ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith

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In the beginning, a code was set,
Molecular information, a language to be met.
DNA, a sequence of nucleotides so complex,
Directing amino acids, to form a protein vortex.

Intelligent beings, we too create,
Machines with purpose, following a clear mandate.
Instructional information, we design and write,
To build the structures, that make our world bright.

Yet, chance alone cannot explain,
The protein sets that started life's domain.
The odds against it, simply too great,
For unguided randomness, to be the fate.

So, by Bayesian probability we see,
Intelligence as the more likely key.
To unlock the mystery of life's first spark,
And the origin of the protein arc.

In awe we stand, at this intricate design,
A reflection of the creator, so divine.
The wonders of life, from the molecular to the grand,
A testimony to the power of the maker's hand.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Gggdfg12




In cells, a code is held
Of secrets, stories, yet to be unveiled
Sixty-one codons and three stops
Of twenty acids, the genetic code unlocks

Translation, a mechanism so fine
Of adapter, key, and process aligned
A code requires values assigned
To represent something else in mind

A puzzle to solve, a mystery to unfold
A code demands foreknowledge, we are told
To set up a system that works so well
For a functional outcome, only time can tell

Foreknowledge, a gift from above
To direct the making of proteins with love
A system so complex, yet so precise
To create life, a true paradise

Therefore, we can conclude with pride
That this translation mechanism was designed
For the code of life to take its form
And in its wonder, our hearts to transform.

1. In cells, the genetic code assigns 61 codons and 3 start/stop codons to 20 amino acids, using the Ribosome as a translation mechanism.
2. All codes require arbitrary values being assigned and determined to represent something else.
3. All codes require a translation mechanism, adapter, key, or process of some kind to exist prior to translation
4. Foreknowledge is required both, a) to get a functional outcome through the information system, and b) to set up the entire system.
5. Therefore, translation directing the making of proteins used in life was most probably designed.

Enigma Machines & Bad Analogies | Otangelo-(BR) | Atheist Experience

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Gf94310

Last edited by Otangelo on Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:56 pm; edited 3 times in total




Has the original text of the gospels and other books contained in the Bible remained preserved?


Amidst the many manuscripts that exist,
Thousands of fragments, a scholar's list,
Greek, Latin, Syriac, and more,
All studied and compared to find what's in store.

Dating back to the second century,
The New Testament's history is no mystery,
With over 5,800 Greek texts alone,
Scholars examine each and every stone.

Though some variations do appear,
Minor changes that do not impair,
The core message remains the same,
The teachings of Jesus, still in flame.

With careful analysis and evaluation,
Scholars determine the text's true narration,
The age, origin, and characteristics of each,
Help to determine the accurate speech.

Through it all, the message stands true,
The teachings of Jesus, for me and you,
Withstanding the test of time,
An unwavering truth, forever sublime.

There are thousands of different fragments and manuscripts of the New Testament that are known to exist. The exact number is difficult to determine, as new discoveries are continually being made, and some manuscripts may be fragmented and scattered in multiple locations. However, it is estimated that there are over 5,800 Greek manuscripts alone, with some of the earliest dating back to the second century AD. Additionally, there are many more manuscripts in other languages, such as Latin, Syriac, Coptic, and Armenian. While there are certainly variations among these manuscripts, the vast number of them provides scholars with a wealth of material to compare and analyze, leading to a better understanding of the text of the New Testament.

It is generally accepted among scholars that even though there are variations in the manuscripts and fragments of the New Testament, the core message has remained unchanged. The vast majority of these variations are minor and do not affect the meaning of the text, such as differences in spelling, word order, and minor grammatical changes.

Furthermore, scholars have developed methods for determining the most accurate readings of the original text based on careful comparison of the available manuscripts and fragments. These methods include evaluating the age, geographic origin, and textual characteristics of the different manuscripts, as well as comparing them to early translations and quotations of the text from other sources.

Overall, while there may be small variations in the manuscripts and fragments of the New Testament, the core message and teachings of the text have remained consistent throughout the centuries.

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a collection of Jewish texts that were preserved in caves near Qumran, provides valuable insight into the transmission of the Old Testament. Among the scrolls were multiple copies of various Old Testament books, including nearly complete copies of some books like Isaiah, as well as fragments of other books.

These scrolls were written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the same languages in which the Old Testament was originally written. The scrolls date from the third century BC to the first century AD, making them the oldest surviving copies of the Old Testament.

