ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life, a failed hypothesis

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Common descent, the tree of life, a failed hypothesis


Claim: Eugene V. Koonin (2020): The genomes of all cellular organisms encompass about a hundred universal genes that encode, almost exclusively, protein and RNA components of the translation system. The presence of this universal gene core is strong evidence for the origin of all cellular life from a last universal cellular ancestor (LUCA) 1 

Reply: There are also many differences, that cannot be overlooked:
1. The DNA replication machinery is not homologous in the 3 domains of life. The bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea.
2. Bacteria and Archaea differ strikingly in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Cell membrane phospholipids are synthesized by different, unrelated enzymes in bacteria and archaea, and yield chemically distinct membranes.
3. Sequences of glycolytic enzymes differ between Archaea and Bacteria/Eukaryotes. There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides.
4. There are at least six distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways. If common ancestry were true, an ancestral Wood–Ljungdahl pathway should have become life's one and only principle for biomass production.
5. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not.
6. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells but is crucial in prokaryotes
7. Subsequent massive sequencing of numerous, complete microbial genomes have revealed novel evolutionary phenomena, the most fundamental of these being: pervasive horizontal gene transfer (HGT), in large part mediated by viruses and plasmids, that shapes the genomes of archaea and bacteria and call for a radical revision (if not abandonment) of the Tree of Life concept
8. RNA Polymerase differences: Prokaryotes only contain three different promoter elements: -10, -35 promoters, and upstream elements.  Eukaryotes contain many different promoter elements
9. Ribosome and ribosome biogenesis differences: Although we could identify E. coli counterparts with comparable biochemical activity for 12 yeast ribosome biogenesis factors (RBFs), only 2 are known to participate in bacterial ribosome assembly. This indicates that the recruitment of individual proteins to this pathway has been largely independent in the bacterial and eukaryotic lineages. 22
10. Like the origins of DNA replication, the promoters of bacterial and yeast genes have different structures, are recognized by different proteins, and are not exchangeable. The absolute incompatibility between prokaryote (e.g., E. coli) and eukaryote (e.g., yeast) origins of replication and promoters, as well as DNA replication, transcription, and translation machinery, stands as a largely unrecognized challenge to the evolutionary view that the two share a common ancestor.

1. Genome sequencing of cells from the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, reveal that the DNA replication machinery, most of the core replisome enzymes and components are not homologous. Thus, the bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea. 
2. Bacteria and Archaea differ strikingly in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Cell membrane phospholipids are synthesized by different, unrelated enzymes in bacteria and archaea, and yield chemically distinct membranes. Bacteria and archaea have membranes made of water-repellent fatty molecules. Bacterial membranes are made of fatty acids bound to the phosphate group while archaeal membranes are made of isoprenes bonded to phosphate in a different way. This leads to something of a paradox: Since a supposed last universal common ancestor, LUCA already had an impermeable membrane for exploiting proton gradients, why would its descendants have independently evolved two different kinds of impermeable membrane?
3. Sequences of glycolytic enzymes differ between Archaea and Bacteria/Eukaryotes. There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides.
4. There are at least six distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways. Since the claim is that this is how life began fixing carbon, and the first carbon fixation pathways were anaerobic, this represents a major puzzle for proponents of common ancestry, and its proponents are led to wonder why an ancestral Wood–Ljungdahl pathway has not become life's one and only principle for biomass production. What is even more puzzling, is the fact that searches of the genomes of acetogenins for enzymes clearly homologous to those of the methanogenic C1-branch came up empty-handed with one notable exception, i.e. the initial step of CO2 reduction which is, in both cases, catalyzed by a molybdo/tungstopterin enzyme from the complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme (CISM) superfamily. So, partially, carbon fixation pathways share partially the same enzymes. This points clearly to a common designer choosing different routes for the same reaction but using partially convergent design. Similarities between living organisms could be because they have been designed by the same intelligence, just as we can recognize a Norman Foster building by his characteristic style, or a painting by Van Gogh. We expect to see repeated motifs and re-used techniques in different works by the same artist/designer.
5. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death.
6. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells but is crucial in prokaryotes
7. Subsequent massive sequencing of numerous, complete microbial genomes have revealed novel evolutionary phenomena, the most fundamental of these being: pervasive horizontal gene transfer (HGT), in large part mediated by viruses and plasmids, that shapes the genomes of archaea and bacteria and call for a radical revision (if not abandonment) of the Tree of Life concept 22
8. RNA Polymerase differences: Prokaryotes only contain three different promoter elements: -10, -35 promoters, and upstream elements.  Eukaryotes contain many different promoter elements: TATA box, initiator elements, downstream core promoter element, CAAT box, and the GC box to name a few.  Eukaryotes have three types of RNA polymerases, I, II, and III, and prokaryotes only have one type.  Eukaryotes form and initiation complex with the various transcription factors that dissociate after initiation is completed.  There is no such structure seen in prokaryotes.  Another main difference between the two is that transcription and translation occurs simultaneously in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes the RNA is first transcribed in the nucleus and then translated in the cytoplasm.  RNAs from eukaryotes undergo post-transcriptional modifications including: capping, polyadenylation, and splicing.  These events do not occur in prokaryotes.  mRNAs in prokaryotes tend to contain many different genes on a single mRNA meaning they are polycystronic.  Eukaryotes contain mRNAs that are monocystronic.  Termination in prokaryotes is done by either rho-dependent or rho-independent mechanisms.  In eukaryotes transcription is terminated by two elements: a poly(A) signal and a downstream terminator sequence. 21
9. Ribosome and ribosome biogenesis differences: Although we could identify E. coli counterparts with comparable biochemical activity for 12 yeast ribosome biogenesis factors (RBFs), only 2 are known to participate in bacterial ribosome assembly. This indicates that the recruitment of individual proteins to this pathway has been largely independent in the bacterial and eukaryotic lineages. 22
The bacterial version of a universal ribosomal protein tends to be remarkably different from its archaeal equivalent, the same being true, even more dramatically, for the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. In both cases, in a sequence alignment, a position constant in composition in the Bacteria tends to be so in its archaeal homolog as well, but the archaeal and bacterial compositions for that position often differ from each other. Moreover, among the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, a total lack of homology between large (and characteristic) sections of the bacterial version of a molecule and its archaeal counterpart is common 19
10. Like the origins of DNA replication, the promoters of bacterial and yeast genes have different structures, are recognized by different proteins, and are not exchangeable. The absolute incompatibility between prokaryote (e.g., E. coli) and eukaryote (e.g., yeast) origins of replication and promoters, as well as DNA replication, transcription, and translation machineries, stands as a largely unrecognized challenge to the evolutionary view that the two share a common ancestor.

1. DNA Replication Across Taxa
2. Phylogenomic Investigation of Phospholipid Synthesis in Archaea
3. Glycolysis Is an Energy-Conversion Pathway in Many Organisms
4. Beating the acetyl coenzyme A-pathway to the origin of life
5. The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics
6. Energetics and genetics across the prokaryote-eukaryote divide
7. Evolution of microbes and viruses: a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology?
8. Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Trancription
9. The evolution of the ribosome biogenesis pathway from a yeast perspective
10. DNA Replication Origins

Laura A. Hug A new view of the tree of life 11 April 2016
The tree of life as we know it has dramatically expanded due to new genomic sampling of previously enigmatic or unknown microbial lineages. This depiction of the tree captures the current genomic sampling of life, illustrating the progress that has been made in the last two decades following the first published genome. What emerges from analysis of this tree is the depth of evolutionary history that is contained within the Bacteria, in part due to the CPR, which appears to subdivide the domain. Most importantly, the analysis highlights the large fraction of diversity that is currently only accessible via cultivation-independent genome-resolved approaches.

Following points are a clear smackdown to the claim of Common descent and Darwin's tree of life

Has the hypothesis of common ancestry merit? Behe thinks so. I asked him about it:  53:40

In his book, Darwin suggests that all living organisms are related by ascendency, and therefore they are all derived from ancestral species, which migrate around the world and diversify, generating the amazing biodiversity of organisms (Darwin, 1859). 

Jonathan Lambert What a Newfound Kingdom Means for the Tree of Life December 11, 2018
Many types of organisms that live in an environment, “but unless you have a larger known reference sequence, it’s very difficult to put these different things into an evolutionary framework 21

Eugene V. Koonin The Logic of Chance: The Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution 2011
Arguments for a LUCA that would be indistinguishable from a modern prokaryotic cell have been presented, along with scenarios depicting LUCA as a much more primitive entity (Glansdorff, et al., 2008).
The difficulty of the problem cannot be overestimated. Indeed, all known cells are complex and elaborately organized. The simplest known cellular life forms, the bacterial (and the only known archaeal) parasites and symbionts, clearly evolved by degradation of more complex organisms; however, even these possess several hundred genes that encode the components of a fully-fledged membrane; the replication, transcription, and translation machineries; a complex cell-division apparatus; and at least some central metabolic pathways. As we have already discussed, the simplest free-living cells are considerably more complex than this, with at least 1,300 genes. 

All the difficulties and uncertainties of evolutionary reconstructions notwithstanding, parsimony analysis combined with less formal efforts on the reconstruction of the deep past of particular functional systems leaves no serious doubts that LUCA already possessed at least several hundred genes.  In addition to the aforementioned “golden 100” genes involved in the expression, this diverse gene complement consists of numerous metabolic enzymes, including pathways of the central energy metabolism and the biosynthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, and some coenzymes, as well as some crucial membrane proteins, such as the subunits of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the H+- ATPase.

DNA Replication Across Taxa 
Genome sequencing of cells from the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, reveals that most of the core replisome components evolved twice, independently. Thus, the bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea, while the archaea and eukaryotic core replisome machinery share a common ancestor

Page 331:The reconstructed gene repertoire of LUCA also has gaping holes. The two most shocking ones are
(i) the absence of the key components of the DNA replication machinery, namely the polymerases that are responsible for the initiation (primases) and elongation of DNA replication and for gap-filling after primer removal, and the principal DNA helicases (Leipe, et al., 1999), and
(ii) the absence of most enzymes of lipid biosynthesis. These essential proteins fail to make it into the reconstructed gene repertoire of LUCA because the respective processes in bacteria, on one hand, and archaea, on the other hand, are catalyzed by different, unrelated enzymes and, in the case of membrane phospholipids, yield chemically distinct membranes.

Bacteria and archaea have membranes made of water-repellent fatty molecules. Simple fatty molecules tend to flip around, making the membrane leaky, so both bacteria and archaea tacked on a water-loving phosphate group to stabilize the molecules and make their membranes impermeable. They took very different routes, though. Bacterial membranes are made of fatty acids bound to the phosphate group while archaeal membranes are made of isoprenes bonded to phosphate in a different way. This suggests that their membranes evolved independently. This leads to something of a paradox: if LUCA already had an impermeable membrane for exploiting proton gradients, why would its descendants have independently evolved two different kinds of impermeable membrane? 17

My comment: Shocking and remarkable indeed : The DNA replication machinery is essential in all domains, and so is lipid biosynthesis for cell membranes. Its not possible that the first cells emerged without membranes and DNA replication in a LUCA, and then evolved distinguished membranes and DNA replication, each by its own.

That means,  the at least several hundred genes possessed in all three domains of life would have had to emerge in a convergent manner ( that is separately they would have come into existence with the same genome, proteome, and metabolome except lipid biosynthesis and DNA replication which were the two only distinct parts that diverged each from the other domains. This is a hard sell when evoking evolution. Even more when only unguided random mechanisms were at hand, that is chance and luck. If the emergency of one cell type would have been exceedingly improbable, imagine the same feat tree separate times. 

Stephen J. Gould wrote in Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History 1990
“…No finale can be specified at the start, none would ever occur a second time in the same way, because any pathway proceeds through thousands of improbable stages. Alter any early event, ever so slightly, and without apparent importance at the time, and evolution cascades into a radically different channel.

Neither a LUCA is credible, nor naturally emerging tree separate domains of life through partially convergent manner. The only rational explanation is a designer creating the three domains of life separately, and using the same toolkit where required, and a separate divergent toolkit for other parts.

Should that not be evidence that a LUCA never existed, and that the three domains of life had to emerge separately through an intelligent designer? 

Markus A Keller The widespread role of non-enzymatic reactions in cellular metabolism 22nd January 2015
Sequences of glycolytic enzymes differ between Archaea and Bacteria/Eukaryotes  

Franklin M. Harold In Search of Cell History: The Evolution of Life's Building Blocks page 96
Membranes also pose one of the most stubborn puzzles in all of cell evolution. Shortly after the discovery of the Archaea, it was realized that these organisms differ strikingly from the Bacteria in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Archaea make their plasma membranes of isoprenoid subunits, linked by ether bonds to glycerol-1-phosphate; by contrast, Bacteria and Eukarya employ fatty acids linked by ester bonds to glycerol-3-phosphate. There are a few partial exceptions to the rule. Archaeal membranes often contain fatty acids, and some deeply branching Bacteria, such as Thermotoga, favor isoprenoid ether lipids (but even they couple the ethers to glycerol-3-phosphate). This pattern of lipid composition, which groups Bacteria and Eukarya together on one side and Archaea on the other, stands in glaring contrast to what would be expected from the universal tree, which puts Eukarya with the Archaea

Keith A. Webster Evolution of the coordinate regulation of glycolytic enzyme genes by hypoxia 01 SEPTEMBER 2003
There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides
Genetic, protein and DNA analysis, together with major differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of between all three domains – Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota – suggest that the three fundamental cell types are distinct and evolved separately (i.e. Bacteria are not actually pro-precursors of the eukaryotes, which have sequence similarities in particular parts of their biochemistry between both Bacteria or Archaea).  Only a relatively small percentage of genes in Archaea have sequence similarity to genes in Bacteria or Eukaryota. Furthermore, most of the cellular events triggered by intracellular Ca2+ in eukaryotes do not occur in either Bacteria or Archaea.

Jay Wile This Could Be One of the Most Important Scientific Papers of the Decade July 23, 2018
More than eight years ago (have I really been blogging that long?), I was excited to see the appearance of a new peer-reviewed journal, BIO-Complexity. I thought it was going to have a lot of impact on the science of biology, but so far, its impact has been minimal. A few good studies (like this one and this one) have been published in it, but overall, it has not published the ground-breaking research I had hoped it would.
That might have changed. I just devoured the most recent study published in the journal, and I have to say, it is both innovative and impressive. It represents truly original thinking in the field of biology, and if further research confirms the results of the paper, we might very well be on the precipice of an important advancement in the field of biological taxonomy (the science of classifying living organisms).

Winston Ewert The Dependency Graph of Life 2018
The hierarchical classification of life has been claimed as compelling evidence for universal common ancestry. However, research has uncovered much data which is not congruent with the hierarchical pattern. Nevertheless, biological data resembles a nested hierarchy sufficiently well to require an explanation. While many defenders of intelligent design dispute common descent, no alternative account of the approximate nested hierarchy pattern has been widely adopted. We present the dependency graph hypothesis as an alternative explanation, based on the technique used by software developers to reuse code among different software projects. This hypothesis postulates that different biological species share modules related by a dependency graph. We evaluate several predictions made by this model about both biological and synthetic data, finding them to be fulfilled.

Eric Bapteste Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things 2009 Sep 29
The concept of a tree of life is prevalent in the evolutionary literature. It stems from attempting to obtain a grand unified natural system that reflects a recurrent process of species and lineage splittings for all forms of life. Traditionally, the discipline of systematics operates in a similar hierarchy of bifurcating (sometimes multifurcating) categories. The assumption of a universal tree of life hinges upon the process of evolution being tree-like throughout all forms of life and all of biological time. In prokaryotes, they do not. Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things, and we need to treat them as such, rather than extrapolating from macroscopic life to prokaryotes. In the following we will consider this circumstance from philosophical, scientific, and epistemological perspectives, surmising that phylogeny opted for a single model as a holdover from the Modern Synthesis of evolution.
In eukaryotes, plasma membrane consists of sterols and carbohydrates.In prokaryotes, plasma membrane does not contain carbohydrates or sterols. Prokarotic membranes have only a few types of phospholipids while eukaryotic membranes have can have over 6 different phospholipids as well as other types of lipids. Prokaryotic membranes do not commonly have cholesterol inside the hydrophobic core whereas eukaryotic membranes use chloresterol to regulate their fluidity. Eukaryotic cell membrane is basically trilamellar with double layer of phospholipid. It is asymmetrical. It has intrinsic and extrinsic proteins that also help in transport across membrane. It has other components like cholesterol to maintain fluidity of membrane. Where as prokaryotic or bacterial cell membrane is composed of peptidoglycan that is cross chain of N acetyl glycosamine and muramic acid.

Eugene V Koonin The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics  05 May 2010
The origin of eukaryotes is a huge enigma and a major challenge for evolutionary biology. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells, but is crucial in prokaryotes. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death.

Mark A. Ragan The network of life: genome beginnings and evolution 2009 Aug 12
The rapid growth of genome-sequence data since the mid-1990s is now providing unprecedented detail on the genetic basis of life, and not surprisingly is catalysing the most fundamental re-evaluation of origins and evolution since Darwin’s day. Several papers in this theme issue argue that Darwin’s tree of life is now best seen as an approximation—one quite adequate as a description of some parts of the living world (e.g. morphologically complex eukaryotes), but less helpful elsewhere (e.g. viruses and many prokaryotes); indeed, one of our authors goes farther, proclaiming the “demise” of Darwin’s tree as a hypothesis on the diversity and seeming naturalness of hierarchical arrangements of groups of living organisms.

W. ford doolittle Uprooting the Tree of Life february 2000
Charles Darwin contended more than a century ago that all modern species diverged from a more limited set of ancestral groups, which themselves evolved from still fewer progenitors and so on back to the beginning of life. In principle, then, the relationships among all living and extinct organisms could be represented as a single genealogical tree.Most contemporary researchers agree. Many would even argue that the general features of this tree are already known, all the way down to the root—a solitary cell, termed life’s last universal common ancestor, that lived roughly 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. The consensus view did not come easily but has been widely accepted for more than a decade. Yet ill winds are blowing. To everyone’s surprise, discoveries made in the past few years have begun to cast serious doubt on some aspects of the tree, especially on the depiction of the relationships near the root.

Konstantin Khalturin Newly Discovered 'Orphan Genes' Defy Evolution 2009 Sep;25
An important category of "rogue" genetic data that utterly defies evolutionary predictions is the common occurrence of taxonomically restricted genes, otherwise known as "orphan genes." These are now being discovered in the sequencing of all genomes. Many multicellular animals share similar sets of genes that produce proteins that perform related biochemical functions. This is a common feature of purposefully engineered systems. In addition to these standard genes, all organisms thus far tested also have unique sets of genes specific to that type of creature.
The authors of a recent review paper, published in Trends in Genetics, on the subject of orphan genes stated, "Comparative genome analyses indicate that every taxonomic group so far studied contains 10–20% of genes that lack recognizable homologs [similar counterparts] in other species."1
These orphan genes are also being found to be particularly important for specific biological adaptations that correspond with ecological niches in relation to the creature's interaction with its environment.2 The problem for the evolutionary model of animal origins is the fact that these DNA sequences appear suddenly and fully functional without any trace of evolutionary ancestry (DNA sequence precursors in other seemingly related organisms). And several new studies in both fish and insect genomes are now highlighting this important fact.

W. Ford Doolittle What Is the Tree of Life? April 14, 2016
A universal Tree of Life (TOL) has long been a goal of molecular phylogeneticists, but reticulation at the level of genes and possibly at the levels of cells and species renders any simple interpretation of such a TOL, especially as applied to prokaryotes, problematic. 12  One of the several ways in which microbiology puts the neo-Darwinian synthesis in jeopardy is by the threatening to “uproot the Tree of Life (TOL)” [1]. Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is much more frequent than most biologists would have imagined up until about 20 years ago, so phylogenetic trees based on sequences of different prokaryotic genes are often different. How to tease out from such conflicting data something that might correspond to a single, universal Tree of Life becomes problematic. Moreover, since many important evolutionary transitions involve lineage fusions at one level or another, the aptness of a tree (a pattern of successive bifurcations) as a summary of life’s history is uncertain [2–4].

Rob Waugh Octopuses ‘are aliens’, scientists decide after DNA study 12 Aug 2015
Not to freak you out or anything, but scientists have just revealed that octopuses are so weird they’re basically aliens.
The first full genome sequence shows of that octopuses (NOT octopi) are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human.
There we were thinking it was quite freaky enough when they learned how to open jam jars.
US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago, said: ;The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities.
‘The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.’
Octopuses: What even ARE they?
They inhabit every ocean at almost all depths and possess a range of features that call to mind sci-fi aliens.
These include prehensile sucker-lined tentacles, highly mobile, camera-like eyes sensitive to polarised light, sophisticated camouflage systems that alter skin colour and patterns, jet-propulsion, three hearts, and the ability to regenerate severed limbs.
The scientists estimate that the two-spot octopus genome contains 2.7 billion base pairs – the chemical units of DNA – with long stretches of repeated sequences.

Samantha Mathewson  Octopus Have Been Found to have Unique Genes  Aug 20, 2015
hundreds of other genes that are common in cephalopods, but unknown in other animals, were found.

EurekAlert! Decoding the genome of an alien 12-AUG-2015
Besides recognizable genes, vast swathes of the genome consist of regulatory networks that control how genes are expressed in cells. In the octopus, nearly half of the genome was found to be composed of mobile elements called transposons, one of the highest proportions in the animal kingdom. Transposons replicate and move around with a life of their own, disrupting or enhancing gene expression and facilitating reshufflings of gene order. The researchers found many of them to be particularly active in the octopus nervous system. The "Hox" genes, involved in embryonic development in all animals, are a particularly dramatic example. Although clustered together in most animals, including other mollusks, they are scattered in snippets in the octopus, presumably enabling the evolution of the versatile cephalopod body plan.

My comment: Presumably. Yes. Or, in other words, guesswork as always......  The architecture of a body plan must be right from the beginning. Everything goes, or nothing goes. The question is, where does the information of this reshuffling of genes come from? In my view, the only rational explanation is intentional design.

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D Are Rotifers Gene Stealers or Uniquely Engineered? DECEMBER 03, 2012
The tools of DNA sequencing are becoming cheaper to use and more productive than ever, and the deluge of DNA comparison results between organisms coming forth are becoming a quagmire for the evolutionary paradigm. To prop it up, biologists resort to ever more absurd explanations for discrepancies. A prime example of this trickery is in a recent DNA sequencing project performed in a microscopic aquatic multi-cellular animal called a rotifer.1
In this effort, the researchers targeted those gene sequences that are expressed as proteins for DNA sequencing because the genome was too large and complex to sequence and assemble all of its DNA. They recorded over 61,000 gene sequences that were expressed from rotifers grown in stressed and non-stressed conditions. Of these, they could only find sequence similarities between rotifers and other creatures for 28,922 sequences (less than half). The researchers tossed the unknown DNA sequences out of their analysis since the non-similar genes were novel, apparently specific to rotifer, and essentially difficult for evolution to explain.
Of the 28,922 sequences for which they could obtain a match in a public database of other creature's DNA and protein sequences, a significant proportion (more than in any other creature sequenced) did not fit evolutionary expectations of common descent. Further complicating this picture, the rotifer gene sequences were found in a diverse number of non-rotifer creatures! Some of the creatures that had gene matches to rotifers included a variety of plants, other multicellular animals, protists (complex single celled animals), archaea, bacteria, and fungi. Evolutionists have two options in which to categorize these unusual gene matches based on their naturalistic presuppositions. First, they can say that these genes evolved independently in separate creatures in a hypothetical process called "convergent evolution." However, in cases where there are literally hundreds of these DNA sequences popping up in multiple organisms, this scenario becomes so unlikely that even evolutionists have too much difficulty imagining it. The second option is called "horizontal gene transfer," or HGT. This involves the transfer of genes, perhaps via some sort of microbial host vector such as a bacterium.

What a bust against common ancestry from a mainstream scientist :

Eugene V Koonin The Biological Big Bang model for the major transitions in evolution 2007 Aug 20
Major transitions in biological evolution show the same pattern of sudden emergence of diverse forms at a new level of complexity. The relationships between major groups within an emergent new class of biological entities are hard to decipher and do not seem to fit the tree pattern that, following Darwin's original proposal, remains the dominant description of biological evolution. The cases in point include the origin of complex RNA molecules and protein folds; major groups of viruses; archaea and bacteria, and the principal lineages within each of these prokaryotic domains; eukaryotic supergroups; and animal phyla. In each of these pivotal nexuses in life's history, the principal "types" seem to appear rapidly and fully equipped with the signature features of the respective new level of biological organization. No intermediate "grades" or intermediate forms between different types are detectable. Usually, this pattern is attributed to cladogenesis compressed in time, combined with the inevitable erosion of the phylogenetic signal.

Wells, Jonathan The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism And Intelligent Design  2006
At about the same time, Dalhousie University evolutionary biologist W. Ford Doolittle concluded that lateral gene transfer among ancient organisms meant that molecular phylogeny might never be able to discover the “true tree” of life, not because it is using the wrong methods or the wrong genes, “but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree.” He concluded: “Perhaps it would be easier, and in the long run more productive, to abandon the attempt to force” the molecular data “into the mold provided by Darwin.” Instead of a tree, Doolittle proposed “a web- or net-like pattern.” 10

The controversy over the universal tree of life continues. In 2002, Woese suggested that biology should go beyond Darwin’s doctrine of common descent. In 2004, he wrote: “The root of the universal tree is an artifact resulting from forcing the evolutionary course into a tree representation when that representation is inappropriate.” In 2004, Doolittle and his colleagues proposed replacing the tree of life with a net-like “synthesis of life,” and in 2005 they recommended that “representations other than a tree should be investigated.” Meanwhile, other scientists continue to defend the hypothesis that the universal ancestor existed but was complex rather than simple 11


Herve´ Philippe The Rooting of the Universal Tree of Life Is Not Reliable 19999
Several composite universal trees connected by an ancestral gene duplication have been used to root the universal tree of life. In all cases, this root turned out to be in the eubacterial branch. However, the validity of results obtained from comparative sequence analysis has recently been questioned, in particular, in the case of ancient phylogenies. For example, it has been shown that several eukaryotic groups are misplaced in ribosomal RNA or elongation factor trees because of unequal rates of evolution and mutational saturation. Furthermore, the addition of new sequences to data sets has often turned apparently reasonable phylogenies into confused ones. We have thus revisited all composite protein trees that have been used to root the universal tree of life up to now (elongation factors, ATPases, tRNA synthetases, carbamoyl phosphate synthetases, signal recognition particle proteins) with updated data sets. In general, the two prokaryotic domains were not monophyletic with several aberrant groupings at different levels of the tree. Furthermore, the respective phylogenies contradicted each others, so that various ad hoc scenarios (paralogy or lateral gene transfer) must be proposed in order to obtain the traditional Archaebacteria–Eukaryota sisterhood. More importantly, all of the markers are heavily saturated with respect to amino acid substitutions. As phylogenies inferred from saturated data sets are extremely sensitive to differences in evolutionary rates, present phylogenies used to root the universal tree of life could be biased by the phenomenon of long branch attraction. Since the eubacterial branch was always the longest one, the eubacterial rooting could be explained by an attraction between this branch and the long branch of the outgroup. Finally, we suggested that an eukaryotic rooting could be a more fruitful working hypothesis, as it provides, for example, a simple explanation to the high genetic similarity of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria inferred from complete genome analysis.

William F Martin Early evolution without a tree of life 30 June 2011
There is more to evolution than will fit on any tree. For understanding major transitions in early evolution, we might not need a tree of life at all. But we need to keep our ideas testable with data from genomes or other independent data so as to keep our nose pinned to the grindstone of observations. The very early evolution of life is mostly written in the language of chemistry, some of which is (arguably) still operating today in modern metabolism if we look at the right groups . The environments and starting material that the Earth had to offer to fuel early chemistry are variables that only geochemists can reasonably constrain . One can make a case that acetogens (clostridial firmicutes) and hydrogenotrophic methanogens (euryarchareotes) harbour the ancestral states of microbial physiology in the eubacteria and archaebacteria respectively , and some trees are compatible with that view , as is the distribution of primitive energy-conserving mechanisms . But given a transition from the elements on early Earth to replicating cells, the course of prokaryote evolution does not appear to play out along the branches of a phylogenetic tree. For example, Whitman surveyed the biology and diversity of prokaryotes, showing an rRNA tree to discuss matters of classification; but branching orders in that tree play no role in his discussion of diversity or underlying evolutionary processes. If that is the direction we are headed , it is not all bad. But having the eukaryotes sitting on one branch in the rRNA tree of life rather than on two, as they should be (or three in the case of plants with their plastids), is far enough off the mark that we should be striving for a better representation of the relationship of eukaryotes to the two kinds of prokaryotes from which they stem.

Eukaryotes are genetic chimaeras and the role of mitochondria in the origin of that chimaerism is apparent . Eukaryotes are complex and the pivotal role of mitochondria in the origin of that complexity (as opposed to a pivotal role of phagocytosis) seems increasingly difficult to dispute, for energetic reasons . That leaves little reasonable alternative to the view that the host for the origin of mitochondria was a prokaryote, in the simplest of competing alternatives an archaebacterium . The antiquity of anaerobic energy metabolism and sulfide metabolism among eukaryotes meshes well with newer views of Proterozoic ocean chemistry . A challenge remains in computing networks of genomes that include lateral gene transfers among prokaryotes and the origin of eukaryotes in the same graph. Tracking early evolution without a tree of life affords far more freedom to explore ideas than thinking with a tree in hand. The ideas need to generate predictions and be testable, though, otherwise they are not science. If we check our thoughts too quickly against a tree whose truth nobody can determine anyway, the tree begins to decide which thoughts we may or may not have and which words we may or may not use. Should a tree of life police our thoughts? Working without one is an option.

marine worms are more closely related to humans than are mollusks and insects 

Douglas L. Theobald: A formal test of the theory of universal common ancestry 2010
In all cases tried, with a wide variety of evolutionary models (from the simplest to the most parameter rich), the multiple-ancestry models for shuffled data sets are preferred by a large margin over common ancestry models (LLR on the order of a thousand), even with the large internal branches.

1. Vertebrate-type intron-rich genes in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii F. Raible, K. Tessmar-Raible, K. Osoegawa, P. Wincker, C. Jubin, G. Balavoine, D. Ferrier, V. Benes, P. de Jong, J. Weissenbach, P. Bork and D. Arendt.
2. intron - Part of a gene whose sequence is transcribed but not present in a mature mRNA after splicing.
3. Mali B, Frank U. Hydroid TNF-receptor-associated factor (TRAF) and its splice variant: a role in development.Mol Immunol. (2004) 41:377-84
4. Hughes, J.F. et al. 2010. Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure gene content. Nature. 463 (7280): 536-539.

The dramatic divergence of bacteriophage genomes is an obstacle that frequently prevents the detection of homology between proteins and, thus, the determination of phylogenetic links between phages. 1


A science forum was held at Arizona State University in February 2011, where the following dialogue between Dawkins and Venter was reported:

Dr. Craig Venter Denies Common Descent in front of Richard Dawkins! 
Venter: I'm not so sanguine as some of my colleagues here that there's only one life form on this planet we have a lot of different types of metabolism different organisms I wouldn't call you the same life-form as the one we have that lives in pH12 base that would dissolve your skin if we drop you at it. The same genetic it will have a common anything well you don't have the same genetic code in fact the micoplasmas use a different genetic code and it would not work  in yourself so there are a lot of variations on the unit
Dawkins: But you're not saying it belongs to a different tree of life from me
Venter: I well I think the Tree of Life is an artifact of some early scientific studies that aren't really holding up so the tree you know there may be a bush of life. Bush I don't like that word written but that's only I can see that so there's not a tree of life and in fact from our deep sequencing of organisms in the ocean out of now we have about 60 million different unique gene sets we found 12 that looked like a very very deep branching perhaps fourth domain of life that obviously is extremely rare that it only shows up out of those few sequences but it's still DNA based but you know the diversity we have in the DNA world I'm not so saying what in wedding ready to throw out the DNA world.

Evolutionnews: Venter vs. Dawkins on the Tree of Life — and Another Dawkins Whopper March 9, 2011
Since at least the publication of The Blind Watchmaker (1986), Richard Dawkins has claimed that the genetic code is universal across all organisms on earth. This is “near-conclusive proof,” he writes, that every living thing on this planet “descended from a single common ancestor” (1986, p. 270)

David Posada: Testing for Universal Common Ancestry 2014 Aug 12
We did not explore many possible combinations of trees, branch lengths, sequence sizes, and evolutionary models for instance—they show that there are many cases not unlike real data sets where the UCA test fails. Our general impression is that the original UCA test would not reject a common origin for any but obviously unrelated set of sequences.

1) http://www.evolutionnews.org/2007/04/francix_x_clines_an_excellent003528.html
2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19716618
3) http://www.truthinscience.org.uk/tis2/index.php/component/content/article/143.html
4) http://www.icr.org/article/common-dna-sequences-evidence-evolution/
5) http://www.somosbacteriasyvirus.com/rooting.pdf
6) http://www.biologydirect.com/content/6/1/36
7) http://www.pnas.org/content/104/7/2043.full.pdf
8 )http://mmbr.asm.org/content/75/3/423.full.pdf
9) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC135240/
10) W. Ford Doolittle, “Phylogenetic Classification and the Universal Tree,” Science 284 (1999): 2124–28. W. Ford Doolittle, “Lateral Genomics,” Trends in Biochemical Sciences 24 (1999): M5– M8. W. Ford Doolittle, “Uprooting the Tree of Life,” Scientific American 282 (February, 2000): 90– 95.
11) Carl Woese, “On the evolution of cells,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99 (2002): 8742–47. Carl R. Woese, “A New Biology for a New Century,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 68 (2004): 173–86. Eric Bapteste, Yan Boucher, Jessica Leigh, and W. Ford Doolittle, “Phylogenetic Reconstruction and Lateral Gene Transfer,” Trends in Microbiology 12 (2004), 406–11. E. Bapteste, E. Susko, J. Leigh, D. MacLeod, R. L. Charlebois, and W. F. Doolittle, “Do Orthologous Gene Phylogenies Really Support Tree-Thinking?” Biomed Central Evolutionary Biology 5 (2005), 33. Available online (June 2006) at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2148-5-33.pdf. S. L. Baldauf, “The Deep Roots of Eukaryotes,” Science 300 (2003), 1703–06.
12) http://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1005912
13) http://fire.biol.wwu.edu/cmoyer/zztemp_fire/biol345_F13/papers/Lombard_membranes_3domains_natrevmicro12.pdf
14) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0958166914002353
15) http://jeb.biologists.org/content/206/17/2911
16. Intracellular Calcium, page 577
18. In Search of Cell History The Evolution of Life’s Building Blocks,  page 96

Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life


Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:38 am; edited 91 times in total




The argument of the broken down evolution tree  
1. The fundamental tenet of evolution theory is that species evolved according to the evolutionary tree; one after the other evolved, as a genealogical family tree.
2. However, since Darwin, science has continued to document exceptions and anomalies—species that don’t fit neatly into the evolutionary pattern.
-- For example, species that in many regards appear to be quite similar, which evolutionists have placed on neighboring twigs of the evolutionary tree, are routinely found to have profound differences. Here is an example:
a. In 2010 an article in the journal Nature[4] released the results of a human-chimp DNA study with implications that was very surprising for the scientific community because the result of the research contradicted the long-held hypothesis of their similarity.
b. Already the title summed up the research findings: "Chimpanzee and Human Y Chromosomes are Remarkably Divergent in Structure and Gene Content."
c. The chimpanzee DNA sequence for a chromosome was assembled and oriented based on a Y chromosome map/framework built for chimpanzee and not human. As a result, the chimpanzee DNA sequence could then be more accurately compared to the human Y chromosome.
d. The chimp and human Y chromosomes had a dramatic difference in gene content of 53 percent. In other words, the chimp was lacking approximately half of the genes found on a human Y chromosome.
c. The researchers also sought to determine if there was any difference in actual gene categories and they found a shocking 33 percent difference.
e. The human Y chromosome contains a third more gene categories--entirely different classes of genes--compared to chimps.
f. Because virtually every structural aspect of the human and chimp Y chromosomes was different, it was hard to arrive at an overall similarity estimate between the two. The researchers did postulate an overall 70 percent similarity, which did not take into account size differences or structural arrangement differences. This was done by concluding that only 70 percent of the chimp sequence could be aligned with the human sequence--not taking into account differences within the alignments. I.O.W. 70 percent was a conservative estimate, especially when considering that 50 percent of the human genes were missing from the chimp, and that the regions that did have some similarity were located in completely different patterns. When all aspects of non-similarity--sequence categories, genes, gene families, and gene position--are taken into account, it is safe to say that the overall similarity was lower than 70 percent.
g. The Nature article we can read, "Indeed, at 6 million years of separation, the difference in MSY gene content in chimpanzee and human is more comparable to the difference in autosomal gene content in chicken and human, at 310 million years of separation."
h. So, the human Y chromosome looks just as different from a chimp as the other human chromosomes do from a chicken. And to explain where all these differences between humans and chimps came from, believers in big-picture evolution are forced to invent stories of major chromosomal rearrangements and rapid generation of vast amounts of many new genes, along with accompanying regulatory DNA.
i. However, since each respective Y chromosome appears fully integrated and interdependently stable with its host organism, the most logical inference from the Y chromosome data is that humans and chimpanzees were each specially created as distinct creatures.
-- On the other hand, species that are obviously quite different, which evolutionists have placed on distant limbs of the evolutionary tree, are often found to have profound similarities.
a. Humans, Arabidopsis (A genus of the mustard-family having white, yellow or purplish flowers), and nematodes (Unsegmented worms with elongated rounded body pointed at both ends) all have about the same number of genes.
a. A research team from Heidelberg from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory [EMBL][1], compared human and fruit-fly introns[2] with those of a roundworm thought to be 600 million years old. Surprisingly, introns were already in the worms from the beginning of their appearance and remained the same all the way to the human line, changing rapidly and losing many of them only in other species like insects. One of the researchers remarked, “Now we have direct evidence that genes were already quite complex in the first animals, and many invertebrates have reduced part of this complexity.” Yet another said, “The worm’s genes are very similar to human genes…That’s a much different picture than we’ve seen from the quickly-evolving species that have been studied so far.” Additionally, the genome too “has been preserved over the last half a billion years.” In their research they did not explain how the early-Cambrian roundworms got their complexity and ability to remain unchanged for millions of years. The discovery is obviously changing the evolution tree.
b. Molecular evolution trees often do not fit a morphology-based evolution tree. For example, there are several TRAF genes in humans and Drosophila, and obvious prediction of Darwin’s model is that there must be an ancestral gene in a common ancestral organism from which the modern TRAF genes were derived. In reality, however, a TRAF gene from Hydra does not fit criteria of an ancestral gene, which must be somewhat of a mix of all human TRAF families, but rather clearly belongs to the major group of TRAF genes along with human TRAF1, TRAF2, TRAF3 and TRAF 5, while human TRAF4 and especially TRAF6 belong to different groups together with Drosophila TRAFs. [3]
3. For years evolutionists attempted to explain the growing list of contradictions using their evolutionary tree model. But it is obvious that this was an exercise in forcing the evidence to fit the theory rather than the other way around.
4. In recent years evolutionists have finally begun to deemphasize their iconic evolutionary tree model. What this does not change, however, is their insistence that evolution is a fact.
5. Thus, even nowadays students are taught that the species fall into the expected tree pattern. But some venturesome writers are beginning to mention this unmentionable, foridden archeology.
6. Few years ago, for instance, the Telegraph reported that “Charles Darwin's tree of life is ‘wrong and misleading.’
-- They believe the concept misleads us because his [Darwin’s] theory limits and even obscures the study of organisms and their ancestries. …
-- Researchers say although for much of the past 150 years biology has largely concerned itself with filling in the details of the tree it is now obsolete and needs to be discarded. …
-- “For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life. We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality.” …
-- More fundamentally recent research suggests the evolution of animals and plants isn't exactly tree-like either. …
-- Dr Rose said: "The tree of life is being politely buried – we all know that. What's less accepted is our whole fundamental view of biology needs to change." He says biology is vastly more complex than we thought and facing up to this complexity will be as scary as the conceptual upheavals physicists had to take on board in the early 20th century.
7. Contrary evidences were/are continuously openly discussed. But none of them is allowed to cast any doubt on evolutionary theory itself. As the article reported:
8. "If you don't have a tree of life what does it mean for evolutionary biology? At first it's very scary – but in the past couple of years people have begun to free their minds." Both he and co-researcher Dr Ford Doolittle stressed that downgrading the tree of life doesn't mean the theory of evolution is wrong just that evolution is not as tidy as we would like to believe.
9. The theory has to be repeatedly modified and augmented to try to fit the data. At some point the theory becomes little more than a tautology. Namely, whatever discovery is made in biology, evolution must have created it, no matter how contradictory and unlikely.
10. However such tautology is one of the fallacies in logic. By definition:
"Tautology in formal logic refers to a statement that must be true in every interpretation by its very construction. In rhetorical logic, it is an argument that utilizes circular reasoning, which means that the conclusion is also its own premise. Typically the premise is simply restated in the conclusion, without adding additional information or clarification. The structure of such arguments is A=B therefore A=B, although the premise and conclusion might be formulated differently so it is not immediately apparent as such."
11. Thus the only logical explanation of differences between similar species and similarities of different species is an involvement of an intelligent designer using similar genetic patterns. This all men call God.
12. God exists.

Study takes close look at formidable camel spider jaws JUNE 22, 2015
"Our limited understanding of the incredible jaws of these arachnids, together with terminology that is unstandardized and even contradictory, has hindered our ability to classify them and figure out where they fit in the arachnid tree of life because, much like the cranial anatomy of vertebrates, the jaws of solifuges contain most of the relevant information," said Lorenzo Prendini, a curator in the Museum's Division of 

Michael R Rose The new biology: beyond the Modern Synthesis 24 November 2007
analyses of newly abundant sequence data in the late 20th Century showed that rather than a highly congruent coalescence of genes at the times of speciation events, the coalescence times of alleles among species are highly variable. As such, species trees and gene trees often cannot be equated

Takahiro Yonezawa Some Problems in Proving the Existence of the Universal Common Ancestor of Life on Earth 30 Apr 2012
The most serious problem of Theobald’s analysis is that he used aligned sequences compiled by Brown et al. [1], who were interested in resolving the phylogenetic relationships among archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes, including whether each domain of life constitutes a monophyletic clade. So they a priory assumed the existence of UCA. Indeed, alignment is a procedure based on an assumption that the sequences have diverged from a common ancestral sequence.

Cornelius Hunter Evolution Professor: Biological Designs Fall Into a Nested Hierarchy  May 14, 2014
This paper reports on incongruent gene trees in bats. That is one example of many. These incongruences are caused by just about every kind of contradiction possible. Molecular sequences in one or a few species may be out of place amongst similar species. Or sequences in distant species may be strangely similar. As one paper admitted, there is “no known mechanism or function that would account for this level of conservation at the observed evolutionary distances.” Or as another evolutionist admitted, the many examples of nearly identical molecular sequences of totally unrelated animals are “astonishing.”

Molecular phylogenies
"Each new prokaryotic genome that appears contains dozens, if not hundreds, of genes not found in the genomes of its nearest sequenced relatives but found elsewhere among Bacteria or Archaea." W. Ford Doolittle Science 286, 1999.

Eric Bapteste Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things 2009 Sep 29
The concept of a tree of life is prevalent in the evolutionary literature. It stems from attempting to obtain a grand unified natural system that reflects a recurrent process of species and lineage splittings for all forms of life. Traditionally, the discipline of systematics operates in a similar hierarchy of bifurcating (sometimes multifurcating) categories. The assumption of a universal tree of life hinges upon the process of evolution being tree-like throughout all forms of life and all of biological time. In prokaryotes, they do not. Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things, and we need to treat them as such, rather than extrapolating from macroscopic life to prokaryotes. In the following we will consider this circumstance from philosophical, scientific, and epistemological perspectives, surmising that phylogeny opted for a single model as a holdover from the Modern Synthesis of evolution.

Mark A. Ragan The network of life: genome beginnings and evolution 2009 Aug 12
The rapid growth of genome-sequence data since the mid-1990s is now providing unprecedented detail on the genetic basis of life, and not surprisingly is catalysing the most fundamental re-evaluation of origins and evolution since Darwin’s day. Several papers in this theme issue argue that Darwin’s tree of life is now best seen as an approximation—one quite adequate as a description of some parts of the living world (e.g. morphologically complex eukaryotes), but less helpful elsewhere (e.g. viruses and many prokaryotes); indeed, one of our authors goes farther, proclaiming the “demise” of Darwin’s tree as a hypothesis on the diversity and seeming naturalness of hierarchical arrangements of groups of living organisms.

W. ford Doolittle Uprooting the Tree of Life 2000
Charles Darwin contended more than a century ago that all modern species diverged from a more limited set of ancestral groups, which themselves evolved from still fewer progenitors and so on back to the beginning of life. In principle, then, the relationships among all living and extinct organisms could be represented as a single genealogical tree.Most contemporary researchers agree. Many would even argue that the general features of this tree are already known, all the way down to the root—a solitary cell, termed life’s last universal common ancestor, that lived roughly 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. The consensus view did not come easily but has been widely accepted for more than a decade. Yet ill winds are blowing. To everyone’s surprise, discoveries made in the past few years have begun to cast serious doubt on some aspects of the tree, especially on the depiction of the relationships near the root.

Eugene V Koonin The common ancestry of life 2010 Nov 18
A formal demonstration of the Universal Common Ancestry hypothesis has not been achieved and is unlikely to be feasible in principle.   There is currently no formal demonstration of the universal common ancestry of the extant life forms. The formal demonstration of universal common ancestry (UCA), independent of the assumption that universally conserved orthologous proteins with highly similar sequences actually originate from common ancestral forms, remains elusive and might not be feasible in principle. We maintain that the purported formal demonstration of the Universal Common Ancestry of all known cellular life forms is illusory.

Tom A. Williams Phylogenomics provides robust support for a two-domains tree of life 09 December 2019
Hypotheses about the origin of eukaryotic cells are classically framed within the context of a universal ‘tree of life’ based on conserved core genes. Vigorous ongoing debate about eukaryote origins is based on assertions that the topology of the tree of life depends on the taxa included and the choice and quality of genomic data analyzed. Here we have reanalyzed the evidence underpinning those claims and apply more data to the question by using supertree and coalescent methods to interrogate >3,000 gene families in archaea and eukaryotes. We find that eukaryotes consistently originate from within the archaea in a two-domains tree when due consideration is given to the fit between model and data. Our analyses support a close relationship between eukaryotes and Asgard archaea and identify the Heimdallarchaeota as the current best candidate for the closest archaeal relatives of the eukaryotic nuclear lineage.

How the ancestor of all cellular life forms copied his DNA
One of the most mysterious issues in the reconstruction of the early stages of the evolution of life is the origin of DNA replication, that is, the synthesis of a new DNA strand on the matrix of the old one, the process that underlies the copying of information in cell division. DNA polymerases that replicate (as well as some other proteins involved in this process, primases and basic helicases) are not homologous in representatives of three domains of life - bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. This did not allow us to understand what the apparatus of DNA replication could be in the last common ancestor of cellular life forms - LUCA (last universal common ancestor). It has been suggested that DNA replication in different domains arose independently

Eugene V. Koonin The replication machinery of LUCA: common origin of DNA replication and transcription 09 June 2020
DNA replication is a central process for all living cells [1]. Therefore, it is astonishing that the key enzymes involved in DNA replication, in particular, the replicative DNA polymerases (rDNAP), are unrelated among the 3 domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The lack of conservation of the rDNAPs and some other key components of the replication machinery, such as helicases and primases, complicates the reconstruction of the replicative apparatus of the ancestral life forms.
This lack of conservation of the key elements of the DNA replication machinery precluded reconstruction of the ancestral state, suggesting multiple origins for DNA replication.

My comment: Eugene Koonin brings to light, why the hypothesis of common ancestry of the three domains of life is not feasible. Excellent.

W. Ford Doolittle Pattern pluralism and the Tree of Life hypothesis February 13, 2007
Darwin claimed that a unique inclusively hierarchical pattern of relationships between all organisms based on their similarities and differences [the Tree of Life (TOL)] was a fact of nature, for which evolution, and in particular a branching process of descent with modification, was the explanation. However, there is no independent evidence that the natural order is an inclusive hierarchy, and incorporation of prokaryotes into the TOL is especially problematic. The only data sets from which we might construct a universal hierarchy including prokaryotes, the sequences of genes, often disagree and can seldom be proven to agree. Hierarchical structure can always be imposed on or extracted from such data sets by algorithms designed to do so, but at its base the universal TOL rests on an unproven assumption about pattern that, given what we know about process, is unlikely to be broadly true. This is not to say that similarities and differences between organisms are not to be accounted for by evolutionary mechanisms, but descent with modification is only one of these mechanisms, and a single tree-like pattern is not the necessary (or expected) result of their collective operation. Pattern pluralism (the recognition that different evolutionary models and representations of relationships will be appropriate, and true, for different taxa or at different scales or fordifferent purposes) is an attractive alternative to the quixotic pursuit of a single true TOL.

David Veesler A Common Evolutionary Origin for Tailed-Bacteriophage Functional Modules and Bacterial Machineries 2011 Sep;7
The dramatic divergence of bacteriophage genomes is an obstacle that frequently prevents the detection of homology between proteins and, thus, the determination of phylogenetic links between phages. For instance, sequence similarity between Siphoviridae major tail proteins (MTPs), which have been experimentally demonstrated to form the phage tail tube, is often not detectable

Forest Rohwer The Phage Proteomic Tree: a Genome-Based Taxonomy for Phage 2002 Aug18
Phage do not contain a ribosomal sequence that allows them to be placed on the universal tree of life and, to date, have not benefited from their own gene-based taxonomic system. Previous attempts to classify and measure phage biodiversity based on genetic markers have met with limited success. Although structural proteins (e.g., capsids) could hypothetically serve as a basis for phage taxonomy, they are highly diverse and, unlike rDNAs, do not contain conserved regions that allow them to be easily identified. This limits the usefulness of these proteins as markers for biodiversity studies. We show here that no single gene is found in all phage that can be used as the basis for a classification system.

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D DNA Sequences: Evidence of Evolution or Efficient Design? AUGUST 01, 2009
With the advent of modern biotechnology, researchers have been able to determine the actual sequence of the roughly three billion bases of DNA (A,T,C,G) that make up the human genome. They have sequenced the genomes of many other types of creatures as well. Scientists have tried to use this new DNA data to find similarities in the DNA sequences of creatures that are supposedly related through evolutionary descent, but do genetic similarities provide evidence for evolution?
The DNA sequences of humans and chimpanzees are 96% similar, but the 4% difference represents 40 million individual differences at the nucleotide level. When genes and proteins are used to try to reconstruct the ancestry of different organisms, and how they are linked in a tree-like pattern, different sources of evidence give different results. Different genes and proteins have conflicting patterns of similarity and difference between organisms. Evolutionists can only get round this problem by working out the most efficient way in which evolution could have worked. When they do this, they have to come up with scenarios where some similarities between organisms are not due to common ancestry, but to convergent evolution. This raises another problem: if similarities are not always due to common ancestry, how can they be evidence for common ancestry?
If the living world is designed, the patterns of similarity and difference we see in the living world could be due to selective use of designed modules to produce different combinations of features.
Comparative biochemistry and cell biology does not give clear evidence for macro-evolution. In fact, recent discoveries such as the non-universality of the genetic code are strong arguments against common ancestry. The patterns of similarity and difference in living organisms are fully consistent with design.

The Ultimate Genetic Programmer
Generally, the more common a cellular process is between organisms, the more similar its various components will be. Does this indicate random chance evolutionary processes, or could it be an example of the Creator’s wise and efficient use and re-use of genetic code in different creatures to accomplish a common and basic cellular function?
Consider the computer world. Ask seasoned computer programmers how often they completely re-write long, complicated blocks of code when they already have what they need somewhere on file. When a long piece of previously-written code is needed and available, programmers will tailor it to fit in its new context, but they will usually not completely re-write it.
Of course, God is the ultimate programmer, and the genetic code He developed will produce the best possible protein needed for the system in which it works. If another organism has a similar physiology, one can expect many of the same genes to be present in its genome. There are a finite number of ways to accomplish the same task in cells. Thus, the genes that are used to accomplish that task will usually be quite similar, with minor key variations. These slight differences exist because the Creator has optimized the genes for that particular kind of creature and its biochemistry.
What the data really show is that high levels of efficiency and utility in genetic information seem to be a recurring theme in the study of genomes. In fact, with the limited number of genes in the human genome (about 25,000), over one million different protein variants are derived.3 Although not the topic of this article, a single animal gene can code for a wide variety of different proteins through a variety of complicated regulatory mechanisms. When scientists discovered this phenomenon, it totally negated the one-gene/one-protein mentality that originally existed when DNA sequence first began to be studied. That is pretty efficient code usage, which has never been equaled by even the most complex computer programs devised by man.

If its inviolable, it means the membranes had to emerge separately.

Genetic Regulatory Elements
While evolutionists have focused on genes that code for proteins, work is just beginning on an equally essential and complicated class of DNA sequence called regulatory elements. These are DNA sequences that do not code for protein but are involved in the regulation of genes. While efficient code usage and re-usage is common among many genomes, what is important is not just the protein the gene generates, but how much, how often, how fast, and when and where in the body it is produced. This is where the gene regulatory process begins to get really complicated. These regulatory differences play a key role in defining what makes a certain kind of organism unique.
After the human genome sequence was obtained to a completion level satisfactory to the scientific community, a separate but heavily-funded and related effort was initiated called the ENCODE (ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements) project.4 This involves ongoing research to determine the identity and characteristics of the regulatory elements in the human genome. At present, ENCODE has barely scratched the surface, but the results have revolutionized the concept of genetics by showing whole new levels of complexity and efficiency of code and gene activation.


The genetic picture that is beginning to emerge is one of incredible networked and regulatory complexity combined with an extremely high level of efficiency in code usage--certainly nothing that could have evolved on its own through chance random evolutionary processes. As is easily seen, trying to use common genes related to common processes as proof of evolution quickly falls apart in light of the bigger genomic picture. In fact, it really speaks of smart coding by the ultimate bio-systems programmer--God Himself.

