ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith

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A song: Jesus, our great teacher

Verse 1:
In Galilee, in ancient times,
The Lord's voice was heard,
A teacher's words, both wise and profound,
His teachings changed the world.

Oh Jesus, great teacher, full of grace,
Your words now echo in the whole world,
May we learn from you, day by day,
And in your teachings, find our way.

Verse 2:
He said, "Come to me, all who are weary,
And I will give you rest, be not dreary.
For I am gentle, humble, and kind,
And in my teachings, the truth you'll find."

Oh Jesus, great teacher, full of grace,
Your words now echo in the whole world,
May we learn from you, day by day,
And in your teachings, find our way.

Verse 3:
He spoke of love, and how to serve,
Of hope and faith, and how to preserve.
His words were like honey, sweet to the soul,
And in his teachings, hearts were made whole.

Oh Jesus, great teacher, full of grace,
Your words now echo in the whole world,
May we learn from you, day by day,
And in your teachings, find our way.

Verse 4:
So let us follow, in your ways,
And seek your truth, all of our days.
For in your teachings, we find our rest,
And in your love, we are truly blessed.

Oh Jesus, great teacher, full of grace,
Your words now echo in the whole world,
May we learn from you, day by day,
And in your teachings, find our way.

Poem: Jesus, the great teacher

In Galilee, in ancient times,
the Lord's voice was heard,
A teacher's words, both wise and profound
He spoke of love, of truth, and grace,
And in his teachings, hearts found their place.

He said, "Come to me, all who are weary,
And I will give you rest, be not dreary.
For I am gentle, humble, and kind,
And in my teachings, the truth you'll find."

The crowds were amazed, as he spoke with power,
A great teacher, every hour.
He spoke of God and of his ways,
The kingdom of God, justice and grace,
And taught the people, day by day.

He spoke of love, and how to serve,
Of hope and faith, and how to preserve.
His words were like honey, sweet to the soul,
And in his teachings, hearts were made whole.

Oh Jesus, great teacher, full of grace,
Your words now echo in the whole world
May we learn from you, day by day,
And in your teachings, find our way.

For in your teachings, we find the light,
That guides us through the darkest night.
Your words bring hope, and banish fear,
And in your love, we find our cheer.

So let us follow, in your ways,
And seek your truth, all of our days.
For in your teachings, we find our rest,
And in your love, we are truly blessed.

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Proverbs 3:5. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

A song: Trust the Lord

Verse 1:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own might.
He knows the path that's best for you,
And will lead you to a life that's never-ending.

Trust in Him, my friend, with all your heart,
And let Him guide you on life's way.
He'll be with you every step of the journey,
And will never lead you astray.

Verse 2:
The world may tempt you with its ways,
And Satan wants to see you fall.
But if you trust in the Lord above,
You'll find a path that leads to it all.

Trust in Him, my friend, with all your heart,
And let Him guide you on life's way.
He'll be with you every step of the journey,
And will never lead you astray.

Verse 3:
He is faithful, kind, and just,
And will never leave your side.
Just trust in Him with all your heart,
And let Him be your guide.

Trust in Him, my friend, with all your heart,
And let Him guide you on life's way.
He'll be with you every step of the journey,
And will never lead you astray.

Verse 4:
So come to Him with all your heart,
And let Him lead you on your way.
For He knows the plans He has for you,
And they are good, and they will stay.

Trust in Him, my friend, with all your heart,
And let Him guide you on life's way.
He'll be with you every step of the journey,
And will never lead you astray.

A poem: Trust the Lord

Trust in me, the Lord, with all your heart,
My friend, do not lean on your own might.
For I know the way that's best,
And will lead you to abundant life that lasts.

The world may tempt you with its ways,
and Satan wants you to walk astray,
And try to lead you to disbelief in me,
and down the highway that leads to hell
But if you trust in me above all,
You'll find a path that leads to abundant
and eternal life.

I am with you always, my friend,
And I will guide you every step of the way.
Just seek and trust in me with all your heart,
And let me be your strength each day.

When you face life's challenges,
And don't know what to do,
Just trust in me with all your heart,
Seek me, and I will make see you through.

For I am faithful, kind, and just,
And I will never leave your side.
Just trust in me with all your heart,
And let me be your guide.

So come to me, with all your heart,
And let me lead you on your life's path.
For I know the plans I have for you,
And they are good, and they will last.

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Ps 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God."

Lyrics to the song :

Be still and know that I am God

Verse 1:
Amidst the noise and chaos of this world,
We often forget the peace that we're told,
Our minds race, our hearts are heavy,
As we struggle to find a place that's steady.

But in the stillness, we hear His voice,
The voice that calms, the voice that rejoices,
"Be still and know that I am God,"
The words that heal, the words that prod.

Verse 2:
In the stillness, we hear His call,
The voice that whispers, the voice that enthralls,
His love wipes away our every fear,
His grace reminds us, He is always near.

But in the stillness, we hear His voice,
The voice that calms, the voice that rejoices,
"Be still and know that I am God,"
The words that heal, the words that prod.

In the quiet, we find our strength,
The peace that passes all our mind's length,
For in His presence, we find rest,
And all our worries become less and less.

But in the stillness, we hear His voice,
The voice that calms, the voice that rejoices,
"Be still and know that I am God,"
The words that heal, the words that prod.

So let us quiet our hearts and minds,
And leave the chaos far behind,
For in the stillness, we will find,
The wonder of His majesty divine.

Poem: Be still and know that I am God

Amidst the noise and chaos of life's race,
We often forget to seek His grace,
Our minds wander far and wide,
As we struggle to find a place to hide.

But in the midst of all this noise,
Comes a gentle, calming voice,
"Be still and know that I am God,"
The words that soothe, the words that prod.

For in the stillness, we can hear,
The voice that wipes away all fear,
The voice that says "I am with you,"
Through every trial, every issue.

So let us quiet our hearts and minds,
And leave the chaos far behind,
For in the stillness, we will find,
The peace that comes from the divine.

"Be still and know that I am God,"
Let these words be our guiding rod,
For in the stillness, we can see,
The wonder of His majesty.

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A hymn: On the cross, the seven says

Upon the cross, our Savior hung,
His love for us, forever strong.
He paid the price, for you and me,
So we can live eternally.

Verse 1:
Through pain and suffering, he went through,
For our salvation, he bore the retribution.
His love and mercy, so freely given,
A sacrifice made, to forgive our sin.

Verse 2:
The seven sayings, so profound and true,
A testament to his love, for me and you.
He gave up his life, for all to see,
A precious gift, for eternity.

Verse 3:
As prophesied in Isajah,
He redeemed us and set us free.
Not with corruptible things, like silver or gold,
But with his blood, a story untold.

Verse 4:
Now, if you listen to this message,
And repent from your sin and godless ways,
He'll forgive you and make you clean,
A new beginning, to live redeemed.

Upon the cross, our Savior hung,
His love for us, forever strong.
He paid the price, for you and me,
So we can live eternally.

Verse 5:
So come to him, if you are burdened and heavy,
His love and grace, will make you happy.
Let him take your sins, and wash them away,
A new life in Christ, is here to stay.

Upon the cross, our Savior hung,
His love for us, forever strong.
He paid the price, for you and me,
So we can live eternally.

A poem: On the cross, the seven says

Upon the cross, our Savior hung,
Through pain and suffering, he went through,
Indescribable, beyond imagination,
For our sins, he bore the retribution.

"Father, forgive them," he first cried,
For those who hurt him, he did not hide.
"He was oppressed, and afflicted with pain,"
His mercy and grace, so freely given, not in vain.

To the thief beside him, he offered hope,
"Today, you'll be with me," he spoke.
"He bore our griefs, and carried our sorrows,"
A promise of salvation, for a new tomorrow.

"My God, my God," he then did say,
Feeling forsaken, in every way.
"He was wounded for our transgressions," it's said,
Enduring the pain, with perfect love, his bloodshed.

"I thirst," he whispered, in agony,
A reminder of his humanity.
"He bore the sin of many, in His grace,"
A sacrifice was made, for our sins to erase.

"It is finished," he bravely said,
His mission was accomplished, with a heavy head.
"He opened not His mouth, nor did He complain,"
The price for our sin, he gladly paid, no disdain.

"Father, into your hands," he did commend,
His spirit, to the very end.
"He was despised, and rejected by men,"
Jesus, the Lamb, died for our salvation,
To give us eternal life, through his great determination.

These seven sayings, so profound and true,
A testament to his love, for me and you.
Let us remember, what he endured,
And be forever grateful, to our Lord, so assured.

With his suffering on the cross,
he paid the ultimate cost,
for our salvation, he bore the pain,
His blood shed, our freedom he did gain.