One of the most remarkable things about the Dead Sea Scrolls is how consistent they are with later manuscripts of the Old Testament that were copied centuries later. The fact that the scrolls were preserved in caves for centuries without being altered, and that they were written before the rise of Christianity, gives us confidence that the Old Testament has been transmitted faithfully throughout the centuries.

In addition to the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are also thousands of other Old Testament manuscripts and fragments that have been discovered, dating from different times and places. Scholars use these manuscripts to compare and analyze the text, and they have found that the variations among them are generally minor and do not affect the core message of the text.

Overall, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and other manuscripts confirms the faithfulness of the transmission of the Old Testament throughout history.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 92479f11




In ancient times so long ago
Jesus walked the earth below
He performed many wondrous signs
But not all recorded in the lines

John wrote to us with great intent
That we may believe and repent
To know that Jesus is the way
And in his name we have life today
A selfie left, a shroud of Turin

A glimpse of him, a sacred yearning
And on that day in Jerusalem
A palm branch wave, a joyful anthem
I traveled back through time and space
To see his smile, to see his face
He held a phone, the apostles near

A moment captured, so dear
This selfie shot, a treasured find
A symbol of a love divine
A reminder of the truth we hold
In Jesus Christ, our hearts unfold.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Imauge10




On a donkey, he rode into town,
The King of kings with his head held down,
His people laid palm branches down,
With shouts of "Hosanna!" all around.

The prophecy was fulfilled that day,
Jesus the Messiah came to stay,
To save his people, lead the way,
And bring the dawn of a brand new day.

The donkey, a symbol of humility,
Showed that his kingdom was of tranquility,
Not of war, nor violent ability,
But of love, grace, and mercy in totality.

The palm branches, a symbol of victory,
Were laid to honor this great royalty,
As the people shouted with pure sincerity,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" with clarity.

This triumphal entry marked a turning point,
A pivotal moment in Jesus' joint,
For it foretold his sacrifice on Calvary's mount,
And the power of his resurrection's count.

So on this Palm Sunday, let us reflect,
On the love of Jesus, we can't reject,
For through his triumphal entry, we are not subject,
To the world's darkness and its unchecked effect.

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, which is described in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. According to the biblical accounts, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey while crowds of people spread palm branches and their cloaks on the road ahead of him, shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

The significance of this event is that it fulfilled prophecy and showed that Jesus was the Messiah who had been prophesied to come to save God's people. The donkey was a symbol of humility and peace, which was in contrast to the popular expectation of a military conqueror who would lead a rebellion against the Roman occupation of Jerusalem. By riding a donkey, Jesus was demonstrating that his kingdom was not of this world.

The palm branches were also significant, as they were a symbol of victory and triumph in Jewish culture. The people who laid down the branches and their cloaks were acknowledging Jesus as their King and were showing their support for him.

Overall, the triumphal entry was a pivotal moment in Jesus' ministry, and it marked the beginning of the events leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 G129610




Lost among the mountains,
In the darkening night,
An awful precipice looms,
A quarter mile in sight.

A bog lies over yonder,
A trap that none escape,
And in the tangled forest,
The lost can only gape.

What we need is someone,
To show us the right way,
More precious than the learned,
Who lectures night and day.

We need a simple signpost,
To guide us through the night,
Someone who knows the way to go,
And leads us to the light.

For Christ has said, "I am the way,"
And none can reach the goal,
Except through Him, the truth, the life,
The pathway to the soul.

So let us heed the signpost's call,
And follow where it leads,
To find the way to Heaven's gate,
And meet our deepest needs.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 G173710




A song:

Verse 1:
On this Good Friday, I bow my head
Grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made
A gift so pure, His love so deep
For all my sins, He bore the weight so steep

He took my place on the cross
In anguish, pain, and utter loss
His blood was shed to wash me clean
His grace is so vast, it's a holy scene

Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end
I'm humbled, grateful, and amazed
For what You did on this Good Friday, praised!

Verse 2:
You took Your cross, You gave Your back
They pierced Your wrists, nailed on the rack
You suffered pain, too great to bear
The weight of sin, You chose to share

The Father turned His eyes away
You felt the loss, You cried out in dismay
"Father, Father, why have You forsaken me?"
For just a moment, You felt abandoned, oh, how could it be?

Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end
I'm humbled, grateful, and amazed
For what You did on this Good Friday, praised!

Verse 3:
But it was Your love that took our sins
You paid the price, made us clean within
Your sacrifice, so selfless, true
Incomprehensible, Your love so new

You bore the wounds, Your body torn
For our redemption, You were scorned
You bore our guilt, our shame, our blame
With outstretched arms, You took the flame

Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end
I'm humbled, grateful, and amazed
For what You did on this Good Friday, praised!

