ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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Evidence that the earth is Young

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51Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:13 am




The age of the Earth and the universe has been a subject of intense debate and discussion. While mainstream science posits that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and the universe about 13.8 billion years old, there are alternative perspectives that suggest a much younger age—around 7,500 years. This book aims to explore and present scientific evidence supporting the young Earth viewpoint. By examining geological, biological, astronomical, and genetic data, we will delve into various phenomena that challenge conventional timelines and offer alternative interpretations consistent with a younger creation.

1: Geological Evidence for a Young Earth

Geological formations have long been used to support the idea of an ancient Earth. However, several observations suggest that many geological processes can occur rapidly under certain conditions.

1.1 Rapid Formation of Geological Features

Natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods, and earthquakes have demonstrated that significant geological changes can happen swiftly. For instance, the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens resulted in rapid stratification and canyon formation within days. This event showed that layered sedimentary formations and deep canyons, traditionally thought to require millions of years, could form rapidly under catastrophic conditions.

1.2 Polystrate Fossils

Polystrate fossils are fossilized remains that extend through multiple sedimentary layers. The existence of upright fossilized trees passing through several strata suggests rapid burial and sedimentation. If these layers had been deposited over millions of years, the organic material would have decayed before being preserved. This evidence supports the idea of rapid deposition events.

1.3 Soft-Sediment Deformation

In various locations, sedimentary rock layers exhibit signs of being bent and folded without fracturing, indicating that they were still soft when deformed. This phenomenon implies that the layers were deposited in quick succession and then bent while still pliable, challenging the notion of long time intervals between their formation.

2: Fossil Record and Rapid Speciation

2.1 The Cambrian Explosion

The "Cambrian Explosion" refers to the sudden appearance of complex, diverse life forms in the fossil record without clear ancestral precursors. This abrupt emergence is difficult to reconcile with gradual evolutionary processes over millions of years and aligns more closely with a model of rapid creation of basic life forms.

2.2 Rapid Speciation

Contrary to earlier evolutionary expectations that speciation requires vast timescales, recent observations have documented rapid speciation events occurring within observable human history. For example, the diversification of cichlid fish in African lakes has happened over mere decades. This rapid speciation supports the idea that the biodiversity we observe today could have arisen from original created kinds within a short timeframe.

2.3 Stasis and Lack of Transitional Forms

The fossil record often shows species appearing abruptly and remaining relatively unchanged (stasis) before disappearing from the record. The scarcity of transitional forms challenges the gradualistic model of evolution and is more consistent with the idea of distinct created kinds experiencing limited variation.

Chapter 3: Genetic Entropy and Human History

3.1 Genetic Entropy Theory

Genetic entropy refers to the accumulation of slightly harmful mutations in the genome over generations, leading to a gradual decline in fitness. Research indicates that humans acquire approximately 100 to 300 new mutations per generation. Most of these mutations are nearly neutral but slightly deleterious, and they accumulate over time.

3.2 Evidence from Mutation Rates

Studies have estimated that the accumulation of genetic mutations in humans began around 5,000 to 10,000 years ago. Geneticist Michael Akey's research suggests that a significant burst of deleterious mutations started approximately 5,115 years ago. This timeframe aligns with a young Earth model and a recent origin of modern humans.

3.3 Increase in Genetic Diseases

There is a documented increase in the prevalence of hereditary diseases and genetic disorders in modern populations. This trend is consistent with the concept of genetic entropy, as the accumulation of mutations leads to a decline in overall genomic integrity over time.

Chapter 4: Functions of Previously Considered "Junk" DNA

4.1 The Myth of Junk DNA

For many years, a large portion of the human genome was labeled as "junk DNA," thought to have no function. This assumption was based on the idea that these non-coding regions were remnants of evolutionary processes. However, recent research has uncovered functions for many of these regions.

4.2 Regulatory and Functional Roles

Non-coding DNA has been found to play crucial roles in regulating gene expression, maintaining chromosome structure, and controlling developmental processes. The ENCODE project revealed that over 80% of the genome has biochemical functions, undermining the concept of vast amounts of non-functional DNA.

4.3 Implications for Genome Complexity

The discovery of functions in previously labeled junk DNA suggests a higher level of complexity and design in the genome than previously recognized. This complexity is more consistent with an intelligent design model than with random evolutionary processes.

Chapter 5: Vestigial Organs and Their Functions

5.1 Re-evaluation of Vestigial Structures

Organs once considered vestigial remnants of evolution, such as the appendix and tonsils, have been found to have important functions. The appendix, for example, plays a role in the immune system by maintaining gut flora.

5.2 Functions of Supposed Vestigial Organs

Over 100 organs and structures previously thought to be functionless have been reclassified after studies demonstrated their roles in human physiology. These include the coccyx (tailbone), which provides attachment points for muscles and ligaments, and wisdom teeth, which can be functional in populations with different dietary habits.

5.3 Impact on Evolutionary Arguments

The functional understanding of these organs challenges the argument that they are mere leftovers from evolutionary ancestors. Instead, their roles support the idea of purposeful design and functionality in human anatomy.

Chapter 6: Rapid Formation of Natural Resources

6.1 Rapid Oil and Coal Formation

Conventional wisdom suggests that oil and coal require millions of years to form from biological material under high pressure and temperature. However, laboratory experiments and natural observations have demonstrated that oil can form rapidly under the right conditions. For example, hydrothermal vents and natural underground heat sources can convert organic material into oil within short timescales.

6.2 Rapid Fossilization

Fossil formation is often thought to take extensive periods. Yet, rapid burial during catastrophic events can lead to quick fossilization. The preservation of delicate structures, such as soft tissues and fine details, indicates that fossilization must have occurred rapidly before decomposition.

6.3 Implications for Geological Timescales

These observations suggest that significant geological processes can occur much faster than traditionally believed, supporting a younger age for the Earth.

Chapter 7: High Mutation Rates and DNA Fragility

7.1 High Mutation Rates

The mutation rate in humans and other organisms is higher than previously estimated. This high rate of mutation accumulation over generations presents a challenge to the idea of long-term evolutionary progress, as it would lead to genetic degradation over extended periods.

7.2 DNA Strand Fragility

DNA is a chemically unstable molecule prone to damage from environmental factors such as radiation and oxidative stress. The fragility of DNA suggests that it cannot remain intact over millions of years, supporting the idea of a more recent origin for life.

7.3 Preservation of DNA in Ancient Samples

The recovery of DNA from fossils purported to be millions of years old raises questions about their true age. DNA degrades relatively quickly, and its presence in ancient samples suggests that they are much younger than conventionally dated.

Chapter 8: Astronomical Observations Supporting a Young Universe

8.1 Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field

Measurements indicate that Earth's magnetic field is decreasing in strength. Extrapolating this decay rate backward suggests that the field would have been too strong to support life just tens of thousands of years ago, indicating a younger age for the planet.

8.2 Lunar Recession

The Moon is slowly moving away from Earth at a measurable rate. If this rate has been constant, the Moon would have been so close to Earth in the distant past that it would have caused catastrophic tidal forces. This observation aligns with a younger Earth-Moon system.

8.3 Comet Lifespans

Short-period comets lose mass each time they pass near the Sun and should not last more than 10,000 years. The continued existence of these comets suggests a younger solar system or a source replenishing them, which is not fully explained by current models.

Chapter 9: Limitations and Assumptions of Radiometric Dating

9.1 Assumptions in Radiometric Dating

Radiometric dating methods rely on several key assumptions: known initial conditions, a closed system, and constant decay rates. If any of these assumptions are invalid, the dating results may be inaccurate.

9.2 Evidence of Variable Decay Rates

Some studies have observed fluctuations in radioactive decay rates influenced by external factors such as solar activity. These findings challenge the assumption of constant decay rates over geological time.

9.3 Inconsistent Dating Results

There are instances where radiometric dating has produced anomalous results. For example, volcanic rocks of known recent origin have been dated to millions of years old using certain methods. Such discrepancies highlight potential issues with the reliability of these dating techniques.

Chapter 10: Population Growth and Human History

10.1 Human Population Growth Models

Using current population growth rates and working backward, the human population could reach today's numbers within a few thousand years. This calculation fits within a young Earth framework but is difficult to reconcile with humans existing for hundreds of thousands of years.

10.2 Genetic Diversity Studies

Genetic studies have shown that human genetic diversity is relatively low, suggesting a recent common ancestry for all humans. Mitochondrial DNA analyses point to a common maternal ancestor often referred to as "Mitochondrial Eve," estimated to have lived thousands, not millions, of years ago.

10.3 Cultural and Historical Records

Recorded human history spans approximately 5,000 years. The absence of written records beyond this period raises questions about the long timescales proposed for human existence.

Chapter 11: Catastrophism and Geological Stratification

11.1 Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Some models propose that rapid movements of Earth's plates occurred during a catastrophic event, leading to the formation of mountains, ocean trenches, and other geological features within a short period. This model accounts for the current arrangement of continents and geological formations without requiring millions of years.

11.2 Turbidite and Tsunamite Formation

Turbidites and tsunamites are sedimentary deposits formed rapidly by underwater landslides and tsunamis. The recognition that many sedimentary layers previously thought to form slowly are actually turbidites supports the idea of rapid geological deposition.

11.3 Megafauna Size Contrast

The existence of large prehistoric animals (megafauna) compared to modern species suggests environmental conditions were different in the past. Rapid burial during catastrophic events could explain the preservation of these large creatures in the fossil record.

Chapter 12: Biological Complexity and Intelligent Design

12.1 Irreducible Complexity

Certain biological systems are composed of multiple interdependent parts that must all be present simultaneously for the system to function. The development of such systems through gradual evolutionary processes is highly improbable, suggesting an intelligent design behind life.

12.2 Genetic Information Systems

The genetic code is a complex information system that stores and processes data necessary for life. Information theory indicates that information originates from an intelligent source, not random processes.

12.3 Engineering Principles in Biology

Biological systems often exhibit principles of engineering and optimization, such as feedback loops, error correction mechanisms, and modular design. These features point toward purposeful design rather than accidental evolution.

Chapter 13: Predictions and Confirmations from a Young Earth Perspective

13.1 Rapid Oil and Fossil Formation

Young Earth proponents predicted that oil and fossils could form rapidly, a concept now supported by experimental evidence and observations of rapid fossilization events.

13.2 Genetic Degeneration Trends

The prediction of increasing genetic degeneration, including rising rates of genetic diseases and decreases in average intelligence, aligns with current trends observed in human populations.

13.3 Functional Discovery in "Junk" DNA

The young Earth model anticipated that so-called junk DNA would have functions, a prediction confirmed by recent genomic research uncovering regulatory and structural roles for non-coding DNA.

Chapter 14: Re-examining Geological Timeframes

14.1 Sedimentary Layer Formation

The vast, uniform sedimentary layers found across continents suggest rapid deposition over large areas, consistent with large-scale flooding events rather than slow accumulation over millions of years.

14.2 Fossil Distribution Patterns

The fossil record shows a higher proportion of marine organisms and creatures living in lowland areas, which aligns with the expectation that organisms in these environments would be the first affected and buried by rising floodwaters.

