the graphical illustration very helpful.
If you’re truly curious here are the links to the graphical presentation of the Hydroplate Theory and also some detail specific graphical presentations.
If you have some comparable graphical illustrations that are plausible which explain your hypothesis I’ll take a look. Surely someone in the geology community has made something more detailed as these to counter the facts of an “evangelist”.
Hydroplate Theory Overview
Origin of Earth’s Radioactivity
Origin of the Grand Canyon
Origin of Comets and Asteroids
90 East Ridge
Answering Problems with Limestone Formation


43Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Confirmed YEC predictions: Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:46 am



Confirmed YEC predictions:

1. Rapid speciation came as a surprise to proponents of evolution who believed it took millions of years while creationism has always taught that all current biodiversity descended rapidly from the various basic ancestral fossil types.
2. Population genetic entropy confirmed in more than 300 scientific articles cited in the THEORY OF DEGENERATION OF SPECIES 
3. Increase in the hereditary prevalence of diseases confirmed by Akey (cited more than 64,000 times in "mutations") who published an average rate of 152 mutations per human generation and argued that accumulation began 5115 years ago.
4. System of genetic improvement by rescuing past isolations, since the model assumes a perfect creation before suffering environmental pressure, which generates impoverishment of the gene pool (set of genes in a population) through elimination/selection or escape from survivor, genetic drift that divides the gene pool in the descendant population, or mutations that will affect one loci in one population and other loci in another, allowing good results to be artificially selected when reuniting and crossing them.
5. Wrong geochronological dating system
6. Functions of so-called junk DNA
7. Appendix Functions
8. Functions of 111 organs classified as functionless vestiges of evolution by atheist Darwinists
9. Rapid oil manufacturing
10. Rapid fossil manufacturing
11. Predicted that the paradox of fossil morphological stasis meant sample burial populations
12. High mutational rates
13. Recent DNAm
14. DNA strand fragility
1. Rapid speciation came as a surprise to Darwinists who believed it took millions of years while creationism has always taught that all current biodiversity descended rapidly from the various basic ancestral fossil types.
2. Population genetic entropy confirmed in more than 300 scientific articles cited in the THEORY OF DEGENERATION OF SPECIES at https://posgenomica.wordpress.com/2023/07/23/tde-teoria-da-degeneracao-das-especies-ultima- revision/
3. Increase in the hereditary prevalence of diseases confirmed by Akey (cited more than 64,000 times in "mutations") who published an average rate of 152 mutations per human generation and argued that accumulation began 5115 years ago.
4. System of genetic improvement by rescuing past isolations, since the model assumes a perfect creation before suffering environmental pressure, which generates impoverishment of the gene pool (set of genes in a population) through elimination/selection or escape from survivor, genetic drift that divides the gene pool in the descendant population, or mutations that will affect one loci in one population and other loci in another, allowing good results to be artificially selected when reuniting and crossing them.
5. Wrong geochronological dating system
6. Functions of so-called junk DNA
7. Appendix Functions
8. Functions of 111 organs classified as functionless vestiges of evolution by atheist Darwinists
9. Rapid oil manufacturing
10. Rapid fossil manufacturing
11. Predicted that the paradox of fossil morphological stasis meant sample burial populations
12. High mutational rates
13. Recent DNAm
14. DNA strand fragility
15. That the size contrast between megafauna and today indicates catastrophism
16. That diamonds can be formed by pressure and heat and that is why craters and mantles contain them on Earth
17 chicchulub and dekkan relationship
18. Genetic purity (no mutations) a short time ago explaining why the inbreeding of the ancients did not extinguish them and under the load of today's mutations it would
19. Differences between chimpanzee and man Link
20. Prediction that slow-forming varvites and tsunamites were actually fast turbidites
21. Prediction that the fossils were young, anticipating the discovery of original organic tissues in them
22. That the vast majority of mutations are deleterious while Darwinists advocated being neutral
23. That the waiting time for rare positive mutations is totally insufficient to form viable systems for the organism's life, preventing it from even being selected since natural selection acts on the phenotype that survives
 24. That living systems can only be explained by considering engineering and intelligence in their conception
25. That on the moon, despite having craters and elements that are found together with diamonds, the result of pressure and catastrophic heat, we do not have them, due to the lack of carbon chains and life
26. That the immune system practically thinks it is so ingeniously put together
27. That woman is a more refined work than man
28. That the sleep of general anesthesia was announced in Genesis
29. What neurological diseases would increase towards an exponential increase in depression and times of anguish (Crabtree, scopus 111, demonstrates that Jesus' prophecy is being fulfilled)
30. That planet Earth would be destroyed by men..apocalypse 11.18
31. Which stable elements can lose neutrons and protons through plasma and piezoelectric effects
32. That the uniformist gradualism in geology of Lyell, on which Darwin relied, was wrong, today geology has abandoned uniformism due to odd preterite catastorfism and assumes only the same laws for the past.
33. That there was intense heat on earth demonstrated even in the pre-salt due to accelerated decay
34. That sedimentary stratigraphy is best explained by spontaneous or automatic segregation of elements of common physical-chemical composition
35. That the proportion of fossils that lived in the furrows of the earth, where the most sediment is deposited, would be much greater and that the proportion of fossils that live in the open air would be tiny
36. That there is a numerical coincidence between fossil templates (in 250 thousand fossil species) and biological templates (in 2 million species) revealing that evolutionary biomodification is restricted to groups around these templates
37. Creationism predicted genetic degeneration, which is the general tendency of all living beings, with specific exceptions. Within this macro forecast we can highlight
A. Average brain size loss of 10% in the last 3 thousand years alone
B. Increased prevalence of diseases, including neurological diseases and loss of intelligence (crabtree)
C. Increase in the number of endangered animals that are believed to be only generated by human factors such as urbanization and pollution, but they forget to mention the intrinsic genetic factor, because the level of mental retardation is also increasing among academics


44Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:27 am



Question: How to conciliate the young earth proposition of 7000 years of the universe, and the expansion rate observed in the universe ?  According to the Hubble constant estimates (around 70 km/s/Mpc), the average distance between galaxies would have increased by approximately 0.0022% in 6000 years. This is an incredibly small change,

Response: To reconcile the young Earth proposition with the observed expansion rate of the universe, as defined by the Hubble constant, one can consider several approaches: The universe was created with the appearance of age and history. Just as Adam and Eve were created as adults, the universe could have been created with galaxies, stars, and cosmic microwave background radiation already in place. The initial conditions of the universe were different from what current models assume, leading to a rapid initial expansion or other mechanisms that could accommodate both a young universe and the distances between galaxies observed today. The physical constants and laws governing the universe's expansion have not been constant over time. God could have altered the physics of the universe during its history, leading to differences in how we interpret the age of the universe based on current observations and models. God accelerated the expansion of the universe or the speed of light during the creation week, making it possible for light from distant stars and galaxies to reach Earth within a young Earth timeframe. This acceleration would have been a one-time event, after which the universe continued to expand at a rate consistent with observations but within a much shorter timespan. In these approaches, the introduction of supernatural intervention or the adjustment of physical laws and initial conditions beyond what is currently understood by conventional science allows for the reconciliation of a young Earth worldview with the vast distances and expansion observed in the universe.


45Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:57 am



Question: Please explain how the heat generated from the millions of years of radioactive decay measured in the universe all took place in 1 year during the flood or even 1K years from creation to the flood without vaporizing the earth.
Reply: The immense energy released during the Flood could have generated excessive heat, potentially reaching 3.65 octillion calories and raising water temperatures to around 2700°C. This figure was cited from the National Center of Science Education, raising doubts about the survivability of marine life and the Ark itself under such conditions.  Any attempt to explain the Flood through purely natural mechanisms may indeed encounter significant issues related to heat generation. However, this does not necessarily pose a problem for the biblical account of the Flood, as several factors suggest the event may not have been entirely governed by natural laws. Consider, for example, the Exodus event, which the Bible describes as involving supernatural interventions by God, such as the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. These events are not easily explained by science alone. Similarly, the Flood narrative implies that certain natural processes, possibly including seasonal cycles, were altered or suspended during the Flood, hinting at divine intervention. Given the uniqueness and divine orchestration of the Flood, it is plausible that supernatural factors played a role in managing the event's physical consequences, including the heat generated. This perspective is supported by biblical passages that emphasize the miraculous nature of God's interventions in history. Moreover, there is empirical evidence within the geological record that suggests unusual processes at work, which cannot be fully explained by current scientific understanding. For instance, the presence of helium diffusion ages in zircons, the formation of polonium radiohalos, and the presence of radiocarbon in coal and diamonds all point to anomalies that challenge conventional geological timelines. These anomalies might imply episodes of accelerated nuclear decay, which could account for the vast amounts of energy and heat associated with the Flood. However, the Earth's survival and the preservation of life through such events suggest that these processes were somehow regulated, possibly through divine intervention. While the heat budget issue presents a scientific challenge, it ultimately underscores the need to view the Flood narrative through a lens that encompasses both natural and supernatural elements. The biblical account, with its indications of divine intervention, provides a framework within which these seemingly insurmountable problems can be reconciled.

Further readings:

The Origin of Earth’s Radioactivity


46Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:47 pm



Noah's Haemoglobin

Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Transl12


47Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sat May 18, 2024 7:44 pm




Question I have for you, and you've done just such a fantastic job answering this question in the past. You put out videos on it. It's a common question though, and so I wanted to ask you how do the declining lifespans that are described in Genesis genealogies, how do those convince you about the flood or even just the Bible as a whole?