"The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,
and to give His life a RANSOM for many."
He gave up his life, for you and me,
A precious gift, for all to see.

As prophesied in Isaiah, he REDEEMED us,
With his sacrifice, our sins he did crush,
Not with corruptible things like silver or gold,
But with his blood, a story untold.

Now, if you listen to this message, and repent from your sins,
Your heart he'll soften, and cleanse within,
“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the Lord. Forgiveness and mercy, i'll afford.

“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be
as white as snow; though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool. With his blood, he made us pure,
A new beginning, to endure.

Since he paid for your sins, he can make you clean and anew,
A transformation, to make you brand new,
For with his sacrifice, he took our burden and our weight,
So we can be free from sin, and live a life so great.

So come to him, if you are burdened and heavy,
His love and grace, will make you happy,
Let him take your sins, and wash them away,
A new life in Christ, is here to stay.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Jesus_29


30Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Empty Max Planck: The mind came first Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:11 pm



Max Planck: The mind came first

You claim your reasoning is so superior,
So smart, so clever. But have you considered
what lies beyond? If God does not exist,
you say with glee, then matter came first,
and the mind evolved to be,
But can mere matter evolve truly
to start thinking and have reason?

I believe that God, a mind with reason,
came first and created this earthly treason,
He crafted the matter, and fashioned the earth,
A brain hosting a mind, to bring forth its worth.

When God created this world we see,
He gave us a mind and a body, perfectly.
So do not claim that your reasoning is superior,
Without considering what lies beyond,
For it is the mind of God that created all things,
A truth that echoes through the ages and sings.

Max Planck, a physicist so wise,
Won a Nobel Prize, to our surprise,
For quantum theory, a revelation grand,
That changed the way we understand.

But more than just a scientific mind,
Planck had a philosophy that was hard to find,
He believed that consciousness was fundamental,
That matter was derivative, not so monumental.

We cannot get behind consciousness, he said,
It's the foundation, the bedrock, the ultimate thread,
Everything we talk about, everything we see,
Postulates consciousness, it's our guarantee.

So let us pause and ponder this thought,
That consciousness is what everything has wrought,
It's not just a byproduct of physical stuff,
But the very essence that makes everything enough.

Max Planck, a physicist, a philosopher too,
His insights still relevant, ringing true,
Let us embrace this idea, let it guide us along,
And see how much more we can learn and belong.

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Revelation 7:9:  The Lord is lord of people from all tribes, and from all nations

A hymn: Jesus is the Lord of all nations

From every corner of the earth they come
People from every tribe and tongue
In Christ, united by His grace
Standing before God's holy place

Hallelujah, we come to worship
In one accord, with every nation
Praising God for His great love
And the gift of our salvation

Clothed in white, pure and bright
Holding palm branches, symbols of might
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
Saved from sin, no longer in damn

Some may have heard the gospel preached
While others through visions were reached
God's love and mercy, for all to see
In Him, we find hope and eternity

Hallelujah, we come to worship
In one accord, with every nation
Praising God for His great love
And the gift of our salvation

From Asia, Africa, and Indopacific
To the whole world, His love is specific
No one is beyond His reach and care
His love for every ethnicity to share

Indigenous tribes, isolated and alone
Received visions of a "man in white" unknown
He brought hope and salvation to their land
And led many to His Christian stand

Hallelujah, we come to worship
In one accord, with every nation
Praising God for His great love
And the gift of our salvation

God's plan of salvation for all to know
His love for us will continue to grow
So let us spread His light and love
To every people and land, both far and above

One day we'll stand before His throne
A great multitude from every zone
Clothed in white robes, singing His praise
Forever in His presence, for all our days.

Hallelujah, we come to worship
In one accord, with every nation
Praising God for His great love
And the gift of our salvation.

A Poem: Jesus is Lord of all nations

From every corner of the earth they come
People from every tribe and tongue
In Christ, united by His grace
Standing before God's holy place

Clothed in white, pure and bright
Holding palm branches, symbols of might
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
Saved from sin, no longer in damn

Some may have heard the gospel preached
While others through visions were reached
God's love and mercy, for all to see
In Him, we find hope and eternity

From Asia, Africa, and Indopacific
To the whole world, His love is specific
No one is beyond His reach and care
His love for every ethnicity to share

Indigenous tribes, isolated and alone
Received visions of a "man in white" unknown
He brought hope and salvation to their land
And led many to His Christian stand

God's plan of salvation for all to know
His love for us will continue to grow
So let us spread His light and love
To every people and land, both far and above

One day we'll stand before His throne
A great multitude from every zone
Clothed in white robes, singing His praise
Forever in His presence, for all our days.

Jesus, King, and Lord of all nations
Your love and grace extend to all
From east to west, and north to south
You reach out to all, without a doubt

Your arms embrace the rich and poor
Your mercy extends to every shore
No race, no creed, no tribe, no tongue
Is beyond the reach of your love, among

You died for all, that we might live
Your sacrifice, our sins forgive
You rose again, triumphant and strong
To reign as King, forever long

From every language, every culture
We lift our voices in one accord
To worship you, our Lord and King
And in your presence, forever sing

Jesus, Lord of all nations, we declare
Our love and allegiance, we gladly share
May your name be praised, forevermore
And all the earth, your glory adore.

Revelation 7:9.

The people being described are a great multitude from all nations, tribes, peoples, and languages. They are standing before the throne of God and the Lamb (Jesus Christ) in heaven. They are clothed in white robes, which symbolize their purity and righteousness, and are holding palm branches, which are a symbol of victory and triumph.

This passage can be interpreted as a vision of the end times, when all believers from every corner of the earth will be gathered together before God's throne. It is a representation of the diversity and unity of the church, made up of people from all backgrounds and cultures who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

They will be from all nations, all tribes, speak all languages, and be of all ethnic groups, and from all ages. It is a powerful image of the universal scope of God's plan of salvation. Representatives from all peoples and cultures will be present. There may be individuals and even entire ethnic groups who have not yet had the opportunity to hear the gospel, but who will still be represented among the redeemed.  The Lord might have provided a way for all people to hear the gospel and respond to it, even if they have never had access to Christian missionaries or churches. This could include divine revelation or encounters with Jesus through dreams or visions, for example.

Nabeel Qureshi, for example, was raised as a devout Muslim but later converted to Christianity. In his book "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus," Qureshi describes how he had a dream in which he saw Jesus, who told him "Follow Me." This dream had a profound impact on Qureshi, who had never before considered Christianity as a viable option.

Another example comes from a woman named Maryam, who lives in an Islamic country where Christian evangelism is illegal. One night, she had a dream in which she saw a man in white robes who she later identified as Jesus. In the dream, Jesus took her hand and said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Maryam was deeply moved by this dream and eventually became a Christian, even though it meant risking persecution and possibly death.

These are just two examples of many similar testimonies from people around the world who have experienced dreams or visions of Jesus Christ. While these experiences may not be the norm, they serve as a powerful reminder that God can reach people in ways that we may not always expect or understand.

There are several examples of indigenous tribes that have reported receiving visions or dreams of outsiders bringing them the gospel, and some of these stories have become well-known in Christian mission circles.

One example is the story of the Karon people of Papua New Guinea. According to a report by the mission organization Wycliffe Bible Translators, the Karon people had long been isolated from the outside world and had never heard the gospel before. However, in the early 1990s, several Karon leaders reported having visions of a "white-skinned man" who came to them carrying a "black book" that contained a message of hope and salvation.

Despite not knowing who this man was or what the book contained, the Karon leaders felt convinced that they needed to find this book and learn more about its message. They eventually made contact with a Christian mission organization, who provided them with a copy of the New Testament in their own language. According to reports, many Karon people have since embraced Christianity and have been transformed by the message of hope and salvation that they discovered in the pages of the Bible.

Another example is the story of the Kamba people of Kenya, who are believed to have received a vision of a "man in white" carrying a book of life. According to an article in Christianity Today, this vision is said to have sparked a revival among the Kamba people, leading many to turn away from traditional African religions and embrace Christianity.

These stories and others like them serve as a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty and the ways in which He can reach people in unexpected ways, even in the most remote and isolated corners of the world.

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Numbers 6:24-26 - "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Psalm 20:4 - "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

Proverbs 10:22 - "The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it."

Isaiah 40:31 - "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Matthew 5:3-12 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

Ephesians 1:3 - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."

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On a hilltop in Jerusalem,
The Lord spoke His final words,
His mission on earth complete,
And His disciples stood in awe.

As they watched, He rose up high,
A cloud engulfed Him from their sight,
And they knew He was who He said He was,
The Son of God, the Messiah.

His departure was not by force,
But orchestrated by His own will,
For He is in control of all,
Even death, He conquered still.

