ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils

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Will Dunham: Chinese fossil reveals evolution of skin in feathered dinosaurs May 21, 2024


"When I turned on the UV light, I could feel my heart almost skip a beat. Large patches of scaly skin, covering the chest and belly, were glowing in a striking golden-yellow color under the UV. The fossil skin looked really exquisite, covered by tiny, rounded scales of about one millimeter wide," Yang said.

Fossils of any soft tissues are rare. Skin fossils of this quality are rarer still.

Unearthed in northeastern China, the nearly complete fossil, dating to roughly 130 million years ago, is of a juvenile Psittacosaurus (pronounced SIT-ak-oh-sawr-us), about 2-1/4 feet (66 cm) long and approximately 3 years old when it died. It was donated in 2021 to Nanjing University from a private collection.

Commentary: The claim that the fossil skin of Psittacosaurus has remained intact for 130 million years is highly improbable from a scientific standpoint. Soft tissues like skin are composed of organic materials that are susceptible to degradation and decomposition over geological timescales. Skin is primarily composed of proteins, lipids, and other organic compounds that are susceptible to breakdown by microorganisms, enzymes, and chemical processes. Over millions of years, these organic components would be expected to degrade and disintegrate, leaving no original tissue behind. Fossilization typically involves the replacement of organic matter with inorganic minerals, such as silica or calcium carbonate. While this process can preserve the overall shape and structure of an organism, it is highly unlikely for the original organic molecules to remain intact over such vast timescales. Over millions of years, fossils would be subjected to various geological processes, including tectonic movements, heat, pressure, and chemical alterations. These processes can further degrade and alter any remaining organic materials, making it virtually impossible for original soft tissues to survive intact. Even if some organic remnants were initially preserved, they would be susceptible to contamination and alteration by external factors over such an extended period. This could lead to the introduction of new organic compounds or the modification of existing ones, making it difficult to distinguish the original tissue from later alterations.




More Evidence Against Iron as a Preservative for Biomolecules in Fossils

Chicken femur bones after 90 days of exposure to water, sand, and the three chemicals listed. (image from the study discussed in the article) Those who want to believe that dinosaur fossils are millions of years old are faced with two very difficult challenges. First, carbon-14 has been detected in significant quantities in all dinosaur bones that were tested for it. This is a problem, as carbon-14 should decay to unmeasurable levels in about 60,000 years. Second, soft tissue and biomolecules have been found in many dinosaur fossils (see here, here, here, and here, for example), and at least according to some paleontologists, it is a common feature of the fossils. Of course, there is no known way that soft tissue and biomolecules can withstand decay over millions of years, so fervent old-earth scientists have been trying to find one. Dr. Mary Schweitzer, who was the first to find soft tissue in a dinosaur fossil, proposed a possible explanation more than 10 years ago. Based on an experiment that lasted two years, she and her colleagues proposed that iron from the dinosaur’s blood could have acted as a preservative for the soft tissue and the biomolecules that comprise it. As you can read in the post I linked, I was initially very skeptical of such an explanation. Two years later, two chemists who are much more knowledgeable than I am gave what I consider to be definitive arguments as to why iron cannot do what Schweitzer and her colleagues want it to do. One of my readers (Victor Ferreira da Silva) recently sent me a study that can be considered the death knell of Schweitzer and her colleagues’ proposal. In addition, it strengthens the case that the fossils are not millions of years old. In the study, the authors soaked four chicken femurs in sand to mimic the conditions under which most scientists think fossils form. They then passed a different solution through the sand for each bone: pure water, water + calcium carbonate, water + iron, and water + phosphate. After 90 days, they examined the bones with three different techniques to see how much decay had occurred. They measured the amount of the most abundant form of collagen (a biomolecule) that remained. They found that iron was the worst preservative, and calcium carbonate was the best. Specifically, they estimate that the chicken bones retained 90% of their collagen when exposed to water + calcium carbonate, but only 35% when exposed to water + iron. The ones exposed to water + phosphate retained 60%, while the ones exposed to pure water retained 80%. Under realistic conditions, then, iron is a horrible preservative for biomolecules. But what about calcium carbonate? When mixed with water, it preserved more collagen. That’s true, and the authors suggest that it’s because the calcium carbonate mineralizes the outer parts of the bone, protecting the inner parts from microbial activity that tends to break down biomolecules. While that seems reasonable, notice that in a mere 90 days, even the “best” preservative had already allowed 10% of the collagen to decay. That doesn’t provide much confidence for its ability to act as a preservative for millions of years! Interestingly enough, even though I think this study is the death knell for Dr. Schweitzer’s proposal that iron can preserve soft tissue and biomolecules over millions of years, she was indirectly involved in the study. As the authors note:

This project would not have been possible without the support of Mary Schweitzer, who graciously opened her “Modern lab” at North Carolina State University to two of us (PVU and KKV) to conduct the ELISA and immunofluorescence assays for this project.

I applaud Dr. Schweitzer and the authors of this study for trying to figure out an explanation for soft tissue and biomolecules in dinosaur fossils. Of course, I think there is a much simpler explanation: the fossils are thousands of years old, not millions of years old. But I look forward to any more studies done on this issue. If I am right, more studies will simply strengthen the young-earth case. If I am wrong, we will discover some new, exciting chemistry.






Original Biomolecules Challenge the Dating of Ancient Fossils

The presence of soft tissues in fossils, including those dating back to the Cambrian period, raises significant questions about the conventional timescales proposed for the fossil record. According to the traditional narrative, the Cambrian period occurred over 500 million years ago, and fossils from that era should have undergone extensive mineralization and degradation, leaving only the hardest parts preserved. However, the discovery of non-permineralized soft tissues in these ancient fossils challenges this assumption and suggests a much more recent origin. One notable example is the discovery of exceptionally preserved fossils in the Burgess Shale formation in British Columbia, Canada. These fossils, dating back to the Middle Cambrian period (around 505 million years ago according to conventional dating), exhibit remarkable preservation of soft tissues, including muscles, guts, and even remains of the last meal in some specimens. The exquisite detail and integrity of these soft tissues are difficult to reconcile with the proposed timescales, as one would expect such delicate structures to have decayed or been replaced by mineralization over hundreds of millions of years.

Soft tissues like muscles and internal organs are composed of proteins and other biomolecules that are inherently unstable and prone to rapid degradation after an organism's death. Their preservation over hundreds of millions of years is highly improbable, as these molecules typically break down within a few thousand years under ideal conditions. In some cases, biomolecules such as collagen and chitin have been reported in these Cambrian fossils. The preservation of intact biomolecules over such a vast timescale is virtually impossible, as they would be expected to degrade and undergo chemical transformations, making their original structures unrecognizable. While rapid burial and anoxic (oxygen-depleted) conditions can slow down the degradation process, they are not sufficient to explain the preservation of soft tissues and intact biomolecules over hundreds of millions of years. Even in the most favorable conditions, the breakdown of these organic materials would be expected within a few million years at most. The mineral replacement of soft tissues can provide detailed impressions, but it does not necessarily preserve the original organic matter. The presence of original biomolecules in these fossils challenges conventional dating and raises questions about the preservation mechanisms involved. These observations suggest that the timescales involved in the preservation of these Cambrian fossils may be significantly shorter than the conventional dating of around 505 million years. Some researchers have proposed alternative explanations, such as accelerated decay rates or the possibility of more recent fossilization events, to reconcile the observed soft tissue preservation with shorter timescales.

Discoveries of original biomolecules, such as proteins, inside fossils have raised doubts about the conventional dating of these fossils, which is often estimated to be millions of years old. A review of 85 technical reports on this topic, published in the journal Expert Review of Proteomics, revealed several relevant trends. 1 Original biomaterials, including proteins, have been found in fossils of various organisms, such as dinosaurs, plants, insects, and marine creatures, indicating that this phenomenon is not limited to any specific group. The preservation of biomolecules in fossils does not seem to be dependent on any particular ancient environment, as they have been found in fossils from various settings, including air, oceans, lakes, swamps, and forests. There has been a growing interest in this field within the last two decades, as evidenced by the increasing number of relevant publications. Discoveries of original biomaterials in fossils have been reported from various locations worldwide, suggesting that this phenomenon is not restricted to any specific region. Perhaps the most striking finding is the presence of original biomaterials in fossils from seven of the ten standard geological systems, including the Precambrian and Ediacaran layers, which are considered to be among the oldest sedimentary rocks on Earth. The preservation of these biomolecules over millions of years is highly improbable, as proteins and other biomolecules are known to degrade relatively quickly under normal conditions. This observation challenges the conventional dating of these fossils and suggests that the timescales involved in their formation and preservation may be significantly shorter than currently believed.

