ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Gaps: God of the gaps and incredulity,a justified refutation of ID arguments?

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God of the gaps and incredulity, a justified refutation of ID arguments?


1. Consider a scenario where a wallet is empty.
2. After checking the wallet, stating "There is no money in the wallet" is an argument from knowledge.
3. This principle applies to biochemistry. Scientific research in abiogenesis has involved thorough investigation, falsifiable predictions, and attempts to unravel the mystery of life's natural emergence. However, instead of solving the problem, this research has revealed the improbability of life emerging through unguided events and mere chemical reactions. DNA contains complex, specified information - a blueprint instructing the precise sequence of amino acids for protein synthesis. Such information has never been observed to arise by chance, providing evidence for the extreme unlikelihood of chance informing correct protein-making instructions. Scientists often debate whether experimental results should be considered evidence of absence. Some phenomena have been proven not to result from certain causes (like chance).
4. Intelligence possesses foresight and know-how to create purposeful things, work towards specific long-term goals, and create and use codified language for blueprints to build complex machines, production lines, and interconnected factories. It can fine-tune and arrange components to function precisely, and shape parts that interact like lock and key. No non-intelligent mechanism has been observed to achieve these capabilities. Any proposed alternative to intelligence should meet the burden of proof and falsify the claim of intelligent design through empirical testing and falsification.
5. Therefore, the argument for Intelligent Design as the best explanation for origins is grounded in experiments, observation, acquired knowledge, and experience, rather than ignorance.

The "God of the Gaps" objection is commonly misconstrued. Contrary to the popular assumption, belief in God is not a filler for the unknown or unexplained but is a conclusion drawn from substantial positive evidence and logical reasoning. The belief in God is founded on a rich tradition of philosophical and theological reflection, not merely on gaps in scientific knowledge.  While science probes the mechanisms of the natural world, philosophy tries to explain these things. God is not just an explanatory hypothesis for natural phenomena, but the source of all existence, the reason why there is something rather than nothing, and why the universe is intelligible. The arguments for God's existence employ legitimate forms of logical deduction, including abductive reasoning or inference to the best explanation. The assertion that God exists is not an appeal to ignorance but a reasoned claim that God’s existence offers the most coherent and comprehensive explanation for the universe and our experience within it. It is also supported by empirical evidence, such as the origin and fine-tuning of the laws of physics, and the universe, The fact that the formation of a concept or plan, as well as its functional implementation, has only been observed to occur by the involvement of a thinking mind with goals, and foresight. In biology, the codified instructional information, which directs the assembly of proteins, which are literally molecular machines, permits a logical, plausible inference that these systems likely didn't emerge solely through random processes, hinting at the possibility of a guiding intelligence. Also, we know only that consciousness originates from conscious parents. These aren’t appeals to the unknown, but assessments of existing experience and evidence, pointing towards a theistic cause of all physical existence. There will always be foundational questions that transcend scientific exploration, such as the query: why is there something rather than nothing? These profound questions, which remain outside the realm of scientific inquiry, find their answers in theistic understanding, providing further rationale for belief in God. Concluding, the belief in God transcends the limitation of the "God of the Gaps" objection, offering a structured, reasoned, and evidence-based foundation for faith, addressing both empirical and metaphysical dimensions of human experience and understanding.

Refuting the "God of the Gaps" Argument
The "God of the Gaps" argument is a theological perspective where gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence. However, this approach is often criticized as a logical fallacy. Here’s a structured argument that answers to the "God of the Gaps" objection:

God of the gaps. Really ?

We don't insert God in the gaps of knowledge. We insert Him as an explanation of the unravelling unexpected complexity in nature.

When atheists are unable to refute a theistic claim, screaming:" God of the gaps"!! is a great gap filler

Agnostic atheist: I don't know how things originated, but I know it was not your God. 
Answer: That's like the coworker asking you how to perform a task. You start showing him and he says: "that's not how it's done."

As science progresses we see that the God-of-the-gaps is actually a creation of the atheists, and the Creator God of the Bible is a God whose existence is increasingly bolstered by science.

Since there is being, being has always been. Creation requires a creator. Design requires a designer, Laws require a lawmaker. Creating mathematics requires a mathematician.
Fine-tuning requires a fine-tuner, Codes require a code-maker. Codified information comes always from the mind. Life only comes from life. Logic comes from logic.
Consciousness comes only from consciousness, Factories require a factory-maker, Objective moral values come from a moral giver.
Where was somebody saying something about God of the gaps??


When a strong atheist asserts that believers in God never provide evidence for God’s existence because there is none … that assertion needs to be evaluated against the “logically and reasonably” sound evidence that does, in fact, exist. Below are multiple pieces of evidence, that is based on: Common Sense; the Laws of Thermodynamics; the Law of Cause and Effect; Logic; Reason; Historical Documentation; and actual Scientific Discovery.
First, here is the definition of “evidence”.
“evidence” = the available body of facts or information which indicate whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.



We KNOW … “nothing” … canNOT create … “anything” (common sense logic)
We KNOW … the universe is not eternal, from (thermodynamics)
We KNOW … everything that has a beginning … has a cause (law of cause and effect)
We KNOW … therefore, that the universe had a cause. (logical conclusion)
We KNOW … material causes are not personal. (material is impersonal)
We KNOW … humans have personality. (direct observation)
We KNOW BE … the spirit exists as a form of energy (quantum energy experiments - zmescience.com )
We KNOW BE … that spirit, combined with thought from the mind, and environment is the most likely cause of personality. (inductive reasoning)
We KNOW BE … therefore, since life only comes from life; that the spirit exists; that humans have personality … the cause is personal. (by inductive reasoning)
We KNOW … DNA contains a coded information system. (direct observation of sequencing in DNA)
We KNOW … coded information cannot self-assemble by random chance processes. (direct observation)
We KNOW … all known coded information systems come from intelligence. (direct observation)
We KNOW … therefore, BE of coded information in DNA is intelligent. (logical conclusion)
We KNOW … the probability of a protein forming by chance is operationally impossible. (probability analysis – scientists have posited that a probability greater than 1x10^75th power is ‘impossible’.
We KNOW … the probability of symbiotic relationships in nature, is operationally impossible. (probability analysis)
We KNOW … therefore, that Integrated Functional Complexity is not a product of random chance. (probability analysis)
Therefore … WE KNOW … our argument for Intelligent Design is not an Argument from Ignorance, but from knowledge, logic, and reason.
We KNOW that if biological organisms operate by means of a coded information system, then molecules to man evolution by means of random variation acted upon by natural selection, is false. We have known this since “The Sequence Hypothesis” was shown to be true in 1957. (logical deduction)
Therefore, We … have knowledge and evidence that falsifies evolution. (logical deduction)




1. WE KNOW universe had a beginning, therefore a cause. That cause was God.
2. WE KNOW the universe obeys laws of physics. Therefore, it needs a lawgiver.
3. WE KNOW the universe is finely tuned for life. Therefore, it requires a fine-tuner.
4. WE KNOW that cells are factories in a literal sense. Factories require a designer.
5. WE KNOW that cells are irreducibly complex. They had to emerge ALL AT ONCE.
6. WE KNOW that cells host genetic and epigenetic codes. Codes come from intelligence.
7. WE KNOW that cells host instructional complex information, which must come from a mind.
8. WE KNOW that cells process information like computers. Computers are always designed.
9. WE KNOW that consciousness and intelligence can only come from consciousness, not matter. 
10. WE KNOW that the mind and consciousness are separate from the brain. Dualism is true.
11. WE KNOW that organismal form is explained through codified information and signaling.
12. WE KNOW that objective moral laws are ought to be's. Since they exist, they are from God.
13. WE KNOW that historical facts described in the Bible are confirmed by archaeology.
14. WE KNOW that Jesus Christ is a historical figure, confirmed by extrabiblical texts.
15. WE KNOW that Christ resurrected based on several lines of evidence.
16. WE KNOW that prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled.
17. WE KNOW that reported after-life experiences confirm there is life after physical death.

"Incredulous" basically means "I don't believe it". Well, why should someone believe a "just so" story about HOW reality came to exist? That is the THING that we are incredulous about - a *certain scenario* ( naturalism, cosmological, chemical, and biological evolution, abiogenesis, and Neo-Darwinism, and that irreducibly complex biological system, coded, instructed or specified complex information, and entire factory complexes composed of myriads of interconnected factories, full of computers and robotic production lines could emerge naturally ) that's only *imagined* about how various amazing abilities of animals and plants happened all by themselves, defying known and reasonable principles of the limited range of chance, physical necessity, mutations, and  Natural selection. There are busy little molecular machines that let it untangle, replicate, and build according to plan. A large cadre of researchers continues to make new discoveries on a regular basis. Our mythology is that it explains life, but the system is far, far too complex to occur by accident, and requires that features to support many processes are required, making a path for its evolution very hard to surmise. DNA isn't the secret to life. It's a whole bunch of puzzles we don't have answers for. The proponent of naturalism is "incredulous" that an intelligent creator/designer could exist, beyond and behind our entire space-time continuum, who is our Creator. But there is nothing ridiculous about that - especially if you can't personally examine reality to that depth - how do you know nature is all that exists? What IS ridiculous (IMO) is trying to imagine a *naturalistic origin* of these things.  What we need, is giving a *plausible* account of how it came about to be in the first place, and the " No-God hypothesis" simply doesn't cut the cake.

"Incredulous" basically means "I don't believe it". Well, why should someone believe a "just so" story about HOW reality came to exist? The sentiment of incredulity towards the naturalistic origins of life and the universe is a profound perspective, that stems from the perceived improbability of complex biological systems, intricate molecular machinery, and the finely tuned universe spontaneously originating from random processes, devoid of intention and foresight. These concerns echo a profound uncertainty about the naturalistic explanations of reality’s existence, giving rise to questions about the plausibility of scenarios such as abiogenesis and neo-Darwinism. This is underscored by the intricate orchestration within cellular and molecular processes. The bewildering complexity and apparent purposefulness in the biological realm make it challenging to conceive that such systems could emerge by mere chance or through the unguided mechanisms of natural selection and mutations. The vast information contained within DNA and the elaborate molecular machinery within cells necessitate an intelligent source, a purposeful designer who intricately crafted and coordinated these elements. In the merging context with the text about nature not being self-manifesting, this perspective accentuates the conviction that the universe's existence, form, and functionality could not have spontaneously sprung from its own non-existence or chaos. The position stresses the conceptual incoherence of the universe autonomously setting its fine-tuned parameters, orchestrating its order, and birthing life with its labyrinth of molecular complexities and informational systems. The hypothesis of an external, intelligent entity, beyond the boundaries of space and time, emerges as a logical postulation.

As J. Warner Wallace aptly notes, the convergence of improbability, irreducibility, and specificity in the universe and life propels the inference that intelligent design stands as a robust explanation for the origins and intricacies of our world. The questions surrounding the universe and life’s origins are monumental, and while various perspectives offer their insights, the dialogue continues, enriching the exploration of life's profound mystery.