Your mercy true, Your grace so vast
It's a holy scene, it's meant to last
Today, I offer thanks and prayer
For Your love and grace beyond compare

I'll live for You, with grateful heart
Forever changed, right from the start
Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end

Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end
I'm humbled, grateful, and amazed
For what You did on this Good Friday, praised!

So all nations shall praise Your name
For Your sacrifice, Your endless fame
In awe and wonder, we lift our voice
To praise You, Jesus, our eternal choice.

On this Good Friday, we humbly bow
Grateful for Your love, then and now
For You took the cross, You paid the price
With everlasting love, You've changed our lives.

A poem:

On this Good Friday, I bow my head
Grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made
A gift so pure, His love so deep
For all my sins, He bore the weight so steep

He took my place on the cross
In anguish, pain, and utter loss
His blood was shed to wash me clean
His grace is so vast, it's a holy scene

My Savior's wounds, His body torn
For my redemption, He was scorned
He bore my guilt, my shame, my blame
With outstretched arms, He took the flame

His love so selfless, His mercy true
He paid the price, so I am made anew
I'm filled with awe, I'm filled with praise
For Jesus' sacrifice, in so many ways

So today, I offer thanks and prayer
For His grace and love beyond compare
I'll live for Him, with a grateful heart
Forever changed, right from the start.

Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end
I'm humbled, grateful, and amazed
For what You did on this Good Friday, praised!

You took Your cross, You gave Your back
You took Your cross, they pierced Your wrists, nailed on the rack
You suffered pain, too great to bear
The weight of sin, You chose to share

The Father turned His eyes away
You felt the loss, You cried out in dismay
"Father, Father, why have You forsaken me?"
For just a moment, You felt abandoned, oh, how could it be?

But it was Your love that took our sins
You paid the price, made us clean within
Your sacrifice, so selfless, true
Incomprehensible, Your love so new

You bore the wounds, Your body torn
For our redemption, You were scorned
You bore our guilt, our shame, our blame
With outstretched arms, You took the flame

Your mercy true, Your grace so vast
It's a holy scene, it's meant to last
Today, I offer thanks and prayer
For Your love and grace beyond compare

I'll live for You, with grateful heart
Forever changed, right from the start
Oh, Jesus, my Savior, my King, my Friend
Your love for me will never end

So all nations shall praise Your name
For Your sacrifice, Your endless fame
In awe and wonder, we lift our voice
To praise You, Jesus, our eternal choice.

On this Good Friday, we humbly bow
Grateful for Your love, then and now
For You took the cross, You paid the price
With everlasting love, You've changed our lives.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 G9ff6410




Oh, the treasures of eternal life,
In perfect peace, with joy so rife.
God's gift to us, beyond compare,
A life to be lived with love and care.

He created heavens and earth,
With precision, wisdom, and great worth.
A finely tuned and balanced place,
Filled with wonders to explore and trace.

A vast range of life forms, diverse and grand,
For us to study, to understand.
Though sin came to this world, it's not the end,
For God has promised, a new world to transcend.

This universe, this earth, will fade away,
But God will create a new display.
No evil, no impurity will inherit,
Only the redeemed, cleansed by the Lamb's merit.

Through Christ's sacrifice, our sins are washed away,
Clothed in righteousness, we'll forever stay.
Oh, glory and praise to our great Lord,
Eternal, mysterious, in Him we're restored.

The Great I Am, revealed to Moses of old,
The eternal One, whose mysteries unfold.
His power and intelligence beyond our grasp,
Yet He invites us to explore and clasp.

Life with Him is never boring or mundane,
There's always more to learn, to gain.
In awe, we delve into His wondrous plan,
For life with God is an adventure, never bland.

So let us praise the Lord, with hearts so bright,
For His gift of eternal life's pure light.
In His presence, we'll forever soar,
Exploring the mysteries, forevermore.




The precious Blood of Christ divine,
That cleanses us from sins so dire,
A treasure rare, for those who shine,
Saved by grace, with hearts afire.

Unbelievers may abhor, disdain,
This mystery they fail to grasp,
But for the saved, it brings no pain,
A gift divine, an endless clasp.

It's the Blood that flowed upon the cross,
Washing stains of sin away,
A wellspring of life, of grace, no loss,
Reconciling us with God each day.

Purified, renewed, set free,
By Christ's Blood, poured in full measure,
Redemption's gift, eternally,
An unending love, a priceless treasure.