So, so I worked in the field of data sciences as a testifying expert for over 20 years in state and federal court cases. I worked as an expert in over a hundred state and federal court cases dealing with statistics and regression and data and analysis and research methods and everything. And you just come to the point after doing this for a while where you have like a meta-level understanding of data and probability. And and whoever was recording those lifespans in Genesis, Genesis chapter 5, and how many years they were recorded and re-recorded and transcribed over and over again, you can realize that it's not a random phenomenon. And and I realize that from the pattern just by eyeballing it, but my gosh, when you take those lifespans and you plot them out, 30 or 40 of them of the pre-flood patriarchs that lived an average of 912 years, then they start declining in their lifespans. Like Noah was 600 years when the flood hit, he lived 350 years afterwards, so he, he lived to be 950. His grandfather Methuselah lived to be 969, and then afterwards, after the flood, Shem, his son, lived to be 600. Several generations later, you have Peleg, he lived 239 years old. We don't have anybody living that long. Then we've got Abraham living to be 175, and Moses living to be what, 120? So you have what's called a curve linear decline shape that's going on in these years. So without even getting into the data sciences part of it, which is profound in and of itself, you just have to look at the state and think, "My gosh, we have dozens of years of the lifespans of these guys, and they don't fall off a cliff. They don't go from 912 years to all of a sudden 70 years like we see now, or 100 years or whatever. They don't fall off the cliff. They stay, they slope down over dozens and dozens of recorded lifespans. They go down from 600s to 500s to 400s, 300s, 200s, down into the 100s." You think, "Well, why on Earth would these ancient Bible authors, writing with with quill pens, with with with hoods on, and and and firelight, you know, with little candles and everything, writing on animal parchment, why would they write these declining lifespans? It wouldn't make any sense. No one would buy it. Everyone knows that people only live to be a hundred years old or are 90 years old. Why would they even write these myths?" I could imagine being a monk back in the day, getting the scroll I'm supposed to copy, going, "What, 969 years? I'm not going to copy this. This is crazy, myth, fairy tale stuff." But that's not the case. So they faithfully recorded it over a 2,900-year time span of when those Bible passages were recorded over multiple generations, and no one changed the years. So that must mean that these guys believed that these years were real. So that, that's one. So either they believed that these years were real, or they were all involved in a multi-generational lie to extend the lifespans 10 times more than those people groups were watching people live. That's not a good choice for me. So let's throw the data up on a probability standpoint and look to see if it fits anything that we know from science. Well, it does. It fits what's called a power law curve with an R square of 0.95, which means 95% of the data points fall along a scientifically predictable slope, and it's not by chance. And when then you join that probability, that observation, and by the way, it's the probability of that line and the slope existing is like into the quadrillions. When I would testify an expert, all you need to is hit the 5% level of chance. Well, this thing's way beyond the 5% level of chance. It's in the 0.000000, something's going on with this power law curve, right? So and then you, you talk with an expert geneticist like Dr. John Sanford, you know, PhD from from Cornell University. He like, "Oh yeah, I'll tell you exactly what's going on. It's a biological decay curve. Anytime you take a population of millions of people and bottleneck them down like in the flood, that just ate people, and they start inbreeding, what happens? Mutations exponentially increase. They don't, they don't just 10x overnight per generation. They exponentially increase, and while the mutations are exponentially increasing, what's happening to the lifespans? They're exponentially decreasing." You guys, it's a perfect fit. I mean, that thing alone, as a statistician, I look at that, I'm like, "Case closed, game over. Something happened back in the past that caused the human lifespans to exponentially decline, and it's currently in our gene pool today. The footprints still there, the fact that our, our, our, our mutations are exponentially increasing." I mean, heck, just go try and experiment with golden retrievers. Take a brother and a sister and breed them, see how long those puppies live, you know? Or take a brother and sister today, there's a 25% chance of a of a physical mutation occurring if a brother and sister have kids. So they're exponentially increasing, and for me, it perfectly proves the flood because you've only have two choices. Either those ancient Bible writers with their quill feather pens were were carrying along a 2,900-year lie, and they knew exponential math to fit a decay curve that is a parallel curve, making this stuff up, or their real lives, and something happened to our gene pool to exponentially increase mutations that would result in exponentially declining lifespans. So for me, I take the latter option. It fits the explanation better. Amen, that's the most parsimonious answer. I love the way you put it. We we literally have the footprints of this in our genomes. The mutation rate is high. Deleterious mutations are accumulating, and so I, I, I love how this all lines up as you've put it, Dan, with known biological, mathematical, and genetic-related data. We're literally looking at a classic biological decay curve when when compared to the genealogies. Yeah, it's very true, absolutely. Please share around this content as the truth is so important. God bless.


48Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:32 pm



Expanding on the idea of helium in the atmosphere from the perspective suggested:

The presence of helium in Earth's atmosphere is a critical indicator of our planet's age. Given the constant production of helium from radioactive decay in the Earth's crust, we would expect to see much more helium accumulated in the atmosphere if the Earth were truly billions of years old.

Helium is a light, inert gas that easily escapes into the atmosphere and doesn't readily bond with other elements. Calculations based on current rates of helium production suggest that if the Earth were billions of years old, the atmospheric helium content should be much higher than what we observe today.

The relatively low levels of atmospheric helium we actually see are more consistent with a much younger Earth. This discrepancy between expected and observed helium levels poses a significant challenge to the idea of an ancient Earth and suggests that alternative explanations for Earth's age and formation should be considered.

This helium argument aligns with other observations that seem to indicate a younger Earth, such as the rapid decay of the Earth's magnetic field and the presence of short-lived radioactive isotopes in rocks. Together, these lines of evidence encourage a reevaluation of conventional geological timescales.


49Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 2 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:26 pm



Old earth creationist disregard the solid science that indicates a short time frame: such as, the slowing rotation rate of the earth, the shrinkage rate of the sun, and the departure rate of the moon from earth's orbit. All of which demand a short time frame based on all the science that we know to be true.


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