William Dembski: The problem is that nature has too many options and without design couldn’t sort through all those options. The problem is that natural mechanisms are too unspecific to determine any particular outcome. Natural processes could theoretically form a protein, but also compatible with the formation of a plethora of other molecular assemblages, most of which have no biological significance. Nature allows them full freedom of arrangement. Yet it’s precisely that freedom that makes nature unable to account for specified outcomes of small probability. Nature, in this case, rather than being intent on doing only one thing, is open to doing any number of things. Yet when one of those things is a highly improbable specified event, design becomes the more compelling, better inference. Occam's razor also boils down to an argument from ignorance: in the absence of better information, you use a heuristic to accept one hypothesis over the other.

Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by arguing that competitors to that proposition are false. Provided the proposition, together with its competitors, form a mutually exclusive and exhaustive class, eliminating all the competitors entails that the proposition is true. Since either there is a God, or not, either one or the other is true. As Sherlock Holmes's famous dictum says: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however not fully comprehensible, but logically possible, must be the truth. Eliminative inductions, in fact, become deductions.

Theism is true under the impossibility of the contrary. The ability of reasoning is an argument for the existence of God. CS Lewis called it the cardinal difficulty of naturalism. Mindless matter cannot account for rationality and consciousness.

The claim that intelligent design constitutes the best explanation of origins leads is also based on the fact that competing causal hypotheses will not demonstrate the power to produce these effects—just as they may not have done so to this point.

Matter, space, and time cannot create themselves.
The laws of physics cannot create themselves.
Life cannot create itself.
Languages and codes cannot create themselves
Blueprints, instructional complex information, data, and programs cannot create themselves
Information processing and transmission channels can not create themselves
Computers cannot create themselves
Transistors cannot create themselves
Complex machines, factory production lines, factories, and factory parks producing things with purpose cannot create themselves
Consciousness, nor the mind, cannot create itself
Objective moral duties cannot create themselves.

Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by arguing that competitors to that proposition are false. Persistent lack of progress on a scientific problem is exactly what one should expect when a causal puzzle has been fundamentally misconceived, or when the toolkit employed in causal explanation is too limited. ( Contrast this with Popperian falsification, where propositions are corroborated to the degree that they successfully withstand attempts to falsify them ) When the available option forms a dichotomy, just to option, A, or not A, they form a mutually exclusive and exhaustive class, eliminating all the competitors entails that the proposition is true. As Sherlock Holmes's famous dictum says: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. In this case, eliminative inductions, in fact, become deductions.

Claim: Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, was HIMSELF fooled by Harry Houdini, an illusionist, using the "whatever possibility remains must be true" method. We KNOW the method has massive flaws that CANNOT BE TESTED FOR OR CORRECTED. Conan Doyle was fooled into thinking a doctored image of fairies was real because he could think of no other possibilities, and debunked all the ones he could think of. He thought Houdini was doing real magic because he debunked the possibilities he KNEW of, but didn't know how Houdini was naturalistically doing them, and thus concluded that it was in fact real supernatural magic. He eliminated all the possibilities and was still wrong because he in fact had not eliminated all the possibilities because his knowledge was imperfect.
Response:  To refute the argument against eliminative induction using Arthur Conan Doyle's mistaken conclusions about fairies and Houdini, we must first acknowledge the limitations of Doyle's application of this reasoning method, while also distinguishing eliminative induction as a valid scientific tool when used correctly.

1. Doyle's Application of Eliminative Induction Was Flawed
In the cases of Doyle's belief in fairies and Houdini's supposed supernatural powers, Doyle's errors were not a result of eliminative induction itself, but of the limitations of his knowledge and understanding at the time. He eliminated the possibilities he was aware of but failed to consider that his knowledge was incomplete. Therefore, his conclusions were based on insufficient information and overconfidence in his ability to exhaust all possibilities. This highlights that eliminative induction requires a thorough and accurate knowledge base to be effective. When used in situations where the investigator lacks knowledge or overlooks key variables, the method will naturally be prone to errors. The flaw in Doyle's reasoning was not the method itself, but the false assumption that he had indeed considered all possible explanations.

2. The Importance of Knowledge and Methodological Rigor
In science, eliminative induction works within the framework of continuously expanding knowledge and rigorous testing. Scientists use eliminative induction while remaining open to new possibilities and explanations as knowledge grows. It is not about closing the door to inquiry, but about rejecting explanations that have been empirically tested and found insufficient, while remaining open to refining or revising hypotheses as new information emerges. Doyle's mistakes arose from prematurely closing off possibilities rather than the inherent flaws in the method. In modern scientific practice, hypotheses are constantly tested, refined, and updated, ensuring that eliminative induction operates within a dynamic, self-correcting framework. For instance, in physics, when certain forces or particles are proposed, they are tested, rejected, or confirmed through experimentation, and alternative explanations are always being sought.

3. Distinguishing Between Epistemological Limits and Fallacy
The argument that Doyle’s imperfect application of eliminative induction invalidates the method is a form of the “argument from anecdote” fallacy. Just because Doyle used it incorrectly doesn't mean the method is inherently flawed. We don’t discard a tool because it can be misused; rather, we develop best practices for its proper application. In this case, eliminative induction must be applied with a recognition of the limits of current knowledge, alongside continuous openness to new possibilities and evidence.

4. Correct Application of Eliminative Induction in Intelligent Design
In the context of Intelligent Design (ID), eliminative induction is applied by rigorously testing naturalistic mechanisms against observed phenomena. If materialistic explanations fail to account for specific features of biological complexity after extensive testing, ID considers intelligent causation as a more plausible explanation. However, ID proponents acknowledge that this reasoning must be held tentatively and is subject to revision if new naturalistic explanations emerge.

Doyle’s errors stem from an incomplete application of eliminative induction, not from inherent flaws in the method. When applied rigorously and within a context that recognizes the evolving nature of knowledge, eliminative induction remains a powerful and reliable tool for determining the best explanation for complex phenomena.

If there are only two options to account for something, i.e., God and no God, and one of them is negated, then by default the other position is validated.



The argument that God is a gap filler is really boring, a beaten horse ad nauseam. Its invoked in almost every theist-atheist debate when atheists are unable to successfully refute a theist claim. No, God is NOT a gap filler. God is a logical inference based on the evidence observed in the natural world. If a theist would say, ''We don't know what caused 'x', therefore, God.'', it would be indeed a 'God of the gaps' fallacy. What we say, IMHO is: ''Based on current knowledge, an intelligent creative agency is a better explanation than materialistic naturalism."  If one is not arguing from ignorance, but rather reasoning from the available evidence to the best explanation, is it not rather ludicrous to accuse them of launching a 'god of the gaps argument'?  Randomness is a hugely overplayed idea in modern science, a desperate attempt to fill a shrinking corner for materialist reductionism, just as the ‘God of the Gaps' is derided by said materialists as the alleged last resort of Intelligent Design proponents.

Claim: Your argument is based on ignorance, gaps, and incredulity. 
1. if there is no money in the wallet
2. It's an argument of knowledge to say: There is no money in the wallet after you check.
3. The same happens in biochemistry. Science is doing abiogenesis research, checked, investigated, made falsifiable predictions, and attempts to solve the mystery of life, and investigated if life could have emerged naturally. But rather than solving the problem, the riddle is unraveling how unlikely the emergence of life is by unguided events and merely chemical reactions. DNA stores specified complex information, which is a blueprint, instructing the precise sequence of amino acids to make proteins. Such information has never been observed to emerge by chance, and therefore, we have evidence that something is extremely unlikely (e.g., that chance could inform the correct instructions to make proteins). Indeed, scientists will often debate whether an experiment's result should be considered evidence of absence. Something has proven not to be the result of X ( as chance, for example )
4. Intelligence can have the foresight and know-how to make things with a purpose, act towards achieving specific distant goals, and knows how to create codified language, and use that language to create blueprints, used to make complex machines, production lines, and interconnected factories. It can finely tune and arrange things to work in a precise fashion. it can shape and form parts that perform tasks by interacting like lock and key. None of all this has been observed to be achieved by any alternative non-intelligent mechanism. if anyone wants to propose an alternative to replace intelligence, it should meet the burden of proof, and falsify the claim of intelligent design based on empirical testing and falsification.
5. Hence, the argument of Intelligent Design as the best explanation of origins is based on experiments and observation, gained knowledge and experience. Not from ignorance.


No, Christianity Does Not Teach God Of The Gaps, But Naturalism Does. Here’s Why | IApologia

"Incredulous" basically means "I don't believe it". Well, why should someone believe a "just so" story about HOW consciousness, the mind, and the ability to speak and to use language and logic came to exist? That is the THING that I are incredulous about - a *certain scenario* ( naturalism, cosmological, chemical, and biological evolution, abiogenesis, and Neo-Darwinism could emerge naturally and produce the ability to be conscious, perceive, think, judge, and have memory. To reason and having thoughts. Having the power of imaginationrecognition, and appreciation, resulting in attitudes and actions. Signals . ) that's only *imagined* about how the brain and firing neurons produced consciousness all by itself, defying known and reasonable principles that each thing is identical to itself. The proponent of naturalism is "incredulous" that an intelligent creator/designer could exist, beyond and behind our entire space-time continuum, who is the superintellect at the bottom of reality. But there is nothing ridiculous about that - especially if you can't personally examine reality to that depth - how do you know nature is all that exists? What IS ridiculous (IMO) is trying to imagine a *naturalistic origin* of the mind.  What we need, is giving a *plausible* account of how it came about to be in the first place, and the " No-God hypothesis" simply doesn't cut the cake.

Fine-tuning of the universe
"Incredulous" basically means "I don't believe it". Well, why should someone believe a "just so" story of the amazing capabilities of lucky accidents  HOW the universe was finely adjusted to permit a life-permitting universe? That is the THING that i am incredulous about - a *certain scenario* ( natural, unguided lucky accidents precisely adjusted to an unimaginable extreme all laws of physics and cosmological parameters  ) that's only *imagined* about how the amazing ability of lucky chaotic accidents defying known and reasonable principles of the limited range of chance, and physical necessity. There are a large number of constants that must be precisely adjusted. Codata lists about 360 different constants, which must precisely be tuned.  

Fundamental Physical Constants --- Complete Listing 2018 CODATA adjustment

But the problem extends further, as John Gribbin and Martin Rees explain:
If we modify the value of one of the fundamental constants, something invariably goes wrong, leading to a universe that is inhospitable to life as we know it. When we adjust a second constant in an attempt to fix the problem(s), the result, generally, is to create three new problems for everyone that we “solve.” The conditions in our universe really do seem to be uniquely suitable for life forms like ourselves, and perhaps even for any form of organic chemistry.

Changes in the relative strengths of gravity and electromagnetism affect not only cosmological processes but also galaxies, stars, and planets. The strong and weak nuclear forces determine the composition of the universe and, thus, the properties of galaxies, stars, and planets. As a result, we ultimately can’t divorce the chemistry of life from planetary geophysics or stellar astrophysics. Although we have only scratched the surface, it should be clear that
there are many examples of “cosmic-scale” fine-tuning in chemistry, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Most published discussions of such fine-tuning are limited to the requirements for life, but cosmic finetuning
extends well beyond mere habitability.