The angels appeared to His disciples,
Promising His return one day,
To complete the work He started,
And establish His kingdom for all to see.

Now it's our mission to spread the gospel,
To every corner of the earth,
Urgent and important, we must tell,
Of the one who gave His life for our worth.

So let us remember this day,
When our Lord ascended to heaven,
And let us be faithful in our mission,
Until He comes back to us again.

Acts 1:9

"Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."

Jesus is who He claimed to be: The ascension of Jesus confirmed His identity as the Son of God and the Messiah. It was the ultimate validation of His claims, and it showed that His mission on earth had been accomplished. Jesus is in control: The ascension demonstrated that Jesus is in control of all things, even death. He was not taken against His will but went willingly, and His departure was orchestrated according to His own plan. Jesus will return: The angels who appeared to the disciples after the ascension told them that Jesus would return in the same way that He left. This assures us that Jesus is coming back to complete the work that He started and to establish His kingdom on earth. Our mission is to spread the gospel: After Jesus' ascension, the disciples were left with a mission to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. This mission continues today, and the ascension reminds us that we have been given a task that is both urgent and important.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Risen10




A hymn, a praise song about the resurrection:

Verse 1:
The resurrection of Jesus Christ,
A wondrous event of great renown,
For some it's just an olden tale,
For others, it's the cornerstone.

It's more than a simple matter of belief,
A truth that changes everything,
Offering hope beyond grief,
And grace that forever will sing.

Verse 2:
It proves Christianity to be true,
Christ as God's Son above,
The one who died and rose again,
Offering mercy, grace, and love.

It's more than a simple matter of belief,
A truth that changes everything,
Offering hope beyond grief,
And grace that forever will sing.

Verse 3:
The world has seen great events,
That shaped history so vast,
From wars and plagues to revolutions,
And technological progress so fast.

But it reigns supreme, the resurrection,
More than just a story old,
The most important event in history,
That changed human souls untold.

Verse 4:
It offers hope to all who seek,
Forgiveness, redemption, and peace,
Showing death's not the final end,
But the start of eternal release.

It's more than a simple matter of belief,
A truth that changes everything,
Offering hope beyond grief,
And grace that forever will sing.

Verse 5:
So let us celebrate this wondrous event,
And give thanks for the gift of grace,
For the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
Is the most important event in the human race.

It's more than a simple matter of belief,
A truth that changes everything,
Offering hope beyond grief,
And grace that forever will sing.

A poem: The resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ,
Is an event of great renown,
For some, it's just a story old,
For others, the cornerstone.

It's not just a historical fact,
Or a simple matter of belief,
But a truth that changes everything,
And offers hope beyond grief.

For through this miracle we see,
The power of God, the divine plan,
That offers salvation to all mankind,
And reveals the love of the Great I Am.

It proves Christianity to be true,
And Christ as God's Son above,
The one who died and rose again,
To offer mercy, grace, and love.

But the world has seen great events,
That shaped our history so vast,
From wars and plagues to revolutions,
And technological progress fast.

Yet still, the resurrection reigns supreme,
For it's more than just a story old,
But the most important event in history,
That changed the fate of human souls.

It offers hope to all who seek,
Forgiveness, redemption, and peace,
And shows that death is not the end,
But the start of eternal release.

So let us celebrate this wondrous event,
And give thanks for the gift of grace,
For the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
Is the most important event in human race.

A few verses in the Bible that mention the resurrection: 

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." - Matthew 28:6
"For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
"And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." - 1 Corinthians 15:14
"He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." - Romans 4:25
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" - 1 Peter 1:3

A commentary: 

These verses from the Bible are powerful testimonies to the reality and significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They remind us that the resurrection is not just a historical fact or a religious belief, but a truth that changes everything.

Matthew 28:6, invites us to see the place where Jesus lay and witness the empty tomb, which testifies to the reality of his resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4, emphasizes the importance of the resurrection as the central message of Christianity. Without the resurrection, there would be no hope of salvation or forgiveness of sins.
1 Corinthians 15:14, highlights the crucial role of the resurrection in our faith. If Christ has not been raised, our faith is in vain, and our preaching is useless.
Romans 4:25, reminds us that the resurrection is not just an event in history, but a personal act of love towards each of us. Through Christ's death and resurrection, we are justified and made right with God.
1Peter 1:3 speaks of the hope and new life that the resurrection offers us. Through Christ's resurrection, we have been given new birth into a living hope, which sustains us even in the face of adversity.

These verses remind us of the tremendous significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not only for our faith but for all of humanity.

Undesigned coincidences are details that are found in different accounts of the same event, which fit together like puzzle pieces and suggest the truthfulness and authenticity of the accounts. Here are some examples of undesigned coincidences between the verses that mention the resurrection:

Matthew 28:1-8 and John 20:1-10 both describe the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene and other women. Matthew mentions that there was a great earthquake and an angel appeared, while John mentions that Mary saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. These details fit together, as the earthquake could have caused the stone to roll away, and the appearance of the angel could have frightened the guards into leaving their post.

Mark 16:1-8 and Luke 24:1-12 both mention that the women who discovered the empty tomb went to tell the disciples, but the disciples did not believe them at first. Mark specifically mentions that Mary Magdalene told Peter and the other disciples, while Luke mentions that it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James who told the disciples. These details fit together, as it is plausible that Mary Magdalene was the first to tell Peter, and then the other women joined in later.

Luke 24:13-35 and John 20:11-18 both describe appearances of Jesus to his disciples after the resurrection. Luke mentions that two disciples were walking to Emmaus when Jesus appeared to them, while John mentions that Mary Magdalene saw Jesus outside the tomb. These details fit together, as it is possible that Mary Magdalene saw Jesus first, and then later the same day he appeared to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

These undesigned coincidences suggest that the accounts of the resurrection in the Bible are not the result of collusion or fabrication, but rather independent testimonies of a real event.

Contradictions in the resurrection accounts ? 

There are some apparent contradictions in the resurrection accounts, but they can be resolved by considering the full context and details of each account. Here are some examples:

Who went to the tomb first?
In Matthew 28:1, it says that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb first.
In Mark 16:1-2, it says that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to the tomb first.
In Luke 24:10, it says that Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women went to the tomb first.
In John 20:1-2, it says that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb first.
The apparent contradiction can be resolved by considering that there were multiple women who went to the tomb, and different accounts may have focused on different individuals or groups. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in all four accounts as being present at the tomb, so it is likely that she was among the first to arrive.

How many angels were at the tomb?
In Matthew 28:2-7, it says that there was one angel at the tomb.
In Mark 16:5-6, it says that there was one young man at the tomb.
In Luke 24:4-5, it says that two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside the women at the tomb.
In John 20:11-12, it says that two angels were in the tomb.
The apparent contradiction can be resolved by considering that there may have been two angels, but one account may have focused on the main spokesperson or interacted more with the women. Alternatively, it is possible that there was one angel, and some accounts may have described him differently.

Where did Jesus first appear after the resurrection?
In Matthew 28:9-10, it says that Jesus first appeared to the women at the tomb.
In Mark 16:9-10, it says that Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene.
In Luke 24:13-31, it says that Jesus first appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
In John 20:14-18, it says that Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene.
The apparent contradiction can be resolved by considering that there may have been multiple appearances of Jesus, and different accounts may have focused on different individuals or groups. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in three out of four accounts as being the first to see Jesus after the resurrection, so it is likely that she was among the first to have a personal encounter with him. Additionally, it is possible that the two disciples on the road to Emmaus did not recognize Jesus at first, so they may not have fully realized they were in his presence until later.

Is there geological evidence that there was an earth quake on the day of crucifixion, and resurrection ?

From my book: Confirming Yeshua:

Geological evidence corroborating the earth quake mentioned during  Jesus crucifixion

The Bible mentions an earthquake that occurred at the time of Jesus' crucifixion. 

All four gospels and Tacitus in Annals (XV,44) agree that the crucifixion occurred when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea from 26-36 AD.
All four gospels say the crucifixion occurred on a Friday.
All four gospels agree that Jesus died a few hours before the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath (nightfall on a Friday).
The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) indicate that Jesus died before nightfall on the 14th day of Nisan; right before the start of the Passover meal. 4

In the New Testament, Matthew 27:51-54 describes the event as follows:

"Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God!'"

The other three Gospels, Mark, Luke, and John, also mention the earthquake, but with varying degrees of detail.