14.3 Radiocarbon in Ancient Materials

Detectable levels of radiocarbon (Carbon-14) have been found in coal, oil, and diamonds thought to be millions of years old. Since Carbon-14 decays relatively quickly, its presence suggests that these materials are much younger than traditionally believed.

Chapter 15: Limitations of Uniformitarianism

15.1 Revisiting Geological Assumptions

Uniformitarianism—the idea that geological processes have always occurred at the same rates observed today—is a foundational principle in geology. However, evidence of past catastrophic events indicates that processes may have operated at different rates or intensities in the past.

15.2 Catastrophic Events in Earth's History

Geological features such as massive lava flows, widespread sedimentary layers, and extensive erosion surfaces point to significant catastrophic events that shaped the Earth's surface rapidly.

15.3 Implications for Geological Dating

If past processes were more intense or operated differently, this challenges the use of current rates to date geological formations accurately, supporting a re-evaluation of Earth's timeline.

Chapter 16: The Size Contrast Between Megafauna and Modern Fauna

The significant size difference between prehistoric megafauna and today's animals has been interpreted as evidence of past environmental conditions that supported larger life forms. Creatures such as mammoths, giant ground sloths, and enormous reptiles once roamed the Earth, indicating that ancient ecosystems were capable of sustaining much larger organisms than those found today.

This size contrast may suggest that catastrophic events led to environmental changes, making it difficult for such large species to survive. Rapid burial during these events could explain the preservation of megafauna fossils, aligning with the idea that these creatures existed in a relatively recent past rather than millions of years ago.

Chapter 17: Formation of Diamonds Through Catastrophic Processes

Diamonds are traditionally thought to form deep within the Earth's mantle over billions of years under high pressure and temperature. However, evidence suggests that diamonds can also form rapidly during catastrophic events like meteor impacts. The presence of diamonds in craters and volcanic regions indicates that the necessary conditions for diamond formation can occur swiftly.

This understanding supports the notion that significant geological processes, including diamond formation, do not necessarily require vast timescales. Rapid formation aligns with a young Earth model, where intense pressure and heat during catastrophic events could produce diamonds in a short period.

Chapter 18: The Chicxulub Impact and the Deccan Traps Relationship

The Chicxulub crater in Mexico and the Deccan Traps in India represent two significant geological features linked to catastrophic events. Some researchers propose that the asteroid impact at Chicxulub may have triggered the massive volcanic eruptions that formed the Deccan Traps. This relationship suggests a series of rapid, interconnected events rather than isolated incidents spread over millions of years.

Understanding this connection supports the idea that catastrophic processes played a significant role in shaping Earth's geology within a shorter timeframe, consistent with a young Earth perspective.

Chapter 19: Genetic Purity and Ancient Inbreeding

In a young Earth model, it's proposed that early humans had a higher level of genetic purity due to a lack of accumulated mutations. This genetic robustness would have allowed for close-relative marriages without the detrimental effects observed today. As mutations accumulated over generations, the risks associated with inbreeding increased.

This concept explains how ancient populations could expand from a small group without suffering from genetic defects. It aligns with the idea that genetic entropy— the gradual deterioration of genetic information—has progressed over a relatively short period.

Chapter 20: Genetic Differences Between Humans and Chimpanzees

While humans and chimpanzees share a significant percentage of their DNA, the differences are more substantial when considering the entire genome, including regulatory regions and structural variations. These differences account for the distinct physiological and cognitive traits between the species.

The extent of these genetic disparities challenges the notion of a recent common ancestor and supports the view of humans as a unique creation. This perspective emphasizes the qualitative differences rather than just the quantitative similarities in DNA sequences.

Chapter 21: Reinterpreting Slow-Forming Varves as Rapid Turbidites

Varves are sedimentary layers traditionally interpreted as annual deposits, used to support the concept of an old Earth. However, some geologists suggest that these layers may actually be turbidites—deposits from rapid underwater sediment flows caused by events like floods or earthquakes.

Laboratory experiments and natural observations have shown that multiple layers can form rapidly under turbulent conditions. This reinterpretation supports the idea that sedimentary rock layers could have been deposited quickly during catastrophic events, aligning with a young Earth timeline.

Chapter 22: Preservation of Original Organic Tissues in Fossils

The discovery of original soft tissues, proteins, and even DNA in fossils believed to be millions of years old presents a significant challenge to conventional dating methods. Organic materials typically degrade over relatively short periods. Their preservation suggests that these fossils may be much younger than traditionally thought.

This finding supports predictions that if the Earth is young, we would expect to find well-preserved biological materials in fossils, as there hasn't been sufficient time for complete degradation.

Chapter 23: The Nature of Mutations and Evolutionary Limitations

Most mutations are either neutral or deleterious, with truly beneficial mutations being exceedingly rare. This poses a challenge to evolutionary models that rely on positive mutations to drive complexity and new functions. The accumulation of harmful mutations over time leads to genetic entropy, degrading the overall fitness of populations.

Additionally, the concept of "waiting time" for beneficial mutations suggests that the timescales required for multiple, coordinated mutations are much longer than the Earth's proposed age. This limitation supports the view that natural selection and mutations alone are insufficient to account for the complexity of life.

Chapter 24: Engineering Principles in Biological Systems

Biological systems often exhibit complex engineering principles, such as feedback loops, signal processing, and error correction mechanisms. The intricacy and interdependence of these systems suggest intentional design rather than random, unguided processes.

For example, the bacterial flagellum functions like a rotary motor, complete with components analogous to a stator, rotor, and drive shaft. Such sophisticated structures imply the work of an intelligent designer, aligning with the perspective that life is the result of purposeful creation.

Chapter 25: Absence of Diamonds on the Moon Due to Lack of Carbon-Based Life

Diamonds are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystalline structure. While the Moon has experienced meteor impacts and conditions of high pressure and temperature, it lacks significant carbon sources, primarily because it doesn't support carbon-based life as Earth does.

This absence underscores the uniqueness of Earth in its ability to produce such minerals. It also highlights the role of biological processes in contributing to Earth's geological features, supporting the idea of Earth's special creation.

Chapter 26: The Complexity of the Immune System

The human immune system is a marvel of biological engineering, capable of distinguishing between a vast array of pathogens and coordinating precise responses. It involves a complex network of cells, signals, and feedback mechanisms that operate seamlessly to protect the body.

The sophistication of the immune system suggests design and intentionality, challenging the notion that such complexity could arise from random mutations and natural selection alone. This aligns with the perspective that life is the product of intelligent design.

Chapter 27: The Uniqueness of Human Females

Human females possess unique physiological features that are finely tuned for reproduction and nurturing offspring. The complexities of pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation involve intricate hormonal balances and biological systems working in harmony.

These characteristics demonstrate a high level of design and purpose, supporting the idea that females are a refined creation with specific roles and functions. This view emphasizes intentional design in human biology.

Chapter 28: Anesthesia and Its Ancient Reference

The practice of inducing sleep or unconsciousness for surgical procedures is a modern medical advancement. Interestingly, ancient texts describe scenarios where deep sleep was induced before significant events, such as the account of Adam being put into a deep sleep before the creation of Eve in Genesis.

While not a scientific assertion, this parallel is seen by some as a foreshadowing of modern medical practices, suggesting that ancient writings contained insights that align with contemporary knowledge.

Chapter 29: Increasing Neurological Disorders and Prophetic Correlations

There has been a notable increase in neurological disorders, including depression and anxiety, in modern times. Some researchers, like Gerald Crabtree, suggest that human cognitive abilities may be declining due to the accumulation of genetic mutations.

This trend could be interpreted as fulfilling predictions of increasing distress and declining mental health in historical or religious texts. It also supports the concept of genetic entropy affecting human populations over a relatively short timescale.

Chapter 30: Environmental Degradation and Forewarnings

The current state of environmental decline, marked by pollution, deforestation, and climate change, reflects human impact on the planet. Some interpret these developments as the fulfillment of warnings about humanity's capacity to harm the Earth.

This perspective emphasizes the responsibility to steward the environment and suggests that the degradation observed is consistent with a young Earth timeline where such changes have occurred rapidly.

Chapter 31: Elemental Instability Under Extreme Conditions

Under certain extreme conditions, such as exposure to plasma or intense electrical fields (piezoelectric effects), even stable elements can lose neutrons and protons, leading to transmutation. This phenomenon challenges the assumption that decay rates have remained constant over time.

If past catastrophic events involved conditions that altered atomic structures, this could impact the accuracy of radiometric dating methods, supporting a younger age for the Earth.

Chapter 32: Shift from Uniformitarianism to Catastrophism in Geology

Historically, geology was dominated by uniformitarianism—the idea that geological processes occur at consistent rates over time. Modern geology has increasingly recognized the role of catastrophism, acknowledging that sudden, short-lived, violent events have significantly shaped Earth's surface.

This shift supports the concept that Earth's geological features can be explained by rapid processes rather than requiring millions of years, aligning with a young Earth model.

Chapter 33: Evidence of Intense Heat from Accelerated Nuclear Decay

Certain geological formations exhibit signs of having been subjected to intense heat, which could be explained by episodes of accelerated nuclear decay. This process would release substantial heat energy in a short period, affecting the surrounding rock formations.

Accelerated decay would have implications for radiometric dating, potentially leading to overestimated ages. This evidence supports re-examining traditional dating methods in favor of a younger Earth.

Chapter 34: Sedimentary Stratigraphy Through Particle Segregation

The formation of sedimentary layers can be explained by the automatic segregation of particles based on size, shape, and density during sedimentation. Rapid water flow can sort sediments into distinct layers quickly, as demonstrated in both laboratory experiments and natural events.

This process provides an alternative explanation for stratified rock layers, suggesting they could form rapidly under the right conditions, consistent with catastrophic models.

Chapter 35: Fossil Distribution Reflecting Marine Burial

The majority of fossils are marine organisms or creatures that lived in environments where sediment deposition is common. This pattern suggests that rapid burial in sediment-rich waters was a primary factor in fossilization.

Terrestrial organisms are less commonly fossilized due to the lower likelihood of rapid burial. This distribution supports the idea of a global flood or similar catastrophic event leading to widespread fossilization in a short period.

Chapter 36: Correspondence Between Fossil and Living Species Templates

There is a notable similarity between the number of fossil species and living species, indicating that evolutionary changes are limited and occur within specific groups. The fossil record lacks the numerous transitional forms expected if gradual evolution over millions of years were accurate.

This observation supports the concept of created kinds, where organisms diversify within limits but do not transform into entirely new forms. It aligns with the idea that biological variation occurs within established boundaries.

Chapter 37: Predicted Genetic Degeneration Across Species

The prediction of genetic degeneration suggests that all living beings are experiencing a decline in genetic integrity due to mutation accumulation. Evidence supporting this includes:

37.1 Decrease in Human Brain Size

Research indicates that the average human brain size has decreased by about 10% over the past few thousand years. This reduction may reflect changes in cognitive abilities or adaptations to different environmental conditions.

37.2 Rise in Neurological and Genetic Disorders

An increase in neurological diseases and genetic disorders has been observed, which may be linked to the accumulation of harmful mutations. This trend aligns with the concept of genetic entropy affecting human health.