How precious is the Blood of Christ,
That makes us children, heirs of light,
Bringing hope in a world so trice,
Offering salvation, pure and bright.

So, let us raise a song of praise,
For Christ's Blood, our Redeemer's grace,
Embracing it as the most prized blaze,
Illumining our souls with endless embrace.




Naturalism, a distorted faith,
Born from brainwashing, in a deluded state.
A creed that seeks to explain all with reason,
But loses itself in an illusion without season.

Presumptuously claiming to hold the sole truth,
But it's irrational, lacking completeness and couth.
Limiting mankind to what's tangible, seen,
Ignoring the infinite mystery, the unseen.

Denying the existence of a supreme Creator,
Reducing the universe to mechanical endeavor.
Confining humanity to a senseless existence,
A narrow perspective, a shallow subsistence.

For man is more than just neurons and cells,
A being with spirit, soul that truly dwells.
Naturalism deprives him of this dimension,
Reducing him to a life devoid of connection.

The beauty of art, the wonders of nature,
The depth of love, the joy of hope's nurture,
All beyond scientific measurement's scope,
Naturalism denies, reducing them to mere trope.

It's irrational, based on blind faith,
On the dogma of reason alone, a shallow wraith.
For reality is complex, beyond our grasp,
And naturalistic faith is narrow, a futile clasp.

Let's open our eyes to life's infinite mystery,
To the beauty that transcends all measurement's history.
Recognize the limitations of naturalism's view,
And embrace a fuller vision, without denial's hue.

Faith is not limited to what's tangible or seen,
But in the unseen mystery, the divine sheen.
Let's not be confined by irrational belief,
But embrace an open faith that brings relief.




Just a week end lost ?

Oh, my friend, you miss the mark,
With words that seem to leave a spark.
Jesus' sacrifice was so much more,
A love so deep, to the very core.

It wasn't just a weekend lost,
But a mission fulfilled, no matter the cost.
He laid down his life, willingly gave,
To redeem us all, and our souls to save.

It was not just a casual act,
But a divine plan, a selfless pact.
He bore our sins, our pain and strife,
To bring us hope and eternal life.

He faced betrayal, scourge and shame,
To bear our burdens, take our blame.
He carried the cross, with wounds and scars,
For the redemption of souls, from near and far.

It was not just a weekend's toll,
But a sacrifice that made us whole.
He conquered death, rose from the grave,
So we could be saved, by His grace to crave.

His love, a gift beyond compare,
A sacrifice so rare and rare.
It's not just about a weekend's plight,
But about a love that shines so bright.

So let us not diminish or downplay,
The depth of love shown on that day.
Jesus' sacrifice, a timeless story,
Of God's grace, and His endless glory.

Oh, dear skeptic, with words so sharp,
Your doubts and criticisms, piercing the heart,
But let me share, in poetic rhyme,
The meaning of sacrifice, in a tale divine.

Jesus, the son of God, so pure and true,
Descended to earth, for me and you,
His suffering immense, a sacrifice great,
To save humanity, from eternal fate.

He knew the pain that lay ahead,
The agony, the torment, the bloodshed,
Yet willingly, He took the cross,
For our salvation, without remorse or loss.

Yes, He rose again, on the third day,
Conquering death, in a triumphant way,
But it's not about the length of time,
But the depth of love, so sublime.

For in those moments, He bore our sins,
And offered redemption, as it begins,
He showed us grace, and selfless love,
Pointing to the heavens, where He reigns above.

So, it's not about a "weekend" brief,
But the eternal impact, beyond belief,
His sacrifice, so selflessly made,
For our redemption, an eternal trade.

As for your doubts, your disbelief,
The existence of God, may bring you grief,
But in the hearts of many, faith still thrives,
A source of hope, that forever survives.

So, whether you believe or not,
Let's remember the lesson, that Jesus taught,
Of sacrifice, love, and grace divine,
A story beyond human comprehension, so divine.

In the end, it's not about what you say,
But how you live, day by day,
With kindness, compassion, and empathy,
Reflecting the true spirit, of divinity.

So, let us ponder, with open hearts,
The meaning of sacrifice, as it imparts,
And embrace the faith, or choose to doubt,
For the story of Jesus, still holds its clout.

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Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:01 am; edited 1 time in total




A creator's hand, so skillful and wise,
Has crafted the world, beneath the skies,
With purpose and design, both great and small,
A masterpiece of wonder, for one and all.

Reasons abound, to believe in a Creator,
For nature's marvels, could not be greater,
From galaxies swirling, in cosmic dance,
To smallest atoms, in their intricate trance.

