ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence

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10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence


A syllogism  is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true. None of the ten arguments presented here, are based on lack of knowledge or gaps, but scientific evidence, which leads logically to a creator as the best explanation of origins.

1. Being cannot come from non-being         0:11
2. Who created the creator                             0:37
3. The laws of physics point to a creator    1:33
4. Fine-tuning of the universe points to a fine-tuner   2:11
5. Abiogenesis research has failed               3:06
6. The factory maker argument                     4:14
7. Cells are irreducibly complex                     5:44
8. Where do complex organisms come from?      7:05
9. Gene regulatory networks (dGRN's)  point to design       8:12
10. The tasks performed by the dGRN point to intelligent setup   9:24

1. Being cannot come from non-being.
2. Since we exist, then being has always been in one form or another.
3. Since the universe had a beginning, a non-physical being must have existed beyond the universe, causing the universe into existence.
4. That being is God.

1. If nothing ever existed, then there would still be nothing.
2. Since we exist, something has always existed.
3. Since the universe had a beginning, it was caused into existence by something else.
4. That cause must be either personal or non-personal.
5. A non-personal cause would be of physical substance, and so subject to change and time. That cause would also need to have a beginning, and be caused by something else, leading to infinite regress which is impossible.
6. The best explanation as cause of the universe is a personal creator, independent, immaterial existing in an eternal timeless dimension, triggering the Big bang and creating the universe

1. The universe obeys laws and rules of mathematics and physics, a specific set of equations, upon which it  operates with stability, constance and regularity.
2. The implementation of laws of mathematics and physics depends on the action of an intelligent rational agency.
3. Therefore, the physical universe which operates in an interdependent manner with the laws of physics was with high certainty implemented by an Intelligent creator.

1. The initial conditions of the universe, subatomic particles, the Big Bang, the fundamental forces of the universe, the Solar System, the earth and the moon, are finely tuned to permit life. Over 150 fine-tuning parameters are known.
2. The Finetuning is either due to chance, necessity or design.
3. Finetuning is extremely unlikely due to chance or necessity. Therefore, it is most probably due to a powerful creator which did set up the universe in the most precise exact fashion to permit life on earth.

1. Origin of life research during over half a century has demonstrated that the prebiotic origin of the four classes of the basic building blocks of life by random, unguided processes, and consequently, living self-replicating cells, is not possible.
2. Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by demonstrating that competitors to that proposition are false. Either the origin of the basic building blocks of life and self-replicating cells are the result of the creative act by an intelligent designer, or the result of unguided random chemical reactions on the early earth.
3. Science, rather than coming closer to demonstrate how life could have started, has not advanced and is further away to generating living cells starting with small molecules.  Therefore, most likely, cells were created by an intelligent designer.

1.The origin of blueprints containing the information to fabricate complex machines and interlinked factories which produce goods for specific purposes are both always the result of intelligent setup.
2. Living Cells store very complex genetic and epigenetic information through the genetic code, and over twenty epigenetic languages, translation systems and signalling networks. These information systems instruct the making and operation of cells and multicellular organisms. Each cell hosts millions of interconnected molecular machines, production lines and factories analogous to factories made by man. They are of unparalleled gigantic complexity, able to process constantly a stream of data from the outside world through signalling networks. Cells operate robot-like,  autonomously. They adapt the production and recycle molecules on demand. The process of self-replication is the epitome of manufacturing advance and sophistication.
3. Therefore, the origin of biological information and self-replicating cell factories is best explained by the action of an intelligent designer, who created life for his own purposes.

1. Cell subunits and compartments form a complex system that is useful only in the completion of a much larger system which is able to keep the basic functions of life. A minimal Cell, in order to permit life, requires a minimal genome of  1,354,000-base pairs genome that encodes about 1300 gene products, and at least 1300 interconnected proteins, each fully set up and functional for specific tasks. A discrete minimal size of each individual protein complex formed by multiple subunits and cofactors is required in order to be functional. And it only operates when interconnected and in a joint venture similar to a robot in a production line, and precise energy supply.
2. Cells must be created and be functional, all at once. Irreducibly complex and interdepend systems cannot evolve but depend on intelligence with foreknowledge on how to build discrete parts with distant goals.
3. Therefore, intelligent design is the best explanation of the origin of living, self-replicating cells.