According to the information provided in the paper: Proteomes of the past: the pursuit of proteins in paleontology 1 the decay rate of bone collagen under ideal conditions has been well characterized experimentally. Specifically:
The activation energy (Ea) for collagen decay is 173 kJ/mol. At an average annual temperature of 7.5°C, which was used for regions where collagen has been recovered from dinosaur bones, the half-life of collagen is calculated to be 130,000 years. 

Here is the relevant quote from the paper stating the collagen half-life of 130,000 years: "Its energy of activation (Ea) of 173 kJ/mol equates to a half-life of 130 ka at 7.5°C [9,10]." The "ka" stands for "kilo-annums" or thousands of years, so 130 ka = 130,000 years.

The key points regarding the collagen decay rate are: The decay rate was determined experimentally using accelerated temperatures and measuring remaining collagen over time. The Arrhenius equation was used to calculate the rate constant (k) and half-life (t1/2) at a given temperature, using the determined activation energy. At 7.5°C, which is considered an ideal condition, the half-life of bone collagen is estimated to be 130,000 years.
Therefore, based on these experimental results, the authors state that "Collagen decay rate experimental results build a temporal expectation that restricts bone collagen to archeological time frames", implying that finding intact collagen in much older fossils is unexpected and challenges conventional dating assumptions.

If the half-life of collagen is 130,000 years at 7.5°C, then we can calculate the maximum expected time that collagen could remain detectable based on the number of half-lives elapsed since the fossil formed. The key assumption here is that after a certain number of half-lives, the amount of remaining collagen would be too small to detect. Let's assume we can still detect collagen after 5 half-lives, at which point only (1/2)^5 = 1/32 = 3.125% of the original amount remains. If the fossils in question are from the Mesozoic era, which ranges from 252 million years ago to 66 million years ago, then:

For a 252 million year old fossil:
Number of half-lives elapsed = 252,000,000 years / 130,000 years per half-life = 1,938 half-lives

This is much more than the 5 half-life threshold, so we would not expect any detectable collagen remaining.

For a 66 million year old fossil: 
Number of half-lives elapsed = 66,000,000 years / 130,000 years per half-life = 508 half-lives

Again, this exceeds 5 half-lives by a large margin, so based on the stated 130,000 year half-life, we should not expect detectable amounts of original collagen in Mesozoic fossils. Using the provided collagen half-life of 130,000 years, the maximum expected time that collagen could remain detectable is only around 650,000 years (5 half-lives). Fossils much older than that, like those from the Mesozoic era dating back tens to hundreds of millions of years, should not have any original collagen remaining according to this calculation. The presence of reported collagen in such ancient fossils contradicts the expected longevity based on the stated half-life.

Proteins and other original biomolecules have been discovered in fossils dating back to the archaeological and Cenozoic eras (the last 66 million years). Various techniques like immunohistochemistry, radiocarbon dating, and protein sequencing have provided robust evidence for the presence of endogenous proteins, particularly collagen, in these fossils. For example, a single mammoth bone yielded 126 distinct protein types upon analysis.  Reports of preserved proteins in much older fossils from the Mesozoic era (252-66 million years ago) and earlier geological periods also deserve to be been met with skepticism. This skepticism arises from experimental data on the decay rates of molecules like collagen, which, as mentioned before, under ideal conditions, has a half-life of only around 130,000 years at 7.5°C. The presence of original collagen and other proteins in fossils challenges the conventional understanding of how old these fossils are. 