The laws of physics, precise and exact,
Fine-tuned with care, a cosmic pact,
To govern the universe, in perfect harmony,
Sustaining life, with exquisite symphony.

From DNA, with its code so precise,
To ecosystems, with balance so nice,
Life's complexity, a testament clear,
Of a Creator's wisdom, so bright and near.

The beauty of a sunset, the colors so grand,
The whispering breeze, across the land,
The fragrant flowers, with petals so fair,
The wonders of creation, beyond compare.

The human mind, with its depth and might,
Creative genius, a beacon of light,
The capacity to love, and feel deep emotion,
A gift divine, with endless devotion.

Morality's compass, within us instilled,
A sense of right and wrong, with hearts filled,
A moral law, that transcends all time,
A sign of a Creator, so sublime.

So, ponder the marvels, around and within,
The intricate web, where life does begin,
And reason's gaze, will lead you to see,
The existence of a Creator, beyond decree.

For the world we behold, with all its grandeur,
Bears the marks of a loving, divine venture,
A masterpiece of art, so wondrous and pure,
A Creator's masterpiece, forever endure.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Imagdd10




Even if the universe would be infinitely vast
God loves us with infinite love.

Though the Universe be vast, infinite and wide,
God thinks of each of us with love, our promised guide.
With care and tenderness, from heaven above,
He wraps us in His love, an eternal, unwavering love.

No matter how great or small the cosmos may be,
God cares for us deeply, even in the deepest sea,
With loving eyes, He watches over every soul,
Protects us, guides us, through challenges that take their toll.

None are forgotten, none are left behind,
God knows us completely, in our hearts He has mined,
He loves us unconditionally, without measure or end,
An eternal love that never fades, never bends.

Though the Universe be vast and infinite,
God thinks of us with love, our beacon and our friend,
He supports us, encourages us, in every step we take,
With His eternal love that embraces us, each day and night, awake.

No matter how small or large we may seem,
God loves us with infinite, limitless esteem,
And accompanies us with grace, in joy and pain,
Our beloved Creator, with us forever, love that will remain.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Hossen11




But faith for many, a cherished theme.
Not just for leaders, but for the masses,
A source of solace, amidst life's passes.

Fear, not the sole tool of faith's embrace,
But love, compassion, and hope in place.
Instilling values, guiding our way,
Inspiring kindness, day by day.

Generation to generation, passed on,
A legacy of faith, from dawn to dawn.
Not just ignorance, but diverse belief,
Seeking answers, solace in grief.

Science, not at odds with faith's domain,
Complementary realms, they both sustain.
Exploring nature, its wonders and clues,
Enhancing faith, with knowledge to use.

Fossils, not shunned by those of faith,
But marvels of creation, without wraith.
A testament to nature's ancient past,
Awe-inspiring, a legacy to cast.

So let not false claims sow seeds of doubt,
Religion and science, can coexist, no clout.
Faith and reason, a harmonious blend,
Enriching lives, till the very end.




Religion, not just an empire's dream,
But faith for many, a cherished theme.
Not just for leaders, but for the masses,
A source of solace, amidst life's passes.

Fear, not the sole tool of faith's embrace,
But love, compassion, and hope in place.
Instilling values, guiding our way,
Inspiring kindness, day by day.

Generation to generation, passed on,
A legacy of faith, from dawn to dawn.
Not just ignorance, but diverse belief,
Seeking answers, solace in grief.

Science, not at odds with faith's domain,
Complementary realms, they both sustain.
Exploring nature, its wonders and clues,
Enhancing faith, with knowledge to use.

Fossils, not shunned by those of faith,
But marvels of creation, without wraith.
A testament to nature's ancient past,
Awe-inspiring, a legacy to cast.

So let not false claims sow seeds of doubt,
Religion and science, can coexist, no clout.
Faith and reason, a harmonious blend,
Enriching lives, till the very end.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Hossen13




With reason, philosophy, and science,
We seek the truth in a balanced alliance.
Through Bayesian theory and abductive thought,
God's existence, with sound reason, can be sought.

No need for proof, belief can still be sound,
As faith and reason can be tightly bound.
For God's existence, we find clues abound,
In creation's wonders, both large and small, all around.

From physics to astronomy, chemistry to biochemistry,
God's handiwork is seen in every niche.
From macro to micro, complexity revealed,
In nature's design, a blueprint sealed.

The Bible, God's direct revelation,
Provides insight and divine communication.
A guide for faith, with wisdom profound,
A beacon of truth, divinely profound.