37.3 Endangered Species and Genetic Decline

The growing number of endangered species is often attributed to environmental factors, but genetic deterioration may also play a role. Reduced genetic diversity and increased mutation loads can make populations more vulnerable to extinction.

These patterns support the prediction that living systems are experiencing a decline from an originally optimal state, consistent with a young Earth model.

Conclusion: Synthesizing the Evidence for a Young Earth

The additional topics explored in these chapters contribute to a comprehensive case for a young Earth. By examining geological formations, genetic data, biological complexities, and patterns in the fossil record, a consistent narrative emerges that challenges conventional long-age interpretations.

The convergence of evidence from diverse fields supports the possibility of a recent creation and rapid changes shaping the Earth and life upon it. While this perspective differs from mainstream scientific views, it offers an alternative framework for understanding our world's history.

This synthesis encourages ongoing exploration and open-minded consideration of different models, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexity and intricacy of the natural world.


52Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:07 am



According to a new, Harvard-led study, geochemical calculations about the interior of the planet’s water storage capacity suggests Earth’s primordial ocean 3 to 4 billion years ago may have been one to two times larger than it is today, and possibly covered the planet’s entire surface.

Here’s an extended look at the three external pieces of evidence supporting the idea that Earth was once fully covered by water:

1. **Ancient Ocean Sediments and Zircons**: Zircon minerals found in Western Australia’s Jack Hills, which are over 4 billion years old, contain traces of water. These minerals are some of the earliest geological records and indicate that liquid water was present on Earth’s surface very early on. Such zircons formed in the presence of water and are a key indicator of ancient hydrological activity.

2. **Isotopic Studies of Early Earth’s Rocks**: Isotopic analysis of oxygen isotopes (particularly the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16) in ancient rocks suggests lower oxygen isotope ratios, which imply cooler temperatures and conditions conducive to widespread liquid water on the planet’s surface. These lower ratios are also found in areas where large bodies of water existed, reinforcing the idea of extensive, possibly global, oceans.

3. **Planetary Formation Models**: Current models of planetary formation suggest that the process by which Earth formed, including the accretion of planetesimals and icy bodies, would have delivered substantial amounts of water. Early Earth, especially in the first few hundred million years, could have had a much larger hydrosphere as a result of these processes. The retention of this water in the form of large, potentially global oceans is supported by these models.

These points support the hypothesis of an early "water world" stage in Earth's history, with substantial oceans covering most, if not all, of the planet's surface.


53Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Thu Sep 26, 2024 4:41 pm




The Folding of Layers and Post-Flood Geology: A Study of Geological Structures in the Grand Canyon

This article explores the geology of the Grand Canyon, focusing on the Butte Fault and the folds of the East Kaibab Monocline. Through the collection and analysis of rock samples, we investigate the characteristics of rock layers and their implications for understanding the geological processes that occurred after the Flood. The research seeks to integrate field observations with biblical theories about Earth's formation.

The geological formations of the Grand Canyon offer a fascinating testimony to Earth's history. This study focuses on the Butte Fault and the East Kaibab Monocline, where rock layers exhibit significant folds that challenge conventional explanations of geological formation over millions of years. The investigation was carried out by a team of geologists who collected rock samples and analyzed them under microscopes to better understand the processes of deposition and deformation.

Sample Collection
Samples were collected at strategic locations within Carbon Canyon, which cuts through the folded layers. The team used orange adhesive tape to mark the sampling areas, ensuring that the points were consistent and representative.

Microscopic Analysis
After collection, the samples were cut into thin sections and analyzed under petrographic and scanning electron microscopes. The goal was to identify signs of metamorphism that could indicate slow deformation, in contrast to the hypothesis that the rocks were still soft during the folding.

Sample Characteristics
Analyses showed that rock samples from the fold and those collected a few miles away exhibited identical characteristics, suggesting that the folding occurred while the rocks were still in a plastic state. This result contrasts with the idea that folding occurred after long periods of pressure and heat, which would generally be expected in metamorphic rocks.

Data Interpretation
The data indicate that sandstone layers, such as the Tapeats Sandstone, formed rapidly during catastrophic events like the Flood. The absence of signs of metamorphism in the samples supports the hypothesis that the folds occurred in a brief time span, shortly after the deposition of the layers.

Implications for Flood Theory
The findings suggest that the formation of mountains and geological folds occurred in a post-Flood context, where conditions were prone to catastrophic events such as rapid erosion and tectonic movement. This offers a new perspective on the biblical narrative of Genesis, particularly regarding Earth's formation.

Comparison with Conventional Theories
The research challenges the conventional geological narrative that attributes millions of years to the formation of the layers. The evidence that the rocks were still soft during the folding challenges the idea that long periods of time are necessary for the formation of complex geological structures.

This study contributes to the understanding of the forces that shaped the Earth after the Flood, providing new evidence supporting a model of rapid geological formation. The research highlights the importance of examining rock layers from a new perspective, integrating science and the biblical narrative for a deeper understanding of Earth's history.

- [Data and observations collected during fieldwork in the Grand Canyon]
- [Studies on the formation of sedimentary rocks and their geological implications]

This is Lees Ferry. I’ve been here many times. It’s where we always load the boats when we start our Grand Canyon trips. This is my friend, Tom Vail. He started Canyon Ministries and took me on my very first trip down the canyon. No one knows the canyon better than Tom, and I was fortunate to have him as my guide on all the canyon trips I’ve taken.

Dr. Andrew Snelling is here, and sitting next to him is Dr. John Whitmore. Both are geologists. You may recall Andrew from our last film, *Is Genesis History?* Remember, Andrew took me to an extinct volcano in Arizona to discuss radioisotope dating and the age of the Earth. John was Andrew’s assistant on this trip. He’s been a geology professor at Cedarville University for over 30 years. He’s also spent a lot of time studying the Coconino Sandstone layer in the Grand Canyon.

The conventional paradigm says the Coconino Sandstone was formed over millions of years in a desert by the wind. But John’s research has clearly shown that it was formed rapidly underwater during the Flood. This is a key piece of evidence for the creation model. Little did I know that the same year we released *Is Genesis History?* in theaters, Andrew was embarking on a research project down in the canyon. He was looking for new evidence that many of the enormous layers of sediment we see all around the world were laid down during the Flood.

One of the things that has always fascinated creation scientists is the huge folds that can be seen in the canyon and all over the world. Andrew had a theory he wanted to test. If his theory was correct, it would provide important new evidence regarding Earth’s history and the geological timetable. These two scientists have spent much of their lives finding evidence that supports the history of Genesis, but none of that work had been filmed. This time was different. They took a cameraman with them into the canyon to capture what they were doing.

When I heard about it, I realized that this was a way to show something most people have never seen—creation scientists doing the actual work of science. How do scientists connect the history in Genesis with the world around us? How do they test their theories? And what did the Flood do to create the world we live in today? Our first documentary provided an overview of creation science; but in this documentary, we’re going to explore how creation science actually works. It is important for you to see for yourself how scientists do science.

I'm Del Tackett, and I’m excited to be your guide as we explore the rise of mountains after the Flood. Although I wasn’t part of their first trip to the canyon, I met them many times on their journey, and, just like with the first film, I learned an incredible amount. But this time, I found myself asking questions I had never thought to ask before.

[Andrew]: So, this is John's lab.

[John]: Yeah, I've been here at Cedarville for 30 years now and done a lot of work in this lab and a couple of other labs next door. Over here we have what's called a petrographic microscope. It's designed for looking at thin sections of rock.

[Del]: Are these the slides that Ray produces for you?

[John]: Yep. He takes a rock like this, slices a really thin layer off it, glues it onto a glass slide, and polishes it down so you can see through it. If you hold it up to the light, you'll see the light passing through it.

[Del]: That's amazing!

[John]: It allows us to study the sand grains under the microscope. It's quite an art to make these thin sections. I've got a slide on the microscope now, from the Coconino Sandstone, and it has what we call ooids—these are dolomite ooids.

[Del]: Ovoid shapes?

[John]: Yeah, they look like small balls. What happens is a sand grain rolls around, like a snowball rolling in snow, and as it does, it accumulates dolomite around it. You can see the sand grain in the middle, that white spot, and all the dolomite coating around it.

[Andrew]: That's incredible evidence.

[John]: It was amazing to see it in the lab. I remember opening my email and being amazed by this evidence, because you can't make these ooids in a desert—they had to be formed underwater.

[Del]: So, tell me about how these layers—particularly the Coconino—came to be seen differently by creation scientists like yourselves?

[Andrew]: The conventional view says the Coconino Sandstone formed over millions of years in a desert environment. But John's research shows it formed rapidly underwater, during the Flood. Scientists often resist alternative views, especially those challenging conventional geological paradigms. For example, when we presented evidence of ooids in the Coconino layer, some scientists refused to accept it because it didn't fit their desert formation theory.

[John]: It's true. One geologist wouldn't even acknowledge that the samples were ooids because they came from the Coconino layer.

[Del]: They just didn't want to see the evidence?

[John]: Exactly. That's what happens when people are captive to a paradigm. They don't want to consider evidence that contradicts their beliefs.

[Del]: So, when you decided to go into the canyon to get samples from these folds, what were you hoping to prove?

[Andrew]: As creation scientists, we think many of the layers were laid down during the Flood, and that the folding happened soon after, during the rise of the mountains at the end of the Flood. If that's the case, we shouldn't see signs of the rocks being heated and pressured to the point of metamorphosis, which the conventional paradigm suggests.

[John]: Exactly. If the folds happened long after the rocks had solidified, we would expect evidence of metamorphic changes. But if they happened while the layers were still soft, as we believe, there won't be signs of heat and pressure. That's why we're studying these rocks at such a detailed level—to see if there's evidence to support our view.

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:15 pm; edited 3 times in total


54Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Thu Sep 26, 2024 4:42 pm



- [Del] And here’s the fault line. And the fold is right on that fault line. That’s the Butte Fault. You can see it runs north-south, and that marks the edge of the monocline.

- [Andrew] Yes, this is where we took the samples. We parked the boats and walked up to the fold. Carbon Canyon is a side canyon to the main Grand Canyon, and it cuts through the folded layers in the East Kaibab Monocline.

- [Del] It’s fascinating to see how those layers bend so smoothly without shattering. It’s not what you’d expect from hard rock.

- [Andrew] Exactly. As we walked up, we could trace the layering almost horizontal at first. But as we climbed further into the canyon, we could see the layers gradually turning up to nearly vertical.

- [John] That bend you see is a perfect spot to collect our samples. We’ve marked the areas we wanted to sample with orange duct tape. That helps us follow the same bed through the fold, ensuring that we take samples from consistent points.

- [Andrew] When collecting samples, we take meticulous notes, making sure to record the location, the thickness of the bed, and other important details. Working on a cliff face like this requires caution—it's intense but essential work.

- [Hilton] What’s it like for you, Andrew, being here with the rocks up close?

- [Andrew] This is what geology is all about. Getting close to the rocks, making detailed observations, and then taking them back to the lab to analyze under a microscope. It’s basic but very important work, especially when we’re trying to test these theories about the Flood.