1. The mechanisms required to build complex organismal form is preprogrammed instructional complex information encoded in various genetic and at least 23 epigenetic codes and languages and communication by various signalling codes through various physicochemical signalling networks.
2. Science has demonstrated, that evolution by mutations and natural selection genetic drift, and gene flow result in entropy, deteriorate the genome, rather than increasing information and organismal complexity.
3. The origin of instructional complex information ( analogous to blueprints ) and signalling networks is always tracked back to intelligence setting them up with specific purposes.
4. Therefore, biodiversity and organismal architecture are better explained by an intelligent creator, rather than mindless evolution.

1. Complex multicellular lifeforms depend on gene regulatory networks (dGRN's) which are a collection of molecular regulators that interact with each other and with other substances in the cell to orchestrate the expression of DNA.
2. dGRN's operate based on logic gates and their networks process chemical input signals similar to computers. These encoded instructions are based on boolean logic.
3. Logic depends on reason. Reason depends on intelligence. Only an intelligent mind can think rationally, and implement a system based on conceptual laws of logic. Therefore, the best and most reasonable explanation for the existence of complex gene regulatory networks based on boolean logic, essential for the make of complex multicellular organisms, is the creative action of a powerful, transcendent, intelligent Creator.

1. Regulating, governing, controlling, recruiting, interpreting, recognising, orchestrating, choreographing, elaborating strategies, guiding, instructing, fine-tuning, monitoring, organizing, are all tasks of the gene regulatory network, which are ultrasophisticated communication networks, analogous to electric circuits in man-made devices.
2. In the same sense as copper, plastic, basic electronic parts do not turn into a  printed circuit board randomly, molecular regulators, transcription factors, on/off switches, feedback loops do not turn into a gene regulatory network by unguided processes. Communication networks and signal transmission systems, similar as seen in gene regulatory networks, highly flexible, and able to rapidly reconfigure to deliver different outputs can only be implemented and pre-programmed by intelligence.
3. Therefore, most probably, the gene regulatory network was implemented and programmed by an intelligent agency.

10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 124

God of the gaps and incredulity, a justified refutation of ID arguments?


How to recognize the signature of (past) intelligent actions


Creation is evidence of a Creator. But not everybody ( is willing ) to see it.
Romans 1.19 - 23 What may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

The (past) action or signature of an intelligent designer can be detected when we see :

- an object in nature very similar to human-made things
- something made based on mathematical principles
- systems and networks functioning based on logic gates
- something purposefully made for specific goals
- specified complexity, the instructional blueprint or a codified message  
- irreducible complex and interdependent systems or artefacts composed of several interlocked, well-matched parts contributing to a higher end of a complex system that would be useful only in the completion of that much larger system.
- order or orderly patterns
- hierarchically arranged systems of parts
- intelligence can create artefacts which use might be employed in different systems ( a wheel is used in cars and airplanes )
- Fine-tuning

When we say something is “designed,” we mean it was created intentionally and planned for a purpose. Designed objects are fashioned by intelligent agents who have a goal in mind, and their creations reflect the purpose for which they were created. We infer the existence of an intelligent designer by observing certain effects that are habitually associated with conscious activity. Rational agents often detect the prior activity of other designing minds by the character of the effects they leave behind. A machine is made for specific goals and organized, given that the operation of each part is dependent on it being properly arranged with respect to every other part, and to the system as a whole. Encoded messages and instructional blueprints indicate an intelligent source. And so does apply mathematical principles and logic gates.

The argument that God is a gap filler is really boring, a beaten horse ad nauseam. Its invoked in almost every theist-atheist debate when atheists are unable to successfully refute a theist claim. No, God is NOT a gap filler. God is a logical inference based on the evidence observed in the natural world. If a theist would say, ''We don't know what caused 'x', therefore, God.'', it would be indeed a 'God of the gaps' fallacy. What we say, IMHO is: ''Based on current knowledge, an intelligent creative agency is a better explanation than materialistic naturalism."  If one is not arguing from ignorance, but rather reasoning from the available evidence to the best explanation, is it not rather ludicrous to accuse them of launching a 'god of the gaps argument'?  Randomness is a hugely overplayed idea in modern science, a desperate attempt to fill a shrinking corner for materialist reductionism, just as the ‘God of the Gaps' is derided by said materialists as the alleged last resort of Intelligent Design proponents.