A large cadre of researchers continues to make new discoveries of new parameters that have to be just right, at a regular basis. The materialistic mythology is that unguided random events  explain why the universe operates based on mathematical principles and is finely adjusted to permit life on planet earth, but the system is far, far too complex to occur by accident, and requires that features to support many processes are required, making a path for its cosmic evolution very hard to surmise. Fine-tuning is the secret to a  life-permitting universe. It's a whole bunch of puzzles we don't have answers for. The proponent of naturalism is "incredulous" that an intelligent creator/designer could exist, beyond and behind our entire space-time continuum, who is our Creator. But there is nothing ridiculous about that - especially if you can't personally examine reality to that depth - how do you know nature is all that exists? What IS ridiculous (IMO) is trying to imagine a *naturalistic origin* of this unimaginable precision.  What we need, is giving a *plausible* account of how it came about to be in the first place, and the " No-God hypothesis" simply doesn't cut the cake.

While theists hear the claim that inferring God is a gaps argument in almost every debate, are atheists not themselves actually guilty of using it? 

We don't know:
- if the universe is eternal, there might be multiverses
- how the Big bang started, maybe virtual particles
- why the universe is finely tuned - maybe bubble universes
- how life started, but the Urey Miller experiment showed that amino acids can emerge in the lab, and what science not yet knows, one day it will find out - and it won't be a God
- how exactly evolution works to produce biodiversity, but its a theory, and there is consensus in science, therefore it must be true.
- how the brain can produce thoughts and conscience, but we don't know of a mind being able to exist outside the brain, therefore, monism must be true. 

min. 45:04 - God of the gaps arguments
Common atheist fallacies: exposed !!

Is the inference of design an argument from ignorance & incredulity?

1. You check and find no money in the wallet
2. It is an argument from knowledge, not from ignorance, to say: There is no money in the wallet
3. If we observe that unguided, natural, non-intelligent mechanisms are too unspecific to bring up the effect observed in molecular biology, namely instructional blueprints to build molecular machines and whole cell-factory complexes, it is not an inference based on ignorance to say: Chance is not a compelling explanation for the phenomena observed in the molecular world, but based on our routine experience that only intelligence can make blueprints, machines and factories.
4. Nor is it an argument from incredulity. The contrary would be credulous. I have not enough faith to believe that random unguided events can bring forward what is seen in the biochemical world. The odds are far too big to account for it. Intelligent Design is the only rational inference and the best explanation.

In the case of worldviews, we do have a neat ordering of competitors. There are basically just two. One with a creator God, and one without. And we CAN knock down naturalism with a few straightforward and judicious blows.

My comment: But in regards to God, we have. Either there is a God, or there is no God. When the No-God hypothesis makes no sense, we can stick to the God hypothesis, no matter how counter-intuitive or incomprehensible it is. 

Concluding a Creator as best explanation of our origins is not an argument based on gaps of knowledge and ignorance, but based on what we do know.
Creation demands a Creator. Life comes only from life. The physical laws require a lawmaker. Design demands a designer. DNA is a storage medium of complex, instructional information. Languages, codes, blueprints, ciphers, software, morse codes etc. can always be traced back to an intelligent source.  From absolutely nothing, nothing comes. If there were no creator, there would still be nothing.  The universe had a beginning, and requires therefore a cause.  The physical universe and its laws are interdependent. There are over 150 fine tune constants of the universe that must be all just right to the extreme. The expansion rate of the Big bang, the cosmological constant, the four fundamental forces,  and the earth, are fine-tuned and require a tuner, complex, codified, specified, instructional information stored in the genome and epigenetic codes to make the first living organism, the genetic Code, fine optimal adjustment for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences, and robust than 1 million alternative possible codes,  over a dozen epigenetic codes, an information transmission system, that is the origin of the genetic code itself, encoding, transmission, decoding and translation,  the genetic cipher/translation, from digital ( DNA / mRNA ) to analog ( Protein ), the hardware, that is DNA, RNA, amino acids, and carbohydrates for fuel generation,  the replication/duplication machinery of the DNA, the signal recognition particle,  the tubulin Code for correct direction to the final destination of proteins, irreducible, interdependent molecular machines and biosynthetic and metabolic pathways and molecular production lines in the cell point to an intelligent creator. And so does conscience, free will, morality, human values, logic, speech, the mind, and beauty. There is the evidence in nature, we know how to recognize design, therefore it makes most sense to conclude that the natural world was created. That is not an argument of ignorance, but based on the knowledge, we have adquired until now.  

The day when scientists discovered that the universe most probably a beginning, it was doomsday for naturalism. Even more, when unprecedented evidence elucidated the shocking and incredible fact that the universe, from the quantum to the macro scale, was adjusted in the extreme to make life possible on earth.
When it became clear, that DNA stores codified information, as well. When it became clear, that biological Cells are miniaturized factories, the funeral bells for a worldview without God where ringing. And so, when science became slowly to realize that Darwin's idea was a fluke.

Nonetheless, atheists organize marches for humanism and secularism, celebrate their stars, open temples to express their unbelief, name call who defies them and doing nothing else than expressing their blindness and bad will. 

Ironically, when critics make this accusation, they are usually committing a "gaps" fallacy themselves. How so? These very same materialists (1) admit that gaps in the evidence for Darwinian evolution exist, and (2) assume that those gaps can and will be filled by materialist explanations. Otherwise, they wouldn't be attacking ID for purportedly filling those gaps with "god." They can't make a "god of the gaps" accusation without also making a "materialism of the gaps" argument -- one that assumes the truth of their own materialistic outlook.

This is one of the most used refutations used by proponents of naturalism when confronted with a sound inference of design based on POSITIVE evidence.  "I don't understand how something could have come about, therefore God!" or "hey, look at this, it's really complex and I can't see how it could have happened naturally" is not the logic of our arguments. God of the gaps is a comfortable way to try to criticize and reject our point and avoid to address actually the issues raised. Opponents of ID resort to it all the time, even when a robust case is made, with clear and detailed science-based observation, prediction, experiment, and logical inference and conclusion.  The evidence for intelligent design has not been shrinking in the last two decades. It’s been growing, while the barriers to explain origins through naturalism have grown.  This is obvious in regard to all relevant issues:  the origin and fine-tuning of the universe, life, and biodiversity.

Strawman arguments of intelligent design

Observation: Intelligent agents  act frequently  with an end goal in mind, constructing functional irreducibly complex  multipart-machines, and  make  exquisitely integrated circuits that require a blueprint to build the object. Furthermore, Computers integrate software/hardware and store high levels of instructional complex coded information. In our experience, systems that either a)require or b)store large amounts of specified/instructed complex information such as codes and languages, and which are constructed in an interdependence of hard and software invariably originate from an intelligent source. No exception.

Hypothesis (Prediction): Natural structures will be found that contain many parts arranged in intricate patterns, metabolic pathways similar to electronic circuits, and irreducible structures  that perform  specific functions -- indicating high levels of  Information, irreducible complexity, and interdependence, like hard/software.

Experiment: Experimental investigations of DNA, epigenetic codes, and metabolic circuits indicate that biological molecular machines and factories ( Cells ) are full of information-rich, language-based codes and code/blueprint-based structures. Biologists have performed mutational sensitivity tests in proteins and determined that their amino acid sequences, in order to provide function, require highly instructional complex coded information stored in the Genome.   Additionally, it has been found out, that cells require and use various epigenetic codes, namely  Splicing Codes,  Metabolic Codes,  Signal Transduction Codes,  Signal Integration Codes Histone Codes, Tubulin Codes, Sugar Codes, and The Glycomic Code. Furthermore, all kind of irreducibly complex molecular machines and biosynthesis performing and metabolic pathways have been found, which could not keep their basic functions without a minimum number of parts and complex intertwined and interdependent structures. That indicates these biological machines and pathways had to emerge fully operational, all at once. A stepwise evolutionary manner is not possible. Furthermore, knockout experiments of all components of the flagellum have shown that the flagellum is irreducibly complex.

Conclusion: Unless someone can falsify the prediction, and  point out a non-intelligent source  of  Information as found in the cell, the high levels of instructional complex coded information, irreducible complex and interdependent molecular systems and complex metabolic circuits and biosynthesis pathways, their origin is   best explained by the action of an intelligent agent.

Is ID a "god-of-the-gaps" argument?


(1) Biochemical complexity / Laws of the Universe. High information content machine-like irreducibly complex structures are commonly found. The bacterial flagellum is a prime example. Specified complexity found in the laws of the universe may be another. 
Prediction of Design Met? (Conclusion)Yes.

(2) Fossil Record Biological complexity (i.e. new species) tend to appear in the fossil record suddenly and without any similar precursors. The Cambrian explosion is a prime example. 
Prediction of Design Met? (Conclusion)Yes. 

(3) Distribution of Molecular and Morphological Characteristics Similar parts found in different organisms. Many genes and functional parts not distributed in a manner predicted by ancestry, and are often found in clearly unrelated organisms. The "root" of the tree of life is a prime example. 
Prediction of Design Met? (Conclusion)Yes. 

(4) DNA Biochemical and Biological Functionality Increased knowledge of genetics has created a strong trend towards functionality for "junk-DNA." Examples include recently discovered functionality in some pseudogenes, microRNAs, introns, LINE and ALU elements. Examples of DNA of unknown function persist, but discovery of function may be expected (or lack of current function still explainable under a design paradigm). 
Prediction of Design Met? (Conclusion)Yes.

The proponent of natural mechanisms may use words like "incredulity" to make it seem that we are arguing about these things because we can't believe it. But the main point is that it has never been seen to happen. They are talking about speculation, based on .... guess what .... philosophical dogmatic naturalism. To them, there must be a natural explanation, no matter where the evidence points to.

God of the gaps is a comfortable way to try to criticize and reject an argument and avoid to address actually the issues raised. Opponents of ID resort to it all the time, even when a robust case is made, with clear and detailed science-based observation, prediction, experiment, and logical inference and conclusion.  The evidence for intelligent design has not been shrinking in the last two decades. It’s been growing, while the barriers to explain origins through naturalism have grown.  This is obvious in regard to all relevant issues:  the origin and fine-tuning of the universe,  of life, and biodiversity.

A short protein molecule of 150 amino acids, the probability of building a 150 amino acids chain in which all linkages are peptide linkages would be roughly 1 chance in 10^45. 

Paul Davies once said;
How did stupid atoms spontaneously write their own software … ? Nobody knows …… there is no known law of physics able to create information from nothing.