According to historical and archaeological evidence, there were indeed two earthquakes in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. as described in the synoptic Gospels of Matthew and Luke. These earthquakes are believed to have occurred in the week of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The first earthquake, which occurred on April 3, 33 A.D., is described in Matthew 27:51 as happening at the moment of Jesus' death on the cross. The earthquake is said to have been strong enough to split rocks and open tombs. This earthquake is believed to have been the result of the Dead Sea Fault, which runs through the region. The second earthquake, which occurred on April 5, 33 A.D., is described in Matthew 28:2 as happening at the moment of Jesus' resurrection. This earthquake is believed to have been smaller in magnitude than the first one. Archaeological evidence supports the occurrence of these earthquakes. For example, there is evidence of earthquake damage in the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the metal doors and the curtain in front of them were damaged, likely by the displacement of the lintel during the earthquake. The occurrence of these earthquakes provides historical context and confirms the accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus in the synoptic Gospels.

J. B. Williams (2011):  We have tabulated a varved chronology from a core from Ein Gedi on the western shore of the Dead Sea between deformed sediments due to a widespread earthquake in 31 BC and deformed sediments due to an early first-century earthquake. The early first-century seismic event has been tentatively assigned a date of 31 AD with an accuracy of ±5 years. Plausible candidates include the earthquake reported in the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake that occurred sometime before or after the crucifixion and was in effect ‘borrowed’ by the author of the Gospel of Matthew, and a local earthquake between 26 and 36 AD that was sufficiently energetic to deform the sediments at Ein Gedi but not energetic enough to produce a still extant and extra-biblical historical record. 6

AUSTIN, Steven A., (2012): Matthew, the 1st-century synoptic Gospel author, reported two earthquakes in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. These are the Jerusalem earthquakes of April 3 at the crucifixion of Christ (Matt. 27:51), and April 5 at the resurrection of Christ (Matt. 28:2). Luke, a first-century physician and historian, reported a smaller earthquake in the summer at the gathered assembly (Acts 4:31). The persistent 33 A.D. seismite indicates the biggest 33 A.D. earthquake was M~6.0. This biggest earthquake was likely April 3, 33 A.D. which startled city residents and caused moderate damage, especially to the western side of Temple Mount. Pivots of two, 20-m-high, metal doors of the Temple appear to have been damaged, and the 20-m-high curtain in front of the doors was torn, likely by displacement of the lintel of the Temple during the earthquake. 2

E. WRENN (2012): Geologist Jefferson Williams of Supersonic Geophysical, and colleagues from the German Research Center for Geosciences, studied soil samples from the beach of Ein Gedi Spa, next to the Dead Sea. Researching the deeper layers of the soil, two earthquakes were detected by looking at the layers of built-up sediment, called varves, which built up each year. A widespread earthquake is known to have happened in 31BC, and another one was detected which must have occured between 26AD and 36AD. The researchers said that these clues, combined with the Jewish calendar and astronomy clues, indicate that Friday April 3, 33 AD is the best possible match. 5

NOAA: Researchers can only narrow the possible years down to AD 33 and 34, the former being more probable (Pratt 1991; Firpo 1989).
These earthquakes are mentioned only by one Evangelist and by chroniclers who used St Matthew as their sole source. [...] probably recorded these events because he had Amos's earthquake in mind. It would also be consistent with St Matthew's style for these two earthquakes to be in fact two accounts of the same event from different witnesses, both included for their theological significance [12, 13].
Later writers seem to opt for the Crucifixion earthquakes in order to symbolise the cosmic proportions of Christ's death, but they link these events, which occurred in Jerusalem, to an earthquake and eclipse of the Sun that, in fact, occurred a year earlier in Ol.202/Tib.18 (AD 32-33), not in Jerusalem but in Nicaea in Bithynia (Oppolzer 1962). The earthquake in Nicaea is also mentioned by St Jerome, who, however, does not mention Jerusalem. Eusebius does not mention the solar eclipse, but he does notice, in passing, the earthquake at Christ's crucifixion, which he dates to the 19th year of Tiberius (33 AD). The account of Orosius (early fifth century), who also does not mention Jerusalem, is very similar to Eusebius's [16], adding only that Emperor Tiberius exempted the damaged cities in Bithynia in Asia Minor from tribute and gave generous donations towards repairs

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Englsh10




A song, a hymn: I am good in Gods grace

Verse 1:
I am good by God's blessings and His care,
Through trials of life, His guidance is there,
He answers our prayers, with mercy and grace,
And lifts us up, with His loving embrace.

Verse 2:
By His grace, we are sustained,
By His love, we are saved,
He gives us hope and endless faith,
For which we are truly grateful and brave.

In times of trouble, we find solace,
In the peace He bestows,
He gives us strength, through every trial,
And love that forever flows.

Verse 3:
His care surrounds us every day,
His presence, always near,
We are blessed to know His mercy,
And to feel His love so dear.

Verse 4:
We give thanks for all He does,
For the blessings He imparts,
We are good by the grace of God,
And He is forever in our hearts.

In times of trouble, we find solace,
In the peace He bestows,
He gives us strength, through every trial,
And love that forever flows.

Verse 5:
In Him, we find our strength and courage,
To face each day with hope and joy,
For we are His beloved creation,
And He will never abandon or destroy.

Verse 6:
So we live our lives with gratitude,
And strive to follow His ways,
For we are blessed to be a part of His family,
And to know His love all of our days.

In times of trouble, we find solace,
In the peace He bestows,
He gives us strength, through every trial,
And love that forever flows.

A poem: I am good in Gods grace

I am good by God's blessings and His care,
He guides me through the trials of life,
And answers our prayers.

In times of trouble, I find solace,
In the peace He bestows,
He lifts me up and gives me strength,
Through the trials that life throws.

Through His grace, I am sustained,
By His love, I am saved,
He gives me hope and endless faith,
For which I am truly grateful and brave.

His care surrounds me every day,
His presence, always near,
I am blessed to know His mercy,
And to feel His love so dear.

So I give thanks for all He does,
For the blessings He imparts,
I am good by the grace of God,
And He is forever in my heart.

I am filled with a sense of purpose,
Knowing that I am a child of God,
And that He has a plan for me,
Even when life seems hard.

I can trust in His goodness,
And rest in His loving embrace,
For I know that He will never leave me,
And will always provide me with grace.

In Him, I find my strength and courage,
To face each day with hope and joy,
For I am His beloved creation,
And He will never abandon or destroy.

So I live my life with gratitude,
And strive to follow His ways,
For I am blessed to be a part of His family,
And to know His love all of my days.

میں اللہ کے فضل اور اس کی حفاظت سے اچھا ہوں،
وہ زندگی کی آزمائشوں میں میری رہنمائی کرتا ہے،
اور ہماری دعاؤں کا جواب دیتا ہے۔

مصیبت کے وقت سکون ملتا ہے
امن میں جو وہ عطا کرتا ہے،
وہ مجھے اٹھاتا ہے اور مجھے طاقت دیتا ہے،
زندگی ان آزمائشوں سے گزرتی ہے۔

اُس کے فضل سے، میں برقرار ہوں،
اس کی محبت سے، میں بچ گیا ہوں،
وہ مجھے امید اور لامتناہی یقین دیتا ہے،
جس کے لیے میں واقعی شکر گزار اور بہادر ہوں۔

اس کی نگہداشت مجھے ہر روز گھیرتی ہے،
اس کی موجودگی، ہمیشہ قریب،
میں اس کی رحمت کو جان کر خوش ہوں،
اور اس کی محبت کو اتنا پیارا محسوس کرنا۔

تو میں اُس کے ہر کام کا شکر ادا کرتا ہوں،
اس کی عطا کردہ نعمتوں کے لیے،
میں اللہ کے فضل سے ٹھیک ہوں
اور وہ ہمیشہ کے لیے میرے دل میں ہے۔

میں مقصد کے احساس سے بھرا ہوا ہوں،
یہ جانتے ہوئے کہ میں خدا کا بچہ ہوں،
اور یہ کہ اس کے پاس میرے لیے ایک منصوبہ ہے،
یہاں تک کہ جب زندگی مشکل لگتی ہے۔

میں اس کی بھلائی پر بھروسہ کر سکتا ہوں،
اور اس کی محبت بھری آغوش میں آرام کریں،
کیونکہ میں جانتا ہوں کہ وہ مجھے کبھی نہیں چھوڑے گا،
اور ہمیشہ مجھے فضل عطا کرے گا۔

اس میں، میں اپنی طاقت اور ہمت پاتا ہوں،
امید اور خوشی کے ساتھ ہر دن کا سامنا کرنا،
کیونکہ میں اس کی محبوب مخلوق ہوں،
اور وہ کبھی نہیں چھوڑے گا اور نہ ہی تباہ کرے گا۔

تو میں اپنی زندگی شکر گزاری کے ساتھ گزارتا ہوں،
اور اس کی راہوں پر چلنے کی کوشش کرو،
کیونکہ میں اس کے خاندان کا حصہ بن کر خوش قسمت ہوں،
اور میرے تمام دنوں میں اس کی محبت کو جاننا۔

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 G2249i10




Oh Lord, you are so awesome and divine,
Your beauty and grace, truly shine,
My thoughts of you, bring delight,
For you are humble, loving, and wise.
but also of endless, and unfathomable power

You are a mystery beyond our reach,
Eternal existence, your I AM does teach,
Why do you exist, we cannot comprehend,
But your character through Christ, we can befriend.