Claim: Your argument is based on ignorance, gaps, and incredulity. 
1. if there is no money in the wallet
2. It's an argument of knowledge to say: There is no money in the wallet after you check.
3. The same happens in molecular biochemistry. We checked, and scientists discovered that DNA stores specified complex information, which is a blueprint, instructing the precise sequence of amino acids to make proteins. Such information has never been observed to emerge by chance, and therefore, we have evidence that something is extremely unlikely (e.g., that chance could inform the correct instructions to make proteins). Indeed, scientists will often debate whether an experiment's result should be considered evidence of absence. Something has proven not to be the result of X ( as chance, for example )
4. Intelligence can act towards achieving specific goals, and knows how to create codified language, and use that language to create blueprints, used to make complex machines, production lines, and factories. It can finely tune and arrange things to work in a precise fashion. it can shape and form parts that perform tasks by interacting like lock and key. None of all this has been observed to be achieved by any alternative non-intelligent mechanism. if anyone wants to propose an alternative to replace intelligence, it should meet the burden of proof, and falsify the claim based on empirical testing and falsification.
5. Hence, the argument of Intelligent Design as best explanation of origins is based on experiments and observation, gained knowledge and experience. Not from ignorance.

Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by arguing that competitors to that proposition are false. ( Contrast this with Popperian falsification, where propositions are corroborated to the degree that they successfully withstand attempts to falsify them ) When the available option form a dichotomy, just to option, A, or not A, they form a mutually exclusive and exhaustive class, eliminating all the competitors entails that the proposition is true. As Sherlock Holmes famous dictum says: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. In this case, eliminative inductions, in fact, become deductions. 

While theists hear the claim that inferring God is a gaps argument in almost every debate, are atheists not themselves actually guilty of using it? 

We don't know:
- if the universe is eternal, there might be multiverses
- how the Big bang started, maybe virtual particles
- why the universe is finely tuned - maybe bubble universes
- how life started, but the Urey Miller experiment showed that amino acids can emerge in the lab, and what science not yet knows, one day it will find out - and it won't be a God
- how exactly evolution works to produce biodiversity, but its a theory, and there is consensus in science, therefore it must be true.
- how the brain can produce thoughts and conscience, but we don't know of a mind being able to exist outside the brain, therefore, monism must be true. 

min. 45:04 - God of the gaps arguments
Common atheist fallacies: exposed !!

10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 221

Being cannot come from non-being.
Since we exist, then being has always been in one form or another.
Since the universe had a beginning, a non-physical being must have existed beyond the universe, causing the universe into existence.
That being is God.

Syllogistic - Arguments of Gods existence based on positive evidence


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 328

1. If nothing ever existed, then there would still be nothing.
2. Since we exist, something has always existed.
3. Since the universe had a beginning, it was caused into existence by something else. 
4. That cause must be either personal or non-personal. 
5. A non-personal cause would be of physical substance, and so subject to change and time. That cause would also need to have a beginning, and be caused by something else, leading to infinite regress which is impossible.
6. The best explanation as cause of the universe is a personal creator, independent, immaterial existing in an eternal timeless dimension, triggering the Big bang and creating the universe 

10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 424

1. The universe obeys laws and rules of mathematics and physics, a specific set of equations, upon which it  operates with stability, constance and regularity.
2. The implementation of laws of mathematics and physics depends on the action of an intelligent rational agency.
3. Therefore, the physical universe which operates in an interdependent manner with the laws of physics was with high certainty implemented by an Intelligent creator. 

Laws of Physics, where did they come from? 


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 524

1. The initial conditions of the universe, subatomic particles, the Big Bang, the fundamental forces of the universe, the Solar System, the earth and the moon, are finely tuned to permit life. Over 150 fine-tuning parameters are known.
2. The Finetuning is either due to chance, necessity or design.
3. Finetuning is extremely unlikely due to chance or necessity. Therefore, it is most probably due to a powerful creator which did set up the universe in the most precise exact fashion to permit life on earth.

Fine-tuning of the universe


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 624

1. Origin of life research during over half a century  has demonstrated that the prebiotic  origin of the four classes of the basic building blocks of life  by random, unguided  processes, and consequently, living self-replicating cells, is not possible. 
2. Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by demonstrating that  competitors to that proposition are false. Either the origin of the basic building blocks of life and self-replicating cells are the result of the creative act by an intelligent designer, or the result of unguided random chemical reactions on early earth.
3. Science, rather than coming closer to demonstrate how life could have started, has not advanced, and is further away to generating living cells starting with small molecules.  Therefore, most likely, cells were created by an intelligent designer.