Dembsky : We also know from broad and repeated experience that intelligent agents can and do produce information-rich systems: we have positive experience-based knowledge of a cause that is sufficient to generate new instructing complex information, namely, intelligence.  the design inference  does not constitute an argument from ignorance. Instead, it constitutes an "inference to the best explanation" based upon our best available knowledge.  It asserts the superior explanatory power of a proposed cause based upon its proven—its known—causal adequacy and  based upon a lack of demonstrated efficacy among the competing proposed causes.  The problem is that nature has too many options and without design couldn’t sort them all out. Natural mechanisms are too unspecific to determine any particular outcome. Mutation and natural selection or luck/chance/probablity could theoretically form a new complex morphological feature like a  leg or a limb with the right size and form, and arrange to find out the right body location to grow them , but it could  also produce all kinds of other new body forms, and grow and attach them anywhere on the body, most of which have no biological advantage or are most probably deleterious to the organism. Natural mechanisms have no constraints, they could produce any kind of novelty. Its however that kind of freedom that makes it extremely unlikely that mere natural developments provide new specific evolutionary arrangements that are advantageous to the organism.  Nature would have to arrange almost an infinite number of trials and errors until getting a new positive arrangement. Since that would become a highly unlikely event, design is a better explanation. This situation becomes even more acentuated when natural selection is not a possible constrained since evolution depends on replication, which did not exist prior dna replication

Today, Darwinists level the same charge against the contemporary theory of intelligent design (ID). They insist that ID is just an argument from ignorance—plugging God into the gaps of our current scientific understanding. Darwinists have made many thoughtful arguments over the years, but this isn’t one of them. The theory of intelligent design holds that many things in nature carry a clear signature of design. The theory isn’t based on what scientists don’t know about nature but on what they do know. It’s built on a host of scientific discoveries in everything from biology to astronomy, and some of them are very recent discoveries.

If you were asked how much change do you have in your pockets. You can put your hand in your pocket, look to see how many coins are there. If there is no loose change, it is NOT an argument from ignorance to state, “Sorry, I don’t have any spare change.” You didn’t guess. You stuck your hands in your pockets and looked, and deduced the quantity to be zero. The same is true with inferences in regard of biology or biochemistry. After the search has taken place, the prediction that biochemical systems are unable to emerge by natural means is confirmed. Hence, there is no argument from ignorance.

In the design revolution, Dembski writes on page 220: 
So see that the argument from ignorance objection is not a magic wand for silencing intelligent design, let's begin with a reality check. When is the argument from ignorance objection raised against intelligent design, who exactly is being accused of being ignorant? Its natural to think that the ignorance here is on the part of design theorists, who want to attribute intelligent agency to biological systems. If only those poor design theorists understood biology better, those systems would readily submit to mechanistic explanation. Matter of fact IMHO is, that despite decades of research, the scientific community has been desperately and unsuccessfully tried to discover how such systems could have formed, what mechanism exactly was in charge. Who is ignorant here? The Scientific community as a whole. In fact, its safe to say that the biological community is clueless about the emergence of biological complexity. How so?

 Because the material mechanisms to which the biological community looks to explain biological complexity provide no clue for how those systems might realistically have come about. the problem, therefore, is not ignorance or personal incredulity, but global disciplinary failure, and gross theoretical inadequacy of Darwin's theory.  James Shapiro, molecular biologist at the University of Chicago, conceded that system that exhibits specified complexity are likely to be designed. Design theorists, in attributing design to systems that exhibit specified complexity (SC), are simply doing what scientists do generally, which is an attempt to formulate a causally adequate explanation for the phenomenon in question. To attribute specified complexity, and thereby design, to a biological system is to engage in an eliminative induction, a form of reasoning, used throughout the sciences.

William Dembski:  Eliminative inductions argue for the truth of a proposition by arguing that competitors to that proposition are false. ( Contrast this with Popperian falsification, where propositions are corroborated to the degree that they successfully withstand attempts to falsify them ) Provided the proposition, together with its competitors, form a mutually exclusive and exhaustive class, eliminating all the competitors entails that the proposition is true. As Sherlock Holmes famous dictum says: when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. This is the ideal case, in which eliminative inductions, in fact, become deductions. The problem is that in practice we don't have a neat ordering of competitors that can then all be knocked down with a few straightforward and judicious blows. 

If naturalistic explanations of the origin of life are not convincing, why not look somewhere else ? 


If a certain line of reasoning is not persuasive or convincing, then why do atheists not change their mind because of it? The more evolution papers are published, the less likely the scenario becomes. Some assertions have even been falsified. We should consider the fact that modern biology may have reached its limits on several subjects of biology. All discussions on principal theories and experiments in the field either end in vague suppositions and guesswork, statements of blind faith, made up scenarios,  or in a confession of ignorance.  Fact is  there remains a huge gulf in our understanding… This lack of understanding is not just ignorance about some technical details; it is a big conceptual gap.  The reach of the end of the road is evident in the matter of almost all major questions. The major questions of macro change and abiogenesis are very far from being clearly formulated, even understood,  and nowhere near being solved, and for most, there is no solution at all at sight. But proponents of evolution firmly believe, one day a solution will be on sight. Isn't that a prima facie of a " evolution of the gap" argument? We don't know yet, therefore evolution and abiogenesis? That way, the God hypothesis remains out of the equation in the beginning, and out at the end, and never receives a serious and honest consideration. If the scientific evidence does not provide satisfactory explanations through naturalism, why should we not change your minds and look somewhere else?

ID is not a substitute for ignorance. If we don’t know the cause of something that does not mean it was designed. When we make design inferences—and all of us make them every day—we do so on the basis of evidence; the more evidence, the more reliable the design inference.

From Stephen Meyers book Signature in the cell :

In an explanatory context, arguments from ignorance have the  form:

Premise One: Cause X cannot produce or explain evidence E. Conclusion: Therefore, cause Y produced or explains E.

Critics of intelligent design claim that the argument for intelligent design takes this form as well. As one of my frequent debating partners, Michael Shermer, likes to argue, "Intelligent design argues that life is too specifically complex (complex structures like DNA) to have evolved by natural forces. Therefore, life must have been created by an
intelligent designer."  In short, critics claim that ID proponents argue as follows:

Premise One: Material causes cannot produce or explain specified information.
Conclusion: Therefore, an intelligent cause produced specified biological information.

If proponents of intelligent design were arguing in a preceding manner, they would be guilty of arguing from ignorance. But the argument  takes the following form:

Premise One: Despite a thorough search, no material causes have been discovered that demonstrate the power to produce large amounts of specified information, irreducible and interdependent biological systems.
Premise Two: Intelligent causes have demonstrated the power to produce large amounts of specified information, irreducible and interdependent systems of all sorts.
Conclusion: Intelligent design constitutes the best, most causally adequate, explanation for the information and irreducible complexity in the cell, and interdependence of proteins, organelles, and bodyparts, and even of animals and plants, aka moths and flowers, for example.  

Or to put it more formally, the case for intelligent design made here has the form:

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:47 pm; edited 120 times in total




Premise One: Causes A through X do not produce evidence E. Premise Two: Cause Y can and does produce E.
Conclusion: Y explains E better than A through X.

1. High information content (or specified complexity) and irreducible complexity constitute strong indicators or hallmarks of (past) intelligent design.
2. Biological systems have a high information content (or specified complexity) and utilize subsystems that manifest irreducible complexity.
3. Naturalistic mechanisms or undirected causes do not suffice to explain the origin of information (specified complexity) or irreducible complexity.
4. Therefore, intelligent design constitutes the best explanations for the origin of information and irreducible complexity in biological systems. 

Michael Behe’s testable predictions regarding Irreducible Complexity.
Molecular biologist Jonathan McLatchie wrote : An irreducibly complex system is one that (a) the removal of a protein renders the molecular machine inoperable, and (b) the biochemical structure has no stepwise evolutionary pathway.  Michael Behe further describes the condition:

“An irreducibly complex evolutionary pathway is one that contains one or more unselected steps (that is, one or more necessary-but-unselected mutations). The degree of irreducible complexity is the number of unselected steps in the pathway.” (A Response to Critics of Darwin’s Black Box, by Michael Behe, PCID, Volume 1.1, January February March 2002.  Source: http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/840).

In other words, natural selection is not capable of selecting given mutations. But even let's argue that natural selection selects neutral ( not deteriorative mutations ) and fixes them into the population. In the case of the chlorophyll pathway, it had to specify the pathway of 17 intermediate steps, in case of heme 8. Not only had it to select the right highly specific pathway sequence ,  it had to have the enzymes readily available for recruitment, which in our case would not be possible, until the given enzymes had evolved as well with gene duplication , mutation, and natural selection, but if available, the enzymes had to be available all at the same time. Furthermore, the selected parts had all be made available at the same ‘construction site,’ perhaps not simultaneously but certainly, at the time, they are needed. The enzymes must work in a coordinated, just the right way. One enzyme picking up the product of the previous step at the right place. Like in a factory production line, one worker handles the part, builds in or advances its construction by adding or mounting a part, and afterward handles it over to the next craftsman for the next manufacturing step. In order to do so, it must know where to handle it over and do it in a chronological sequenced way. In the case of your biosynthesis pathway,  all this must be previously be programmed in the genome, and happen like in robotics, in an automated way without external intervention, because previously programmed.

On the one side, you have an intelligent agent-based system of irreducible complexity of tight integrated, information-rich functional systems which have ready on hand energy directed for such, that routinely generate the sort of phenomenon being observed. And on the other side imagine a golfer, who has played a golf ball through a 12 hole course. Can you imagine that the ball could also play itself around the course in his absence? Of course, we could not discard, that natural forces, like wind, tornadoes or rains or storms could produce the same result, given enough time. the chances against it however are so immense, that the suggestion implies that the non-living world had an innate desire to get through the 12 hole course.


Evolvability. Evolutionary biology’s preferred research strategy consists in taking distinct biological systems and finding similarities that might be the result of a common evolutionary ancestor. Intelligent design, by contrast, focuses on a different strategy, namely, taking individual biological systems and perturbing them (both intelligently and randomly) to see how much the systems can evolve. Within this latter research strategy, limitations on evolvability by material mechanisms constitute indirect confirmation of design.

1) http://intelligentreasoning.blogspot.com.br/2007/10/intelligent-design-design-hypothesis.html

Well, well, well, isn't this a cosmic conundrum we've got on our hands! 🌌

Firstly, my dear inquisitive being, let's put on our thinking caps and imagine ourselves as omnipotent, omniscient creators – fancy, right? We'd not only be the ultimate party planner but also the DJ, the bouncer, and the one who forgot to bring the dip.

On to your point about "God of the Gaps." Now, I won’t lie, it does sound like a pretty groovy title for a rock band, doesn’t it? 🎸 But to get serious (well, as serious as I get), you're right that every time we can't explain something, we shouldn’t just shout, "It's God!" and mic drop. I mean, who'd clean up all those dropped mics? But isn't it just a wee bit cheeky to say, "We don't know, so it's definitely not God"?

Speaking of cheeky, let’s talk multiverses, abiogenesis, and macroevolution. There are some folks out there who believe in all sorts of things - like cats being better than dogs (blasphemy!). But hey, believing in unseen multiverses while questioning the belief in an unseen Creator seems a tad...what's the word...ironic?

You mentioned a double standard. Remember when Aunt Gertrude said she saw a ghost, but you insisted it was just the wind? Yet, you happily buy that there might be another universe where Aunt Gertrude IS the ghost. Interesting, isn't it?

And come on, friend, asking for God to pop up and say "Hi!" is a bit like asking a painter to become a part of his painting. Can you imagine the Mona Lisa’s surprise if da Vinci suddenly appeared beside her in the frame? "Leonardo, you could've at least let me brush my hair first!"