- [Del] This really feels like a geologist’s Disneyland, doesn’t it?

- [Andrew] Absolutely. This is heaven on Earth for us. You don’t get a better place to study geological formations than the Grand Canyon.

- [John] The nice thing about geologic maps is that they let you visualize what’s going on beneath the surface. You can see how the layers extend and how they’ve been affected by faults and folds. For example, you see this line on the map, crossing the East Kaibab Monocline?

- [Del] Yes, I see the bend.

- [John] Right. That’s the fault and fold system we’re studying here in Carbon Canyon. The hard rock beneath broke, and that caused the softer rocks above to bend instead of shatter.

- [Del] It’s like pushing up a layer of soft material, like wet sand, and seeing it drape over the harder rock below.

- [Andrew] Exactly. And we think that this folding happened close to the time of the Flood. The layers were laid down during the early stages of the Flood, and the folding occurred towards the end when the mountains were rising, but the sediments were still damp and soft, allowing them to fold easily. Later, they dried and hardened, preserving the folds without significant fracturing.

- [John] And that’s why we’re sampling both folded and flat sections of the Tapeats Sandstone. If the layers were soft when they folded, we wouldn’t expect to see differences between the samples taken from the folds and those taken from the flat, undisturbed areas.

- [Del] You’re saying that if the layers are identical, it would suggest the folding happened quickly, while the rock was still soft?

- [Andrew] Yes. That would be strong evidence against the idea that millions of years passed between the deposition of the layers and their folding.

- [Del] So, after all the samples were collected, what’s next?

- [Andrew] The next step is to take these samples back to the lab and look at them under a microscope to see if there’s any evidence of heat or pressure that would indicate slow deformation over millions of years. If there’s no such evidence, it supports our model of rapid deposition and folding during the Flood.

- [John] And that’s a key part of this research. No one has looked at these folds in such detail before, taking samples and studying them under the microscope to determine the sequence of deposition, folding, and cementation.

- [Del] Looking at all this, it’s clear that understanding the forces that shaped the Earth after the Flood is just as important as understanding the Flood itself.

- [John] Absolutely. The Flood was a catastrophic event, but the period after the Flood, when the mountains were rising and valleys were forming, also played a major role in shaping the landscape we see today.

- [Andrew] And by studying these layers and folds, we can gain new insights into those processes, furthering our understanding of Earth’s history as recorded in Genesis.

- [Del] So, after you’ve done your fieldwork and collected all these samples, you mentioned taking them back to the lab. What happens once you start examining them?

- [Andrew] Once we’re back in the lab, we cut thin sections from the rock samples so we can look at them under a microscope. We’re specifically looking for signs of metamorphic changes—those changes would suggest that the rocks were exposed to high heat and pressure, which would support the idea that they were folded long after they had solidified. But if we don’t find any signs of metamorphism, it strengthens the argument that the rocks were still soft and pliable when they were folded.

- [John] The microscope work is critical because it allows us to see what’s happening at the grain level. If the rock had undergone significant heat and pressure, the minerals inside would show deformation, recrystallization, or other signs of change. But if the layers folded when they were still wet and soft, we won’t see any of that.

- [Del] And has anyone else studied these folds in this way before?

- [Andrew] Not like this. Many geologists have seen the folds, of course, but no one has taken samples from the folds and systematically studied them under a microscope. That’s what makes this project unique.

- [Del] It’s amazing to think about how much of what we see today was shaped by catastrophic events like the Flood. Even though those events happened thousands of years ago, the evidence is still here in the rocks, waiting to be discovered.

- [John] That’s right. And the work we’re doing helps to shed light on how those events played out and how they shaped the Earth. The folds we see in the canyon, the uplift of mountains like the Rockies and the Uintas, and the formation of deep valleys and canyons—all of these things were part of the process of reshaping the Earth after the Flood.

- [Andrew] And the best part is that these findings help us connect the geological evidence with the historical account given in Genesis. It’s a reminder that the Bible provides a reliable framework for understanding Earth’s history.

- [Del] As we’ve discussed the deformation of the rock layers, I’m also curious about how all these massive features—the canyons, mountains, and valleys—were eroded. Was that part of the post-Flood period as well?

- [John] Yes. After the Flood, when the land was rising and the waters were draining, there would have been a lot of erosion happening at a rapid pace. The newly elevated landscapes, filled with wet and unconsolidated sediment, would have been vulnerable to massive landslides, flash floods, and even glaciation in some areas. These processes helped carve out many of the dramatic landscapes we see today.

- [Del] So the erosion we’re seeing was happening at a much faster rate than what we observe now?

- [John] Exactly. The catastrophic forces at work during and after the Flood were far more powerful than the gradual processes we see today. That’s why so many of the canyons and valleys seem "underfit"—the small streams or rivers running through them now couldn’t have carved out such large features on their own.

- [Del] One last thing that fascinates me is how these layers of rock can extend across such vast areas. You mentioned earlier that the Tapeats Sandstone stretches from the Grand Canyon all the way to Greenland. How is that possible?

- [John] That’s one of the most amazing things about these rock layers. They’re part of what we call "megasequences," which are enormous, continent-spanning layers of sediment that were laid down rapidly by the Flood. The Flood’s waters eroded vast amounts of material from the continents and deposited them in these layers. The sheer scale of these deposits points to a global catastrophe, rather than a series of localized events.

- [Andrew] The fact that these layers are so extensive, and that we can trace them across entire continents, is powerful evidence of the Flood’s global impact. No local event could account for the formation of these massive, continuous layers of rock.

- [Del] And studying those layers in places like the Grand Canyon, and comparing them to other locations, helps you piece together the bigger picture?

- [John] Exactly. By comparing rock layers from different parts of the world, we can see how they fit together and begin to understand the processes that formed them. The more we study, the more evidence we find that supports the biblical account of Earth’s history.

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Sep 26, 2024 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


55Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Thu Sep 26, 2024 4:42 pm



[Del]: You’ve mentioned that post-Flood era that there was a tremendous amount of precipitation.

[John]: Yeah.

[Del]: And so an area like this that doesn’t really get a whole lot of rain, it was a drastically different climate at that time.

[John]: It was. Just to the north of here in Fossil Basin and Green River Basin, we’ve looked at the lush landscape that was there, the amount of vegetation that had to grow there, and the water that was there, and it’s much different from the climate that we have here today. I think from my perspective as a geologist, climate change is the rule, not the exception. It’s something that’s been going on ever since the Flood was over.

[Del]: John, I think most people would look around here and say, "This is a pretty bleak place." It’s obviously very arid, and yet you’re telling me that this is a very special place.

[John]: Yeah, we’re in the southwest corner of Wyoming. I spent several years up here in graduate school. And so we are standing on, I know it doesn’t look like a lake as you look out here, but we’re standing on the sediments that got laid down in a lake and now have turned into rock.

[Del]: Yeah, the lake we’re talking about filled up this whole basin, which is huge.

[John]: Yeah. And I can actually, from where I’m standing, I can see the edge of the basin over there. You can see these white sediments, and then those are truncated by the darker colored ridge right behind there. And the rocks in that darker colored ridge are actually sitting up like this. So that’s the basin edge.

[Del]: Is that then part of the evidence that you would say that this is post-Flood, because all of these are all very horizontal?

[John]: That’s right. The layers that we’re looking at here, this is the early part of the Cenozoic, and that would be right at the top of the geologic column. And so we think that Cenozoic rocks in many places around the world, not everywhere, but most of these Cenozoic rocks, we think, are post-Flood rocks. And so, underneath of us, underneath of this basin, those Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks are contorted. But these Cenozoic rocks on top, these are horizontal and flat lying. They’re not contorted at all. So that means that the tectonic activity had pretty much ceased when this lake basin was filled up.

[Del]: So we have this basin, it’s filled with water, and we obviously then have a lot of life. When we were in the museum, we saw, I don’t know how many different species of just fish and all of that, so this was a flourishing area.

[John]: Yeah. It’s amazing.

[Del]: With all kinds of life. Where did all of this life come from?

[John]: So, it’s interesting. We see things like the bats, the horses, things like the alligators, and we know the birds, all those things, they were air-breathing animals. Many of them lived a lot of their life on the land, and they would’ve had to be animals that were on the Ark. And something happens that’s different from the rocks that we see underneath. We don’t see many mammals in those rocks. And all of a sudden, we get to these layers, and believe it or not, Del, there are more mammal species known in the rocks of the Green River Formation than are currently living in Wyoming today.

[Del]: But that sudden arisal in the fossil record of mammals should tell us something.

[John]: Yeah. The very first bats that we find, the very oldest bats that we find are right here in this Green River Formation. And yet, they have fully formed wings. They look like modern bats. And where in the world do they come from? Where are the transitional forms from the animals that gave rise to bats if the evolutionary model is true? And so one of the strengths we have in the creation model is that we can explain the sudden appearance of things like bats, because we think that those would’ve been on the Ark. And they didn’t get fossilized during the Flood, as far as we know. When we first find the bat fossils, they’re in places like this where they have the potential to become part of the fossil record here.

[Del]: John, this represents a lot of your life here. You spent a lot of time working on your dissertation here.

[John]: I did, I spent some summers here collecting fish, studying the layers. This place is like home to me.

[Del]: Can you show me some of the stuff you were working with?

[John]: We’re in a commercial quarry here. It’s a place where they dig these fish out, and they sell them. And I think if we break some of these layers of rock open, we’ll find some fish.

[Del]: I’m hoping that happens.

[John]: So what we’re going to do is go in right along a seam right in here, you can see how this whole thing is lifting up here.

[Del]: That’s a big slab.

[John]: Yeah, it’s a big slab. And just kind of get your fingers underneath there.

(rock creaks)

(creaking continues)

(sand shuffling)

[John]: And so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to take some of these chisels. We’re going to split down through this going down on the end, see what we can find.

[Del]: Is this what your research assistants did? Hold the rock while you...?

[John]: That’s right. All day long.

(both chuckle)

(hammer clinking)

[John]: Look at that, Del.

[Del]: Oh yeah, look at that.

[John]: Got at least three fish here.

[Del]: Yeah.

[John]: So there’s one there. One right there. Another one there, another one there.

[Del]: Oh my goodness.

[John]: That was a good break right there.

[Del]: Yeah.

[John]: So these all look like Knightia, just a little herring-type fish. Boy, that one is a really nice one, right there.

[Del]: Yeah, it is.

[John]: Del, if you look at the edge right here, you can see multiple layers in here.

[Del]: Yeah, I do.

[John]: They’re not very thick, they’re almost as thick as playing cards. And the conventional idea is that each pair of a layer, a dark layer and light layer, lasted a year. But you look at fish like this guy down here, I do not see a single bone out of place. The fins are nice and splayed out right there. And based on my fish experiments, that thing sank down to the bottom of the lake and was buried in a calcium carbonate layer within a day after it laid down on the bottom. And I think that’s the only way that you can explain such good preservation. And not only do we see it there, but that fish, that fish, and that fish, they all have really exceptional preservation. And they have to be buried quickly.