While most fossilized soft tissues are preserved via mineralization that replaces the original biochemistry, there have been some notable reports of apparent original biomolecules and tissues in Mesozoic fossils claimed to be dating back over 65 million years ago. One of the most well-known examples is the discovery of pliable soft tissue and protein residues like collagen, elastin, and laminin in a Tyrannosaurus rex femur from the Hell Creek Formation in 2005. Subsequent studies confirmed the presence of specific proteins like collagen by sequencing. Similar findings of original proteins and soft, flexible tissues were reported in other dinosaur fossils like Brachylophosaurus and Triceratops from the same geological formation. Electron microscopy studies have revealed exquisitely preserved structures like blood vessels, osteocytes with intact slender processes, and bundles of collagen fibers in dinosaur fossils. Immunological techniques also detected positive signals for proteins like collagen and even claims of remnant DNA in some dinosaur bones. Moving beyond dinosaurs, one study reported preserved skin pigments like carotenoids and melanins in a Psittacosaurus fossil from China, allowing reconstruction of its original coloration. Another revealed spectra consistent with endogenous proteins in a Jurassic sauropod embryo femur. The preservation of such labile biomolecules and soft tissues in specimens tens of millions of years old challenges conventional expectations of biochemical degradation over deep time. While these discoveries are rare, their existence has fueled ongoing debates about longevity of biomolecules and mechanisms that may permit their preservation in ancient fossils.

The gold standard for detecting original proteins in fossils is sequencing by mass spectrometry. Several studies have reported recovering short protein sequences, particularly collagen, from Cretaceous fossils claimed to be dating back around 65-145 million years ago. One of the earliest and most well-known examples is the 2007 report by Asara et al. of detecting six collagen peptide sequences, including GVQPP(OH)GPQGPR, from extracts of a T. rex femur bone. This was challenged by protein decay experts like Buckley and Collins, arguing collagen could not last that long based on experimental degradation data. However, the authors stood by their findings after re-analysis.

In 2009, collagen sequences like GLTGPIGPP(OH)GPAGAP(OH)GDKGEAGPSGPPGPTGAR were reported from a Brachylophosaurus fossil. Later work expanded the proteome to include other proteins like actin, tubulin and histone remnants.  those reported sequences from the Brachylophosaurus fossil are amino acid sequences. Specifically, the sequence: GLTGPIGPP(OH)GPAGAP(OH)GDKGEAGPSGPPGPTGAR. Represents the one-letter abbreviations for a sequence of 33 amino acids that would form part of a collagen protein. The letters stand for the following amino acids: G - Glycine L - Leucine T - Threonine P - Proline I - Isoleucine A - Alanine (OH) - Hydroxyproline  D - Aspartic Acid K - Lysine E - Glutamic Acid S - Serine R - Arginine. So this reported sequence from the dinosaur fossil is essentially the amino acid sequence that would form part of the collagen protein if it was preserved intact in the specimen. Being able to sequence out these specific amino acid patterns is considered strong evidence for the presence of original collagen protein fragments in the fossil. Other discoveries include non-collagen protein sequences from an Iguanodon bone and reports of amino acids recovered from fossils like Seismosaurus and even ancient fossil shells dating back to the Jurassic period supposedly around 200 million years ago.

While providing tantalizing evidence of original proteins from deep time, these reports have faced skepticism as they appear to contradict the theoretical kinetics and conventional wisdom that precludes persistence of proteins over multi-million year timescales. This has driven research into potential mechanisms that could extend protein longevity and preservation in fossils. 

Most paleozoic soft tissue data are recorded from mineralized or completely altered fossil material, with carbonaceous films often defining the overall morphology rather than retaining original biomolecules.  One of the earliest studies, conducted by Towe and Urbanek in 1972, employed wide-angle X-ray diffraction on Ordovician graptolite fossils. These small, worm-shaped marine creatures secrete tube-shaped organic thecae, thought to be composed of collagen or chitin. The researchers found collagen-like structures and detected some amino acids, although the absence of characteristic collagen markers like 4-hydroxyproline or 5-hydroxylysine prevented definitive identification of original collagen. Nonetheless, their results were consistent with altered collagenous or chitinous residues, suggesting that graptolite fossils, which occur worldwide, warrant further investigation. In a more recent study, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectromicroscopy was used to examine organic functional group distributions in paleozoic scorpion and false scorpion exoskeletons. The findings were consistent with the preservation of original chitin and chitin-associated protein, further hinting at the potential for biomolecular preservation in ancient fossils. Surprisingly, a German and Russian team employed a suite of advanced analytical techniques, including fluorescence microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microscopy, high-performance capillary electrophoresis, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and mass spectroscopy, to identify chitin in the Burgess sponge fossil Vauxia gracilenta. Despite chitin being a labile biomolecule, its presence in these fossils challenges the prevailing paradigm that the flattened soft-bodied creatures from the Burgess Shale consist merely of impressions, mineralized outlines, or kerogen.