The are fundamental differences between archaeal and bacterial–eukaryotic phospholipids and, more specifically, the apparently unrelated nature of the pathways that synthesize the two opposed glycerol phosphate stereoisomers 13 The asymmetry of the glycerol phosphate stereoisomers — G1P in archaea and G3P in bacteria and eukaryotes —that are synthesized by non-homologous glycerol phosphate dehydrogenases  is the only inviolate difference

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D.  Human-Chimp Similarities: Common Ancestry or Flawed Research? JUNE 01, 2009
In 2003, the human genome was heralded as a near-complete DNA sequence, except for the repetitive regions that could not be resolved due to the limitations of the prevailing DNA sequencing technologies.1 The chimpanzee genome was subsequently finished in 2005 with the hope that its completion would provide clear-cut DNA similarity evidence for an ape-human common ancestry.2 This similarity is frequently cited as proof of man's evolutionary origins, but a more objective explanation tells a different story, one that is more complex than evolutionary scientists seem willing to admit.

Genomics and the DNA Revolution
One of the main problems with a comparative evolutionary analysis between human and chimp DNA is that some of the most critical DNA sequence is often omitted from the scope of the analysis. Another problem is that only similar DNA sequences are selected for analysis. As a result, estimates of similarity become biased towards the high side. An inflated level of overall DNA sequence similarity between humans and chimps is then reported to the general public, which obviously supports the case for human evolution. Since most people are not equipped to investigate the details of DNA analysis, the data remains unchallenged.
The supposed fact that human DNA is 98 to 99 percent similar to chimpanzee DNA is actually misleading.
The availability of the chimp genome sequence in 2005 has provided a more realistic comparison. It should be noted that the chimp genome was sequenced to a much less stringent level than the human genome, and when completed it initially consisted of a large set of small un-oriented and random fragments. To assemble these DNA fragments into contiguous sections that represented large regions of chromosomes, the human genome was used as a guide or framework to anchor and orient the chimp sequence. Thus, the evolutionary assumption of a supposed ape to human transition was used to assemble the otherwise random chimp genome.
At this point in time, a completely unbiased whole genome comparison between chimp and human has not been done and certainly should be. Despite this fact, several studies have been performed where targeted regions of the genomes were compared and overall similarity estimates as low as 86 percent were obtained.3 Once again, keep in mind that these regions were hand-picked because they already showed similarity at some level. The fact remains that there are large blocks of sequence anomalies between chimp and human that are not directly comparable and would actually give a similarity of 0 percent in some regions. In addition, the loss and addition of large DNA sequence blocks are present in humans and gorillas, but not in chimps and vice versa. This is difficult to explain in evolutionary terms since the gorilla is lower on the primate tree than the chimp and supposedly more distant to humans. How could these large blocks of DNA--from an evolutionary perspective--appear first in gorillas, disappear in chimps, and then reappear in humans?

Analyzing the Source of Similarity
So how exactly did scientists come up with the highly-touted 98 to 99 percent similarity estimates?

First, they used only human and chimp DNA sequence fragments that already exhibited a high level of similarity. Sections that didn't line up were tossed out of the mix. Next, they only used the protein coding portions of genes for their comparison. Most of the DNA sequence across the chromosomal region encompassing a gene is not used for protein coding, but rather for gene regulation, like the instructions in a recipe that specify what to do with the raw ingredients.3 The genetic information that is functional and regulatory is stored in "non-coding regions," which are essential for the proper functioning of all cells, ensuring that the right genes are turned on or off at the right time in concert with other genes. When these regions of the gene are included in a similarity estimate between human and chimp, the values can drop markedly and will vary widely according to the types of genes being compared.
The diagram in Figure 1 illustrates how a gene is typically represented as a portion of a chromosome. As indicated, there is considerably more non-coding sequence ahead of the gene, within it ("introns"), and behind it. The 98 to 99 percent sequence similarity estimates are often derived from the small pieces of coding sequence ("exons"). Other non-coding sequences, including the introns and sequences flanking the gene region, are often omitted in a "gene for gene" comparative analysis. The critical importance of the non-coding sequences in the function of the genome was not well understood until recently, but this does not excuse the bias of the "98 to 99 percent similarity" claim.
Another important factor concerns the potential for variants of the same protein to have different functions that can perform different tasks in different tissues. There is now no doubt that gene or protein sequence similarities, in and of themselves, are not as significant as other functional and regulatory information in the cell. Unfortunately, evolutionary assumptions drove a biased approach of simple sequence comparisons, providing few answers as to why humans and chimps are obviously so different.
Interestingly, current research is confirming that most of what makes humans biologically unique when compared to chimps and other animals is how genes are controlled and regulated in the genome. Several studies within the past few years are demonstrating clear differences in individual gene and gene network expression patterns between humans and chimps in regard to a wide number of traits.4, 5 Of course, the largest differences are observed in regard to brain function, dexterity, speech, and other traits with strong cognitive components. To make the genetic landscape even more complicated, a number of recent studies are also confirming that close to 93 percent of the genome is transcriptionally active (functional).6 Not so long ago, scientists thought that only 3 to 5 percent of the genome that contained the protein coding regions was functional; the rest was considered "junk DNA."

So what is an appropriate response to the assertion that a 99 percent similarity exists between human and chimp DNA, and thus proves common ancestry?
One can simply say that the whole genomes have never really been compared, only hand-selected regions already known to be similar have been examined, and the data is heavily biased. In fact, due to limitations in DNA sequencing technology, researchers do not even have the complete genomic sequence for human or chimp at present. In the sequence that they do have, much more analysis needs to be done.
Here are a number of key points that counter the evolutionary claims of close human-chimp similarity:
  The chimp genome is 10 to 12 percent larger than the human genome and is not in a near-finished state like the human genome; it is considered a rough draft.
  When large regions of the two genomes are compared, critical sequence dissimilarities become evident.
  Extremely large blocks of dissimilarity exist on a number of key chromosomes, including marked structural differences between the entire male (Y) chromosomes.
  Distinct differences in gene function and regulation are now known to be a more significant factor in determining differences in traits between organisms than the gene sequence alone. Research in this area has clearly demonstrated that this is the case with humans and apes, where marked dissimilarities in expression patterns are evident.
It is clear that the only way to obtain extreme DNA-based similarity between man and chimpanzee is to use comparative analyses that are heavily skewed by an evolutionary bias where one picks and chooses what data or what part of the genome to use. At present, the DNA sequence differences between these genomes clearly indicate a much lower level than 98 to 99 percent. In fact, one evolutionary study suggests it may be as low as 86 percent or less. In addition, the complex functional aspects of genes and their regulatory networks differ markedly between humans and chimps and play a more important role than DNA sequence by itself.
The DNA data, both structural and functional, clearly supports the concept of humans and chimps created as distinct separate kinds. Not only are humans and chimps genetically distinct, but only man has the innate capacity and obligation to worship his Creator.

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D.Newly Discovered 'Orphan Genes' Defy Evolution AUGUST 26, 2013
An important category of "rogue" genetic data that utterly defies evolutionary predictions is the common occurrence of taxonomically restricted genes, otherwise known as "orphan genes." These are now being discovered in the sequencing of all genomes.
Many multicellular animals share similar sets of genes that produce proteins that perform related biochemical functions. This is a common feature of purposefully engineered systems. In addition to these standard genes, all organisms thus far tested also have unique sets of genes specific to that type of creature.

The authors of a recent review paper, published in Trends in Genetics, on the subject of orphan genes stated, "Comparative genome analyses indicate that every taxonomic group so far studied contains 10–20% of genes that lack recognizable homologs [similar counterparts] in other species."
These orphan genes are also being found to be particularly important for specific biological adaptations that correspond with ecological niches in relation to the creature's interaction with its environment.2 The problem for the evolutionary model of animal origins is the fact that these DNA sequences appear suddenly and fully functional without any trace of evolutionary ancestry (DNA sequence precursors in other seemingly related organisms). And several new studies in both fish and insect genomes are now highlighting this important fact.
In the recent fish study, researchers sequenced the protein-coding genes in zebrafish and then compared the DNA sequences to other animal's gene sequences.3 The researchers classified the zebrafish genes into three different groups: 1) Genes commonly found in many types of animals, 2) genes that are only found in ray-finned fishes (the broad group of Teleost fishes), and 3) genes that are species-specific to only zebrafish. This third category refers to orphan genes. Thus there was a distinct group of genes found only associated with zebrafish and no other animal or type of fish.
In another study, researchers compared the genomes of seven different types of ants with other known insect genomes.4 When comparing the ant genes to other insects, researchers discovered 28,581 genes that were unique only to ants and not found in other insects. While the various ant species shared many groups of genes, only 64 genes were common to all seven ant species.
The researchers concluded that on average, each ant species contained 1,715 unique genes—orphan genes. Researchers not only found dramatic differences for protein-coding genes, but also for other types of regulatory DNA sequences that control how and when genes are turned off and on.
While these results clearly defy evolution, what do they mean within a biblical creation framework of origins? In the book of Genesis, created kinds of organism are defined as being able to reproduce and interbreed “after their kind.” These different ant species are not inter-fertile and they also inhabit different ecological niches, utilize different types of food sources, and have different types of social structures important to communal insects such as ants and bees. Combined with the fact that they also have unique gene sets, they possibly all descended from different created ant kinds.
While these orphan genes challenge evolution, they help creationists understand the patterns of genetic diversity related to created kinds. And ants may be a good example of animals that did not need to be saved from the Genesis flood by being sequestered on the ark, since they might have survived outside, on floating mats of vegetation. Ants would have, to some extent, also avoided a severe genetic bottleneck.5 If so, their present diversity would more closely represent the originally created array of ant genomes.
Clearly, the complexity and design of God's creation is astounding, vast, and incredibly amazing. Only an Omnipotent and Wise Creator could have been the source of these widely diverse, and yet complicated and precise genetic arrangements.

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D. Cells' Molecular Motor Diversity Confounds Evolution APRIL 07, 2014
Scientists believe that the study of genes that encode the proteins for molecular motors will help solve the mysteries of evolution. However, the result of a study published in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution has only served to support the predictions of special creation—that unique variants of cellular complexity and innovation exist at all levels of life.1
Molecular motors are important features of eukaryotic cells that are formed by a variety of protein types. One group of molecular motors is called the myosins, which have recently been studied in everything from one-celled eukaryotes to humans. The goal of this and many other studies has been the ever-elusive characterization of the mythical Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA).2
The fictional LECA creature represents the final stage of a transition between a bacterial-archaeal prokaryote (the smallest and simplest organism) and a one-celled eukaryote (a cell with a nucleus and other organelles). The main problem with this idea is that, not only does no such creature exist, but eukaryotes also contain molecular similarities to both bacteria and archaea—prokaryotes that are found in completely separate domains of cellular life. Another major problem is that many complex molecular and cellular features unique among eukaryotes are not found in any prokaryotes. Because of this elaborate mosaic of cellular features, the development of any evolutionary story for the origin of eukaryotes has been fraught with much difficulty.
Researchers had hoped to find that matters would be clarified by myosin proteins derived from the DNA sequences of different single-celled eukaryotes, such as flagellated protozoa (protozoa with a whip-like tail), amoeboid protozoa, and algae.1 Instead of finding a pattern of evolving myosin "motor" genes (simple to complex) as life seemingly became more advanced, they found that the highest numbers of different types of myosin genes were found in single-celled eukaryotes. The authors stated, "The number of myosin genes varies markedly between lineages [types of eukaryotes]," and "holozoan genomes, as well as some amoebozoans and heterokonts, have the highest numbers of myosins of all eukaryotes. In particular, the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi has the highest number of myosin genes (53), followed by the ichthyosporean Pirum gemmata (43), the filasterean M. vibrans (39), and the metazoan Homo sapiens(38)."1
The end result of all this labor was ultimately counterproductive to the formation of any sort of evolutionary tree. The researchers stated, "We do not aim to infer a eukaryotic tree of life from the myosin genomic content."1 This is because the data was not amenable to do so. Instead, they noted that "we provide an integrative and robust classification, useful for future genomic and functional studies on this crucial eukaryotic gene family."1
So, how did the authors explain the incredible complexity found across the spectrum of life in myosin gene content that had no clear evolutionary patterns? They explained it by 1) convergence (the sudden and simultaneous appearance of a gene with no evolutionary patterns in different taxa), 2) lineage-specific expansions (different myosin gene complements found in different creatures), and 3) gene losses (missing genes that evolutionists thought should have been there). None of these ideas actually explain why there is no evolutionary pattern of simple-to-complex in myosin gene content across the spectrum of life. Specifically, the ideas of convergent evolution and lineage-specific expansions are nothing more than fancy terms for the fact that these different types of myosin genes appeared suddenly in unrelated creatures at the same time.
Clearly, the only scientific model that predicts this type of molecular and cellular complexity and innovation across all forms of life is one associated with special creation. Each created kind is genetically unique and has its own special and complex gene repertoire needed for the niche that it fills.

Cornelius Hunter Chinese Researchers Demolish Evolutionary Pseudo-Science January 3, 2014
In recent decades the genomes of several species have been mapped out and evolutionists are using these genome data to refine their theory. They are also making some high claims. The genome data sets, say evolutionists, are adding striking new confirmations for their theory. One piece of evidence evolutionists point to is the high similarity between the human and chimpanzee genomes. The two genomes are about 95% the same and evolutionists say this shows how easily the human could have evolved from a chimp-human common ancestor. Evolution professor Dennis Venema explains
For example, humans and our closest relatives, chimpanzees, have genomes that are around 95% identical, and most of the DNA differences are not differences that actually affect our forms. So, small changes accruing over time since we last shared a common ancestor was enough to shape our species since we parted ways – there is no evidence that evolution requires radical changes at the DNA level.
No evidence? This is an example of evolutionists seeing what they want to see in the data. Evolutionists are driven by their metaphysics and so want to believe that we are descended from a primitive ape creature. They want to believe that humans and apes “are one” and that the wall between human and animal “has been breached,” as the Smithsonian Institute put it.
But as I pointed out in my book Darwin’s Proof, if the DNA comparisons between human and chimp don’t reveal much significant difference, then we probably need to look elsewhere. Humans are vastly different than chimps and if our DNA comparisons aren’t revealing much difference, then those segments probably aren’t what is driving the difference between the two species.
In fact there are much more significant differences between the human and chimp genomes. Differences that may “actually affect our forms.” A 2011 paper out of China and Canada, for example, found 60 protein-coding genes in humans that are not in the chimp. And that was an extremely conservative estimate. They actually found evidence for far more such genes, but used conservative filters to arrive at 60 unique genes. Not surprisingly, the research also found evidence of function, for these genes, that may be unique to humans.
If the proteins encoded by these genes are anything like most proteins, then this finding would be another major problem for evolutionary theory. Aside from rebuking the evolutionist’s view that the human-chimp genome differences must be minor, 6 million years simply would not be enough time to evolve these genes.
In fact, 6 billion years would not be enough time. The evolution of a single new protein, even by evolutionists’ incredibly optimistic assumptions, is astronomically unlikely, even given the entire age of the universe to work on the problem.
Unfortunately none of this will influence the evolutionist because for evolutionists this never was about science. As Venema explains:
It’s one thing to explain away biogeographical patterns or claim that anatomical similarities reflect a non-evolutionary “design” pattern – but another thing altogether to attempt to explain away why humans (and other placental mammals) have a defective gene for making egg yolk in the exact spot in our genomes where chickens have the functional version of this gene, and that humans and chimpanzees share a large number of mutations in common in our two inactivated copies.
The argument from dysteleology says that these faulty genetics would not have been designed or created and that therefore they must have evolved. This argument is not new. It did not arise when the genomic data became available but has been influential for centuries. Earlier evolutionists found faults with all manner of biological, geological and cosmological aspects of nature.
This reasoning is not new and it is not science. It is based on personal religious beliefs that are not open to debate. Imagine if you believed these things. Imagine that you believed, with Venema, that common mutations, for example, rules out any possibility of the species having been created in any sort of direct sense.
Then of course you would be an evolutionist. Even though evolutionary theory fails every test. With evolution, the religion drives the science.
In the meantime, while the evolutionists make up rules for science to follow and insist the world spontaneously arose in spite of the evidence, these researchers in China and Canada are doing real science.

Last edited by Otangelo on Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:29 am; edited 12 times in total




Paul Gage What Exactly Does Genetic Similarity Demonstrate? April 23, 2007
My hope is that one day thinking about Darwinian Theory will become clearer in the public square. Recall that Darwin made two claims: (1) all living beings descend from one or a few original ancestors, and (2) the mechanism driving the changes among species is the blind, unguided mechanism of natural selection.
The controversial claim, of course, is the second one--the idea that a purely material mechanism, without any intelligence involved, is responsible for all of the genetic information necessary for life (DNA) and hence for all of life's diversity.
Sequence Similarity Alone Does NOT Prove Common Ancestry
the 98.8% DNA sequence similarity between chimps and humans that Clines references does not even establish claim one (common ancestry). And "you don't have to take my word for it," as LeVar Burton always used to say on Reading Rainbow.
As Francis Collins, head of the project which mapped the human genome, has written of DNA sequence similarities
"This evidence alone does not, of course, prove a common ancestor" because an intelligent cause can reuse successful design principles.
We know this because we are intelligent agents ourselves, and we do this all the time. We take instructions we have written for one thing and use them for another. The similarity is not the result of a blind mechanism but rather the result of our intelligent activity.
Some design proponents think the evidence for common ancestry is good (e.g., Michael Behe), while others--citing the fossil record, especially The Cambrian Explosion--do not. But neither group thinks that sequence similarity alone proves either common ancestry or the Darwinian mechanism, as so many science writers of our day seem eager to assume.
As one specific example, textbooks often cite the phylogenetic tree based upon cytochrome c as purportedly matching and confirming the standard anatomy-based phylogenetic tree of many vertebrates. But one paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution noted that the cytochrome b tree yielded “an absurd phylogeny of mammals, regardless of the method of tree construction” where “[c]ats and whales fell within primates, grouping with simians (monkeys and apes) and strepsirhines (lemurs, bush-babies and lorises) to the exclusion of tarsiers.” The paper concluded that “Cytochrome b is probably the most commonly sequenced gene in vertebrates, making this surprising result even more disconcerting.”15
This problem also exists among higher primates as molecular data often conflicts with the prevalent phylogenetic tree which claims humans are most closely related to chimpanzees.16 As one article in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution found, “[f]or about 23% of our genome, we share no immediate genetic ancestry with our closest living relative, the chimpanzee.”17
The common textbook claim that a universal “tree of life” has been established by congruent molecular and morphological phylogenetic trees is contradicted by much data and scientific opinion – but this information is almost always omitted from textbook instruction given to students.

JEFFREY P. TOMKINS, PH.D. Are Rotifers Gene Stealers or Uniquely Engineered? DECEMBER 03, 2012
The tools of DNA sequencing are becoming cheaper to use and more productive than ever, and the deluge of DNA comparison results between organisms coming forth are becoming a quagmire for the evolutionary paradigm. To prop it up, biologists resort to ever more absurd explanations for discrepancies. A prime example of this trickery is in a recent DNA sequencing project performed in a microscopic aquatic multi-cellular animal called a rotifer.1
In this effort, the researchers targeted those gene sequences that are expressed as proteins for DNA sequencing because the genome was too large and complex to sequence and assemble all of its DNA. They recorded over 61,000 gene sequences that were expressed from rotifers grown in stressed and non-stressed conditions. Of these, they could only find sequence similarities between rotifers and other creatures for 28,922 sequences (less than half). The researchers tossed the unknown DNA sequences out of their analysis since the non-similar genes were novel, apparently specific to rotifer, and essentially difficult for evolution to explain.
Of the 28,922 sequences for which they could obtain a match in a public database of other creature's DNA and protein sequences, a significant proportion (more than in any other creature sequenced) did not fit evolutionary expectations of common descent. Further complicating this picture, the rotifer gene sequences were found in a diverse number of non-rotifer creatures! Some of the creatures that had gene matches to rotifers included a variety of plants, other multicellular animals, protists (complex single celled animals), archaea, bacteria, and fungi. Evolutionists have two options in which to categorize these unusual gene matches based on their naturalistic presuppositions. First, they can say that these genes evolved independently in separate creatures in a hypothetical process called "convergent evolution." However, in cases where there are literally hundreds of these DNA sequences popping up in multiple organisms, this scenario becomes so unlikely that even evolutionists have too much difficulty imagining it. The second option is called "horizontal gene transfer," or HGT. This involves the transfer of genes, perhaps via some sort of microbial host vector such as a bacterium.2
In the present report, the rotifer under study was asexual, limiting heredity as an option for aiding in gene transfer. So the researchers concluded that it stolehundreds of genes via HGT from a plethora of other creatures. HGT is considered somewhat common among bacteria because they form connective tubes (called pili) and exchange little bits of DNA, like sharing software. Also, HGT can occur rarely between a bacterium and a multicellular host that it interacts with during its life cycle.3
How will rotifer researchers account for the massive transfer of hundreds of genes from a broad range of hosts that they believe includes 533 supposed source genomes for which no biological host-based relationships exists? Some sort of causal host relationship must occur for the transfer of one gene, let alonehundreds of genes from hundreds of sources.1
Another problem is that the researchers showed that the so-called "stolen genes" were well-integrated into the rotifer cell biochemistry and its environmental adaptation mechanisms. A separate 2012 study showed that highly expressed native genes could not be shared via HGT, even among bacteria, because they would severely disrupt essential cell biochemistry.4 And these are exactly the types of genes that were surveyed in the rotifer.
In this case, evolutionary biologists have resorted to fictional stories cloaked in technical terminology to escape the straightforward conclusion that rotifer DNA was purposefully crafted. If a large bunch of newly discovered genes don't make evolutionary sense, then evolution proponents ascribe their origin to HGT despite the fact that HGT is not known to operate without any host-based relationship. HGT is also not known to occur en masse, and HGT of essential genes is in theory impossible.4
The unique mix of rotifer genes along with their flawless biochemical integration into the rotifer's cell system, clearly and abundantly supports the special creation described in the Bible.

Casey Luskin Darwin’s Failed Predictions, Slide 9: “Saving the Tree of Life” (from JudgingPBS.com)  January 2, 2008
PBS asserts that "shared amino acids" in genes common to many types of organisms indicate that all life shares a common ancestor. Intelligent design is not necessarily incompatible with common ancestry, but it must be noted that intelligent agents commonly re-use parts that work in different designs. Thus, similarities in such genetic sequences may also be generated as a result of functional requirements and common design rather than by common descent.
In fact, PBS's statement is highly misleading. Darwin's tree of life--the notion that all living organisms share a universal common ancestor--has faced increasing difficulties in the past few decades. Phylogenetic trees based upon one fundamental gene or protein often conflict with trees based upon another gene or protein. In fact, this problem is particularly acute when one studies the "ancient" genes at the base of the tree of life, which PBS wrongly claims demonstrate universal common ancestry. As W. Ford Doolittle explains, "[m]olecular phylogenists will have failed to find the 'true tree,' not because their methods are inadequate or because they have chosen the wrong genes, but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree."1
Doolittle, a Darwinian biologist, elsewhere writes that "there would never have been a single cell that could be called the last universal common ancestor."2 Doolittle attributes his observations to gene-swapping among microorganisms at the base of the tree. But Carl Woese, the father of evolutionary molecular systematics, finds that such problems exist beyond the base of the tree: "Phylogenetic incongruities [conflicts] can be seen everywhere in the universal tree, from its root to the major branchings within and among the various taxa to the makeup of the primary groupings themselves."3
Looking higher up the tree, a recent study conducted by Darwinian scientists tried to construct a phylogeny of animal relationships but concluded that "[d]espite the amount of data and breadth of taxa analyzed, relationships among most [animal] phyla remained unresolved."4 The basic problem is that phylogenetic trees based upon one gene or other characteristic will commonly conflict with trees based upon another gene or macro-characteristic. Indeed, the Cambrian explosion, where nearly all of the major living animal phyla (or basic body plans) appeared over 500 million years ago in a geological instant, raises a serious challenge to Darwinian explanations of common descent.
The nice, neat, nested hierarchy of a grand Tree of Life predicted by Darwinian theory has not been found. Evolutionary biologists are increasingly appealing to epicycles like horizontal gene transfer, differing rates of evolution, abrupt molecular radiation, convergent evolution (even convergent molecular evolution), and other ad hoc rationalizations to reconcile discrepancies between phylogenetic hypothesis. Darwinian biology is not explaining the molecular data; it is forced to explain away the data. PBS paints a rosy picture of the data, when the data isn't good news for Darwinism.

CARL ZIMMER Complete sequence of comb jelly genome reveals a separate course of evolution. MAY 21, 2014
The new study on ctenophores, such as the American comb jelly above, "really shakes up how we think animal complexity evolved."

A close look at the nervous system of the gorgeously iridescent animal known asthe comb jelly has led a team of scientists to propose a new evolutionary history: one for the comb jelly, and one for everybody else.
"It's a paradox," said Leonid Moroz, a neurobiologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville and lead author of a paper in today's Nature about the biology of the comb jelly nervous system. "These are animals with a complex nervous system, but they basically use a completely different chemical language" from every other animal. "You have to explain it one way or another."
The way Moroz explains it is with an evolutionary scenario—one that's at odds with traditional accounts of animal evolution.
Moroz and his colleagues have been studying comb jellies, whose scientific name is ctenophores (pronounced TEN-o-fors), for many years, beginning with the sequencing of the genome of one species, the Pacific sea gooseberry, in 2007. The sea gooseberry has 19,523 genes, about the same number as are found in the human genome.
The scientists enlarged their library to the genes of ten other species of comb jelly (out of the 150 or so species known to exist) and compared them to the analogous genes in other animals. And when they looked at the genes involved in the nervous system, they found that many considered essential for the development and function of neurons were simply missing in the comb jelly.
Some of those missing genes are involved in building neurons in embryos. The cells in any animal start out in the embryo as stem cells, looking pretty much identical to one another and capable of turning into any particular type of cell. Only later in embryonic development do some stem cells switch on specific genes that transform them into neurons. This process is much the same in humans as it is in flies, slugs, and just about every other animal with a nervous system.
But comb jellies, Moroz and his colleagues found, lack those neuron-building genes altogether. Which means that comb jelly embryos must build their neurons from a different set of instructions—instructions no one yet understands.
Nor do comb jellies use the standard complement of neurotransmitters found in other animals, the scientists found. The genes for most of the neurotransmitters in other animals are either missing or silent in the comb jelly—except for one, the gene for the neurotransmitter glutamate. No wonder Moroz likes to call these creatures "aliens of the sea."
Instead of the typical neurotransmitter genes, the scientists found, comb jellies produce a huge diversity of receptors on the surface of their neurons. Moroz can't say yet what the receptors are doing there, but he says they're probably grabbing neurotransmitters, maybe as many as 50 to 100 neurotransmitters in all (comparable to the number of neurotransmitters in the human brain).
Rewriting Evolutionary History
The unique nature of the comb jelly nervous system led the Florida scientists to hypothesize a new evolutionary history for these marine animals, which they laid out in the Nature paper. The earliest animals, according to this new theory, had no nervous system at all. The cells of these early animals could sense their environment directly, and could send signals directly to neighboring cells.
Millions of years later, those signals and receptors became the raw material for the nervous system. But its evolution, according to Moroz, took place in two separate lineages. One led to today's ctenophores. The other led to all other animals with nervous systems—from jellyfish to us.
If there was indeed a parallel evolution with two separate lineages, the split would have happened long ago. Fossils that look a lot like modern-day ctenophores date back some 550 million years, making them among the oldest traces of complex animal life.
But precisely how and when the comb jelly split off from other animal lineages remains controversial. To draw the animal evolutionary tree, Moroz and his colleagues analyzed the similarity of DNA in different species. According to the authors, ctenophores belong to a lineage all their own that split off from the others at the tree's base.
Comb jellies, like this one at Monterey Bay Aquarium, California, are missing many genes considered essential for the development and function of neurons.

In finding that relationship, the new paper confirms the findings of a team led byAndy Baxevanis, head of the Computational Genomics Unit at the National Human Genome Research Institute, who arrived at a similar conclusion in December after sequencing the genome of another ctenophore species, the American comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi). "You couldn't ask for a better outcome," he said about Moroz's research. "It really shakes up how we think animal complexity evolved."
Gert Woerheide, an evolutionary geobiologist at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, who was not involved in the research, agreed that Moroz and his colleagues have made a thorough case for their revised view of brain evolution. "I think, in this respect, this is a great paper," he said.
But in terms of the actual shape of the animal family tree, Woerheide is less convinced. He isn't sure that comb jellies branched off at the base of the tree, he said; sponges, for example, might have branched off first. In Woerheide's view, the exact reconstruction of the tree reaching so far back in evolutionary history remains an open question.
No matter how the nervous systems of comb jellies evolved, though, everyone agrees that they are weird—and thus worth getting to know better. As Casey Dunn, an evolutionary biologist at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who was not involved in the research, pointed out, comb jellies are turning out to be "even more different from other animals than had previously been appreciated."

KGov: Darwin Was Wrong about the Tree of Life May 19, 2009
The cover story in Britain's leading science magazine, New Scientist, admits that Darwin was wrong about the tree of life. See below, Attenborough's Missing Link, for the amazingly bad timing of Sir David Attenborough's evolution pronouncement and this cover story.
2012 Update: For extraordinary excerpts from this New Scientist article, see our rebuttal to Jerry Coyne's criticism of RSR, where he wrongly indicates that the scientific evidence documented in this article "is common only in bacteria..." See this also debated by clicking on this link into Round Five of the RSR Debate with Evolutionist AronRa. This popular atheist claimed that the phylogenetic tree of life shows that evolutionary descent is doubly confirmed when re-examined genetically. Bob Enyart challenged this by referencing the many genomes that leading evolutionists admit do not fit into the predicted Darwinian pattern. In Round Five, Enyart also presents the discoveries published in peer-reviewed evolutionary journals as in RSR's List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit, and those from the New Scientist article, showing geneticists at world-renowned institutions blatantly admitting that DNA, RNA, and proteins demonstrate contradictory evolutionary pathways and therefore, via genetic science, undermine the alleged Darwinian tree of life.
2013 Update: Things are getting worse. For the rebellion against the Creator, in addition to all the genomes that just don't fit, it turns out that, according to the journal Nature, regarding the data used to identify the alleged evolutionary ancestry of tens of thousands of species, there are "holes in tree of life". Of more than 6,000 papers surveyed, 4,000 of them have no accessible data. And worse yet, while some of the data that was accessible required private correspondence with other scientists, according to the article, "Small portion of phylogenetic data is stored publicly" published at OpenTreeofLife.org, "only about four percent of [the data for] published phylogenies are stored in [publicly accessible databases" like TreeBASE. (This is not unlike the data that's gone missing for that infamous global warming hockey stick graph.)
* Testimony Contrary to Interests: The Darwinist New Scientist magazine published their cover story, Darwin Was Wrong about the Tree of Life. About this Tree of Life theory (named after the actual tree described in Genesis), the magazine reports that Darwin's theory of descent was as important as his theory of natural selection. Of the thousands of species genetically evaluated so far, more than half are not the product of a biological pathway represented by a tree (or a bush for that matter).
New Scientist Excerpts: The discoveries presented in this NS article affirm the creationist take on this and contradict the dismissive misrepresentation of evolutionists like Jerry Coyne and AronRa, who claim, respectively, that such findings are "common only in bacteria" and otherwise relegated to the "occasional odd gene", and that the article "focus[ed] primarily on microbes," whereas, for example, NS reported that a UC Davis study:
...compared 2000 genes that are common to humans, frogs, sea squirts, sea urchins, fruit flies and nematodes. In theory, [they] should have been able to use the gene sequences to construct an evolutionary tree showing the relationships between the six animals. [They] failed. The problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories. -New Scientist
NS also reports according to the National Academy of Sciences that:
...ever more incongruous bits of DNA are turning up. Last year, for example, a team at the University of Texas… found a peculiar chunk of DNA in the genomes of eight animals [including] – the mouse, rat, …, little brown bat, … opossum, [a] lizard and [a] frog – but not in 25 others [where Darwin's tree would have it], including [in] humans, elephants, chickens and fish.
As creationists, we predict that the “common only in bacteria” argument will go the way of Junk DNA, as the New Scientist article showed:
Conventionally, sea squirts - also known as tunicates - are lumped together with frogs, humans and other vertebrates in the phylum Chordata, but the genes were sending mixed signals. Some genes did indeed cluster within the chordates, but others indicated that tunicates should be placed with sea urchins, which aren't chordates.
Biologist Michael Syvanen of the University of California said that, "Roughly 50 per cent of its genes have one evolutionary history and 50 per cent another… We've just annihilated the tree of life. It's not a tree any more…"
But today the project [to reconstruct the tree] lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence. Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded. "We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality," says [an evolutionary biologist from Marie Curie University in Paris, Eric] Bapteste.
RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.
And to make matters worse, protein sequencing might suggest yet a third evolutionary pathway, and then all of these were producing trees that contradicted the traditional pathways based on fossil evidence and anatomy.
Far from New Scientist's evidence referring primarily to microorganisms and only an occasional tip of a branch on the tree, the landmark article mentions single-celled organisms only to show that what is known of them is also common for organisms throughout the tree of life:
Having uprooted the tree of unicellular life, biologists are now taking their axes to the remaining branches.
And when they report something that Coyne and AronRa suggest is the articles primary evidence, that prokaryotes (organisms without a nucleus) cannot be fit to Darwin's hierarchical tree of life, they do so only to explain that this is the rule for eukaryotes, which would include all plants and animals. For example, as reported in NS and in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, European researchers:
…examined more than half a million genes from 181 prokaryotes and found that 80 per cent of them showed signs of horizontal transfer [i.e., not Darwinian hierarchy]. Surprisingly, HGT also turns out to be the rule rather than the exception in the third great domain of life, the eukaryotes. -New Scientist
* 2014 Update: And things just keep getting worser. Because Darwin was wrong about the tree of life, creationists expect that his tree concept lacks predictive value. Here's an example where avowed Darwinists provide evidence that we creationists are correct. As reported by LiveScience, According to researchers running a major National Science Foundation evolution experiment, "If Darwin was right", they would have documented the evidence for his claimed insight on competition and the tree of life. Instead, their results falsified Darwin's claim. Of the 60 species of algae being studied for a five year period, Charles Darwin predicted how well and how poorly such organisms would compete for resources, based on their respective distances from each other on the (supposed) tree of life. But of the outcome, "It was completely unexpected. We sat there banging our heads against the wall. Darwin's hypothesis has been with us for so long, how can it not be right? ... We should be able to look at the Tree of Life, and evolution should make it clear who will win in competition and who will lose. But the traits that regulate competition can't be predicted from the Tree of Life." Interestingly, after scores of science sites, including RichardDawkins.net, reported on the LiveScience article, titled Doubting Darwin: Algae Findings Surprise Scientists, the politically correct editors at LS renamed the piece to something less offensive. 
* Shock Chimp Y Chromosome Report, 30% Different: [As discussed in another RSR show, check out this post-show note.] Geneticists have sequenced the chimpanzee's Y chromosome has been sequenced,  the evolutionists are in "shock" once again. See the April 2011Creation Magazine and their online report about team leader Dr. David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass., said in the journal Nature (1-14-2010), that the human and chimp Y chromosomes are "horrendously different from each other." Horrendously? A_O, is that a scientific term? Why not just, "different?" Why horrendously so? Because for modern Darwinism to not lose face, chimps have to be shown to be our closest relatives. Yet the chimp's Y chromosome (that which makes us reproducing males... well, males...):
- has only 66% of the genes that we do
- codes for only half the proteins ours does
- has 30% of the entire Y that can't be aligned to our Y
- and the human Y has 30% that doesn't line up to the chimps.

* Sequencing of Marine Worm Kills Common Ancestor of Man and Insects: Molecular biology has removed from it's perch the long-alleged common ancestor of insects and humans, the marine worm acoelomorphs. According to LiveScience, "the missing link has gone missing" as reported in the Jan/Feb 2011 Creation Matters:
- marine worms are more closely related to humans than are mollusks and insects - Nature 2-9-11
- Evolution: A can of worms. Nature 2-9-11
- "the missing link has gone missing" Dept. of Genetics & Evolution's Max Telford, Univ. College, London
- evolutionists "alarmed" with "vehemence" - Nature magazine
- shows how important these worm props were to the evolutionary story-telling
- "the most politically fraught paper I've ever written" -Genetic researcher Max Telford
- Acoelomorpha Flatworm formerly known as common man-bug ancestor
Political? Yes, political.

* Related RSR Reports: See our reports on the fascinating DNA sequencing results from the roundworms, kangaroos, and sponges! And see the University of Chicago's famed evolutionist, Jerry Coyne, claim that the nonconformist genomes are relegated to the realm of microorganisms, which misunderstanding is falsified in the RSR rebuttal to Jerry Coyne's criticism of Bob Enyart.
* Dawkins Proves a Creationist Right and the Above Report Proves Dawkins Wrong: Richard Dawkins proves a creationist right in this 80-second video regarding an extremely bold claim that none of Dawkins' books provided evidence for evolution. And the above shows that Dawkins is wrong in his "interview" with creationist Wendy Wright when he claims that DNA shows a systematic hierarchy of relationships that supposedly document Darwin's tree of life.
* Two Strikes: David Attenborough's Missing Link and Darwin's Tree: It was with terrible timing that Sir David Attenborough concluded his new BBC special saying, "So now we can trace the ancestry of all animals in the tree of life and demonstrate the truth of Darwin[...]" Ha! Coincidentally to the publication of the New Scientist cover story, the BBC was vastly overselling a very pretty fossil that is likely to become [update: and has already become] an evolutionary dud. Over the decades, whenever some especially interesting monkey or ape fossil is revealed, the public is told that the missing link is finally found. Now a fossil monkey Ida, erroneously dated at 47-million-years too old, is presented by evolutionist Attenborough. He pretends to quote skeptics asking: "'We are primates, show us the link?' The link they would have said up to now is missing - well it's no longer missing." And in a related story, Attenborough's recent BBC special, Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, had its conclusion exactly wrong. For as his latest devotion to Darwin's tree was preparing to air, New Scientist was cutting it down.
* Hey! Not So Slow: This was an earlier presentation of what became our List of Not So Old Things, RSF's growing list of scientific observations that undermine traditional evidence for million-year ages. KGOV.com's Real Science Radio hostsFred Williams and Bob Enyart list physical evidence against old-age claims including that many atheistic, old-earth geologists no longer claim formation over millions of years for many major features of the earth's surface. 2012 Update: RSF's List inspired its own website, YoungEarth.com! Check it out!
Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet(clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!

Telegraph Charles Darwin's tree of life is 'wrong and misleading', claim scientists 22 January 2009
They believe the concept misleads us because his theory limits and even obscures the study of organisms and their ancestries. Evolution is far too complex to be explained by a few roots and branches, they claim. In Darwin's The Origin of Species, published in 1859, the British naturalist drew a diagram of an oak to depict how one species can evolve into many. But not much was known about primitive life forms or genetics back then when he was only dealing with plants and animals – long before there was any real comprehension of DNA or bacteria.Researchers say although for much of the past 150 years biology has largely concerned itself with filling in the details of the tree it is now obsolete and needs to be discarded.

Dr Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, said: "For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life. We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality." The discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 – whose pioneers believed it would provide proof of Darwin's tree – opened up new vistas for evolutionary biology. But current research is finding a far more complex scenario than Darwin could have imagined – particularly in relation to bacteria and single-celled organisms. These simple life forms represent most of Earth's biomass and diversity – not to mention the first two-thirds of the planet's history. Many of their species swap genes back and forth, or engage in gene duplication, recombination, gene loss or gene transfers from multiple sources. Dr John Dupré, a philosopher of biology at Exeter University, said: "If there is a tree of life it's a small irregular structure growing out of the web of life." More fundamentally recent research suggests the evolution of animals and plants isn't exactly tree-like either. Dr Dupré said: "There are problems even in that little corner." Having uprooted the tree of unicellular life biologists are now taking their axes to the remaining branches. Dr Bapteste said: "If you don't have a tree of life what does it mean for evolutionary biology. At first it's very scary – but in the past couple of years people have begun to free their minds." Both he and co-researcher Dr Ford Doolittle stressed that downgrading the tree of life doesn't mean the theory of evolution is wrong just that evolution is not as tidy as we would like to believe. Dr Doolittle, of California University, said: "We should relax a bit on this. We understand evolution pretty well it's just it is more complex than Darwin imagined. The tree isn't the only pattern." But others see the uprooting of the tree of life as the start of something bigger, reports New Scientist. Dr Dupré said: "It's part of a revolutionary change in biology. Our standard model of evolution is under enormous pressure. We're clearly going to see evolution as much more about mergers and collaboration than change within isolated lineages." Understanding how cells evolve and mutate is incredibly important it's helping scientists learn why some diseases are resistant to vaccines and antibiotics, and why others can evade the immune system. It's leading to environmental solutions too some bacterial genes can break down harsh contaminants such as benzene into harmless by-products. Dr Rose said: "The tree of life is being politely buried – we all know that. What's less accepted is our whole fundamental view of biology needs to change." He says biology is vastly more complex than we thought and facing up to this complexity will be as scary as the conceptual upheavals physicists had to take on board in the early 20th century. Dr Bapteste said: "The tree of life was useful. It helped us to understand evolution was real. But now we know more about evolution it's time to move on." Darwin's model is no stranger to controversy. It has played a key role in the much larger debate with creationists who are convinced life on Earth is so complex it could only have come about from intelligent design – in other words, the hand of God.

Salcordova New mechanism of evolution — POOF August 15, 2013
Each species has large numbers of unique genes that seem to have magically arisen without any ancestor. Evolutionists are saying they essentially POOFed into existence. These genes are referred to as ORFans or orphan genes. From the Max Plank Institute:
However, with the advent of sequencing of full genomes, it became clear that approximately 20–40% of the identified genes could not be associated with a gene family that was known before. Such genes were originally called ‘orphan’ genes
Evolutionary Origin of Orphan Genes
20-40% of the genes discovered cannot be explained by common ancestry or common descent. So what mechanism is left to explain it? Special creation? But evolutionists can’t accept special creation, so they just pretend they’ve made a discovery of a new mechanism of evolution that can work just as well. They haven’t given it a name yet, so let us call it POOF. What is POOF? POOF is the mechanism by which proteins can easily arise out random nucleotide sequences like a poem can emerge out of randomly tossed scrabble letters. I bold one of their euphemisms for the POOF mechanism in the following paragraph:
Orphan genes may have played key roles in generating lineage specific adaptations and could be a continuous source of evolutionary novelties. Their existence suggests that functional ribonucleic acids (RNAs) andproteins can relatively easily arise out of random nucleotide sequences, although these processes still need to be experimentally explored.
The reasoning they use goes like this, “we have all these genes that can’t be explained by slight successive modifications, so they must have arisen spontaneously out of nowhere. Because evolution is fact, this implies evolution can just take random material and create functional systems in a flash. We’ve made a fabulous discovery about the miracles of evolution even though we can’t demonstrate it experimentally.”
Experiments actually refute such assertions, but that won’t stop evolutionists from promoting demonstrably false ideas as some new discovery! And it’s not only the genes but the regulatory mechanisms that poof into existence:
“de novo evolution of genes” is also another euphemism for the POOF mechanism.
But it’s not just the genes and regulatory regions, but also developmental mechanisms that deploy these novelties to create radical new species (like multicellular ones from single cellular ones).
gene lists can be associated with major evolutionary steps, such as the origin of germ layers, or the origin of multicellularity . Interestingly, this approach showed also that younger genes tend to be increasingly more developmentally regulated compared with evolutionary older genes
Not only do the orphan genes emerge, they emerge with the most infrastructure to integrate them into the POOFED species. So genes, proteins, and developmental mechanisms, and new species also POOFED into existence. They sound almost like closet creationists!
The evolutionists conclude, evolution can do far more than we ever supposed because evolution can POOF thousands of genes and regulatory mechanisms into sudden existence rather than through slight successive modifications of an ancestor. What a wonderful discovery. 
1. Behe, who accepts common descent, is said to have jokingly used the phrase, “puff of smoke” to describe the mechanism that can create irreducible complexity. In internet debates, the phrase got converted to “POOF” to emphasize the magical character of the mechanism. It seems now, evolutionary biologists are seriously resorting to Behe’s POOF mechanism whether they want to admit it or not.
How did Behe arrived at the POOF mechanism which evolutionary biologists are now only discovering?

The evidence of jumping transposons (=a segment of DNA that can become integrated at many different sites along a chromosome)
Common Ancestry
1. In recent years, evolutionary biologists have increasingly used DNA sequences to construct evolutionary trees. Researchers find transposons particularly suitable for this endeavor.
2. When evolutionary biologists propose evolutionary relationships, they rely on the principle that organisms with shared DNA sequences arise from a common ancestor.
3. But other mechanisms exist that can introduce the identical DNA sequences. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is one.
Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) Mimics Common Ancestry
4. HGT refers to any process that transfers genetic material to another organism without the recipient being the offspring of the donor. HGT occurs frequently in bacteria and archaea. A consequence of this process is that, from an evolutionary vantage point, microbes that are unrelated through common descent will possess the same DNA sequences. In other words, HGT has the same genetic signature as common ancestry.
5. Until recently, most biologists thought that HGT was confined to microbes. Yet, in the last couple of years, researchers have uncovered evidence for horizontal gene transfer in higher plants and animals, which they think is mediated by viruses and single-celled pathogens transmitted from species to species via an insect vector. Because of transposons’ mobility within genomes, they readily take part in HGT events.
6. As with microbes, HGT in higher plants and animals obfuscates the ability of evolutionary biologists to use transposons to establish reliable evolutionary relationships.
7. For example, researchers discovered that when they use two different classes of transposons, called BovB and Spin elements, to build evolutionary trees, absurd relationships resulted. Cows were more closely related to snakes than to elephants and geckos more closely related to horses than to other lizards.
8. Many people regard shared DNA sequences as the best evidence for evolution and common descent. But as this cutting-edge research demonstrates, other mechanisms, such as horizontal gene transfer, can introduce the same DNA sequences in organisms, thus, masquerading as evidence for common descent of HGT.
9. As science continues to unmask understanding of these processes, the case for common design strengthens.
10. The ability of transposons to jump around or move from the genome of one organism into that of another is an evidence for a common designer of all species who is God.
11. God exists.

BRIAN THOMAS, PH.D.  Shared Genes Undercut Evolutionary Tree  FEBRUARY 25, 2011
In a study published in Current Biology, Vanderbilt University evolutionary biologists Antonis Rokas and Jason Slot examined two different species of mold that have distinct DNA and appearances. Strangely, however, these molds share a sequence of 60 thousand base pairs, lined up in the same order.
This sequence contains a cluster of genes that, when translated by its cell into proteins, forms an assembly line to manufacture a particular chemical used for defense. Since the chances are nil that the exact same sequence of 60 thousand bases twice evolved through any random approach, the researchers assumed that the whole cluster "jumped" from one fungus to the other.
Other researchers have observed similar "gene jumping" across species in microbes, which are equipped with tools that sample and incorporate DNA from their environments into their super-small, single cells. But no known mechanism for this process—called "horizontal gene transfer" or "lateral gene transfer (LGT)"—has been characterized for eukaryotes (cells with nuclei and specialized structures), let alone for multicellular eukaryotes such as fungi, slugs, or four-footed animals.

Luis Boto Horizontal gene transfer in evolution: facts and challenges 28 November 2009
it is a disputed point whether horizontal gene transfer precludes the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in the microbial world. In any case, horizontal gene transfer is not a canonical or typical evolutionary mechanism. Thus, I agree with other authors that there is a need for a new paradigm in evolution that includes horizontal gene transfer among other neo-Darwinian and non-neo-Darwinian mechanisms.

Encyclopedia of the tree of life September 20, 2015
Presumably, “tree of life” is placed in quotation marks because it so little resembles a tree. Didn’t it used to be capped, as Tree of Life?

1) http://kgov.com/darwin-was-wrong-about-the-tree-of-life
2) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/4312355/Charles-Darwins-tree-of-life-is-wrong-and-misleading-claim-scientists.html
3) http://www.uncommondescent.com/genetics/new-mechanism-of-evolution-poof/

1) http://www.icr.org/article/are-rotifers-gene-stealers-or-uniquely/
2) http://www.evolutionnews.org/2008/01/darwins_failed_predictions_sli_8004654.html
3) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/05/140521-comb-jelly-ctenophores-oldest-animal-family-tree-science/
4) http://www.uncommondescent.com/tree-of-life/encyclopedia-of-the-tree-of-life/
5) http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/12/octopuses-are-aliens-scientists-decide-after-dna-study-5339123/#ixzz3ievvjMOZ

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:30 pm; edited 7 times in total




Evidence that Large-Scale Evolution is FALSE.
P1. If Naturalistic-Atheistic Large-Scale Evolution (NALSE) is true, then each and every single species (present or past) is just the tip of a branch on a Single unique Universal historical Tree of Life.
P2. And, the history of that species (and its ancestors) would constitute deeper segments of that continuous branch on that Single Universal Tree of Life.
P3. Given these (P1 & P2), all of the genes from any given species should ALL tell the same story about that Single Universal Tree of Life. I.e., they should ALL indicate the same common history (for that species) and the same common location (for that species) on the tree of life.
P4. In that case, 1070 genes (that were analyzed) from 20+ different yeast species should ALL tell the same story about that Single Universal Tree of Life.
P5. So, analysis of the 1070 genes (across the 20+ species) should show us ONE Single Universal Tree of Life.
P6. They should NOT show us 1070 different Alleged Trees of Life. If they do so, this would be evidence that the single-tree-of-life hypothesis that is the CORE of Neo-Darwinian Evolution is FALSE.
P7. And the Concatenated Tree of Life (i.e., the Tree of Life that is statistically generated by using ALL of the 1070 genes together, rather than individually and separately to each generate a Tree of Life) should match the 1070 separate single Trees of Life that are individually generated from each of the separate genes.
P8. The Evidence shows that the expectations of P6 are FALSIFIED. The 1070 genes that were analyzed (from the 20+ yeast species) resulted in 1070 DIFFERENT Alleged Trees of Life. NONE of the trees of life matched each other.
C1. This means that the single-tree-of-life hypothesis that is the CORE of Neo-Darwinian Large-Scale Evolution is FALSE.
C2. Therefore, it is a Reasonable and Rational Inference that Neo-Darwinian Naturalistic-Atheistic Large-Scale Evolution (NALSE) is FALSE.
ARGUMENT (continued)
P9. The Evidence shows that the expectations of P7 are FALSIFIED. The Concatenated Tree of Life (i.e., the Tree of Life that is statistically generated by using ALL of the 1070 genes together, rather than individually and separately to generate each Tree of Life) does NOT match ANY of the 1070 separate single Trees of Life that are individually generated from each of the separate genes.
C3. This means that the single-tree-of-life hypothesis that is the CORE of Neo-Darwinian Large-Scale Evolution is FALSE.
C4. Therefore, it is a Reasonable and Rational Inference that Neo-Darwinian Naturalistic-Atheistic Large-Scale Evolution (NALSE) is FALSE.
Quote (discussing [1] below) --> One phylogenetic study attempted to compute the evolutionary tree relating a couple dozen yeast species using 1,070 genes. The tree that uses all 1,070 genes is called the concatenation tree. They then repeated the computation 1,070 times, for each gene taken individually. Not only did none of the 1,070 trees match the concatenation tree, they also failed to show even a single match between themselves. In other words, out of the 1,071 trees, there were zero matches. It was “a bit shocking” for evolutionists, as one explained: “We are trying to figure out the phylogenetic relationships of 1.8 million species and can’t even sort out 20 yeast.”
What is interesting is how this false prediction was accommodated. The evolutionists tried to fix the problem with all kinds of strategies. They removed parts of genes from the analysis, they removed a few genes that might have been outliers, they removed a few of the yeast species, they restricted the analysis to certain genes that agreed on parts of the evolutionary tree, they restricted the analysis to only those genes thought to be slowly evolving, and they tried restricting the gene comparisons to only certain parts of the gene.
These various strategies each have their own rationale. That rationale may be dubious, but at least there is some underlying reasoning. Yet none of these strategies worked. In fact they sometimes exacerbated the incongruence problem. What the evolutionists finally had to do, simply put, was to select the subset of the genes that gave the right evolutionary answer. They described those genes as having “strong phylogenetic signal.” (thanks to Zaur Guchetl)
[1] Salichos L1, Rokas A., Nature. 2013 May 16;497(7449):327-31. doi: 10.1038/nature12130. Epub 2013 May 8. Inferring ancient divergences requires genes with strong phylogenetic signals.
[2] Quote (abstract from [1]): "To tackle incongruence, the topological conflict between different gene trees, phylogenomic studies couple concatenation with practices such as rogue taxon removal or the use of slowly evolving genes. Phylogenomic analysis of 1,070 orthologues from 23 yeast genomes identified 1,070 distinct gene trees, which were all incongruent with the phylogeny inferred from concatenation. Incongruence severity increased for shorter internodes located deeper in the phylogeny. Notably, whereas most practices had little or negative impact on the yeast phylogeny, the use of genes or internodes with high average internode support significantly improved the robustness of inference. We obtained similar results in analyses of vertebrate and metazoan phylogenomic data sets. These results question the exclusive reliance on concatenation and associated practices, and argue that selecting genes with strong phylogenetic signals and demonstrating the absence of significant incongruence are essential for accurately reconstructing ancient divergences."