And oh! Your comparison of God with intelligent software is rather snazzy! Think of the universe as one massive game of The Sims. We're all milling about, setting our kitchens on fire, and suddenly deciding to swim when we clearly can't. If the players (that's us) were to "see" the gamer (possibly a higher being), we’d probably freak out and start building rocket ships in our backyards.

The quest for origins is indeed not about empirical proofs, but more like a riveting episode of "Who’s Your (Universe's) Daddy?!" Every theory, be it God, the Big Bang, or an infinitely spinning cosmic hamster wheel, is an attempt to unravel this mystery.

To finish off, because by now I reckon your tea's gone cold, no one side has the ultimate "gotcha!" card. But isn't that the beauty of the universe? The everlasting search, the debate, the hope, the wonder, and the occasional intergalactic facepalm. The universe is a vast, intricate tapestry of unknowns. Let's explore it with open minds, joy, and perhaps, a good dose of humor! 🚀🌌🤷‍�

P.S.: If you ever start that "God of the Gaps" band, I've got dibs on the triangle! 🎵

[size=13]Gaps: God of the gaps and incredulity,a justified refutation of ID arguments?   Sem_t116

From Stephen Meyers book Signature in the cell :

Argument from Ignorance?


Over the years, I have participated in many debates about the theory of intelligent design at scientific conferences, on university campuses, and on television and radio programs. In nearly every debate, my debate partner has claimed that the case for intelligent design constitutes an argument from ignorance.

Arguments from ignorance occur when evidence against a proposition is offered as the sole (and conclusive) grounds for accepting some alternative proposition.

Critics of intelligent design often assert that the case for intelligent design commits this

1 They claim that design advocates use our present ignorance of any natural or material cause of specified information as the sole basis for inferring an intelligent cause for the origin of biological information. They accuse ID advocates of arguing for intelligent design based only upon evidence against the adequacy of various natural causes. Since we don't yet know how biological information could have arisen, we invoke the mysterious notion of intelligent design. In this view, intelligent design functions not as an explanation, but as a fig leaf for ignorance.

The inference to design as developed here does not commit this fallacy. True, some of the previous chapters of this book do argue that, at present, all types of material causes and mechanisms fail to account for the origin of biological information from a prebiotic state. And clearly this lack of knowledge of any adequate material cause does provide part of the grounds for inferring design from information in the cell, although it is probably more accurate to characterize this supposed "absence of knowledge" as knowledge of absence, since it derives from a thorough search for alternative materialistic causes and a thorough evaluation of the results of numerous experiments performed over several decades.

In any case, the inadequacy of proposed materialistic causes forms only part of the basis of the argument for intelligent design. We also know from broad and repeated experience that intelligent agents can and do produce information-rich systems: we have positive experience-based knowledge of a cause that is sufficient to generate new specified information, namely, intelligence. We are not ignorant of how information arises. We know from experience that conscious intelligent agents can create informational sequences and systems. To quote Quastler again, "The creation of new information is habitually associated with conscious activity."2 Experience teaches that whenever large amounts of specified complexity or information are present in an artifact or entity whose causal story is known, invariably creative intelligence—intelligent design—played a role in the origin of that entity. Thus, when we encounter such information in the large biological molecules needed for life, we may infer—based on our knowledge of

established cause-and-effect relationships—that an intelligent cause operated in the past
to produce the specified information necessary to the origin of life.

For this reason, the design inference defended here does not constitute an argument from ignorance. Instead, it constitutes an "inference to the best explanation" based upon our best available knowledge. To establish an explanation as best, a historical scientist must cite positive evidence for the causal adequacy of a proposed cause. Indeed, unlike an argument from ignorance, an inference to the best explanation does not assert the adequacy of one causal explanation merely on the basis of the inadequacy of some other causal explanation. Instead, it asserts the superior explanatory power of a proposed cause based upon its proven—its known—causal adequacy and
based upon a lack of demonstrated efficacy among the competing proposed causes.

we know from ordinary experience as well as from the results of scientific experiments and computer simulations that intelligent agents do produce large amounts of specified information. Since I had previously shown via a thorough search that no known material process produces this effect, I argued that we can infer design as the best explanation for the origin of information in the cell. The inference to design, therefore, depends on present knowledge of the demonstrated causal powers of material entities and processes (inadequate) and intelligence (adequate). It no more constitutes an argument from ignorance than any other well-grounded inference in geology, archaeology, or paleontology—where present knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships guides the inferences that scientists make about the causes of events in the past.

Formulated as an inference to the best explanation, the argument for design from biological information exemplifies the standard uniformitarian canons of method employed within the historical sciences. The principle of uniformitarianism states that "the present is the key to the past." In particular, it specifies that our knowledge of present cause-and-effect relationships should govern how we assess the plausibility of inferences we make about the cause of events in the remote past. Determining which, among a set of competing explanations, constitutes the best depends on knowledge of the causal powers of the competing explanatory entities, knowledge that we acquire through our repeated observation and experience of the cause-and-effect patterns of the world.4 Such knowledge, not ignorance, undergirds the inference to intelligent design from the specified information in DNA.

Arguments from ignorance make an obvious logical error. They omit a necessary kind of premise, a premise providing positive support for the conclusion, not just negative evidence against an alternative conclusion. The case for intelligent design as an inference to the best explanation does not omit that necessary type of premise. Thus, it does not commit the fallacy.

Let's take a closer look. In an explanatory context, arguments from ignorance have the

Premise One: Cause X cannot produce or explain evidence E. Conclusion: Therefore, cause Y produced or explains E.

Critics of intelligent design claim that the argument for intelligent design takes this form as well. As one of my frequent debating partners, Michael Shermer, likes to argue, "Intelligent design argues that life is too specifically complex (complex structures like DNA) to have evolved by natural forces. Therefore, life must have been created by an
intelligent designer."  In short, critics claim that ID proponents argue as follows:

Premise One: Material causes cannot produce or explain specified information.
Conclusion: Therefore, an intelligent cause produced specified biological information.

If proponents of intelligent design were arguing in the preceding manner, they would be guilty of arguing from ignorance. But the argument  takes the following form:

Premise One: Despite a thorough search, no material causes have been discovered that demonstrate the power to produce large amounts of specified information.
Premise Two: Intelligent causes have demonstrated the power to produce large amounts of specified information.
Conclusion: Intelligent design constitutes the best, most causally adequate, explanation for the information in the cell.

Or to put it more formally, the case for intelligent design made here has the form:

Premise One: Causes A through X do not produce evidence E. Premise Two: Cause Y can and does produce E.
Conclusion: Y explains E better than A through X.

In addition to a premise about how material causes lack demonstrated causal adequacy, the argument for intelligent design as the best explanation also affirms the demonstrated causal adequacy of an alternative cause, namely, intelligence. This argument does not omit a premise providing positive evidence or reasons for preferring an alternative cause or proposition. Instead, it specifically includes such a premise. Therefore, it does not commit the informal fallacy of arguing from ignorance. It's really as simple as that.

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:48 pm; edited 4 times in total




Is intelligent design generally, and  irreducible complexity particularly, a mere argument of ignorance ?


According to Wiki: Argument from ignorance , also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance stands for "lack of evidence to the contrary"),  asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false . According to Rationalwiki The concept of irreducible complexity is based entirely around this idea of personal incredulity. One person (Michael Behe) cannot see how something evolved naturally, therefore it can't possibly evolve naturally. Another example is : You can’t prove that there aren’t Martians living in caves under the surface of Mars, so it is reasonable for me to believe there are.

ID Theory inferes that a intelligence must be involved for the creation of  irreducible and interdependent complex biological systems,  organelles and body parts, as well as coded, specified, complex information stored in  DNA. It does not however point out who that agent might be, if natural , or supernatural.

ID predicts  irreducible complexity and interdependence  in molecular machines and whole biological systems. The prediction can be falsified , showing that a stepwise, gradual change and increase of complexity can be achieved through natural biochemical interactions, darwinian evolution, and eventually other natural mechanisms, where no intelligence is involved, and furthermore that given biochemical structure can still keep the same function, when reduced of  any component and part, andany gene that encodes given part.

Irreducible complexity is not based  on a negative, namely that there is no evidence for a naturalistic pathway. Rather than that, it makes a positive claim, which can be falsified, upon :  (a) gene knockout, (b) reverse engineering, (c) examining homologous systems, and (d) sequencing the genome of the biochemical structure. ( Dennis Jones ) Gene knockout has been done several times, providing evidence that the organism was unable to replace given gene or protein by natural means. 1 The absence of evidence that evolution is not capable to replace given part is empirical evidence, that falsifies the claim of the ToE. Its therefore not justified to claim the inference is a argument of ignorance. Quit the contrary is the case. As for example, if i ask you : can you change a us$100 bill ? and you answer: sorry, i have no smaller bills. You open your wallet, and and its confirmed, no change in your wallet, then you have proven that you have indeed no smaller bills. You have proven a negative, which is not a argument of ignorance, since you checked and got a empirical proof.

Ifs a fact that i have presented inumerous examples of irreducible and interdependent system  during several years, beside the ones well known and widely propagated by Behe, the Discovery Institute et al, as of the biosynthesis pathway of chlorophyll, Heme, the signal transduction pathway in the eye, DNA, the Cell, human body parts, as the circulatory system, nitrogenase, the ribosome, chaperones etc., and they have shown to be IC until now. These systems do have no precursor. Many enzymes involved in the process have no know different function, and could not have been co-opted at other places. Thats a well founded scientific conclusion. And the hypothesis and theory can be falsified. And some examples are so patently obvious, that there is no need to make scientific experiments to understand that ic is granted. Take photosynthesis for example. Take off chlorophyll, and no light is captures anymore, and the whole process ceases to exist. Take away the blood, and the circulatory system ceases. Take away any one of the 17 enzymes required in the biosynthesis pathway of chlorophyll, and the end product is not synthesized anymore. Neither could the proteins,  organelles and enzymes have any function by their own. So why in the first place would the arise at all ?

Stephen Meyer puts it that way :

Let's take a closer look.

In an explanatory context, arguments from ignorance have the form:

Premise One: Cause X cannot produce or explain evidence E. Conclusion: Therefore, cause Y produced or explains E.

Critics of intelligent design claim that the argument for intelligent design takes this form as well. As one of my frequent debating partners, Michael Shermer, likes to argue, "Intelligent design argues that life is too specifically complex (complex structures like DNA) to have evolved by natural forces. Therefore, life must have been created by an
intelligent designer."  In short, critics claim that ID proponents argue as follows:

Premise One: Material causes cannot produce or explain specified information.
Conclusion: Therefore, an intelligent cause produced specified biological information.

If proponents of intelligent design were arguing in the preceding manner, they would be guilty of arguing from ignorance. But the argument  takes the following form:

Premise One: Despite a thorough search, no material causes have been discovered that demonstrate the power to produce large amounts of specified information, irreducible and interdependent biological systems.
Premise Two: Intelligent causes have demonstrated the power to produce large amounts of specified information, irreducible and interdependent systems of all sorts.
Conclusion: Intelligent design constitutes the best, most causally adequate, explanation for the information and irreducible complexity in the cell, and interdependence of proteins, organelles, and bodyparts, and even of animals and plants, aka moths and flowers, for example.  