Jesus, the box of endless mystery,
A never-ending journey of discovery,
In awe, we dig deeper into your word,
And our understanding of you is spurred.

You shape our worldview, you shape our lives,
In worship and service, our love for you thrives,
You are truly worth being pondered about,
Day and night, we cannot go without.

Oh Lord, you are so awesome and beautiful,
May our love and worship for you be ever faithful,
For you are the source of all we need,
Our hearts, our souls, you always feed.




God's existence, beyond a theory,
A fact, to those with eyes to see.
Though we may not have proof in hand,
All evidence points to His command.

The universe, a grand design,
Complex systems, purpose refined.
The wind-up clock, now winding down,
Had a beginning, we have found.

Mathematical laws, precise and true,
Inscribed in all we see and do.
The universe, finely tuned for life,
Hundreds of constants, in perfect strife.

Cells, factories of machines and more,
Interconnected, an industrial roar.
Genes, digital code of life's plan,
Processed and translated, by life's hand.

DNA, storage density so high,
Blueprint of life, it does imply.
Information, encoding, decoding,
Translation machinery, unloading.

Humans, moral beings we are,
With conscious minds, that reach afar.
Able to communicate and use logic true,
Non-physical, yet we know they're true.

So, God's existence, we cannot deny,
All evidence points to Him on high.
Beyond a theory, a fact, we see,
God's handiwork, all around, to be.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 G2249s10




In one God, we place our trust. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A mystery beyond our grasp. Yet firmly held in faith that lasts.
The Father, from eternity past. In love and wisdom, all things cast. The Son, who left His throne above. To save us by His grace and love.
The Holy Spirit, sent from heaven. To guide us in our earthly leaven,. The Comforter, our strength and stay. To lead us on life's narrow way.

In perfect unity, they reign, One God in essence, yet distinct in name, The Trinity, a mystery grand, Worshiped by the faithful throughout the land.
So let us bow before His throne, And worship Him, and Him alone, The Triune God, who reigns on high, Our Savior, Lord, and King, forever nigh.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 G13ff810




A song: Praise the Lord

Verse 1:
In the morning, in the evening, every day,
Praise the Lord, for He shows us the way,
For His goodness and love that never end,
For His righteousness and grace, our hearts mend.

Glory to God, our King on high,
His love and mercy never die,
We lift our voices, we lift our hands,
To praise the Lord, who rules all lands.

Verse 2:
Let us praise Him for His justice true,
For He is faithful, always comes through,
For His mercy that endures forevermore,
For His love that we cannot ignore.

Verse 3:
In the morning, in the evening, every hour,
May we lift His name, and His power,
For He is mighty, and His grace abounds,
For His love that in our hearts resounds.

Glory to God, our King on high,
His love and mercy never die,
We lift our voices, we lift our hands,
To praise the Lord, who rules all lands.

Verse 4:
Let us thank Him for His blessings great,
For His love that makes our souls elate,
For His grace that covers all our sins,
For His love that always, always wins.

Glory to God, our King on high,
His love and mercy never die,
We lift our voices, we lift our hands,
To praise the Lord, who rules all lands.

Verse 5:
In the morning, in the evening, all day long,
May our hearts sing out this joyful song,
For His goodness that never fails,
For His love that in our hearts prevails.

Glory to God, our King on high,
His love and mercy never die,
We lift our voices, we lift our hands,
To praise the Lord, who rules all lands.

A Poem: Praise the Lord

Praise be to the God who reigns on high,
Whose holiness and splendor fill the sky,
Ascribe to Him the glory He is due,
For all He is and all He's done for you.

In the morning, in the evening, praise the Lord,
For His goodness, love, righteousness, and grace outpoured,
Let us lift our voices, let us raise our hands,
And worship Him who rules over all lands.

In all we do, in every little thing,
May we bring glory to our God and King,
For He alone is worthy of our praise,
And in His mercy, we find hope always.

Great is the Lord, most worthy of all praise,
His greatness no one ever could appraise,
He gives us life and every good thing,
And in His love, we find eternal spring.

For from Him and through Him all things come,
To Him be glory forever, His will be done,
His love is vast, His mercy never ends,
In Him we find a love that transcends.

So let us praise the God of all creation,
Who is our hope and our salvation,
In every moment, may our hearts proclaim,
Glory to God, forever His name.

رب کی تعریف

حمد ہو خدا کے لیے جو بلندی پر حکومت کرتا ہے،
جس کے تقدس اور شان سے آسمان بھرا ہوا ہے
اس کی شان بیان کرو جس کا وہ حق ہے،
سب کے لیے وہ ہے اور جو کچھ اس نے آپ کے لیے کیا ہے۔

صبح شام رب کی حمد کرو
اس کی نیکی، محبت، راستبازی اور فضل کے لیے،
آئیے آواز اٹھائیں، ہاتھ اٹھائیں،
اور اس کی عبادت کرو جو تمام زمینوں پر حکومت کرتا ہے۔

ہم جو کچھ کرتے ہیں، ہر چھوٹی چیز میں،
ہم اپنے خدا اور بادشاہ کو جلال دیں،
کیونکہ صرف وہی ہماری تعریف کے لائق ہے،
اور اس کی رحمت میں، ہم ہمیشہ امید پاتے ہیں۔

رب عظیم ہے، سب تعریفوں کے لائق ہے،
اس کی عظمت کا اندازہ کوئی نہیں کر سکتا،
وہ ہمیں زندگی اور ہر اچھی چیز دیتا ہے،
اور اس کی محبت میں ہمیں ابدی بہار ملتی ہے۔

کیونکہ اُسی کی طرف سے اور اُسی کے ذریعے سے سب چیزیں آتی ہیں،
اُس کی ابد تک جلال ہو، اُس کی مرضی پوری ہو،
اس کی محبت وسیع ہے، اس کی رحمت کبھی ختم نہیں ہوتی،
اُس میں ہمیں ایک ایسی محبت ملتی ہے جو ماورائی ہے۔

تو آئیے ہم تمام مخلوق کے خدا کی تعریف کریں،
ہماری امید اور ہماری نجات کون ہے،
ہر لمحہ، ہمارے دل اعلان کریں،
خدا کا جلال، ہمیشہ کے لیے اس کا نام۔

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Praise10




A song: The good shepherd

Verse 1:
Praise be to the God who reigns on high,
Whose holiness and splendor fill the sky,
We lift our voices in joyful song,
To the One who has loved us all along.

Praise to the Lord, our Good Shepherd,
Who leads us beside still waters,
His love and mercy overflow,
He's the One who holds us close.

Verse 2:
In all we do, in every little thing,
We bring glory to our God and King,
For He alone is worthy of our praise,
And in His mercy, we find hope always.

Verse 3:
Great is the Lord, most worthy of all praise,
His greatness no one ever could appraise,
He gives us life and every good thing,
And in His love, we find eternal spring.

Praise to the Lord, our Good Shepherd,
Who leads us beside still waters,
His love and mercy overflow,
He's the One who holds us close.

Verse 4:
For from Him and through Him all things come,
To Him be glory forever, His will be done,
His love is vast, His mercy never ends,
In Him we find a love that transcends.

Glory to God, forever His name,
Praise to the Lord, always the same,
In Him we find our truest rest,
Our Good Shepherd, our forever blessed.

A poem: The good shepherd

Amidst the rolling hills and fields so green,
The Good Shepherd watches over His sheep serene.
With tender love and care, He leads them on,
Through valleys deep and mountains high, until the dawn.

He knows each one by name and their every need,
And with a gentle hand, He guides them to feed.
He calls to them with a voice so sweet and true,
And they follow Him, knowing He will see them through.

He'll leave the ninety-nine to seek the one who's lost,
And with great joy, He'll bring them home at any cost.
He'll carry them on His shoulders, safe and sound,
And never let them go until they're found.

He laid down His life to save His flock,
A sacrifice so great, it left an eternal mark.
He bore our sins upon that rugged cross,
And by His blood, He reconciled the lost.

Oh, what a love, so pure and divine,
That calls us His own and forever aligns.
He is the Good Shepherd, our Savior and King,
And in His arms, we'll forever sing.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Good_s10




You say the God hypothesis is beyond
The reach of science and its methods respond
Only to that which can be seen and measured,
To delusions and beliefs, they are a treasured
Filter, to keep our pursuit of knowledge pure
From superstitions and beliefs that obscure.