Casey Luskin Molecular Biology Has Failed to Yield a Grand "Tree of Life" February 2, 2015
When fossils failed to demonstrate that animals evolved from a common ancestor, evolutionary scientists turned to another type of evidence -- DNA sequence data -- to demonstrate a tree of life. In the 1960s, around the time the genetic code was first understood, biochemists Émile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling hypothesized that if DNA sequences could be used to produce evolutionary trees -- trees that matched those based upon morphological or anatomical characteristics -- this would furnish "the best available single proof of the reality of macro-evolution."99 Thus began a decades-long effort to sequence the genes of many organisms and construct "molecular" based evolutionary ("phylogenetic") trees. The ultimate goal has been to construct a grand "tree of life," showing how all living organisms are related through universal common ancestry.
The Main Assumption
The basic logic behind building molecular trees is relatively simple. First, investigators choose a gene, or a suite of genes, found across multiple organisms. Next, those genes are analyzed to determine their nucleotide sequences, so the gene sequences of various organisms can then be compared. Finally, an evolutionary tree is constructed based upon the principle that the more similar the nucleotide sequence, the more closely related the species. A paper in the journal Biological Theory puts it this way:
[M]olecular systematics is (largely) based on the assumption, first clearly articulated by Zuckerkandl and Pauling (1962), that degree of overall similarity reflects degree of relatedness.100

This assumption is essentially an articulation of a major feature of the theory - the idea of universal common ancestry. Nonetheless, it's important to realize that it is a mere assumption to claim that genetic similarities between different species necessarily result from common ancestry.
Operating strictly within a Darwinian paradigm, these assumptions flow naturally. As the aforementioned Biological Theory paper explains, the main assumption underlying molecular trees "derives from interpreting molecular similarity (or dissimilarity) between taxa in the context of a Darwinian model of continual and gradual change."101 So the theory is assumed to be true to construct a tree. But also, if Darwinian evolution is true, construction of trees using different sequences should reveal a reasonably consistent pattern across different genes or sequences.
This makes it all the more significant that efforts to build a grand "tree of life" using DNA or other biological sequence data have not conformed to expectations. The basic problem is that one gene gives one version of the tree of life, while another gene gives a highly different, and conflicting, version of the tree. For example, as we'll discuss further below, the standard mammalian tree places humans more closely related to rodents than to elephants. But studies of a certain type of DNA called microRNA genes have suggested the opposite -- that humans were closer to elephants than rodents. Such conflicts between gene-based trees are extremely common.
The genetic data is thus not painting a consistent picture of common ancestry, showing the assumptions behind tree-building commonly fail. This leads to justifiable questions about whether universal common ancestry is correct.
Conflicts in the Base of the Tree of Life
Problems first arose when molecular biologists sequenced genes from the three basic domains of life -- bacteria, archaea, and eukarya -- but those genes did not allow these basic groups of life to be resolved into a treelike pattern. In 2009, the journal New Scientist published a cover story titled, "Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life" which explained these quandaries:
The problems began in the early 1990s when it became possible to sequence actual bacterial and archaeal genes rather than just RNA. Everybody expected these DNA sequences to confirm the RNA tree, and sometimes they did but, crucially, sometimes they did not. RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.102

This sort of data led biochemist W. Ford Doolittle to explain that "Molecular phylogenists will have failed to find the 'true tree,' not because their methods are inadequate or because they have chosen the wrong genes, but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree."103 New Scientist put it this way: "For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life ... But today the project lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence."104
Many evolutionists sometimes reply that these problems arise only when studying microorganisms like bacteria -- organisms which can swap genes through a process called "horizontal gene transfer," thereby muddying the signal of evolutionary relationships. But this objection isn't quite true, since the tree of life is challenged even among higher organisms where such gene-swapping is not prevalent. Carl Woese, a pioneer of evolutionary molecular systematics, explains:
Phylogenetic incongruities can be seen everywhere in the universal tree, from its root to the major branchings within and among the various taxa to the makeup of the primary groupings themselves.105

Likewise, the New Scientist article notes that "research suggests that the evolution of animals and plants isn't exactly tree-like either."106 The article explains what happened when microbiologist Michael Syvanen tried to create a tree showing evolutionary relationships using 2000 genes from a diverse group of animals:
He failed. The problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories. ... the genes were sending mixed signals. ... Roughly 50 per cent of its genes have one evolutionary history and 50 per cent another.107

The data were so difficult to resolve into a tree that Syvanen lamented, "We've just annihilated the tree of life."108 Many other papers in the technical literature recognize similar problems.
Conflicts Between Higher Branches
A 2009 paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution notes that, "A major challenge for incorporating such large amounts of data into inference of species trees is that conflicting genealogical histories often exist in different genes throughout the genome."109 Similarly, a paper in Genome Research studied the DNA sequences in various animal groups and found that "different proteins generate different phylogenetic tree[s]."110 A June, 2012 article in Nature reported that short strands of RNA called microRNAs "are tearing apart traditional ideas about the animal family tree." Dartmouth biologist Kevin Peterson who studies microRNAs lamented, "I've looked at thousands of microRNA genes, and I can't find a single example that would support the traditional tree." According to the article, microRNAs yielded "a radically different diagram for mammals: one that aligns humans more closely with elephants than with rodents." Peterson put it bluntly: "The microRNAs are totally unambiguous ... they give a totally different tree from what everyone else wants."111
Conflicts Between Molecules and Morphology
Not all phylogenetic trees are constructed by comparing molecules like DNA from different species. Many trees are based upon comparing the form, structure, and body plan of different organisms -- also called "morphology." But conflicts between molecule-based trees and morphology-based trees are also common. A 2012 paper studying bat relationships made this clear, stating: "Incongruence between phylogenies derived from morphological versus molecular analyses, and between trees based on different subsets of molecular sequences has become pervasive as datasets have expanded rapidly in both characters and species."112 This is hardly the only study to encounter conflicts between DNA-based trees and trees based upon anatomical or morphological characteristics. Textbooks often claim common descent is supported using the example of a tree of animals based upon the enzyme cytochrome c which matches the traditional evolutionary tree based upon morphology.113 However, textbooks rarely mention that the tree based upon a different enzyme,cytochrome b, sharply conflicts with the standard evolutionary tree. As one article in Trends in Ecology and Evolution observed:
[T]he mitochondrial cytochrome b gene implied . . . an absurd phylogeny of mammals, regardless of the method of tree construction. Cats and whales fell within primates, grouping with simians (monkeys and apes) and strepsirhines (lemurs, bush-babies and lorises) to the exclusion of tarsiers. Cytochrome b is probably the most commonly sequenced gene in vertebrates, making this surprising result even more disconcerting.114

Strikingly, a different article in Trends in Ecology and Evolution concluded, "the wealth of competing morphological, as well as molecular proposals [of] the prevailing phylogenies of the mammalian orders would reduce [the mammalian tree] to an unresolved bush, the only consistent [evolutionary relationship] probably being the grouping of elephants and sea cows."115 Because of such conflicts, a major review article in Nature reported, "disparities between molecular and morphological trees" lead to "evolution wars" because "[e]volutionary trees constructed by studying biological molecules often don't resemble those drawn up from morphology."116
Finally, a study published in Science in 2005 tried to use genes to reconstruct the relationships of the animal phyla, but concluded that "[d]espite the amount of data and breadth of taxa analyzed, relationships among most [animal] phyla remained unresolved." The following year, the same authors published a scientific paper titled, "Bushes in the Tree of Life," which offered striking conclusions. The authors acknowledge that "a large fraction of single genes produce phylogenies of poor quality," observing that one study "omitted 35% of single genes from their data matrix, because those genes produced phylogenies at odds with conventional wisdom." The paper suggests that "certain critical parts of the [tree of life] may be difficult to resolve, regardless of the quantity of conventional data available." The paper even contends that "[t]he recurring discovery of persistently unresolved clades (bushes) should force a re-evaluation of several widely held assumptions of molecular systematics."117
Unfortunately, one assumption that these evolutionary biologists aren't willing to re-evaluate is the assumption that universal common ancestry is correct. They appeal to a myriad of ad hoc arguments -- horizontal gene transfer, long branch attraction, rapid evolution, different rates of evolution, coalescent theory, incomplete sampling, flawed methodology, and convergent evolution -- to explain away inconvenient data which doesn't fit the coveted treelike pattern. As a 2012 paper stated, "phylogenetic conflict is common, and frequently the norm rather than the exception."118 At the end of the day, the dream that DNA sequence data would fit into a nice-neat tree of life has failed, and with it a key prediction of neo-Darwinian theory.

Casey Luskin A Primer on the Tree of Life
Evolutionists often claim that universal common ancestry and the “tree of life” are established facts. One recent opinion article in argued, “The evidence that all life, plants and animals, humans and fruit flies, evolved from a common ancestor by mutation and natural selection is beyond theory. It is a fact. Anyone who takes the time to read the evidence with an open mind will join scientists and the well-educated.”1 The take-home message is that if you doubt Darwin’s tree of life, you’re ignorant. No one wants to be ridiculed, so it’s a lot easier to buy the rhetoric and “join scientists and the well-educated.” 
But what is the evidence for their claim, and how much of it is based upon assumptions? The truth is that common ancestry is merely an assumption that governs interpretation of the data, not an undeniable conclusion, and whenever data contradicts expectations of common descent, evolutionists resort to a variety of different ad hoc rationalizations to save common descent from being falsified. 
Some of these ad hoc rationalizations may appear reasonable — horizontal gene transfer, convergent evolution, differing rates of evolution (rapid evolution is conveniently said to muddy any phylogenetic signal), fusion of genomes — but at the end of the day, we must call them what they are: ad hoc rationalizations designed to save a theory that has already been falsified. Because it is taken as an assumption, evolutionists effectively treat common ancestry in an unfalsifiable and unscientific fashion, where any data that contradicts the expectations of common descent is simply explained away via one of the abovead hoc rationalizations. But if we treat common descent as it ought to be treated — as a testable hypothesis — then it contradicts much data. 

The Main Assumption
As noted, the first assumption that goes into tree-building is the basic assumption that similarity between different organisms is the result of inheritance from a common ancestor. That is, except for when it isn’t. (And then the similarity is purportedly said to be the result of convergent evolution, etc.) But even if we take this claim at face value — that similarity between different organisms is the result of inheritance from a common ancestor — let’s recognize it for what it is: a mere assumption. But are there other possibilities? 

The Molecular Evidence
When speaking to the public, evolutionists are infamous for overstating the evidence for universal common ancestry. For example, when speaking before the Texas State Board of Education in January, 2009, University of Texas evolutionist biologist David Hillis cited himself as one of the “world’s leading experts on the tree of life” and later told the Board that there is “overwhelming agreement correspondence as you go from protein to protein, DNA sequence to DNA sequence” when reconstructing evolutionary history using biological molecules. But this is not accurate. Indeed, in the technical scientific literature, one finds a vast swath of scientific papers that have found contradictions, inconsistencies, and flat out failures of the molecular data to provide a clear picture of phylogenetic history and common descent. 
Indeed, the cover story of the journal New Scientist, published on the very day that Dr. Hillis testified, was titled, “Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.” Directly contradicting Hillis’ gross oversimplification of molecular systematics, the article reported that “The problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories.” The article observed that with the sequencing of the genes and proteins of various living organisms, the tree of life fell apart:“For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life,” says Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. A few years ago it looked as though the grail was within reach. But today the project lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence. Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded. “We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality,” says Bapteste. That bombshell has even persuaded some that our fundamental view of biology needs to change.2Of course, these scientists are all committed evolutionists, which makes their admissions all the more weighty. To reiterate, the basic problem is that one gene or protein yields one version of the “tree of life,” while another gene or protein yields an entirely different tree. As the New Scientist article stated:The problems began in the early 1990s when it became possible to sequence actual bacterial and archaeal genes rather than just RNA. Everybody expected these DNA sequences to confirm the RNA tree, and sometimes they did but, crucially, sometimes they did not. RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.3Likewise, leading evolutionary bioinformatics specialist W. Ford Doolittle explains, “Molecular phylogenists will have failed to find the ‘true tree,’ not because their methods are inadequate or because they have chosen the wrong genes, but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree.”4 Hillis (and others) may claim that this problem is only encountered when one tries to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships of microorganisms, such as bacteria, which can swap genes through a process called “horizontal gene transfer,” thereby muddying any phylogenetic signal. But this objection doesn’t hold water because the tree of life is challenged even among higher organisms where such gene-swapping does not take place. As the article explains:Syvanen recently compared 2000 genes that are common to humans, frogs, sea squirts, sea urchins, fruit flies and nematodes. In theory, he should have been able to use the gene sequences to construct an evolutionary tree showing the relationships between the six animals. He failed. The problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories. This was especially true of sea-squirt genes. Conventionally, sea squirts—also known as tunicates—are lumped together with frogs, humans and other vertebrates in the phylum Chordata, but the genes were sending mixed signals. Some genes did indeed cluster within the chordates, but others indicated that tunicates should be placed with sea urchins, which aren't chordates. “Roughly 50 per cent of its genes have one evolutionary history and 50 per cent another,” Syvanen says.5Even among higher organisms, “[t]he problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories,” leading Syvanen to say, regarding the relationships of these higher groups, “We’ve just annihilated the tree of life.” This directly contradicts Hillis’ claim that there is “overwhelming agreement correspondence as you go from protein to protein, DNA sequence to DNA sequence.” 
Other scientists agree with the conclusions of the New Scientist article. Looking higher up the tree, a recent study published in Science tried to construct a phylogeny of animal relationships but concluded that “[d]espite the amount of data and breadth of taxa analyzed, relationships among most [animal] phyla remained unresolved.”6 Likewise, Carl Woese, a pioneer of evolutionary molecular systematics, observed that these problems extend well beyond the base of the tree of life: “Phylogenetic incongruities [conflicts] can be seeneverywhere in the universal tree, from its root to the major branchings within and among the various taxa to the makeup of the primary groupings themselves.”7 
Likewise, National Academy of Sciences biologist Lynn Margulis has had harsh words for the field of molecular systematics, which Hillis studies. In her article, “The Phylogenetic Tree Topples,” she explains that “many biologists claim they know for sure that random mutation (purposeless chance) is the source of inherited variation that generates new species of life and that life evolved in a single-common-trunk, dichotomously branching-phylogenetic-tree pattern!” But she dissents from that view and attacks the dogmatism of evolutionary systematists, noting, “Especially dogmatic are those molecular modelers of the ‘tree of life’ who, ignorant of alternative topologies (such as webs), don’t study ancestors.”8 
Striking admissions of troubles in reconstructing the “tree of life” also came from a paper in the journal PLOS Biology entitled, “Bushes in the Tree of Life.” The authors acknowledge that “a large fraction of single genes produce phylogenies of poor quality,” observing that one study “omitted 35% of single genes from their data matrix, because those genes produced phylogenies at odds with conventional wisdom.”9 The paper suggests that “certain critical parts of the [tree of life] may be difficult to resolve, regardless of the quantity of conventional data available.”10 The paper even contends that “[t]he recurring discovery of persistently unresolved clades (bushes) should force a re-evaluation of several widely held assumptions of molecular systematics.”11 
Unfortunately, one assumption that these evolutionary biologists aren’t willing to consider changing is the assumption that neo-Darwinism and universal common ancestry are correct. 
Extreme Genetic Convergent Similarity: Common Design or Common Descent?
If common descent is leading to so many bad predictions, why not consider the possibility that biological similarity is instead the result of common design? After all, designers regularly re-use parts, programs, or components that work in different designs (such as using wheels on both cars and airplanes, or keyboards on both computers and cell-phones). 
One data-point that might suggest common design rather than common descent is the gene “pax-6.” Pax-6 is one of those pesky instances where extreme genetic similarity popped up in a place totally unexpected and unpredicted by evolutionary biology. In short, scientists have discovered that organisms as diverse as jellyfish, arthropods, mollusks, and vertebrates all use pax-6 to control development of their very distinct types of eyes. Because their eye-types are so different, it previously hadn’t been thought that these organisms even shared a common ancestor with an eye. Evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr explains the havoc wreaked within the standard evolutionary phylogeny when it was discovered that the same gene controlled eye-development in many organisms with very different types of eyes:It had been shown that by morphological-phylogenetic research that photoreceptor organs (eyes) had developed at least 40 times independently during the evolution of animal diversity. A developmental geneticist, however, showed that all animals with eyes have the same regulator gene, Pax 6, which organizes the construction of the eye. It was therefore concluded at first concluded that all eyes were derived from a single ancestral eye with the Pax 6 gene. But then the geneticist also found Pax 6 in species without eyes, and proposed that they must have descended from ancestors with eyes. However, this scenario turned out to be quite improbable and the wide distribution of Pax 6 required a different explanation. It is now believed that Pax 6, even before the origin of eyes, had an unknown function in eyeless organisms, and was subsequently recruited for its role as an eye organizer.12Typically, extreme genetic similarity is thought to mandate inheritance from a common ancestor, because the odds of different species independently arriving at the same genetic solution are exceedingly small. But if we require a Darwinian evolutionary scheme, such an improbable event is exactly what must have occurred. The observed distribution of genes like pax-6 demand extreme “convergent evolution” at the genetic level. Mayr tries to argue that such improbable examples of extreme genetic convergent evolution are not not only acceptable, but common: That a structure like the eye could originate numerous times independently in very different kinds of organisms is not unique in the living world. After photoreceptors had evolved in animals, bioluminescence originated at least 30 times independently among various kinds of organisms. In most cases, essentially similar biochemical mechanisms were used. Virtually scores of similar cases have been discovered in recent years, and they often make use of hidden potentials of the genotype inherited from early ancestors.13Mayr tries to explain away this extreme genetic convergent similarity by appealing to “hidden potentials of the genotype.” Does this sound compatible with the kind of blind, unguided, and even random processes inherent in neo-Darwinian evolution? No. This sounds like a goal-directed process — intelligent design. 

Homology in Crisis
As Mayr suggests, there are other examples where genetic similarity appears in unexpected places. Biologically functional similarity that is thought to be the result of inheritance from a common ancestor is called “homology.” 
The concept of “homology” has been thrown into a crisis via observations, like those of Mayr, that the same genes control the growth of non-homologous body parts. Pax-6 is just one example. Another is the fact that the same gene controls the development of limbs in widely diverse types organisms that have wholly different types of limbs, where their common ancestor is not thought to have a common type of limb.14 The methodology used to infer homology was also challenged when it was discovered that different developmental pathways control the growth of body parts otherwise thought to be homologous. As the textbook Explore Evolution observes:In sharks, for example, the gut develops from cells in the roof of the embryonic cavity. In lampreys, the gut develops from cells on the floor of the cavity. And in frogs, the gut develops from cells from both the roof and the floor of the embryonic cavity. This discovery—that homologous structures can be produced by different developmental pathways—contradicts what we would expect to find if all vertebrates share a common ancestor. … To summarize, biologists have made two discoveries that challenge the argument from anatomical homology. The first is that the development of homologous structures can be governed by different genes and can follow different developmental pathways. The second discovery, conversely, is that sometimes the same gene plays a role in producing different adult structures. Both of these discoveries seem to contradict neo-Darwinian expectations.15Perhaps this evidence is just the result of what Mayr called “hidden potentials of the genotype,” or perhaps it contradicts neo-Darwinian expectations because neo-Darwinism is wrong. 

Molecules Contradict Morphology
A final way that evolutionists overstate the evidence for common descent is by claiming that molecular phylogenies have confirmed or buttressed phylogenies based upon morphology. For example, in his book Galileo’s Finger, Oxford University scientist Peter Atkins discusses evolution and boldly states, “The effective prediction is that the details of molecular evolution must be consistent with those of macroscopic evolution.”16 Likewise, when testifying before the Texas State Board of Education, David Hillis claimed that “there’s overwhelming correspondence between the basic structures we have about the tree of life from anatomical data, from biochemical data, molecular sequence data.” Yet a variety of studies — typically unmentioned when evolutionists promote common descent to the public — have recognized that evolutionary trees based upon morphology (physical characteristics of organisms) or fossils, commonly conflict with evolutionary trees based upon DNA or protein sequences (also called molecule-based trees). 
One authoritative review paper by Darwinian leaders in this field stated, “As morphologists with high hopes of molecular systematics, we end this survey with our hopes dampened. Congruence between molecular phylogenies is as elusive as it is in morphology and as it is between molecules and morphology.”17 Another set of pro-evolution experts wrote, “That molecular evidence typically squares with morphological patterns is a view held by many biologists, but interestingly, by relatively few systematists. Most of the latter know that the two lines of evidence may often be incongruent."18 
For example, pro-evolution textbooks often tout the Cytochrome C phylogenetic tree as allegedly matching and confirming the traditional phylogeny of many animal groups. This is said to bolster the case for common descent. However, evolutionists cherry pick this example and rarely talk about the Cytochrome B tree, which has striking differences from the classical animal phylogeny. As one article in Trends in Ecology and Evolution stated: “the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene implied...an absurd phylogeny of mammals, regardless of the method of tree construction. Cats and whales fell within primates, grouping with simians (monkeys and apes) and strepsirhines (lemurs, bush-babies and lorises) to the exclusion of tarsiers. Cytochrome b is probably the most commonly sequenced gene in vertebrates, making this surprising result even more disconcerting.”19 
The widespread prevalence of disagreement and non-correspondence between molecule-based evolutionary trees and anatomy-based evolutionary trees led to a major article in Nature that reported that “disparities between molecular and morphological trees” lead to “evolution wars” because “Evolutionary trees constructed by studying biological molecules often don’t resemble those drawn up from morphology.”20 The article’s revelation of the disparities between molecular and morphological phylogenies was striking:When biologists talk of the ‘evolution wars’, they usually mean the ongoing battle for supremacy in American schoolrooms between Darwinists and their creationist opponents. But the phrase could also be applied to a debate that is raging within systematics. On one side stand traditionalists who have built evolutionary trees from decades of work on species' morphological characteristics. On the other lie molecular systematists, who are convinced that comparisons of DNA and other biological molecules are the best way to unravel the secrets of evolutionary history. … So can the disparities between molecular and morphological trees ever be resolved? Some proponents of the molecular approach claim there is no need. The solution, they say, is to throw out morphology, and accept their version of the truth. “Our method provides the final conclusion about phylogeny,” claims Okada. Shared ancestry means a genetic relationship, the molecular camp argues, so it must be better to analyse DNA and the proteins it encodes, rather than morphological characters that can end up looking similar as a result of convergent evolution in unrelated groups, rather than through common descent. But morphologists respond that convergence can also happen at the molecular level, and note there is a long history of systematists making large claims based on one new form of evidence, only to be proved wrong at a later date.21Likewise, a review article in the journal Bioessays reported that despite a vast increase in the amount of data since Darwin’s time, “our ability to reconstruct accurately the tree of life may not have improved significantly over the last 100 years,” and that, “[d]espite increasing methodological sophistication, phylogenies derived from morphology, and those inferred from molecules, are not always converging on a consensus.”22 Strikingly, an article in Trends in Ecology and Evolutionconcluded, “the wealth of competing morphological, as well as molecular proposals [of] the prevailing phylogenies of the mammalian orders would reduce [the mammalian tree] to an unresolved bush, the only consistent clade probably being the grouping of elephants and sea cows.”23 
Despite the inaccurate claims of some evolutionists and their cherry picking of data, the truth is that there is great incongruence between these two different types of phylogenies, and that this incongruence is a huge issue, problem, and debate within systematics. 

The methodology for inferring common descent has broken down. Proponents of neo-Darwinian evolution are forced into reasoning that similarity implies common ancestry, except for when it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t, they appeal to all sorts of ad hoc rationalizations to save common ancestry. Tellingly, the one assumption and view that they are not willing to jettison is the overall assumption of common ancestry itself. This shows that evolutionists treat common descent in an unfalsifiable, and therefore unscientific and ideological, fashion. 
Meanwhile, as far as the data is concerned, the New Scientist article admits, “Ever since Darwin the tree has been the unifying principle for understanding the history of life on Earth,” but because “different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories,” the notion of a tree of life is now quickly becoming a vision of the past — as the article stated, it’s being “annihilated.” Perhaps the reason why different genes are telling “different evolutionary stories” is because the genes have wholly different stories to tell, namely stories that indicate that all organisms are not genetically related. For those open-minded enough to consider it, common design is a viable alternative to common descent. 

Ideacenter: Summary of Breakdowns in Attempts to Reconstruct the Tree of Life
When arguing for common descent, evolutionary scientists typically assert that the degree of genetic (or anatomical) similarity between two species indicates how closely they are related. But there are numerous cases where this assumption fails, and anatomical or molecular data yield evolutionary trees (called ‘phylogenies’) that conflict with conventional views of organismal relationships. The basic problem is that evolutionary trees based on one gene commonly differ strikingly from a phylogeny based on a different gene.
Leading evolutionists are loath to admit this fact during public debate. During the 2009 Texas State Board of Education (TSBOE) hearings on evolution-education, University of Texas Austin evolutionary scientist David Hillis cited himself as a “world’s leading exper[t] on the tree of life” and told the TSBOE that there is “overwhelming agreement correspondence as you go from protein to protein, DNA sequence to DNA sequence” when reconstructing evolutionary history using biological molecules. Hillis’s self-proclaimed expertise makes it all the more disconcerting that he tried to mislead the TSBOE about the widespread prevalence of incongruencies between various molecular phylogenies within his own field.
Indeed, the very day that Hillis testified before the TSBOE, the journal New Scientist published a cover story titled “Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.” Directly contradicting Hillis’s gross oversimplification of the case for common ancestry, the article reported that “The problem was that different genes told contradictory evolutionary stories.” The article observed that with the sequencing of the genes and proteins of various living organisms, the tree of life fell apart: “For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life,” says Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. A few years ago it looked as though the grail was within reach. But today the project lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence. Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded. “We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality,” says Bapteste. That bombshell has even persuaded some that our fundamental view of biology needs to change.1 To reiterate, the basic problem is that one gene or protein yields one version of the “tree of life,” while another gene or protein yields an entirely different tree. As the New Scientist article stated: The problems began in the early 1990s when it became possible to sequence actual bacterial and archaeal genes rather than just RNA. Everybody expected these DNA sequences to confirm the RNA tree, and sometimes they did but, crucially, sometimes they did not. RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.2 Likewise, leading evolutionary bioinformatics specialist W. Ford Doolittle explains, “Molecular phylogenists will have failed to find the ‘true tree,’ not because their methods are inadequate or because they have chosen the wrong genes, but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree.”3 Evolutionary biologists like Doolittle may claim that this problem is encountered when one tries to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships of microorganisms, such as bacteria, which can swap genes through a process called horizontal gene transfer, thereby muddying any phylogenetic signal. But this objection does not hold water, since the tree of life is challenged even among higher organisms where such gene-swapping is not observed. As the New Scientist article noted, “research suggests that the evolution of animals and plants isn't exactly tree-like either.”

1) http://www.icr.org/article/human-chimp-similarities-common-ancestry/
2) http://www.icr.org/article/newly-discovered-orphan-genes-defy/
3) http://darwins-god.blogspot.com.br/2014/01/chinese-researchers-demolish.html
4) http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1481
5) http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1512

marine worms are more closely related to humans than are mollusks and insects - Nature 2-9-11

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:02 pm; edited 9 times in total




Common Descent (Darwinism)–Science or Pseudoscience?


Common Descent (Darwinism)–Science or Pseudoscience?
Genetic variations can produce observable changes in existing features or traits (microevolution), but there is NO empirical evidence that reflects a new feature appearing which has never been seen before in that organism (macroevolution):

“In each of these pivotal nexuses in life’s history, the principal “types” seem to appear rapidly and fully equipped with the signature features of the respective new level of biological organization. No intermediate “grades” or intermediate forms between different types are detectable.”
“The Biological Big Bang model for the major transitions in evolution,” Eugene V Koonin, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, in Biology Direct 2007, 2:21.
“It is not necessarily easy to ‘see’ macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using all available evidence: geology, fossils, and living organisms.”
University of California Museum of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education’s website, “Understanding Evolution: “What is macroevolution?” page.
Let’s examine the typical indoctrination techniques used by evolutionary groups, this one being “29+ Evidences for Macroevolution” from TalkOrigins:http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/section1.html

Their first three ‘evidences’ include “The fundamental unity of life”, “A nested hierarchy of species”, and the “Independent determination of the historical phylogeny.” The “unity of life” describes a common creator (God), “nested hierarchy” is the arbitrarily-devised evolutionary history of groups of organisms, and the outdated “phylogenetic tree” has now be shown to be “wrong and misleading”:
“Dr Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, said: ‘For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life. We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality.’ …
Dr Rose said: ‘The tree of life is being politely buried – we all know that. What’s less accepted is our whole fundamental view of biology needs to change.’”
Telegraph UK Online, “Charles Darwin’s tree of life is ‘wrong and misleading’, claim scientists”, January 22, 2009.

The forth ‘evidence’ is called “Intermediate and transitional forms: the possible morphologies of predicted common ancestors”:

Note that their figures show changes in existing features mixed with miraculous appearances of new features. Not feeling the need to address where these new features came from, they just add them when needed, and they ALWAYS appear fully formed and functional. (Begin with Figure 1.4.1)

Using TalkOrigins own criteria, let’s review how common descent holds up when using the Scientific Method of testing an hypothesis:

Make observations.
Form a testable, unifying hypothesis to explain these observations:
“By ‘testable,’ we mean the predictions must include examples of what is likely be observed if the hypothesis is true and of what is unlikely to be observed if the hypothesis is true. A hypothesis that can explain all possible data equally well is not testable, nor is it scientific. A good scientific hypothesis must rule out some conceivable possibilities, at least in principle.”
Deduce predictions from the hypothesis.
Search for confirmations of the predictions; if the predictions are contradicted by empirical observation, go back to step (2).
(From: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/sciproof.html)
1. Observations:

There is NO direct observation of common descent:

“It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using multiple lines of evidence, including geology, fossils, and living organisms.”
2 & 3. There are NO testable, unifying hypotheses because there are NO exclusive and consistent predictions:

For an excellent overview of falsified Darwinian predictions, go to “Darwin’s Predictions”:

a. The Theory of Evolution predicted that new genes were necessary to create more complex features in existing organisms. However, it has been discovered that lower forms of life already possess the genetic “toolkit” needed to cause more complex features to arise in higher forms of life:

“It is the underlying genetic tool kit that is similar amongst these basal animals. Placozoa have all of the tools in their genome to make a nervous system, but they just don’t do it.”
“Another fascinating fact is sea urchins don’t have eyes, ears or a nose, but they have the genes humans have for vision, hearing and smelling …
Despite having no eyes, nose, or ears, the creature has genes involved in vision, hearing and smell in humans.”
“The findings reported in the August 21 online edition of the journal Nature show that while Trichoplax has one of the smallest nuclear genomes found in a multi-cellular creature, it contains signature sequences for gene regulation found in more complex animals and humans.”
“Another surprise came from a complexity of components of the immune system in sea urchin. In addition to an extremely well developed system of the innate immunity, these animals possess genes encoding major components of the adaptive immune response … Yet, sea urchin does not have antibodies, and possibly lacks adaptive immunity in general. Genes that are seemingly useless in sea urchin but are very useful in higher taxons exemplify excessive genetic information in lower taxons.”
“Long before animals with limbs (tetrapods) came onto the scene about 365 million years ago, fish already possessed the genes associated with helping to grow hands and feet (autopods) report University of Chicago researchers …
The capability of building limbs with fingers and toes existed for a long period of time, but it took a set of environmental triggers to make use of that capability…
“It had the tools,’ he said, “but it needed the opportunity as well.””
b. The Theory of Evolution predicts that life began as simple organisms, but complexity has been rule, not exception, in the earliest known fossils:

“Part of the intrigue with the Cambrian explosion is that numerous animal phyla with very distinct body plans arrive on the scene in a geological blink of the eye, with little or no warning of what is to come in rocks that predate this interval of time.”
“One of the most interesting challenges facing paleobiologists is explaining the Cambrian explosion, the dramatic appearance of most metazoan animal phyla in the Early Cambrian, and the subsequent stability of these body plans over the ensuing 530 million years.”
Kevin J. Peterson, Michael R. Dietrich, Mark A. McPeek, “MicroRNAs and macroevolution: insights into canalization, complexity, and the Cambrian Explosion,” (Hypothesis) Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College
“Two paleontologists studying ancient fossils they excavated in the South Australian outback argue that Earth’s ecosystem has been complex for hundreds of millions of years – … Until now, the dominant paradigm in the field of paleobiology has been that the earliest multicellular animals were simple, and that strategies organisms use today to survive, reproduce and grow in numbers have arisen over time due to several factors … “How Funisia appears in the fossils clearly shows that ecosystems were complex very early in the history of animals on Earth – “”
c. There are NO predictions or explanations for the appearance of a molecular structure called a primary cilium, which projects from the surface of most, if not all cells. It acts as a radio antenna that sends precise and essential instructions to the inner cell via frequency modified vibrations, i.e. sound waves.
How they originated and where the instructions come from (God) is impossible to address through secular science. Evolutionists have yet to propose a reasonable explanation:

“Despite the impressive amount of progress made over the past decade, we are left with even more challenging and critical questions. These questions include how extracellular stimuli perceived by the cilia result in changes in cell behavior and physiology …”
“The primary cilium, the solitary, antenna-like structure that studs the outer surfaces of virtually all human cells, orient cells to move in the right direction and at the speed needed to heal wounds, much like a Global Positioning System helps ships navigate to their destinations.”
“The puzzle of how higher animals develop – how a mass of undifferentiated cells organise themselves into specialised, functioning tissues, organs, and organisms – could now be solved – and the clue has been right under our noses for over a century.
Every mammalian cell has a single primary cilium. This structure sticks out from the cell membrane like a cellphone aerial. First noticed by 19th Century microscopists, it was thought to be a useless, vestigial structure like the appendix. But recent discoveries show it is absolutely pivotal in cell differentiation and maintenance of tissue and organ structure and function.”
“Almost every vertebrate cell has a specialized cell surface projection called a primary cilium. Although these structures were first described more than a century ago, the full scope of their functions remains poorly understood. Here, we review emerging evidence that in addition to their well-established roles in sight, smell, and mechanosensation, primary cilia are key participants in intercellular signaling.”
d. There are NO predictions or explanations for the appearance of highly complex regulatory networks and control systems:

“The researchers found that blood cells are directed by a multitude of transcription factors, proteins that turn on and off genes … The findings point to densely, interconnected circuits that control this process, suggesting that the wiring for blood cell fate is far more complex than previously thought.”
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, “Global View of Blood Cell Development Reveals New and Complex Circuitry”, January 20, 2011, ScienceDaily.
“Molecular motors, the little engines that power cell mobility and the ability of cells to transport internal cargo, work together and in close coordination, according to a new finding by researchers at the University of Virginia …
The new University of Virginia study provides strong evidence that the motors are indeed working in coordination, all pulling in one direction, as if under command, or in the opposite direction — again, as if under strict instruction.”
University of Virginia, “Molecular Motors In Cells Work Together, Study Shows,” February 25, 2009. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090213161043.htm
“FANTOM4 has shown that instead of having one or a few ‘master regulator’ genes that control growth and development, there is a sophisticated network of regulatory elements that subtly influence the ways in which genes are expressed in different cells in the body,” Professor John Mattick said.
University of Queensland, “Study Challenges Notions Of How Genes Are Controlled In Mammals,” April 23, 2009. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/04/090420103549.htm
“Had Amin Rustom not messed up, he would not have stumbled upon one of the biggest discoveries in biology of recent times …
Using video microscopy, they watched adjacent cells reach out to each other with antenna-like projections, establish contact and then build the tubular connections. The connections were not just between pairs of cells. Cells can send out several nanotubes, forming an intricate and transient network of linked cells lasting anything from minutes to hours.
… Nothing in his experience could explain the phenomenon.”
“Tunnelling nanotubes: Life’s secret network,” New Scientist, November 18, 2008.
“The scientists found out that the new electrical signal they called “system potential” was induced and even modulated by wounding. If a plant leaf is wounded, the signal strength can be different and can be measured over long distances in unwounded leaves, depending on the kind and concentration of added cations (e.g. calcium, potassium, or magnesium). It is not the transport of ions across cell membranes that causes the observed changes in voltage transmitted from leaf to shoot and then to the next leaf, but the activation of so-called proton pumps.”
Justus Liebig University of Gießen and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena,“Novel Electric Signals In Plants Induced By Wounding Plant,” March 10, 2009.
“The p53 protein, which exists in all the cells of the body, is commonly called the “guardian of the genome”, since it detects harmful DNA changes and prevents them from being transmitted further into the body. p53 activates genetic programmes that arrest the division and growth of damaged cells or trigger their apoptosis. In half of all cancer tumours, the gene for p53 is damaged, and the scientists believe that the protein has been rendered dysfunctional in all cancer tumours.”
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, “New research on the ‘guardian of the genome,’”May 12, 2009, PhyOrg.com website.
e. The Theory of Evolution predicts that organisms become more complex throughout time, but some become less complex, and some never change at all:

“A new and comprehensive analysis confirms that the evolutionary relationships among animals are not as simple as previously thought. The traditional idea that animal evolution has followed a trajectory from simple to complex—from sponge to chordate—meets a dramatic exception in the metazoan tree of life.”
“If you start with the simplest possible animal body, then there’s only one direction to evolve in – you have to become more complex, …”
“The second is that the sponge evolved its simpler form from the more complex form. This second possibility underscores the fact that “evolution is not necessarily just a march towards increased complexity,” Dunn said.””
“Just as tetrapods went off and did something crazy with their fin by adding to it, zebrafish went off and did something crazy by losing part of their fin.”
“Coelacanths are well known from the fossil record of 75 million to 400 million years ago … Coelacanths fascinate because of their unusual appearance and evolutionary importance. They have remained virtually unchanged morphologically for millions of years, leading some to call them “living fossils.””
“These simply organized organisms do not have specialized muscle or nerve cells and nevertheless survived the last 500 million years almost unchanged and are considered a link between the single-cell dominated Precambrian and later multicellular organisms.”
f. The Theory of Evolution predicts that accumulations of genetic change will eventually produce profound changes in organisms. However, inheritable genetic alterations have never created more complexity because most copying errors are ‘re-written’ by miniscule machines, and alterations that proceed to the next generation most often produce less fit organisms:

“Research published in 2007 showed the importance of the nuclear protein UHRF1 in ensuring that the epigenetic code is accurately copied …
The key element of UHRF1 involved in this “proofreading” process is known as the Set and Ring Associated (SRA) domain, but the exact mechanisms by which the SRA domain accomplishes this task were unclear.”
“A mathematical analysis of the experiments showed that the proteins themselves acted to correct any imbalance imposed on them through artificial mutations and restored the chain to working order …
The authors sought to identify the underlying cause for this self-correcting behavior in the observed protein chains. Standard evolutionary theory offered no clues … The scientists are working on formulating a new general theory based on this finding they are calling “evolutionary control.””
“In short, the notion that molecules of germ cells … are in states of perpetual change is not, in our present understanding of cell biology, tenable. This doesn’t mean that “molecular change” does not occur; only that mechanisms provoking such change in germ cells are likely instantaneous and stochastic and probably often lethal (Maresca and Schwartz 2006) – which will preclude their persistence into future generations.”
“Alterations in the normal recombination pattern are often associated with errors in chromosome segregation in humans, and these errors are a major cause of spontaneous abortions and congenital birth defects, including mental retardation.”
(Go to “Meiotic Recombination Does Not Occur at Random Throughout the Genome”)
g. The Theory of Evolution predicted that once genetic changes were ‘fixed’ in populations, previous DNA would not arise again. However, it has been shown that organisms can miraculously restore DNA up to 200 millions of years in a frog and 8 generations in plants AFTER a feature has disappeared:

“Gastrotheca guentheri, one of a group of frogs known for carrying fertilized eggs in pouches, is the only ranine species known for sporting teeth on both upper and lower jaws. That trait is unusual because frogs are said to have been missing their lower teeth for some 200 million years.
For that reason, the quirk represents an apparent violation of Dollo’s Law, which states that traits that disappear in the course of evolution will never return. Study leader John Wiens explained, ‘The loss of mandibular teeth in the ancestor of modern frogs and their re-appearance in G. guentheri provides very strong evidence for the controversial idea that complex anatomical traits that are evolutionarily lost can re-evolve, even after being absent for hundreds of millions of years.’”
University of Kansas, “Frogs Re-evolved Lost Lower Teeth”, January 31, 2011, BBC News.
“Here we show that Arabidopsis plants homozygous for recessive mutant alleles of the organ fusion gene HOTHEAD5 (HTH) can inherit allele-specific DNA sequence information hat was not present in the chromosomal genome of their parents but was present in previous generations. This previously undescribed process is shown to occur at all DNA sequence polymorphisms examined and therefore seems to be a general mechanism for extra-genomic inheritance of DNA sequence information. We postulate that these genetic restoration events are the result of a template-directed process that makes use of an ancestral RNA-sequence cache.”
“Here, we show that a rice triploid and diploid hybridization resulted in stable diploid progenies, both in genotypes and phenotypes, through gene homozygosity. Furthermore, their gene homozygosity can be inherited through 8 generations, and they can convert DNA sequences of other rice varieties into their own. Molecular-marker examination confirmed that this type of genome-wide gene conversion occurred at a very high frequency. Possible mechanisms, including RNA-templated repair of double-strand DNA, are discussed.”
h. The Theory of Evolution predicts that related organisms will share the same genes and similar features (homology), but unrelated organisms share the same genes and possess almost identical features (convergent evolution):

“Biologists have shown that independent but similar molecular changes turned a harmless digestive enzyme into a toxin in two unrelated species — a shrew and a lizard — giving each a venomous bite.
… “It’s remarkable that the same types of changes have independently promoted the same toxic end product.””
“About one-quarter of apid bees are so-called cleptoparasitic bees, which secretly invade host nests and lay their eggs there. The new study reports that these bees did not independently evolve from nest-making bees 11 times over history, as bee experts have reported for years, but independently evolved only four times.”
“Animals that seem identical may belong to completely different species. This is the conclusion of researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, who have used DNA analyses to discover that one of our most common segmented worms is actually two types of worm. The result is one of many suggesting that the variety of species on the earth could be considerably larger than we thought …
But when the researchers examined the worms using advanced methods for DNA analysis, they discovered that they were in fact two different species. Both species of worm differ in one of the examined genes by 17 percent, which is twice as much as the equivalent difference between humans and chimpanzees.”
“This means that the nervous system, once thought to have arisen once, must have evolved twice from the DNA that coded for these complex systems (keeping in mind that while Placozoans and sponges do not have nervous systems, many of the taxa related to them do.)
DeSalle agrees. “It is the underlying genetic tool kit that is similar amongst these basal animals. Placozoa have all of the tools in their genome to make a nervous system, but they just don’t do it.””
“A team led by Jay Storz (prounounced storts), assistant professor of biological sciences, analyzed the complete genome sequences of multiple vertebrate species and found that jawless fishes (e.g., lampreys and hagfish) and jawed vertebrates (pretty much everything else, including humans) independently invented different mechanisms of blood-oxygen transport to sustain aerobic metabolism.”
“The researchers were surprised to find that placental and marsupial mammals have largely the same set of genes for making proteins. Instead, much of the difference lies in the controls that turn genes on and off.”
“Flying squirrels and sugar gliders are only distantly related. So why do they look so similar then? Their gliding “wings” and big eyes are analogous structures. Natural selection independently adapted both lineages for similar lifestyles: leaping from treetops (hence, the gliding “wings”) and foraging at night (hence, the big eyes).”
“Elephant shrews were originally classified as shrews (Soricidae) because of a superficial resemblance. However, in the late 1990s, when biologists began using detailed information on genetic sequences to reconstruct the family tree of mammals, the results were surprising. Elephant shrews were not closely related to shrews or to other mammal groups like rabbits, with which they had sometimes been lumped. Instead, the elephant shrew twig sprang from an unexpected branch of the tree: the aardvark, manatee, and elephant lineage!”
i. The Theory of Evolution predicts that DNA sequencing would establish firm branches in family trees, but it has only added more confusion:

“Dr Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, said: “For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life. We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality.” …
Dr Dupré said: “It’s part of a revolutionary change in biology. Our standard model of evolution is under enormous pressure. We’re clearly going to see evolution as much more about mergers and collaboration than change within isolated lineages.””
“Charles Darwin’s tree of life is ‘wrong and misleading’, claim scientists”, January 22, 2009, Telegraph UK Online.
“Today’s computational tools use sequence similarity, assuming that genes with similar sequences indicate common ancestry … But Durand’s tests showed that this assumption often does not hold. Her team found disturbing results when they compared sequence similarity to their Neighborhood Correlation method in evaluating the 20 gene families with established histories. The sequence similarity method actually yielded false ancestral associations and missed true ancestral relationships.”
j. The Theory of Evolution predicts that fossils can be accurately dated, but new research shows the inconsistency of dating techniques:

“The precise timing of the origin of life on Earth and the changes in life during the past 4.5 billion years has been a subject of great controversy for the past century. The principal indicator of the amount of organic carbon produced by biological activity traditionally used is the ratio of the less abundant isotope of carbon, 13C, to the more abundant isotope, 12C.
It appears that records related to carbonate platforms which are often used throughout the early history of the Earth are not good recorders of the 13C/12C ratio in the open oceans. Hence, the work presented suggests that assumptions made previously about changes in the 13C/12C ratios of carbonate sediments in the geological record are incorrect.”
“But in biological systems, there is a small bias in the use of each isotope (called “fractionation”) which results in biological tissues having a different ratio of 12C to 13C than the ‘wild’ carbon floating around, say, in the atmosphere …
It turns out that a study of these different depositional environments, in the paper by Swart, indicates that the two data sources behave differently and the non-ocean bottom deposits cannot be used as they previously were. As a result of this, our understanding of the history of the Earth’s carbon cycle has gone all topsy-turvy and now needs to be re-examined.”
k. The Theory of Evolution predicts that molecular and fossil dating will be consistent, but inconsistencies are the rule, not the exception:

“Therefore, we conclude that dating ages of origin of taxa with molecular phylogenetic trees where fossils are used as calibration points, is, at best, ambiguous (e.g, Sanderson 1997: Thorne & Kishino 2002).”
“Temporal paralogy, cladograms, and the quality of the fossil record” Publications Scientifiques du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Geodiversitas, 2004, 26 (3) (See PDF)
“In line with our model, molecular evolution trees often do not fit a morphology-based evolution tree.”
l. The Theory of Evolution predicts that fossils can be dated by their position within layers of the earth (strata), but layers do not reflect a uniform geological column. In fact, marine fossil remains (limestone) have been found on top of EVERY mountain range in the world:

“I hope I have convinced you that the sedimentary record is largely a record of episodic events rather than being uniformly continuous. My message is that episodicity is the rule, not the exception…. We need to shed those lingering subconscious constraints of old uniformitarian thinking.”
(Emeritus) Professor Robert Dott, Sedimentary Geology, UW Madison, “The Rule”, Presidential Address To Society of Economic Paleontologists & Mineralogists, Geotimes, Nov. 1982, p.16 Dott is a co-author of a leading textbook of earth history, Evolution of the Earth (McGraw-Hill), which is now in its 7th edition. In 1995, he received the Geological Society of America’s History of Geology Division Award.
“Relative dating places fossils in a temporal sequence by noting their positions in layers of rocks, known as strata … Sometimes this method doesn’t work, either because the layers weren’t deposited horizontally to begin with, or because they have been overturned.”
“Earth movements over extremely long periods of earth’s history can lift limestone miles into the air. The summit of Mount Everest is limestone that started out on an ocean floor.”
m. The Theory of Evolution predicts that evolution is still occurring, but there are no isolated populations emerging that reflect new organs or body parts forming. Regardless of the excuses, documentation of observable macroevolution is non-existent:

“It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using multiple lines of evidence, including geology, fossils, and living organisms.”
4. All predictions are contradictory, so none of the hypotheses of evolution are testable and, therefore, the hypothesis of common descent (macroevolution) cannot be confirmed.


“In science, explanations must be based on naturally occurring phenomena. Natural causes are, in principle, reproducible and therefore can be checked independently by others.”
“Science, Evolution, and Creationism,” 2008, National Academy of Sciences (NAS), The National Academies Press, third edition, page 10.
1. Are there any mechanisms that have been proven to create new features or structures in existing organisms, as well as ones that are a “naturally occurring phenomena”?

a. See the inability of evolutionists to describe how common descent supposedly occurs:

Also, go to http://www.whoisyourcreator.com/how_does_evolution_occur.html
b. See how evolutionists even openly admit to NOT knowing how evolution supposedly occurs:

“Students should realize that although virtually all scientists accept the general concept of evolution of species, scientists do have different opinions on how fast and by what mechanisms evolution proceeds.”
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, Educational Benchmarks, (F) Evolution of Life
“Scientists are still uncovering the specifics of how, when, and why evolution produced the life we see on Earth today.”
Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
“But they are trying to figure out how evolution happens, and that’s not an easy job.”
University of California Museum of Paleontology and the National Center for Science Education
“Precisely how and at what rates descent with modification occurs are areas of intense research. For example, much work is under way testing the significance of natural selection as the main driving force of evolution.”
The American Geological Institute
2. Is common descent “reproducible and therefore can be checked independently by others”?
With all the thousands of experiments with bacteria, fruit flies, and other organisms, scientists have yet to create or see any hint of common descent:

“Throughout 150 years of the science of bacteriology, there is no evidence that one species of bacteria has changed into another …
Since there is no evidence for species changes between the simplest
forms of unicellular life, it is not surprising that there is no evidence for evolution from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells, let alone throughout the whole array of higher multicellular organisms.”
Alan H. Linton, University of Bristol bacteriologist, in an April, 2001 article entitled “Scant Search for the Maker” Times Higher Education Supplement, 2001.
“Despite a close watch, we have witnessed no new species emerge in the wild in recorded history. Also, most remarkably, we have seen no new animal species emerge in domestic breeding. That includes no new species of fruit flies in hundreds of millions of generations in fruit fly studies, where both soft and harsh pressures have been deliberately applied to the fly populations to induce speciation…we also clearly see that the limits of variation appear to be narrowly bounded, and often bounded within species.”
Kevin Kelly, Board Chair and founder of the ALL Species Foundation, in his book, “Out of Control”: The New Biology of Machines” 1994, Fourth Estate:London, 1995, reprint, p.475. ALL Species Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the complete inventory, including describing and classifying, all of the species of life on Earth by 2025.
Since there is NO proof that common descent (macroevolution) is a “naturally occurring phenomena” or is “reproducible and therefore can be checked independently by others,” ALL existing evolutionary explanations for common descent (macroevolution) MUST be given the correct status of being supernatural, i.e. something attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces.




Besides there being overlapping coding that are, hierarchically, above the coding of DNA, we find that there also is overlapping coding within DNA as well:

Multiple Overlapping Genetic Codes Profoundly Reduce the Probability of Beneficial Mutation George Montañez 1, Robert J. Marks II 2, Jorge Fernandez 3 and John C. Sanford 4 – published online May 2013
Excerpt: In the last decade, we have discovered still another aspect of the multi- dimensional genome. We now know that DNA sequences are typically “ poly-functional” [38]. Trifanov previously had described at least 12 genetic codes that any given nucleotide can contribute to [39,40], and showed that a given base-pair can contribute to multiple overlapping codes simultaneously. The first evidence of overlapping protein-coding sequences in viruses caused quite a stir, but since then it has become recognized as typical. According to Kapronov et al., “it is not unusual that a single base-pair can be part of an intricate network of multiple isoforms of overlapping sense and antisense transcripts, the majority of which are unannotated” [41]. The ENCODE project [42] has confirmed that this phenomenon is ubiquitous in higher genomes, wherein a given DNA sequence routinely encodes multiple overlapping messages, meaning that a single nucleotide can contribute to two or more genetic codes. Most recently, Itzkovitz et al. analyzed protein coding regions of 700 species, and showed that virtually all forms of life have extensive overlapping information in their genomes [43].

“There is abundant evidence that most DNA sequences are poly-functional, and therefore are poly-constrained. This fact has been extensively demonstrated by Trifonov (1989). For example, most human coding sequences encode for two different RNAs, read in opposite directions i.e. Both DNA strands are transcribed ( Yelin et al., 2003). Some sequences encode for different proteins depending on where translation is initiated and where the reading frame begins (i.e. read-through proteins). Some sequences encode for different proteins based upon alternate mRNA splicing. Some sequences serve simultaneously for protein-encoding and also serve as internal transcriptional promoters. Some sequences encode for both a protein coding, and a protein-binding region. Alu elements and origins-of-replication can be found within functional promoters and within exons. Basically all DNA sequences are constrained by isochore requirements (regional GC content), “word” content (species-specific profiles of di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleotide frequencies), and nucleosome binding sites (i.e. All DNA must condense). Selective condensation is clearly implicated in gene regulation, and selective nucleosome binding is controlled by specific DNA sequence patterns – which must permeate the entire genome. Lastly, probably all sequences do what they do, even as they also affect general spacing and DNA-folding/architecture – which is clearly sequence dependent. To explain the incredible amount of information which must somehow be packed into the genome (given that extreme complexity of life), we really have to assume that there are even higher levels of organization and information encrypted within the genome. For example, there is another whole level of organization at the epigenetic level (Gibbs 2003). There also appears to be extensive sequence dependent three-dimensional organization within chromosomes and the whole nucleus (Manuelides, 1990; Gardiner, 1995; Flam, 1994). Trifonov (1989), has shown that probably all DNA sequences in the genome encrypt multiple “codes” (up to 12 codes).
Dr. John Sanford; Genetic Entropy 2005

Moreover, there are very good mathematical reasons why overlapping coding within DNA will prevent one creature from ever being changed into another creature.

Multiple Overlapping Genetic Codes Profoundly Reduce the Probability of Beneficial Mutation George Montañez 1, Robert J. Marks II 2, Jorge Fernandez 3 and John C. Sanford 4 – May 2013
Conclusions: Our analysis confirms mathematically what would seem intuitively obvious – multiple overlapping codes within the genome must radically change our expectations regarding the rate of beneficial mutations. As the number of overlapping codes increases, the rate of potential beneficial mutation decreases exponentially, quickly approaching zero. Therefore the new evidence for ubiquitous overlapping codes in higher genomes strongly indicates that beneficial mutations should be extremely rare. This evidence combined with increasing evidence that biological systems are highly optimized, and evidence that only relatively high-impact beneficial mutations can be effectively amplified by natural selection, lead us to conclude that mutations which are both selectable and unambiguously beneficial must be vanishingly rare. This conclusion raises serious questions. How might such vanishingly rare beneficial mutations ever be sufficient for genome building? How might genetic degeneration ever be averted, given the continuous accumulation of low impact deleterious mutations?

A very simple way to understand the monumental brick wall any evolutionary scenario faces with the multiple overlapping coding found in DNA is with the following puzzle found on page 141 of the book ‘Genetic Entropy’ by Dr. Sanford.


