ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin

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Saplakoglu: Life With Longer Genetic Codes Seems Possible — but Less Likely April 11, 2022
Previous synthetic biology studies, and even some of those rare exceptions in nature, showed that it’s sometimes possible to augment the genetic code with a few quadruplet codons, but until now, no one has ever tackled creating an entirely quadruplet genetic system to see how it compares with the normal triplet-codon one.

Cepelewicz: Is a Bigger Genetic Code Better? Get Ready to Find Out January 2, 2018




Yuji Omachi (2022): "The proposed multicanonical Monte Carlo method, which efficiently samples rare events in a fully random genetic code ensemble, revealed that the probability of obtaining a genetic code with a cost as low as that of the SGC [standard genetic code] by chance is ca. 10^20, much lower than the previous estimate. It would be virtually impossible to generate such a code by naive random sampling.” By applying multicanonical Monte Carlo, an efficient rareevent sampling method, we efficiently sampled random codes from a much broader random ensemble of genetic codes than in previous studies, estimating that only one out of every 10^20 random codes is more robust than the standard genetic code (SGC). This estimate is significantly smaller than the previous estimate, one in a million.  It would be virtually impossible to generate such a code by naive random sampling.68a

Comment: In other words, the odds to find a genetic code, are as robust as the universal genetic code, permitting better error minimization ( mutations), and being robust against translation errors.  that previously was thought to be one in a million, now, with more advanced investigative techniques, has been corrected to be one in 10^20. That is as if finding a special star among all stars in the universe by chance ( there is an estimate of 10^22 stars in the universe)

Yuji Omachi (2022) Rare-Event Sampling Analysis Uncovers the Fitness Landscape of the Genetic Code 18 Oct 2022




Asking ChatGPT about the origin of the Genetic code


It is interesting to see, how ChatGTP is trained to give answers that support naturalistic views, and even claim philosophical answers to be scientific, while they are not, and characterizing Intelligent Design as religious and philosophical answers. 

Here, for example, it makes demonstrably false claims: "It is not accurate to say that the genetic code cannot be the product of natural selection. Rather, it is widely considered to be the result of natural selection and evolution".
Then, when called out, it insists: There is a significant body of evidence that supports the conclusion that the genetic code has evolved through natural selection.
Then, he commits two errors at the same time: It is important to note that the theory of abiogenesis and the theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive.
When called out, he corrects itself: In regards to the relationship between abiogenesis and evolution, it is indeed correct that they are mutually exclusive in the sense that they address different questions.
Next, he resorts to self-organization: Some scientists have proposed that the genetic code may have arisen through a process of self-organization, or that it was established early in the evolution of life through mechanisms such as natural selection.
Then another incorrect assertion: The idea that a creator or intelligent designer was responsible for the origin of life and the genetic code is a philosophical or religious belief and is outside the scope of scientific inquiry.
He apologizes several times: I apologize for any confusion or misinformation caused by my previous answers, and I hope that this clarifies my role as an AI language model and the limitations of the information I can provide.

Well, if the engineers train the Chatbot to give the right answers, maybe next time..... or maybe not ?!!

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The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin - Page 2 716




Question: Explain why the genetic code is a code in a literal sense

ChatGTP: The genetic code is considered a code in a literal sense because it follows the basic principles of a code, which is a system of symbols or letters that represent information. In the case of the genetic code, the symbols are the four nucleotide bases - Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C) - that make up DNA. These nucleotide bases are arranged in specific sequences to form codons, which are groups of three nucleotides that represent a particular amino acid or a stop signal.

The genetic code is universal, meaning that it is the same for all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. This code serves as the basis for the formation of proteins, which are the building blocks of life. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids, and the order in which these amino acids are arranged determines the protein's structure and function.

The genetic code is read by a molecular machine called the ribosome, which reads the sequence of nucleotides in a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule and translates them into a sequence of amino acids to form a protein. This translation process is highly specific, with each codon representing only one amino acid or a stop signal.