Proofs exist only in logic and math,
And dismissing faith-based worldviews, a foolish path.
Every belief system, a set of statements we hold
As true, evidence and logic help us unfold
What causes best explain our origins and fate,
Not absolute certainty, but a confident state.

Science provides us with evidence, it's true
And helps us make post-dictions of what we knew
Historical sciences can't go back in time,
But interpretations of evidence help us to climb
Toward the worldview that fits the data best,
Not absolute truth, but degrees of certainty at best.

Asking for proof in the absolute sense,
Is unrealistic, and a lack of understanding is immense,
Science doesn't grant us absolute truth,
Only competing models, are judged by simplicity and fit to the proof.
Science observes the universe, records the evidence,
And strives to draw conclusions based on scientific excellence.

So let us not dismiss the God hypothesis with ease,
For it too has its own set of beliefs and degrees,
Of probability and likelihood, based on faith and reason,
A pursuit of knowledge that transcends all seasons.
May we examine the evidence and draw our own conclusions,
And in our pursuit of truth, may we not be deluded by illusions.

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The Bible,  Jesus, and Women: A Story of Love and Value.

Jesus, the Son of Man, walked the earth
And with him came a message of great worth
He saw women with eyes of love and grace
And lifted them up to their rightful place

He met a Samaritan woman at the well
Who had been rejected by her own people, could you tell?
But Jesus spoke with her, without a care
And showed her love that was beyond compare

A woman caught in adultery was brought to him
But instead of condemning, he chose to forgive
He saw beyond her mistakes and sins
And offered her a new life to begin

Mary of Bethany sat at his feet
Listening intently to his every beat
And Jesus said, "Mary has chosen what is best"
For he valued her hunger for spiritual rest

And when he rose from the dead, who did he appear to first?
Not a man, but a woman, who was filled with thirst
Mary Magdalene, to her he revealed his face
And showed her that in him, she had a new grace

Jesus showed us that women are of great worth
And that in his eyes, they have a place of birth
He lifted them up and gave them a voice
And showed them love that made their hearts rejoice

In the Bible, women hold worth untold,
Against misogyny, their value upheld,
"There is no male nor female," we're told,
All equal in Christ, as the scriptures foretold.

"A wife of noble character," it's said,
Is worth more than rubies, precious ahead,
Beauty may fade, but fear of the Lord prevails,
Praise for women whose worth never fails.

Husbands are urged to love their wives,
As Christ loved the church, with sacrifice,
Women are to be respected and trusted,
Their words of wisdom should be lauded.

"She opens her arms to the poor," we read,
And extends her hands to those in need,
Her children arise and call her blessed,
Her husband praises her, she is highly esteemed.

The women who proclaim the Lord's word,
Are a mighty throng, their voices heard,
The Bible uplifts and values women,
Their worth and dignity upheld, amen.

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28

"She is worth far more than rubies." - Proverbs 31:10

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." - Proverbs 31:10

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." - Proverbs 31:30

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." - Ephesians 5:25

"In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything." - 1 Timothy 3:11

"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." - Proverbs 31:20

"When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness." - Proverbs 31:26

"The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng." - Psalm 68:11

"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." - Proverbs 31:28

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The absurdity of chance, we cannot deny,
In a world where life must arise,
With all its complexity, and biosynthetic pathways,
A minimal genome, so small, yet self-sustaining.

Pelagibacter ubique, a marvel of life,
Surviving on its own, without any strife,
1,300 genes, 1,308,759 base pairs,
And 1,354 proteins, to create a world so rare.

The probability of chance, we cannot ignore,
4 to the power of 1,200,000, a number so large,
Like piling coins on coins, reaching the moon,
To find one coin different, the chance so soon.

The luck of finding the right sequence,
Would exhaust all resources, in any instance,
Functional proteins, without their right place,
A meaningless creation, a cosmic disgrace.

Life had to start, with cell factories fully functioning,
Self-replicating, adapting, producing energy,
Regulating molecular machinery, with precision,
A miraculous creation, beyond human comprehension.

The absurdity of chance, we cannot deny,
In a world where life must arise,
But the beauty of life, we cannot defy,
A testament to the power, beyond the human eye.

The minimal genome, so precise and intricate,
Is evidence of a Creator, wise and articulate,
A being who fashioned life, with purpose and design,
And imbued it with wonder, so sublime.

The statistical impossibility, of life by chance,
Is evidence of an intelligent Creator's advance,
Who set the stage, for life to emerge,
And crafted it with care, a masterpiece to surge.

The complexity of life, so vast and diverse,
Is evidence of a Creator, who crafted each verse,
A being who fashioned, each living thing,
With purpose and intent, beyond imagining.

The minimal genome, is but a glimpse,
Of the power and might, of the Creator's imprint,
A being who fashioned life, with skill and grace,
And imbued it with meaning, in every place.

The absurdity of chance, cannot deny,
The presence of a Creator, wise and nigh,
Who fashioned life, with wisdom and might,
And imbued it with beauty, to delight.

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Sin brought death into our world,
Our lives are limited, we're told.
Who hasn't dreamed of eternal days,
Filled with joy, and happiness always?

The rich invest in life's extension,
With millions spent, they seek retention.
But science still can't comprehend,
What brings our aging to an end.

From face-lifts to other procedures,
We strive for youth with vain endeavors.
Yet death still knocks upon our door,
A reality we can't ignore.

But one man overcame it all,
Jesus Christ, the one we call,
The messiah, the great I AM,
Creator of life, for every man.

Through his sacrifice, he made a way,
To never-ending bliss, each day.
Believe in him, and trust his grace,
And live life to the fullest, in this place.

The Christian knows this life is small,
Just an appetizer to the grandest hall.
The rich may die and all is done,
But Christ's promise of life has just begun.

So trust in him, for he is true,
He bought us with his precious blood, anew.
And though we may be poor in this world,
In Christ, we're richer than any pearl.

Sin brought death into this world. We, human, rational beings, have difficulty accepting that our existence, our life, is limited. Who has not dreamed of having eternal, perfect life, full of bliss, and only happiness? Unfortunately, this is not what this, our existence, here on earth, offers. The richest people in the world, invest huge sums of money in an attempt to extend their lives. Recently I saw a 45-year-old spending 2 mio$ per year to keep his body as if it were of an 18-year-old. Jeff Bezos is investing in a high-tech company, that is investigating how to extend the lifespan of humans significantly. In fact, science is yet far from fully comprehending what influences aging. Others, like Madonna, do face-lifting and other aesthetic procedures, to look young. Often, with very artificial results that do rather harm than good in regard to aesthetics. Truth is, still today, with all the advanced technology at our disposal, death is still present and knocking at our door of us, as it has ever been. It is a reality that we are impotent to overcome. But one did overcome it. Jesus Christ. The Messiah. He did resurrect on the third day. He is the great I AM, the creator, the source of all life, of all being, external to himself, upon which we all depend. And he has made promises that nobody else has. With his sacrifice, he has made wide open the door to heaven. To never-ending bliss and happiness. A life to be lived on its fullest. And he offers it to all that believe as a free gift. We cannot earn it. But we need to trust Him. Believing that he is the truth. He is truthful, and we can build our lives, by following him. Accepting to belong to his family, and doing his will. He bought us with his precious blood, through his sacrifice on the cross. You can be poor, measured by the standards of this world. But you can at the same time consider yourself the richest person in the world if you belong to the family of Christ. The richest will soon die, and then its over. That's all they count on, and that's why they are so desperate. The show is here and now, tomorrow we are dead. But the Christian can remain unconcerned. Because this life is just the appetizer. A small entry dish to real life, that Christ has promised to those that trust him. Do you trust Jesus? If so, rest in him, and trust him, because he is good, and truthful.

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A song: The Crossbeam's Weight

Verse 1:
He bore the weight of the crossbeam
With love and sacrifice supreme
His burden heavy, our sins to redeem
Jesus, our Savior and King

Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King
He bore our sins, on the cross he did cling
With his sacrifice, our redemption did ring
Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King

Verse 2:
Isaiah's words foretold his fate
That the Messiah would bear our weight
And in his love, he did not hesitate
To carry the cross, our sins to abate

Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King
He bore our sins, on the cross he did cling
With his sacrifice, our redemption did ring
Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King

Verse 3:
His love for us was pure and true
As he walked the path, his heart anew
And in his death, our souls were renewed
His sacrifice, forever true

Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King
He bore our sins, on the cross he did cling
With his sacrifice, our redemption did ring
Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King

Verse 4:
We sing this song, with hearts of praise
For the love that Jesus did display
And through his death, we find our ways
To live in faith, all of our days

Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King
He bore our sins, on the cross he did cling
With his sacrifice, our redemption did ring
Praise be to Jesus, our Lord and our King.