Surprising preservation has also been described in still-flexible, proteinaceous marine tube worm tubes extracted from Siberian drill core samples of Ediacaran strata. Moczydlowska described these worm casings as not mineralized and directly corresponding to the chitin-structural protein composition of modern siboglinid counterparts, further evidencing biomolecular preservation specimen supposedly hundreds of millions of years old. Plant fossils have also yielded intriguing evidence of retained original organics. FTIR spectra have revealed matches between altered biomolecular signatures in extant and extinct Cretaceous plant leaves, such as Araucarians, cycads, and Ginkgoales. Similarly, FTIR and Raman mapping of a completely permineralized Jurassic fern (Osmundaceae) revealed diagenetically altered organic cellular components 'frozen' in various stages of cell growth, providing a glimpse into the preservation of cellular structures. 

Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils - Page 4 Schwei11
Mary H. Schweitzer (2005): Soft-Tissue Vessels and Cellular Preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex Link 

Challenges in Identifying Mechanisms for Protein Longevity and Preservation in Fossils

The attempts to identify mechanisms that could extend protein longevity and preservation in fossils, such as the claim that iron could play a role in this process, have not proven to be fruitful for several reasons: Proteins are complex biomolecules that are highly susceptible to various forms of degradation, including hydrolysis, oxidation, and microbial digestion. Over geological timescales, these processes lead to the complete breakdown of proteins, making their survival extremely unlikely. Even under the most favorable preservation conditions, the intrinsic instability of proteins suggests that they would undergo significant alterations or complete degradation over millions or hundreds of millions of years. Despite numerous claims and hypotheses, there is a glaring lack of conclusive empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of proposed preservation mechanisms, such as the role of iron. Most claims are based on theoretical considerations or indirect evidence rather than direct experimental validation. Attempts to recreate or simulate ancient preservation conditions in laboratory settings have not consistently demonstrated the long-term stability of proteins, further questioning the viability of these hypotheses. Techniques such as mass spectrometry and immunoassays, although powerful, have limitations in accurately identifying and characterizing highly degraded or altered proteins in fossil samples. The sensitivity of current analytical methods may not be sufficient to detect trace amounts of original proteins, especially when they have undergone extensive diagenetic alteration.
Fossils are often subject to contamination from various sources, including modern organisms, laboratory environments, and handling processes. This contamination can introduce extraneous biomolecules, complicating the identification of original proteins. Chemical, physical, and biological processes during fossilization (diagenesis) can significantly alter the original biomolecular composition of fossils. These alterations can mask or mimic the presence of ancient proteins, leading to potential misinterpretations. The scientific community has subjected many claims regarding protein preservation in fossils to rigorous scrutiny. Given the extraordinary nature of these claims, the evidence provided thus far has not been compelling enough to overcome the inherent challenges associated with long-term protein preservation. As Carl Sagan famously stated, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." The existing data and methodologies have not provided the extraordinary evidence needed to substantiate the long-term preservation of proteins in fossils. While the quest to understand the mechanisms of biomolecular preservation in fossils is scientifically intriguing, the attempts made so far, including those involving iron, have not yielded conclusive and widely accepted results. These efforts are often viewed as speculative or as attempts to support a desired outcome rather than being firmly grounded in empirical evidence and rigorous scientific validation. The challenges of protein degradation, limitations of analytical techniques, contamination, diagenetic alterations, and the need for extraordinary evidence collectively underscore the difficulties in substantiating the long-term preservation of proteins in ancient fossils.