Main topics on abiogenesis


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 721

1.The origin of blueprints containing the information to fabricate complex machines and interlinked factories which produce goods for specific purposes, are both always the  result of intelligent setup.
2. Living Cells  store very complex genetic and epigenetic information through the genetic code, and over twenty epigenetic languages, translation systems  and  signalling networks. These information systems instruct the making and operation of of cells and multicellular organisms. Each cell hosts millions of interconnected  molecular machines, production lines and factories analogous to factories made by  man. They are of unparalleled gigantic complexity, able to process constantly a stream  of data from the outside world through signaling networks. Cells operate robot-like,  autonomously. They adapt the production and recycle molecules on demand. The  process of self-replication is the epitome of manufacturing advance and sophistication.
3. Therefore, the origin of biological information and self-replicating cell factories is best explained by the action of an intelligent designer, who created life for his own purposes.

The factory maker argument


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 823

1. Cell subunits and compartments form a complex system that is useful only in the completion of a much larger system which is able to keep the basic functions of life. A minimal Cell, in order to permit life, requires a minimal genome of about 200 genes, and at least 560 interconnected proteins, each fully set up and functional for specific tasks. A discrete minimal size of each individual protein complex formed by multiple subunits and cofactors is required in order to be functional. And it only operates when interconnected and in a joint venture similar to a robot in a production line, and precise energy supply.
2. Cells must be created and be functional, all at once. Irreducibly complex and interdepend systems cannot evolve but depend on intelligence with foreknowledge on how to build discrete parts with distant goals.
3. Therefore, intelligent design is the best explanation of the origin of living, self-replicating cells.

The cell is irreducibly complex


What might be a Cell’s minimal requirement of parts ?  [url=file:///E:/Desktop/apdf files/FirstGeneCh10.pdf]1[/url]


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 924

1. The mechanisms required to build complex organismal form is preprogrammed instructional complex information encoded in various genetic and at least 23 epigenetic codes and languages and communication by various signalling codes through various physicochemical signalling networks.
2. Science has demonstrated, that evolution by mutations and natural selection genetic drift, and gene flow result in entropy, deteriorate the genome, rather than increasing information and organismal complexity. 
3. The origin of instructional complex information ( analogous to blueprints ) and signalling networks is always tracked back to intelligence setting them up with specific purposes. 
4. Therefore, biodiversity and organismal architecture are better explained by an intelligent creator, rather than mindless evolution.

Where Do Complex Organisms Come From?

What are the REAL mechanisms of biodiversity, replacing macroevolution?


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 1023

1. Complex multicellular lifeforms depend on gene regulatory networks (dGRN's) which are a collection of molecular regulators that interact with each other and with other substances in the cell to orchestrate the expression of DNA. 
2. dGRN's operate based on logic gates and their networks process chemical input signals similar to computers. These encoded instructions are based on boolean logic.
3. Logic depends on reason. Reason depends on intelligence. Only an intelligent mind can think rationally, and implement a system based on conceptual laws of logic. Therefore, the best and most reasonable explanation for the existence of complex gene regulatory networks based on boolean logic, essential for the make of complex multicellular organisms, is the creative action of a powerful, transcendent, intelligent Creator. 

Control of Gene Expression and gene regulatory networks point to intelligent design


10 Syllogistic arguments for Gods existence 1125
1. Regulating, governing, controlling, recruiting, interpreting, recognising, orchestrating, choreographing, elaborating strategies, guiding, instructing, fine-tuning, monitoring, organizing, are all tasks of the gene regulatory network, which are ultrasophisticated communication networks, analogous to electric circuits in man-made devices. 
2. In the same sense as copper, plastic, basic electronic parts do not turn into a  printed circuit board randomly, molecular regulators, transcription factors, on/off switches, feedback loops do not turn into a gene regulatory network by unguided processes. Communication networks and signal transmission systems, similar as seen in gene regulatory networks, highly flexible, and able to rapidly reconfigure to deliver different outputs can only be implemented and pre-programmed by intelligence.
3. Therefore, most probably, the gene regulatory network was implemented and programmed by an intelligent agency.

Gene Regulatory Networks Controlling Body Plan Development 



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