[Del]: Yeah, there’s really just a lot of fine detail in that fossil there. So those small tiny layers that we’re looking at here, those are not annual layers.

[John]: I don’t see any way that they could be annual layers based on how well the...

[Del]: Almost daily.

[John]: Yeah, I would think almost daily layers here. Something was different about the water chemistry here in that it was precipitating a lot of this calcium carbonate out which was covering the fish. The other thing that’s really interesting about this particular outcrop is there’s several volcanic ash beds in here. And so, the volcanoes that are nearby, maybe some of the ones up in Yellowstone, they would erupt and the ash would settle down through the lake. And here’s this nice orange layer right here. That would be one volcanic ash bed. Here’s another orange layer, not as thick, that would be another one. Here’s another volcanic ash right here. And here’s another ash bed that’s maybe an inch and a half thick.

[Del]: Yeah, right.

[John]: These ash beds actually help us to tell time in the lake.

[Del]: How’s that?

[John]: If we can trace these ash beds and confidently know that they’re the same from place to place in the lake basin, for example, we can look at this thickness between those two ash beds right there and we know that that thickness of Green River Formation was laid down at the same time, whether we’re right here in this spot or over at the edge of the lake. And it happens that we know these aren’t yearly events because you can find this ash bed here, count the layers, find it at the edge of the lake and at the edge of the lake, the thickness is more.

[Del]: Is that more layers?

[John]: More layers at the edge of the lake. And it’s because you have more sediments and whatnot coming in from the edge of the lake. So we know these aren’t yearly laminations. We know that...

[Del]: That wouldn’t make sense.

[John]: The laminations are not equal from here to there. There’s about 30% more layers at the edge of the lake than there is in the middle. And I don’t know exactly how much time is represented between those ash beds, but one thing I do know is that the time is the same whether it be weeks, months, or years. Between those ash beds, I know it’s the same amount of time. So I was able to study the fish and the decay of the fish and the preservation of the fish during the same time in the lake’s history. So, I think the take home point is that the fossil fish and the other fossils here show that these sediments were laid down rapidly. Yes, it was after the Flood, but even after the Flood, we have processes that produce fast layers.

Certainly! Here is the continuation of the text formatted in BBCode (Version 13) without bold or asterisks:

[Del]: John, one of the things that has really impressed me is that you’re not content with just sitting in an office somewhere, but you want to be out here looking at the reality to understand the truth and the facts. I appreciate that about you, and that you understood you needed a PhD to help you do that. Is that important?

[John]: It is. At first I thought, maybe, why do I need a PhD? Why do I need to learn more? But the thing was that I didn’t understand is how it would advance my thinking, and how it would cause me to think deeper and consider other possibilities.

[Del]: So would you say that for a young person who is considering one of these scientific areas, that it would be important, number one, to get their doctorate? And it’s important for them to understand there’s a whole lot of things to be looking at?

[John]: I think, Del, there’s two things that are really important for a young scientist. Number one is to become well-trained. You need to interact not only with other creation scientists but you need to interact with conventional scientists, too. But the other thing, Del, is they need to be grounded well in Scripture. So they need to understand a biblical model, and they need to take things like this and put these kinds of things within the record. The biblical record doesn’t tell us everything we want to know. It gives us a framework, and we need the new generation to come up and begin to look deeper into some things. We don’t know all the answers here yet. I would really like to know how much time is in between that ash bed and that ash bed. And we need some new scientists out here that are trained to think well to work on problems like that.

[Del]: One of the things I noticed about these scientists was the importance of teamwork. A key member of their team is a scientist named Ray Strom. Ray is a Canadian who has developed a special set of skills working in the oil and gas industry for the last four decades. Although I wasn’t able to travel up to Calgary myself, we sent a team to interview him in his laboratory.

(engine rumbling)

[Ray]: My wife told me one time she felt sorry for me getting up early in the morning and having to come into work. And I said, "Hold on a minute. (chuckles) "I come to work and play." This is kind of the way the field of geology is. Every single sample that you look at is different. It has a different story to tell. It has different characteristics. There’s always something new. I come to work and play every day. (chuckles)

So we need to unbox the samples and get them prepared for cutting. Basically what we’re looking at are rock samples that have been collected in the Grand Canyon; and begin doing the technical rock analysis on those samples. This involves, first of all, thin section manufacture, and so this is taking rock materials down to the thickness that you can actually see through them. And this sample is very carefully labeled with an arrow pointing up, with "top" and an identifier, which in this case is, there it is, CCF-1, which is Carbon Canyon Fold number one. But initially we need to cut these rocks, dry them, and get them prepped for thin section analysis.

All right, this will be noisy.

(machine whirring)

(blade grinding)

Okay, right now I’m going to put an orientation mark on this rock to show what end is up. That will be crucial to determine how the bedding structure is affected by how the rock materials originally were laid down. That sample is now ready for drying in preparation for liquid epoxy impregnation in this sample.

Many professional geologists aren’t aware of how to do this process. There are only a handful of people perhaps in the entire world who know how to do this kind of thing, at least to do it well. Literally a handful of people.

Okay, the epoxy is used for stabilizing the sample. And if you fill up all the pore space with epoxy, you wind up first of all being able to identify where the porosity is. And secondly, you stabilize all the very fine material found in the pore spaces. So, this is a high pressure cell which we use to inject the liquid epoxy into the pore spaces in the sample.

In the morning we can retrieve it, the epoxy will be solidified, and then we can handle that piece of rock safely all through the rest of the next part of the process. It is important that we continue this work and that it succeed because I believe there’s a whole side of scientific investigation that has been largely ignored. And one of the aims that I have is to chase that particular pathway and look at data that may be not necessarily mainstream, but is very, very interesting and is significant. And so that’s my endeavor in working with Andrew, for example, is to see what the data says, and where there’s supporting evidence to make sure that that’s well documented.

(machine whirring)

(blade grinding)

Okay, what we’re doing now is taking the epoxy away from the bottom surface and we’re exposing the rock that’s been impregnated with blue dyed epoxy. And so, what that does is allow us to get a nice flat, optically planar surface. And in this case, it’s extremely important we’re not mistaking scratches for fractures. So, we don’t want to leave scratches in the rock surface. We want to make sure that all the scratches are out so that the fractures can be easily identified.

Okay, so we’re going to move on to the staining process and then it will be ready for mounting to glass. We don’t want to induce any kind of fracturing into the sample, and so mounting this to glass using the cyanoacrylate glue, Krazy Glue, ensures that we have a good stable surface with which to work.

Imagine trying to work with a single piece of hair and trying to grind it without affecting the character of the hair. We want to make sure that we don’t disturb the mineralogy of the sample as we go through the cutting and grinding processes.

(blade grinding)

This slide we will now take to our grinding laps where we’ll thin it down to about 30 micron thickness. And this is where the art comes into play. Do just a quick look in the microscope here, and it looks like we’re pretty well at 30 micron thickness all the way across the entire thin section. We have the grains seen as being very clear. The material showing up as blue is empty space. And the cross-polarized light is showing either as a gray or as a pale straw yellow, and that tells us that we’re right on the 30 micron thickness.

Back in the day when we were really busy, we would do anywhere between 80 to 100 of these types of samples a day. Personally, I’ve probably done in the order of about 20,000, I guess. Now we’ll take the slide and look at it under the good petrographic microscope, which is a special kind of microscope made for analyzing geological thin sections.

(hammer thunks)

And then we move on to more elaborate testing methodologies like scanning electron microscopy. We’ll take and gold coat the sample. Now, the amount of gold that we’re going to put on it is very, very small, almost no value whatsoever, but it’s necessary for conducting electrons along the surface of the sample in order to get the image that we want. It gives you almost a 3D visual image of the rock materials that you’re looking at, at a very high magnification which allows us to determine whether certain features are found in that particular rock.

The electron beam runs down the column and is scanned back and forth across the sample.

Okay, so we’ve got some very nice quartz cement showing up in here. There’s some more quartz cement right there. Got beautiful quartz overgrowths.

Basically, the creation model provides alternatives to the explanations that are in some cases somewhat deficient. So looking at the creation model, for example, provided almost a stark contrast. Even though we were looking at the same data, we were quite often in disagreement over what the interpretation was to the data that we were both looking at. And I’ve watched this over my entire career now as I’ve been involved in publishing of papers, presentations at professional conferences, and just seeing how that contrast plays out in terms of how people look at the world.

- [Andrew] No; that’s right. You can see where grains have been compressed close to one another, and you can still see the original outlines. Here’s some more cement over here that’s joined that grain to this grain.

- [Del] So let me ask this question then. Is the cement formed after it was bent? Not before?

- [Andrew] That’s right.

- [Del] Now, you also took samples a long way away from that fold, and you wanted to look at those and compare those to the samples in the fold. We haven’t seen one of those. Do you have a slide of that?

- [Andrew] Yeah, I’ve got one.

- [Del] Okay.

- [Andrew] I’ve got one right here. And it has exactly the same features. We’re going to have to adjust this again. Let’s get it back into focus. Because we can move it around. Okay. You can see there, again, you’ve got the same. You’ve got the blue spaces. Look at all the different size grains of the white ones of quartz. You’ve got feldspar. You’ve even got some rock fragments there. So, it doesn’t look any different.

- [Del] So let me put you on the spot here, Andrew. If I were to mix up a slide from the fold and a slide, how far away? Was it a--

- [Andrew] This one here, that was above Little Colorado River. So as the crow flies, five to six miles.

- [Del] Okay, so if I were to switch those up and put them under the microscope and say, "Andrew, is this from the fold or is this from five miles away?" Could you tell?

- [Andrew] I couldn’t tell because there’s no radical difference.

- [Del] That tells you something.

- [Andrew] They’re essentially the same. And that was the whole point of taking those samples to be a control. The fact that we find them the same, every sample of the sandstone has exactly the same features, is quite telling. It means they folded before they hardened.

- [Del] Well, let’s go back to the conventional paradigm that would say that the folding took place as a result of a metamorphosis in the rocks. What would this look like if that had occurred? Would it look different, and why?

- [Andrew] There would be a whole set of different features that are not present here.

- [John] Metamorphic rocks under the microscope look distinctly different from this. Here’s a slide that might even look closer. When you take a sandstone, which is the type of rock that we found in that fold, and you put a sandstone under metamorphic heat and pressure, it’s going to look something like this. This rock is called a quartzite. The dominant mineral here is going to be quartz. And one of the things you notice right away is that there’s not any blue in there. And that means that all the cement has grown in between the grains. You can still see some of the grains in there. I think, Andrew, if you put it under cross-polarized light, the grains show up even better.

- [Andrew] Here’s where we look at under cross-polars.

- [John] But you can see how these grains interlock with one another, just like pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

- [Del] This is the puzzle you were talking about.

- [John] That’s right.

- [Del] And here’s the puzzle put together.

- [Andrew] I’ll turn the light up a little bit more. You see how you’ve got lots of these connecting points, these junction points that are often three grains at what we call a triple point.

- [John] So, Del, we think if the conventional paradigm were true, that the rock samples we took out of that fold would look more like this than the sample of sandstone that we looked at.