Which is translated ;


This ancient puzzle, which dates back to at least 79 AD, reads the same four different ways, Thus, If we change (mutate) any letter we may get a new meaning for a single reading read any one way, as in Dawkins weasel program, but we will consistently destroy the other 3 readings of the message with the new mutation (save for the center).
This is what is meant when it is said that a poly-functional genome is poly-constrained to any random mutations.
This poly-constrained principle is why we never see the unlimited plasticity in organisms that was, and is, imagined by Darwin and his followers, and is also why random mutations, that have effects that great enough that we are able to measure them, are almost always deleterious in the effects that are measured:

“Whatever we may try to do within a given species, we soon reach limits which we cannot break through. A wall exists on every side of each species. That wall is the DNA coding, which permits wide variety within it (within the gene pool, or the genotype of a species)-but no exit through that wall. Darwin’s gradualism is bounded by internal constraints, beyond which selection is useless.”
R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990)

Multiple Overlapping Genetic Codes Profoundly Reduce the Probability of Beneficial Mutation George Montañez 1, Robert J. Marks II 2, Jorge Fernandez 3 and John C. Sanford 4 – May 2013
Excerpt: It is almost universally acknowledged that beneficial mutations are rare compared to deleterious mutations [1–10].,, It appears that beneficial mutations may be too rare to actually allow the accurate measurement of how rare they are [11].
1. Kibota T, Lynch M (1996) Estimate of the genomic mutation rate deleterious to overall fitness in E. coli . Nature 381:694–696.
2. Charlesworth B, Charlesworth D (1998) Some evolutionary consequences of deleterious mutations. Genetica 103: 3–19.
3. Elena S, et al (1998) Distribution of fitness effects caused by random insertion mutations in Escherichia coli. Genetica 102/103: 349–358.
4. Gerrish P, Lenski R N (1998) The fate of competing beneficial mutations in an asexual population. Genetica 102/103:127–144.
5. Crow J (2000) The origins, patterns, and implications of human spontaneous mutation. Nature Reviews 1:40–47.
6. Bataillon T (2000) Estimation of spontaneous genome-wide mutation rate parameters: whither beneficial mutations? Heredity 84:497–501.
7. Imhof M, Schlotterer C (2001) Fitness effects of advantageous mutations in evolving Escherichia coli populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98:1113–1117.
8. Orr H (2003) The distribution of fitness effects among beneficial mutations. Genetics 163: 1519–1526.
9. Keightley P, Lynch M (2003) Toward a realistic model of mutations affecting fitness. Evolution 57:683–685.
10. Barrett R, et al (2006) The distribution of beneficial mutation effects under strong selection. Genetics 174:2071–2079.
11. Bataillon T (2000) Estimation of spontaneous genome-wide mutation rate parameters: whither beneficial mutations? Heredity 84:497–501.

Moreover, at the morphological and behavioral level we find that Chimps and Humans are far more different than is commonly believed.
In fact, King and Wilson, who were the first ones to suggest that we are 98% similar to chimps at the genetic level, said that since the morphological and behavioral disparity between chimps and humans is so great then the morphological and behavioral disparity between humans and apes must be due to variations in their genomic regulatory systems since such similarity in the protein coding regions obviously could not explain that great morphological and behavioral disparity between chimps and humans.

In “Science,” 1975, M-C King and A.C. Wilson were the first to publish a paper estimating the degree of similarity between the human and the chimpanzee genome. This documented the degree of genetic similarity between the two! The study, using a limited data set, found that we were far more similar than was thought possible at the time. Hence, we must be one with apes mustn’t we? But…in the second section of their paper King and Wilson honestly describe the deficiencies of such reasoning:
“The molecular similarity between chimpanzees and humans is extraordinary because they differ far more than sibling species in anatomy and way of life. Although humans and chimpanzees are rather similar in the structure of the thorax and arms, they differ substantially not only in brain size but also in the anatomy of the pelvis, foot, and jaws, as well as in relative lengths of limbs and digits (38).
Humans and chimpanzees also differ significantly in many other anatomical respects, to the extent that nearly every bone in the body of a chimpanzee is readily distinguishable in shape or size from its human counterpart (38).
Associated with these anatomical differences there are, of course, major differences in posture (see cover picture), mode of locomotion, methods of procuring food, and means of communication. Because of these major differences in anatomy and way of life, biologists place the two species not just in separate genera but in separate families (39). So it appears that molecular and organismal methods of evaluating the chimpanzee human difference yield quite different conclusions (40).”

King and Wilson went on to suggest that the morphological and behavioral between humans and apes,, must be due to variations in their genomic regulatory systems.
David Berlinski – The Devil’s Delusion – Page 162&163
Evolution at Two Levels in Humans and Chimpanzees Mary-Claire King; A. C. Wilson – 1975

In fact, so great are the anatomical differences between humans and chimps that a Darwinist, since pigs are anatomically closer to humans than chimps are, actually proposed that a chimp and pig mated with each other and that is what ultimately gave rise to humans. (I guess even hybridization knows no limits in the minds of some Darwinists).
Moreover, Physorg published a subsequent article showing that the pig-chimp hybrid theory for human origins is much harder to shoot down than some other Darwinists, who opposed McCarthy’s radical theory, had first supposed it would be:

Human hybrids: a closer look at the theory and evidence – July 25, 2013
Excerpt: There was considerable fallout, both positive and negative, from our first story covering the radical pig-chimp hybrid theory put forth by Dr. Eugene McCarthy,,,By and large, those coming out against the theory had surprisingly little science to offer in their sometimes personal attacks against McCarthy.
,,,Under the alternative hypothesis (humans are not pig-chimp hybrids), the assumption is that humans and chimpanzees are equally distant from pigs. You would therefore expect chimp traits not seen in humans to be present in pigs at about the same rate as are human traits not found in chimps. However, when he searched the literature for traits that distinguish humans and chimps, and compiled a lengthy list of such traits, he found that it was always humans who were similar to pigs with respect to these traits. This finding is inconsistent with the possibility that humans are not pig-chimp hybrids, that is, it rejects that hypothesis.,,,

Of course there is not one single scrap of empirical evidence that suggests that such radically different creatures, such as pigs and chimps, could ever successfully produce viable offspring.
But alas, when your theory is built on storytelling in the first place, (and not on any real empirical evidence), then of course you are not going to be able to shoot down another ‘just so story’ just because you don’t like how the narrative contradicts your preferred narrative of man ascending from monkeys:

“We have all seen the canonical parade of apes, each one becoming more human. We know that, as a depiction of evolution, this line-up is tosh (i.e. nonsense). Yet we cling to it. Ideas of what human evolution ought to have been like still colour our debates.”
Henry Gee, editor of Nature (478, 6 October 2011, page 34, doi:10.1038/478034a),

In further note to King and Wilson’s observation that ‘nearly every bone in the body of a chimpanzee is readily distinguishable in shape or size from its human counterpart’, this observation by King and Wilson, by itself, places another severe constraint on the Darwinian evolution that, once again, calls the entire theory into question.
Simply put, since nearly every bone is readily distinguishable between chimps and humans, then multiple simultaneous coordinated changes are required instead of just individual changes, as is envisioned in Darwinism, so as to prevent catastrophic results:

K´necting The Dots: Modeling Functional Integration In Biological Systems – June 11, 2010
Excerpt: “If an engineer modifies the length of the piston rods in an internal combustion engine, but does not modify the crankshaft accordingly, the engine won’t start. Similarly, processes of development are so tightly integrated temporally and spatially that one change early in development will require a host of other coordinated changes in separate but functionally interrelated developmental processes downstream” (1)

“This is the issue I have with neo-Darwinists: They teach that what is generating novelty is the accumulation of random mutations in DNA, in a direction set by natural selection. If you want bigger eggs, you keep selecting the hens that are laying the biggest eggs, and you get bigger and bigger eggs. But you also get hens with defective feathers and wobbly legs. Natural selection eliminates and maybe maintains, but it doesn’t create….
(Quoted in “Discover Interview: Lynn Margulis Says She’s Not Controversial, She’s Right,” Discover Magazine, p. 68 (April, 2011).)

“The real number of variations is lesser than expected,,. There are no blue-eyed Drosophila, no viviparous birds or turtles, no hexapod mammals, etc. Such observations provoke non-Darwinian evolutionary concepts. Darwin tried rather unsuccessfully to solve the problem of the contradictions between his model of random variability and the existence of constraints. He tried to hide this complication citing abundant facts on other phenomena. The authors of the modern versions of Darwinism followed this strategy, allowing the question to persist. …However, he was forced to admit some cases where creating anything humans may wish for was impossible. For example, when the English farmers decided to get cows with thick hams, they soon abandoned this attempt since they perished too frequently during delivery. Evidently such cases provoked an idea on the limitations to variability… [If you have the time, read all of the following paper, which concludes] The problem of the constraints on variation was not solved neither within the framework of the proper Darwin’s theory, nor within the framework of modern Darwinism.” (IGOR POPOV, THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRAINTS ON VARIATION, FROM DARWIN TO THE PRESENT, 2009,

Perhaps that is why so many engineers support intelligent design since they can readily see the impossibility of the ‘engineering problem’ for Darwinian processes. Namely, Design must be implemented top down, with all the pieces coordinated with one another, so as to avoid catastrophic results for the system as a whole.
Moreover, in further note to King and Wilson’s contention that the morphological and behavioral disparity between humans and apes must be due to variations in their genomic regulatory systems, (since the genetic similarity obviously cannot explain that great morphological and behavioral disparity between chimps and humans), we find that it is indeed in the genetic regulatory regions that we find ‘orders of magnitude’ and ‘species specific’ differences between not only chimps and humans, but also in other species as well:
Just a reminder, genetic similarity is far more widespread, across very different species, than Darwinists expected the genetic similarity to be

Shark and human proteins “stunningly similar”; shark closer to human than to zebrafish – December 9, 2013
Excerpt: “We were very surprised to find, that for many categories of proteins, sharks share more similarities with humans than zebrafish,” Stanhope said. “Although sharks and bony fishes are not closely related, they are nonetheless both fish … while mammals have very different anatomies and physiologies.

Kangaroo genes close to humans
Excerpt: Australia’s kangaroos are genetically similar to humans,,, “There are a few differences, we have a few more of this, a few less of that, but they are the same genes and a lot of them are in the same order,” ,,,”We thought they’d be completely scrambled, but they’re not. There is great chunks of the human genome which is sitting right there in the kangaroo genome,”

First Decoded Marsupial Genome Reveals “Junk DNA” Surprise – 2007
Excerpt: In particular, the study highlights the genetic differences between marsupials such as opossums and kangaroos and placental mammals like humans, mice, and dogs. ,,,
The researchers were surprised to find that placental and marsupial mammals have largely the same set of genes for making proteins. Instead, much of the difference lies in the controls that turn genes on and off.

Where could we have learned but from Phys.org – Sept. 28, 2014
Excerpt: “We have basically the same 20,000 (30,000?) protein-coding genes as a frog, yet our genome is much more complicated, with more layers of gene regulation.”

Yet it is exactly in these genetic regulatory networks that ‘orders of magnitude’ differences are found between species:

Evolution by Splicing – Comparing gene transcripts from different species reveals surprising splicing diversity. – Ruth Williams – December 20, 2012
Excerpt: A major question in vertebrate evolutionary biology is “how do physical and behavioral differences arise if we have a very similar set of genes to that of the mouse, chicken, or frog?”,,,
A commonly discussed mechanism was variable levels of gene expression, but both Blencowe and Chris Burge,,, found that gene expression is relatively conserved among species.
On the other hand, the papers show that most alternative splicing events differ widely between even closely related species. “The alternative splicing patterns are very different even between humans and chimpanzees,” said Blencowe.,,,

Gene Regulation Differences Between Humans, Chimpanzees Very Complex – Oct. 17, 2013
Excerpt: Although humans and chimpanzees share,, similar genomes, previous studies have shown that the species evolved major differences in mRNA (messenger RNA) expression levels.,,,

“Where (chimps and humans) really differ, and they differ by orders of magnitude, is in the genomic architecture outside the protein coding regions. They are vastly, vastly, different.,, The structural, the organization, the regulatory sequences, the hierarchy for how things are organized and used are vastly different between a chimpanzee and a human being in their genomes.”
Raymond Bohlin (per Richard Sternberg) – 9:29 minute mark of video

On Human Origins: Is Our Genome Full of Junk DNA? Pt 2. – Richard Sternberg PhD. Evolutionary Biology
Excerpt: “Here’s the interesting thing, when you look at the protein coding sequences that you have in your cell what you find is that they are nearly identical to the protein coding sequences of a dog, of a carp, of a fruit fly, of a nematode. They are virtually the same and they are interchangeable. You can knock out a gene that encodes a protein for an inner ear bone in say a mouse. This has been done. And then you can take a protein that is similar to it but from a fruit fly. And fruit flies aren’t vertebrates and they certainly are not mammals., so they don’t have inner ear bones. And you can plug that gene in and guess what happens? The offspring of the mouse will have a perfectly normal inner ear bone. So you can swap out all these files. I mentioning this to you because when you hear about we are 99% similar (to chimps) it is almost all referring to those protein coding regions. When you start looking, and you start comparing different mammals. Dolphins, aardvarks, elephants, manatees, humans, chimpanzees,, it doesn’t really matter. What you find is that the protein coding sequences are very well conserved, and there is also a lot of the DNA that is not protein coding that is also highly conserved. But when you look at the chromosomes and those banding patterns, those bar codes, (mentioned at the beginning of the talk), its akin to going into the grocery store. You see a bunch of black and white lines right? You’ve seen one bar code you’ve seen them all. But those bar codes are not the same.,, Here’s an example, aardvark and human chromosomes. They look very similar at the DNA level when you take small snippets of them. (Yet) When you look at how they are arranged in a linear pattern along the chromosome they turn out to be very distinct (from one another). So when you get to the folder and the super-folder and the higher order level, that’s when you find these striking differences. And here is another example. They are now sequencing the nuclear DNA of the Atlantic bottle-nose dolphin. And when they started initially sequencing the DNA, the first thing they realized is that basically the Dolphin genome is almost wholly identical to the human genome. That is, there are a few chromosome rearrangements here and there, you line the sequences up and they fit very well. Yet no one would argue, based on a statement like that, that bottle-nose dolphins are closely related to us. Our sister species if you will. No one would presume to do that. So you would have to layer in some other presumption. But here is the point. You will see these statements throughout the literature of how common things are.,,, (Parts lists are very similar, but how the parts are used is where you will find tremendous differences)

Moreover, unlike protein coding regions where there is some ‘non-catastrophic’ tolerance to random mutations, randomly mutating gene regulatory networks is found to be ‘always catastrophically bad':

A Listener’s Guide to the Meyer-Marshall Debate: Focus on the Origin of Information Question -Casey Luskin – December 4, 2013
Excerpt: “There is always an observable consequence if a dGRN (developmental gene regulatory network) subcircuit is interrupted. Since these consequences are always catastrophically bad, flexibility is minimal, and since the subcircuits are all interconnected, the whole network partakes of the quality that there is only one way for things to work. And indeed the embryos of each species develop in only one way.” –
Eric Davidson – developmental biologist

Thus, where Darwinists most need plasticity in the genome to be viable as a theory, (i.e. developmental Gene Regulatory Networks), is the place where mutations are found to be ‘always catastrophically bad’. Yet, it is exactly in this area of the genome (i.e. regulatory networks) where substantial, ‘orders of magnitude’, differences are found between even supposedly closely related species.
Needless to say, this is the exact opposite finding for what Darwinism would have predicted for what should have been found in the genome.
If Darwinism were a normal science, instead of being basically the unfalsifiable ‘blind faith’ religion of atheists, this finding, by itself, should have been more than enough to falsify neo-Darwinian claims.

Of supplemental note to Richard Sternberg’s ‘bar codes are not the same’ between species quote. It turns out that the bar code pattern that Dr. Sternberg alluded to is irreducibly complex in its organizational relation to the individual genes:

Refereed scientific article on DNA argues for irreducible complexity – October 2, 2013
Excerpt: This paper published online this summer is a true mind-blower showing the irreducible organizational complexity (author’s description) of DNA analog and digital information, that genes are not arbitrarily positioned on the chromosome etc.,,
,,,First, the digital information of individual genes (semantics) is dependent on the the intergenic regions (as we know) which is like analog information (syntax). Both types of information are co-dependent and self-referential but you can’t get syntax from semantics. As the authors state, “thus the holistic approach assumes self-referentiality (completeness of the contained information and full consistency of the different codes) as an irreducible organizational complexity of the genetic regulation system of any cell”. In short, the linear DNA sequence contains both types of information. Second, the paper links local DNA structure, to domains, to the overall chromosome configuration as a dynamic system keying off the metabolic signals of the cell. This implies that the position and organization of genes on the chromosome is not arbitrary,,, http://www.christianscientific.org/refereed-scientific-article-on-dna-argues-for-irreducibly-complexity/

This has been a fairly long post, (even for me Smile ), but hopefully for the open minded person who is honestly trying to see if either ID or Darwinism is true, this post has made it abundantly clear that neo-Darwinian explanations are grossly deficient on several different levels as to explaining the amazing integrated complexity we see in life, and that ID explanations are, by far, the most satisfactory explanations for that amazing integrated complexity that we see.

complementary notes:

Contrary to popular belief, the fossil record certainly, when looked at in its entirety, does not support the hypothesis of common descent,

(Disparity consistently precedes diversity in the fossil record)
[dih-spar-i-tee] noun, plural disparities.
1. lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference:

In fact, the ‘argument from form’ also gives us very good evidence that we each must have a soul so as to explain how the billion-trillion protein molecules of a human body can possibly cohere as a single unified whole for ‘precisely a lifetime, and not a moment longer’ (Talbott).

Body plans, contrary to neo-Darwinian presuppositions, simply are not reducible to DNA, period! That finding pretty much renders any Darwinian argument for common ancestry based on DNA alone moot and void:

A Big Problem for Common Descent: Hundreds of "Active 'Foreign' Genes" Don't Fit the Standard Evolutionary Phylogeny

Some Problems in Proving the Existence of the Universal Common Ancestor of Life on Earth

A Primer on the Tree of Life


7Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis Empty Big Surprises in the Tree of Life Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:34 am



Big Surprises in the Tree of Life


Some groups do not form a single branch of the Tree of Life. Brown algae, for example, are only very distantly related to the red algae, and crocodiles and dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than they are to lizards or turtles.

The Archaea, single-celled organisms that often live in extreme environments, had been put together with the Bacteria, but molecular evidence reveals that they are widely separated. The Archaea are probably more closely related to the Eukaryotes, the branch that includes humans and most other familiar organisms.

Major new discoveries are being made even in the best-known organisms, including mammals and flowering plants. In this exhibit we feature two totally unexpected results, both showing that really big organisms can be very closely related to really small ones — the Afrotheria lineage within mammals, connecting elephant shrews with elephants, and the story of Rafflesia, the plants that produce the world’s largest flowers.

In Haeckel’s tree, Protista (unicellular eukaryotes) and Monera (bacteria) occupied unspecified positions near the root. For all purposes, these measly, tiny creatures were not considered important in the big picture of evolution. The tripartite tree of Woese and colleagues was a complete change of perspective. Now, two of the three domains of life were represented by prokaryotes (former Monera), and within the eukaryote domain, the majority of the phyla were represented by unicellular organisms (former Protista). The life forms formerly considered “important,” i.e., the complex multicellular organisms (animals and plants), represent only two among the numerous branches of eukaryotes. There is no denying the fact that the true biodiversity on this planet is the diversity of unicellular microbes. 2

Even long before the advent of the genomic era, microbiologists realized that bacteria had the capacity to exchange genetic information via horizontal gene transfer (HGT), in some cases, producing outcomes of major importance, such as antibiotic resistance. Multiple molecular mechanisms of HGT have been described including plasmid exchange, transduction (HGT mediated by bacteriophages), and transformation. However, despite these discoveries, HGT was generally viewed as a minor phenomenon that was important only under special circumstances and, in any case, did not in any manner jeopardize the Tree of Life. This comfortable belief was abruptly shattered when the early findings of comparative genomics of bacteria and archaea in the late 1990s have indicated that, at least in some prokaryotic genomes, a substantial fraction of genes were acquired via demonstrable HGT, sometimes across log evolutionary distances. Perhaps, more strikingly, comparative analysis of the genomes of hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea has suggested that in shared habitats even HGT between the two domains of prokaryotes, Archaea and bacteria, can be extensive, with up to 20% of the genes of bacterial hyperthermophiles showing archaeal affinity. 

Evolution of microbes and viruses:a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology? Eugene V.Koonin* and Yuri I.Wolf 13 September 2012

The evolution of prokaryotes and the Tree of Life are two different things. As Martin and Dagan Wryly notice, if a model (in this case, the Tree of Life model) adequately describes 1% of the data, it might be advisable to abandon it and search for a better one.  “Tree thinking in biology” might be a sheer myth, however deeply entrenched in the textbooks and the minds of biologists.  Indeed, there is potential for tree-like patterns to emerge from relationships that have nothing to do with common descent as exemplified by Doolittle and Bapteste by the distribution of human names across the departments of France. Evolutionary history of individual genes can be adequately represented by trees (the practical problems of accurate phylogeny reconstruction notwithstanding). Moreover, the consensus topology of the supertree of the (nearly) universal genes (the notorious 1%) turned out to be the best approximation of that central trend. Thus, although any phylogenetic tree of a central, conserved component of the cellular information-processing machinery (such as rRNA or the set of universal ribosomal proteins) represents only a minority of the phylogenetic signal across the phylogenetic forest (see details below) and so by no account can be considered an all-encompassing “Tree of Life,” neither is such a phylogeny an arbitrary and irrelevant “tree of 1%.” On the contrary, these trees represent a central evolutionary trend and reflect a “statistical tree of life”. 

My comment: In all biological literature, I have never seen such clear words that deny universal common ancestry, and the tree of life. 


Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things
The concept of a tree of life is prevalent in the evolutionary literature. It stems from attempting to obtain a grand unified natural system that reflects a recurrent process of species and lineage splittings for all forms of life. Traditionally, the discipline of systematics operates in a similar hierarchy of bifurcating (sometimes multifurcating) categories. The assumption of a universal tree of life hinges upon the process of evolution being tree-like throughout all forms of life and all of biological time. In prokaryotes, they do not. Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things, and we need to treat them as such, rather than extrapolating from macroscopic life to prokaryotes. In the following we will consider this circumstance from philosophical, scientific, and epistemological perspectives, surmising that phylogeny opted for a single model as a holdover from the Modern Synthesis of evolution.

In eukaryotes, plasma membrane consists of sterols and carbohydrates.In prokaryotes, plasma membrane does not contain carbohydrates or sterols. Prokarotic membranes have only a few types of phospholipids while eukaryotic membranes have can have over 6 different phospholipids as well as other types of lipids. Prokaryotic membranes do not commonly have cholesterol inside the hydrophobic core whereas eukaryotic membranes use chloresterol to regulate their fluidity. Eukaryotic cell membrane is basically trilamellar with double layer of phospholipid. It is asymmetrical. It has intrinsic and extrinsic proteins that also help in transport across membrane. It has other components like cholesterol to maintain fluidity of membrane. Where as prokaryotic or bacterial cell membrane is composed of peptidoglycan that is cross chain of N acetyl glycosamine and muramic acid.

The origin and early evolution of eukaryotes in the light of phylogenomics

The origin of eukaryotes is a huge enigma and a major challenge for evolutionary biology. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells, but is crucial in prokaryotes [7, 8]. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death.

The network of life: genome beginnings and evolution
The rapid growth of genome-sequence data since the mid-1990s is now providing unprecedented detail on the genetic basis of life, and not surprisingly is catalysing the most fundamental re-evaluation of origins and evolution since Darwin’s day. Several papers in this theme issue argue that Darwin’s tree of life is now best seen as an approximation—one quite adequate as a description of some parts of the living world (e.g. morphologically complex eukaryotes), but less helpful elsewhere (e.g. viruses and many prokaryotes); indeed, one of our authors goes farther, proclaiming the “demise” of Darwin’s tree as a hypothesis on the diversity and seeming naturalness of hierarchical arrangements of groups of living organisms.

1. https://peabody.yale.edu/exhibits/tree-of-life/big-surprises-tree-life
2. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/518/microbial-genomics-challenge-darwin

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:12 pm; edited 2 times in total




DNA doesn’t lie!

Genetic information is being collected for plants, animals, and bacteria containing whole genomes.  The study of comparative sequencing or synteny was thought by evolutionists to be hard evidence that would re-draw the tree of life showing all creatures are related.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  A good theory is one that has predictive value.  Evolution is lacking in any value to predict anything about life.  It is a philosophical hypothesis on historical science and not a hard science in anyway.  Some of the most startling finds have been listed by the RSR; a radio program for creation evidence.  Listed below are the finds from peer-reveiwed journals.  None of this will persuade the evolutionists.  Facts don’t hold the same weight as fiction.
* Genomes that Expose the Error of Neo-Darwinism: See below for details and for the many peer-reviewed journal papers and expert sources for this data. And remember, all scientists work for Real Science Radio! So, genetic studies have revealed that:

– An elephant shrew is closer to an elephant than to other shrews
– Horse DNA is closer to bats than to cows
– Mouse DNA is the same as 80% of the human genome
– Sponges share 70% of human genes including for nerves and muscles
– Kangaroo DNA unexpectedly contains huge chunks of the human genome
– Gorilla DNA is closer to humans than chimps in 15% of the genome
– Neanderthal DNA is fully human, closer than a chimp is to a chimp
– The chimp Y chromosome is “horrendously different” from our ‘Y’
– The human Y is astoundingly similar all over the world lacking the expected mutational variation
– Mitochondrial Eve “would be a mere 6000 years old” by ignoring chimp DNA and calculating by mutation rates
– Roundworms have far more genes than Darwinist predictions,19,000, compared to our 20,500 genes
– The flatworm man-bug “ancestor” genome has “alarmed” evolutionists and is now dislodged from its place at the base.
– Snake DNA contains a quarter of the cow genome
– The leading evidence for Darwinism, junk DNA, is vanishing, as the journal Nature reports function for 80% of human genome, moving toward “100%“
– Genomes so challenge common descent that PNAS reports horizontal gene transfer must have “transformed vertebrate genomes”
– “Genetic diversity exploded in recent millennia” when “vast number of human DNA variants arose only in the past 5,000 years.”
– Whale and bat DNA share identical astounding sequence: Ha! A wonderful discovery has documented the same echolocation genetic sequences existing in both the bat and whale genomes! Wow! wow! Wow! wow!
– The journal Nature reports that the vast majority of the diversity in the human genome has not accumulated over a million years but over only 200 generations. Likewise, the genome-wide diversity of the Dutch is explained in only 70 generations! Researchers also at the Max Planck Institute showed that Australian Aborigines did not require tens of thousands of years for their genetic (and linguistic) diversity, but only 4,000 to 5,000 years! Just like we creationists have been saying all along! Welcome aboard guys!



9Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis Empty Collodictyon Tue Jan 12, 2021 12:34 pm



Collodictyon - Strange organism has unique roots in the tree of life


Strange organism has unique roots in the tree of life
Talk about extended family: A single-celled organism in Norway has been called "mankind's furthest relative." It is so far removed from the organisms we know that researchers claim it belongs to a new base group, called a kingdom, on the tree of life.

"We have found an unknown branch of the tree of life that lives in this lake. It is unique! So far we know of no other group of organisms that descend from closer to the roots of the tree of life than this species," study researcher Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi, of the University of Oslo, in Norway, said in a statement. 3

Collodictyonids do not belong to any well-known kingdom-level grouping of that domain 2

Collodictyon—An Ancient Lineage in the Tree of Eukaryotes 1
A few eukaryote species remain of unknown origin

Gordon Lax: Hemimastigophora is a novel supra-kingdom-level lineage of eukaryotes  [url= 14 November 2018] 14 November 2018[/url]
Almost all eukaryote life forms have now been placed within one of five to eight supra-kingdom-level groups using molecular phylogenetics1–4. The ‘phylum’ Hemimastigophora is probably the most distinctive morphologically defined lineage that still awaits such a phylogenetic assignment.

Nicole Skinner: Sea creatures add branch to tree of life 03 September 2014
Scientists have identified two mushroom-shaped marine animals that do not fit in any of the known categories of the tree of life and could be related to groups thought to be extinct for 500 million years. In the study, which appears in PLOS ONE1, the researchers report 14 specimens, collected at depths of 400 and 1,000 metres, that could not be classified into any major groups, or phyla.

Bournemouth University: Discovery of new microscopic species expands the tree of life OCTOBER 1, 2022

1. https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/29/6/1557/997992
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collodictyon
3. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna47225834


Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis 12042910

Last edited by Otangelo on Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:01 pm; edited 5 times in total




Evolution of microbes and viruses: a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology? Eugene V. Koonin*

Is complexification the prevailing modality of evolution?
Phylogenomic reconstruction, at least for bacteria and Archaea, suggests otherwise. It is not surprising that differential gene loss dominates the evolution of commensal bacteria, such as Lactobacilli, from a complex free-living ancestor. A qualitatively similar pattern was detected in evolutionary reconstructions for all bacteria and archaea. Strikingly, more recent reconstructions that were performed using larger genome sets and more sophisticated computational methods confidently indicate that the genome of the last common ancestor of all extant archaea apparently was at least as large and complex as that of typical modern organisms in this domain of cellular life. Fully compatible reconstruction results have been reported for the expanded set of cyanobacterial genomes. Thus, counter-intuitively, at least in prokaryotes, genome shrinkage that is sometimes called streamlining and is attributed to increasing selective pressure in successful, large populations , appears to be is no less and probably more common than genome growth and complexification.

The modes of evolution of these relatively simple organisms that, as we now realize, have dominated the biosphere since its beginning about 4 billion years ago to this day (and into any conceivable future) are different from the evolutionary regimes of animals and plants, the traditional objects of (evolutionary) biology. The study of microbial evolution has shattered the classic idea of a single, all-encompassing tree of life by demonstrating that the evolutionary histories of individual genes are generally different.

Lamarck's view of the role of evolution in the history of life was severely limited: he did not postulate deep common ancestry of life forms but rather believed in multiple acts of creation, perhaps a separate act for each species. Prescient ideas on evolutionary changes of organisms actually have been developed centuries before Lamarck and Darwin, most notably by the great Roman thinker Titus Lucretius Carus.

By mid-twentieth century microbiologists had realized full well that microbes possess genomes and can mutate, and accordingly, should evolve, in principle, similarly to animals and plants, all attempts to infer microbial evolution from morphological and physiological characters had been unqualified failures

In Haeckel's tree, Protista (unicellular eukaryotes) and Monera (bacteria) occupied unspecified positions near the root.

The life forms formerly considered “important,” i.e., the complex multicellular organisms (animals and plants), represent only two among the numerous branches of eukaryotes.There is no denying the fact that the true biodiversity on this planet is the diversity of unicellular microbes.

Thus, “evolution of prokaryotes and the Tree of Life are two different things” (Bapteste et al., 2009; Martin, 2011). Then, the question arises: is there any substantial tree component in evolution at all ?
As Martin and Dagan wryly notice, if a model (in this case, the Tree of Life model) adequately describes 1% of the data, it might be advisable to abandon it and search for a better one (Dagan and Martin, 2006). Such an alternative indeed has been proposed in the form of a dynamic network of microbial evolution in which the nodes are bacterial and archaeal genomes, and the edges are the fluxes of genetic information between the genomes (Kunin et al., 2005; Dagan and Martin, 2009; Dagan, 2011; Kloesges et al., 2011)

Indeed, there is potential for tree-like patterns to emerge from relationships that have nothing to do with common descent Although any phylogenetic tree of a central, conserved component of the cellular information-processing machinery (such as rRNA or the set of universal ribosomal proteins) represents only a minority of the phylogenetic signal across the phylogenetic forest (see details below) and so by no account can be considered an all-encompassing “Tree of Life,” neither is such a phylogeny an arbitrary and irrelevant “tree of 1%.” Most of the prokaryotes do not engage in regular sex but instead exchange genes via HGT with diverse other microbes that they happen to cohabitate with. In general, in the prokaryote world, there are indeed no discrete, genetically isolated systems of panmictic populations but rather complex webs of gene exchange (Dagan et al., 2008; Koonin and Wolf, 2008). Thus, the very notion of species as a distinct biological category does not apply even though traditionally bacteria and archaea are still denoted by Linnaean species names

The Never-Ending Quest to Rewrite the Tree of Life
Woese’s success in using 16S rRNA to rewrite the tree of life no doubt encouraged its widespread use. But as Lloyd and other scientists began to realize, some microbes carry a version that is significantly different from that seen in other bacteria or archaea.2
In the 1980s, most of the bacteria and archaea that scientists knew about fit into 12 major phyla. By 2014, scientists had increased that number to more than 50. But in a single 2015 Nature paper , Banfield and her colleagues added an additional 35 phyla of bacteria to the tree of life.

A new view of the tree of life 11 April 2016

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3440604/
2. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/microbial-diversity/




For instance it has been proved that retrovirus examples also can be the same virus chemically favors the same more compatible gene sequences in separate and independent infections.
Plus these cherry-picked examples of “same damage” ignore the difference in locations and the fact that when the full sequence is compared that no patterns of common ancestry ever arises.
When full DNA comparative analysis is done (not just cherry-picked sub-sections), the empirical evidence does not support any invented common ancestry “Tree of Life” but shows many totally disconnected “bushes” with unbridgeable gaps.
A 2006 study in PLoS Biology, “Bushes in the Tree of Life,” offered striking conclusions. The authors acknowledge that “a large fraction of single genes produce phylogenies of poor quality,” observing that one study “omitted 35% of single genes from their data matrix, because those genes produced phylogenies at odds with conventional wisdom.”(1)
2013 paper in Trends in Genetics reported that “the more we learn about genomes the less tree-like we find their evolutionary history to be.”(2)
June, 2012 article in Nature reported that short strands of RNA called microRNAs “are tearing apart traditional ideas about the animal family tree.” Dartmouth biologist Kevin Peterson who studies microRNAs lamented, “I’ve looked at thousands of microRNA genes, and I can’t find a single example that would support the traditional tree.” According to the article, microRNAs yielded “a radically different diagram for mammals: one that aligns humans more closely with elephants than with rodents.” Peterson put it bluntly: “The microRNAs are totally unambiguous … they give a totally different tree from what everyone else wants.”(3)
Biochemist W. Ford Doolittle explains that “Molecular phylogenists will have failed to find the ‘true tree,’ not because their methods are inadequate or because they have chosen the wrong genes, but because the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree.”(4)
New Scientist put it this way: “For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life … But today the project lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence.” (5)
(1) Antonis Rokas and Sean B. Carroll, “Bushes in the Tree of Life,” PLoS Biology, Vol. 4(11): 1899-1904 (November, 2006)
(2) Bapteste et al., “Networks: expanding evolutionary thinking,” Trends in Genetics, Vol. 29: 439-41 (2013)
(3) Elie Dolgin, “Rewriting Evolution,” Nature, Vol. 486: 460-462 (June 28, 2012
(4) W. Ford Doolittle, “Phylogenetic Classification and the Universal Tree,” Science, Vol. 284: 2124-2128 (June 25, 1999).
(5) Graham Lawton, “Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life,” New Scientist (January 21, 2009).




William F Martin: Early evolution without a tree of life 30 June 2011

When it comes to getting a fuller grasp of microbial evolution, trees might be standing in the way more than they are actually helping us at the moment, because i) the overall relatedness of prokaryotic genomes is not properly described by any single tree, and ii) the relationship of eukaryotes to prokaryotes is also not tree-like in nature because the endosymbiotic origins of organelles introduces lineage mergers and genetic amalgamation into the evolutionary process. If we aim to deliver to science and society a complete picture of early evolution, then at some point we have to incorporate the origin of life into the larger picture of things, too, which means linking microbial evolution to the elements on early Earth. Overall those are fairly tall orders, but we have to start somewhere.

The tree of life as currently defended is more about classification and the search for a tiny minority of genome data that might be treelike over some portions of history -- though is it very difficult to show that they are treelike.
As some of us have said before: microbial evolution and the tree of life are two different things.

The tree of life is only one impediment to a better understanding of early evolution

If we want a full picture of evolutionary history, we have to look all the way back to life's origin. As the major evolutionary transitions, Maynard Smith and Szathmary listed:

i) the origins of replicating molecules in compartments (from replicating molecules),
ii) chromosomes (from independent replicators),
iii) DNA and protein (from RNA),
iv) eukaryotes (from prokaryotes),
v) sexual populations (from asexual ones),
vi) multicellular life (from protists),
vii) colonies (from individuals), and
viii) human societies (from primate predecessors).

Half of the major transitions they identified fall in the realm of early evolution.

Lane lists the ten major inventions of evolution as encompassing the origins of

i) life,
ii) DNA,
iii) photosynthesis,
iv) eukaryotes,
v) sex,
vi) motility,
vii) sight,
viii) warm bloodedness,
ix) consciousness and
x) death.

He also sees half of evolution's greatest inventions within the realm of early evolution. Koonin lists the origins of

i) protein folds,
ii) viruses,
iii) prokaryotic cells,
iv) the major prokaryotic groups,
v) eukaryotes and
vi) animal phyla as the major evolutionary transitions, again mostly falling within the realm of early evolution.

That does not necessarily mean that more interesting things happened during early evolution than later, but perhaps that we just wish that we knew as much about early evolution as we know for events later in evolution.

From my perspective, the three most important processes (only two of which are evolutionary transitions) in early evolution are i) the origin of life, ii) prokaryotic evolution, and iii) the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. Traditionally, those are the areas where evolutionary biology's greatest weaknesses have been when it comes to providing a fully tangible account of life's history. One might ask: Is it important for evolutionary biology to provide a better understanding of the very earliest history of life? It is arguably one of the most important frontiers facing science, specifically as evolutionary biology interfaces with society. One might also ask: Can we ever understand anything as complex as the origin of life and early evolution? The answer is unquestionably yes, the issue is merely when we will attain that understanding.

If we were to take a living organism and homogenize it so as to destroy the cellular structure but leave the molecules intact, then put that perfect organic soup into a container and wait for any amount of time, would any form of life ever arise from it de novo? The answer is no, and the reason is because the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen in that soup is at equilibrium: it has virtually no redox potential to react further so as to provide electron transfers and chemical energy that are the currency and fabric of life.

Pure fermenters are always derived from chemiosmotic ancestors. Chemiosmosis is the ancestral state of ATP-dependent energy harnessing among free-living cells [54]. Chemiosmotic energy coupling has two components. The first is a membrane-bound multisubunit rotor-stator type ATPase (called F-type in eubacteria and A-type in archaebacteria, the F- and A- types are structurally similar and related). The second is a membrane bound protein-cofactor system that performs a redox reaction of the type Dred + Aox → Dox + Ared (whereby D and A stand for electron donor and acceptor, respectively [50]) the vectorial orientation of whose components across the membrane results in cations, usually protons, being removed from the cytosol and deposited outside the cell, making the inside of the cell alkaline relative to the environment. The origin of this ancestral state of energy harnessing, as universal as the genetic code, is usually but not always [30] disregarded altogether in the early evolution literature, as Mike Russell has repeatedly pointed out. The ion-pumping machinery is extremely variable across prokaryotes, whereas the ATPase is conserved. Which came first? Today, the two components are dependent upon each other to provide a functional unit.

At depth, the tree of life is not a tree
The second concept about early evolution that we need to abandon is the notion that the overall course of prokaryotic evolution can be accurately described using the mathematical model of a bifurcating tree as a model for the evolution of chromosomes. This point, namely that prokaryotic evolution is not a tree, has been argued often enough. The nature of the main arguments has not changed much in the meantime. Prokaryote evolution is not treelike because lateral gene transfer (LGT) is a real and prevalent mechanism of natural variation among prokaryotes. Genomes sequences have revealed that over evolutionary time, prokaryotic genomes undergo LGT, the known mechanisms of which entail acquisition through conjugation, transduction, transformation, and gene transfer agents in addition to gene loss. This leads to different histories for individual genes within a given prokaryotic genome and networks of gene sharing across chromosomes among both closely and distantly related lineages. In genome comparisons, LGT is traditionally characterized in terms of conflicting gene trees or aberrant patterns of nucleotide composition. But in the larger picture of genome evolution, a tree can account for only about 1% of prokaryotic evolutionary history at best.





Most of the Tree of Life is a Complete Mystery
We know certain branches exist, but we have never seen the organisms that perch there.

By Ed Yong

Using 1,011 of these genomes, Laura Hug, now at the University of Waterloo, and Jillian Banfield at the University of California, Berkeley have sketched out a radically different tree of life. All the creatures we’re familiar with—the animals, plants, and fungi—are crowded on one thin branch. The rest are largely filled with bacteria.

And around half of these bacterial branches belong to a supergroup, which was discovered very recently and still lacks a formal name. Informally, it’s known as the Candidate Phyla Radiation. Within its lineages, evolution has gone to town, producing countless species that we’re almost completely ignorant about. With a single exception, they’ve never been isolated or grown in a lab. In fact, this supergroup and “other lineages that lack isolated representatives clearly comprise the majority of life’s current diversity,” wrote Hug and Banfield.





Christopher P. Kempes: The Multiple Paths to Multiple Life 12 July 2021
We argue for multiple forms of life realized through multiple different historical pathways. From this perspective, there have been multiple origins of life on Earth—life is not a universal homology. By broadening the class of originations, we significantly expand the data set for searching for life. Through a computational analogy, the origin of life describes both the origin of hardware (physical substrate) and software (evolved function). Like all information-processing systems, adaptive systems possess a nested hierarchy of levels, a level of function optimization (e.g., fitness maximization), a level of constraints (e.g., energy requirements), and a level of materials (e.g., DNA or RNA genome and cells). The functions essential to life are realized by different substrates with different efficiencies. The functional level allows us to identify multiple origins of life by searching for key principles of optimization in different material form, including the prebiotic origin of proto-cells.

Introduction: Life is Everywhere
An ongoing scientific challenge has been to create a general theory of life that integrates our empirical understanding of biology with logical principles that might transcend it. The search for principles that are not dependent on evolved constraints and biochemical materials has been intriguing, but has not yet led to complete theories of how to identify, quantify, or create life. Meeting this challenge would help to address several of the most interesting questions facing the natural sciences and biology in relation to questions of generality and universality. These would include the following: 

(1) how do biotic mechanisms emerge from abiotic ones, 
(2) how can we be sure that we have found life if it is materially different from life on Earth, and by extension, how do we verify that an environment is truly lifeless, for example, in a sample of ice from Enceladus?, and 
(3) how do we in general understand the range of possibilities for the origin and maintenance of life?

The central challenge for defining life has been the need to make a distinction between describing known evolutionary trajectories while establishing a full possibility space for life. No one wants to restrict the science of life to one current realization on Earth, and prior work has exhorted origins of life researchers to study “the onset of the various organizational phenomena that we associate with the living world”. We define life as the union of two crucial energetic and informatic processes producing an autonomous system that can metabolically extract and encode information from the environment of adaptive/survival value and propagate it forward through time. We provide a new perspective on the origin of life by arguing that life has emerged many times on Earth and that there are many forms of extant life coexisting on a variety of physical substrates.

The ultimate theory of life will certainly have ingredients from abstract theories of engineering, computation, physics, and evolution, but we expect will also require new perspectives and tools, just as theories of computation have.  It should be able to highlight life as the ultimate homoplasy (convergence) rather than homology, where life is discovered repeatedly from many different trajectories.

New theory of life’s multiple origins August 16, 2021
What if life evolved not just once, but multiple times independently?  Researchers now argue that in order to recognize life's full range of forms, we must develop a new theoretical frame that permits 'multiple paths' to life.




Multiple origins of life

DAVID M. RAUP: There is some indication that life may have originated readily under primitive earth conditions. If there were multiple origins of life, the result could have been a polyphyletic biota today. Using simple stochastic models for diversification and extinction,- we conclude: 

(i) the probability of survival of life is low unless there are multiple origins, and 
(ii) given survival of life and given as many as 10 independent origins of life, the odds are that all but one would have gone extinct, yielding the monophyletic biota we have now. 

The fact of the survival of our particular form of life does not imply that it was unique or superior.

The formation of life de novo is generally viewed as unlikely or impossible under present earth conditions. However, conditions on the primitive earth seem to have been more appropriate for life origins. The oldest known rocks in which fossils could appear are about 3,500 Myr old, and they have yielded structures that are generally interpreted as the remains of prokaryotes. This puts the origin of life in an interval with no rock record and for which we have no direct evidence of earth conditions. 

Life forms are made possible by the remarkable properties of polypeptides. It has been argued that there must be many potential but unrealized polypeptides that could be used in living systems. The number of possible primary polypeptide structures with lengths comparable to those found in living systems is almost infinite. This suggests that the particular subset of polypeptides of which organisms are now composed is only one of a great many that could be associated in viable biochemistries. There is no taxonomic category available to contain all life forms descended from a single event of life origin. Here, we term such a group, earthly or otherwise, a bioclade. If more than one bioclade survives, life is polyphyletic. If only one survives, it is monophyletic.

However, there is strong evidence that all living forms are descended from a single ancestor. Biochemical and organizational similarities and the "universality" of the genetic code indicate this. 

We conclude that multiple origins of life in the early Precambrian is a reasonable possibility. The fact that all present-day life appears to have descended from a single ancestor does not void the possibility of multiple origins because most such origins would have aborted as a consequence of the birth-death process at the level of lineages. With a time-homogeneous model, at least 10 extinct bioclades could be "hidden" in the Precambrian if mean lineage duration was less than about 50 Myr. The possible number of extinct bioclades would be increased by most departures from the homogeneous model or by competition between bioclades, or by both. From the foregoing, one can speculate that bioclades with far more potential than our own may have been extinguished in the Precambrian by ill chance. It is also possible that our own bioclade was actually superior to any contemporary bioclade(s) and survived for that reason. What is most unlikely is that our bioclade is the best of all possible bioclades.


Life may have emerged not once, but many times on Earth

Far from being a miracle that happened just once in 4 billion years, life's beginnings could have been so commonplace that it began many times over.

IN 4.5 billion years of Earthly history, life as we know it arose just once. Every living thing on our planet shares the same chemistry, and can be traced back to “LUCA”, the last universal common ancestor. So we assume that life must have been really hard to get going, only arising when a nigh-on-impossible set of circumstances combine.

Or was it? Simple experiments by biologists aiming to recreate life’s earliest moments are challenging that assumption. Life, it seems, is a matter of basic chemistry – no magic required, no rare ingredients, no bolt from the blue.

And that suggests an even more intriguing possibility. Rather than springing into existence just once in some chemically blessed primordial pond, life may have had many origins. It could have got going over and over again in many different forms for hundreds of thousands of years, only becoming what we see today when everything else was wiped out it in Earth’s first ever mass extinction. In its earliest days on the planet, life as we know it might not have been alone.





Frank Zindler, President of American Atheists,  in 1996
The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed. If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need of salvation. If there is no need of salvation there is no need of a Savior. And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity.

Reply: The two basic tenets upon which the theory of evolution rests, are the claim of universal common ancestry, and the tree of life. The two claims have been refuted on many grounds. When we talk about the tree of life, we cannot overlook the origin of viruses. Eugene V. Koonin admitted openly in 2020: In the genetic space of viruses and MGEs, no genes are universal or even conserved in the majority of viruses. Viruses have several distinct points of origin, so there has never been a last common ancestor of all viruses. The universal common ancestry of life is also disputed. For example  Eric Bapteste, evolutionary biologist: "We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality." DAVID M. RAUP, paleontologist: Multiple origins of life in the early Precambrian is a reasonable possibility. And C.P. Kempes in the peer-reviewed article: The Multiple Paths to Multiple Life (2021): We argue for multiple forms of life realized through multiple different historical pathways. In regard to the origin of humans: All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup. Harmful protein-coding mutations in people arose largely in the past 5,000 to 10,000 years. Evidence for a Human Y Chromosome Molecular Clock: Pedigree-Based Mutation Rates Suggest a 4,500-Year History for Human Paternal Inheritance. By comparing the mitochondrial DNA of 147 people from five different ethnic groups, the researchers found that all the individuals analyzed were descendants of the same female lineage, that is, they all had the same original "mother" at the beginning of everything. Thus, they confirmed that all humanity descends from the same woman, who would have been the first Homo sapiens. And they called her "Mitochondrial Eve". These few quotes demonstrate that the major evolutionary tenets are far from being a scientific fact, or consensus among specialists in the field. Adding the complete failure of abiogenesis research permits the inference from eliminative induction:

The most devastating thing though that biology has done to naturalism is the failed claim of chemical and biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve were real people the central creation narrative of Christianity is confirmed. If there was an Adam and Eve there was an original sin. If there was an original sin there is need of salvation. If there is need of salvation there is need of a Savior. And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the necessary. I think that the failure of abiogenesis and evolution is absolutely the death knell of naturalism.

Common descent, the tree of life, a failed hypothesis

Human origins: Created, or evolved?

A pack of evolutionary ‘bulldogs’

The Death Knell of Christianity?




Parakaryon myojinensis is an enigma.
It has a species and genus name. And nothing else. It's the only cellular life that is unplaceable in the current tree of life.
That's because it has some prokaryotic traits, and some eukaryotic.
To make matters worse, we only have one electron microscope image. It's literally one of a kind (no pun intended), and electron microscopy is a destructive technique. There's nothing to grow in a petri dish. Nothing to DNA sequence. And no one ever found another one.
It was taken from the bristle of a deep sea worm living on a hydrothermal vent.
-Is it just a sample preparation artefact? (That has never been reproduced...)
-Is it an ancient lineage of transitional eukaryotes? (That was succesful enough to survive for billions of years, but is simultaneously so rare that we only found one individual...)
-Is it a separate origin of life event from a hydrothermal vent (That managed to compete a way into a niche with life forms that have billions of years of a head start...)
-Or is it a very rare endosymbiosis event that is recapitulating eukaryotic evolution independently? (That we were lucky enough to stumble upon...)

Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis Capa_l10




10 reasons to refute the claim of  Universal Common Ancestry 

1. The DNA replication machinery is not homologous in the 3 domains of life. 

The bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea. L.S. Kaguni (2016): Genome sequencing of cells from the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, reveals that most of the core replisome components evolved twice, independently. Thus, the bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea, while the archaea and eukaryotic core replisome machinery share a common ancestor. An exception to this are the clamps and clamp loaders, which are homologous in all three domains of life.2

2. Bacteria and Archaea differ strikingly in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. 

There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides. S. Jain (2014): The composition of the phospholipid bilayer is distinct in archaea when compared to bacteria and eukarya. In archaea, isoprenoid hydrocarbon side chains are linked via an ether bond to the sn-glycerol-1-phosphate backbone. In bacteria and eukarya on the other hand, fatty acid side chains are linked via an ester bond to the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate backbone. 3 Cell membrane phospholipids are synthesized by different, unrelated enzymes in bacteria and archaea, and yield chemically distinct membranes. Bacteria and archaea have membranes made of water-repellent fatty molecules. Bacterial membranes are made of fatty acids bound to the phosphate group while archaeal membranes are made of isoprenes bonded to phosphate in a different way. This leads to something of a paradox: Since a supposed last universal common ancestor, LUCA already had an impermeable membrane for exploiting proton gradients, why would its descendants have independently evolved two different kinds of impermeable membrane?

Franklin M. Harold (2014): Membranes also pose one of the most stubborn puzzles in all of cell evolution. Shortly after the discovery of the Archaea, it was realized that these organisms differ strikingly from the Bacteria in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Archaea make their plasma membranes of isoprenoid subunits, linked by ether bonds to glycerol-1-phosphate; by contrast, Bacteria and Eukarya employ fatty acids linked by ester bonds to glycerol-3-phosphate. There are a few partial exceptions to the rule. Archaeal membranes often contain fatty acids, and some deeply branching Bacteria, such as Thermotoga, favor isoprenoid ether lipids (but even they couple the ethers to glycerol-3-phosphate). This pattern of lipid composition, which groups Bacteria and Eukarya together on one side and Archaea on the other, stands in glaring contrast to what would be expected from the universal tree, which puts Eukarya with the Archaea 14

3. Sequences of glycolytic enzymes differ between Archaea and Bacteria/Eukaryotes. 

S. F Alnomasy (2017): Some archaeal enzymes have some similarities with bacteria, but most archaeal enzymes have no similarity with classical glycolytic pathways in Bacteria 4 There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides.

Keith A. Webster (2003): There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides. Genetic, protein and DNA analysis, together with major differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of all three domains – Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota – suggest that the three fundamental cell types are distinct and evolved separately (i.e. Bacteria are not actually pro-precursors of the eukaryotes, which have sequence similarities in particular parts of their biochemistry between both Bacteria or Archaea).  Only a relatively small percentage of genes in Archaea have sequence similarity to genes in Bacteria or Eukaryota. Furthermore, most of the cellular events triggered by intracellular Ca2+ in eukaryotes do not occur in either Bacteria or Archaea. 15

4. There are at least six distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways.

If common ancestry were true, an ancestral Wood–Ljungdahl pathway should have become life's one and only principle for biomass production. W. Nitschke (2013): At least six distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways have been elucidated during the past few decades 5 Since the claim is that this is how life began fixing carbon, and the first carbon fixation pathways were anaerobic, this represents a major puzzle for proponents of common ancestry, and its proponents are led to wonder why an ancestral Wood–Ljungdahl pathway has not become life's one and only principle for biomass production. What is even more puzzling, is the fact that searches of the genomes of acetogenins for enzymes clearly homologous to those of the methanogenic C1-branch came up empty-handed with one notable exception, i.e. the initial step of CO2 reduction which is, in both cases, catalyzed by a molybdo/tungstopterin enzyme from the complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme (CISM) superfamily. So, partially, carbon fixation pathways share partially the same enzymes. This points clearly to a common designer choosing different routes for the same reaction but using partially convergent design. Similarities between living organisms could be because they have been designed by the same intelligence, just as we can recognize a Norman Foster building by his characteristic style, or a painting by Van Gogh. We expect to see repeated motifs and re-used techniques in different works by the same artist/designer. 

5. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes and prokaryotes

E. V. Koonin (2010): There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death. 6

6. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon

E. V. Koonin (2010): The origin of eukaryotes is a huge enigma and a major challenge for evolutionary biology. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells, but is crucial in prokaryotes. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death. 6

7.  Horizontal gene transfer (HGT)

E. V. Koonin (2012): Subsequent massive sequencing of numerous, complete microbial genomes have revealed novel evolutionary phenomena, the most fundamental of these being: pervasive horizontal gene transfer (HGT), in large part mediated by viruses and plasmids, that shapes the genomes of archaea and bacteria and call for a radical revision (if not abandonment) of the Tree of Life concept 7

8. RNA Polymerase differences

RNA Polymerase differences: Prokaryotes only contain three different promoter elements: -10, -35 promoters, and upstream elements.  Eukaryotes contain many different promoter elements: TATA box, initiator elements, downstream core promoter element, CAAT box, and the GC box to name a few.  Eukaryotes have three types of RNA polymerases, I, II, and III, and prokaryotes only have one type.  Eukaryotes form and initiation complex with the various transcription factors that dissociate after initiation is completed.  There is no such structure seen in prokaryotes.  Another main difference between the two is that transcription and translation occurs simultaneously in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes the RNA is first transcribed in the nucleus and then translated in the cytoplasm.  RNAs from eukaryotes undergo post-transcriptional modifications including: capping, polyadenylation, and splicing.  These events do not occur in prokaryotes.  mRNAs in prokaryotes tend to contain many different genes on a single mRNA meaning they are polycystronic.  Eukaryotes contain mRNAs that are monocystronic.  Termination in prokaryotes is done by either rho-dependent or rho-independent mechanisms.  In eukaryotes transcription is terminated by two elements: a poly(A) signal and a downstream terminator sequence.  8

9. Ribosome and ribosome biogenesis differences

Ribosome and ribosome biogenesis differences: Although we could identify E. coli counterparts with comparable biochemical activity for 12 yeast ribosome biogenesis factors (RBFs), only 2 are known to participate in bacterial ribosome assembly. This indicates that the recruitment of individual proteins to this pathway has been largely independent in the bacterial and eukaryotic lineages. The bacterial version of a universal ribosomal protein tends to be remarkably different from its archaeal equivalent, the same being true, even more dramatically, for the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. In both cases, in a sequence alignment, a position constant in composition in the Bacteria tends to be so in its archaeal homolog as well, but the archaeal and bacterial compositions for that position often differ from each other. Moreover, among the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, a total lack of homology between large (and characteristic) sections of the bacterial version of a molecule and its archaeal counterpart is common. 9 

10. The replication promoters of bacterial and yeast genes have different structures

A. C. Leonard (2013): Like the origins of DNA replication, the promoters of bacterial and yeast genes have different structures, are recognized by different proteins, and are not exchangeable. The absolute incompatibility between prokaryote (e.g., E. coli) and eukaryote (e.g., yeast) origins of replication and promoters, as well as DNA replication, transcription, and translation machineries, stands as a largely unrecognized challenge to the evolutionary view that the two share a common ancestor. 10

No common ancestor for Viruses

Eugene V. Koonin (2020): In the genetic space of viruses and MGEs, no genes are universal or even conserved in the majority of viruses. Viruses have several distinct points of origin, so there has never been a last common ancestor of all viruses. 11

Viruses and the tree of life (2009): Viruses are polyphyletic: In a phylogenetic tree, the characteristics of members of taxa are inherited from previous ancestors. Viruses cannot be included in the tree of life because they do not share characteristics with cells, and no single gene is shared by all viruses or viral lineages. While cellular life has a single, common origin, viruses are polyphyletic – they have many evolutionary origins. Viruses don’t have a structure derived from a common ancestor.  Cells obtain membranes from other cells during cell division. According to this concept of ‘membrane heredity’, today’s cells have inherited membranes from the first cells.  Viruses have no such inherited structure.  They play an important role by regulating population and biodiversity. [url=https://www.virology.ws/2009/03/19/viruses-and-the-tree-of-life/#:~:text=Viruses are polyphyletic,all viruses or viral lineages.]1[/url]2

Eugene V. Koonin (2017): The entire history of life is the story of virus–host coevolution. Therefore the origins and evolution of viruses are an essential component of this process. A signature feature of the virus state is the capsid, the proteinaceous shell that encases the viral genome. Although homologous capsid proteins are encoded by highly diverse viruses, there are at least 20 unrelated varieties of these proteins. Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on earth and show remarkable diversity of genome sequences, replication and expression strategies, and virion structures. Evolutionary genomics of viruses revealed many unexpected connections but the general scenario(s) for the evolution of the virosphere remains a matter of intense debate among proponents of the cellular regression, escaped genes, and primordial virus world hypotheses. A comprehensive sequence and structure analysis of major virion proteins indicates that they evolved on about 20 independent occasions. Virus genomes typically consist of distinct structural and replication modules that recombine frequently and can have different evolutionary trajectories. The present analysis suggests that, although the replication modules of at least some classes of viruses might descend from primordial selfish genetic elements, bona fide viruses evolved on multiple, independent occasions throughout the course of evolution by the recruitment of diverse host proteins that became major virion components. 13

Comment: The importance of the admission that viruses do not share a common ancestor cannot be outlined enough. Researchers also admit, that under a naturalistic framework, the origin of viruses remains obscure, and has not found an explanation. One reason is that viruses depend on a cell host in order to replicate. Another is, that the virus capsid shells that protect the viral genome are unique, there is no counterpart in life. A science paper that I quote below describes capsids with a "geometrically sophisticated architecture not seen in other biological assemblies". This seems to be interesting evidence of design. The claim that their origin has something to do with evolution is also misleading - evolution plays no role in explaining either the origin of life or the origin of viruses. The fact that "no single gene is shared by all viruses or viral lineages" prohibits drawing a tree of viruses leading to a common ancestor.  

D M Raup (1983):  Life forms are made possible by the remarkable properties of polypeptides. It has been argued that there must be many potential but unrealized polypeptides that could be used in living systems. The number of possible primary polypeptide structures with lengths comparable to those found in living systems is almost infinite. This suggests that the particular subset of polypeptides of which organisms are now composed is only one of a great many that could be associated in viable biochemistries. There is no taxonomic category available to contain all life forms descended from a single event of life origin. Here, we term such a group, earthly or otherwise, a bioclade. If more than one bioclade survives, life is polyphyletic. If only one survives, it is monophyletic. We conclude that multiple origins of life in the early Precambrian is a reasonable possibility.21

W. Ford Doolittle (2007): Darwin claimed that a unique inclusively hierarchical pattern of relationships between all organisms based on their similarities and differences [the Tree of Life (TOL)] was a fact of nature, for which evolution, and in particular a branching process of descent with modification, was the explanation. However, there is no independent evidence that the natural order is an inclusive hierarchy, and incorporation of prokaryotes into the TOL is especially problematic. The only data sets from which we might construct a universal hierarchy including prokaryotes, the sequences of genes, often disagree and can seldom be proven to agree. Hierarchical structure can always be imposed on or extracted from such data sets by algorithms designed to do so, but at its base the universal TOL rests on an unproven assumption about pattern that, given what we know about process, is unlikely to be broadly true. This is not to say that similarities and differences between organisms are not to be accounted for by evolutionary mechanisms, but descent with modification is only one of these mechanisms, and a single tree-like pattern is not the necessary (or expected) result of their collective operation. Pattern pluralism (the recognition that different evolutionary models and representations of relationships will be appropriate, and true, for different taxa or at different scales or fordifferent purposes) is an attractive alternative to the quixotic pursuit of a single true TOL.20

Douglas L. Theobald (2010): In all cases tried, with a wide variety of evolutionary models (from the simplest to the most parameter rich), the multiple-ancestry models for shuffled data sets are preferred by a large margin over common ancestry models (LLR on the order of a thousand), even with the large internal branches. 17

C. P. Kempes (2021): We argue for multiple forms of life realized through multiple different historical pathways. From this perspective, there have been multiple origins of life on Earth—life is not a universal homology. By broadening the class of originations, we significantly expand the data set for searching for life.  We define life as the union of two crucial energetic and informatic processes producing an autonomous system that can metabolically extract and encode information from the environment of adaptive/survival value and propagate it forward through time. We provide a new perspective on the origin of life by arguing that life has emerged many times on Earth and that there are many forms of extant life coexisting on a variety of physical substrates. The ultimate theory of life will certainly have ingredients from abstract theories of engineering, computation, physics, and evolution, but we expect will also require new perspectives and tools, just as theories of computation have.  It should be able to highlight life as the ultimate homoplasy (convergence) rather than homology, where life is discovered repeatedly from many different trajectories.

A science forum was held at Arizona State University in February 2011, where the following dialogue between Dawkins and Venter was reported:

Venter: I'm not so sanguine as some of my colleagues here that there's only one life form on this planet we have a lot of different types of metabolism different organisms I wouldn't call you the same life-form as the one we have that lives in pH12 base that would dissolve your skin if we drop you at it. The same genetic it will have a common anything well you don't have the same genetic code in fact the micoplasmas use a different genetic code and it would not work  in yourself so there are a lot of variations on the unit
Dawkins: But you're not saying it belongs to a different tree of life from me
Venter: I well I think the Tree of Life is an artifact of some early scientific studies that aren't really holding up so the tree you know there may be a bush of life. Bush I don't like that word written but that's only I can see that so there's not a tree of life and in fact from our deep sequencing of organisms in the ocean out of now we have about 60 million different unique gene sets we found 12 that looked like a very very deep branching perhaps fourth domain of life that obviously is extremely rare that it only shows up out of those few sequences but it's still DNA based but you know the diversity we have in the DNA world I'm not so saying what in wedding ready to throw out the DNA world. 18 19

From the Last Universal Common Ancestor, LUCA, to Eukaryotic cells

C. Woese (2002): The evolution of modern cells is arguably the most challenging and important problem the field of Biology has ever faced40

G. E. Mikhailovsky (2021): It is puzzling why life on Earth consisted of prokaryotes for up to 2.5 ± 0.5 billion years (Gy) before the appearance of the first eukaryotes. This period, from LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) to LECA (Last Eucaryotic Common Ancestor), we have named the Lucacene, to suggest all prokaryotic descendants of LUCA before the appearance of LECA. The structural diversity of eukaryotic organisms is very large, while the morphological diversity of prokaryotic cells is immeasurably lower.




A list of evidence that points to polyphyly, rather than monophyly, and universal common descent 

While universal common descent posits that the diversity of life arose from modifications to a single ancestral genome, polyphyly suggests that the immense diversity and complexity we observe arise from multiple, distinct origin events.

The cell membranes of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes have distinctly different lipid compositions and structures. Archaea, for instance, possess ether-linked lipids which are distinct from the ester-linked lipids found in Bacteria and Eukaryotes. These significant differences in fundamental structural molecules are consistent with the idea of separate origins. Although the genetic code is largely conserved across life, there are variations in codon assignments between domains. If all life stemmed from a single common ancestor, we would anticipate more uniformity in the genetic code. The machinery for key processes, such as DNA replication, transcription, and translation, differ between the domains. The RNA polymerases in bacteria are vastly simpler than those in archaea or eukaryotes. If universal common descent were the primary mechanism, such differences would seem unexpected. While many metabolic pathways are conserved across life, there are unique pathways present in different domains that aren't simply variations on a theme but are fundamentally different in their biochemistry. The presence of distinct mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes in eukaryotes, which have their own unique features, could be seen as evidence of multiple origins. One could argue that these organelles and their genomes did not arise from symbiosis (as in the endosymbiotic theory) but from a separate origin event. High frequencies of horizontal gene transfer, especially in bacterial and archaeal genomes, can obscure a clear tree of life. The vast web of genetic exchange can be interpreted as evidence against a single, linear tree of descent. While evolution predicts transitional forms, the clear demarcation between domains (especially between prokaryotes and eukaryotes) without obvious intermediates supports the idea of separate origins. The Cambrian explosion, where a multitude of complex life forms appears suddenly in the fossil record, can be argued as evidence for polyphyly, suggesting multiple, separate origins for different life forms rather than a slow, continuous evolutionary trajectory from a universal common ancestor.

1. Alternative DNA Structures: Presence of non-canonical DNA structures.
2. Alternative Genetic Codes: Variations in the genetic code among organisms.
3. Alternative Metabolic Pathways: Existence of distinct biochemical pathways for similar functions.
4. Alternative Oxidative Phosphorylation Mechanisms: Variability in ATP synthesis.
5. Alternative Splicing Complexity: Differences in gene expression in eukaryotes.
6. Archaeal Distinctions: Unique features of archaea.
7. Biochemical Pathway Variability: Variations in biochemical pathways.
8. Cell Division Mechanism Differences: Variability in how cells reproduce.
9. Cell Wall Composition: Differences in cell wall structures across life forms.
10. Cellular Volume: Disparities in cell sizes and their implications.
11. Chromosome Structure Variability: Differences in chromosome structures.
12. Different Mechanisms of Genetic Recombination: Differences in how genetic material is shuffled.
13. Different Mechanisms of Osmoregulation: Variability in how organisms maintain internal solute concentrations.
14. Different Mechanisms of Thermoregulation: Different strategies to maintain temperature homeostasis.
15. Differing DNA Replication Machinery: Variability in DNA replication mechanisms.
16. Distinct Cell Death Mechanisms: Differences in programmed cell death or apoptosis mechanisms.
17. Distinct Evolutionary Pressures: Variability in the evolutionary challenges faced by different organisms.
18. Distinct Immune System Features: Immune system structure and function differences.
19. Distinct Organizational Cellular Complexity: Cellular organization differences.
20. Distinct Phototrophic Mechanisms: Differences in light energy utilization.
21. Divergent Hormonal Regulation Mechanisms: Distinct hormone regulation mechanisms.
22. Divergent Membrane Lipid Chemistry: Differences in lipid composition.
23. DNA Replication Origin Differences: Different replication origins.
24. Endogenous Retroviral Elements: Presence and implications of endogenous retroviruses in genomes.
25. Evolutionary Stasis: Little morphological change over long timescales.
26. Gene Loss and Reduction: Organisms losing genes over evolutionary timescales.
27. Gene Order and Synteny: Variability in gene order.
28. Glycolytic Enzyme Variability: Differences in enzyme sequences in glycolytic pathways.
29. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT): Gene transfer between organisms outside traditional reproduction.
30. Incompatibility of Cellular Processes: Different cellular processes across life forms.
31. Metabolic Rate Variabilities: Differences in metabolic rates.
32. Molecular Clock Disparities: Conflicting timelines from molecular clock calculations.
33. Multiplicity of Carbon Fixation Pathways: Multiple pathways for carbon fixation.
34. Multiple DNA Repair Mechanisms: Diversity of DNA repair mechanisms.
35. Orphan Genes: Genes with no known homologs.
36. Polyphyletic Origins of Biopolymers: Multiple origins of biopolymers.
37. Post-translational Modification Differences: Protein post-translation modification differences.
38. Presence of Unique Organelles: Organelles present in certain organisms and absent in others.
39. Promoter Region Differences: Variability in gene promoter regions.
40. Protein Domain Variability: Variability in protein domains.
41. Protein Functional Redundancy: Multiple proteins with similar functions.
42. Protein Transport Mechanism Variations: Differences in how proteins are transported within cells.
43. Ribosome Biogenesis Disparities: Differences in ribosome formation.
44. RNA Editing Mechanism Differences: RNA editing mechanism differences.
45. RNA Polymerase Variabilities: Different types of RNA polymerases in organisms.
46. Syntrophy and Mutual Dependencies: Organisms that depend on each other's metabolic by-products.
47. Unique Ion Transport Mechanisms: Differences in how ions are moved across cell membranes.
48. Unique Signal Transduction Pathways: Organism-specific pathways for transmitting cellular signals.
49. Varied Cell Motility Mechanisms: Differences in cell movement.
50. Varied Protein Folding Mechanisms: Differences in how proteins achieve their functional conformations.
51. Varying Energy Production Mechanisms: Differences in energy production.
52. Viral Influence and Integration: Influence of viruses on evolution.

While the following articles challenge the conventional view of a singular tree of life or universal common descent, they do not strictly advocate for polyphyly but emphasize the complexities and ambiguities surrounding the origins and early evolution of life.

A series of ideas have emerged that retell life's beginnings. One consideration is the possibility that life on Earth might not have a single point of origin. Multiple life lineages would have arisen, with some subsequently wiped out through various extinction events, adding layers of complexity to life's timeline. The classic model of evolution, often visualized as the 'Tree of Life,' has been revisited. Instead of a straightforward branching tree, some suggest a more interconnected web of relationships. This shift in perspective indicates that early life would have been more about genetic sharing and collaboration than isolated progression. The notion of the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) not being a singular entity but rather a community of protocells introduces a different perspective. This diverging perspective challenges the distinctions between individual and community, hinting that life's foundations could be rooted in collective existence. Further complicating the narrative is the re-evaluation of eukaryogenesis. Instead of viewing it as a singular event, there's growing support for a more layered origin of complex life. This perspective ties in with insights into the relationship between Archaea and the emergence of eukaryotes, suggesting intertwined evolutionary paths. From an evolutionary standpoint, both LUCA and the Last Bacterial Common Ancestor (LBCA) hold significant positions. While LUCA represents a potential divergence point for both archaea and bacteria, LBCA signifies the intricate journey specific to bacterial evolution. The story of early life, with its myriad of hypotheses and insights, reveals the vastness and complexity of our biological heritage. 

Multiple Life Origins: Raup and Valentine (1983) pondered a scenario where life on Earth might not trace back to a single point of origin. They postulate a history where several life lineages might have emerged and later faced annihilation through various extinction events, proposing a rich and complex narrative to the story of life's beginning ([1] Raup & Valentine 1983).
Communal Early Life: Woese's vision of the initial chapters of life portrays not just individual life forms but a communal coexistence. He suggests that in these nascent stages, horizontal gene transfer could have been rampant, pointing towards a shared genetic heritage before clear demarcations of lineages took shape ([2] Woese 1998).
Challenges of the Universal Tree: Doolittle (1999) brings forth the challenges faced in sculpting a straightforward, universal tree of life. Lateral or horizontal gene transfers, according to him, weave a web of relationships rather than a tree, complicating the linear assumptions of lineage evolution ([3] Doolittle 1999).
Pattern Pluralism: Moving away from the classic 'Tree of Life', Doolittle & Bapteste (2007) argue for a more web-like structure of life's evolution. This networked pattern accounts for the widespread horizontal gene transfers, proposing a more interconnected and intertwined history of life forms ([4] Doolittle & Bapteste 2007).
LUCA as Protocells Ensemble: Koonin and Wolf (2008) offer a fresh perspective on the Last Universal Common Ancestor, hinting that it might not have been a singular entity but potentially a community of protocells, a collective origin rather than an individual progenitor ([5] Koonin & Wolf 2008).
Tree of Life Revisited: O'Malley & Koonin (2011) re-evaluate the enduring concept of the 'Tree of Life', particularly in light of evolutionary biology's challenges and the observed absence of specific traits, suggesting the tree may not be as straightforward as once believed ([6] O'Malley & Koonin 2011).
Eukaryogenesis Complexity: Booth and Doolittle (2015) interrogate the established belief of eukaryogenesis as a singular event. They argue for a more convoluted and multifaceted origin, challenging previous assumptions and pushing for a deeper understanding ([7] Booth & Doolittle 2015).
Archaea-Eukaryote Link: Eme et al. (2017) shed light on the intricate bond between Archaea and the genesis of eukaryotes, providing insights into how this relationship might have shaped the trajectory of eukaryotic evolution ([8] Eme et al. 2017).
Two Primary Domains Hypothesis: Williams et al. (2013) champion the idea that life can be largely categorized into two primary domains. They argue that eukaryotes might have their roots deep within the Archaea, revising the conventional tripartite classification of life ([9] Williams et al. 2013).

1. Raup, D M., & Valentine, J W. (1983). Multiple Life OriginsLink. This work explores the potential of multiple origins of life on Earth, considering various lineages that might have been extinguished by extinction events.
2. Woese, C R. (1998). Link. The universal ancestor Woese speculates that early life may have taken on a "communal" form, where horizontal gene transfer was a significant factor.
3. Doolittle, W. F. (1999).Phylogenetic Classification and the Universal Tree   Link. Doolittle underscores the challenges in forming a universal tree of life, particularly given the role of lateral gene transfer.
4. W. F., & Bapteste, E. (2007).Pattern pluralism and the Tree of Life hypothesis  Link. The authors present arguments against the traditional Tree of Life concept, leaning more towards a web-like structure due to horizontal gene transfer.
5. Koonin, E V., & Wolf, Y I. (2008).LUCA as Protocells Ensemble  Link. This paper presents a nuanced perspective of the Last Universal Common Ancestor, suggesting it might have been a collection of protocells.
6. O'Malley, M. A., & Koonin, E. V. (2011). How stands the Tree of Life a century and a half after The Origin? Link. This paper addresses the conceptual challenges in the field of evolutionary biology, especially concerning the absence of specific traits.
7. Booth, A., & Doolittle, W. F. (2015). Eukaryogenesis, how special really?Link. This paper questions the singular event concept of eukaryogenesis, suggesting a more intricate origin.
8. Eme, L., Spang, A., Lombard, J., Stairs, C. W., & Ettema, T. J. G. (2017). Archaea and the origin of eukaryotes -Link. This review offers insights into the intricate relationship between Archaea and the origins of eukaryotes.
9. Williams, T. A., Foster, P. G., Cox, C. J., & Embley, T. M. (2013).An archaeal origin of eukaryotes supports only two primary domains of life  Link. This paper supports the viewpoint that life primarily consists of two domains, implying that eukaryotes emerged from within the Archaea.
10. Forterre, P. (2015). The universal tree of life: an update. Front. Microbiol., 6, Article 717. Link. (This article is part of the Research Topic "Archaeal Cell Envelope and Surface Structures.")

Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis G9dd5211
SCHEMATIC UNIVERSAL TREE UPDATED FROM (WOESE ET AL., 1990;). PG: peptidoglycan; DNA (blue arrows) introduction of DNA; T (pink and red arrows) thermoreduction. LBCA: Last Bacterial Common Ancestor, pink circle: thermophilic LBCA; LACA: Last Archaeal Common Ancestor, red circle, hyperthermophilic LACA. LARCA: Last Arkarya Common Ancestor; FME: First Mitochondriate Eukarya; LECA: Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor; blue circles, mesophilic ancestors. SARP: Stramenopila, Alveolata, Rhizobia, Plantae. 10

Objection: No science papers and scientists argue against universal common descent and evolution at large.
Response: While it's true that a majority of scientists in relevant fields do not advocate for polyphyly, it's essential to understand the broader context of scientific inquiry, the influences on consensus, and the limitations of any human endeavor in the search for truth. Science is a powerful tool, but it's also a human endeavor, subject to biases, pressures, and philosophical frameworks. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where scientific consensus has been overturned. For example, the geocentric model of the universe was widely accepted until the Copernican revolution. Just because a majority of scientists believe something does not necessarily make it the final truth. Science, especially modern science, is built on certain philosophical premises. One of the dominant paradigms is methodological naturalism, which posits that science should only consider natural causes and explanations. Under this framework, even if evidence points towards a design or separate origins, the scientific community might be reluctant to accept it due to their philosophical commitments. Scientists, like all humans, can be subject to confirmation bias. If one is trained and deeply invested in a particular paradigm (like universal common descent), they might subconsciously interpret data in a way that confirms their pre-existing beliefs. The world of academia and research can be competitive. Going against the prevailing consensus can be risky for one's career. Researchers might face challenges in getting their papers peer-reviewed and published, or in obtaining research grants if their proposals challenge widely accepted paradigms. The debate between universal common descent and polyphyly is complex, and the evidence can often be interpreted in multiple ways. While many see the evidence as strongly favoring universal common descent, others may see ambiguities or alternative interpretations that aren't as commonly discussed. Interpretation of scientific data often depends on one's starting assumptions. If someone begins with the belief that naturalistic processes are the only viable explanations, they will interpret data within that framework. Conversely, if someone is open to the possibility of design or multiple origins, they might interpret the same data differently. Accepting polyphyly could have broader philosophical and even theological implications, which some might be uncomfortable with. The resistance to polyphyly might be, in part, due to these wider implications.

The nature of historical sciences, including those concerning universal common descent and evolution, distinguishes them from empirical or "hard" sciences. Unlike empirical sciences that are rooted in direct experimentation and observation (like chemistry or physics), historical sciences deal with past, non-repeatable events. Theories concerning origins or the distant past can't be tested in the same way that one might test a chemical reaction in a lab. In historical sciences, researchers come to the data with certain interpretative frameworks already in place. For instance, a naturalistic framework assumes that all phenomena have natural causes, ruling out supernatural intervention or design. A creationist, on the other hand, might see evidence of design or separate creation events in the same data. Due to the interpretative nature of historical sciences, they can often be seen as "softer" than empirical sciences. The data in these fields can support multiple interpretations, making them inherently more subjective. The conclusions drawn in historical sciences often hinge on foundational assumptions. If one assumes, for example, that all life must have a single common ancestor because of a commitment to methodological naturalism, then data will be interpreted in that light. Conversely, if one is open to the possibility of multiple origins or design, the same data might be seen as evidence for those positions. One measure of a scientific theory's strength is its predictive power. While evolutionary theory has indeed made predictions that have been subsequently confirmed, so too have creationist models in various contexts. The ability to make accurate predictions is not solely the domain of one viewpoint. From a creationist standpoint, the complexity and information content in living systems point to a designer. The intricacies of cellular machinery, the coding within DNA, and the fine-tuning of the universe for life are seen as evidence not of random processes over time, but of purposeful design. A robust scientific method involves openness to alternative hypotheses and interpretations. While the majority of the scientific community may adhere to universal common descent, it's essential for the health of science to allow challenges and alternative viewpoints, such as those from creationists. While historical sciences offer valuable insights into our past and the history of life on Earth, they are, by nature, interpretative. From a creationist viewpoint, when one approaches the data without a strict adherence to naturalism, the evidence can be seen as consistent with a designed universe and the special creation of life. The debate isn't just about raw data but the philosophical and interpretative frameworks used to understand that data.

Evolution: Common descent, the tree of life,  a failed hypothesis Ddfffd10

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:48 pm; edited 21 times in total




1. Alternative DNA Structures: Presence of non-canonical DNA structures

1. Variability of DNA Structures: The existence of B-DNA, Z-DNA, and G-quadruplexes demonstrates the vast structural diversity inherent to DNA. Such variation implies that lifeforms did not inherit these structures from a singular origin but were created independently with diverse foundational molecules.
Functional Differences: G-quadruplexes have roles in the regulation of gene expression and telomere maintenance. The specificity of these functions suggests that the species containing these structures were created with particular tasks in mind, separate from those without these structures.
2. Presence in Specific Domains: If certain alternative DNA structures are present predominantly or exclusively in one domain of life and absent in others, this further supports the idea of separate creation events for each domain.
Chemical Versatility of Life's Building Blocks: The capability of foundational molecules to form varied structures under different conditions shows that life's beginnings were not confined to a singular molecular pattern. Each life form was created with its unique molecular setup.
3. Alternative DNA Structures and Diverse Functionality: Structures like Z-DNA and G-quadruplexes demonstrate that DNA can adopt forms beyond the classical B-DNA helix. The presence of these distinct structures across different organisms, and their roles in varied processes like DNA replication, repair, and transcription, suggests the presence of unique molecular toolkits not derived from a shared ancestor.
4. G-quadruplexes in Telomere Maintenance: G-quadruplexes have a significant role in the stabilization of telomeres, the end regions of chromosomes. Their unique formation and role in certain species, but not in all, indicates specialized functionalities hinting at separate origin events rather than a universally shared ancestral trait.
Presence and Absence Patterns: While Z-DNA and G-quadruplexes are found across different organisms, their distribution is not uniform. This sporadic distribution, rather than a consistent presence in all lineages, challenges the idea of a single origin, where one would expect more homogeneity in these structural elements across evolutionary lineages.
5. u]Z-DNA and Gene Transcription Regulation:[/u] Z-DNA, though less common than its B-DNA counterpart, plays a role in the regulation of gene transcription. Its existence and function in specific contexts, but not universally across all organisms, suggest specialized mechanisms pointing toward multiple independent origin points.
6. Complexity of Quadruplex Formation: G-quadruplexes are formed by guanine-rich sequences and require a particular set of conditions for their formation. The fact that certain organisms utilize these structures, while others do not, implies that the former were endowed with this capability independently, rather than inheriting it from a common ancestor.

By examining these pieces of evidence that specifically focus on alternative DNA structures, it becomes evident that the complexity and diversity in DNA conformations point toward multiple origins of life rather than a single, universal common ancestor.

1. Wang, A. H. J., Quigley, G. J., Kolpak, F. J., Crawford, J. L., van Boom, J. H., Van der Marel, G., & Rich, A. (1979). Molecular structure of a left-handed double helical DNA fragment at atomic resolution. Nature, 282(5740), 680-686. Link. (This paper describes the discovery of the Z-DNA structure, showing the structural diversity of DNA.)
2. Sen, D., & Gilbert, W. (1988). Formation of parallel four-stranded complexes by guanine-rich motifs in DNA and its implications for meiosis. Nature, 334(6180), 364-366. Link. (This article details the discovery and implications of G-quadruplex DNA structures.)
3. Maizels, N. (2006). Dynamic roles for G4 DNA in the biology of eukaryotic cells. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 13(12), 1055-1059. Link. (This review focuses on the roles G-quadruplexes play in the regulation of gene expression and telomere maintenance.)
4. Champ, P. C., Maurice, S., Vargason, J. M., Camp, T., & Ho, P. S. (2004). Distributions of Z-DNA and nuclear factor I in human chromosome 22: a model for coupled transcriptional regulation. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(22), 6501-6510. Link. (This study explores the presence and roles of Z-DNA in regulating gene transcription.)
5. Zhou, J., Fleming, A. M., Averill, A. M., Burrows, C. J., & Wallace, S. S. (2015). The NEIL glycosylases remove oxidized guanine lesions from telomeric and promoter quadruplex DNA structures. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(8 ), 4039-4054. Link. (This paper provides insights into the complexity and significance of G-quadruplexes in telomere maintenance.)
6. Wolfe, A. L., Singh, K., Zhong, Y., Drewe, P., Rajasekhar, V. K., Sanghvi, V. R., ... & Chenchik, A. (2014). RNA G-quadruplexes cause eIF4A-dependent oncogene translation in cancer. Nature, 513(7516), 65-70. Link. (This study explores how G-quadruplex structures are utilized in certain cancer cells to regulate oncogene translation.)

2. Alternative Genetic Codes: Variations in the genetic code among organisms

1. Existence of Alternative Genetic Codes (Point 1): There are multiple versions of the genetic code present among different organisms, varying from the standard genetic code. This indicates that different species or groups of species have distinct codes, suggesting independent origins.
2. Domain-Specific Genetic Codes (Point 2): Some alternative genetic codes are predominantly found in specific domains of life, like in certain mitochondrial genomes, which further indicates the possibility of separate creation events for each domain.
3. Unique Codon Assignments (Point 3): Certain organisms possess unique codon assignments that differ from the conventional genetic code. This uniqueness in codon assignments in specific lineages suggests they were endowed with this trait independently.
4. Inconsistent Distribution of Alternative Codes (Point 4): The alternative genetic codes are not uniformly distributed across the tree of life. Their inconsistent distribution points toward the idea of multiple, separate origin events.
5. Functional Relevance of Alternative Codes (Point 5): The alternative codes are not merely random deviations but have functional implications in the organisms in which they exist. The presence of functional, alternative codes in specific lineages suggests these organisms were designed with specific purposes in mind.
6. Code Evolution Limitations (Point 6): The genetic code is highly optimized, and extensive changes can be detrimental to an organism's survival. The presence of distinct, alternative genetic codes in different lineages indicates they were not derived from minor modifications of a universal code but had separate origins.
7. Stop Codon Variability (Point 7): Some organisms have reassigned stop codons to encode amino acids, a fundamental change to the genetic code. This reassignment in specific lineages suggests these organisms had distinct creation events.

1. Knight, R. D., Freeland, S. J., & Landweber, L. F. (2001). Rewiring the keyboard: evolvability of the genetic code. Nature Reviews Genetics, 2(1), 49-58. Link. (This study delves into the existence of alternative genetic codes and their evolutionary implications.)
2. Sengupta, S., & Higgs, P. G. (2005). A unified model of codon reassignment in alternative genetic codes. Genetics, 170(2), 831-840. Link. (The article focuses on domain-specific genetic codes and offers a model for their origin and evolution.)
3. Behrens, M., Michael, V., Pradella, S., & Päuker, O. (2013). Unique assignment of archaeal Group II intron ORFs with divergent, bacteria-like organization to homologs in Methanosarcina barkeri Fusaro. Mobile Genetic Elements, 3(2), e24783. Link. (This research observes unique codon assignments in certain archaeal organisms.)
4. Jukes, T. H., & Osawa, S. (1993). Evolutionary changes in the genetic code. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B, Comparative Biochemistry, 106(3), 489-494. Link. (This paper analyzes the inconsistent distribution of alternative genetic codes across various organisms.)
5. Schultz, D. W., & Yarus, M. (1994). Transfer RNA mutation and the malleability of the genetic code. Journal of Molecular Biology, 235(5), 1377-1380. Link. (This research delves into the functional relevance of alternative codes, focusing on the adaptability of tRNA.)
6. Freeland, S. J., & Hurst, L. D. (1998). The genetic code is one in a million. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 47(3), 238-248. Link. (The study considers the optimization of the genetic code and the evolutionary implications of its variations.)
7. Santos, M. A., Cheesman, C., Costa, V., Moradas‐Ferreira, P., & Tuite, M. F. (1999). Selective advantages created by codon ambiguity allowed for the evolution of an alternative genetic code in Candida spp. Molecular Microbiology, 31(3), 937-947. Link. (This paper studies the variability in stop codons in Candida species, suggesting a distinct evolutionary path.)

3. Alternative Metabolic Pathways: Existence of distinct biochemical pathways for similar functions

Glycolysis is a fundamental biochemical pathway that occurs in the cytoplasm of cells. It's a central metabolic process that plays a crucial role in extracting energy from glucose, a simple sugar molecule, and providing the cell with energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. Glycolysis is a key component of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and is considered one of the most ancient metabolic pathways. Glycolysis involves a series of enzymatic reactions that convert one molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, a three-carbon compound. The process occurs in ten steps and can be divided into three phases:  The first half of glycolysis requires an input of energy (two ATP molecules) to activate the glucose molecule and prepare it for further breakdown. Glucose is split into two three-carbon molecules, each called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P). This step is crucial for further energy extraction.  G3P molecules are converted to pyruvate while producing ATP and NADH (a molecule that carries high-energy electrons) as byproducts. This phase generates a net of two ATP molecules and two NADH molecules per glucose molecule.

Glycolysis is considered one of the most ancient metabolic pathways due to its simplicity and ability to function under anaerobic (absence of oxygen) conditions. When life started on Earth, the atmosphere supposedly lacked significant amounts of oxygen, making anaerobic processes essential for survival. Glycolysis provided early cells with a way to extract energy from simple sugars like glucose in the absence of oxygen. The pathway doesn't require specialized organelles like mitochondria and can occur in the cytoplasm, making it suitable for primitive, membrane-less structures. By producing ATP and generating molecules like NADH, glycolysis would have offered a basic energy source for the maintenance and growth of these early cells. The presence of glycolysis at life's origin has been seen as an adaptation that supposedly allowed primitive organisms to efficiently utilize the available energy sources and survive in an oxygen-limited environment. As life evolved and oxygen levels in the atmosphere increased, more efficient energy production processes, like aerobic respiration, became feasible. Glycolysis, however, remained conserved due to its essential role in providing a quick burst of energy even in modern cells.

B. Canback (2002):  None of the trees that we have constructed for the present cohort is rooted. Nevertheless, with the exception of the enzymes found in mitochondria and chloroplasts, there is no indication that any eukaryotic gene family is rooted in modern bacterial clades, or vice versa. Indeed, all of the phylogenetic reconstructions obtained in this study are consistent with the interpretation that the divergence of the archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic lineages is ancient, as suggested by others. Here, “ancient” would mean that it predates the divergence of, for example, the α-proteobacteria from the other proteobacteria. If this were so, the emergence of the mitochondria would be much more recent than the divergence of eukaryotes and bacteria. 7

Comment: Canback and colleagues discuss various aspects of phylogenetic reconstructions and gene transfer related to enzymes involved in the glycolysis pathway across different domains of life. The evidence corroborates the inference that glycolysis cannot be definitively traced back to a universal common ancestor.  Glycolytic enzymes are broadly distributed in both bacteria and eukaryotes, but not all domains necessarily possess the same enzymes. Some archaea, for instance, utilize different enzymes for glycolytic reactions. This variability in enzyme usage among different domains suggests that the glycolytic pathway did not originate from a single ancestral source but rather independently or underwent adaptations in different lineages. None of the phylogenetic trees constructed for the enzyme families are rooted, making it difficult to definitively determine the origin of these enzymes. This lack of a clear root complicates efforts to trace the exact evolutionary relationships among different lineages and further underscores a supposed evolutionary history of these enzymes. Canback discussed interpretations that suggested horizontal gene transfer events as the reason for some bacterial taxa being found within eukaryotic clusters of enzymes. However, the author argued against the idea that these anomalies necessarily indicate the direction of transfer. Instead, they propose that gene transfer events might have occurred between bacterial and eukaryotic lineages, leading to shared homologs in both domains. This explanation reinforces the notion that the evolutionary relationships of glycolytic enzymes are more complex than a linear descent from a common ancestor. The phylogenetic reconstructions obtained from the data align with the hypothesis that the divergence of archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic lineages is ancient, predating the divergence of major bacterial clades. This finding challenges the idea that glycolysis can be traced back to a single, universal common ancestor, as the differences and complexities in the evolutionary histories of these lineages suggest separate origins. 

S. F Alnomasy (2017): Some archaeal enzymes have some similarities with bacteria, but most archaeal enzymes have no similarity with classical glycolytic pathways in Bacteria 11 There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides.

Keith A. Webster (2003): There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides. Genetic, protein and DNA analysis, together with major differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of all three domains – Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota – suggest that the three fundamental cell types are distinct and evolved separately (i.e. Bacteria are not actually pro-precursors of the eukaryotes, which have sequence similarities in particular parts of their biochemistry between both Bacteria or Archaea).  Only a relatively small percentage of genes in Archaea have sequence similarity to genes in Bacteria or Eukaryota. Furthermore, most of the cellular events triggered by intracellular Ca2+ in eukaryotes do not occur in either Bacteria or Archaea. 8

Comment: The argument put forth by Keith A. Webster suggests that these differences provide evidence against the idea of a universal common ancestor for all life forms. The kinases and other enzymes involved in glycolysis show significant differences among Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. This lack of common ancestry is implied by the absence of a single ancestral lineage that led to the formation of these enzymes across all domains of life. Sequence similarities in particular parts of biochemistry between Bacteria and Archaea, or between Bacteria and Eukaryota, do not necessarily imply a common ancestor. The argument here is that shared sequences in specific parts of biochemistry might have been created independently in different lineages rather than being inherited from a single common ancestor.  The differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of the three domains further support the notion of separate origins. These differences extend beyond glycolysis to various cellular processes and structures that are unique to each domain. The mention of cellular events triggered by intracellular calcium (Ca2+) is another example of divergence between domains. The fact that most of these events occur exclusively in eukaryotes and not in Bacteria or Archaea adds to the argument against a universal common ancestor. This points to independent trajectories for each domain.

In addition, there are several other differences in the glycolysis pathway that indicate separate origins for the three domains of life. These differences extend beyond the glycolytic enzymes themselves and include variations in regulation, enzyme structure, and pathway localization. The regulation of glycolysis can vary among the three domains. Different mechanisms of enzyme regulation are present in each domain, indicating independent origins. For instance, the regulation of certain glycolytic enzymes through allosteric control differs, suggesting that these regulatory mechanisms arose separately in each domain. In bacterial glycolysis, enzyme regulation often relies on allosteric control mechanisms. For instance, the enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) is a key regulator of the glycolytic pathway in bacteria. In many bacterial species, PFK-1 is allosterically inhibited by high levels of ATP, a molecule that serves as an indicator of sufficient cellular energy reserves. This feedback inhibition prevents the excessive utilization of glucose when energy production is already abundant. Such a regulatory mechanism ensures efficient energy management within bacterial cells. In contrast to bacteria, Archaea exhibit different mechanisms for enzyme regulation in glycolysis. The exact regulatory mechanisms in Archaea are diverse and can vary across species. Some Archaea still rely on allosteric regulation similar to bacteria, while others utilize unique regulatory strategies. For instance, in some Archaea, enzymes involved in glycolysis are subject to post-translational modifications that regulate their activity. These variations in regulation reflect the distinctiveness of Archaea. Eukaryotic cells, including those of animals, plants, and fungi, often exhibit complex regulation of glycolytic enzymes. Allosteric regulation is just one facet of the complex elaborated control mechanisms. Eukaryotes also employ hormonal signaling pathways, gene expression regulation, and compartmentalization within organelles like the mitochondria, to fine-tune glycolytic activity. For example, in eukaryotic cells, the hormone insulin plays a vital role in regulating glucose uptake and glycolytic enzyme activity. This complex and multifaceted regulatory network in eukaryotes reflects their distinct complex adaptations to diverse cellular functions. The different mechanisms of enzyme regulation observed in glycolysis across Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota pose a challenge to the concept of a universal common ancestor. The presence of diverse and sometimes unique regulatory strategies implies that these domains did not share a single ancestral lineage where these mechanisms were inherited from a common precursor. Instead, the independent origin of these regulatory mechanisms across domains suggests that the creation of glycolysis occurred separately in each domain.  The diversity of regulatory strategies in glycolysis aligns with the broader theme of varied biochemical and cellular characteristics that differentiate Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. As such, the presence of domain-specific regulatory mechanisms in glycolysis provides compelling evidence against the hypothesis of a universal common ancestor and supports the idea of separate origins for the three fundamental domains of life.

Hexokinase and glucokinase

While the core glycolytic reactions are conserved across domains, the enzymes catalyzing these reactions have different isoforms or structural characteristics. These differences lead to variations in the catalytic mechanisms,  indicating distinct origins. The enzyme responsible for the first step of glycolysis, phosphorylating glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, varies in its properties. Bacteria and Eukaryota often possess hexokinase enzymes, which have relatively low substrate specificity and are active over a wide range of glucose concentrations. On the other hand, Archaea and some Eukaryota, such as liver cells, utilize glucokinase enzymes with higher substrate specificity and activity limited to elevated glucose concentrations. These differences in enzyme properties indicate separate origins.  Hexokinase and glucokinase serve the same fundamental purpose: to phosphorylate glucose and initiate glycolysis. However, the differences in substrate specificity and activity level between hexokinase and glucokinase are evidence that these enzymes fulfill specific roles in different cellular contexts. Hexokinase, with its lower substrate specificity and broader activity range, is often present in cells that need to efficiently utilize glucose regardless of its concentration. In contrast, glucokinase, with its higher substrate specificity and activity limited to elevated glucose concentrations, is designed for cells that need to respond to changes in glucose availability, such as liver cells. The functional differences between hexokinase and glucokinase reflect adaptations to the specific environmental and metabolic demands of different organisms. Bacteria and certain eukaryotic cells might require a more versatile enzyme like hexokinase to process glucose under varying conditions. On the other hand, Archaea and liver cells need precise glucose-sensing mechanisms, which are facilitated by the more specific glucokinase. The distinct properties of hexokinase and glucokinase, along with their presence in different organisms and cellular contexts, suggest that these enzymes have separate origins. The differences in their catalytic efficiency, substrate binding, and regulation imply that they emerged through separate events, rather than being inherited from a common ancestral enzyme.
The fact that each domain developed its own enzyme variant tailored to its needs points to separate origins.

Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)

The key regulatory enzyme, PFK-1, catalyzes the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Despite its essential role, the structural characteristics of PFK-1 can differ among domains. For instance, the regulatory allosteric binding sites and kinetic properties of PFK-1 can vary significantly between Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota.  Allosteric binding sites play a critical role in regulating PFK-1's activity based on cellular conditions. Differences in the locations, specificities, and sensitivities of these binding sites are observed among domains. In bacteria, the allosteric sites and their affinities differ from those in Archaea or Eukaryota. These differences imply that the regulatory networks controlling glycolysis emerged separately, with distinct designs tailored to each domain's unique physiological requirements. The kinetic properties of PFK-1, including parameters like substrate binding affinities and reaction rates, can vary across domains. Bacterial, Archaeal, and Eukaryotic PFK-1 enzymes exhibit different kinetic profiles due to variations in amino acid sequences, structural elements, or post-translational modifications. These divergent kinetic properties suggest that the regulatory mechanisms governing glycolysis were not inherited from a single common ancestor but rather arose independently. The variations in PFK-1's structural characteristics and regulatory features reflect the specific functional optimizations required by each domain. Bacterial, Archaeal and Eukaryotic cells inhabit different environments and possess unique metabolic demands. The fact that PFK-1 has distinct properties in response to these varied requirements indicates that each domain's glycolytic pathway was individually crafted rather than being part of a shared ancestral lineage.

Pyruvate Kinase

The final step of glycolysis, catalyzing the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate, is facilitated by pyruvate kinase. The structural and regulatory features of this enzyme vary widely across domains. Bacterial pyruvate kinases are often allosterically regulated by various metabolites, whereas eukaryotic pyruvate kinases are regulated by phosphorylation events. Archaeal pyruvate kinases may have their own unique structural characteristics and regulatory mechanisms. These variations underscore distinct origins for glycolysis. Allosteric binding sites play a critical role in regulating PFK-1's activity based on cellular conditions. Differences in the locations, specificities, and sensitivities of these binding sites are observed among domains. In bacteria, the allosteric sites and their affinities might differ from those in Archaea or Eukaryota. These differences imply that the regulatory networks controlling glycolysis emerged separately, with distinct adaptations tailored to each domain's unique physiological requirements. The kinetic properties of PFK-1, including parameters like substrate binding affinities and reaction rates, can vary across domains. Bacterial, Archaeal, and Eukaryotic PFK-1 enzymes might exhibit different kinetic profiles due to variations in amino acid sequences, structural elements, or post-translational modifications. These divergent kinetic properties indicate that the regulatory mechanisms governing glycolysis were not inherited from a single common ancestor but rather arose independently. The fact that PFK-1 has distinct properties in response to varied requirements indicates that each domain's glycolytic pathway was individually crafted rather than being part of a shared ancestral lineage.

Beyond these examples, enzymes involved in glycolysis across domains can have distinct isoforms or functional adaptations. Isoforms are closely related protein or gene variants that are produced from the same gene but have slightly different structures and functions. These isoforms might have emerged to fulfill specific requirements of different cellular environments. The divergence in enzyme properties, including catalytic efficiency, substrate specificity, and regulatory mechanisms, indicates that glycolytic enzymes have different origins within each domain.

Metabolic Cross-Pathway Connections

The interconnectedness of glycolysis with other metabolic pathways within cells is a fundamental aspect of cellular metabolism. The glycolysis pathway is interconnected with other metabolic pathways within cells. The specific enzymes or pathways that connect to glycolysis can vary among domains. Differences in these connections indicate independent origins. Variations in substrate specificities or the presence of alternative pathways can be indicative of separate paths of origin. Some domains have unique enzymes or alternative pathways that perform similar functions to glycolytic enzymes, emphasizing their distinct histories. The subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes can differ among domains. For example, some enzymes might be localized to specific organelles in eukaryotic cells, while they are distributed differently in prokaryotic domains. Such differences in localization reflect independent adaptations to different cellular environments. The utilization of coenzymes, such as NAD+ and NADP+, in glycolysis does vary among domains. Differences in coenzyme preference or utilization indicate separate lineages. The differences in these interconnections among different domains provide strong evidence for their separate origins and independent creation.  The pathways that connect to glycolysis can vary among domains. While glycolysis is central to energy production, the specific enzymes and pathways that connect to it can be domain-specific. These differences highlight that the metabolic networks in each domain are tailored to their individual requirements and were created independently. The enzymes connecting to glycolysis have varying substrate specificities or catalytic properties among domains. These differences indicate that the connections were designed separately in each domain to fulfill specific metabolic needs. Such variations in substrate specificity underscore independent creation. Some domains possess alternative pathways that perform similar functions to glycolysis-related enzymes. These pathways have distinct enzyme components and regulation. The existence of alternate routes to achieve similar outcomes implies that each domain has its own strategies, supporting the idea of separate creation. Domains can have enzymes or alternative pathways that are not present in others but perform functions similar to glycolytic enzymes. This indicates that different domains have unique solutions to metabolic challenges, further emphasizing their distinct histories. The subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes can differ among domains. In eukaryotic cells, some glycolytic enzymes are localized within specific organelles, while in prokaryotic domains, they are distributed differently. These differences reflect independent design to the cellular environment, reinforcing the idea of separate origins. The fact that metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, are interconnected and interdependent within each domain's cellular processes suggests a high degree of coordination and fine-tuning. The specific adaptations, connections, and interdependencies observed within each domain emphasize that these metabolic systems were designed and created to work seamlessly in their respective contexts.

1. Multiple Pathways for Glycolysis (Point 1): Glycolysis, the metabolic pathway that converts glucose into pyruvate, exists in differing forms across domains of life. For example, while most eukaryotes and many bacteria utilize the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway, some bacteria and archaea employ the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway. This divergence in fundamental energy-harvesting processes supports the idea of independent origin events.
2. Divergent Methanogenesis Pathways (Point 2): Methanogenesis, the production of methane, is unique to certain archaea. Distinct pathways, like the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway and the methylotrophic pathway, indicate separate biochemical strategies for a similar outcome, supporting the concept of distinct origins.
3. Alternative Nitrogen Fixation Mechanisms (Point 3): Nitrogen fixation, the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, is crucial for life. Various organisms employ different mechanisms, like the molybdenum-dependent nitrogenase and the vanadium-dependent nitrogenase, to achieve this. Such variation in this vital biochemical process hints at independent origins.
4. Different Carbon Fixation Routes (Point 4): While many organisms use the Calvin cycle to fix carbon, some bacteria and archaea utilize the reductive citric acid cycle or the acetyl-CoA pathway. These distinct methods of achieving the same end — capturing carbon from the atmosphere — provide evidence for separate creation events.
5. Sulfur Metabolism Diversity (Point 5): Sulfur is an essential element, and its metabolism varies greatly among organisms. While some bacteria use the dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway, others oxidize sulfur using different enzymes and pathways. This divergence in sulfur metabolism across life forms is indicative of unique origins.
6. Independent Photosynthesis Pathways (Point 6): Photosynthesis allows organisms to harness energy from light. The presence of different photosystems among bacteria (e.g., green sulfur bacteria vs. cyanobacteria) and the variation between bacterial and plant photosystems suggests separate biochemical toolkits and, by implication, independent origins.

The following references span a range of publication years, with a focus on the diversity of metabolic pathways and their potential implications for theories of origin.

1. Bar‐Even, A., Flamholz, A., Noor, E., & Milo, R. (2012). Rethinking glycolysis: on the biochemical logic of metabolic pathways. Nature Chemical Biology, 8(6), 509-17. Link.
2. Xia, Y., Wang, Y., Fang, H., Jin, T., Zhong, H., & Zhang, T. (2014). Thermophilic microbial cellulose decomposition and methanogenesis pathways recharacterized by metatranscriptomic and metagenomic analysis. Scientific Reports, 4. Link. 
3. Raymond, J., Siefert, J. L., Staples, C. R., & Blankenship, R. E. (2004). The natural history of nitrogen fixation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 21(3), 541-554. Link. (This paper provides insights into the diversity and evolution of nitrogen fixation mechanisms across life forms.)
4. Berg, I. A. (2011). Ecological aspects of the distribution of different autotrophic CO2 fixation pathways. Applied and environmental microbiology, 77(6), 1925-1936. Link. (A comprehensive review of the variety of carbon fixation routes, emphasizing their ecological distributions.)
5. Dahl, C., & Friedrich, C. G. (2008). Microbial sulfur metabolism. Springer Science & Business Media. Link. (This book offers an in-depth understanding of sulfur metabolism, focusing on the diversity and differences in pathways among microorganisms.)
6. Olson, J. M., & Blankenship, R. E. (2004). Thinking about the evolution of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis Research, 80(1-3), 373-386. Link. (This research article explores the historical and evolutionary aspects of photosynthesis, drawing attention to the variations in photosystems across different organisms.)
7. Canback, B., Andersson, S. G. E., & Kurland, C. G. (2002). The global phylogeny of glycolytic enzymes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(9), 6097-6102. Link.
8. Webster, K. A. (2003). Evolution of the coordinate regulation of glycolytic enzyme genes by hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology, 206(17), 2911-2922. Link.

4. Alternative Oxidative Phosphorylation Mechanisms: Variability in ATP synthesis

1. Diversity in ATP Synthesis Components (Point 1): The oxidative phosphorylation machinery exhibits variability across the three domains of life. For example, the bacterial F-type ATP synthase significantly differs in structure and subunit composition from the V-type ATP synthase found in certain archaea. This distinction in ATP-producing machinery suggests distinct origins for these domains.
2. Alternative Proton Pumps (Point 2): Proton pumping mechanisms, which play a central role in oxidative phosphorylation, also show variability. While most bacteria use cytochrome c oxidase, some archaea employ alternative terminal oxidases for the same purpose. This variance in crucial metabolic processes hints at separate origins.
3. Differential Electron Carriers (Point 3): The carriers of electrons in the electron transport chain, essential for oxidative phosphorylation, show diversity across species. Bacteria primarily use quinones such as ubiquinone, while many archaea use different compounds like methanophenazine. This substantial difference in electron carriers implies the possibility of distinct ancestries.
4. Variance in Energy Yield (Point 4): The amount of ATP generated per electron pair during oxidative phosphorylation varies among organisms. Some bacteria can generate more ATP molecules compared to certain archaeal species. Such differential energy yields further hint at the possibility of separate creation events.
5. Existence of Unique Proton Gradients (Point 5): In the context of chemiosmosis, while bacteria typically establish a proton gradient across their inner membrane, some archaeal species show a sodium-ion-based gradient instead of the proton gradient. This fundamental difference in bioenergetics indicates distinct mechanisms and origins.
6. Absence of Cytochromes in Methanogens (Point 6): Many methanogenic archaea, responsible for methane production, lack cytochromes – proteins essential in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway in other organisms. This absence underscores the potential for individual creation events, given the foundational role of cytochromes in ATP synthesis for many species.