Another striking case is the discovery of a fossilized mosquito found in Canadian amber, claimed to be around 79 million years old based on traditional dating methods. Remarkably, this ancient mosquito still contained preserved blood cells and fragments of vertebrate blood, complete with identifiable remnants of hemoglobin and other proteins. The preservation of such biological structures for tens of millions of years defies conventional expectations and raises questions about the accuracy of the assigned ages.

Following, an even older example of a mosquito, supposedly 130mio old, found in Lebanon:

Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils - Page 4 Science-mosquito

Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils - Page 4 Science-mosquito
Thomson Reuters (2023): Oldest mosquito in amber reveals bloodsucking surprise Link

Researchers found two supposedly 130 million-year-old male mosquito fossils preserved in amber from Lebanon. This makes them the oldest known mosquito fossils discovered. Surprisingly, these ancient male mosquitoes possessed elongated mouth parts adapted for piercing and blood-feeding, a trait only modern female mosquitoes have. This suggests that in the earlier mosquitoes, both males and females were capable of blood-feeding behavior. While the discovery of these ancient mosquito fossils is certainly fascinating, the claimed age of 130 million years for these specimens is highly unlikely and inconsistent with our current scientific understanding.  Oldest known mosquito fossils: Prior to this study, the oldest known mosquito fossils were from the Cretaceous period, around 79 million years ago.  While amber can preserve exquisite detail, precise dating of amber specimens is often challenging, with potential uncertainties.During the early Cretaceous period, around 130 million years ago, the earliest flowering plants (angiosperms) were supposedly just starting to diversify. Since mosquitoes would have evolved from plant-feeding ancestors, as suggested by the researchers, their origin would have to be more recent, coinciding with the radiation of flowering plants.

From a molecular standpoint, it is highly improbable that amber could remain intact for millions of years due to the inherent instability and degradation processes that occur over such vast timescales.  Amber is composed of cross-linked polymers derived from ancient tree resins. Like all polymers, these long-chain molecules are susceptible to various degradation processes over time, including oxidation, chain scission, depolymerization, and cross-linking reactions. These processes gradually break down the polymer structure, leading to changes in physical and chemical properties. Polymers are generally metastable materials that are thermodynamically driven towards equilibrium states. Over geological timescales and exposure to heat (even at relatively low temperatures), the kinetic barriers to polymer degradation can be overcome, leading to gradual breakdown of the molecular structure. Exposure to ionizing radiation from natural radioactive elements in the environment can cause polymer chain scission, cross-linking, and other molecular-level damage to amber. Water molecules can potentially diffuse into the amber matrix over time, leading to hydrolysis reactions that cleave polymer chains and alter the molecular structure. While amber is known for its preservative properties, microorganisms capable of slowly degrading polymers may still be present, contributing to gradual deterioration over vast timescales. The exquisite preservation of fossils in amber relies on the integrity of the polymer matrix. However, over millions of years, the cumulative effects of these degradation processes would inevitably compromise the molecular structure of amber, leading to loss of preservative properties and the eventual destruction of any enclosed fossils.

The empirical data from NMR, mass spectrometry, IR spectroscopy, and other analytical techniques unequivocally show that amber undergoes significant chemical changes over geological timescales. These changes include oxidation, chain scission, depolymerization, cross-linking, and effects from ionizing radiation and microbial activity. Collectively, these processes lead to the gradual degradation of amber, compromising its ability to preserve enclosed fossils over millions of years. The studies cited provide robust experimental evidence supporting these conclusions, presenting a clear picture of the molecular instability and degradation of amber. Given the empirical data, it becomes clear that while amber can remain relatively stable for tens of thousands of years, its chemical stability over millions of years is highly questionable. The degradation processes described suggest that significant molecular changes occur well within the first ten thousand years, compromising the amber's integrity and preservative properties. Therefore, a more realistic estimate for the preservation of amber, considering the molecular degradation evidence, would be in the range of tens of thousands of years. Claims of amber preserving biological materials for millions of years are not supported by the empirical data on polymer stability and degradation. This understanding aligns with the observed chemical changes in amber samples over geological timescales and highlights the limitations of its preservative capabilities over such extended periods.