A poem: The Crossbeam's Weight

Isaiah's words rang true
As Jesus bore the crossbeam's weight
A symbol of love, sacrifice anew
For all humanity, he could not wait

The weight was heavy, burdened with sin
But Jesus carried it, his heart ablaze
With love and mercy, he did begin
To walk the path of redemption's ways

Isaiah prophesied of this day
When the Messiah would bear our sins
And in his sacrifice, pave the way
For us to find forgiveness within

With each step, the weight increased
But Jesus never faltered, never strayed
He carried the cross, his love released
And on the cross, our debt he paid

Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled
Through Jesus' sacrifice and love
And through his death, our souls were filled
With the grace of God above

So let us remember this act of love
As we journey through our own life's way
And may we strive to follow above
In Jesus' footsteps every day.

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This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land

This is the end, my only friend, the end
among all elaborated arguments, to deny
Christ's historicity, and that he died on the cross
for our sins, to save us from eternal death,
His linen cloth did hide a secret for 2000 years,
that nobody expected, but then, in 1898,
Secondo Pia, an Italian amateur photographer
unraveled, to the surprise of the whole world
that the image on the shroud was equal to a
photonegative, and more, it contained as well
three-dimensional spacial information, which
permitted to recreate a 3D image, a feat,
a forger from the 14th century would never be able
to fathom, to imagine, or to visualize, and more
scientists around the world, doing advanced scientific
studies, unraveled that the image was not the product of
a painter, an artist, but faint, only on the surface of the
linen cloth, only 0.2 thousandths of a millimeter thick,
done by oxidation, dehydration, and conjugation of the fibers
of the shroud themselves, made by a burst of 34 thousand billion Watts of vacuum-ultraviolet radiation produced a discoloration on the uppermost surface of the Shroud’s fibrils (without scorching it), which gave rise to a perfect three-dimensional negative image of both the frontal and dorsal parts of the body wrapped in it,
something that even today's technology is unable to produce

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
the denial of Christ, unbelievers thought, that stands, but
the evidence unraveled by science unraveled that
Christ's historicity, yes, that stands, and his resurrection, so true,
corroborated by the evidence, it stands,
no denial, no more
surprise for those that did not believe, but honest enough
to look into the evidence, and consider it honestly
yes, the evidence leads rationally to the conclusion
the gospels are true, even if we do not know the authors of them
what they reported, stands. Furthermore, redesigned coincidences
and the prophecies in the old testament corroborate Jesus to
be who he said to be. The Messiah, our savior, the Lord,
creator of the heavens and the earth, the alpha and omega
the great I am.

So limitless and free
, not in desperate land I encounter my thoughts anymore
but freed to believe in eternal life, in heaven, perfect, in peace, joy, and harmony
yes, Christs sacrifice made it possible, nothing to fear anymore
judgment of my sins, already done by Christ on the cross - the end.
They will be forgotten forever




A poem:
Christ is the end of doubts, he gives us hope.

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of doubts and fears that once did blend
With thoughts of what may lie ahead
But now, with Christ, I am led
To a future that's limitless and free
No more a slave to sin, but now set free
With a hope that's eternal, sure and bright
In Christ alone, my only delight

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of arguments that seek to deny and bend
The truth of Christ, His historicity
And the cross where He died for you and me

For in His linen shroud, a secret lay
For 2000 years, hidden away
But in 1898, to our surprise
Secondo Pia's camera did realize

The image on the shroud, a photonegative true
With three-dimensional space, an amazing breakthrough
A feat a forger from the 14th century couldn't foresee
A proof of Christ's death on that rugged tree

For scientists around the world have shown
The image not painted, but on the surface alone
Faint and thin, only 0.2 thousandths of a millimeter thick
Done by oxidation, dehydration, and fiber trick

A burst of 34 thousand billion watts of radiation
Created a perfect negative image without hesitation
Of both the front and back of the body wrapped within
A truth even today's technology cannot begin

So let us not deny the evidence at hand
But embrace the truth of Christ and understand
That He died for our sins to save us from eternal death
And in Him alone, we find eternal life's breath

So let us not deny the truth we've found
But share it with others, all around
For Christ alone is the way, the truth, the life
And in Him alone, we find eternal life

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of a life without purpose or direction
But now, with Christ, we have a new connection
To the God who created us and knows our name
In Him alone, we find salvation, free from shame

So let us live our lives with purpose and meaning
Knowing that in Christ, we have a hope worth believing
For in Him alone, we find the end of our strife
And in Him alone, we find eternal life.

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our doubts and fears, the end
For in Christ, we find our hope and salvation
No more condemnation, no more hesitation

We can rest in the promise of eternal life
Free from sin, free from strife
For Christ has conquered death and the grave
And in Him, we find the power to be brave

To face the trials that come our way
With His strength, we can surely say
That we are more than conquerors in Christ
And in His love, we find our true life

So let us lay aside our doubts and fears
And trust in the One who calms our tears
For in Christ, we find our truest friend
And with Him, our story never has to end.

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of living a life that we can't defend
But now, in Christ, we have a new start
With Him, we have a renewed heart

For in His grace, we are made whole
And in His love, we find our soul
No more wandering aimlessly in the night
With Christ, we walk in His guiding light

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of the lies that we used to defend
The denial of Christ, unbelievers thought
But the evidence unraveled by science taught

Christ's historicity, yes, that stands
And His resurrection, so true, still commands
Corroborated by the evidence, it stands
No more denial, no more demands

Surprises for those who did not believe
But honest enough to look and receive
The evidence that leads rationally to the conclusion
The Gospels are true, a divine revelation

Redesigned coincidences and prophecies foretold
All confirm that Jesus is who He told
The Messiah, our Savior, the Lord
Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Word

So limitless and free, no more to roam
But now with Christ, we are called home
To eternal life, in heaven above
In perfect peace, joy, and love

Yes, Christ's sacrifice made it possible
No more fear of judgment, nothing to be culpable
For our sins have been forgiven and forgotten
In Christ alone, our salvation begotten

This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our old life, of our old trend
But with Christ, we have a new beginning
A life that's abundant and never-ending.

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A song to praise the Lord:

Verse 1:
God is a loving God,
Slow to anger and rich in love,
His mercy reaches far and wide,
His grace is like a dove.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His love endures forevermore,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His mercy reaches the core.

Verse 2:
The Lord is just and righteous,
His ways are perfect and true,
His justice is always due,
His kindness is all through.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His love endures forevermore,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His mercy reaches the core.

Verse 3:
God is faithful to His word,
His love extends to generations,
He shows mercy and compassion,
And forgives all our transgressions.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His love endures forevermore,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His mercy reaches the core.

Verse 4:
Let us give thanks to the Lord,
For He is good and true,
Let us trust in His steadfast love,
That endures forever, anew.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His love endures forevermore,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His mercy reaches the core.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
To the Lord of all creation,
Praise Him, Praise Him,
For He is our salvation.

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His love endures forevermore,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
For His mercy reaches the core.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
To the God of love and grace,
We will sing His praise forevermore,
In every time and place.

A poem:

God is a loving God,
Slow to anger and rich in love,
Compassionate and gracious,
His mercy reaches far above.

His love endures forever,
His faithfulness never fails,
He takes great delight in us,
And in his love, he sings and hails.

The Lord is just and righteous,
His ways are perfect and true,
He is kind in all his works,
And his justice is always due.

He loves justice and righteousness,
And will never forsake his saints,
But the wicked shall be cut off,
Their fate he will not taint.

God is faithful to his word,
His love extends to generations,
He shows mercy and compassion,
And forgives all our transgressions.

So let us give thanks to the Lord,
For he is good and true,
And trust in his steadfast love,
That endures forever, anew.

God is a loving God:

"But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." (Psalm 86:15)

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." (Psalm 145:8-9)

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy." (Psalm 103:8 )

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." (1 Chronicles 16:34)

"For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever." (Psalm 117:2)

God is just and righteous:

"The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he." (Deuteronomy 32:4)

"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you." (Psalm 89:14)

"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works." (Psalm 145:17)

" The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty." (Nahum 1:2-3)

"For the Lord loves justice; he will not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off." (Psalm 37:28)

"But the Lord of hosts is exalted in justice, and the Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness." (Isaiah 5:16)

These verses and others like them em

God is faithful, full of mercy, love," and compassion:

"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments." (Deuteronomy 7:9)

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." (Psalm 145: 8-9)

"But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." (Psalm 86:15)

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy." (Psalm 103:8 )

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

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How to gain strength in the Holy Spirit, and avoid sinning:

Read and meditate on the Bible regularly: The Bible is the ultimate guide for Christians and provides a roadmap for living a life pleasing to God. It is important to read and meditate on the Bible regularly to gain wisdom and understanding of God's will.