On the other hand, naturalistic claims,
Have led to dead ends, with futile aims.
In every camp of scientific quest,
Limitations and gaps, they attest.

Those who reject God, not based on reason,
But perhaps emotion, in a certain season.
Hidden habits, sinful desires,
Lead them to construct a worldview that backfires.

Tailored to their wishes, their own design,
Ignoring evidence, a truth divine.
Seeking truth, following where it leads,
Requires open hearts and unbiased creeds.

So let us seek, with minds and hearts sincere,
The truth that's based on reason clear.
For God's existence, can be rational and true,
A belief grounded in sound framework, for me and you.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Imayye10




In the beginning, there was God,
Eternally living, He created life,
But sin entered the world and marred
The perfection of His design, causing strife.

Humanity was doomed to eternal death,
But God in His mercy, had a plan,
He sent His Son to take our place,
And die on the cross, to save sinful man.

He redeemed us, making us just,
Forgiving us of our every wrong,
And giving us eternal life, we can trust,
To be with Him in heaven, forever long.

So the Christian faith is about life,
Starting with God, the giver of all,
And ending with the promise of eternal life,
For those who answer His redeeming call.

But if atheism is true, then all we see,
Is a cold and lifeless universe,
Where everything returns to eternal death,
And existence is just a fleeting curse.

So let us hold on to the hope we have,
In the life-giving God above,
And reject the cult of death, that is naturalism,
Embracing the love and life of the One we love.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 Ddddd12




(Verse 1)
A mystery of love, so pure and divine,
In Jesus' sacrifice, a love that forever shines.
His death, a testament to grace and grace,
A love that saves, in every time and place.

Oh, praise His name, the Lamb of God,
Whose love is endless, a beacon so broad.
Through the cross, He showed us the way,
A mystery of love, that never fades away.

(Verse 2)
His blood shed for us, a crimson stream,
Washing away our sins, a redemptive theme.
His love breaks down every barrier and wall,
A love that's unconditional, for one and all.

Oh, praise His name, the Lamb of God,
Whose love is endless, a beacon so broad.
Through the cross, He showed us the way,
A mystery of love, that never fades away.

In that mystery of love, a treasure untold,
A love that's eternal, never grows old.
A love that guides, illuminates, and abides,
In His embrace, our hearts find solace and rides.

Oh, praise His name, the Lamb of God,
Whose love is endless, a beacon so broad.
Through the cross, He showed us the way,
A mystery of love, that never fades away.

So, let us sing His praises high and wide,
For His mystery of love, that never subsides.
Forever grateful, our hearts lifted above,
In awe of His unfailing, eternal mystery of love.

A mystery of love, I tell you, is here,
In the sacrifice of Jesus, so divine and clear.
His death, though tragic and filled with pain,
Reveals a love that's eternal, a radiant flame.

On that cross, He offered Himself for us all,
A love that broke down every barrier, standing tall.
His blood washed away our sins so deep,
Giving hope to every heart that dares to weep.

It's not a mystery of cruelty or sadistic fate,
But a gesture of love, so heroic and great.
His sacrifice is an offering of love so true,
Opening doors to a brighter future anew.

That mystery of love teaches us the truth,
That love conquers all, in every form and sooth.
And though death may seem cruel and dark,
His love lifts us up, reveals a divine spark.

So, seek to understand,
That in that mystery of love, a treasure so grand.
It's a love that embraces, redeems, and guides,
An eternal love that reaches, illuminates, and abides.

And though the cross may seem like an enigma,
It's a sign of love, a gift from the Divine Sigma.
A mystery of love, so deep and pure,
Reminding us that love is life's essence,
the present and future.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 E47cc011




Interdependence Points to Design

In the world of cells, a network complex,
Regulating purines, with interwoven threads.
From RNA-binding proteins, to small RNAs,
And riboswitches, they dance in elegant spread.

Each actor plays a role, unique and fine,
Dependent on the others, they intertwine.
RNA-binding proteins, with binding sites specific,
Stabilizing mRNAs, making them prolific.

Small RNAs, with base pairing prowess,
Efficiently tweaking mRNAs, with finesse.
Responding to cues, like nucleotide levels,
Or other signals, that the cell unravels.

Riboswitches, like molecular switches,
Changing conformation, as the cell wishes.
Metabolite binding, causing a change,
In mRNA regulation, they rearrange.

Irreducible, this network of dance,
The removal of one, would disrupt the chance,
Of proper regulation, in purine biosynthesis,
A system so intricate, it's hard to dismiss.