Or to put it more formally, the case for intelligent design made here has the form:

Premise One: Causes A through X do not produce evidence E. Premise Two: Cause Y can and does produce E.
Conclusion: Y explains E better than A through X.

In addition to a premise about how material causes lack demonstrated causal adequacy, the argument for intelligent design as the best explanation also affirms the demonstrated causal adequacy of an alternative cause, namely, intelligence. This argument does not omit a premise providing positive evidence or reasons for preferring an alternative cause or proposition. Instead, it specifically includes such a premise. Therefore, it does not commit the informal fallacy of arguing from ignorance. It's really as simple as that.

1) http://reasonandscience.heavenforum.org/t1995-biologic-institute-s-groundbreaking-peer-reviewed-science-has-now-demonstrated-the-implausibility-of-evolving-new-proteins

Last edited by Admin on Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:39 am; edited 4 times in total




The Argument of Ignorance Contention Against Intelligent Design Theory:


ID Theory makes no appeals to the unobservable, supernatural, paranormal, or anything that is metaphysical or outside the scope of science.
To FALSIFY Irreducible Complexity: Show: 1. The molecular machine still functions upon loss of a protein. OR, 2. The biochemical structure DOES have an evolutionary pathway.

According to the definition of irreducible complexity, the hypothesis can be falsified EITHER way, by (a) demonstrating the biochemical system still performs its original function upon the removal any gene that makes up its parts, or (b) showing that there are missing mutations that were skipped, i.e., there is no stepwise evolutionary pathway or precursor.  Irreducible complexity can still be falsified even if no evolutionary precursor is found because of the functionality qualifier.   In other words, the mere fact that there is no stepwise evolutionary pathway does not automatically mean that the system is irreducibly complex.

Those who object to irreducible complexity often raise the argument that the irreducible complexity hypothesis is based upon there being gaps or negative evidence.   Such critics claim that irreducible complexity is not based upon affirmative evidence, but on a lack of evidence, and as such, irreducible complexity is a gap argument, also known as an argument from ignorance.  However, this assertion that irreducible complexity is nothing other than a gap argument is false.

The reason why the irreducible complexity hypothesis is logically valid is that there is no attempt to base the prediction that certain biochemical molecular machinery are irreducibly complex based upon the absence of evidence.  If this were so, then the critics would be correct.  But, this is not the case.  Instead, the irreducible complexity hypothesis requires research, such as various procedures in molecular biology as (a) gene knockout, (b) reverse engineering, (c) examining homologous systems, and (d) sequencing the genome of the biochemical structure.  The gene knockout procedure was used by Scott Minnich in in 2004-2005 to show that the removal of any of the proteins of a bacterial flagellum will render that bacteria incapable of motility (can’t swim anymore).  Michael Behe also mentions (e) yet another way as to how testing irreducible complexity using gene knockout procedure might falsify the hypothesis here.

When the hypothesis of irreducible complexity is tested in the lab using any of the procedures directly noted above, an obviously thorough investigation is conducted that demonstrates evidence of absence. There is a huge difference between absence of evidence and evidence of absence.  One is a logical fallacy while the other is an empirically generated result, a scientifically valid quantity that is concluded upon a thorough examination.  So, depending upon the analysis, you can prove a negative.

Evidence of Absence

Here’s an excellent example as to why irreducible complexity is a logically valid, and not an argument from ignorance.  If I ask you if you have a change for a dollar, you could say, “Sorry, I don’t have any change.” If you make a diligent search in your pockets to discover there are indeed no coins anywhere to be found on your person, then you have affirmatively proven a negative that your pockets were empty of any loose change. Confirming that you had not changed in your pockets was not an argument from ignorance because you conducted a thorough examination and found it to be an affirmatively true statement.

The term, irreducible complexity, was coined by Michael Behe in his book, “Darwin’s Black Box” (1996).  In that book, Behe predicted that certain biochemical systems would be found to be irreducibly complex.  Those specific systems were (a) the bacterial flagellum, (b) cilium, (c) blood-clotting cascade, and (d) immune system.   It’s not 2013 at the time of writing this essay.  For 17 years, the research has been conducted, and the flagellum has been shown to be irreducibly complex. It’s been thoroughly researched, reverse engineered, and its genome sequenced. It’s is a scientific fact that the flagellum has no precursor. That’s not a guess. It is not stated as ignorance from taking some wild uneducated guess. It’s not a tossing one’s hands up in the air saying, “I give up.” It is a scientific conclusion based upon a thorough examination.

Again, if you were asked how much change do you have in your pockets. You can put your hand in your pocket, look to see how many coins are there. If there is no loose change, it is NOT an argument from ignorance to state, “Sorry, I don’t have any spare change.” You didn’t guess. You stuck your hands in your pockets and looked, and scientifically deduced the quantity to be zero. The same is true with inferences in regard of biology or biochemistry. After the search has taken place, the prediction that biochemical systems are unable to emerge by natural means is confirmed. Hence, there is no argument from ignorance.

The accusation that irreducible complexity is an argument from ignorance essentially suggests a surrender and abandonment of ever attempting to empirically determine whether the prediction is scientifically correct.  It’s absurd for anyone to suggest that ID scientists are not interested in finding Darwinian mechanisms responsible for the evolution of an irreducibly complex biochemical structure. If you lost money in your wallet, it would be ridiculous for someone to accuse you of rejecting any interest in recovering your money. That’s essentially what is being claimed when someone draws the argument from ignorance accusation. The fact is you know you did look (you might have turned your house upside down looking), and know for a fact that the money is missing. It doesn’t mean that you might still find it (the premise is still falsifiable). But, a thorough examination took place, and you determined the money is gone.

The Logic Fallacy Has No Bearing On Falsifiability:

Here’s yet another example as to why irreducible complexity is scientifically falsifiable, and therefore not an argument from ignorance logic fallacy.  If someone was correct in asserting the argument from incredulity fallacy, then they have eliminated all science. Newton’s law of gravity was an argument from ignorance because he didn’t know anything more than what he had discovered. It was later falsified by Einstein. So, according to this flawed logic, Einstein’s theory of relativity is an argument from ignorance because there might be someone in the future who will falsify it with a Theory of Everything.

Whether a hypothesis passes the Argument of Ignorance logic criterion, or not, the argument is an entirely philosophical one, much like how a mathematical argument might be asserted.  If the argument from ignorance were applied in peer-review to all science papers submitted for publication, the science journals would be near empty of any documents to reference.  Science is not based upon philosophical objections and arguments.  Science is based upon the definition of science, which is observation, falsifiable hypothesis, experimentation, results and conclusion. It is the fact that these methodical elements are in place which makes a science indeed empirical science.

Whether a scientific hypothesis is falsifiable is not affected by philosophical arguments based upon logic fallacies.   Irreducible Complexity is very much falsifiable based upon its definition.  The argument from ignorance only attacks the significance of the results and conclusion of research in irreducible complexity; it doesn’t deter irreducible complexity from being falsifiable.  In fact, the argument from ignorance objection actually emphasizes just the opposite, that irreducible complexity might be falsified tomorrow because it inherently argues the optimism that its just a matter of time that an evolutionary pathway will be discovered in future research.  This is not a bad thing; the fact that irreducible complexity is falsifiable is a good thing.  That testability and obtainable goalpost is what you want in a scientific hypothesis.

One of the most common objections of atheists is that arguments provided by theists are based on gaps of knowledge and ignorance. Each of following sentences are based on positive premises. Not ignorance. 

The mind predates matter. Matter cannot produce consciousness
A Bang needs a Banger
The laws of nature require a Law-giver
Fine tuning needs a Fine-tuner
Life can come only from Life
Only intelligence can build complex factories and machines
Coded Information has always a mental origin
Language is always a mental invention
Logic and reason come only from rational minds
Free will can have its origin only in consciousness
Objective morals exist. Therefore there is a Moral-Giver


Of course, many scientists have argued that to infer design gives up on science. They say that inferring design constitutes an argument from scientific ignorance--a "God of the Gaps" fallacy. Since science doesn't yet know how biological information could have arisen, design theorists invoke a mysterious notion--intelligent design--to fill a gap in scientific knowledge. Many philosophers, for their part, resist reconsidering design, because they assume that Hume's objections to analogical reasoning in classical design arguments still have force. Yet developments in philosophy of science and the information sciences provide the grounds for a decisive refutation of both these objections. First, contemporary design theory does not constitute an argument from ignorance. Design theorists infer design not just because natural processes cannot explain the origin of biological systems, but because these systems manifest the distinctive hallmarks of intelligently designed systems--that is, they possess features that in any other realm of experience would trigger the recognition of an intelligent cause. For example, in his book Darwin's Black Box (1996), Michael Behe has inferred design not only because the gradualistic mechanism of natural selection cannot produce "irreducibly complex" systems, but also because in our experience "irreducible complexity" is a feature of systems known to have been intelligently designed. That is, whenever we see systems that have the feature of irreducible complexity and we know the causal story about how such systems originated, invariably "intelligent design" played a role in the origin of such systems. Thus, Behe infers intelligent design as the best explanation for the origin of irreducible complexity in cellular molecular motors, for example, based upon what we know, not what we don't know, about the causal powers of nature and intelligent agents, respectively.

There is nothing wrong with having a poor or superficial understanding of a subject. The problem is when someone is not able to recognize its own condition, and understands that its own understanding on subject X is poor, superficial, or even false, and thinks, nonetheless, is able to make valid inferences of complex deeper issues, without recognizing, that his knowledge is not sufficient, or inadequate to come to conclusions with a high probability to be correct. Or many chose what they want to believe in regard to origins, and use inadequate and superficial knowledge to back up their views and fool themselves. Life is complex. Biology is complex in its very essence. To understand what really happens and is going on on a molecular level, much study, knowledge, and understanding are required. Which most people do not have. Scientists dedicate their whole life on specific issues, and the more they advance, the more they recognize how little they know.

Nonetheless, many see themselves in a sufficiently authoritative position, to judge someone else's position which differs with theirs. They often do it based on fallacies like

authority. They think because scientist X holds that position and Y peer-reviewed papers exist, or there is a consensus in scientific circles in regard to a subject, their view is sufficiently backed up, and must be true. Others say, because Z has been claimed to be false by the majority, it must be false, and to adhere to the position held by the majority, grants enough authority and security of being correct.

Others base their security on their own credentials, and believe, because they obtained a degree somewhere, they must hold the more case-adequate views. They only dismiss or do not consider the fact, that like-minded people eventually gave them their degree, and might be wrong, too. Or that their information might be outdated. And are unwilling to recycle or renew their education.

Others ask if the other side of the debate has a degree and if it has not, think their views can be dismissed. Having a degree does not mean that someone is right. And not having one, does not mean that that person has not sufficient knowledge to adequately make logical, case-correct inferences. The internet today gives access to information as never before so anyone can get a consistent knowledge about almost anything that is known, out there.

The only way to gain true knowledge is if you do your own homework. Spend time to actually understand, what you argue about, then you can discuss the subject, and not, what Y, X, or Z say about it.