Overall, the genetic code can be considered a code in a literal sense because it is a system of symbols (nucleotide bases) that represent information (amino acids) and is read and translated in a specific and precise manner.

In every cell, a code is found,
A language that is written down,
A message in a code so true,
A system ancient, yet so new.

Four letters spell out every word,
A, T, C, and G, all heard,
In pairs they form a twisted chain,
A genetic code that will remain.

A sequence that is so precise,
It holds the key to life's advice,
A language that the cells can read,
To make a protein with great speed.

The ribosome reads the code so well,
Translates it with a gentle spell,
From codon to amino acid,
A protein chain is swiftly laced.

And thus, the genetic code, we see,
Is more than just a mystery,
A code so literal and true,
It forms the essence of life anew.

As I reflect on this genetic code,
I cannot help but to behold,
The intricate design that's there,
So complex, beyond compare.

The code's origin, a mystery,
But evidence suggests to me,
That an intelligent designer,
Created it with great power.

The odds against it arising by chance,
Are far too great to take a chance,
So I must conclude with certainty,
That an intelligent designer made this entity.

The code's precision and universality,
Speak of a mastermind's creativity,
A purposeful design, so clear to see,
That points to a creator, undoubtedly.

So as I ponder the genetic code,
And all its wonders to behold,
I'm led to see, with eyes so bright,
That an intelligent designer brought forth this light.

The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin - Page 2 Geneti15

The genetic code, insurmountable problem for non-intelligent origin - Page 2 G321dd10




Words have meaning because they are symbols that we use to represent ideas, objects, actions, and concepts. We as intelligent beings give words meaning by associating them with these ideas and concepts through our use and understanding of language.

Meaning is a product of the mind. Without deciphering them, words would be meaningless symbols. Codons are words in the language of DNA.

A codon is a sequence of three nucleotides (adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine) that specifies/codes ( is assigned) to a particular amino acid or serves as a start or stop signal for protein synthesis. The order of these codons along a strand of DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein.

Just like words in human language, codons have a specific meaning and function in the context of DNA and protein synthesis. However, it is important to note that the "meaning" of a codon is determined by its role in the biological processes of the cell, rather than by cultural or social conventions as in human language.




In the language of life,
In the cells that we hold,
There's a code that defines
The proteins to unfold.

Sixty-one codons and three,
For the amino acids to bind,
A Ribosome's the mechanism
That makes it all come to mind.

But all codes require values,
Assigned and determined to see,
A translation process or adapter
To bring the message to be.

For foreknowledge is key
To get a functional aim,
And to set up the entire system
Is required to build the game.

So the translation that we see
In the making of life's proteins,
Must have been designed with care
To create these vital things.

The language of the cells
Speaks of something beyond chance,
And points to a grander design
In the dance of life's dance.




In the cells, a code exists
A cipher of triplets, a list
Of 64 codons to define
The 20 amino acids we find

But what is a code, if not a rule?
A symbol assigned, a system to school
In transmitting information we trust
Through a common meaning we must

Thus, the triplets to amino acids
Must have been pre-established by the sages
Of an intelligent mind, wise and grand
Designing a system that we understand

The origin of this genetic code
Is best explained by an intelligent mode
A creator, with a purpose and a plan
Crafting a code, to shape life's span

For in the cells, we see the signs
Of a grand design, a purpose that shines
A code so complex, yet so precise
Pointing to a creator, a designer so wise.




In communication and information processing,
A system of rules is key for progressing
Converting information from one form to another
Is how we share, learn, and discover

64 codons, to 20 amino acids, we assign
A cornerstone template, a design so divine
Dictating, specifying, mapping, and more
The assignment of codons, a system to adore

Some say this code came about by chance
Evolution's random selection, a cosmic dance
But we know, through experience and insight
Intelligent design is always the shining light

Molecules, nucleotides, and matter alone
Have never shown they can code on their own
Intent, foresight, and purposeful thought
Are the traits of an intelligent mind, not naught

Therefore, we must conclude and see
The genetic code is the work of a higher decree
An intelligent setup, a purposeful plan
Designed with care, by a masterful hand.


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