If the conventional timescales were accurate, one would expect to find a clear pattern of soft tissue preservation in younger fossils, with older fossils exhibiting progressively less preservation of organic materials. However, the presence of non-permineralized soft tissues in fossils spanning millions of years, from the Cambrian to the Cretaceous periods, challenges this expectation. The remarkable preservation of soft tissues in these ancient fossils suggests that the proposed timescales may be vastly overestimated. It is highly improbable for such delicate organic structures to remain intact for hundreds of millions of years, given the natural processes of decay and mineralization that should have occurred. An alternative perspective, proposing a much more recent origin for these fossils, aligns better with the observed evidence. If these fossils were formed thousands, maximum up to ten thousand years ago, rather than millions or hundreds of millions of years ago, the preservation of soft tissues becomes more plausible. This alternative explanation circumvents the need for exceptional preservation mechanisms to maintain these delicate structures over vast eons.

Furthermore, the presence of soft tissues in fossils across various geological periods suggests a more catastrophic and widespread burial process, rather than the gradual accumulation proposed by conventional models. A rapid, large-scale event capable of burying and preserving organisms en masse, before significant decay or mineralization could occur, provides a more coherent explanation for the observed soft tissue preservation. The discovery of non-permineralized soft tissues in fossils spanning vast geological periods raises significant challenges to the conventional timescales proposed for the fossil record. These findings suggest a more recent origin for these fossils, potentially thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, rather than millions or hundreds of millions of years. An alternative perspective, considering a catastrophic, widespread burial event, better aligns with the observed evidence and provides a more plausible explanation for the exceptional preservation of these delicate organic structures.

Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils - Page 4 Biofos13
Geological Distribution of Reported Original Biochemistry in Fossils. This chart emphasizes Mesozoic and Paleozoic rock Systems, as it condenses the entire Cenozoic at the top, and the entire Precambrian at the bottom down to merely the Ediacaran and Orosirian Systems. The data reveal a predominance of biochemistry in Cretaceous System rocks, and a persistent trickle of biochemistry elsewhere.

Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones, non permineralized fossils, and soft tissue like proteins are evidence of young fossils - Page 4 Biofos11
Global Distribution of Original Biochemistry Fossils. Approximately seventy original biochemistry fossil locations show a nonrandom worldwide distribution. High concentrations likely reflect a combination of sample accessibility and general fossil distributions. Image credit: Thomas, B. and S. Taylor. 2019. Proteomes of the past: the pursuit of proteins in paleontology. Expert Review of Proteomics. 16 (11-12): 881-895.




The research paper from 2016 focused on the extraordinary molecular preservation observed in certain organic microfossils from the Gunflint cherts located in the Thunder Bay District of northwestern Ontario, Canada, along the northern shore of Lake Superior, dating back supposedly approximately 1.88 billion years. 8

The primary dating method used was U-Pb (uranium-lead) radiometric dating, focusing on zircon crystals found in the Rove Formation, which lies directly above the Gunflint Formation. A key study by Fralick et al., published in Precambrian Research in 2002, analyzed zircons from a tuff bed within the Rove Formation. Their results yielded an age of 1878 ± 1.3 million years. This date serves as a minimum age for the Gunflint Formation, as it must predate the overlying Rove Formation. Zircons are exceptionally resistant to alteration over vast geological timescales, making them ideal for such analyses.  This finding is particularly noteworthy given the fossils' exposure to diagenetic temperatures ranging from 150-170°C. Some specimens exhibited remarkably well-preserved molecular signatures, including amide groups derived from protein compounds. These compounds typically degrade during the early stages of burial. The level of preservation is considered exceptional, especially considering the fossils' age and thermal history. 

The preservation of complex organic molecules over such an immense timescale is highly doubtful.  Proteins and other complex organic molecules are typically very fragile and prone to rapid degradation. They are usually among the first components to break down during fossilization and diagenesis. These fossils have undergone significant heating (150-170°C) over geological time. Such temperatures would normally be expected to destroy or significantly alter most organic molecules. Over billions of years, rocks undergo various physical and chemical changes (diagenesis) that typically alter or destroy organic compounds. While we often find mineralized remains of ancient organisms, finding preserved organic molecules, especially protein-derived compounds, is extremely rare.  Even minor temperature increases and interactions with specific minerals significantly impacts the molecular signatures of organic remains. These aren't completely non-permineralized soft tissues as one might expect in more recent fossil discoveries. The Gunflint microbiota are described as "more or less permineralized spheroidal microfossils," indicating that while organic molecules have been preserved, the fossils have undergone some degree of mineralization.