- [Del] Well, to an untrained eye, I can tell you this. It is a radically different picture than what we saw. So it makes one think the current paradigm is not correct. Is that what you’re assuming here?

- [Andrew] You can see why it was important to make the thin sections and to look at it, because you can’t see these effects in a hand specimen. You’ve got to really dive into these grains at this microscopic level. All geologists do this. It’s part of the detective work. You have your framework of thinking and you say to yourself, "Well, if I go and get samples, what do I expect to find?" And you set up some questions to answer and what you expect to find. And then you go out and you do the tests to check whether, and if you don’t find what you already predicted you’re going to find, you’re going to have to change how you--

- [John] Change your model.

- [Andrew] Change your model for how you understand these rocks.

- [Del] So what are you now waiting on from Ray?

- [Andrew] Well, Ray is also going to talk to us about the results he got from using a scanning electron microscope, which is going in an even higher power of magnification. This is just in two dimensions. He’s able to look in three dimensions. You’ll be able to see the quartz cement the way it’s grown between the quartz grains. And that’ll tell us whether there’s been any mechanical disruption, or whether the cement has occurred as the last stage in the whole process.

- [Del] Okay.

There we go. Hello, Ray. It’s so good to see you again. Unfortunately, we’ve got to do this by Zoom. I have, in my lab today, Del Tackett is with us.

- [Del] Hey, Ray.

- [Andrew] Andrew Snelling is with us.

- [Ray] Good to see you again, Ray. It’s hard to believe it’s nearly two years since I was up there last with you in the lab.

- [Andrew] I know. I was just looking at some of the images that we were doing while you were up here and looking at the dates on them. And it’s hard to believe.

- [Del] So Ray, we want to look at one of the thin sections from the tight fold in Carbon Canyon. Here’s the thin section. One of the things that struck me right away when looking at these thin sections was the amount of porosity in these rocks; even at this place where the bend was really tight, there’s still a lot of empty space in there. And Ray, could we look at an image from this very same rock sample, sample number 10, and let us know your observations about what you see with the scanning electron microscope?

- [Ray] So, here we have an example of a scanning electron microscopy image. If you can see my cursor here, that’s a sand grain right there. And associated with that sand grain are a number of overgrowths of quartz.

- [Del] Ray, when you say overgrowth, what do you mean by that?

- [Ray] Okay, this is actually the cement. The important thing to look at here is that the individual overgrowths that you see here have not been disturbed. Their contacts have not been disturbed by any kind of mechanical deformation.

- [Andrew] So, we’re actually seeing that the cement hasn’t been damaged because you’ve got these pristine ends of the crystals as they’ve grown on the original sand grains.

- [Ray] So that shows that the bending took place and then the rock became a solid.

- [Andrew] Exactly. And of course, this is at a much higher magnification, so any even subtle deformation would show up between these cemented particles.

- [Del] So Ray, that sample was, as you know, from the Carbon Canyon Fold in the hinge, and that was in the Tapeats. It’s probably going to be helpful now if we look at a regional sample. So that’s TSS-3, we might want to just look at that too, because that’s a long way away from these folds.

- [Ray] So, there’s an awful lot to see in this particular image. But the overgrowths are basically two types. We have beautiful quartz overgrowths; but you’ve also got precipitation of clays, which lends to, I guess, what you’d call the dirty appearance of this particular rock. The overgrowths that you see here are quite pristine, indicating that they’ve been growing into open pore space. I don’t see anything unusual here. These rocks haven’t been dislocated, haven’t been fractured, all those sorts of things.

- [Del] So, I asked this earlier of Andrew, if we were to put several of these pictures, if I were to mix them up, would you be able to tell me which belongs in the hinge and which does not?

- [Ray] No, I couldn’t. (chuckles)

- [Del] And it seems to me that that is, from my perspective, kind of the summary of this and what you wanted to see in the very beginning.

- [Andrew] Well, the sequence is sedimentation, folding, then hardening.

- [Del] That’s correct. Now you can help me here, because it seems to me, from a very amateur perspective at this point, that we’re looking at a very significant finding. Anything that begins to show that a theory is wrong is a major observation. I’m almost getting a little deja vu here. Back when we were looking at the soft dinosaur tissue, we were looking at something that, from the conventional paradigm’s perspective, should not be here, right? The soft dinosaur tissue should not be here because it is millions and millions of years old.

- [Andrew]

There’s no known mechanism to preserve it for millions of years.

- [Del] Correct. And now we’re looking at a microscopic level of the grains, and the cementation, and all of these things that we’ve been looking at, and we’re seeing from a conventional paradigm perspective what shouldn’t be there. That, to me, is fascinating, and I’m excited to be here to share that with you.

- [Andrew] And it blows the mind to think that we are looking here, we’ve looked here at the microscopic level, but it gives us a narrative to explain the building of mountains. So it’s quite dramatic because, as you say, just these observations under the microscope help us to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the chronology of when these mountains formed. It wasn’t hundreds of millions of years after the layers were deposited. It was only months after the layers were deposited. And that’s a radical departure from conventional explanations of the building of mountains.

- [Ray] I’m reminded of a trip that was organized for the heads of our international oil and gas company. Part of that was a helicopter trip over Jasper, Alberta. Well, there are massive, massive folds in the Rocky Mountains. And one of the individuals who happened to be an engineer, long time standing with this particular company, he later recounted to me, he said, "I saw all these folds in the rock. "I can’t even imagine how you could think "that those would’ve been formed in solid cemented rocks. "They had to have been soft "when those big folds were formed."

- [Del] Right.

- [Ray] So, it’s critical to state that we’re looking at scientific evidence. We’re not imagining this stuff. We’re actually looking at scientific evidence that supports a particular model, one of a young earth and short events that made the features that we observe.

Here’s the complete text with BBCode 13 format applied as requested. Apologies for the previous interruptions.

The exciting thing about this to me is that we will also be encouraging young people to move into these areas to be a creation scientist themselves. So I'm excited about this. Excited about the possibility of not only funding these but giving you an opportunity to film and let people see how that process works.

This is really a fascinating process. Just a small handful of folks and we would meet a scientist out in the field and then we would spend hours together. In that process of interviewing them and walking from one location to the other and looking at all of this amazing stuff, I think I learned more than anybody will ever learn just by looking at the film, because there was so much material. That's why we're doing Beyond Is Genesis History? and in volume one to look at the rocks and the fossils.

The data that we're looking at is the data that matches exactly what the history that God has given to us about why all of this occurred and how it occurred. It's not just enough I think to give people a survey. It's really important for people to understand more of the details, to have a deeper foundation of the fundamental truth of what that evidence is showing.

And this allows us to tell that whole story, the incredible precision and amount of detail that God has built into his creation, to see how things have occurred in earth history, and to explain the kinds of things that we're discovering in the world around us today. And so this is what excites me the most.

If you think about it, we’re really just beginning. There is so much more out there to discover, so much more that needs to be explained, researched, and documented. As we continue to go deeper into this research and share the findings with you, the possibilities seem endless.

So I encourage you, if you're intrigued, and you want to be part of what we're doing, think about how you can get involved. Whether it's through supporting the Genesis Fund, or simply staying informed on the latest discoveries in creation science, there are many ways to contribute. We're thankful for all of you who have been with us on this journey, and we look forward to what the future holds as we continue exploring the incredible history of the world as described in Genesis.


[Del] A lot of us don’t realize the amount of time and effort that it takes for a scientist, once they have done all the field work and all the lab work, to bring everything together. They now need to write it up. They need to put it in a form in which the general scientific community can look at it and review it.

So, I had the opportunity to go back to Cedarville and sit down with Andrew and John to discuss their findings. We talked not only about what they had found, but also about the implications of their research.

[Andrew] It’s paper thin.

Are these all the slides that Ray sent?

Yes, he sent them to us in boxes like this, and you can see what they look like. They’re just -- But of course these were hand delivered. He came down at a meeting that John was attending and hand delivered them. You wouldn’t trust these to the postal service.

[John] You don’t send them through the mail.

I can understand that.

[Andrew] Then John came and delivered them to me.

[Del] So is this what you have then under the microscope?



[Del] How long have you been studying these?

Well, I’ve literally spent months going screen by screen by screen, moving the stage backwards and forwards, systematically going through each slide, taking photos, recording details.

Hundreds and hundreds of hours under the microscope.

And I’ve got thousands of photographs at different points. Every time I took notes, I took a photograph so I could go back to that.

So after these months and months of looking at these thin slides, what did you find?

Well, I put this on the screen deliberately because this is a sample that comes from right in the bend of that major fold in the Tapeats Sandstone. And so, it’s a good test case because if there ever was going to be a sample that was going to show the mechanical or the metamorphic effects from slow, gradual heat and pressure changes and moving around, it would be this sample. So, let me walk you through it. First of all, you can see those white grains. The really white ones. That’s the mineral quartz, which is window glass. We can see some of these spaces are still there. This is the blue highlighting these spaces. Well, in this instance, what happened, more quartz grew, and you can see how it’s joined these two grains together. And you can see that little sharp point there. Quartz cement has grown into that space. So what happens is when it’s deposited, there’s water in between those sand grains, but the water has chemicals dissolved in it. And so when the water dries out, those chemicals precipitate and fill in all the spaces between the sand grains and harden it, making it a cement.

So that cement is like glue. It holds the grains together. So, sand in a sandbox would be really loose, but if you put some glue in there, or what geologists call cement, that’s what holds the rock together and makes it hard.

What does it tell you when you see that?

Well, it’s in pristine condition. It hasn’t changed. This is in the hinge of that fold. You’d expect when the folding occurred, millions of years later supposedly, that cement should have been disrupted. It should have been crushed. And maybe it would have to regrow again, but you’d still see fracturing that was healed. But you don’t see that in any of this. You still see the original pores.

It tells us that the cement was added after the rocks were bent.

Oh, so we were talking earlier about breaking and crumbling of a very hard rock from a larger standpoint. Now what you’re talking about is, as you look at the small pieces, you also would find crumbling.


But you don’t see that.

No; that’s right. You can see where grains have been compressed close to one another, and you can still see the original outlines. Here’s some more cement over here that’s joined that grain to this grain.

So let me ask this question then. Is the cement formed after it was bent? Not before?

That’s right.

[Del] Now, you also took samples a long way away from that fold, and you wanted to look at those and compare those to in the fold. We haven’t seen one of those. Do you have a slide of that?

Yeah, I’ve got one.


I’ve got one right here. And it has exactly the same features. We’re going to have to adjust this again. Let’s get it back into focus. ’Cause we can move it around. Okay. You can see there, again, you’ve got the same. You’ve got the blue spaces. Look at all the different size grains of the white ones of quartz. You’ve got feldspar. You’ve even got some rock fragments there. So, it doesn’t look any different.

So let me put you on the spot here, Andrew. If I were to mix up a slide from the fold and a slide, how far away? Was it a --

This one here, that was above Little Colorado River. So as the crow flies, five to six miles.

Okay, so if I were to switch those up and put them under the microscope and say, “Andrew, is this from the fold or is this from five miles away?” Could you tell?

I couldn’t tell because there’s no radical difference.

[Del] That tells you something.