Pray for strength and guidance: Prayer is a powerful tool for Christians to communicate with God. It is important to pray for strength and guidance to resist temptation and avoid sin.

Surround yourself with positive influences: The people we spend time with can have a significant impact on our behavior. It is important to surround ourselves with positive influences who encourage us to live a life that honors God.

Avoid situations that can lead to temptation: It is important to be aware of situations that can lead to temptation and avoid them as much as possible. This may include avoiding certain places or activities that can lead to sin.

Confess and repent when you do sin: We are all human and will inevitably make mistakes and sin. When this happens, it is important to confess our sins to God and repent, or turn away from our sinful ways.

One of the powerful tools is prayer:

Ask, and it shall be given,
Seek, and you shall find,
Knock, and the door will open,
For the Lord is always kind.

Don't be like the hypocrites,
Praying for show and fame,
But pray in secret to your God,
And He will know your name.

Devote yourselves to prayer,
Be watchful and be thankful,
For the Lord will hear your cry,
And your heart will be made grateful.

Do not be anxious or afraid,
But present your requests to God,
With thanksgiving in your heart,
And let His love be your rod.

Rejoice always, pray continually,
Give thanks in all your days,
For this is God's will for you,
In Christ, who shows the way.

So let us pray with faith and love,
With hope and with humility,
For the Lord is always listening,
And He will answer with great ability.

Verses in the New Testament about praying

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:5-6

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." - Colossians 4:2

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." - Philippians 4:6

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

روح القدس میں طاقت حاصل کرنے اور گناہ کرنے سے بچنے کا طریقہ:

بائبل کو باقاعدگی سے پڑھیں اور اس پر غور کریں: بائبل مسیحیوں کے لیے حتمی رہنما ہے اور خدا کو خوش کرنے والی زندگی گزارنے کے لیے ایک روڈ میپ فراہم کرتی ہے۔ خدا کی مرضی کے بارے میں حکمت اور سمجھ حاصل کرنے کے لیے بائبل کو باقاعدگی سے پڑھنا اور اس پر غور کرنا ضروری ہے۔

طاقت اور رہنمائی کے لیے دعا کریں: مسیحیوں کے لیے خدا کے ساتھ بات چیت کرنے کے لیے دعا ایک طاقتور ذریعہ ہے۔ فتنہ کا مقابلہ کرنے اور گناہ سے بچنے کے لیے طاقت اور رہنمائی کے لیے دعا کرنا ضروری ہے۔

اپنے آپ کو مثبت اثرات سے گھیر لیں: جن لوگوں کے ساتھ ہم وقت گزارتے ہیں وہ ہمارے رویے پر نمایاں اثر ڈال سکتے ہیں۔ یہ ضروری ہے کہ ہم اپنے آپ کو مثبت اثرات سے گھیر لیں جو ہمیں ایسی زندگی گزارنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہیں جو خدا کی عزت کرتی ہے۔

ایسے حالات سے بچیں جو فتنہ کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں: ایسے حالات سے آگاہ رہنا ضروری ہے جو فتنہ کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں اور ان سے حتی الامکان بچیں۔ اس میں بعض جگہوں یا سرگرمیوں سے بچنا شامل ہوسکتا ہے جو گناہ کا باعث بن سکتے ہیں۔

جب آپ گناہ کرتے ہیں تو اقرار کریں اور توبہ کریں: ہم سب انسان ہیں اور لامحالہ غلطیاں اور گناہ کریں گے۔ جب ایسا ہوتا ہے، تو یہ ضروری ہوتا ہے کہ ہم اپنے گناہوں کا خُدا کے سامنے اعتراف کریں اور توبہ کریں، یا اپنے گناہ کے طریقوں سے منہ موڑ لیں۔

طاقتور اوزاروں میں سے ایک دعا ہے:

مانگو تو دیا جائے گا،
تلاش کرو، اور تمہیں مل جائے گا،
دستک، اور دروازہ کھل جائے گا،
کیونکہ رب ہمیشہ مہربان ہے۔

منافقوں کی طرح مت بنو
شو اور شہرت کی دعا
لیکن اپنے خدا سے چپکے چپکے دعا کرو
اور وہ تمہارا نام جان لے گا۔

اپنے آپ کو نماز کے لیے وقف کریں،
ہوشیار رہو اور شکر گزار رہو،
کیونکہ رب تمہاری فریاد سنے گا،
اور آپ کا دل شکر گزار ہو جائے گا۔

نہ گھبراؤ نہ ڈرو،
لیکن اپنی درخواستیں خدا کے سامنے پیش کرو
آپ کے دل میں شکریہ کے ساتھ،
اور اس کی محبت کو اپنی چھڑی بننے دو۔

ہمیشہ خوش رہو، مسلسل دعا کرو،
اپنے تمام دنوں میں شکر ادا کرو،
کیونکہ یہ آپ کے لئے خدا کی مرضی ہے،
مسیح میں، جو راستہ دکھاتا ہے۔

تو آئیے ایمان اور محبت کے ساتھ دعا کریں
امید اور عاجزی کے ساتھ،
کیونکہ رب ہمیشہ سنتا ہے،
اور وہ بڑی صلاحیت کے ساتھ جواب دے گا۔

دعا کے بارے میں نئے عہد نامے میں آیات

" مانگو تو تمہیں دیا جائے گا؛ تلاش کرو تو تمہیں مل جائے گا؛ کھٹکھٹاو تو تمہارے لیے دروازہ کھول دیا جائے گا؛ کیونکہ جو کوئی مانگتا ہے وہ پاتا ہے؛ جو ڈھونڈتا ہے وہ پاتا ہے؛ اور جو کھٹکھٹاتا ہے اس کے لیے دروازہ کھل جاتا ہے۔ " - میتھیو 7:7-8

"اور جب تم دعا کرو تو منافقوں کی طرح نہ بنو کیونکہ وہ عبادت گاہوں اور گلیوں کے کونوں میں کھڑے ہو کر دعا کرنا پسند کرتے ہیں تاکہ دوسروں کو نظر آئے۔ میں تم سے سچ کہتا ہوں کہ ان کو پورا اجر مل گیا ہے۔ لیکن جب تم دعا کرتے ہو۔ اپنے کمرے میں جاؤ، دروازہ بند کرو اور اپنے باپ سے دعا کرو، جو غیب میں ہے، پھر تمہارا باپ، جو پوشیدہ چیزوں کو دیکھتا ہے، تمہیں اجر دے گا۔" - میتھیو 6:5-6

"اپنے آپ کو نماز کے لیے وقف کرو، ہوشیار رہو اور شکر گزار رہو۔" - کلسیوں 4:2

’’کسی چیز کی فکر نہ کرو بلکہ ہر حال میں دعا اور التجا کے ساتھ شکرگزاری کے ساتھ اپنی درخواستیں خدا کے حضور پیش کرو۔‘‘ - فلپیوں 4:6

"ہمیشہ خوش رہو، مسلسل دعا کرو، ہر حال میں شکر ادا کرو؛ کیونکہ مسیح یسوع میں تمہارے لیے خدا کی یہی مرضی ہے۔" - 1 تھسلنیکیوں 5:16-18

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 1dd10




God of the gaps? No more....

Using logic and reason, we seek
To find the truth, the answers we seek
Through laws and facts, we must be led
To the conclusion that God exists, it's said

We cannot deny what we do know
For ignorance is not the way to go
From common sense and thermodynamics too
We can see that the universe had a cause, it's true

Material causes are not personal, that's clear
But humans have personality, that's what we hear
And through quantum energy experiments, we find
That the spirit exists, it's not just in our mind

Combined with thought and environment, we see
The cause of personality, it's not a mystery
And since life only comes from life, we must agree
That the cause of our existence is personal, undoubtedly

The coded information in DNA we observe
Cannot self-assemble by chance, that we can observe
And all known coded information systems we know
Come from intelligence, it's not just for show

The probability of complex systems forming by chance
Is operationally impossible, it's not just a dance
Therefore, we know that Intelligent Design
Is not an argument from ignorance, it's by logic defined

Through the laws of cause and effect, we see
That the universe had a cause, that's the key
And through our logical deductions, we find
That evolution is false, that's not just in our mind

Using logic and reason, we can see
That the best explanation for our existence is He
God exists, we know it's true
Through knowledge, logic, and reason, it's not just a view.

Poems, as words of wisdom, encouragement, and faith - Page 2 Sem_tz98


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