Interdependence points to design,
In this regulatory network, so refined.
Each actor essential, in its own way,
Working together, day by day.

Evolution's path, complex and long,
Coordinating components, can't be wrong.
Design in every step, we see,
In the interdependence, of this regulatory decree.

So marvel at the complexity, of this dance,
In the world of cells, where interdependence enhances,
The regulation of purine biosynthesis,
A testament to design, a masterpiece of life's kiss.




Marvelous Factories: The Ingenious Cells

Cells, the building blocks of life,
A world of wonders, beyond our sight,
Factories so small, yet so grand,
With intricacies we can't understand.

They use codes and information,
To operate with precise coordination,
Molecular machines, oh, so fine,
Creating materials, a design divine.

Energy turbines, highly specialized,
Self-replicating, they're so prized,
Ingenium, the Latin word for "cleverness",
Cells display it with flawless finesse.

Engineering, the art of invention,
Cells are masters, beyond our comprehension,
Robust and integral, their control,
Operating with perfection, a wondrous role.

Science reveals their engineering feats,
Innovations beyond our wildest treats,
Biomimetics, a field so new,
Inspired by cells, it's awe-inspiring too.

For engineering requires a mind,
An intelligent designer, we can find,
Cells are evidence of superior creation,
With precision and complexity, beyond imagination.

So let's marvel at these factories small,
Ingenious cells, the greatest of all,
A testament to design, so divine,
A masterpiece of intelligence, a gift so fine.




A Symphony of Biology: Unraveling Complexity

In the world of biology, a complex dance,
Of mechanisms and codes, a captivating trance,
From genes and networks, to retrotransposons,
Junk DNA, and splicing, a symphony of connections.

Epigenetic codes, a language so grand,
Glycan codes on membranes, complex and unplanned,
Post-transcriptional modifications abound,
Histones, hormones, with roles profound.

Ion channels and fields, beyond the genes,
Inheritance by cell memory, a tale unseen,
Membrane targets and patterns, shaping cells,
Cytoskeletal arrays, with stories to tell.

These mechanisms, they orchestrate,
Gene expression, they regulate,
Cell types and patterns, they generate,
Critical tasks, they fascinate.

Traditionally, a gene-centric view,
Darwin's proposal, old and true,
But recent discoveries, so vast and grand,
Challenging the theories, that once did stand.

Neo-Darwinism, the Modern Synthesis,
Only partial, with some hypotheses amiss,
Extended evolutionary synthesis, a new proposal,
But still, there's more, a holistic disposal.

Structuralism and systems biology,
A Systems Design, a novel analogy,
Taking into account, the complexity untold,
Of organizational hierarchy, and mysteries unfold.

So let's embrace the wonder, of science's quest,
Unraveling the mysteries, with zest,
For life's complexity, a marvel to behold,
In the world of biology, stories yet untold.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 D876x410

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In the strands of DNA, a code is found,
A template of life, both complex and profound,
Like a recipe or program, it holds the key,
To the building blocks of life, as we can see.

The nucleic acids carry information,
In a meaningful way, with clear intention,
It instructs the steps, in a precise order,
To create functional proteins, a remarkable border.

Recipes and programs, with purpose they're made,
To bring about outcomes, in a pre-set cascade,
Not just physical, but instructional too,
Guided by design, with an aim that's true.

A purely physical view falls short,
To capture the essence, the instructional fort,
Information is intangible and grand,
Beyond the reach of any random hand.

To say that a physical process alone,
Can create semiotic code, is an unknown,
Like a rainbow writing poetry in the sky,
It's an unlikely notion, we can't deny.

Physics and chemistry, they play their role,
But to create concepts, they lack the whole,
The only cause, with the power and might,
Is a conscious mind, intelligent and bright.

Thus, the DNA's instructional code,
Most likely comes from a designer bold,
A mind so wise, with a purpose and plan,
An intelligent creator, the source of life's span.




Large-scale evolution, a hypothesis non-testable,
Factors complex, unknown and variable, make it unstable.
Fitness, mutation rates, and effects hard to gauge,
Estimating reproductive value, a challenging stage.

Darwin's theory, difficult to quantify,
Unknowns abound, making it hard to verify.
Variations in environment, species behavior change,
Influence on specific traits, a puzzle, so strange.

The key question remains unanswered still,
How mutations affect fitness, a complex skill.
Natural selection, a concept hard to measure,
Lacking scientific value, a challenging endeavor.

A hypothesis at best, untestable claim,
Based on belief, not evidence, it may aim.
Blind confidence, not scientific proof,
Biodiversity's explanation, still aloof.