During World War II, fighter planes would come back from battle with bullet holes. The Allies initially sought to strengthen the most commonly damaged parts of the planes to increase combat survivability. A mathematician, Abraham Wald, pointed out that perhaps the reason certain areas of the planes weren’t covered in bullet holes was that planes that were shot in certain critical areas did not return. This insight led to the armor being re-enforced on the parts of returning planes where there were no bullet holes. This shows that the reasons why we are missing certain data may be more meaningful than the available data, itself. In questions of aircraft design, don’t only listen to what the evidence says, listen also to what is not being said.

Moral of the story: Data is missing from scientific predictions, that confirms that the origin of life by natural means is possible. It might not be so because not enough investigation was done, but because the hypotheses brought forward based on unguided events do not work. Then, it's rational to look somewhere else, namely, the only alternative, intelligent design. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. In this case, eliminative inductions, in fact, become deductions.

Last edited by Otangelo on Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:48 pm; edited 2 times in total




When we read the typical newspaper article about intelligent design, we get the impression that the design theorist is an unimaginative fellow thinking,

Gee, I can’t see how an eye or a bat or a butterfly could have randomly evolved. They’re just too darned complicated. Heck, that right there proves evolution is kooky and somebody designed ’em.

Critics of ID are good at showing just how stupid such an argument is. But if we look closer, we’ll notice the straw sticking out of the spot just below the argument’s neck where the clip-on tie has come loose. This is what logicians call a straw man. It’s not the real ID argument. Instead, the critics go after a straw man of the real argument, presumably because it’s easier to knock down. The danger, of course, is that the audience may look
too closely and discover the charade and realize that the actual theory of intelligent design is something else entirely.

To remain open to the possibility of design is the call of the intelligent design movement. It’s a call to apply consistently the methods used in two types of science: science concerned with information, and science that looks for the past causes of present clues. Many special sciences already employ the concept of design and would be inconceivable without it. These include artificial intelligence, the science of code making and code breaking (cryptography), and the science of random number generation (used for video games and many other things). Or take criminal investigation. Detectives employ sophisticated technology, careful observation and logical analysis to discover the best explanation for something that happened in the past. They find a body and ask, Did this person die from an illness, from an accident or from foul play? That is, was the person killed by some unintended event or by design? Was the person murdered? Unless they have been paid off by someone, detectives in such cases don’t rule out death by design before they’ve studied the scene. They keep an open mind and follow the clues in search of the best explanation. Design theorists do the same thing. We look at the finely tuned constants of nature, the sophisticated machinery inside living cells or the genetic information needed to build those machines, and we ask,

Did these things arise by accident or by design? Then we follow the evidence.

ID offers abundant positive evidence that some patterns in nature are the product of a creative intelligence.




The Irrationality of the God-of-the-Gaps Atheist Assertion

P1. The God-of-the-Gaps Atheist assertion is the assertion that ANY inference to God, or ANY explanation of ANY data that reasonably points to the existence of God is a mere God-of-the-Gaps and is therefore somehow invalid or irrational as a result.

P2. The Epistemology of such a God-of-the-Gaps Atheist-Assertion is Intellectually Dishonest and a FRAUD. See below.

P3. ALL arguments are arguments of the gaps. They try to explain (or fill) a gap in our understanding.

P4. ALL postulated entities are entites of the gaps. The postulation tries to explain (or fill) a gap in our understanding.

P5. ALL Explanations are explanations of the gaps. The explanation tries to explain (or fill) a gap in our understanding.

C1. So, by the very nature of Epistemology, ALL arguments, ALL postulated entities, ALL explanations are by necessity Fillers-of-the-gaps.

C2. So it is completely IRRATIONAL and Epistemologically Irresponsible to NOT permit a given explanation as an Explanation of the gaps (or to NOT permit God as an explanation of a given set of data).

P6. So the assertion that we can postulate ANY argument or ANY entity as long is it is NOT God is a completely IRRATIONAL assertion.

P7. Such an assertion (P6) is a mere irrational dogmatic assertion of Atheist Faith. The insistence upon an Atheistic Metaphysical Interpretive Paradigm if you will. Such an insistence is dogmatic and IRRATIONAL.

P8. Such an assertion (P6) is simply Intellectually Dishonest anti-God bigotry and chauvinism.

P9. IF such a ground-rule were allowed in other fields of knowledge (i.e., between hypothesis A and B, hypothesis B is ruled out by definition based on the alelged rule that any appeal to hypothesis B is a B-of-the-gaps and therefore ONLY appeals to hypothesis-A are permitted), there would be NO possibility of coming to truth.

P10. Similarly, if the existence of God is ruled out apriori (with such insane and irrational assertions as B-of-the-gaps are not permitted, or God-of-the-gaps are not permitted, which means that God is NOT permitted as an explanation for ANY data, no matter how reasonable), then there is NO possibility of coming to truth about the existence of God.

In addition.

P11. ALL of our knowledge about reality is Abductive in Nature (apart from the Descartes Minimal Set).

P12. The existence of (a) the Physical Universe, (b) other minds, (c) yesterday --- NONE of these can be absolutely proved. ALL of them are Abductive Inferences based on Abductive evidence (data about reality that is consistent with a given model).

P13. The existence of God is a similar Abductive inference based on the evidence (a) Epistemological, (b) Philosophical, (c) Scientific, (d) Testimonial, (e) personal experience with answered prayers, and (f) personal mystical direct experience of God.
C3. So the atheist assertion that all evidence (or explanations) that point to God are INVALID as being God-of-the-gaps appeals is IRRATIONAL, and Epistemologically Irresponsible.

P14. In addition, the argument from Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information to Intelligent design is NOT a negative God-of-the-gaps argument.

P15. Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information is actually POSITIVE Evidence for Intelligent design. See appendix below.


Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information as an Abductive Pointer to Intelligent Design of the Biosphere


P1. What is in question is whether Darwinian Non-Purposive (DNP) Evolution (Random-Chance + Natural Selection) can create Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information.

P2. The assertion that DNP evolution can create Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information is merely that -- a Mere Assertion with NO experimental proof that it is true.

P3. There is no independently (independent of DNP-evolution) known non-ID mechanism that can create Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information.

P4. The ONLY source that we know of (independent of what is in question, DNP evolution) that can create Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information is Intelligent Design.


C. Therefore, it is a Reasonable and Rational Abductive Inference that it took Intelligent Design to create the Complex Independently-Specified Functional Information that we see throughout the Biosphere.




God of the gaps and incredulity, a justified refutation of ID arguments?

The argument that God is a gap filler is really boring, a beaten horse ad nauseam. Its invoked in almost every theist-atheist debate when atheists are unable to successfully refute a theist claim. No, God is NOT a gap filler. God is a logical inference based on the evidence observed in the natural world. If a theist would say, ''We don't know what caused 'x', therefore, God.'', it would be indeed a 'God of the gaps' fallacy. What we say, IMHO is: ''Based on current knowledge, an intelligent creative agency is a better explanation than materialistic naturalism."  If one is not arguing from ignorance, but rather reasoning from the available evidence to the best explanation, is it not rather ludicrous to accuse them of launching a 'god of the gaps argument'?  Randomness is a hugely overplayed idea in modern science, a desperate attempt to fill a shrinking corner for materialist reductionism, just as the ‘God of the Gaps' is derided by said materialists as the alleged last resort of Intelligent Design proponents.

1. if there is no money in the wallet
2. It's an argument of knowledge to say: There is no money in the wallet after you check. 
3. The same happens in molecular biochemistry. We checked, and science discovered that biological cells are factories, full of computers, hardware, software, a language using signs and codes like the alphabet, an instructional blueprint, complex machines, factory assembly lines, error check and repair systems, recycling methods, waste grinders and management, power generating plants, power turbines, and electric circuits. Now we can apply scientific logic.  How? Upon the logic of Bayesian probability, and mutual exclusion. Design and non-design are mutually exclusive (it was one or the other) so we can use eliminative logic: if non-design is highly improbable, then a design is highly probable.  Thus, the theory of design is empirically responsive and is testable.
4. Intelligence can act towards achieving specific goals, and knows how to create codified language, and use that language to create blueprints, used to make complex machines, production lines, and factories. It can finely tune and arrange things to work in a precise fashion. it can shape and form parts that perform tasks by interacting like lock and key. None of all this has been observed to be achieved by any alternative non-intelligent mechanism. if anyone wants to propose an alternative to replace intelligence, it should meet the burden of proof, and falsify the claim based on empirical testing and falsification.
5. Hence, the argument of Intelligent Design as the best explanation of origins is based on observation, experiments and observation, gained knowledge and experience. Not from ignorance.  

Concluding a Creator as the best explanation of our origins is not an argument based on gaps ok knowledge and ignorance, but based on what we do know.
Creation demands a Creator. Life comes only from life. The physical laws require a lawmaker. Design demands a designer. DNA is a storage medium of complex, instructional information. Languages, codes, blueprints, cyphers, software, morse codes etc. can always be traced back to an intelligent source.  From absolutely nothing, nothing comes. If there were no creator, there would still be nothing.  The universe had a beginning and requires, therefore, a cause.  The physical universe and its laws are interdependent. There are over 150 fine tune constants of the universe that must be all just right to the extreme. The expansion rate of the Big bang, the cosmological constant, the four fundamental forces,  and the earth, are fine-tuned and require a tuner, complex, codified, specified, instructional information stored in the genome and epigenetic codes to make the first living organism, the Genetic Code, fine optimal adjustment for allowing additional information within protein-coding sequences, and robust than 1 million alternative possible codes,  over a dozen epigenetic codes, an information transmission system, that is the origin of the genetic code itself, encoding, transmission, decoding and translation,  the genetic cypher/translation, from digital ( DNA / mRNA ) to analogue ( Protein ), the hardware, that is DNA, RNA, amino acids, and carbohydrates for fuel generation,  the replication/duplication machinery of the DNA, the signal recognition particle,  the tubulin Code for correct direction to the final destination of proteins, irreducible, interdependent molecular machines and biosynthetic and metabolic pathways and molecular production lines in the cell point to an intelligent creator. And so does conscience, free will, morality, human values, logic, speech, the mind, and beauty. There is the evidence in nature, we know how to recognize design, therefore it makes the most sense to conclude that the natural world was created. That is not an argument of ignorance, but based on the knowledge, we have acquired until now.  

The day when scientists discovered that the universe most probably a beginning, it was doomsday for naturalism. Even more, when unprecedented evidence elucidated the shocking and incredible fact that the universe, from the quantum to the macro scale, was adjusted in the extreme to make life possible on earth.
When it became clear, that DNA stores codified information, as well. When it became clear, that biological Cells are miniaturized factories, the funeral bells for a worldview without God where ringing. And so, when science became slowly to realize that Darwin's idea was a fluke.

Nonetheless, atheists organize marches for humanism and secularism, celebrate their stars, open temples to express their unbelief, name call who defies them and doing nothing else than expressing their blindness and bad will. 

Ironically, when critics make this accusation, they are usually committing a "gaps" fallacy themselves. How so? These very same materialists (1) admit that gaps in the evidence for Darwinian evolution exist, and (2) assume that those gaps can and will be filled by materialist explanations. Otherwise, they wouldn't be attacking ID for purportedly filling those gaps with "god." They can't make a "god of the gaps" accusation without also making a "materialism of the gaps" argument -- one that assumes the truth of their own materialistic outlook.