[Andrew] They’re essentially the same. And that was the whole point of taking those samples to be a control. The fact that we find them the same, every sample of the sandstone has exactly the same features, is quite telling. It means they folded before they hardened.

Well, let’s go back to the conventional paradigm that would say that the folding took place as a result of a metamorphosis in the rocks. What would this look like if that had occurred? Would it look different, and why?

There would be a whole set of different features that are not present here.

Metamorphic rocks under the microscope look distinctly different from this. Here’s a slide that might even look closer. When you take a sandstone, which is the type of rock that we found in that fold, and you put a sandstone under metamorphic heat and pressure, it’s going to look something like this. This rock is called a quartzite. The dominant mineral here is going to be quartz. And one of the things you notice right away is that there’s not any blue in there. And that means that all the cement has grown in between the grains. You can still see some of the grains in there. I think, Andrew, if you put it under cross-polarized light, the grains show up even better.

[Andrew] Here’s where we look at under cross-polars.

But you can see how these grains interlock with one another, just like pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

This is the puzzle you were talking about.

That’s right.

And here’s the puzzle put together.

[Andrew] I’ll turn the light up a little bit more. You see how you’ve got lots of these connecting points, these junction points that are often three grains at what we call a triple point.

So, Del, we think if the conventional paradigm were true, that the rock samples we took out of that fold would look more like this than the sample of sandstone that we looked at.

Well, to an untrained eye, I can tell you this. It is a radically different picture than what we saw. So it makes one think the current

paradigm is not correct. Is that what you’re assuming here?

You can see why it was important to make the thin sections and to look at it, because you can’t see these effects in a hand specimen. You’ve got to really dive into these grains at this microscopic level. All geologists do this. It’s part of the detective work. You have your framework of thinking and you say to yourself, “Well, if I go and get samples, what do I expect to find?” And you set up some questions to answer and what you expect to find. And then you go out and you do the tests to check whether, and if you don’t find what you already predicted you’re going to find, you’re going to have to change how you --

Change your model.

Change your model for how you understand these rocks.

So what are you now waiting on from Ray?

Well, Ray is also going to talk to us about the results he got from using a scanning electron microscope, which is going in an even higher power of magnification. This is just in two dimensions. He’s able to look in three dimensions. You’ll be able to see the quartz cement the way it’s grown between the quartz grains. And that’ll tell us whether there’s been any mechanical disruption, or whether the cement has occurred as the last stage in the whole process.

[Del] Okay.

There we go. Hello, Ray. It’s so good to see you again. Unfortunately, we’ve got to do this by Zoom. I have, in my lab today, Del Tackett is with us.

Hey, Ray.

Andrew Snelling is with us.

Good to see you again, Ray. It’s hard to believe it’s nearly two years since I was up there last with you in the lab.

I know. I was just looking at some of the images that we were doing while you were up here and looking at the dates on them. And it’s hard to believe.

So Ray, we want to look at one of the thin sections from the tight fold in Carbon Canyon. Here’s the thin section. One of the things that struck me right away when looking at these thin sections was the amount of porosity in these rocks; even at this place where the bend was really tight, there’s still a lot of empty space in there. And Ray, could we look at an image from this very same rock sample, sample number 10, and let us know your observations about what you see with the scanning electron microscope?

So, here we have an example of a scanning electron microscopy image. If you can see my cursor here, that’s a sand grain right there. And associated with that sand grain are a number of overgrowths of quartz.

Ray, when you say overgrowth, what do you mean by that?

Okay, this is actually the cement. The important thing to look at here is that the individual overgrowths that you see here have not been disturbed. Their contacts have not been disturbed by any kind of mechanical deformation.

So, we’re actually seeing that the cement hasn’t been damaged because you’ve got these pristine ends of the crystals as they’ve grown on the original sand grains.

So that shows that the bending took place and then the rock became a solid.

Exactly. And of course, this is at a much higher magnification, so any even subtle deformation would show up between these cemented particles.

So Ray, that sample was, as you know, from the Carbon Canyon Fold in the hinge, and that was in the Tapeats. It’s probably going to be helpful now if we look at a regional sample. So that’s TSS-3, we might want to just look at that too, because that’s a long way away from these folds.

So, there’s an awful lot to see in this particular image. But the overgrowths are basically two types. We have beautiful quartz overgrowths; but you’ve also got precipitation of clays, which lends to, I guess, what you’d call the dirty appearance of this particular rock. The overgrowths that you see here are quite pristine, indicating that they’ve been growing into open pore space. I don’t see anything unusual here. These rocks haven’t been dislocated, haven’t been fractured, all those sorts of things.

So, I asked this earlier of Andrew, if we were to put several of these pictures, if I were to mix them up, would you be able to tell me which belongs in the hinge and which does not?

No, I couldn’t. (chuckles)

And it seems to me that that is, from my perspective, kind of the summary of this and what you wanted to see in the very beginning.

Well, the sequence is sedimentation, folding, then hardening.

That’s correct. Now you can help me here, because it seems to me, from a very amateur perspective at this point, that we’re looking at a very significant finding. Anything that begins to show that a theory is wrong is a major observation. I’m almost getting a little deja vu here. Back when we were looking at the soft dinosaur tissue, we were looking at something that, from the conventional paradigm’s perspective, should not be here, right? The soft dinosaur tissue should not be here because it is millions and millions of years old.

[Andrew] There’s no known mechanism to preserve it for millions of years.

Correct. And now we’re looking at a microscopic level of the grains, and the cementation, and all of these things that we’ve been looking at, and we’re seeing from a conventional paradigm perspective what shouldn’t be there. That, to me, is fascinating, and I’m excited to be here to share that with you.

And it blows the mind to think that we are looking here, we’ve looked here at the microscopic level, but it gives us a narrative to explain the building of mountains. So it’s quite dramatic because, as you say, just these observations under the microscope help us to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the chronology of when these mountains formed. It wasn’t hundreds of millions of years after the layers were deposited. It was only months after the layers were deposited. And that’s a radical departure from conventional explanations of the building of mountains.

I’m reminded of a trip that was organized for the heads of our international oil and gas company. Part of that was a helicopter trip over Jasper, Alberta. Well, there are massive, massive folds in the Rocky Mountains. And one of the individuals who happened to be an engineer, long time standing with this particular company, he later recounted to me, he said, “I saw all these folds in the rock. I can’t even imagine how you could think that those would’ve been formed in solid cemented rocks. They had to have been soft when those big folds were formed.” So, it’s critical to state that we’re looking at scientific evidence. We’re not imagining this stuff. We’re actually looking at scientific evidence that supports a particular model, one of a young earth and short events that made the features that we observe.

[Del] Ray makes an important point. There really is a lot of evidence that supports the creation model. But we’ve only been able to show you a brief summary of just one research project. Even in this documentary, there were many conversations we had to leave out, details we couldn’t include, scientific evidence that took too long to explain. But my hope is that you have a new appreciation for how creation science actually works. I also hope this film reminds you that Genesis is the best explanation for everything we see in the world around us.

I was fortunate enough to meet up with Andrew one more time at my home in Colorado, where I spend every day under the shadow of an enormous mountain.

So Andrew, looking back at all that we’ve talked about and all that we’ve looked at, you’re still in the process of this whole research, right? How many papers have you already published?

Two have already been published. A third is in the process of being published. And there’s four more to come. And so, those papers are long and detailed with all the microscope photographs and all the descriptions of the rocks, because it’s reporting all the observational data that anyone can go and look at and read.

I guess the question is, how is the world going to respond to that?

So if they were to admit that my evidence indicates there was a catastrophic global Flood with a short period of time of catastrophic processes, a humongous amount of energy, and earth movements to raise up these mountains, they’re going to have to forget their millions of years. So they’re going to have to reject their own interpretive framework. So, they’re either going to ignore the research, which is what they commonly do, or attack the scientist.

And yet you still go on, you still proceed in this work.

Absolutely, because it’s part of our worship. As we’ve been given dominion over the earth by God, we’ve been given brains to use, He expects us to use them; it’s an act of worship to Him. And of course, we’ve got a lot more work to do. I mean, what about the animals? What were they doing at this time? What about the people that were descended from Noah? There’s lots of questions that we’ve yet to answer to link from the time that Noah got off the Ark, with the rise of the mountains, into the civilizations that everyone is familiar with. So we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us to get a fully integrated package of explaining the world around us as it is today.

So that brings me back again to some things that we’ve talked about before. We talked about them earlier in the previous film. And that is the whole notion of creation scientists, and the processes that a creation scientist goes through. And that has all been exampled for us in this project.

Well, anyone can collect rock samples, anyone can do laboratory analysis, but

they’re just numbers. They’re just observations of minerals. You’ve got to be able to put that within an interpretive framework. And I start with the interpretive framework that Genesis is literal history, that God has given us that written account of history, and it describes the Genesis Flood. And so then I start to look at the data, the observational data within that framework. And so, that’s what creation scientists do. We ask questions, and then we do the research to see if we can answer those questions. But all within the interpretive framework of Genesis.

Andrew, there are still a lot of questions then that are left unanswered. Where do you see creation science going from this point forward?

Well, actually, I’m quite excited because we see another generation being raised up to which we can hand on the torch. And my research, and others who are doing research like this, is setting examples for the younger generation. We want to equip them and challenge them with the things that have yet to be answered, to take up the questions, and run with it, and do the necessary research. So I’m quite excited about what God can do with young people in the years ahead.


56Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:19 am





So, I stand before you today to contend that belief in inerrancy requires belief in young Earth creationism. By what I mean, God created the world in six 24-hour days about 6,000 years ago, that He cursed the whole creation when Adam sinned, and that He destroyed the world with a global catastrophic flood at the time of Noah.

Dr. Ross’s Perspective on Nature and Scripture

In 1994, Dr. Ross wrote in one of his books: “The facts of nature may be likened to a 67th book of the Bible.” More recently, in his book on inerrancy, he offers a scientific defense of biblical inerrancy. He provides evidence for a moderate concordist view of dual revelation—the notion that God faithfully reveals Himself in the book of Scripture and the book of nature. So he talks about two books: nature and Scripture. Traditionally, theologians have described this as general revelation and special revelation.

General Revelation in the Bible

What does the Bible say about general revelation? What does it reveal? The heavens tell of the glory of God; they declare the work of His hands. They reveal knowledge, but no speech or words. Psalm 50 and Psalm 97 say, “The heavens declare His righteousness and His glory.” In Job 12, God says, “The beasts, the birds, the earth, and the fish will teach and declare to you that the hand of the Lord has done this.” And Habakkuk says, “His splendor covers the heavens, and the Earth is full of His praise.”

In Acts 14, when Paul is speaking to the pagans in Lystra, he says, “God permitted all the nations to go their own ways, and yet He did not leave Himself without witness in that He did good and gave you rains and fruitful seasons and food.” And in Romans 2, it says, “The Gentiles who didn’t have the Law of Moses showed the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to God and His moral law.” And in Romans 1, it says, “The wrath of God is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men because that which is known about God is evident within them. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes, His eternal power, and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made so that they are without excuse.”