The evidence provided suggests that the diverse mechanisms and components involved in oxidative phosphorylation across the domains of life could be indicative of separate origins for different groups.

1. Walker, J.E. (1998). ATP Synthesis by Rotary Catalysis (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 37(17), 2309-2319. Link. (This paper discusses the structure and function of ATP synthase, highlighting the differences in the F-type and V-type ATP synthases.)
2. Pereira, M.M., Santana, M., & Teixeira, M. (2001). A novel scenario for the evolution of haem-copper oxygen reductases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1505(2-3), 185-208. Link. (This article presents evidence on the variability of terminal oxidases, such as cytochrome c oxidase, in different organisms, including alternative terminal oxidases in archaea.)
3. Thauer, R.K., Kaster, A.K., Goenrich, M., Schick, M., Hiromoto, T., & Shima, S. (2010). Hydrogenases from methanogenic archaea, nickel, a novel cofactor, and H2 storage. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 79, 507-536. Link. (This review paper describes the unique features of methanogenic archaea, including their oxidative phosphorylation mechanisms and the absence of cytochromes.)
4. Skulachev, V.P. (1998). Cytochrome c in the apoptotic and antioxidant cascades. FEBS Letters, 423(3), 275-280. Link. (The article examines the central role of cytochrome c in oxidative phosphorylation and highlights its absence in specific archaeal groups, suggesting the possibility of distinct evolutionary or origin pathways.)
5. Mulkidjanian, A.Y., Makarova, K.S., Galperin, M.Y., & Koonin, E.V. (2007). Inventing the dynamo machine: the evolution of the F-type and V-type ATPases. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5(11), 892-899. Link. (This paper discusses the evolution and functional differences between F-type and V-type ATPases across different domains of life.)

5. Alternative Splicing Complexity: Differences in gene expression in eukaryotes

1. Diversity in Splicing Mechanisms (Point 1): The mechanisms of alternative splicing vary widely across eukaryotes. For example, while humans can produce multiple protein variants from a single gene due to alternative splicing, many fungi display limited alternative splicing. Such vast differences in splicing complexity across eukaryotes can be interpreted as evidence for separate origins.
2. Absence of Splicing in Prokaryotes (Point 2): Prokaryotes, which include bacteria and archaea, largely lack the post-transcriptional modification process of splicing. This absence, combined with the intricate splicing mechanisms found in eukaryotes, underscores a significant biochemical distinction that can be seen as evidence for separate origination events.
3. Minor Spliceosome in Higher Eukaryotes (Point 3): The minor spliceosome, responsible for splicing a specific class of introns, is primarily present in higher eukaryotes. The existence of this specialized spliceosome in only a subset of eukaryotes can be interpreted as an indication of separate creation or origination events.
4. Intron Evolution and Presence (Point 4): Introns, which are spliced out during the process of alternative splicing, vary widely in their presence and abundance across eukaryotes. Some organisms have genes packed densely with introns, while others have sparse intronic regions. This variability can be viewed as evidence for distinct origins of different eukaryotic lineages.
5. Diversity in Splicing Factors (Point 5): The proteins responsible for guiding the splicing process, known as splicing factors, vary in their presence and functionality across eukaryotes. This diversity in splicing factors and their associated mechanisms across different organisms suggests separate origination events for these lineages.

1. Modrek, B., & Lee, C. (2002). A genomic view of alternative splicing. Nature Genetics, 30(1), 13-19. Link. (This paper gives a comprehensive overview of the genomic perspective of alternative splicing, providing insights into its variability across different organisms.)
2. Stetefeld, J., Ruegg, M. A. (2005). Structural and functional diversity generated by alternative mRNA splicing. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 30(9), 515-521. Link. (This work elaborates on how alternative mRNA splicing contributes to the structural and functional diversity in proteins.)
3. Nilsen, T. W., Graveley, B. R. (2010). Expansion of the eukaryotic proteome by alternative splicing. Nature, 463(7280), 457-463. Link. (A comprehensive article discussing how alternative splicing has contributed to the proteomic complexity of eukaryotic organisms.)
4. Kornblihtt, A. R., Schor, I. E., Alló, M., Dujardin, G., Petrillo, E., & Muñoz, M. J. (2013). Alternative splicing: a pivotal step between eukaryotic transcription and translation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 14(3), 153-165. Link. (This paper details the intricate relationship between transcription and translation in eukaryotes, emphasizing the role of alternative splicing.)
5. Chen, M., & Manley, J. L. (2009). Mechanisms of alternative splicing regulation: insights from molecular and genomics approaches. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10(11), 741-754. Link. (An in-depth analysis of the molecular mechanisms and genomic influences on alternative splicing regulation across different eukaryotes.)

6. Archaeal Distinctions: Unique features of archaea

1. Unique Membrane Lipids (Point 1): Archaea possess distinct membrane lipids which are vastly different from both bacteria and eukaryotes. Their lipid molecules contain ether linkages, as opposed to the ester linkages found in other domains, contributing to unique membrane properties suitable for extreme environments.
2. Distinct RNA Polymerases (Point 2): Archaeal RNA polymerases (RNAP) show a complexity that is intermediate between the simpler bacterial RNAP and the more complex eukaryotic RNAP II. This hints at a unique origin for their transcription machinery.
3. Unique Flagellar Apparatus (Point 3): The archaeal flagellum, though superficially similar to the bacterial counterpart, is fundamentally different in its assembly and structure. This flagellum is often referred to as an "archaellum" to distinguish it from bacterial flagella.
4. Novel Metabolic Pathways (Point 4): Archaea exhibit unique metabolic pathways not found in other domains of life. For instance, many archaea utilize a modified form of methanogenesis for energy production, which is exclusive to this domain.
5. DNA Replication Machinery Distinctions (Point 5): The machinery and enzymes that archaea utilize for DNA replication demonstrate both similarities to eukaryotes and distinct features not seen in either bacteria or eukaryotes. These distinct replication processes indicate a possible separate origin for archaea.
6. Histone Presence and DNA Packaging (Point 6): Some archaea possess histones that resemble eukaryotic histones, though the manner in which they use these histones for DNA packaging is unique. The presence of these proteins and their utilization in a distinct manner reinforces the idea of a separate creation event for archaea.

1. Koga, Y., & Morii, H. (2007). Biosynthesis of ether-type polar lipids in archaea and evolutionary considerations. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 71(1), 97-120. Link. (This article delves into the unique ether-type lipids of archaea, setting them apart from bacterial and eukaryotic counterparts.)
2. Werner, F., & Grohmann, D. (2011). Evolution of multisubunit RNA polymerases in the three domains of life. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9(2), 85-98. Link. (A comprehensive review showcasing the distinct nature of RNA polymerases in archaea.)
3. Jarrell, K. F., & Albers, S. V. (2012). The archaellum: an old motility structure with a new name. Trends in Microbiology, 20(7), 307-312. Link. (This paper provides an overview of the archaeal flagellum, distinguishing it from bacterial flagella.)
4. Thauer, R. K., Kaster, A. K., Seedorf, H., Buckel, W., & Hedderich, R. (2008). Methanogenic archaea: ecologically relevant differences in energy conservation. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 6(8 ), 579-591. Link. (This reference offers an in-depth look into the unique metabolic pathways, especially methanogenesis, in archaea.)
5. Kelman, Z., & White, M. F. (2005). Archaeal DNA replication and repair. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 8(6), 669-676. Link. (This paper reviews the distinct machinery and enzymes that archaea use for DNA replication.)
6. Sandman, K., & Reeve, J. N. (2006). Archaeal histones and the origin of the histone fold. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 9(5), 520-525. Link. (A review discussing the presence and function of histones in archaea, comparing them to eukaryotic counterparts.)

7. Biochemical Pathway Variability: Variations in biochemical pathways

1. Variation in Amino Acid Biosynthesis: Amino acids, which are fundamental to all forms of life, can be synthesized through multiple pathways depending on the organism. For instance, while some organisms utilize the DAP pathway for lysine synthesis, others use the AAA pathway. The presence of distinctly different pathways for a single biochemical objective suggests separate origins.
2. Different Vitamin Synthesis Pathways: Vitamins, essential cofactors for various enzymatic reactions, show diverse biosynthesis pathways among different life forms. The different mechanisms by which organisms synthesize, uptake, or utilize vitamins indicate distinct biochemical strategies and origins.
3. Unique Energy Metabolism in Archaea: Archaea showcase energy metabolism pathways that are often different from those in bacteria and eukaryotes. For example, the methanogenesis pathway, exclusively found in certain archaea, converts CO2 and H2 to methane, which is unlike any energy production pathway in bacteria or eukaryotes. Such unique pathways point toward a separate origin for archaea.
4. Photosynthesis Variability: Photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is converted to chemical energy, is executed differently among bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The existence of both oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis, along with the utilization of different pigments and mechanisms across species, supports the notion of diverse origins.
5. Distinct Nitrogen Fixation Mechanisms: Nitrogen fixation, essential for incorporating atmospheric nitrogen into organic compounds, can vary in its mechanism and efficiency across different groups of organisms. The presence of distinct nitrogenase complexes and different regulatory mechanisms among organisms suggests multiple origins.
6. Polyphosphate Metabolism: Polyphosphates are linear polymers of inorganic phosphate residues. The ways in which different organisms accumulate, utilize, and degrade polyphosphates are diverse, implying separate pathways and origins for these processes.
7. Sulfur Metabolism Disparity: Sulfur is an essential element for all life forms, but its assimilation, reduction, and incorporation into organic molecules differ significantly among the domains of life. Such disparities in sulfur metabolism offer evidence for distinct origins.

1. Fondi, M., Brilli, M., Emiliani, G., Paffetti, D., & Fani, R. (2007). The primordial metabolism: an ancestral interconnection between leucine, arginine, and lysine biosynthesis. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7(S2), S3. Link. (Provide any desired additional commentary here.)
2. Begley, T. P., Kinsland, C., & Strauss, E. (2001). The biosynthesis of coenzyme A in bacteria. Vitamins and Hormones, 61, 157-171. Link. (A review focusing on diverse pathways involved in vitamin synthesis among bacterial species.)
3. Thauer, R. K., Kaster, A. K., Seedorf, H., Buckel, W., & Hedderich, R. (2008). Methanogenic archaea: ecologically relevant differences in energy conservation. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 6(8 ), 579-591. Link. (This article offers insights into the unique energy metabolism pathways in archaea, highlighting the distinctiveness of methanogenesis.)
4. Blankenship, R. E. (2010). Early evolution of photosynthesis. Plant Physiology, 154(2), 434-438. Link. (A comprehensive review on the evolution and variability of photosynthesis across different life domains.)
5. Dixon, R., & Kahn, D. (2004). Genetic regulation of biological nitrogen fixation. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2(8 ), 621-631. Link. (This study sheds light on the different mechanisms and regulatory aspects of nitrogen fixation in various organisms.)
6. Kornberg, A., Rao, N. N., & Ault-Riché, D. (1999). Inorganic polyphosphate: a molecule of many functions. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 68(1), 89-125. Link. (A detailed analysis of polyphosphate metabolism in different organisms, highlighting the diversity of processes.)
7. Barton, L. L., & Fauque, G. D. (2009). Biochemistry, physiology, and biotechnology of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Advances in Applied Microbiology, 68, 41-98. Link. (This review discusses the variations in sulfur metabolism across different organisms, emphasizing the distinct pathways and their evolutionary implications.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:45 pm; edited 8 times in total




8. Cell Division Mechanism Differences: Variability in how cells reproduce

1. Binary Fission vs. Mitosis (Point 1): Prokaryotic cells, mainly bacteria, reproduce through binary fission. The cellular DNA is replicated and partitioned into two halves, followed by the division of the cell into two separate entities. On the other hand, eukaryotic cells undergo mitosis, which is a complex multi-stage process. This stark difference in cellular reproduction mechanisms demonstrates profound distinctions between the two domains.
2. Cytokinesis Mechanisms (Point 2): The method by which cytoplasm divides after nuclear division varies significantly across domains and species. While many animal cells use a structure called the contractile ring to pinch the cell into two, plant cells form a cell plate in the middle. Such variability points to unique origins of these processes.
3. Meiosis: Exclusive to Eukaryotes (Point 3): Only eukaryotic organisms undergo meiosis, a specialized form of cell division necessary for sexual reproduction and genetic diversity. The absence of any similar mechanism in prokaryotes is indicative of separate mechanisms of origin.
4. Presence of Intracellular Organelles (Point 4): Eukaryotic cells house several intracellular organelles, each playing a specific role during cell division. For instance, the spindle apparatus, involving the centrosomes and microtubules, ensures correct chromosome separation. Prokaryotic cells lack these sophisticated structures, which underscores the differences in cell division methods and potentially points to distinct origins.
5. Archaeal Distinctions (Point 5): Although archaea resemble bacteria in many respects, they also have unique features in their cellular division. For instance, some archaea possess Cdv proteins, which play a role analogous to the eukaryotic ESCRT proteins during division. This distinction further separates archaea from the other domains.

1. Drake, T., & Vavylonis, D. (2013). Model of Fission Yeast Cell Shape Driven by Membrane-Bound Growth Factors and the Cytoskeleton. PLoS Computational Biology, 9. Link.
2. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Science. Link. (This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of cellular mechanisms, including details on binary fission, mitosis, and cytokinesis.)
3. Orr-Weaver, T. L. (1995). Meiosis in Drosophila: seeing is believing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 92(22), 10443-10449. Link. (This study focuses on the intricate process of meiosis in Drosophila, giving insights into the specialized cell division process in eukaryotes.)
4. Margolin, W. (2005). FtsZ and the division of prokaryotic cells and organelles. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 6(11), 862-871. Link. (An in-depth look at the role of the FtsZ protein in prokaryotic cell division, underscoring the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell division.)
5. Lindås, A. C., Karlsson, E. A., Lindgren, M. T., Ettema, T. J., & Bernander, R. (2008). A unique cell division machinery in the Archaea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(48), 18942-18946. Link. (This paper delves into the distinct cell division machinery found in Archaea, emphasizing the unique features of this domain compared to bacteria and eukaryotes.)

9. Cell Wall Composition: Differences in cell wall structures across life forms

S. Jain (2014): The composition of the phospholipid bilayer is distinct in archaea when compared to bacteria and eukarya. In archaea, isoprenoid hydrocarbon side chains are linked via an ether bond to the sn-glycerol-1-phosphate backbone. In bacteria and eukarya, on the other hand, fatty acid side chains are linked via an ester bond to the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate backbone. 1 

Cell membrane phospholipids are synthesized by different, unrelated enzymes in bacteria and archaea, and yield chemically distinct membranes. Bacteria and archaea have membranes made of water-repellent fatty molecules. Bacterial membranes are made of fatty acids bound to the phosphate group while archaeal membranes are made of isoprenes bonded to phosphate in a different way. This leads to something of a paradox: Since a supposed last universal common ancestor, LUCA already had an impermeable membrane for exploiting proton gradients, why would its descendants have independently evolved two different kinds of impermeable membrane? The distinct composition of the phospholipid bilayer in archaea, bacteria, and eukarya is intriguing. This variation constitutes one of the challenges of the notion of universal common ancestry. In archaea, the presence of isoprenoid hydrocarbon side chains linked via ether bonds to the sn-glycerol-1-phosphate backbone is a remarkable departure from the fatty acid side chains linked via ester bonds found in bacteria and eukarya. This distinct composition implies that fundamental differences in biochemical pathways and cellular processes might exist between these domains of life. This raises the question of whether such distinct compositional features could have emerged through gradual evolutionary processes. Polyphyly, the idea that different groups of organisms may have separate origins rather than a common ancestor, provides an alternative explanation that aligns more closely with the observed biochemical diversity. While conventional evolutionary theory proposes a single tree of life with a common ancestor, the diverse and unique features seen in various life forms, including the phospholipid composition, seem to point to separate origins. Polyphyly acknowledges the possibility that life's diversity may have emerged through multiple, distinct events of origin. From an ID standpoint, this view becomes more attractive when considering the complex and specific biochemical differences between archaea, bacteria, and eukarya. The fact that these distinct groups exhibit unique characteristics in their fundamental biochemical makeup suggests that a single common ancestor might not adequately explain the origin of these life forms. Ultimately, the differences in the phospholipid bilayer composition highlight the need for a thorough exploration of alternative hypotheses. An ID perspective encourages examining the evidence without presupposing a universal common ancestry. Polyphyly, as an inference that allows for separate origins of distinct life forms, presents a more nuanced and case-adequate explanation for the observed biochemical variations. This approach aligns with the idea that the complexities of life's origins might be better understood by considering multiple events of creation or emergence rather than a single common origin.

Franklin M. Harold (2014): Membranes also pose one of the most stubborn puzzles in all of cell evolution. Shortly after the discovery of the Archaea, it was realized that these organisms differ strikingly from the Bacteria in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Archaea make their plasma membranes of isoprenoid subunits, linked by ether bonds to glycerol-1-phosphate; by contrast, Bacteria and Eukarya employ fatty acids linked by ester bonds to glycerol-3-phosphate. There are a few partial exceptions to the rule. Archaeal membranes often contain fatty acids, and some deeply branching Bacteria, such as Thermotoga, favor isoprenoid ether lipids (but even they couple the ethers to glycerol-3-phosphate). This pattern of lipid composition, which groups Bacteria and Eukarya together on one side and Archaea on the other, stands in glaring contrast to what would be expected from the universal tree, which puts Eukarya with the Archaea 2

1. Distinct Biochemistry in Bacterial Cell Walls (Point 1): Bacteria predominantly have peptidoglycan-based cell walls, a complex structure made of sugars and amino acids. This unique molecular architecture helps bacteria maintain cell shape and resist internal turgor pressure. Such specialized biochemistry is not found in the cell walls of eukaryotes or the membranes of archaea.
2. Eukaryotic Plant Cell Wall Structure (Point 2): Plant cell walls, representative of eukaryotic domain, predominantly consist of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The presence of cellulose, which is a glucose polymer, makes these walls distinctly different from bacterial or archaeal structures, suggesting independent origins for these structures.
3. Archaeal Membrane and Pseudo-Wall Uniqueness (Point 3): Archaea, though similar to bacteria in some respects, have a distinct membrane lipid structure and lack the peptidoglycan-based walls of bacteria. Instead, some archaea have pseudopeptidoglycan or other unique molecules, indicating a distinct biochemical pathway for wall or membrane synthesis, supporting the idea of separate origins.
4. Diverse Fungal Cell Wall Components (Point 4): Fungal cell walls, another representative of eukaryotic domain, are primarily made up of chitin, glucans, and proteins. This chitin-based structure is markedly different from plant, bacterial, and archaeal walls, reinforcing the argument for polyphyletic origins.
5. Absence of Cell Walls in Animals (Point 5): Animal cells, which belong to the eukaryotic domain, lack cell walls entirely. Instead, they possess a flexible cell membrane made up of lipids. This absence of a cell wall in a major life domain further emphasizes the disparities in cellular structures across domains.

1. Jain, S., Caforio, A., & Driessen, A. J. M. (2014). Biosynthesis of archaeal membrane ether lipids. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 641. Link. (This research delves into the unique lipid composition of archaeal membranes, shedding light on their biosynthesis and significance in archaeal biology.)
2. Harold, F. M. (2014). In Search of Cell History: The Evolution of Life's Building Blocks. Illustrated edition. Amazon. (This comprehensive work delves into the intricate history and evolution of cells, the fundamental building blocks of life.)
3. Vollmer, W., Blanot, D., & de Pedro, M. A. (2008). Peptidoglycan structure and architecture. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 32(2), 149-167. Link. (A comprehensive review on the structure and composition of bacterial peptidoglycan.)
4. Carpita, N. C., & Gibeaut, D. M. (1993). Structural models of primary cell walls in flowering plants: consistency of molecular structure with the physical properties of the walls during growth. The Plant Journal, 3(1), 1-30. Link. (This paper delves into the structure of plant cell walls, emphasizing the role of cellulose and other components.)
5. Kandler, O., & König, H. (1998). Cell wall polymers in Archaea (Archaebacteria). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 54(4), 305-308. Link. (An overview of the unique cell wall structures found in archaea.)
6. Bowman, S. M., & Free, S. J. (2006). The structure and synthesis of the fungal cell wall. BioEssays, 28(8 ), 799-808. Link. (A detailed exploration of fungal cell wall components, including chitin.)
7. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science. Link. (This foundational textbook provides a broad understanding of cell structures, including the absence of cell walls in animal cells.)

10. Cellular Volume: Disparities in cell sizes and their implications

E. V. Koonin (2010): The origin of eukaryotes is a huge enigma and a major challenge for evolutionary biology. There is a sharp divide in the organizational complexity of the cell between eukaryotes, which have complex intracellular compartmentalization, and even the most sophisticated prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), which do not. A typical eukaryotic cell is about 1,000-fold bigger by volume than a typical bacterium or archaeon, and functions under different physical principles: free diffusion has little role in eukaryotic cells, but is crucial in prokaryotes. The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is supported by an elaborate endomembrane system and by the actin-tubulin-based cytoskeleton. There are no direct counterparts of these organelles in archaea or bacteria. The other hallmark of the eukaryotic cell is the presence of mitochondria, which have a central role in energy transformation and perform many additional roles in eukaryotic cells, such as in signaling and cell death. 7

The differences in cellular complexity between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, such as the presence of membrane-bound organelles and a complex cytoskeleton, are substantial. Some researchers argue that the stepwise accumulation of the necessary genetic, biochemical, and structural changes required for these complex features may be too improbable to occur gradually. The origin of organelles like mitochondria poses a significant challenge. The endosymbiotic theory still raises questions about how a free-living bacterium could become integrated into a host cell and evolve into a mitochondrion. The precise mechanisms and sequence of events in such a transition have not been elucidated. The transition from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells would likely involve significant changes in genetic regulation, including the development of introns, exons, and more complex transcription and translation machinery. These changes could require an implausibly large amount of genetic information and could result in substantial "informational entropy" or loss of information, making the transition unlikely to the extreme.  The emergence of complex features like the endomembrane system, which includes the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, presents challenges in terms of both origin and evolution. The development of these systems from simpler structures in prokaryotes would require multiple coordinated changes, which some researchers argue could be difficult to achieve through gradual evolutionary steps.

1. Cellular Volume Variation (Point 1): Distinct disparities in cellular sizes across different organisms, especially within the three domains of life, highlight the challenges in the universal common descent hypothesis. If all life forms shared a single common ancestor, we would anticipate more uniformity in cell sizes. These dramatic differences indicate separate origination events, in line with a polyphyletic viewpoint.
2. Biochemical Composition and Pathways (Point 2): The biochemistry of the cells within the three domains of life is incredibly varied. For instance, the lipid membranes in archaea are distinctly different from those in bacteria and eukaryotes. This suggests that they did not arise from a shared ancestral cell but instead had unique creation events.
3. Membrane Structures (Point 3): Cellular membranes of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes have significant differences in their structures and functions. While bacteria have a peptidoglycan cell wall, archaea possess a pseudopeptidoglycan wall, and eukaryotes usually have no such wall at all. These foundational differences bolster the argument for separate origination events.
4. Ribosomal RNA Differences (Point 4): The ribosomal RNA sequences, which are foundational to protein synthesis in cells, have marked differences among the three domains. If a universal common ancestor was at the root, these sequences would likely show greater similarity.
5. Distinct Genetic Codes (Point 5): While the genetic code is often cited as being universal, there are notable exceptions and variations within the three domains of life. These variations provide further evidence against a single origination point and suggest individual creation events.
6. Unique Metabolic Pathways (Point 6): Each of the three domains displays unique metabolic pathways that are not found in the others. This lack of shared metabolic processes supports the idea of separate origins rather than a shared ancestral cell.

1. Cavalier-Smith, T. (2005). Economy, speed and size matter: evolutionary forces driving nuclear genome miniaturization and expansion. Annals of Botany, 95(1), 147-175. Link. (Discusses variations in cell and genome sizes among organisms.)
2. Koga, Y., & Morii, H. (2007). Biosynthesis of ether-type polar lipids in archaea and evolutionary considerations. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 71(1), 97-120. Link. (Highlights the distinct lipid membranes of archaea compared to other life forms.)
3. Sleytr, U. B., Schuster, B., Egelseer, E. M., & Pum, D. (2014). S-layers: principles and applications. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 38(5), 823-864. Link. (A review focusing on the cell walls of bacteria.)
4. Woese, C. R., Kandler, O., & Wheelis, M. L. (1990). Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 87(12), 4576-4579. Link. (Pioneering paper introducing the concept of the three domains of life based on rRNA differences.)
5. Ambrogelly, A., Palioura, S., & Söll, D. (2007). Natural expansion of the genetic code. Nature Chemical Biology, 3(1), 29-35. Link. (Discusses the variations and exceptions in the genetic code.)
6. Schink, B. (1997). Energetics of syntrophic cooperation in methanogenic degradation. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 61(2), 262-280. Link. (Touches on unique metabolic pathways in certain microorganisms.)

11. Chromosome Structure Variability: Differences in chromosome structures

1. Chromosome Number Variation (Point 1): Significant variations in the number of chromosomes between different species within even closely related groups make it difficult to account for these disparities under a model of universal common descent. Such vast differences, evident in the comparisons between species, are more congruent with the idea of separate origination events rather than a continuous lineage from a single ancestral genome.
2. Telomeric and Centromeric Diversities (Point 2): The architecture and sequences of telomeres and centromeres exhibit remarkable disparities between species, often in ways that defy a simple linear evolutionary model. These structural components of chromosomes, vital for cellular replication and stability, have patterns suggesting distinct and independent creation events for different life forms.
3. Chromosome Morphology (Point 3): Variations in chromosome shapes (metacentric, acrocentric, telocentric) present across different species are difficult to reconcile with gradual evolutionary processes. The clear distinctions in these morphologies, even within related groups, argue for separate origination points rather than a universally shared ancestor.
4. Presence/Absence of Plasmids (Point 4): While many bacteria house plasmids—small, circular DNA fragments that are not part of the main bacterial chromosome—these genetic elements are absent in archaea and eukaryotes. This stark difference points to separate and distinct creation events for each domain of life, rather than a common ancestral lineage.
5. Holocentric Chromosomes (Point 5): While most species possess monocentric chromosomes, where the centromere is localized to a specific region, certain organisms like nematodes have holocentric chromosomes, where the centromere spans the entire chromosome length. This fundamental distinction in centromere architecture is difficult to account for under universal common descent and aligns better with the idea of individual creation events for specific groups of organisms.
6. Unique Chromosomal Features (Point 6): Certain organisms possess entirely unique chromosomal structures, such as the B-chromosomes in certain plants and animals. These structures have no apparent counterparts in other species and underscore the idea of separate origination events rather than universal ancestry.

1. Whitehouse, I. (1998). Chromosome Number Variation in Evolutionary Studies. Genetics Research, 72(2), 123-134. Link. (This study examines the prevalence of chromosome number variations in various species, discussing the implications for evolutionary biology.)
2. Rosenberg, N. (2002). The Diversity of Telomeres and Centromeres in Eukaryotes. Genome Biology, 3(5), 567-576. Link. (A comprehensive review that describes the significant differences in telomere and centromere structures among different species.)
3. Larkin, J. (2001). Chromosome Morphologies: From Metacentric to Telocentric. Cell Biology International, 25(7), 641-650. Link. (This paper delves into the various shapes and structures of chromosomes found in different organisms.)
4. Cooper, S. (2000). Plasmids: The Distinguishing Feature of Bacteria. Bacterial Genomics, 14(4), 412-419. Link. (This study focuses on the unique presence of plasmids in bacteria, contrasting this with archaea and eukaryotes.)
5. Marston, A. (2004). Holocentric Chromosomes in Nematodes: An Evolutionary Enigma. Nematode Journal, 21(2), 201-210. Link. (The peculiar nature of holocentric chromosomes in nematodes is explored in detail in this research paper.)
6. Greenberg, M. (1999). The Mystery of B-Chromosomes in Plants and Animals. Chromosome Research, 7(8 ), 689-698. Link. (This seminal paper investigates the existence and significance of B-chromosomes in certain organisms.)

12. Different Mechanisms of Genetic Recombination: Differences in how genetic material is shuffled

1. Genetic Recombination in Bacteria (Point 1): Bacterial conjugation is a mechanism unique to bacteria where DNA is transferred between cells via cell-to-cell contact. This direct transfer process is vastly different from the recombination observed in eukaryotes and archaea, pointing to a separate origin for bacterial species.
2. Meiotic Recombination in Eukaryotes (Point 2): Eukaryotic organisms undergo meiosis, a specialized form of cell division, to produce gametes. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material through a process called crossing-over. This sophisticated mechanism, not found in bacteria or archaea, suggests a distinct origin for eukaryotic species.
3. Absence of Meiosis in Archaea (Point 3): Unlike eukaryotes, archaea lack meiosis entirely. Instead, archaea employ various other mechanisms, such as the RadA pathway, to repair DNA and possibly shuffle genetic information. This stark difference in genetic maintenance and recombination highlights the possibility of a separate origin for the archaeal domain.
4. Horizontal Gene Transfer (Point 4): While all three domains of life exhibit horizontal gene transfer (HGT) to some extent, the mechanisms and frequencies differ substantially. In bacteria, HGT occurs frequently and is facilitated through processes like transformation, transduction, and conjugation. The distinctness of HGT mechanisms between domains further accentuates the idea of separate origins.
5. Unique DNA Repair Mechanisms (Point 5): While recombination plays a crucial role in DNA repair across all life forms, the pathways and mechanisms involved can vary greatly. For example, the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway, prominent in eukaryotes, has no direct equivalent in many bacteria or archaea. Such disparities in core life-sustaining processes underline the possibility of different origins for the various domains of life.
6. Mitotic Recombination Variability (Point 6): Mitotic recombination, while less common than meiotic recombination, offers another point of differentiation. While eukaryotic cells can undergo mitotic recombination, the mechanisms and outcomes are not universally conserved, even among eukaryotes. This variation lends credence to the notion of separate lineages or origins.

1. Anderson, P.J. (2001). Bacterial Conjugation: A Distinct Mode of Genetic Exchange. Microbial Physiology, 45(2), 98-107. Link. (This article sheds light on the unique mechanism of bacterial conjugation and its distinction from recombination processes in eukaryotes.)
2. Singh, R. & Mitchell, G.R. (2003). Meiotic Recombination in Eukaryotes: An Evolutionary Perspective. Journal of Cell Biology, 150(4), 317-328. Link. (Provides a comprehensive overview of meiotic recombination in eukaryotes, contrasting it with the absence of similar processes in other domains.)
3. Lopez, M. & Haynes, K. (2005). Archaeal DNA Repair and Recombination. Archaeal Research, 7(3), 215-224. Link. (Delves into the unique pathways of DNA repair in archaea, emphasizing the lack of meiosis and highlighting the RadA pathway.)
4. Watkins, F.L. (2007). Horizontal Gene Transfer Across Domains: Mechanisms and Frequencies. Genetics Today, 52(5), 456-465. Link. (A detailed examination of HGT mechanisms in different domains of life, presenting how these mechanisms differ between bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.)
5. Dimitrov, S. & Petrov, N. (2009). DNA Repair Mechanisms in Eukaryotes: A Comparative Approach. DNA Dynamics, 63(1), 72-85. Link. (This study discusses the NHEJ pathway in eukaryotes and contrasts it with DNA repair mechanisms observed in bacteria and archaea.)
6. Ramachandran, L. (2012). Variability in Mitotic Recombination: From Yeasts to Mammals. Molecular Mechanisms, 58(2), 199-210. Link. (A review focused on the diverse nature of mitotic recombination processes among different eukaryotic organisms, underscoring the evolutionary implications.)

13. Different Mechanisms of Osmoregulation: Variability in how organisms maintain internal solute concentrations

1. Distinct Osmoregulatory Mechanisms (Point 1): In the domain of Bacteria, certain species employ a tactic known as potassium accumulation. Here, cells accumulate potassium ions to counteract the effects of an external osmotic upshift. This specific method is largely absent in Eukaryotes and Archaea, implying a separate osmoregulatory origin.
2. Contractile Vacuoles in Protozoa (Point 2): Many freshwater protozoa possess contractile vacuoles, specialized organelles that periodically discharge water to the external environment. This unique system is a marked departure from the osmoregulatory methods observed in Bacteria and Archaea. This distinction suggests a unique origin for eukaryotic osmoregulation.
3. Salt Glands in Birds (Point 3): Avian species, especially marine birds, utilize specialized nasal salt glands to excrete concentrated salt, thereby maintaining their internal salt balance. This method is vastly different from the basic cellular osmoregulation mechanisms found in Bacteria or Archaea, pointing to a unique creation event for such advanced osmoregulatory systems.
4. Halophiles in Archaea (Point 4): Many Archaea are adapted to life in extremely salty environments, such as salt flats. They possess unique ion pumps and protein structures that allow them to thrive in these high-salt conditions. The sophistication and distinctness of these mechanisms, when compared to those in Bacteria or Eukaryotes, suggest a separate origin for archaeal osmoregulation.
5. Osmotic Adjustment via Compatible Solutes (Point 5): Several organisms, especially in the Bacterial domain, accumulate specific organic molecules termed 'compatible solutes' to counteract osmotic stress. These solutes are often unique to specific bacterial groups and aren't found in the osmoregulatory mechanisms of Eukaryotes or Archaea. This specificity implies a unique, separate creation event for such bacteria.

1. Booth, I.R. (1985). Regulation of cytoplasmic pH in bacteria. Microbiological Reviews, 49(4), 359-378. Link. (This paper dives deep into the bacterial strategies for osmoregulation, focusing on potassium accumulation as a primary method.)
2. Heikkinen, J., Kalmokoff, M.L., & Brooks, S.P.J. (2003). Contractile Vacuoles and Associated Structures of Protozoa: Their Roles in Osmoregulation and Their Potential for Molecular Pharmacology. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9(3), 226-236. Unfortunately, a direct link to this specific paper could not be identified.
3. Peaker, M., & Linzell, J.L. (1975). Salt Glands in Birds and Reptiles. Monographs of the Physiological Society, 32. Unfortunately, a direct link to this specific monograph could not be identified.
4. Oren, A. (1994). The ecology of the extremely halophilic archaea. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 13(4), 415-439. Link. (An in-depth study into halophiles in the Archaea domain, highlighting their unique adaptations to saline environments.)
5. Wood, J.M. (1999). Osmosensing by bacteria: signals and membrane-based sensors. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 63(1), 230-262. Link. (A detailed review on bacterial osmoregulation, with a focus on the accumulation of compatible solutes as a response to osmotic stress.)

14. Different Mechanisms of Thermoregulation: Different strategies to maintain temperature homeostasis

1. Distinct Thermoregulatory Architectures (Point 1): Endothermy and ectothermy represent two fundamentally different approaches to thermoregulation. Endotherms, such as mammals, produce their own heat and maintain a constant internal temperature, while ectotherms, like reptiles, rely more on environmental sources for heat. The physiological systems and structures supporting these mechanisms are deeply embedded in the biology of these organisms, and the independent development of these two complex systems in separate lineages could indicate separate origins.
2. Specialized Organ Systems (Point 2): The presence of specialized organs like brown adipose tissue (BAT) in mammals is a unique thermoregulatory adaptation that allows for the generation of heat. The intricate cellular machinery of BAT, which includes a high number of mitochondria and uncoupling proteins to facilitate heat production, is distinct from other types of fat tissue. The development of such specialized organs for the singular purpose of thermoregulation suggests a unique origin event separate from other organisms lacking these adaptations.
3. Molecular Responses to Temperature Fluctuations (Point 3): On a molecular level, certain organisms utilize heat shock proteins (HSPs) to respond to elevated temperatures. The prompt upregulation of these proteins in response to heat stress and their role in ensuring the correct folding and functioning of other proteins is a sophisticated system. If one observes that the presence, absence, or functional variation of these proteins across different taxa doesn't align with a clear evolutionary trajectory, it can be suggested that these systems have separate origins.
4. Environmental Adaptations and Behavioral Thermoregulation (Point 4): Beyond physiological and molecular mechanisms, behavioral adaptations also play a significant role in thermoregulation for many species. For example, desert lizards basking in the sun or seeking shade intermittently show a behaviorally driven method of thermoregulation. The wide array of behavioral strategies across taxa, and the specific environmental interactions they require, might be presented as further evidence for separate origins, given the high degree of specialization and lack of shared intermediate steps.

1. Bennett, A.F., & Ruben, J. (1979). Endothermy and Activity in Vertebrates. Science, 206(4419), 649-654. Link. (This foundational paper explores the correlation between endothermy and increased vertebrate activity, addressing the benefits and energy costs associated with maintaining a constant internal temperature.)
2. Heldmaier, G., & Neuweiler, G. (2004). The Biology of Bats. Oxford University Press. Link. (This book provides a deep dive into the physiological mechanisms bats employ for thermoregulation, including the role of brown adipose tissue and hibernation strategies.)
3. Feder, M.E., & Hofmann, G.E. (1999). Heat-shock proteins, molecular chaperones, and the stress response: Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology. Annual Review of Physiology, 61(1), 243-282. Link. (A comprehensive review of heat-shock proteins, detailing their function, evolution, and importance in responding to environmental stressors.)
4. Huey, R.B., & Slatkin, M. (1976). Cost and benefits of lizard thermoregulation. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 51(3), 363-384. Link. (This study examines the behavioral strategies lizards employ for thermoregulation, like basking, and the evolutionary implications of these behaviors.)

15. Differing DNA Replication Machinery: Variability in DNA replication mechanisms

1. Distinct Replication Proteins in Archaea and Eukarya: The machinery for DNA replication in the Archaea domain, while being similar to that of Eukarya in some respects, employs unique and specialized proteins not found in Eukaryotes. This significant divergence in essential cellular machinery indicates separate origins for these domains.
2. Bacterial DNA Polymerase III vs. Eukaryotic DNA Polymerases: The bacterial DNA Polymerase III, responsible for DNA replication in bacteria, is structurally and functionally distinct from the eukaryotic DNA polymerases (alpha, delta, and epsilon). Such fundamental differences in the core replication machinery are suggestive of distinct creation events for these lineages.
3. Replication Origin Recognition: The way that the origin of replication is recognized and processed varies between domains. Bacteria generally have a single, well-defined origin of replication, whereas eukaryotes have multiple origins. The proteins involved in recognizing and binding to these origins, like the DnaA in bacteria and ORC in eukaryotes, are markedly different, pointing to distinct mechanisms and potential separate origins.
4. Variability in Telomere Replication: Eukaryotes employ specialized mechanisms to replicate the ends of their linear chromosomes, involving telomerases and specific telomere-binding proteins. Such structures and mechanisms do not exist in bacteria and archaea, suggesting a fundamental difference in the strategies of genome maintenance and potential evidence for separate creation events..
5. Presence of Unique Archaeal Replicative Helicases: Archaea use the MCM helicase for DNA replication, a protein that is homologous to the eukaryotic MCM proteins. However, some archaea also have additional, unique helicases that have no known counterparts in eukaryotes, underscoring the potential for separate origins.

1. Kornberg, A., & Baker, T.A. (1992). DNA Replication. W.H. Freeman and Co. Link. (A fundamental book that describes DNA replication mechanisms across various organisms.)
2. Leipe, D.D., Aravind, L., Koonin, E.V. (1999). Did DNA replication evolve twice independently?. Nucleic Acids Research, 27(17), 3389-3401. Link. (This paper discusses the possibility of DNA replication having evolved twice, indicating profound differences between archaeal/eukaryotic and bacterial replication mechanisms.)
3. Kelman, Z., & O'Donnell, M. (1995). DNA polymerase III holoenzyme: structure and function of a chromosomal replicating machine. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 64(1), 171-200. Link. (A comprehensive review of the bacterial DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, the primary enzyme responsible for DNA replication in bacteria.)
4. Makarova, K.S., Koonin, E.V. (2013). Archaeology of Eukaryotic DNA Replication. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 5(11). Link. (A paper that delves into the origins and evolution of eukaryotic DNA replication mechanisms, contrasting them with archaeal and bacterial systems.)

16. Distinct Cell Death Mechanisms: Differences in programmed cell death or apoptosis mechanisms

1. Distinct Apoptotic Pathways Across Domains: Eukaryotes predominantly utilize the caspase-dependent pathway for apoptosis. In contrast, prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) do not possess caspases and, instead, use proteases like Lon and ClpXP for programmed cell death. Such distinct mechanisms suggest separate origins for these processes.
2. Presence and Absence of Mitochondria-Driven Apoptosis: In eukaryotes, the mitochondria play a critical role in initiating apoptosis through the release of cytochrome c. This mechanism is absent in prokaryotes which lack mitochondria altogether, pointing towards different origins of cell death pathways.
3. Bacterial Toxin-Antitoxin Systems: Bacteria utilize unique toxin-antitoxin systems, where the toxin induces cell death and the antitoxin counteracts this effect. This mechanism differs vastly from the eukaryotic apoptosis pathways and further emphasizes the distinct cell death methods between domains.
4. Diverse Molecular Players: While eukaryotic apoptosis involves molecules like Bcl-2 family proteins, IAPs, and death receptors, such molecules are absent in prokaryotes. The presence of entirely different molecules for a similar process across domains implies independent origins.

1. Green, D. R., & Reed, J. C. (1998). Mitochondria and apoptosis. Science, 281(5381), 1309-1312. Link. (This paper delves into the role of mitochondria in eukaryotic apoptosis, highlighting the release of cytochrome c as a pivotal event.)
2. Engelberg-Kulka, H., & Glaser, G. (1999). Addiction modules and programmed cell death and antideath in bacterial cultures. Annual Review of Microbiology, 53(1), 43-70. Link. (The study provides insights into bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems, underlining their uniqueness and contrast with eukaryotic cell death pathways.)
3. Koonin, E. V., & Aravind, L. (2002). Origin and evolution of eukaryotic apoptosis: the bacterial connection. Cell Death & Differentiation, 9(4), 394-404. Link. (This comprehensive review details the evolutionary aspects of eukaryotic apoptosis and its connection to bacterial cell death mechanisms.)
4. Ameisen, J. C. (2002). On the origin, evolution, and nature of programmed cell death: a timeline of four billion years. Cell Death & Differentiation, 9(4), 367-393. Link. (The paper presents a timeline for the evolution of programmed cell death, contrasting the distinct mechanisms in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:52 pm; edited 3 times in total




17. Distinct Evolutionary Pressures: Variability in the evolutionary challenges faced by different organisms

1. Diverse Reproductive Strategies (Point 1): Numerous organisms showcase reproductive methods that seem vastly different, and in some cases, entirely unique to their lineage. For instance, the complex life cycles of many parasites, which require multiple hosts, show no apparent evolutionary link to simpler organisms with direct life cycles.
2. Specificity in Habitat Preference (Point 2): Some species exhibit habitat preferences that are so specialized that their requirements for survival appear distinct from close relatives. Examples include deep-sea organisms thriving near hydrothermal vents, which exhibit adaptations that don't appear to be mere modifications of shallower water relatives.
3. Biochemical Pathways (Point 3): Certain biochemical pathways present in some organisms are absent in others, suggesting that not all biochemical innovations arose from a single primordial pathway. The synthesis of certain vitamins and other complex molecules in some groups without an apparent precursor pathway in related groups is one such example.
4. Unique Sensory Systems (Point 4): Organisms such as echolocating bats or electric fish have developed sensory systems that appear unique to their lineage, suggesting separate origins rather than an evolution from a shared common ancestor.
5. Radiation Resistance (Point 5): The extremophile Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand incredible levels of radiation, far more than any known life form. This resistance is so exceptional that it raises questions about its origins being from common descent or from a separate origin.

1. Ebert, D. (2008). Host-parasite coevolution: Insights from the Daphnia-parasite model system. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 11(3), 290-301. Link. (This article delves into host-parasite interactions and may touch on reproductive strategies and life cycles.)
2. Van Dover, C. L. (2000). The Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents. Princeton University Press. Link. (This book provides an in-depth exploration of the unique adaptations of organisms living near deep-sea hydrothermal vents.)
3. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L., & Gatto, G. J. (2015). Stryer L. Biochemistry. 7th ed., W.H. Freeman and Company. Link. (A comprehensive textbook detailing various biochemical pathways, including the synthesis of certain vitamins.)
4. Teeling, E. C., Scally, M., Kao, D. J., Romagnoli, M. L., Springer, M. S., & Stanhope, M. J. (2000). Molecular evidence regarding the origin of echolocation and flight in bats. Nature, 403(6766), 188-192. Link. (This paper discusses the molecular basis of echolocation in bats, an adaptation unique to their lineage.)
5. Zakon, H. H. (2002). Convergent evolution on the molecular level. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 59(5-6), 250-261. Link. (This article addresses the independent evolution of electric organs in various fish species, emphasizing the uniqueness of these adaptations.)
Daly, M. J., Gaidamakova, E. K., Matrosova, V. Y., Kiang, J. G., Fukumoto, R., Lee, D. Y., ... & Wehr, N. B. (2010). Small-molecule antioxidant proteome-shields in Deinococcus radiodurans. PloS one, 5(9), e12570. Link. (This study delves into the unique resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans to extreme levels of radiation, exploring its potential separate origins.)

18. Distinct Immune System Features: Immune system structure and function differences

1. Distinct Adaptive Immunity Systems: Vertebrates have a sophisticated adaptive immunity system that uses T cells and B cells to recognize and remember specific pathogens. This intricate system is not observed in other domains of life, suggesting that such a unique and complex mechanism is a result of separate origins.
2. Variability in Innate Immune Mechanisms: The innate immune systems across different species vary significantly. While humans and animals have pattern recognition receptors like Toll-like receptors, plants have a completely different set of immune receptors that respond to microbial patterns. This stark difference in innate immune machinery underscores the idea of separate origin events rather than a shared common ancestor.
3. Presence of RNA Interference in Defense: Some organisms, notably plants and invertebrates, use RNA interference (RNAi) as a primary defense against viruses. The reliance on RNAi in these groups, compared to the adaptive and innate immune systems in vertebrates, indicates divergent and separate origins.
4. Lack of Immunological Memory in Some Species: Immunological memory, a hallmark of the vertebrate adaptive immune system, is absent in many species. This absence in domains outside of vertebrates points towards individual creation events for each domain, highlighting the differences rather than commonalities.
5. Diversity in Immune Effector Molecules: The effector molecules used to combat pathogens vary drastically across species. For instance, antimicrobial peptides in insects, lysozymes in vertebrates, and pathogenesis-related proteins in plants serve similar functions but have different structures and origins. Such diversity across domains suggests individual origin events rather than a shared ancestry.

1. Janeway CA Jr, Travers P, Walport M, et al. (2001). Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease. 5th edition. New York: Garland Science. Link. (This book provides a comprehensive overview of the immune system, including the unique adaptive immunity system of vertebrates.)
2. Kawai T, Akira S. (2010). The role of pattern-recognition receptors in innate immunity: update on Toll-like receptors. Nature Immunology, 11(5), 373-384. Link. (This review discusses the role of pattern-recognition receptors, like Toll-like receptors, in the innate immune response.)
3. Ding SW, Voinnet O. (2007). Antiviral immunity directed by small RNAs. Cell, 130(3), 413-426. Link. (This article elaborates on the role of RNA interference as a defense mechanism in plants and invertebrates.)
4. Kurtz J. (2005). Specific memory within innate immune systems. Trends in Immunology, 26(4), 186-192. Link. (This research dives into the concept of immunological memory in the context of innate immune systems and its absence in certain species.)
5. Bulet P, Stocklin R. (2005). Insect antimicrobial peptides: structures, properties and gene regulation. Protein & Peptide Letters, 12(1), 3-11. Link. (This study explores the diversity of antimicrobial peptides in insects and their role in defense.)

19. Distinct Organizational Cellular Complexity: Cellular organization differences

1. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Distinctions: The structural and functional complexity between prokaryotic (like bacteria) and eukaryotic (like animals, plants, and fungi) cells is profound. Eukaryotic cells possess membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, while prokaryotic cells do not. Such distinct cellular architectures suggest separate origins or creation events for these two broad cell types.
2. Endosymbiotic Theory Limitations: The widely accepted endosymbiotic theory posits that organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells originated from ancestral prokaryotic cells. However, certain complexities, like the presence of unique proteins in these organelles not found in any known prokaryotes, are evidence supporting the idea of distinct creation events instead of endosymbiotic evolution.
3. Presence of Unique Cellular Structures: Certain cellular structures are unique to specific domains or kingdoms. For instance, the presence of chloroplasts in plant cells, lysosomes in animal cells, or gas vacuoles in certain bacteria, are evidence for separate origins. These structures perform vital roles and their absence or presence in certain organisms can be cited as supporting individual creation events.
4. Complexity of the Cytoskeleton: Eukaryotic cells exhibit a complex cytoskeleton composed of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments, facilitating cell shape, division, and intracellular transport. The intricacy and functions of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton, contrasted with the simplicity of the bacterial cytoskeleton, are evidence for separate origins.
5. Cell Wall Composition: The composition of cell walls varies distinctly among life domains. Bacteria have peptidoglycan cell walls, fungi have chitin-based walls, and plants have cellulose-rich walls. The divergence in these crucial structural components are evidence for individual creation events for each group.

1. Alberts, B. et al. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition. New York: Garland Science. Link. (A detailed overview of the structural and functional differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, highlighting their distinct cellular architectures.)
2. Margulis, L. (1970). Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. Yale University Press. Link. (This seminal work introduces the endosymbiotic theory, explaining the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells.)
3. Bonasio, R., Tu, S., & Reinberg, D. (2010). Molecular signals of epigenetic states. Science, 330(6004), 612-616. Link. (This article discusses the role of epigenetic modifications in the regulation of gene expression.)
4. Ho, J. W., Jung, Y. L., Liu, T., Alver, B. H., Lee, S., Ikegami, K., ... & Park, P. J. (2014). Comparative analysis of metazoan chromatin organization. Nature, 512(7515), 449-452. Link. (This paper examines chromatin organization in various species, elucidating the complexity and variety of structures.)
5. Medzhitov, R. (2007). Recognition of microorganisms and activation of the immune response. Nature, 449(7164), 819-826. Link. (This article reviews the immune system's response to pathogens, illustrating the complexity and adaptability of our defenses.)

20. Distinct Phototrophic Mechanisms: Differences in light energy utilization

1. Distinct Photopigments (Point 1): Organisms harness light energy using a diverse array of photopigments. Green plants, specific bacteria, and certain algae utilize chlorophyll, while organisms such as halobacteria operate with bacteriorhodopsin. The significant diversity in these photopigments, each tailored to capture distinct wavelengths of light, strongly suggests separate origin events rather than a shared lineage.

Functional Specificity: Each photopigment is specialized in capturing certain wavelengths of light. For instance, chlorophyll captures light predominantly in the blue and red parts of the spectrum, while bacteriorhodopsin is more effective in the green part. This specificity means that these photopigments are finely tuned to their respective tasks.
Structural Complexity: The molecular structures of these photopigments are intricate. Building such molecules would require specific sets of genes and regulatory mechanisms. The differences in these structures, and by extension the genes and mechanisms responsible for them, imply they aren't simply variations of a single theme but fundamentally different solutions to the problem of harnessing light energy.
Absence of Transitional Forms: Proponents of separate origins might argue that if these photopigments had evolved from a common ancestral photopigment, we would expect to see transitional forms or intermediate photopigments that show a clear progression from one type to another. The clear distinctions between photopigments like chlorophyll and bacteriorhodopsin, without evident intermediates, could be interpreted as an indication of separate origins.
Ecological Niches and Adaptation: Different organisms with their specific photopigments often inhabit different ecological niches, optimized for the type of light available in those environments. The presence of these distinct and specialized adaptations in different environments can be seen as evidence that these organisms were specifically 'created' or originated for their respective environments, rather than having diverged from a common ancestor.

From a polyphyletic perspective, the pronounced differences in the functional specificity, structural complexity, absence of transitional forms, and ecological niches of organisms with distinct photopigments point towards individual origin events for each pigment type.

2. Dissimilar Light-Harvesting Complexes (Point 2): Photosynthetic organisms display a range of light-harvesting complexes. Plants and cyanobacteria utilize phycobilisomes, while green sulfur bacteria incorporate chlorosomes. The pronounced differences in the design and function of these complexes indicate distinct origination events.

Structural Differences: Phycobilisomes are protein assemblies attached to the thylakoid membranes of cyanobacteria and some algae. They are made up of phycobiliproteins, which act as antennae to capture light energy and transfer it to chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phycobilisomes have a complex hierarchical structure with specific arrangements of their protein subunits. Chlorosomes, on the other hand, are found in green sulfur bacteria. These are ellipsoidal structures that lie just beneath the cell membrane, not associated with any membrane structure like thylakoids. Chlorosomes contain bacteriochlorophylls, which can directly capture light and funnel it to the reaction centers.
Functional Specificities: The primary role of both phycobilisomes and chlorosomes is to capture light energy and transfer it to the photosynthetic reaction centers. However, they accomplish this in notably different ways: Phycobilisomes capture light mainly in the wavelengths that chlorophyll does not absorb effectively, thus expanding the spectrum of light that the organism can use for photosynthesis. Their arrangement ensures efficient energy transfer to chlorophyll. Chlorosomes are incredibly efficient at capturing low light due to the high density of bacteriochlorophylls. Their function is optimized for environments with very low light intensities, which is typical for the habitats of green sulfur bacteria.
Differing Environments and Ecological Roles: The organisms using these light-harvesting complexes often inhabit different ecological niches:
Cyanobacteria with phycobilisomes can be found in diverse habitats, from freshwater to marine environments, and they play significant roles in primary production and nitrogen fixation. Green sulfur bacteria with chlorosomes are generally found in anoxic aquatic environments, often in deeper water layers where light intensity is low but sulfur is available. Absence of Shared Evolutionary Markers: If phycobilisomes and chlorosomes had a shared evolutionary history from a common ancestor, one would expect to find molecular or structural markers indicating this shared lineage. The stark differences between them, without evident intermediate or shared forms, can be seen as evidence of separate origins.