Based on the information provided in the paper, there is no clear indication of distinct layers of mineralized and non-mineralized tissue within the Gunflint microfossils. The description of "more or less permineralized spheroidal microfossils" suggests a complex preservation state rather than a clear-cut separation between mineralized and non-mineralized portions.  The term "more or less permineralized" indicates that the degree of mineralization may vary within and among the microfossils. The exceptional preservation refers to the retention of some organic molecular signatures, particularly the presence of amide groups derived from protein compounds, within these ancient structures. The preservation of these organic molecules is likely due to early silicification (replacement by silica) of the microorganisms, which helped protect some of the original organic material from complete degradation.
The presence of amide groups does not necessarily indicate the presence of completely non-mineralized soft tissue. Rather, it suggests that some organic molecular structures have "survived" within the largely mineralized fossil. To analyze the molecular composition of these microfossils at a submicrometre scale, the study employed advanced analytical techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.




The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils


Radiocarbon Activity of Shells from Living Clams and Snails


kuznetsk, coal

Miocene fossil fangtooth seadevil Acentrophryne

"The formation of the 'opisthotonic posture' in carcasses of long-necked and long-tailed reptiles deposited underwater is the result of a post-mortem process... a normal phenomenon that occurs during the gradual and subaquatic incorporation of these types of carcasses."
Achim G. Reisdorf
Department of Geology & Palaeontology
University of Basel, Switzerland

"Mines of Montceau-les (Autun-France)
Mixture: terrestrial animals, freshwater animals and saltwater animals.
Hundreds of thousands of marine creatures along with amphibians, reptiles and insects. Paleontologists perplexed by the mixture and variety of animal fossils present."

Here's the extracted text and its English translation:

Original Portuguese text:
"Formação Tampa (Flórida – EUA)
Mais de 70 tipos diferentes de animais: camelos, cavalos, mamutes, ursos, lobos, grandes felinos e um pássaro (9 metros de envergadura), misturados com dentes de tubarão, cascos de tartaruga e peixes de água doce e salgada

Formação Karoo (África do Sul)
Fósseis incluem plantas, pólen, insetos, peixes, tetrápodes, répteis, anfíbios e dinossauros.
Mais de 40 mil fósseis numa única área."

English translation:
"Tampa Formation (Florida - USA)
More than 70 different types of animals: camels, horses, mammoths, bears, wolves, large felines and a bird (9 meters wingspan), mixed with shark teeth, turtle shells and freshwater and saltwater fish

Karoo Formation (South Africa)
Fossils include plants, pollen, insects, fish, tetrapods, reptiles, amphibians and dinosaurs.
More than 40 thousand fossils in a single area."

1. The Tampa Formation in Florida, USA, which contains a diverse mix of land and marine animal fossils.
2. The Karoo Formation in South Africa, which has a wide variety of plant and animal fossils, including dinosaurs, with over 40,000 fossils found in one area.

Cerro Ballena (meaning "Whale Hill") is a fossiliferous locality of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, located in the Atacama Desert along the Pan-American Highway a few kilometers north of the port of Caldera, Chile. It has been dated back to the Late Miocene epoch, during the Neogene period. The locality was first noted in 1965 during military work and fully excavated and studied between 2011 and 2012, and is protected by law since the latter year.

Chapada do Araripe fossil site in Ceará, Brazil, discovered in 1840. It mentions over 10,000 fossils found at depths of 300-700 meters. The image shows fossils of a giant sloth and a four-legged snake. The quote highlights the rich collection of fish fossils and mentions various other types of fossils found, including plants, turtles, crustaceans, oysters, mollusks, sea urchins, insects, dinosaurs, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, mammals, and birds. It notes that the specimens are well-preserved, with some even retaining soft tissue fragments.

Uniquely preserved gut contents illuminate trilobite palaeophysiology

Digestion of the first anthropods like trilobites was the same as in today's animals. Where is the evolution?

NOVA scienceNOW : 30 - Trex Blood


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