The Masterful Dance: Kinesin and Intelligent Design

In the wondrous world of cells so small,
A marvel of design stands tall,
A motor protein, so complex and grand,
Guiding cargo with a masterful hand.

Its name is Kinesin, a molecular machine,
A marvel of biology, a sight unseen,
With two strong "feet" that grip with might,
Walking along highways, so precise and right.

Microtubules, fibers that crisscross the cell,
Are like tiny highways where Kinesin dwells,
Its "feet" attach with perfect grip,
And off it goes on its transport trip.

With a long "tail" that carries the load,
Kinesin travels on this cellular road,
Transporting cargo from place to place,
With elegance, grace, and flawless pace.

How does it know where to go,
With such precision, row by row?
How does it navigate the path,
Avoiding obstacles, avoiding wrath?

Some may say it's just by chance,
But I see a deeper, purposeful glance,
A design so intelligent, so wise,
Guiding Kinesin with skillful ties.

In every step, in every turn,
A dance of life, a lesson to learn,
The way it walks, the way it moves,
A symphony of precision that proves,

That in the cell, a masterpiece is found,
With Kinesin, a jewel so profound,
A testament to a Designer's plan,
A marvel of creation, beyond the span.

So as we marvel at life's intricate dance,
Let's pause and give a knowing glance,
To the wonders of the cellular world,
Where intelligent design is clearly unfurled.

Kinesin and myosin motor proteins - amazing cargo carriers in the cell

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 G320010




Easter Praise: He Conquered Death

Verse 1:
On Eastern Sunday, long ago,
The tomb was empty, hearts aglow,
Jesus, our Savior, rose with might,
A beacon of hope, a glorious sight.

He conquered death, our risen King,
Let every voice in praise now sing,
With joy and awe, our hearts ablaze,
We celebrate His victorious ways.

Verse 2:
In Jerusalem, on that blessed day,
The stone rolled away, darkness gave way,
Jesus, our Redeemer, conquered sin,
His grace and love, the ultimate win.

He conquered death, our risen King,
Let every voice in praise now sing,
With joy and awe, our hearts ablaze,
We celebrate His victorious ways.

Verse 3:
With lilies and tulips, we adorn,
The cross, now a symbol of grace reborn,
Jesus, our Lord, alive and true,
Bringing hope and life to me and you.

He conquered death, our risen King,
Let every voice in praise now sing,
With joy and awe, our hearts ablaze,
We celebrate His victorious ways.

Oh, Jesus, our Savior, forevermore,
Your victory echoes from shore to shore,
In awe and reverence, we bow down,
Your grace and love, an eternal crown.

He conquered death, our risen King,
Let every voice in praise now sing,
With joy and awe, our hearts ablaze,
We celebrate His victorious ways.

Verse 4:
So let us lift our voices high,
In praise to Him who reigns on high,
Eastern Sunday, a day so grand,
When Jesus rose with nail-scarred hands.

He conquered death, our risen King,
Let every voice in praise now sing,
With joy and awe, our hearts ablaze,
We celebrate His victorious ways.

Praise to Jesus, our risen Lord,
Eternal King, forever adored,
With grateful hearts, we sing and raise,
Our songs of praise, our Easter praise. Amen.

Victorious Resurrection: An Easter Celebration

On Eastern Sunday, long ago,
The world witnessed a miracle's glow,
As the sun rose with a golden hue,
Jesus, our Savior, rose anew.

In Jerusalem, in thirty-three,
A tomb that once held death's decree,
Now empty stood, a sight so grand,
A testament to God's mighty hand.

With angelic chorus and heavenly praise,
The news spread fast in a glorious blaze,
"He is risen, He is alive!" they cried,
"He conquered death, the Crucified!"

The stone rolled away, the chains undone,
Jesus, our King, the victory won,
Over sin and darkness, He prevailed,
His grace and love are forever unveiled.

The faithful rejoiced, hearts filled with cheer,
For Jesus, their Redeemer was no longer here,
But risen, triumphant, and alive,
A beacon of hope that will forever thrive.

So let us celebrate this Easter day,
With hearts lifted high in joyous display,
For Jesus has conquered death's dark sting,
A cause for celebration, let us sing!

Eastern Sunday, a day of jubilation,
A proclamation of our salvation,
For Jesus rose from the dead, it's true,
Bringing hope and life anew.

So let us rejoice and give Him praise,
For His love endures in endless ways,
Eastern Sunday, a glorious morn,
When Jesus, our Savior, was victoriously born!

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 3 G37oo610


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