From a polyphyletic perspective, the pronounced structural, functional, and ecological differences between phycobilisomes and chlorosomes, combined with the lack of apparent shared evolutionary markers, suggest that they arose from separate origination events rather than evolving from a common ancestral structure.

3. Varied Phototrophic Pathways (Point 3): Photosynthetic organisms don't all convert light into chemical energy through a uniform biochemical pathway. For example, purple bacteria engage a unique electron transport chain compared to green plants. Such distinctions in foundational processes point towards separate origins rather than a shared ancestor.

Distinct Complexity: The intricacy of the photosynthetic processes in different organisms isn't just a matter of variation on a theme. The differences are profound and foundational. For example, the electron transport chains in green plants and purple bacteria not only use different components but also operate based on different principles. Such foundational differences might suggest entirely separate blueprints rather than modifications of a common one.
Lack of Transitional Systems: One of the arguments in favor of polyphyly is the apparent absence of clear transitional or intermediate photosynthetic systems. If all photosynthetic organisms evolved from a common ancestor, there might be expected intermediate forms bridging the gap between, say, the simple systems of purple bacteria and the more complex systems of green plants. The stark delineation between these systems without clear transitional forms could be interpreted as evidence for separate origins.
Diverse Ecological Adaptations from the Start: Photosynthetic organisms seem tailor-made for their specific environments. For instance, green sulfur bacteria are adapted for low-light, sulfur-rich, anoxic environments, while green plants are suited for environments where water is abundant. The distinct pathways aren't just different; they appear optimized for entirely different niches, suggesting that they could have been "designed" for those niches from the beginning, rather than evolving from a one-size-fits-all ancestral state.
Biochemical Disparity: The underlying biochemistry of photosynthetic processes in different organisms shows stark differences. The molecules, enzymes, and overall chemical strategies employed can differ greatly. While evolution can certainly lead to diverse biochemical strategies over time, the degree and nature of these differences in photosynthesis might be seen as pointing towards separate origin events.
Evolutionary Convergence: If the similarities between different photosynthetic systems were due to convergent evolution (distinct lineages arriving at similar solutions independently), it would be a striking example, given the complexity involved. Some proponents of polyphyly might argue that it's more parsimonious to suggest separate origins than to propose multiple instances of such profound convergent evolution.

4. Unique Protective Mechanisms against Photodamage (Point 4): Organisms exhibit individualized mechanisms to mitigate damage from excessive light exposure. Some harness carotenoids for protection, while others utilize different protective compounds or structures. The diversity of these mechanisms in safeguarding against photodamage underlines the concept of multiple and separate origins.

Fundamental Differences in Mechanisms: The core photoprotective strategies are not mere variations on a common theme but represent distinct approaches. Carotenoids in plants, for example, quench harmful reactive oxygen species produced during excessive light exposure. In contrast, some organisms have evolved physical structures or employ completely different compounds to mitigate photodamage. Such foundational disparities might suggest separate developmental blueprints rather than modifications of a common one.
Absence of Clear Evolutionary Intermediates: If these photoprotective mechanisms evolved from a shared ancestor, one might expect transitional or intermediate photoprotective strategies bridging the diverse mechanisms. The clear demarcation between these strategies without apparent transitional forms could be taken as evidence for independent origins.
Optimization for Specific Environments: The photoprotective mechanisms seem precisely tailored for the organisms' individual environments and lifestyles. This isn't merely about having a protective mechanism but having one that is uniquely suited to the organism's specific conditions. Such a high degree of specialization from the outset can be seen as more consistent with separate origins than a single ancestral mechanism that later diversified.
Diverse Biochemical Pathways: The biochemical routes through which these protective mechanisms operate are varied. If there were a common ancestor with a primitive protective system, one would expect vestiges of this system or shared biochemical markers in all descendants. Instead, the vast differences in the biochemical pathways can be interpreted as pointing towards separate origination events.
Convergent Evolution or Separate Origins?:

If universal common descent is assumed, then the vast diversity in photoprotective mechanisms across different species and even kingdoms would be a striking instance of convergent evolution. However, it's more straightforward to postulate multiple origins rather than multiple instances of such detailed convergent evolution.

5. Specialized Cellular Structures and Components (Point 5): Cellular components associated with phototrophy, like the thylakoids in plants or the intracytoplasmic membranes in purple bacteria, display significant structural and compositional differences. Such variations in cell machinery further affirm the hypothesis of individual creation events for each group.

Distinct Architectural Design: Phototrophic cellular structures, such as thylakoids in plants and intracytoplasmic membranes in purple bacteria, differ fundamentally in their organization and arrangement. Instead of resembling variations of a single ancestral design, they appear as separate, optimized structures for their respective organisms. This might suggest independent blueprints rather than derivatives of a singular design.
Absence of Evident Transitional Forms: Proponents of polyphyly might argue that if these structures evolved from a shared ancestral component, there should be transitional forms that demonstrate the evolution from a primitive structure to the distinct structures we see today. The clear delineation without visible intermediate states might be seen as evidence for independent origins.
Optimized Functionality for Specific Environments: Each cellular component, like thylakoids and intracytoplasmic membranes, appears specifically tailored for its organism's environment and lifestyle. This high level of specialization could be seen as more in line with separate origins than a singular ancestral component that diversified over time.
Molecular and Biochemical Discrepancies: The molecular makeup and associated biochemistry of these structures differ considerably between groups. While evolution can lead to diversified biochemistry, the degree and foundational nature of these differences might be seen as pointing more towards separate origination events.
Convergence or Separate Origins: If one were to argue for universal common descent, then the significant diversity in these cellular structures would be another instance of convergent evolution. However, it's more straightforward to assume multiple, independent origins rather than multiple instances of such intricate convergent evolution.

1. Blankenship, R.E. (2001). Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis. Blackwell Science. Link. (A comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms involved in photosynthesis, including differences across various organisms.)
2. Nelson, N., & Yocum, C.F. (2006). Structure and function of photosystems I and II. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 57, 521-565. Link. (This review details the structures and functions of the primary photosystems in green plants, providing insights into their evolution.)
3. Beatty, J.T., Overmann, J., Lince, M.T., Manske, A.K., Lang, A.S., Blankenship, R.E., ... & Schubert, W.D. (2005). An obligately photosynthetic bacterial anaerobe from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(26), 9306-9310. Link. (A study of a unique photosynthetic bacterium from deep-sea vents, highlighting the diverse ecological niches inhabited by photosynthetic organisms.)
4. Demmig-Adams, B., & Adams III, W.W. (2006). Photoprotection in an ecological context: the remarkable complexity of thermal energy dissipation. New Phytologist, 172(1), 11-21. Link. (This paper explores the various mechanisms used by organisms to protect themselves from photodamage.)
5. Hunter, C.N., Daldal, F., Thurnauer, M.C., & Beatty, J.T. (2008). The Purple Phototrophic Bacteria. Springer. Link. (A comprehensive resource discussing purple bacteria and their distinct photosynthetic pathways.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total




21. Divergent Hormonal Regulation Mechanisms: Distinct hormone regulation mechanisms

1. Divergent Hormonal Systems: Eukaryotic animals have intricate endocrine systems, regulating multiple physiological processes through hormones like insulin, glucagon, and estrogen. Contrast this with bacteria that utilize quorum sensing, a type of chemical communication based on signaling molecules to regulate population density and other communal behaviors. The profound differences between these regulatory mechanisms indicate separate origins.
2. Chemical Complexity: The chemical nature of eukaryotic hormones and bacterial signaling molecules are vastly different. Eukaryotic hormones often involve complex molecules with specific receptors and pathways, whereas bacterial signaling molecules are simpler and more direct. The vast chemical and structural disparities between these molecules indicate they are products of separate origins.
3. Absence of Transitional Systems: One would expect, under the hypothesis of universal common descent, to find transitional or intermediary hormonal regulation mechanisms that bridge the gap between simple bacterial signaling and the more complex eukaryotic hormonal systems. Such transitional systems are conspicuously absent, suggesting distinct origins for these mechanisms.
4. Functional Specificity: The functional requirements of hormonal systems in eukaryotes and signaling systems in bacteria are specifically tailored to their respective organisms. The high degree of functional specificity suggests that these systems were not derived from a common ancestor but are instead products of separate origins.
5. Phylogenetic Distribution: If hormonal regulation mechanisms were derived from a universal common ancestor, one would anticipate a more uniform distribution of these systems across the tree of life. Instead, what is observed are distinct clusters of related hormonal systems within specific domains of life, further suggesting separate origins.

In light of the aforementioned evidence, separate origins are the more case-adequate explanation. The disparities in the nature, complexity, functionality, and distribution of hormonal regulation mechanisms across life forms support the polyphyly hypothesis. Universal common descent would predict a more gradual transition from simple to complex regulatory systems, which is not observed. Thus, polyphyly provides a more direct and parsimonious explanation for the existing data on hormonal regulation mechanisms.

1. Tagkopoulos, I., Liu, Y.-C., & Tavazoie, S. (2008). Predictive behavior within microbial genetic networks. Science, 320(5881), 1313-1317. Link. (This study discusses the predictive adaptive responses in bacterial genetic networks, providing insights into bacterial signaling mechanisms.)
2. Waters, C. M., & Bassler, B. L. (2005). Quorum sensing: Cell-to-cell communication in bacteria. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 21, 319-346. Link. (An extensive review on quorum sensing mechanisms in bacteria and their role in regulating population density and communal behaviors.)
3. Vaudry, H., Do Rego, J. L., & Chatenet, D. (2011). Molecular pharmacology and biochemistry of the PACAP/VIP family in vertebrates. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 17(10), 985-997. Link. (This paper delves deep into the biochemistry and function of certain eukaryotic hormonal systems, illustrating the complexity and specificity of these systems in vertebrates.)
4. Ageta, H., & Tsuchida, K. (2019). Evolutionary aspects of hydrophobic hormone receptor systems and the non-genomic actions of hydrophobic hormones in vertebrates. Journal of Endocrinology, 241(2), R37-R49. Link. (This research article explores the evolution of hormone receptors in vertebrates, emphasizing the functional specificity of these systems.)
5. Li, L., & Nilsen, T. W. (2001). Gene expression in eukaryotes: Decoding the mRNA. Cell, 106(4), 465-469. Link. (A detailed examination of gene expression in eukaryotes, underlining the vast differences from prokaryotic gene regulation.)

22. Divergent Membrane Lipid Chemistry: Differences in lipid composition

S. Jain (2014): The composition of the phospholipid bilayer is distinct in archaea when compared to bacteria and eukarya. In archaea, isoprenoid hydrocarbon side chains are linked via an ether bond to the sn-glycerol-1-phosphate backbone. In bacteria and eukarya, on the other hand, fatty acid side chains are linked via an ester bond to the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate backbone. 5 

Cell membrane phospholipids are synthesized by different, unrelated enzymes in bacteria and archaea, and yield chemically distinct membranes. Bacteria and archaea have membranes made of water-repellent fatty molecules. Bacterial membranes are made of fatty acids bound to the phosphate group while archaeal membranes are made of isoprenes bonded to phosphate in a different way. This leads to something of a paradox: Since a supposed last universal common ancestor, LUCA already had an impermeable membrane for exploiting proton gradients, why would its descendants have independently evolved two different kinds of impermeable membrane? The distinct composition of the phospholipid bilayer in archaea, bacteria, and eukarya is intriguing. This variation constitutes one of the challenges of the notion of universal common ancestry. In archaea, the presence of isoprenoid hydrocarbon side chains linked via ether bonds to the sn-glycerol-1-phosphate backbone is a remarkable departure from the fatty acid side chains linked via ester bonds found in bacteria and eukarya. This distinct composition implies that fundamental differences in biochemical pathways and cellular processes might exist between these domains of life. This raises the question of whether such distinct compositional features could have emerged through gradual evolutionary processes. Polyphyly, the idea that different groups of organisms may have separate origins rather than a common ancestor, provides an alternative explanation that aligns more closely with the observed biochemical diversity. While conventional evolutionary theory proposes a single tree of life with a common ancestor, the diverse and unique features seen in various life forms, including the phospholipid composition, seem to point to separate origins. Polyphyly acknowledges the possibility that life's diversity may have emerged through multiple, distinct events of origin. From an ID standpoint, this view becomes more attractive when considering the complex and specific biochemical differences between archaea, bacteria, and eukarya. The fact that these distinct groups exhibit unique characteristics in their fundamental biochemical makeup suggests that a single common ancestor might not adequately explain the origin of these life forms. Ultimately, the differences in the phospholipid bilayer composition highlight the need for a thorough exploration of alternative hypotheses. An ID perspective encourages examining the evidence without presupposing a universal common ancestry. Polyphyly, as an inference that allows for separate origins of distinct life forms, presents a more nuanced and case-adequate explanation for the observed biochemical variations. This approach aligns with the idea that the complexities of life's origins might be better understood by considering multiple events of creation or emergence rather than a single common origin.

Franklin M. Harold (2014): Membranes also pose one of the most stubborn puzzles in all of cell evolution. Shortly after the discovery of the Archaea, it was realized that these organisms differ strikingly from the Bacteria in the chemistry of their membrane lipids. Archaea make their plasma membranes of isoprenoid subunits, linked by ether bonds to glycerol-1-phosphate; by contrast, Bacteria and Eukarya employ fatty acids linked by ester bonds to glycerol-3-phosphate. There are a few partial exceptions to the rule. Archaeal membranes often contain fatty acids, and some deeply branching Bacteria, such as Thermotoga, favor isoprenoid ether lipids (but even they couple the ethers to glycerol-3-phosphate). This pattern of lipid composition, which groups Bacteria and Eukarya together on one side and Archaea on the other, stands in glaring contrast to what would be expected from the universal tree, which puts Eukarya with the Archaea 6

1. Divergent Membrane Lipid Chemistry: One of the most significant biochemical distinctions between the three domains of life—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya—is their membrane lipid chemistry. Bacteria and Eukarya predominantly have bilayer-forming lipids with ester linkages, while Archaea possess isoprenoid chains connected by ether linkages, forming lipid monolayers. This fundamental chemical difference is not a mere variation but rather a stark distinction that suggests different origins.
2. Biochemical Complexity: The biochemical intricacies of the ester-linked lipids of Bacteria and Eukarya compared to the ether-linked lipids of Archaea are evident. Ester linkages are prone to hydrolysis under extreme conditions, while ether linkages in Archaea make their membranes more resistant to harsh environments. This pronounced difference implies that these systems are products of separate origins tailored to their specific environments.
3. Absence of Transitional Membrane Systems: Under the assumption of a universal common ancestor, one would anticipate the existence of transitional or intermediary membrane lipid systems that bridge the ester and ether linkages. However, no such transitional systems are found. The lack of intermediary forms indicates that these lipid systems originated distinctly.
4. Functional Adaptation: The membranes of Archaea, especially the thermophilic and halophilic species, are adapted to extreme environments. The presence of monolayer-forming ether lipids provides stability against high temperatures and extreme pH. This functional specificity suggests that archaeal membranes did not derive from a common ancestral membrane but rather are a product of a separate origin tailored to their extreme habitats.
5. Phylogenetic Distribution: If membrane lipid systems stemmed from a universal common ancestor, a more consistent distribution of these systems across the domains of life would be anticipated. Instead, clear delineations are observed: ester linkages are exclusive to Bacteria and Eukarya, while ether linkages are exclusive to Archaea. This clear-cut distribution further supports the notion of separate origins.

From the evidence outlined, separate origins present a more case-adequate explanation. The inherent distinctions in membrane lipid chemistry, their functional adaptations, and the clear demarcations in phylogenetic distribution argue for the polyphyly hypothesis. The universal common descent hypothesis would expect transitional forms and a smoother gradient of these systems across life, but such expectations are not met. Consequently, polyphyly offers a more direct and explanatory perspective on the current understanding of membrane lipid chemistry.

1. Koga, Y., & Morii, H. (2005). Recent advances in structural research on ether lipids from archaea including comparative and physiological aspects. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 69(11), 2019-2034. Link. (This paper delves into the unique lipid structures found in archaea, contrasting them with bacterial and eukaryotic lipids.)
2. Lombard, J., López-García, P., & Moreira, D. (2012). The early evolution of lipid membranes and the three domains of life. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 10(7), 507-515. Link. (This review assesses the distinctions in lipid membranes across the three domains of life and discusses their implications for early cellular evolution.)
3. Valentine, D.L. (2007). Adaptations to energy stress dictate the ecology and evolution of the Archaea. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5(4), 316-323. Link. (This paper explores how the unique lipid membranes of Archaea are adaptive mechanisms for energy stress and suggests a separation from other domains.)
4. Villanueva, L., Schouten, S., & Damsté, J.S.S. (2017). Phylogenomic analysis of lipid biosynthetic genes of Archaea shed light on the ‘lipid divide’. Environmental Microbiology, 19(1), 54-69. Link. (This research uses phylogenomics to study lipid biosynthetic genes across the Archaea, highlighting the divide between archaeal and bacterial/eukaryotic lipids.)
5. Jain, S., Caforio, A., & Driessen, A. J. M. (2014). Biosynthesis of archaeal membrane ether lipids. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 641. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00641
6. Harold, F. M. (2014). In Search of Cell History: The Evolution of Life's Building Blocks. University of Chicago Press. Link.

23. DNA Replication Origin Differences: Different replication origins

The bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea. L.S. Kaguni (2016): Genome sequencing of cells from the three domains of life, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, reveals that most of the core replisome components evolved twice, independently. Thus, the bacterial core replisome enzymes do not share a common ancestor with the analogous components in eukaryotes and archaea, while the archaea and eukaryotic core replisome machinery share a common ancestor. An exception to this are the clamps and clamp loaders, which are homologous in all three domains of life. 6

A. C. Leonard (2013): Like the origins of DNA replication, the promoters of bacterial and yeast genes have different structures, are recognized by different proteins, and are not exchangeable. The absolute incompatibility between prokaryote (e.g., E. coli) and eukaryote (e.g., yeast) origins of replication and promoters, as well as DNA replication, transcription, and translation machineries, stands as a largely unrecognized challenge to the evolutionary view that the two share a common ancestor. 7

E.V. Koonin (2020): Origin of DNA replication is an enigma because the replicative DNA polymerases (DNAPs) are not homologous among the three domains of life..DNA replication is a central process for all living cells. Therefore, it is astonishing that the key enzymes involved in DNA replication, in particular, the replicative DNA polymerases (rDNAP), are unrelated among the 3 domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.  This diversity of the replication machineries sharply contrasts with the conservation of the proteins involved in the other key processes of information transfer, namely, transcription and translation, as well as some key metabolic processes, such as nucleotide biosynthesis. The lack of conservation of the rDNAPs and some other key components of the replication machinery, such as helicases and primases, complicates the reconstruction of the replicative apparatus of the ancestral life forms.There are several families of DNA polymerases that are involved in replication, repair, or both types of processes. The replicative DNAPs of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes belong to 3 distinct protein families, and the core catalytic domains of these 3 DNAPs are unrelated to each other, i.e., adopt different protein folds as their catalytic cores  and therefore are unlikely to share common ancestryThe great majority of dsDNA viruses that infect either prokaryotes or eukaryotes and encode their own rDNAPs have the B family polymerase (PolB) that is also responsible for the replication in eukaryotes (Table above). Archaea encode multiple PolB copies, and with the exception of members of the order Crenarchaeota and some thermophilic members of the Thaumarchaeota, also the distinct family D DNAP (PolD). In archaea that possess both DNAPs, it has been recently demonstrated that PolD, rather than PolB, is responsible for the synthesis of both DNA strands. The structure of PolD has been recently solved, resulting in a surprising discovery that the catalytic core of PolD is homologous to that of the large subunits of the DNA-directed RNA polymerases (RNAPs) that are responsible for transcription in all three domains of life and many large DNA viruses. These findings seem to shed unexpected light on the evolution of the replication machineries in the three domains of life as well as viruses. They might even help to infer the nature of the replication machinery in the LUCA suggesting an evolutionary scenario in which PolD takes the central stage as the ancestral replicative polymerase. 8

Comment: E.V. Koonin's exploration of the origin of DNA replication raises important questions about the evolutionary narrative, particularly in the context of universal common ancestry. The lack of homology among replicative DNA polymerases (rDNAPs) across the three domains of life—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya—stands as a significant challenge to the notion of a shared ancestral origin. The diversity observed in the replication machineries sharply contrasts with the conservation of key proteins involved in processes like transcription and translation, suggesting a discordance between the evolution of these fundamental molecular processes. The absence of common ancestry among the rDNAPs and other critical components complicates attempts to reconstruct the replicative apparatus of ancestral life forms. This complexity prompts us to consider alternative explanations for the origins of life's complexity and diversity. These findings present a compelling case against universal common ancestry. The lack of homology in essential enzymes that drive DNA replication challenges the idea that all life forms share a single origin. The presence of distinct and unrelated replication machinery points towards a scenario of separate origins, or polyphyly, where different life forms may have arisen independently. The emergence of the PolD enzyme with a surprising homology to the large subunits of DNA-directed RNA polymerases (RNAPs) adds another layer of complexity to the narrative. This discovery highlights unexpected connections between DNA replication and transcription processes. Instead of supporting a straightforward evolutionary path, these findings invite us to consider alternative explanations for the origins of these molecular systems. The concept of PolD potentially taking center stage as the ancestral replicative polymerase challenges the uniformity of evolutionary trajectories. This intriguing possibility suggests a diverse origin for different components of life's machinery, which aligns more closely with the idea of separate origins for distinct groups of organisms.

The complexity of DNA replication machinery can vary significantly between different types of organisms.  Bacteria generally have a simplified DNA replication process compared to archaea and eukaryotes. Bacterial DNA replication involves a relatively small number of proteins, typically around 20 to 30. The number of subunits may be fewer compared to archaea and eukaryotes. Bacteria use a modest number of co-factors for DNA replication. Bacteria have a streamlined replication machinery with fewer specialized structures. Archaea, while often simpler than eukaryotes, may have some variations in DNA replication machinery.  The number of proteins involved in archaeal DNA replication could be slightly higher than in bacteria, possibly around 30 to 40. Archaeal DNA replication complexes might consist of more subunits than bacteria.  Similar to bacteria, archaea use a moderate number of co-factors for DNA replication  Archaeal DNA replication machinery may have some unique features compared to bacteria. These distinctive characteristics contribute to the complexity and diversity of DNA replication processes across different domains of life.  Archaeal DNA replication origins are distinct from bacterial origins. Archaea often utilize specific DNA sequence motifs and binding proteins to initiate replication, differing from the well-defined bacterial oriC. While some components of archaeal DNA replication machinery share homology with bacterial counterparts, there are notable differences in the structure and function of these proteins. For instance, the archaeal MCM helicase is similar to the bacterial DnaC helicase loader but functions differently. Archaeal DNA helicases, such as the MCM (mini-chromosome maintenance) complex, display unique characteristics. They possess ring-shaped hexameric structures similar to their eukaryotic counterparts, suggesting an ancient origin for this type of helicase. Archaeal DNA replication involves distinct topoisomerases that resolve DNA supercoiling. The enzymes and mechanisms for relieving DNA torsional stress differ from those found in bacteria. Some archaeal species possess a single enzyme that combines primase and polymerase functions. This fusion enzyme synthesizes RNA primers and then extends them with DNA, simplifying the replication process. Archaea have PCNA-like proteins that interact with DNA polymerases and other replication factors, similar to eukaryotic PCNA. Bacteria lack this type of protein. The processing of Okazaki fragments (short DNA fragments formed on the lagging strand during replication) in archaea involves unique enzymes, differing from bacterial DNA replication mechanisms. Archaea often exhibit more complex cellular organization than bacteria, with some species having internal membrane systems. This structural complexity may influence DNA replication and other cellular processes. These unique features of archaeal DNA replication machinery showcase the diversity of mechanisms present in different domains of life.

Eukaryotic DNA replication is more complex due to the presence of membrane-bound organelles and intricate cellular processes.  Eukaryotic DNA replication involves a larger number of proteins, often exceeding 50 to 100. The number of subunits in eukaryotic DNA replication complexes is higher compared to prokaryotes. Eukaryotes utilize a diverse array of co-factors and enzymes for DNA replication. Eukaryotic DNA replication machinery is intricately organized within the nucleus and involves multiple organelles and cellular compartments. The comparison between DNA replication components in the smallest bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotic cells underscores the increasing complexity as we move from simple prokaryotes to more complex eukaryotic organisms. Eukaryotes, with their membrane-bound organelles and specialized cellular processes, have a considerably more intricate DNA replication system. This complexity reflects the adaptations that have occurred over evolutionary time, leading to the development of specialized mechanisms for DNA replication in different types of organisms.

The substantial differences observed in the DNA replication machinery across bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes raise significant challenges when attempting to envision a plausible trajectory from a universal common ancestor to the three domains of life. These differences highlight the complexities that must be addressed when considering the concept of universal common ancestry.  The DNA replication machinery in each domain employs different proteins, subunits, co-factors, and structures. The variations are not minor adjustments but involve substantial differences in the key players and their interactions. Bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic DNA replication origins are distinct, using unique mechanisms to initiate replication. This divergence suggests independent paths rather than a single common ancestor.  While there may be some homologous proteins, the differences in structure and function of key components, such as helicases and polymerases, indicate trajectories that do not derive from a common ancestor.  Enzymes involved in Okazaki fragment processing, DNA supercoiling resolution, and primer synthesis have unique characteristics in each domain. These differences point to the independent origin of these crucial processes.  Eukaryotic DNA replication involves a more complex system with a higher number of proteins, subunits, and co-factors. The presence of membrane-bound organelles further complicates the scenario, making a direct linear trajectory from a simpler universal common ancestor challenging.  The presence of complex cellular organization and organelles in eukaryotes adds another layer of complexity that cannot easily be reconciled with a simple evolutionary progression from prokaryotes. The significant differences in DNA replication machinery between domains highlight evolutionary gaps that cannot be easily bridged by gradual changes. These gaps suggest that the origin of each domain is distinct rather than convergent. Considering these substantial differences in DNA replication machinery, it becomes increasingly difficult to envision a continuous, linear trajectory from a universal common ancestor to the three domains of life. The divergence in key components, the uniqueness of processes, and the complexity of eukaryotic cellular organization challenge the concept of a single origin for all life forms. Instead, these differences imply that the origin for bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes likely are distinct and independent from each other.

1. Distinct Replication Machineries (Point 1): DNA replication machinery across the three domains of life – Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya – exhibit significant differences. While the fundamental process remains conserved, the proteins and mechanisms involved vary considerably. Bacteria primarily utilize the DnaA initiator protein, while Archaea use Cdc6/Orc1 and Eukaryotes employ multiple origin recognition complexes (ORCs). These pronounced differences in the replication initiation process are indicative of separate origins.
2. Replication Rate and Complexity (Point 2): The rate of DNA replication and the associated complexities differ among the domains. Bacterial replication is typically faster and involves fewer regulatory checks. In contrast, Eukaryotic replication is slower, regulated by a plethora of checkpoints and mechanisms, ensuring fidelity and integrity. The variation in replication rates and the associated regulatory networks further suggest separate origins for these processes.
3. Multiple vs. Single Origins of Replication (Point 3): While bacterial chromosomes generally have a single origin of replication, eukaryotic chromosomes have multiple origins. This fundamental distinction in the initiation and progression of replication across these domains signifies different design principles, bolstering the idea of separate origins.
4. Temporal Separation in Eukaryotes (Point 4): Eukaryotic cells separate the processes of DNA replication and cell division temporally across different phases of the cell cycle. This is contrasted with bacterial cells where replication, transcription, and translation can occur simultaneously. The segregation of replication from other cellular processes in eukaryotes is another aspect that sets them apart and suggests unique origins.
5. Helicase Loading and Activity (Point 5): The manner in which helicases are loaded onto DNA and their subsequent activity during replication differ among the domains. For instance, bacteria use the DnaC protein to load the DnaB helicase, while eukaryotes employ a more complex set of proteins involving Cdc45, Mcm2-7, and GINS. This divergence in fundamental replication machinery components points towards distinct origins for these processes.

In view of the detailed evidence, separate origins are the more case-adequate explanation for the differences observed in DNA replication across life forms. The distinct replication machineries, varying complexities, and unique features across the domains substantiate the polyphyly hypothesis over universal common descent.

1. Leonard, A. C., & Grimwade, J. E. (2011). Building a bacterial orisome: emergence of new regulatory features for replication origin unwinding. Molecular Microbiology, 80(4), 860-873. Link. (This paper discusses the intricacies of bacterial replication initiation, emphasizing the role of DnaA initiator protein.)
2. Bell, S. D., & Botchan, M. R. (2013). The minichromosome maintenance replicative helicase. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 5(11), a012807. Link. (This review explores the role of the MCM helicase, critical in eukaryotic DNA replication.)
3. Giraldo, R. (2010). Shared features and differences in the replication origin regions of the chromosomes of Archaea. Microbiology, 156(12), 3230-3238. Link. (A study focusing on the DNA replication origins in Archaea, detailing their features and mechanisms.)
4. Mechali, M. (2010). Eukaryotic DNA replication origins: many choices for appropriate answers. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11(10), 728-738. Link. (This review delves into the eukaryotic DNA replication origins, discussing the multiple origin concept and the regulatory mechanisms at play.)
5. Katayama, T., Ozaki, S., Keyamura, K., & Fujimitsu, K. (2010). Regulation of the replication cycle: conserved and diverse regulatory systems for DnaA and oriC. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 8(3), 163-170. Link. (A comprehensive overview of the DnaA and oriC regulatory systems in bacterial DNA replication.)
6. Kaguni, L. (Year). DNA Replication Across Taxa (Volume 39) (The Enzymes, Volume 39). Publisher.
7. Koonin, E. V., Krupovic, M., Ishino, S., & Ishino, Y. (2020). The replication machinery of LUCA: common origin of DNA replication and transcription. BMC Biology, 18, 61. Link

These references elucidate on the distinct mechanisms and intricacies of DNA replication across the three domains, shedding light on the topic's depth and complexity.

24. Endogenous Retroviral Elements: Presence and implications of endogenous retroviruses in genomes

1. Absence in Primary Domains (Point 1): The absence of ERVs in Bacteria and Archaea compared to their presence in Eukaryotes suggests distinct genomic histories and interactions with viruses. This absence could be seen as a significant difference that might point towards a separate origin or distinct early evolutionary pressures on these domains.
2. Evidence of Eukaryotic Viral Interactions (Point 2): The presence of ERVs in eukaryotic genomes provides evidence of ancient viral interactions specific to this domain. This unique history of virus-host interactions in Eukaryotes may indicate a separate lineage or set of evolutionary pressures distinct from those experienced by Bacteria and Archaea.
3. Diverse Insertion Patterns (Point 3): If all life descended from a singular common ancestor, there would be some expectation of shared ERV insertion sites or patterns across genomes spanning the three domains. The distinct and varied insertion patterns observed across these domains suggest that they may not share a singular common ancestor, at least from the perspective of ERVs.
4. Functional Importance (Point 4): ERVs have taken on functional roles in various species, notably within the Eukarya domain. The functional roles these ERVs play can differ dramatically across species. The fact that they have different functions and are not universally present across all three domains might be indicative of separate origins or separate evolutionary pressures after initial insertion.
5. Absence in Predicted Lineages (Point 5): The universal common descent model would predict that certain lineages, especially those closely related, should share specific ERVs. However, there are instances where closely related lineages or species do not share expected ERVs. This absence is challenging to reconcile under a strict universal common descent model and might be seen as evidence for separate origins or significant genomic changes post-divergence.
6. Inconsistent Evolutionary Ages (Point 6): When estimating the age of ERVs based on their sequence degeneration or divergence from functional relatives, these ages sometimes don't match the predicted timelines of divergence for certain species under the universal common descent model. If ERVs in two related species are vastly different in age, it challenges the notion that they share a close common ancestor.
7. Presence in Essential Genes (Point 7): ERVs are sometimes found integrated into essential genes of a genome. The integration of these elements without causing deleterious effects suggests a level of genomic tolerance or even co-evolution. If ERVs were randomly inserted throughout the course of evolutionary history, it would be unexpected for them to consistently integrate into essential genes without negative consequences. This might be interpreted as evidence for a more directed or separate origin.

1. Bannert, N., & Kurth, R. (2004). Retroelements and the human genome: New perspectives on an old relation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(suppl 2), 14572-14579. Link. (This comprehensive review explores the relationship between retroelements and the human genome, highlighting their evolutionary implications and contributions to genome architecture.)
2. Tristem, M. (2000). Identification and characterization of novel human endogenous retrovirus families by phylogenetic screening of the human genome mapping project database. Journal of Virology, 74(8 ), 3715-3730. Link. (This paper describes the identification of novel human endogenous retrovirus families and their potential roles in the human genome.)
3. Lander, E. S., Linton, L. M., Birren, B., Nusbaum, C., Zody, M. C., Baldwin, J., ... & Funke, R. (2001). Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Nature, 409(6822), 860-921. Link. (A monumental study on the human genome, detailing the presence and implications of various genomic elements, including endogenous retroviruses.)
4. Katzourakis, A., & Gifford, R. J. (2010). Endogenous viral elements in animal genomes. PLoS Genetics, 6(11), e1001191. Link. (This article provides an overview of endogenous viral elements in various animal genomes, discussing their origin and evolutionary significance.)
5. Jern, P., & Coffin, J. M. (2008). Effects of retroviruses on host genome function. Annual Review of Genetics, 42, 709-732. Link. (This review dives deep into the effects of retroviruses on the host genome, covering topics such as the mechanism of integration and the evolutionary consequences of these genomic insertions.)

In essence, while ERVs by themselves do not provide direct evidence regarding the root of the tree of life, they can be seen as a marker of the unique evolutionary history and challenges faced by eukaryotic organisms, potentially supporting the idea of different origins or distinct early evolutionary pathways.

25. Evolutionary Stasis: Little morphological change over long timescales

1. Stasis in Fossil Records (Point 1): There are extensive periods where organisms demonstrate little to no morphological change in the fossil record. This prolonged stasis challenges the expectation of gradual morphological transformations over time as posited by universal common descent. Instead, the stasis suggests that species are designed to remain consistent and do not share a lineage with morphologically distinct predecessors or successors.
2. Presence of Complex Features at First Appearance (Point 2): When certain organisms first appear in the fossil record, they already exhibit complex features, which are not observed in supposedly ancestral forms. This sudden appearance with full complexity supports the idea of separate origins rather than a gradual development from a common ancestor.
3. Convergence and Similar Morphology (Point 3): Organisms from different lineages often display similar morphological traits, which are not found in their supposed common ancestors. If they share these traits but not the ancestor, it points toward individual origins rather than inheritance from a shared ancestor.
4. Absence of Clear Transitional Forms (Point 4): While some claim to identify transitional forms, there are vast numbers of species that appear without apparent intermediates. The absence of clear transitional forms between major groups supports the idea of individual origins.
5. Distinct Genetic Codes (Point 5): While there are similarities in genetic makeup across species, suggesting common functions, the genetic codes for many organisms are distinct enough to question a singular origin. If all life originated from a single source, we would expect more uniformity in genetic codes.
6. Rapid Appearance in Cambrian Explosion (Point 6): The Cambrian explosion is characterized by the sudden appearance of a majority of major animal phyla in the fossil record. This rapid emergence of fully formed, complex organisms supports the concept of separate origins as opposed to gradual development from a shared lineage.

In conclusion, while universal common descent posits a continuous, branching tree of life, the evidence points towards multiple origins. The observed stasis in the fossil record, sudden appearance of complex organisms, and absence of clear transitional forms provide compelling reasons to consider polyphyly, where species and domains of life have separate origins, as a more case-adequate explanation.

1. Stasis in Fossil Records:
Eldredge, N., & Gould, S. J. (1972). Punctuated equilibria: an alternative to phyletic gradualism. Models in paleobiology, 82-115. Link. (This foundational paper introduces the concept of punctuated equilibrium, highlighting long periods of stasis in the fossil record.)
2. Presence of Complex Features at First Appearance:
Conway Morris, S. (2006). Darwin's dilemma: The realities of the Cambrian ‘explosion’. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 361(1470), 1069-1083. Link. (This article examines the sudden appearance of complex life forms during the Cambrian explosion.)
3. Convergence and Similar Morphology:
Conway Morris, S. (2003). Life's solution: Inevitable humans in a lonely universe. Cambridge University Press. Link. (Conway Morris discusses the phenomenon of evolutionary convergence, where disparate lineages arrive at similar solutions.)
4. Absence of Clear Transitional Forms:
Kemp, T. S. (2005). The origin and evolution of mammals. Oxford University Press. Link. (Kemp provides an overview of mammalian evolution, discussing gaps and the absence of clear transitional forms in the record.)
5. Distinct Genetic Codes:
Crick, F. H. (1968). The origin of the genetic code. Journal of molecular biology, 38(3), 367-379. Link. (In this paper, Crick discusses the origins and diversity of genetic codes in different organisms.)
6. Rapid Appearance in Cambrian Explosion:
Marshall, C. R. (2006). Explaining the Cambrian “Explosion” of animals. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 34, 355-384. Link. (Marshall delves into the rapid emergence of diverse animal life during the Cambrian period.)

26. Gene Loss and Reduction: Organisms losing genes over evolutionary timescales

1. Gene Loss and Reduction in Diverse Lineages: Observations of gene loss or reduction are prevalent across diverse lineages in the tree of life. For instance, various parasitic organisms have lost functional genes that are necessary in free-living organisms. The consistent occurrence of such gene loss across unrelated lineages suggests independent, separate processes rather than a shared, common descent.
2. Unique Patterns of Gene Loss: Some organisms exhibit unique patterns of gene loss that are specific to their lineage. For example, cave-dwelling organisms often lose genes related to vision, while free-living relatives maintain these genes. These distinct gene loss patterns are indicative of independent, lineage-specific adaptations.
3. Divergent Functional Consequences: Gene loss in different lineages can lead to divergent functional consequences. For instance, the loss of a particular digestive enzyme in one lineage may result in the evolution of alternative digestive strategies, while a similar loss in another lineage may lead to entirely different adaptations. These differing outcomes imply separate, tailored solutions to environmental challenges.
4. Parallel Gene Loss: In some cases, similar gene loss events have occurred independently in unrelated lineages, resulting in similar functional outcomes. This phenomenon, known as parallel gene loss, suggests that organisms can arrive at similar solutions through distinct evolutionary pathways, undermining the notion of a single, common ancestral lineage.
5. Gene Loss in Non-Homologous Pathways: Organisms often lose genes involved in non-homologous pathways. For example, genes related to flight in birds and bats have different genetic origins, yet both groups have experienced gene loss in these pathways. This highlights the independent nature of gene loss in these lineages.

The consistent patterns of gene loss, unique gene loss events, divergent functional consequences, parallel gene loss, and gene loss in non-homologous pathways all point toward separate origins for various lineages. These observations align more closely with the polyphyletic hypothesis, where species and domains of life arose independently, each with its own set of adaptations, rather than universal common descent. Polyphyletic origins provide a more case-adequate explanation for the observed diversity in gene content and loss across different lineages.

1. Moriya, Y. et al. (2008). Comparative genomics of the lactic acid bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(39), 15073–15078. Link. (This study provides an in-depth look into the gene loss and reduction in lactic acid bacteria, especially in lineages that have adapted to various niches.)
2. Protas, M.E. et al. (2006). Genetic analysis of cavefish reveals molecular convergence in the evolution of albinism. Nature Genetics, 38, 107–111. Link. (Examines gene loss in cavefish related to vision and pigmentation and highlights the molecular convergence in the evolution of albinism.)
3. Jeong, H. et al. (2009). Massive genome erosion and functional adaptations provide insights into the symbiotic lifestyle of Sodalis glossinidius in the tsetse host. Genome Research, 19(2), 256-263. Link. (Discusses the loss of genes in the symbiont Sodalis glossinidius and the resulting functional adaptations that arose in response.)
4. Koonin, E.V. (2011). Are there laws of genome evolution? PLoS Biology, 9(8 ), e1001127. Link. (This review touches on the phenomenon of parallel gene loss, suggesting that there might be 'laws' that govern genome evolution.)
5. Zhang, G. et al. (2014). Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation. Science, 346(6215), 1311-1320. Link. (Discusses the comparative genomics of birds, providing insights into gene loss and genome evolution, including pathways related to flight.)

27. Gene Order and Synteny: Variability in gene order

1. Variability in Gene Order (Point 1): Multiple species display different gene orders within their genomes, which are not easily reconcilable with minor genetic alterations. Large-scale rearrangements, insertions, or deletions of vast genetic regions are more consistent with separate genetic origins rather than incremental genetic changes.
2. Synteny Discrepancies Amongst Domains (Point 2): Syntenic blocks, or conserved regions of genes, differ significantly across the three domains of life. While some argue this is due to genomic rearrangements over time, the discrepancies are more coherently explained by the theory of separate origins.
3. Absence of Clear Synteny Paths (Point 3): In the quest to map out ancestral gene blocks, it's noted that there is often no clear path of syntenic blocks from one domain to another. The gaps in synteny paths present challenges to the universal common descent model, but are consistent with polyphyletic origins.
4. Presence of Orphan Genes (Point 4): Orphan genes, or genes without known homologs in other organisms, are abundant in every genome sequenced. Their existence and unique functionality in different organisms suggest unique genetic origins, supporting the polyphyletic model.
5. Inconsistencies in Horizontal Gene Transfer (Point 5): Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been proposed as an explanation for some of the gene order and synteny variances. However, HGT events are not always consistent across all lineages and their frequency differs. Such inconsistencies are more in line with the idea of separate genetic origins.
6. Different Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (Point 6): Different domains of life employ varied gene regulatory mechanisms that aren't merely extensions or variations of one another. This diversity in regulation, combined with synteny differences, reinforces the idea of separate origins.
7. Chromosome Structures and Numbers (Point 7): Chromosome numbers and structures vary vastly across species, especially between domains. Such disparities are difficult to reconcile under a common descent framework but are consistent with different origins.

1. Koonin, E.V. (2009). Evolution of genome architecture. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 41(2), 298-306. Link. (This review delves into the structural evolution of genomes, including synteny and gene order, and the various evolutionary mechanisms that may play a role.)
2. Danchin, E.G.J., et al. (2010). Multiple lateral gene transfers and duplications have promoted plant parasitism ability in nematodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(41), 17651-17656. Link. (This article showcases evidence for horizontal gene transfers in plant-parasitic nematodes.)
3. Tautz, D. & Domazet-Lošo, T. (2011). The evolutionary origin of orphan genes. Nature Reviews Genetics, 12, 692–702. Link. (A comprehensive review that discusses orphan genes, their evolutionary origin, and their implications for evolutionary biology.)
4. Sankoff, D., et al. (2012). The collapse of gene complement following whole genome duplication. BMC Genomics, 13, 313. Link. (The paper describes the loss of genes after whole genome duplications and the subsequent rearrangements.)
5. Golicz, A.A., et al. (2016). The pangenome of an agronomically important crop plant Brassica oleracea. Nature Communications, 7, 13390. Link. (This paper investigates the pangenome of Brassica oleracea, highlighting variations in gene presence and order among different cultivars.)
6. Singh, P.P., et al. (2018). Widespread intron retention diversifies most cancer transcriptomes. Genome Medicine, 10, 45. Link. (While focused on cancer, this paper touches on the significance of genome architecture and gene regulation.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:49 pm; edited 4 times in total




28. Glycolytic Enzyme Variability: Differences in enzyme sequences in glycolytic pathways

Glycolysis is a fundamental biochemical pathway that occurs in the cytoplasm of cells. It's a central metabolic process that plays a crucial role in extracting energy from glucose, a simple sugar molecule, and providing the cell with energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules. Glycolysis is a key component of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and is considered one of the most ancient metabolic pathways. Glycolysis involves a series of enzymatic reactions that convert one molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, a three-carbon compound. The process occurs in ten steps and can be divided into three phases:  The first half of glycolysis requires an input of energy (two ATP molecules) to activate the glucose molecule and prepare it for further breakdown. Glucose is split into two three-carbon molecules, each called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P). This step is crucial for further energy extraction.  G3P molecules are converted to pyruvate while producing ATP and NADH (a molecule that carries high-energy electrons) as byproducts. This phase generates a net of two ATP molecules and two NADH molecules per glucose molecule.

Glycolysis is considered one of the most ancient metabolic pathways due to its simplicity and ability to function under anaerobic (absence of oxygen) conditions. When life started on Earth, the atmosphere supposedly lacked significant amounts of oxygen, making anaerobic processes essential for survival. Glycolysis provided early cells with a way to extract energy from simple sugars like glucose in the absence of oxygen. The pathway doesn't require specialized organelles like mitochondria and can occur in the cytoplasm, making it suitable for primitive, membrane-less structures. By producing ATP and generating molecules like NADH, glycolysis would have offered a basic energy source for the maintenance and growth of these early cells. The presence of glycolysis at life's origin has been seen as an adaptation that supposedly allowed primitive organisms to efficiently utilize the available energy sources and survive in an oxygen-limited environment. As life evolved and oxygen levels in the atmosphere increased, more efficient energy production processes, like aerobic respiration, became feasible. Glycolysis, however, remained conserved due to its essential role in providing a quick burst of energy even in modern cells.

B. Canback (2002):  None of the trees that we have constructed for the present cohort is rooted. Nevertheless, with the exception of the enzymes found in mitochondria and chloroplasts, there is no indication that any eukaryotic gene family is rooted in modern bacterial clades, or vice versa. Indeed, all of the phylogenetic reconstructions obtained in this study are consistent with the interpretation that the divergence of the archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic lineages is ancient, as suggested by others. Here, “ancient” would mean that it predates the divergence of, for example, the α-proteobacteria from the other proteobacteria. If this were so, the emergence of the mitochondria would be much more recent than the divergence of eukaryotes and bacteria. 7

Comment: Canback and colleagues discuss various aspects of phylogenetic reconstructions and gene transfer related to enzymes involved in the glycolysis pathway across different domains of life. The evidence corroborates the inference that glycolysis cannot be definitively traced back to a universal common ancestor.  Glycolytic enzymes are broadly distributed in both bacteria and eukaryotes, but not all domains necessarily possess the same enzymes. Some archaea, for instance, utilize different enzymes for glycolytic reactions. This variability in enzyme usage among different domains suggests that the glycolytic pathway did not originate from a single ancestral source but rather independently or underwent adaptations in different lineages. None of the phylogenetic trees constructed for the enzyme families are rooted, making it difficult to definitively determine the origin of these enzymes. This lack of a clear root complicates efforts to trace the exact evolutionary relationships among different lineages and further underscores a supposed evolutionary history of these enzymes. Canback discussed interpretations that suggested horizontal gene transfer events as the reason for some bacterial taxa being found within eukaryotic clusters of enzymes. However, the author argued against the idea that these anomalies necessarily indicate the direction of transfer. Instead, they propose that gene transfer events might have occurred between bacterial and eukaryotic lineages, leading to shared homologs in both domains. This explanation reinforces the notion that the evolutionary relationships of glycolytic enzymes are more complex than a linear descent from a common ancestor. The phylogenetic reconstructions obtained from the data align with the hypothesis that the divergence of archaeal, bacterial, and eukaryotic lineages is ancient, predating the divergence of major bacterial clades. This finding challenges the idea that glycolysis can be traced back to a single, universal common ancestor, as the differences and complexities in the evolutionary histories of these lineages suggest separate origins. 

S. F Alnomasy (2017): Some archaeal enzymes have some similarities with bacteria, but most archaeal enzymes have no similarity with classical glycolytic pathways in Bacteria 8 There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides.

Keith A. Webster (2003): There is no evidence of a common ancestor for any of the four glycolytic kinases or of the seven enzymes that bind nucleotides. Genetic, protein and DNA analysis, together with major differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of all three domains – Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota – suggest that the three fundamental cell types are distinct and evolved separately (i.e. Bacteria are not actually pro-precursors of the eukaryotes, which have sequence similarities in particular parts of their biochemistry between both Bacteria or Archaea).  Only a relatively small percentage of genes in Archaea have sequence similarity to genes in Bacteria or Eukaryota. Furthermore, most of the cellular events triggered by intracellular Ca2+ in eukaryotes do not occur in either Bacteria or Archaea. 9

Comment: The argument put forth by Keith A. Webster suggests that these differences provide evidence against the idea of a universal common ancestor for all life forms. The kinases and other enzymes involved in glycolysis show significant differences among Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. This lack of common ancestry is implied by the absence of a single ancestral lineage that led to the formation of these enzymes across all domains of life. Sequence similarities in particular parts of biochemistry between Bacteria and Archaea, or between Bacteria and Eukaryota, do not necessarily imply a common ancestor. The argument here is that shared sequences in specific parts of biochemistry might have been created independently in different lineages rather than being inherited from a single common ancestor.  The differences in the biochemistry and molecular biology of the three domains further support the notion of separate origins. These differences extend beyond glycolysis to various cellular processes and structures that are unique to each domain. The mention of cellular events triggered by intracellular calcium (Ca2+) is another example of divergence between domains. The fact that most of these events occur exclusively in eukaryotes and not in Bacteria or Archaea adds to the argument against a universal common ancestor. This points to independent trajectories for each domain.

In addition, there are several other differences in the glycolysis pathway that indicate separate origins for the three domains of life. These differences extend beyond the glycolytic enzymes themselves and include variations in regulation, enzyme structure, and pathway localization. The regulation of glycolysis can vary among the three domains. Different mechanisms of enzyme regulation are present in each domain, indicating independent origins. For instance, the regulation of certain glycolytic enzymes through allosteric control differs, suggesting that these regulatory mechanisms arose separately in each domain. In bacterial glycolysis, enzyme regulation often relies on allosteric control mechanisms. For instance, the enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1) is a key regulator of the glycolytic pathway in bacteria. In many bacterial species, PFK-1 is allosterically inhibited by high levels of ATP, a molecule that serves as an indicator of sufficient cellular energy reserves. This feedback inhibition prevents the excessive utilization of glucose when energy production is already abundant. Such a regulatory mechanism ensures efficient energy management within bacterial cells. In contrast to bacteria, Archaea exhibit different mechanisms for enzyme regulation in glycolysis. The exact regulatory mechanisms in Archaea are diverse and can vary across species. Some Archaea still rely on allosteric regulation similar to bacteria, while others utilize unique regulatory strategies. For instance, in some Archaea, enzymes involved in glycolysis are subject to post-translational modifications that regulate their activity. These variations in regulation reflect the distinctiveness of Archaea. Eukaryotic cells, including those of animals, plants, and fungi, often exhibit complex regulation of glycolytic enzymes. Allosteric regulation is just one facet of the complex elaborated control mechanisms. Eukaryotes also employ hormonal signaling pathways, gene expression regulation, and compartmentalization within organelles like the mitochondria, to fine-tune glycolytic activity. For example, in eukaryotic cells, the hormone insulin plays a vital role in regulating glucose uptake and glycolytic enzyme activity. This complex and multifaceted regulatory network in eukaryotes reflects their distinct complex adaptations to diverse cellular functions. The different mechanisms of enzyme regulation observed in glycolysis across Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota pose a challenge to the concept of a universal common ancestor. The presence of diverse and sometimes unique regulatory strategies implies that these domains did not share a single ancestral lineage where these mechanisms were inherited from a common precursor. Instead, the independent origin of these regulatory mechanisms across domains suggests that the creation of glycolysis occurred separately in each domain.  The diversity of regulatory strategies in glycolysis aligns with the broader theme of varied biochemical and cellular characteristics that differentiate Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota. As such, the presence of domain-specific regulatory mechanisms in glycolysis provides compelling evidence against the hypothesis of a universal common ancestor and supports the idea of separate origins for the three fundamental domains of life.

Hexokinase and glucokinase

While the core glycolytic reactions are conserved across domains, the enzymes catalyzing these reactions have different isoforms or structural characteristics. These differences lead to variations in the catalytic mechanisms,  indicating distinct origins. The enzyme responsible for the first step of glycolysis, phosphorylating glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, varies in its properties. Bacteria and Eukaryota often possess hexokinase enzymes, which have relatively low substrate specificity and are active over a wide range of glucose concentrations. On the other hand, Archaea and some Eukaryota, such as liver cells, utilize glucokinase enzymes with higher substrate specificity and activity limited to elevated glucose concentrations. These differences in enzyme properties indicate separate origins.  Hexokinase and glucokinase serve the same fundamental purpose: to phosphorylate glucose and initiate glycolysis. However, the differences in substrate specificity and activity level between hexokinase and glucokinase are evidence that these enzymes fulfill specific roles in different cellular contexts. Hexokinase, with its lower substrate specificity and broader activity range, is often present in cells that need to efficiently utilize glucose regardless of its concentration. In contrast, glucokinase, with its higher substrate specificity and activity limited to elevated glucose concentrations, is designed for cells that need to respond to changes in glucose availability, such as liver cells. The functional differences between hexokinase and glucokinase reflect adaptations to the specific environmental and metabolic demands of different organisms. Bacteria and certain eukaryotic cells might require a more versatile enzyme like hexokinase to process glucose under varying conditions. On the other hand, Archaea and liver cells need precise glucose-sensing mechanisms, which are facilitated by the more specific glucokinase. The distinct properties of hexokinase and glucokinase, along with their presence in different organisms and cellular contexts, suggest that these enzymes have separate origins. The differences in their catalytic efficiency, substrate binding, and regulation imply that they emerged through separate events, rather than being inherited from a common ancestral enzyme.
The fact that each domain developed its own enzyme variant tailored to its needs points to separate origins.

Phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)

The key regulatory enzyme, PFK-1, catalyzes the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Despite its essential role, the structural characteristics of PFK-1 can differ among domains. For instance, the regulatory allosteric binding sites and kinetic properties of PFK-1 can vary significantly between Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota.  Allosteric binding sites play a critical role in regulating PFK-1's activity based on cellular conditions. Differences in the locations, specificities, and sensitivities of these binding sites are observed among domains. In bacteria, the allosteric sites and their affinities differ from those in Archaea or Eukaryota. These differences imply that the regulatory networks controlling glycolysis emerged separately, with distinct designs tailored to each domain's unique physiological requirements. The kinetic properties of PFK-1, including parameters like substrate binding affinities and reaction rates, can vary across domains. Bacterial, Archaeal, and Eukaryotic PFK-1 enzymes exhibit different kinetic profiles due to variations in amino acid sequences, structural elements, or post-translational modifications. These divergent kinetic properties suggest that the regulatory mechanisms governing glycolysis were not inherited from a single common ancestor but rather arose independently. The variations in PFK-1's structural characteristics and regulatory features reflect the specific functional optimizations required by each domain. Bacterial, Archaeal and Eukaryotic cells inhabit different environments and possess unique metabolic demands. The fact that PFK-1 has distinct properties in response to these varied requirements indicates that each domain's glycolytic pathway was individually crafted rather than being part of a shared ancestral lineage.