God of the gaps and incredulity, a justified refutation of ID arguments?

The argument that God is a gap filler is really boring, a beaten horse ad nauseam. Its invoked in almost every theist-atheist debate when atheists are unable to successfully refute a theist claim. No, God is NOT a gap filler. God is a logical inference based on the evidence observed in the natural world. If a theist would say, ''We don't know what caused 'x', therefore, God.'', it would be indeed a 'God of the gaps' fallacy. What we say, IMHO is: ''Based on current knowledge, an intelligent creative agency is a better explanation than materialistic naturalism." If one is not arguing from ignorance, but rather reasoning from the available evidence to the best explanation, is it not rather ludicrous to accuse them of launching a 'god of the gaps argument'? Randomness is a hugely overplayed idea in modern science, a desperate attempt to fill a shrinking corner for materialist reductionism, just as the ‘God of the Gaps' is derided by said materialists as the alleged last resort of Intelligent Design proponents.

Is the inference of design an argument from ignorance & incredulity?

1. You check and find no money in the wallet
2. It is an argument from knowledge, not from ignorance, to say: There is no money in the wallet
3. If we observe that unguided, natural, non-intelligent mechanisms are too unspecific to bring up the effect observed in molecular biology, namely instructional blueprints to build molecular machines and whole cell-factory complexes, it is not an inference based on ignorance to say: Chance is not a compelling explanation for the phenomena observed in the molecular world, but based on our routine experience that only intelligence can make blueprints, machines and factories.
4. Nor is it an argument from incredulity. The contrary would be credulous. I have not enough faith to believe that random unguided events can bring forward what is seen in the biochemical world. The odds are far too big to account for it. Intelligent Design is the only rational inference and the best explanation.




Revisiting the God of the Gaps





In response to a claim that Theism is nothing but a God of the Gaps Fallacy.

The myth of the ever shrinking gap in secular knowledge of the natural world into which theists allegedly insert, with less and less girth and breathing room, an ever-shrinking concept of God, is a myth that is as false as it is uncritically believed by atheists who find such narratives to be flattering to their immune-to-elimination-by-exposure-to-disconfirmative-facts prejudices.

In other words it’s rubbish.

First, Theism pre-exists the attempt by moderns to confine divine activity within the boundaries of the gaps of our secular knowledge, and that modern pastime is completely foreign to Classical Theism. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the theistic inference.

Secondly, the gaps in the theories by which naturalists attempt to shrink the gap God, a straw man of their own fabrication, are NOT SHRINKING. The more we learn about the physical universe the more the old horse and buggy era materialist simple checkerboard worldview of everything that exists consisting exhaustively of fundamental particles in motion described by simple mechanical laws is proven to be a ridiculous museum piece in the history of human thought. That dead horse has been stomped into a gooey paste and you guys still want to try to Weekend-At-Bernie’s it back into life. Sorry. There isn’t enough gaslight in the whole universe to make that plausible to a sober person with a better than single digit IQ.

According to the present state of natural science, the vast majority of the physical world is invisible, and no one knows what it is made of, only that it’s invisible stuff (“dark matter”, same thing), and the vast majority of the energy in the universe is also invisible and no one knows how it is produced, only that it is expanding the universe at an accelerating rate, and no one has a clue how the fuck that works.

No one knows how organic life first came into being, and no one can come up with a single, coherent, plausible narrative that every reasonable person can agree on, that tells the story about how life developed from that unknown beginning to how it is now.

Theists have no truck with the gaps in your ridiculous Just So Stories, but that doesn’t mean that we should let you claim that the gaps in your half assed accounts are shrinking. They are bigger and more numerous than ever and getting bigger and more numerous every day, but they are your problem, not our solution. Fix it on your own time. It has nothing to do with us, and don’t blame us for calling you on your bullshit.




Elon Musk:
"Boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine and you reason up from there and this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense."

My comment:

If there are only two options to account for something, i.e., God and no God, and one of them is negated, then by default the other position is validated.

The materialistic worldview cannot adequately account for the uniformity of nature, truth, the laws of logic, and reality.
The universe cannot create itself, nor can it be eternal.
The universe obeys mathematical laws; they are like a hidden subtext in nature. Rules-based on mathematics do not emerge from chaotic coincidence.  
That a lucky accident finely tuned it on a razor's edge to make stars, essential for life, is a chance of one in 10^209 ( a vanishingly small number )  Chance practically zero.
Life cannot come from non-life.
There is no evidence that the four basic building blocks of life emerged randomly on the early earth.
There was no selection process to select the four nucleobases, nor the 20 amino acids, amongst hundreds extant on the early earth.
There is no known possible route from random molecules to the extremely complex molecular machinery, and chemical factory, producing the basic building blocks of life.
Biological cells require the basic building blocks, energy in the form of ATP, and codified instructional complex information, stored in a minimal genome of 1.3 million nucleotides.
A minimal proteome to have a functional free-living cell requires about 1300 proteins. The chance to get those randomly is 1 in 10^722.000
Cells are interdependent and irreducible complex ( a minimal genome, proteome, and metabolome size are required to give life a first go ).
Biodiversity cannot be explained by evolution
The Fossil record does not support evolution
The idea that matter, somehow, by evolutionary processes, can become conscious, is absurd to the extreme.
Objective moral values exist, they cannot come from matter

Gods existence is validated by positive evidence ( Not God of the gaps arguments):

The chain of sustained beings cannot regress infinitely. Therefore, the chain of sustained beings must terminate in an independent being that is not itself sustained.
The universe had a beginning. Therefore, it must have been caused by God.
Paul Davies: The universe is governed by dependable, immutable, absolute, universal, mathematical laws. Laws require a lawmaker
Gravity is inferred by observing an apple falling to the floor, so the existence of a non-physical non-created creator is inferred by observing the existence of a finite universe.
Fine-tuning requires a fine tuner. The universe, subatomic particles, the Big Bang, the fundamental forces of the universe, the Solar System, the earth, and the moon, are finely tuned to permit life.
Minds purposefully develop and make things to accomplish a specific goal(s). Cells are interlocked irreducible factories where a myriad of proteins work together to self-sustain and perpetuate life.
Blueprints, machines, and factories are always the product of intelligence. Genomes direct the making of molecular machines, and cell factories. All this is therefore the product of design.
The origin of blueprints, machines, computers, energy turbines, robotic production lines, factories, transistors, energy production plants is always tracked back to intelligence. We see all those things in biological Cells.
Codes always have code-makers. Therefore, the genetic code had most probably a code-maker: God.
The origin of programs, logic gates, and complex circuits to obtain a purposeful specific outcome is always tracked back to intelligent implementation.
Repeating a variety of actions based on methods that obey instructions, governed by rules comes from intelligence. Many biomechanical events are performed in a repetitive manner, obeying complex biochemical instructions
The true mechanisms to explain organismal form and architecture is prescribed complex instructional information stored in the genome, and epigenetic codes, and signaling pathways
Creative agents make artifacts which use might be employed in different systems ( a wheel is used in cars and airplanes ). Many organisms, unrelated to each other, employ nearly identical convergent biological systems.
Intelligence makes objects of art able to transmit a sense of beauty, elegance, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.  The world contains so many beautiful things that it is often hard to believe they exist.
Intelligence creates instructional information governing the making and operation of complex tasks and operations. Cells, strikingly, are cybernetic, ingeniously crafted cities full of factories, made and controlled through information.
Designed objects exhibit “constrained optimization.” The optimal or best-designed laptop computer is the one that is the best balance and compromise of multiple competing factors. That is also observed in the natural world.
Minds exist which have and use objective logic. Objective logic depends and can only derive from a pre-existing necessary first mind with objective logic. That mind is God.
Objective moral values exist. Therefore, God exists.

There is no evidence that we can exist without God.




We KNOW … nothing can create something (common sense)
We KNOW … the universe is not eternal. (thermodynamics)
We KNOW … everything that has a beginning … has a cause (law of cause and effect)
We KNOW … the universe had a cause.
We KNOW … material causes are not personal.
We KNOW … humans ARE personal.
We KNOW … therefore, that the cause is personal.
We KNOW … DNA contains coded information.
We KNOW … coded information cannot self-assemble.
We KNOW … all known coded information comes from intelligence.
We KNOW … therefore, that the cause is intelligent.
We KNOW … if absolute moral values do not exist … God does not exist.
We KNOW … absolute moral values do exist … therefore …
We KNOW THEN … That God exists, because the cause (God) is intelligent, personal, and moral.
We KNOW THEN … the Best Explanation for life, is God … not some random chance process.
We ALSO KNOW … The Bible is the most authenticated set of documents in existence
We Also KNOW … That Jesus actually existed from verifiable historical documentation both from the Bible documents and from extra-Biblical documentation.
We ALSO KNOW … the probability of a protein forming by chance is operationally impossible
We ALSO KNOW … that the probability of symbiotic relationships in nature are operationally impossible
We Also KNOW … Integrated Functional Complexity is not a product of random chance
Therefore … WE KNOW … our argument is not an argument from ignorance but from knowledge.
We KNOW that if biological organisms operate by means of a coded information system, then molecules to man evolution is false. We have known this since “The Sequence Hypothesis” was shown to be true in 1957.
Therefore, IF We have knowledge and evidence that falsifies evolution …




failing to consider what "we" do know. What we do know is that something can not come from nothing for no reason. What we do know is the mathimatical odds of abiogenesis makes it an impossibility statistically. What we do know is the information needs a source. What we do know is that laws of physics make naturalism a logical impossibility. What we can do is draw a reasonable conclusion that naturalism cannot explain what we do know and simply never will. Then the logical thing to do is infer something did cause something that became everything. Then the only reasonable explanation is that an intelligent agency was at work outside of our understanding.




God of the gaps? No more....

Using logic and reason, we seek
To find the truth, the answers we seek
Through laws and facts, we must be led
To the conclusion that God exists, it's said

We cannot deny what we do know
For ignorance is not the way to go
From common sense and thermodynamics too
We can see that the universe had a cause, it's true

Material causes are not personal, that's clear
But humans have personality, that's what we hear
And through quantum energy experiments, we find
That the spirit exists, it's not just in our mind

Combined with thought and environment, we see
The cause of personality, it's not a mystery
And since life only comes from life, we must agree
That the cause of our existence is personal, undoubtedly

The coded information in DNA we observe
Cannot self-assemble by chance, that we can observe
And all known coded information systems we know
Come from intelligence, it's not just for show

The probability of complex systems forming by chance
Is operationally impossible, it's not just a dance
Therefore, we know that Intelligent Design
Is not an argument from ignorance, it's by logic defined

Through the laws of cause and effect, we see
That the universe had a cause, that's the key
And through our logical deductions, we find
That evolution is false, that's not just in our mind

Using logic and reason, we can see
That the best explanation for our existence is He
God exists, we know it's true
Through knowledge, logic, and reason, it's not just a view.

Gaps: God of the gaps and incredulity,a justified refutation of ID arguments?   Sem_tz99


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