Characteristics of General Revelation

So what is general revelation according to Scripture? General revelation is the truth about God—that He exists and that He has certain attributes. This truth about God is infallibly revealed through creation and the conscience. It is given to all people in all times, in all places, in all cultures, and it is understandable to all people. Therefore, every person is without excuse and guilty for failing to thank, worship, trust, and obey God.

Well, what is general revelation not? It is not science because most people don’t know science. General revelation is not the consensus view among the majority of scientists about the origin and history of the creation because most people don’t know what the majority consensus view is and couldn’t even understand it if they did. And third, general revelation does not require any scientific training to understand it. Nowhere does Scripture call creation a book. Furthermore, creation is nonverbal, Scripture is verbal. Creation is cursed, Scripture is not cursed. And there is no Bible verse that teaches that creation reveals when and how God created. Therefore, Scripture is superior to nature and supremely authoritative in revealing the truth about when and how God created.

The 67th Book of the Bible?

When Dr. Ross says, “The facts of nature may be likened to the 67th book of the Bible,” if you read his books carefully, what he really means by that is that the secular scientific consensus about the origin and history of the creation is the 67th book of the Bible, and therefore should be used as the inherent and supremely authoritative hermeneutical grid for interpreting at least some of Genesis 1–11. And I submit that all old Earth Christians are using the same grid whether they realize it or not. But I submit that there is only one book that reveals when and how God created, and that is the inerrant, clear Word of God.

Where Do We Put Millions of Years?

So where do we put the millions of years if we’re going to fit them into the Bible? Nobody tries to put them between Adam and us. There are four places Christians try to fit those years. One is to spread those millions of years over non-literal days. Another is to say that the days are literal but there is an unknown and large amount of time between each of those days. Another is to say that the first day does not begin until verse 3, so there’s a gap between verse 1 and verse 3, and that’s where we can put the millions of years. And finally, there’s the view of John Walton and others that Genesis 1 is not a creation account of material origins. God made everything before Genesis 1; He only gave the creation function to serve as a cosmic temple.

I think all of these views are false because they’re contrary to the inerrant Word of God. And I will make five points:

1. The Bible Teaches Young Earth Creationism  
  In Genesis 1, God says He created in six days. The Hebrew word is *yom*. It’s defined literally the very first time He uses the word—it’s the light portion of a light-dark cycle, and it’s the whole light-dark cycle. Yom is modified by a number: first day, second day, third day. It’s modified by the phrase, “there was evening and there was morning.” Everywhere in the Old Testament where yom is modified by a number, and everywhere in the Old Testament where the Hebrew words for evening and morning are used, they always mean a literal day. A literal part of a day. And then yom is defined literally in verse 14 when God says that He created the sun, moon, and stars so that we could measure time. But we need to consider some other facts, and that is that God could have used other time words if in fact He created over millions of years. He could have used the Hebrew word *dor*, which is translated in English Bibles as “time period” or “generation.” If He didn’t like that, He could’ve used phrases like, “after many days,” “after some years,” “after thousands or tens of thousands of years,” or “years of many generations.” And if He didn’t like those Hebrew words or phrases, He could have used Aramaic words, as He did in Daniel and Nehemiah. But God chose the only word that means a literal day, and it does so most of the 2,300 times in the Old Testament.

2. God Created Supernaturally by His Word
  Genesis 1 emphasizes this by saying 10 times, “And God said,” and things happened. The chapter clearly teaches that God supernaturally created the first plants, animals, and people by His Word, but that all subsequent plants, animals, and people would come into existence by natural procreation from the seeds in them. Psalm 33 confirms this: “By the Word of the Lord, the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth, all their host. He spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast.” God didn’t speak and then wait billions of years for stars to form.

3. Exodus 20 Confirms a Six-Day Creation  
  God says to the children of Israel: “Work six days, for in six days the Lord made the heavens, the Earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” He uses the same Hebrew words for day as He did in verse 9 of the commandment. One of the things He made in those six days was the Earth. We go back to Genesis 1. When did He make the Earth? He made the Earth in verse 1, not in verse 3. Combining Exodus 20 with Genesis 1, it’s clear that day one begins in verse 1, not in verse 3. God says that He made everything in those six days. This verse clearly prevents the addition of millions of years anywhere in or before Genesis 1.

4. The Global Flood  
  There’s much evidence that this was a global catastrophe. The purpose of the flood was to destroy not only sinful man but all land animals and all birds not on the Ark, as well as the surface of the Earth. Only a global flood would accomplish this purpose. The purpose of the Ark was to save eight people and representatives of each kind of land animal and bird to repopulate the whole Earth. The Ark was unnecessary if it was a local flood in the Middle East. The universal terms (“all,” “every,” “under heaven”) in whose nostrils was the breath of life appear 60 times. That’s emphatic. The rainbow promise was not just to the animals and people who came off the Ark but also to all of their descendants. If the flood was a local flood in the Middle East, then God lied. We could talk about the height of the flood above all the pre-flood mountains under the heavens. We could talk about the duration of the flood, the landing of the Ark not in a valley but on the highest mountain in the mountains of Ararat. The rock layers of fossils either formed before Adam or after Adam. If they formed before Adam, the only reason to believe that is by accepting the secular scientific majority’s timeline of millions of years. If they formed after Adam, the most logical cause is Noah’s flood.

5. Jesus Affirms a Young Earth  
  Jesus, when questioned about divorce by the Pharisees, said: “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” He quoted from Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. When Jesus said that, it was about 4,000 years after the beginning, according to chronological information in the Bible. Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of creation, which is the beginning of creation. Speaking in non-technical, non-scientific language, but in the evolutionary view of 14 billion years, man came at the tail end of time.


If Jesus is my Lord, I can’t have a different view than He had. And if Jesus is your Lord, then I would urge you to carefully consider my in-depth, but not difficult to understand, article defending that Jesus was a young Earth creationist. It’s on our website and in a book on our table. I submit to you that belief in inerrancy requires belief in young Earth creationism.

Thank you for your attention.


57Evidence that the earth is Young  - Page 3 Empty Re: Evidence that the earth is Young Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:47 pm



  1. Helium in Atmosphere: The argument suggests that the amount of helium in the Earth's atmosphere is lower than expected if the planet were billions of years old, implying that helium escape rates are insufficient to reconcile with long timescales.
  2. Helium in Ground: Helium accumulation in certain mineral deposits, such as zircon crystals, is cited as evidence of a younger Earth due to diffusion rates that suggest shorter timescales.
  3. Meteor Dust: The relatively small accumulation of meteoric dust on Earth's surface is considered inconsistent with a billion-year-old Earth, given the current rate of dust influx.
  4. Buildup of Carbon-14: The rapid decay rate of Carbon-14 suggests it should not persist in measurable amounts beyond tens of thousands of years, challenging longer timescales for organic material preservation.
  5. Human Population: Growth models for the human population are interpreted as suggesting a young origin for humanity, as exponential growth would have produced far more people if it began millions of years ago.
  6. Natural Plutonium: The absence of naturally occurring plutonium-244, which has a half-life shorter than Earth's purported age, is used to question long timescales.
  7. Sodium in Sea: The salinity of the oceans, specifically the accumulation of sodium, is argued to be inconsistent with a multi-billion-year-old Earth based on current input/output rates.
  8. Sediment in Sea: The volume of sediment on the ocean floor is cited as evidence for a younger Earth, as sedimentation rates do not align with billions of years.
  9. Erosion of Continents: The erosion rates of continents, if extrapolated, would flatten them in far less time than the geological age of Earth suggests.
  10. Earth's Magnetic Field: The decay of Earth's magnetic field strength over time is presented as incompatible with a multi-billion-year timescale.
  11. Oil Leaks in Earth: The pressure in oil and gas reservoirs is considered evidence for a younger Earth, as it is argued that such pressure would not persist over millions of years.
  12. Natural Gas in Earth: Similar to oil, the persistence of natural gas pressures is used to support shorter timescales.
  13. Orphan Radiohalos: Polonium radiohalos in rocks are argued to form quickly, requiring rapid processes rather than long geologic periods.
  14. Coral Reef Growth: The size and growth rates of coral reefs are cited as evidence for a younger age than mainstream estimates.
  15. Oldest Living Plants: The ages of the oldest known living plants, such as bristlecone pines, are considered consistent with shorter timescales.
  16. Human Civilizations: The historical records of human civilization are argued to fit within a few thousand years rather than tens or hundreds of thousands.
  17. River Delta Growth: The rate at which river deltas, such as the Mississippi, grow is cited as evidence for shorter timescales.
  18. Undersea Oil Seepage: The limited degradation of undersea oil deposits is interpreted as evidence against their multimillion-year age.
  19. Uranium in Sea: The accumulation of uranium in seawater is argued to align with shorter timescales based on input/output rates.
  20. Neutrons and Lead: The decay of neutrons into lead in certain processes is cited as an indicator of shorter timescales.
  21. Rotation of Spiral Galaxies: The rotation rates of spiral galaxies and the persistence of their arms are interpreted as inconsistent with billion-year timescales.
  22. Interstellar Gas Expansion: The expansion and density of interstellar gas clouds are used to question longer timeframes.
  23. C-14 in Meteorites: The detection of Carbon-14 in ancient meteorites is argued to challenge the billions-of-years framework.
  24. Decay of Comets: The limited lifespans of short-period comets are presented as evidence for a younger solar system.
  25. Interplanetary Dust Removal: The low density of interplanetary dust is cited as inconsistent with a solar system billions of years old.
  26. Lifetime of Meteor Showers: The persistence of meteor showers is argued to suggest shorter timescales for their origin.
  27. Peat Bog Growth: The growth rates of peat bogs are interpreted as consistent with a younger Earth.
  28. Multi-Layer Fossils: Fossils found crossing multiple sedimentary layers are cited as evidence for rapid burial and deposition rather than slow geological processes.
  29. Hardening of Rocks: The rapid hardening of some sedimentary rocks is used to question the necessity of long timescales for geological formations.
  30. Decay of Saturn's Rings: Observations of Saturn’s rings, including material loss and instability, are interpreted as evidence for a younger age than billions of years.
  31. Potassium in the Sea: Potassium accumulation in seawater is argued to align with shorter timescales based on input/output rates.
  32. Titan's Methane Loss: The rapid depletion of methane on Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is cited as evidence against billions of years.
  33. Internal Heat of Io: The intense volcanic activity and heat of Jupiter's moon Io are argued to be inconsistent with an old solar system.
  34. Leaching of Chlorine: The movement and leaching of chlorine in geological processes are used to question longer timescales.
  35. Radiogenic Lead: The ratios of lead isotopes produced by radioactive decay are interpreted as evidence for shorter timelines.
  36. Niagara Falls Erosion: The rate of erosion of Niagara Falls is used to estimate a shorter timescale for its formation.
  37. Stone Age Burials: The apparent rapid proliferation of Stone Age burials is argued to fit within a shorter timeline for human history.
  38. Seafloor Calcareous Ooze: The accumulation rates of calcareous ooze on the seafloor are interpreted as consistent with a younger Earth.
  39. Uranium Decay: The rate of uranium decay and its byproducts are questioned as reliable indicators of vast timescales.


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