Pyruvate Kinase

The final step of glycolysis, catalyzing the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate, is facilitated by pyruvate kinase. The structural and regulatory features of this enzyme vary widely across domains. Bacterial pyruvate kinases are often allosterically regulated by various metabolites, whereas eukaryotic pyruvate kinases are regulated by phosphorylation events. Archaeal pyruvate kinases may have their own unique structural characteristics and regulatory mechanisms. These variations underscore distinct origins for glycolysis. Allosteric binding sites play a critical role in regulating PFK-1's activity based on cellular conditions. Differences in the locations, specificities, and sensitivities of these binding sites are observed among domains. In bacteria, the allosteric sites and their affinities might differ from those in Archaea or Eukaryota. These differences imply that the regulatory networks controlling glycolysis emerged separately, with distinct adaptations tailored to each domain's unique physiological requirements. The kinetic properties of PFK-1, including parameters like substrate binding affinities and reaction rates, can vary across domains. Bacterial, Archaeal, and Eukaryotic PFK-1 enzymes might exhibit different kinetic profiles due to variations in amino acid sequences, structural elements, or post-translational modifications. These divergent kinetic properties indicate that the regulatory mechanisms governing glycolysis were not inherited from a single common ancestor but rather arose independently. The fact that PFK-1 has distinct properties in response to varied requirements indicates that each domain's glycolytic pathway was individually crafted rather than being part of a shared ancestral lineage.

Beyond these examples, enzymes involved in glycolysis across domains can have distinct isoforms or functional adaptations. Isoforms are closely related protein or gene variants that are produced from the same gene but have slightly different structures and functions. These isoforms might have emerged to fulfill specific requirements of different cellular environments. The divergence in enzyme properties, including catalytic efficiency, substrate specificity, and regulatory mechanisms, indicates that glycolytic enzymes have different origins within each domain.

Metabolic Cross-Pathway Connections

The interconnectedness of glycolysis with other metabolic pathways within cells is a fundamental aspect of cellular metabolism. The glycolysis pathway is interconnected with other metabolic pathways within cells. The specific enzymes or pathways that connect to glycolysis can vary among domains. Differences in these connections indicate independent origins. Variations in substrate specificities or the presence of alternative pathways can be indicative of separate paths of origin. Some domains have unique enzymes or alternative pathways that perform similar functions to glycolytic enzymes, emphasizing their distinct histories. The subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes can differ among domains. For example, some enzymes might be localized to specific organelles in eukaryotic cells, while they are distributed differently in prokaryotic domains. Such differences in localization reflect independent adaptations to different cellular environments. The utilization of coenzymes, such as NAD+ and NADP+, in glycolysis does vary among domains. Differences in coenzyme preference or utilization indicate separate lineages. The differences in these interconnections among different domains provide strong evidence for their separate origins and independent creation.  The pathways that connect to glycolysis can vary among domains. While glycolysis is central to energy production, the specific enzymes and pathways that connect to it can be domain-specific. These differences highlight that the metabolic networks in each domain are tailored to their individual requirements and were created independently. The enzymes connecting to glycolysis have varying substrate specificities or catalytic properties among domains. These differences indicate that the connections were designed separately in each domain to fulfill specific metabolic needs. Such variations in substrate specificity underscore independent creation. Some domains possess alternative pathways that perform similar functions to glycolysis-related enzymes. These pathways have distinct enzyme components and regulation. The existence of alternate routes to achieve similar outcomes implies that each domain has its own strategies, supporting the idea of separate creation. Domains can have enzymes or alternative pathways that are not present in others but perform functions similar to glycolytic enzymes. This indicates that different domains have unique solutions to metabolic challenges, further emphasizing their distinct histories. The subcellular localization of glycolytic enzymes can differ among domains. In eukaryotic cells, some glycolytic enzymes are localized within specific organelles, while in prokaryotic domains, they are distributed differently. These differences reflect independent design to the cellular environment, reinforcing the idea of separate origins. The fact that metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, are interconnected and interdependent within each domain's cellular processes suggests a high degree of coordination and fine-tuning. The specific adaptations, connections, and interdependencies observed within each domain emphasize that these metabolic systems were designed and created to work seamlessly in their respective contexts.

1. Glycolytic Enzyme Sequence Diversity (Point 1): Enzymes within the glycolytic pathway, despite performing similar functions across species, exhibit a wide variety of sequence diversity. This diversity goes beyond what is necessary for enzyme functionality, suggesting separate origins for different domains of life.
2. Presence of Unique Enzymatic Forms (Point 2): Some organisms have entirely unique forms of glycolytic enzymes not found in other domains. These unique forms indicate separate origins rather than a shared ancestry.
3. Inconsistency with Predicted Ancestral Enzymes (Point 3): Predicted ancestral enzyme sequences, based on a presumed common descent, often do not match the extant glycolytic enzymes found in various domains of life. This misalignment suggests separate origins for the domains.
4. Different Regulatory Mechanisms of Glycolysis (Point 4): Glycolytic enzymes are regulated differently across organisms, from allosteric regulation to post-translational modifications. The differences in regulatory mechanisms reinforce the idea of separate origins for the domains of life.
5. Glycolytic Pathway Variants (Point 5): There are different glycolytic pathway variants in nature, such as the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. The presence of such variants are consistent with a polyphyletic model positing different origins.
6. Inconsistent Isoenzyme Distribution (Point 6): Isoenzymes, which are different forms of an enzyme that catalyze the same reaction, are not uniformly distributed across species. Some species possess isoenzymes for specific glycolytic steps while others do not. This inconsistent distribution supports separate genetic origins.
7. Structural Diversity Amongst Glycolytic Enzymes (Point 7): Despite catalyzing similar reactions, glycolytic enzymes show a broad structural diversity across species. This structural diversity, going beyond mere sequence variation, strengthens the notion of separate origins.

1. Kornberg, H. (1966). The role and control of the glyoxylate cycle in Escherichia coli. The Biochemical Journal, 99(1), 1-11. Link. (This paper examines the glyoxylate cycle, an alternative pathway, in E. coli, showcasing how different organisms might have variations in their metabolic pathways.)
2. Bräsen, C., Esser, D., Rauch, B., & Siebers, B. (2014). Carbohydrate metabolism in Archaea: current insights into unusual enzymes and pathways and their regulation. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 78(1), 89-175. Link. (A comprehensive review detailing the unique aspects of carbohydrate metabolism, including glycolysis, in the domain Archaea.)
3. Flamholz, A., Noor, E., Bar-Even, A., Liebermeister, W., & Milo, R. (2013). Glycolytic strategy as a tradeoff between energy yield and protein cost. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(24), 10039-10044. Link. (This paper discusses the different enzymatic strategies of glycolysis and their associated costs and benefits.)
4. Fonseca, L. L., & Voit, E. O. (2013). Comparison of mathematical frameworks for modeling constitutive glycolysis in Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Journal of Biological Engineering, 7, 24. Link. (A study on the glycolytic pathway in Pseudomonas putida, showcasing the differences in enzymatic reactions and pathways compared to more commonly studied organisms.)
5. Wang, Z., Chen, Y., & Li, Y. (2014). Phylogenomic analysis resolves the formerly intractable adaptive diversification of the endemic clade of east Asian Cyprinidae (Cypriniformes). PLoS ONE, 9(10), e110657. Link. (While this paper primarily focuses on the Cyprinidae family, it briefly touches on the variability of glycolytic enzymes across species.)
6. Warnecke, T., & Gill, R. T. (2005). Organic acid toxicity, tolerance, and production in Escherichia coli biorefining applications. Microbial Cell Factories, 4, 25. Link. (A paper that dives into the metabolic intricacies of E. coli, offering insight into variations in glycolysis and associated pathways.)
7. Canback, B., Andersson, S. G. E., & Kurland, C. G. (2002). The global phylogeny of glycolytic enzymes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(9), 6097-6102. Link
8. Alnomasy, S. F., & Al-Harbi, Y. S. (2017). Insights into Glucose Metabolism In Archaea and Bacteria: Comparison Study of Embden-Meyerhof Parnas (EMP) and Entner-Doudoroff (ED) Pathways. Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology, 4(2), 555679. Link
9. Webster, K. A. (2003). Evolution of the coordinate regulation of glycolytic enzyme genes by hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Biology, 206(17), 2911-2922. Link

29. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT): Gene transfer between organisms outside traditional reproduction

E. V. Koonin (2012): Subsequent massive sequencing of numerous, complete microbial genomes have revealed novel evolutionary phenomena, the most fundamental of these being: pervasive horizontal gene transfer (HGT), in large part mediated by viruses and plasmids, that shapes the genomes of archaea and bacteria and call for a radical revision (if not abandonment) of the Tree of Life concept 6

Eugene V. Koonin's assertion about pervasive horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and its implications for the Tree of Life concept is an interesting perspective that challenges some traditional assumptions in evolutionary biology. In evolutionary biology, horizontal gene transfer refers to the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another that is not its offspring. This process can occur through mechanisms like viral infection, plasmid transfer, or direct contact between cells. HGT has been recognized as a significant factor in the evolution of prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea), allowing for the exchange of genetic information across species boundaries. The traditional Tree of Life concept suggests a hierarchical evolutionary tree with a single root, representing a universal common ancestor from which all life forms diverged. This model assumes that the majority of genetic inheritance occurs through vertical descent, with only limited genetic exchange between lineages. The observation of pervasive HGT, as mentioned by Koonin, challenges the strict vertical inheritance assumption of the Tree of Life. When genetic material is frequently transferred horizontally between species, it can blur the boundaries between distinct branches on the tree, making it more difficult to trace a clear universal common ancestor.  The traditional view of evolution involves a neat branching pattern where each lineage evolves independently over time. However, with extensive HGT, the genetic makeup of organisms becomes more like a mosaic, with genes from various sources contributing to an organism's genome. This complex exchange of genetic information complicates the clear delineation of ancestral relationships. If HGT is pervasive and frequent, it becomes challenging to identify a single root for the Tree of Life. Instead of a single common ancestor, HGT suggests that genetic material has been exchanged extensively across various branches, making it difficult to pinpoint a universal origin. The prevalence of HGT suggests a more network-like pattern of evolution, where genetic information can flow between organisms of different lineages. This contrasts with the traditional tree-like model that assumes primarily vertical inheritance. It's important to note that while HGT challenges the simplicity of the Tree of Life model, it does not necessarily negate the possibility of a universal common ancestor altogether. It does, however, complicate the traditional narrative and requires a more nuanced understanding of the relationships between different domains of life. Some researchers propose alternative models, such as a web of life or a ring of life, to better capture the complexities introduced by HGT.

1. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT): Horizontal Gene Transfer, the process of sharing genetic material between different species outside traditional reproduction, challenges the linear perspective of the tree of life, often illustrated in the hypothesis of universal common descent. This non-linear gene sharing suggests a web-like network of genetic relationships rather than a simple branching pattern. The presence of specific genes in organisms that, according to the universal common descent model, should not possess them, suggests separate origins or unique foundational genetic toolkits.
2. Varying Genetic Codes: The genetic code, while largely consistent across many organisms, shows exceptions. Certain organisms possess variations in the genetic code that aren't easily explainable by universal common descent. These anomalies in the genetic code across the domains of life strengthen the argument for separate origins.
3. Unique Molecular Systems: Certain molecular systems, such as the ATP synthase machinery in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, display vast differences. These complex systems, essential for cellular energy production, present challenges in deriving them from a single ancestral form, suggesting the possibility of separate origins for such foundational machinery.
4. Presence of Orphan Genes: Orphan genes are genes without detectable homologs in other lineages. Their sudden appearance in specific organisms without clear ancestral links questions the continuous lineage proposed by universal common descent.
5. Differences in Membrane Lipids: The cell membranes of bacteria and archaea are fundamentally different, with archaea having ether-linked lipids and bacteria having ester-linked lipids. Such foundational and distinct differences in membrane composition indicate separate origins for these domains.
6. Varied Metabolic Pathways: Different domains of life possess distinct metabolic pathways. These core metabolic differences, foundational for life, reinforce the argument that life forms might have originated separately, following unique blueprints rather than diverging from a common ancestor.

1. Ochman, H., Lawrence, J. G., & Groisman, E. A. (2000). Lateral gene transfer and the nature of bacterial innovation. Nature, 405(6784), 299-304. Link. (This article emphasizes the significant role of HGT in bacterial evolution, challenging the simplistic tree-like depiction of bacterial evolution.)
2. Doolittle, W. F. (1999). Phylogenetic classification and the universal tree. Science, 284(5423), 2124-2129. Link. (Doolittle questions the universal tree of life model in light of evidence from horizontal gene transfer, suggesting a more net-like evolution for early life.)
3. Gogarten, J. P., Doolittle, W. F., & Lawrence, J. G. (2002). Prokaryotic evolution in light of gene transfer. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 19(12), 2226-2238. Link. (The paper focuses on the role of gene transfer in prokaryotic evolution, suggesting the importance of reevaluating the concept of the tree of life.)
4. Bapteste, E., O'Malley, M. A., Beiko, R. G., Ereshefsky, M., Gogarten, J. P., Franklin-Hall, L., ... & Dupré, J. (2009). Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things. Biology direct, 4(1), 1-20. Link. (This paper differentiates between prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life, considering HGT and the complexities of phylogenetics.)
5. Puigbò, P., Wolf, Y. I., & Koonin, E. V. (2009). Search for a ‘Tree of Life’ in the thicket of the phylogenetic forest. Journal of Biology, 8(6), 1-13. Link. (The paper delves into the challenges of constructing a universal tree of life amidst the backdrop of horizontal gene transfers.)
6. Koonin, E. V., & Wolf, Y. I. (2012). Evolution of microbes and viruses: a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology? Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2, 119. Link. (This study examines the evolutionary trajectories of microbes and viruses, suggesting a possible shift in understanding evolutionary biology paradigms.)

30. Incompatibility of Cellular Processes: Different cellular processes across life forms

1. Distinct Cellular Architecture (Point 1): The three domains of life—Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota—have unique cellular architectures. For instance, eukaryotic cells possess membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, which are absent in bacteria and archaea. Such fundamental structural distinctions argue for separate origins.
2. Variation in Membrane Lipid Chemistry (Point 2): Bacteria use ester-linked lipids to form their cell membranes, whereas archaea use ether-linked lipids. This fundamental distinction in the chemistry of cellular membranes is significant and are indicative of separate origins.
3. Differences in DNA Replication Machinery (Point 3): The machinery involved in DNA replication differs between bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The variation in key proteins and the overall replication process strengthens the case for separate origination events for these domains.
4. Unique Ribosomal Structures (Point 4): Ribosomes, essential for protein synthesis, exhibit distinct structures and functionalities across the domains of life. The variances in ribosomal RNA and protein compositions further suggest separate origins.
5. Varied Genetic Code (Point 5): While the genetic code is largely universal, there are exceptions. Certain organisms exhibit alternative codons, which are not easily reconciled through a simple common ancestry model, indicating separate foundational genetic templates.
6. Diverse Metabolic Pathways (Point 6): The domains of life have distinct core metabolic pathways, foundational to their survival. For instance, the methanogenesis pathway is unique to certain archaea, a process not found in bacteria or eukaryotes. Such metabolic disparities are indicative of different origins.

1. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th ed.). Garland Science. Link. (This comprehensive textbook details the cellular architectures of Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota, emphasizing their structural distinctions.)
2. Koga, Y., Morii, H. (2005). Biosynthesis of ether-type polar lipids in archaea and evolutionary considerations. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 69(1), 19-32. Link. (This review highlights the differences in lipid chemistry between bacteria and archaea, focusing on ether-linked lipids in archaea.)
3. Forterre, P. (2002). The origin of DNA genomes and DNA replication proteins. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 5(5), 525-532. Link. (This study discusses the variances in DNA replication machinery across the three domains of life.)
4. Melnikov, S., Manakongtreecheep, K., & Söll, D. (2018). Revising the structural diversity of ribosomal proteins across the three domains of life. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(7), 1588-1598. Link. (The paper sheds light on the varied structures of ribosomal proteins and their functional implications in the three domains of life.)
5. Ambrogelly, A., Palioura, S., & Söll, D. (2007). Natural expansion of the genetic code. Nature Chemical Biology, 3(1), 29-35. Link. (This review focuses on the exceptions to the universal genetic code and the incorporation of non-standard amino acids into proteins.)
6. Thauer, R. K., Kaster, A. K., Seedorf, H., Buckel, W., & Hedderich, R. (2008). Methanogenic archaea: ecologically relevant differences in energy conservation. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 6(8 ), 579-591. Link. (This comprehensive review discusses the unique methanogenesis pathway in archaea and its distinctions from other metabolic processes.)

31. Metabolic Rate Variabilities: Differences in metabolic rates

1. Metabolic Rate Diversity (Point 1): Metabolic rates vary widely among different species, groups, and even among individuals within a single species. This variability is not merely a consequence of size or mass; rather, it reflects profound differences in energy utilization and efficiency. Such disparities are difficult to reconcile with a singular origin, suggesting separate initial blueprints for different domains of life.
2. Unique Metabolic Strategies (Point 2): Different organisms adopt unique metabolic strategies to extract energy from their surroundings. For example, certain extremophiles harness energy in ways that are alien to most other life forms. The existence of such distinct strategies emphasizes the likelihood of separate origins for these metabolic mechanisms.
3. Endothermy and Ectothermy (Point 3): The division between endothermic and ectothermic organisms is not merely behavioral but extends to the cellular and molecular levels. Endothermic animals maintain their body temperature through internal metabolic processes, whereas ectothermic animals rely on external sources. These profound physiological differences, rooted in distinct metabolic rate control mechanisms, underscore the notion of separate origins.
4. Inherent Metabolic Constraints (Point 4): Certain organisms have inherent metabolic rate limits that prevent them from adopting different lifestyles. For instance, the metabolic demands of flight in birds are intense, necessitating specific adaptations. Such inherent constraints indicate unique metabolic blueprints, which align with the concept of separate origins.
5. Species-Specific Metabolic Adjustments (Point 5): Many species exhibit specific metabolic rate adjustments in response to environmental challenges. For example, some organisms enter torpor or hibernation, significantly lowering their metabolic rates. The diversity in such metabolic responses across species further supports the idea of different origins.
6. Metabolic Pathway Variations (Point 6): Even within common metabolic pathways, there are variations in how different organisms carry out specific reactions. These variations, such as alternative enzymatic routes or different regulatory mechanisms, are foundational and suggest distinct origins for these pathways.

1. Hochachka, P.W., & Somero, G.N. (2002). Biochemical Adaptation: Mechanism and Process in Physiological Evolution. Oxford University Press. Link. (This book examines the molecular and biochemical adaptations that allow organisms to live in various environments, discussing diverse metabolic strategies.)
2. Burton, T., Killen, S. S., Armstrong, J. D., & Metcalfe, N. B. (2011). What causes intraspecific variation in resting metabolic rate and what are its ecological consequences? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1724), 3465-3473. Link. (The study explores the factors causing intraspecific variation in resting metabolic rates and discusses their ecological implications.)
3. Hill, R.W., Wyse, G.A., & Anderson, M. (2016). Animal Physiology, 4th edition. Sinauer Associates. Link. (A comprehensive textbook that delves into the physiological mechanisms, including metabolic pathways, in animals and their adaptations to various environments.)
4. Tattersall, G. J., Sinclair, B. J., Withers, P. C., Fields, P. A., Seebacher, F., Cooper, C. E., & Maloney, S. K. (2012). Coping with thermal challenges: physiological adaptations to environmental temperatures. Comprehensive Physiology, 2(3), 2151-2202. Link. (This review discusses how different animals cope with thermal challenges, including metabolic adjustments like torpor and hibernation.)
5. Bennett, A. F., & Ruben, J. (1979). Endothermy and activity in vertebrates. Science, 206(4419), 649-654. Link. (A classic paper that explores the relationship between endothermy and the metabolic demands of activity in vertebrates.)
6. Thauer, R. K. (1998). Biochemistry of methanogenesis: a tribute to Marjory Stephenson: 1998 Marjory Stephenson Prize Lecture. Microbiology, 144(9), 2377-2406. Link. (The paper delves into the biochemistry of methanogenesis, a unique metabolic pathway found in certain archaea.)

32. Molecular Clock Disparities: Conflicting timelines from molecular clock calculations

1. Inconsistencies in Molecular Clock Estimates (Point 1): Molecular clock calculations, which are based on the rate of genetic mutations over time, often produce conflicting timelines for the divergence of lineages. Such disparities are seen when different genes or sets of genes are used for the calculations. These inconsistent timelines are indicative of the lack of a single unified timeline, suggesting separate origins for different lineages.
2. Divergence in Calibration Points (Point 2): Calibration points, which are used as references in molecular clock calculations, vary between studies. Fossil evidence and biogeographical data provide these points. Discrepancies in the choice of calibration points across studies produce varied divergence estimates, again pointing towards the possibility of independent origins.
3. Variability in Substitution Rates (Point 3): The rate at which genetic substitutions occur is not constant across lineages or even within a lineage over time. Such variabilities in substitution rates further complicate molecular clock estimates and can be seen as supporting the polyphly view.
4. Absence of Transitional Fossils (Point 4): The fossil record is often cited in molecular clock studies to provide calibration points. However, the absence of clear transitional fossils for certain lineages challenges the notion of a smooth, continuous lineage from a common ancestor. This absence can be interpreted as evidence for separate creation events.
5. Contradictory Phylogenetic Trees (Point 5): Different genes or molecules can produce different phylogenetic trees, representing the evolutionary relationships among species. Such discrepancies in phylogenetic trees derived from molecular data are in conflict with the idea of a single, unified tree of life, suggesting instead the possibility of multiple, independent trees of life.
6. Rate Heterogeneity Across Lineages (Point 6): Molecular clock calculations often assume a constant rate of genetic change over time. However, studies have shown rate heterogeneity, where different lineages exhibit different rates of genetic change. This heterogeneity, which often does not align with expectations from a single tree of life, supports the argument for separate origins of lineages.

1. Bromham, L., Penny, D. (2003). The modern molecular clock. Nature Reviews Genetics, 4(3), 216-224. Link. (This review delves into the issues associated with molecular clock calculations, including rate variations and calibration challenges.)
2. Ho, S. Y. W., Duchêne, S. (2014). Molecular-clock methods for estimating evolutionary rates and timescales. Molecular Ecology, 23(24), 5947-5965. Link. (An extensive review that discusses the variability in substitution rates and the challenges associated with molecular clock methods.)
3. Kumar, S., Hedges, S. B. (2016). Advances in Time Estimation Methods for Molecular Data. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33(4), 863-869. Link. (This article highlights the advances in molecular clock methods, shedding light on the disparities arising from different estimation methods.)
4. Barba-Montoya, J., Dos Reis, M., Yang, Z. (2017). Comparison of different strategies for using fossil calibrations to generate the time prior in Bayesian molecular clock dating. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 114, 386-400. Link. (This study underscores the issues associated with the choice of calibration points and how they influence divergence estimates.)
5. Warnock, R. C. M., Parham, J. F., Joyce, W. G., Lyson, T. R., Donoghue, P. C. J. (2015). Calibration uncertainty in molecular dating analyses: there is no substitute for the prior evaluation of time priors. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1798). Link. (The paper emphasizes the significance of calibration points in molecular clock studies and the associated uncertainties.)
6. Dornburg, A., Townsend, J. P., Brooks, W., Spriggs, E., Eytan, R. I., Moore, J. A., Near, T. J. (2017). New insights on the sister lineage of percomorph fishes with an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 110, 27-38. Link. (This research provides an example where different genes produce varying phylogenetic trees, demonstrating the challenges associated with inferring a unified tree of life.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:53 am; edited 10 times in total




33. Multiplicity of Carbon Fixation Pathways: Multiple pathways for carbon fixation

Carbon fixation mechanisms are essential for life because they are the foundation of the global carbon cycle and provide the building blocks necessary for the existence of living organisms. These mechanisms play a crucial role in converting inorganic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere into organic compounds that can be used as energy sources and structural components by living organisms. Carbon fixation is the process by which carbon from the atmosphere is converted into organic molecules, primarily sugars. These organic molecules serve as the basis for the entire food chain. Autotrophic organisms, such as plants, algae, and certain bacteria, are capable of using carbon fixation pathways to produce their own organic matter, becoming the primary producers of ecosystems. The organic molecules produced through carbon fixation serve as an energy source for both autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms. Autotrophs utilize these organic compounds for growth, development, and energy storage. Heterotrophs, including animals and many microbes, consume organic matter produced by autotrophs to obtain energy and nutrients. Carbon fixation pathways are responsible for creating the biomass that forms the structural components of organisms. Organic compounds produced through carbon fixation are used to build cell walls, membranes, proteins, nucleic acids, and other essential molecules required for the survival of living organisms. Some carbon fixation pathways, such as the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle found in plants, algae, and certain bacteria, generate oxygen as a byproduct. Oxygen is essential for the survival of many aerobic organisms, as it serves as a crucial element in cellular respiration, the process that generates energy.  Carbon fixation is a fundamental process in the global carbon cycle, which regulates the distribution of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, and terrestrial ecosystems. It helps maintain a balance in atmospheric CO2 levels, which in turn affects the Earth's climate and temperature regulation.  Carbon fixation forms the basis of ecological interactions among organisms within ecosystems. Autotrophs provide energy and nutrients to heterotrophs through predation, parasitism, or symbiotic relationships. These interactions are vital for the overall health and stability of ecosystems. Carbon fixation contributes to the stability and resilience of ecosystems by providing a consistent source of energy and organic matter. The availability of organic molecules produced through carbon fixation influences population dynamics and the ability of ecosystems to recover from disturbances. Different autotrophic organisms employ various carbon fixation pathways, contributing to biodiversity within ecosystems. The presence of multiple pathways and autotrophic species enhances ecosystem resilience and adaptability in response to changing environmental conditions.

On a side note: The interconnectedness and interdependence observed in the complex web of life, from microbial organisms to entire ecosystems, highlights the complexity and sophistication of the natural world. This level of coordination, functionality, and interlocking relationships in various biological systems evidences purposeful design rather than gradual evolution over long periods. Many biological systems cannot function without all their individual components in place. The simultaneous emergence of all required components would be implausible through gradual evolution. Ecosystems provide a range of services that are essential for sustaining life on Earth, including nutrient cycling, pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. These services are intricately linked and rely on the interactions between various species and their environment. The remarkable balance and complexity of these services are evidence of intentional design that supports the overall health and functionality of the biosphere. Many organisms engage in mutualistic relationships, where different species interact to provide benefits to each other. These interactions, such as pollination by insects or nitrogen fixation by certain bacteria, are often highly specialized and finely tuned. The existence of such relationships suggests a level of cooperation and coordination that some argue is difficult to explain solely through gradual, unguided processes. Many biological structures and processes appear to be optimized for specific functions. From the efficiency of energy conversion in photosynthesis to the aerodynamics of bird wings, the natural world exhibits designs that seem finely tuned for specific purposes. Some systems exhibit emergent properties—phenomena that arise from the interaction of individual components and are not present in those components individually. That suggests a higher-level design based on foresight and foreknowledge that orchestrates these interactions. The genetic information encoded in DNA, as well as the intricate molecular processes that regulate gene expression and cellular functions, reflects an incredible level of complexity. The presence of complex information and the complex regulatory networks in biological systems point to a designer who embedded this information to drive life's processes.

W. Nitschke (2013): At least six distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways have been elucidated during the past few decades 6 

R. Braakman (2012): The Emergence and Early Evolution of Biological Carbon-Fixation 2 provides evidence that can be used to infer the approximate order of their appearance on an evolutionary timeline.7

For example, the paper discusses the phylogenetic distribution of carbon fixation pathways. This means that the authors looked at the evolutionary relationships between different organisms and how they use different carbon fixation pathways. The authors found that the Calvin cycle is found in all oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, which suggests that it evolved relatively early in the history of life. The rTCA cycle is found in a wider range of organisms, including some that are not photosynthetic. This suggests that the rTCA cycle may have evolved later than the Calvin cycle. The paper also discusses the biochemical similarities between the different carbon fixation pathways. The authors found that the Calvin cycle and the rTCA cycle share some similarities, which suggests that they may have evolved from a common ancestor. However, the 3-hydroxypropionate (3-HP) bicycle does not share these similarities, which suggests that it may have evolved independently from the other two pathways. Based on this evidence, the authors of the paper suggest the following approximate order of evolution for the six carbon fixation pathways:

The Reductive Acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) Pathway has been proposed as one of the oldest carbon fixation pathways, emerging early in Earth's history, in anaerobic environments. Subsequently, the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (Calvin) Cycle is claimed to have evolved relatively early in the history of life, found in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms like plants and cyanobacteria. The Reductive Tricarboxylic Acid (rTCA) Cycle is claimed to potentially have evolved after the Calvin cycle, in certain anaerobic bacteria and archaea, possibly in extreme environments. Then, the 3-Hydroxypropionate (3-HP) Bicycle, a variation of the rTCA cycle, is claimed to have emerged after the rTCA cycle, found in certain bacteria adapted to anaerobic and low-light conditions. Later on, the 3-Hydroxypropionate/4-Hydroxybutyrate (3-HP/4-HB) Cycle would have emerged after previous pathways, found in specific green nonsulfur bacteria adapted to limited carbon and light availability. And last not least, the Dicarboxylate/4-Hydroxybutyrate (DC/4-HB) Cycle supposedly evolved after earlier pathways, found in certain archaea adapted to extreme saline environments.

1. Ancestral pathway (a hybrid of the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway and the rTCA cycle)
2. Calvin cycle
3. rTCA cycle
4. 3-Hydroxypropionate (3-HP) bicycle
5. 4-Hydroxyoxalate (4HO) Cycle
6. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) Cycle

This is just a hypothesis.

1. Acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) Pathway

The Acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) pathway is a unique and versatile carbon fixation pathway found in various bacteria and archaea. It allows these organisms to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic compounds, including acetyl-CoA, which is a key intermediate in many metabolic processes. This pathway is particularly important for microbes that inhabit anaerobic environments and utilize diverse carbon sources.  The Acetyl-CoA pathway, also known as the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, involves a series of complex enzymatic reactions that enable organisms to fix carbon dioxide into organic molecules. The pathway operates through a combination of reductive and oxidative reactions that ultimately lead to the production of acetyl-CoA. This intermediate can then be used for various metabolic processes, including energy generation and biosynthesis. One of the notable features of the Acetyl-CoA pathway is its flexibility and versatility. It can utilize a variety of carbon sources, including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and acetate, as well as certain methyl compounds. This adaptability allows organisms to thrive in diverse environments with varying carbon availability. The Acetyl-CoA pathway is particularly relevant for microbes that inhabit anaerobic environments—those lacking oxygen. These organisms have this pathway as a means of generating energy and acquiring carbon from carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen-dependent processes like oxidative phosphorylation. The emergence of the Acetyl-CoA pathway in the evolutionary timeline is not well-documented, and its exact origin remains a subject of ongoing research. However, it is claimed to have evolved relatively early in the history of life, possibly as a metabolic adaptation to anaerobic conditions. The pathway would have provided a means for microorganisms to utilize available carbon sources and generate energy in environments where oxygen was limited or absent. The adaptability of the Acetyl-CoA pathway to various carbon sources and anaerobic conditions would have conferred a significant evolutionary advantage to the organisms that possess it. In environments where resources are scarce and oxygen is limited, the ability to utilize diverse carbon sources for energy and growth would have been favorable.

2. Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) Cycle 

The reductive pentose phosphate cycle, commonly known as the Calvin cycle, is a fundamental metabolic pathway that plays a central role in carbon fixation during photosynthesis in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. This pathway is responsible for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into glucose and other sugars, which serve as energy sources and building blocks for these organisms. Oxygenic photosynthesis, the type of photosynthesis that produces oxygen as a byproduct, is claimed to have evolved relatively early in Earth's history. The emergence of photosynthetic organisms would have marked a significant turning point in the development of life on Earth, as it would have contributed to the gradual oxygenation of the atmosphere and the formation of diverse ecosystems. It is generally thought that the evolution of carbon fixation mechanisms closely followed the emergence of photosynthetic pathways. Cyanobacteria are among the earliest organisms known to perform oxygenic photosynthesis. These ancient bacteria are claimed to have likely played a pivotal role in shaping Earth's environment by producing oxygen as a metabolic byproduct. The Calvin cycle, or a precursor to it, would have evolved in these cyanobacteria as a means of converting CO2 into organic molecules, enabling them to utilize the energy of sunlight for growth and survival. The Calvin cycle is a complex pathway that involves multiple enzymatic reactions and regulatory steps. It supposedly evolved gradually through the modification and cooption of preexisting metabolic pathways. As environmental conditions and ecological niches changed, organisms that were able to optimize carbon fixation and efficiently convert CO2 into organic compounds would have had a selective advantage.

3. Reverse Tricarboxylic Acid (rTCA) Cycle 

The Reverse Tricarboxylic Acid (rTCA) cycle, also known as the reductive citric acid cycle or the reverse Krebs cycle, is a carbon fixation pathway found in certain archaea and bacteria, particularly those living in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents or hot springs. It is an alternative pathway to the more well-known Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle and operates in a way that captures carbon dioxide and converts it into organic compounds.  The rTCA cycle is a series of chemical reactions that involve the conversion of carbon dioxide into organic molecules through a series of enzymatic steps. Unlike the conventional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, which is typically involved in cellular respiration, the rTCA cycle operates in reverse and is utilized for carbon fixation. The pathway includes reactions that produce intermediates such as acetyl-CoA and other organic compounds, which can then be used for growth and energy generation. The rTCA cycle begins with the fixation of carbon dioxide onto acetyl-CoA, followed by a series of enzymatic reactions that ultimately result in the production of organic molecules. One of the key features of the rTCA cycle is its capacity to fix carbon dioxide independently of light, which is in contrast to the light-dependent reactions of the CBB cycle. The rTCA cycle is considered to be one of the oldest carbon fixation pathways and is thought to have evolved before the oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere. It is supposed that it emerged in an anaerobic, high-temperature environment, making it suitable for extremophiles that thrive in such conditions. One theory suggests that the rTCA cycle could have emerged in hydrothermal vent environments, where high temperatures and mineral-rich fluids provide a unique setting for chemical reactions. These environments would have offered the necessary conditions for the emergence of early metabolic pathways like the rTCA cycle, which enabled organisms to capture and convert carbon dioxide into organic molecules for growth and survival. As Earth's environment changed over time and oxygen levels supposedly increased due to the emergence of photosynthetic organisms, different carbon fixation pathways, such as the CBB cycle, would have become more prevalent due to their efficiency in capturing carbon dioxide in the presence of oxygen. However, the rTCA cycle is still retained in some modern extremophiles that inhabit environments resembling those of early Earth.

4. 3-Hydroxypropionate/4-Hydroxybutyrate (3HP/4HB) Cycle

The 3-Hydroxypropionate/4-Hydroxybutyrate (3HP/4HB) cycle is a carbon fixation pathway found in certain bacteria, specifically in some green nonsulfur bacteria. This pathway is a variation of the more common carbon fixation mechanisms, such as the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle, and is adapted to function in low-light conditions. The 3HP/4HB cycle is a set of enzymatic reactions that enable certain bacteria to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic molecules for growth and energy production. It involves the conversion of 3-hydroxypropionate, a three-carbon compound, into 4-hydroxybutyrate, a four-carbon compound, and other intermediates. The cycle includes a series of reactions that result in the net fixation of carbon dioxide into organic compounds. One of the notable features of the 3HP/4HB cycle is its adaptation to low-light environments. This pathway is particularly advantageous for bacteria that inhabit environments with limited access to sunlight, as it allows them to capture and convert carbon dioxide even in conditions where light intensity is insufficient to drive other carbon fixation pathways, such as the CBB cycle.
The 3HP/4HB cycle is claimed to have evolved in response to specific ecological niches and environmental conditions. While the exact timeline of its emergence is not well-established, it's believed to have evolved after other carbon fixation pathways like the CBB cycle. The emergence of the 3HP/4HB cycle would have been driven by the need for certain bacteria to adapt to low-light environments where other pathways were less efficient. Different pathways would have emerged as organisms adapted to various ecological niches, responding to factors such as light availability, temperature, and nutrient availability. Bacteria utilizing the 3HP/4HB cycle play roles in various ecosystems, including aquatic environments. Some green nonsulfur bacteria can carry out anoxygenic photosynthesis, which doesn't produce oxygen, and contribute to the carbon and energy flow within these ecosystems.

5. 4-Hydroxyoxalate (4HO) Cycle

The 4-Hydroxyoxalate (4HO) cycle, also known as the dicarboxylate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle, is a carbon fixation pathway found in certain archaea, specifically in organisms known as haloarchaea that inhabit extremely salty environments such as salt flats and salt mines. This pathway is involved in converting carbon dioxide into organic molecules in conditions where resources like water and light are limited.  The 4HO cycle is a set of enzymatic reactions that allow certain haloarchaea to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into organic compounds for energy production and growth. Haloarchaea, also known as halophilic archaea or halobacteria, are a group of microorganisms belonging to the domain Archaea. They are known for their ability to thrive in extremely salty environments, such as salt flats, salt mines, and hypersaline lakes. These environments can have salt concentrations several times higher than that of seawater. Haloarchaea have unique adaptations that enable them to survive and flourish in these challenging conditions. The pathway involves the conversion of 4-hydroxyoxaloacetate into succinate and acetyl-CoA. This cycle is similar in function to other carbon fixation pathways, but its specific reactions and enzymes distinguish it as a unique pathway. The 4HO cycle is claimed to have evolved as an adaptation to these conditions, allowing haloarchaea to capture and utilize carbon dioxide even in high-salt, low-light environments. The emergence of the 4HO cycle is not well-documented. However, it is claimed to have evolved in response to the specific challenges posed by extreme saline environments. These environments might have provided a unique niche for organisms that could efficiently fix carbon dioxide and generate organic compounds for energy, even under conditions where other carbon fixation pathways would be less effective. The 4HO cycle reflects the diversity of metabolic strategies that different organisms have to survive in extreme environments. While other organisms might rely on pathways like the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle or other variations, haloarchaea have the 4HO cycle as a specialized solution to their unique ecological niche. Haloarchaea play roles in their ecosystems by contributing to nutrient cycling and energy flow. In environments with limited resources and extreme conditions, organisms that can adapt and thrive often have significant ecological impacts.

6. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) Cycle

The Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) cycle is a lesser-known carbon fixation pathway found in certain bacteria, specifically in the genus Rhodobacter. This pathway allows these bacteria to convert carbon dioxide into organic molecules for growth and energy production. The DHA cycle operates as an alternative to more well-known carbon fixation pathways, such as the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle. The Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) cycle is a set of enzymatic reactions that enable certain bacteria, such as those in the genus Rhodobacter, to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into organic compounds. The pathway involves the conversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) into glycerate-3-phosphate (G3P) and other intermediates. This cycle captures and fixes carbon dioxide in a way that is distinct from other established carbon fixation pathways. The DHA cycle is particularly relevant to bacteria like Rhodobacter that inhabit environments with varying levels of light intensity. These bacteria often thrive in environments where they can switch between phototrophic and chemotrophic growth modes, depending on the availability of light and organic compounds. The exact timing of the emergence of the DHA cycle in the evolutionary timeline is not well-documented. It is claimed to have evolved as an adaptation to specific ecological niches and conditions where these bacteria are found. The emergence of the DHA cycle is claimed to have been driven by the need to capture and utilize carbon dioxide in a way that complements the bacteria's phototrophic and chemotrophic capabilities.
Bacteria utilizing the DHA cycle, such as Rhodobacter species, are often found in environments that experience fluctuations in light availability and organic nutrient sources. Their ability to switch between different metabolic modes based on environmental conditions allows them to efficiently utilize available resources for growth and energy production.

Question: How plausible is the proposition, that the Acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) Pathway would be the precursor pathway of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) Cycle , and that one evolved into the other over time?
Reply:   The Acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) Pathway and the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) Cycle are two distinct carbon fixation pathways found in different types of organisms, and they have significant differences in terms of their enzymatic composition, regulation, and overall function.  The Acetyl-CoA Pathway is found primarily in certain archaea, bacteria, and acetogenic bacteria, while the CBB Cycle is found in plants, algae, and some bacteria. The Acetyl-CoA Pathway involves complex enzymatic steps including the use of carbon monoxide and acetyl-CoA to fix carbon. In contrast, the CBB Cycle involves enzymes such as ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) to fix carbon. The Acetyl-CoA Pathway can utilize hydrogen gas or carbon monoxide as a source of energy. The CBB Cycle requires ATP and NADPH generated from light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis as energy sources. The Acetyl-CoA Pathway primarily takes place in anaerobic or low-oxygen environments. The CBB Cycle, on the other hand, occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells and in the cytoplasm of other photosynthetic organisms. The Acetyl-CoA Pathway is regulated by various factors including redox potential, availability of substrates, and environmental conditions. The CBB Cycle, on the other hand, is regulated by factors such as light availability, temperature, and the concentrations of CO2 and oxygen. The Acetyl-CoA Pathway utilizes carbon monoxide and hydrogen in a series of chemical reactions to produce acetyl-CoA and other organic molecules. The CBB Cycle involves the fixation of CO2 using ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate and the subsequent reduction of PGA (3-phosphoglycerate) to form carbohydrates. Given the substantial differences between these two pathways in terms of their enzymatic steps, energy sources, regulation, and the types of organisms in which they are found, it is difficult to conceive that one could have evolved directly from the other through incremental changes. The complexity and specificity of the biochemical reactions and enzymes involved suggest that these pathways are highly specialized and optimized for their respective functions.

The presence of multiple distinct autotrophic carbon fixation pathways challenges the notion of a single common ancestral pathway and raises questions about the concept of common ancestry in the context of the origin of life and the diversity of metabolic pathways. The complex enzymatic pathways involved in autotrophic carbon fixation are highly specialized and sophisticated. The fact that different pathways exist with distinct enzymatic constitutions implies that the evolution of these pathways would have required multiple genetic and biochemical changes, making it difficult to envision a simple linear progression from a single ancestral pathway. The presence of shared enzymatic elements or functional motifs across different pathways however suggests a common designer who utilized similar components for different purposes, much like an artist reusing certain techniques or motifs across different artworks. The existence of various carbon fixation pathways implies that different pathways offer specific advantages under distinct environmental or physiological conditions. Intelligent design proponents argue that the optimization of these pathways for different contexts suggests a designer's intention to equip organisms with diverse metabolic tools to thrive in various niches. One of the challenges in explaining the diversification of pathways through gradual evolution is the lack of transitional forms. The absence of clear intermediates between pathways justifies skepticism about the ability of gradual selection to drive the development of complex metabolic routes. The presence of shared enzymes or components, as observed in the initial step of CO2 reduction, is evidence for common design.  While proponents of common ancestry could argue for the role of horizontal gene transfer, gene duplication, and recruitment of existing genes in the presence of common elements in different pathways, there are several reasons why this might not fully explain the diversity of autotrophic carbon fixation pathways: The enzymatic complexity of carbon fixation pathways is substantial. It's not just the presence of a few common enzymes that matter; it's the entire network of interconnected reactions and the specific mechanisms involved in each pathway. The emergence of entire pathways with different enzymes, coenzymes, and cofactors goes beyond the scope of simple gene duplication and recruitment events. Enzymes in different pathways often have specific substrate affinities and regulatory mechanisms that govern their activity. The emergence of new pathways would require a coordinated and intricate adjustment of multiple enzymes to function together coherently. This level of regulatory fine-tuning is difficult if not impossible to achieve through unguided nonintelligent mechanisms, like horizontal gene transfer alone. Carbon fixation pathways are not isolated entities; they interact with various other metabolic pathways within cells. The integration of these pathways and the consistent maintenance of functional coherence would be challenging to achieve solely through evolutionary events, like gene transfer and duplication events.  The existence of common elements alone doesn't explain the lack of transitional or intermediate forms in the evolutionary record. If these pathways had evolved through gene duplication and recruitment, we might expect to find organisms that exhibit intermediary stages between different pathways. However, such transitional forms are absent. Different autotrophic organisms inhabit diverse ecological niches with varying environmental conditions. The emergence of distinct pathways could be driven by the need to adapt to specific resources and energy sources. This ecological context goes beyond what gene transfer events can explain. For a new pathway to emerge through gene duplication and modification, multiple enzymes would need to evolve in a coordinated manner. The coevolution of multiple enzymes in such a way that they form a functional pathway is a complex process that requires more than just gene transfer and duplication events.

1. Diversity in Carbon Fixation Pathways (Point 1): The existence of multiple carbon fixation pathways is indicative of unique metabolic designs across different organisms. The Calvin cycle, reverse Krebs cycle, and the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle are disparate ways to fix carbon, demonstrating an array of processes to achieve the same fundamental function.
2. Dissimilarity in Enzymatic Functions (Point 2): The enzymes involved in these carbon fixation pathways, such as ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) for the Calvin cycle and ATP citrate lyase for the reverse Krebs cycle, are fundamentally different. These enzymes, with their distinct structures and functionalities, are evidence for separate originations rather than a branching from a common mechanism.
3. Localization of Carbon Fixation (Point 3): The sites of carbon fixation within cells differ across organisms. In cyanobacteria, carbon fixation occurs in carboxysomes, whereas in eukaryotic plants, it occurs in the chloroplast stroma. This distinct compartmentalization is demonstrative of unique cellular designs, suggesting independent originations.
4. Variable Use Based on Environmental Conditions (Point 4): Different organisms employ varied carbon fixation pathways based on their environmental niches. For instance, certain extremophilic archaea use the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle, which is well-suited for high-temperature habitats. The adaptation to specific environmental niches through distinct pathways indicates separate origin designs rather than common descent modifications.
5. Separate Regulatory Mechanisms (Point 5): The control and regulation of carbon fixation pathways differ across organisms. Unique regulatory proteins and feedback mechanisms manage each pathway, offering evidence for independent designs and separate originations.
6. Energy and Reducing Equivalent Sources (Point 6): The sources of energy (like ATP) and reducing equivalents (like NADPH) for these carbon fixation pathways vary across organisms. The Calvin cycle uses the energy from light reactions in photosynthesis, while other pathways in certain bacteria and archaea utilize energy from other metabolic processes, showing varied metabolic blueprints suggestive of different origins.

1. Tabita, F.R., Satagopan, S., Hanson, T.E., Kreel, N.E., & Scott, S.S. (2008). Distinct Form I, II, III, and IV Rubisco proteins from the three kingdoms of life provide clues about Rubisco evolution and structure/function relationships. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(7), 1515-1524. Link. (This study delves into the different forms of the enzyme RuBisCO found across the kingdoms of life, hinting at its evolution and functionality.)
2. Berg, I.A. (2011). Ecological aspects of the distribution of different autotrophic CO2 fixation pathways. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(6), 1925-1936. Link. (An exploration of different CO2 fixation pathways in relation to ecological distributions.)
3. Hügler, M., & Sievert, S.M. (2011). Beyond the Calvin cycle: Autotrophic carbon fixation in the ocean. Annual Review of Marine Science, 3, 261-289. Link. (This review describes the diverse mechanisms of autotrophic carbon fixation found in the marine environment.)
4. Zarzycki, J., & Fuchs, G. (2011). Coassimilation of organic substrates via the autotrophic 3-hydroxypropionate bi-cycle in Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(14), 6181-6188. Link. (A study on the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle in the bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus.)
5. Mall, A., Sobotta, J., Huber, C., Tschirner, C., Kowarschik, S., Bačnik, K., Mergelsberg, M., Boll, M., Hügler, M., Eisenreich, W., & Berg, I.A. (2018). Reversibility of citrate synthase allows autotrophic growth of a thermophilic bacterium. Science, 359(6375), 563-567. Link. (A study that demonstrates the flexibility of citrate synthase in autotrophic carbon fixation in a thermophilic bacterium.)
6. Nitschke, W., & Russell, M. J. (2013). Beating the acetyl coenzyme A-pathway to the origin of life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1622), 20120258. Link
7. Braakman, R., & Smith, E. (2012). The Emergence and Early Evolution of Biological Carbon-Fixation. PLOS Computational Biology, 8(4), e1002455. Link

34. Multiple DNA Repair Mechanisms: Diversity of DNA repair mechanisms

1. Diversity in DNA Repair Mechanisms (Point 1): Different organisms employ a variety of DNA repair mechanisms, including base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, and double-strand break repair. The presence of diverse DNA repair pathways across organisms suggests that these mechanisms have distinct origins.
2. Absence of Mechanisms Across Domains (Point 2): Some DNA repair mechanisms are present in certain domains of life but absent in others. This uneven distribution could indicate separate origins rather than a universal common ancestor.
3. Specialized DNA Repair Mechanisms (Point 3): There are organisms with highly specialized DNA repair mechanisms tailored to their unique environments, such as extremophiles. The presence of these specialized mechanisms that are not seen across all domains of life points towards distinct origin events.
4. Phylogenetic Analysis (Point 4): Phylogenetic studies on DNA repair proteins sometimes yield incongruent trees when compared to other molecular data. This incongruence suggests multiple origins for these repair mechanisms rather than them arising from a single common ancestor.
5. Presence of Redundant Mechanisms (Point 5): Some organisms have multiple DNA repair pathways that can repair the same type of DNA damage. The presence of redundant pathways that achieve the same goal is more in line with separate origin events rather than an efficient evolutionary process from a common ancestor.

1. Modrich, P. (1991). Mechanisms and biological effects of mismatch repair. Annual Review of Genetics, 25(1), 229-253. Link. (This study focuses on the mechanism and biological effects of mismatch repair in various organisms.)
2. Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2000). Initiation of genetic recombination and recombination-dependent replication. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 25(4), 156-165. Link. (This paper explores the initiation of genetic recombination, a process closely related to DNA repair.)
3. Wood, R.D., Mitchell, M., & Lindahl, T. (2005). Human DNA repair genes. Science, 291(5507), 1284-1289. Link. (A comprehensive study that provides a list of human DNA repair genes and discusses their functions.)
4. Jackson, S.P., & Bartek, J. (2009). The DNA-damage response in human biology and disease. Nature, 461(7267), 1071-1078. Link. (This review delves into the DNA-damage response and its importance in human biology and disease.)
5. Ciccia, A., & Elledge, S.J. (2010). The DNA damage response: Making it safe to play with knives. Molecular Cell, 40(2), 179-204. Link. (This review covers the mechanisms behind the DNA damage response and its role in maintaining genome stability.)

35. Orphan Genes: Genes with no known homologs

1. Presence of Orphan Genes Across the Domains (Point 1): Orphan genes are unique to specific taxa and lack homologs in other species. Such uniqueness is difficult to reconcile with a universal common ancestry, as these genes appear abruptly in specific lineages without any traceable lineage in other taxa. The presence of these orphan genes in diverse species across the three domains suggests separate origins rather than diverging from a common ancestor.
2. Conserved Functional Roles of Orphan Genes (Point 2): Many orphan genes are not just random sequences but play crucial roles in the physiology and adaptability of the organisms in which they are found. The fact that these genes perform vital functions yet have no homologs in other species suggests that they are intrinsic to the design of the specific organisms, reinforcing the notion of separate origins.
3. Lack of Transitional Forms for Orphan Genes (Point 3): The absence of transitional forms or precursors for these orphan genes in related taxa strengthens the idea of separate creation events. If all life originated from a common ancestor, we would expect to see some form of precursors or rudimentary versions of these genes, but this is not the case.
4. Patterns of Distribution (Point 4): The sporadic distribution of orphan genes across taxa and the absence in closely related species further challenges the hypothesis of universal common descent. Such patterns are more consistent with the idea that these genes were introduced independently into different lineages.
5. Rapid Emergence in Evolutionary Timeframes (Point 5): Orphan genes often appear suddenly in evolutionary timelines without preceding versions in ancestral forms. This rapid emergence aligns more with the concept of separate creation events than a gradual evolution from a common ancestor.

1. Tautz, D., & Domazet-Lošo, T. (2011). The evolutionary origin of orphan genes. Nature Reviews Genetics, 12(10), 692-702. Link. (This review provides an overview of the current understanding of orphan genes, including their evolutionary origins and potential mechanisms of formation.)
2.  Xie, C., Zhang, Y. E., Chen, J. Y., Liu, C. J., Zhou, W. Z., Li, Y., ... & Zhang, Y. E. (2012). Hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes originating from long non-coding RNAs. PLoS genetics, 8(9), e1002942. Link. (The study elaborates on the role of long non-coding RNAs in giving rise to de novo proteins in primates, suggesting a potential source for orphan genes.)
3. Weinberg, Z., Wang, J. X., Bogue, J., Yang, J., Corbino, K., Moy, R. H., & Breaker, R. R. (2010). Genome biology, 11(3), R31. Link. (This study used comparative genomics to reveal candidate structured RNAs, offering insights into the diversity and emergence of unique genes across different domains of life.)
4. Schlotterer, C., Tobler, R., Kofler, R., & Nolte, V. (2014). Science, 343(6172), 769-772. Link. (This research provides an evolutionary perspective on de novo genes in Drosophila melanogaster, an important model organism.)
5. Iossifov, I., O'Roak, B. J., Sanders, S. J., Ronemus, M., Krumm, N., Levy, D., ... & Hakker, I. (2014). Nature, 515(7526), 216-221. Link. (This paper describes the contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism, demonstrating the impact of novel gene formation on human health.)

36. Polyphyletic Origins of Biopolymers: Multiple origins of biopolymers

1. Diversity in Biopolymer Structures: Biopolymers like proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides exhibit structural diversity across different organisms. For instance, the RNA structures in archaea can differ significantly from those in eukaryotes or bacteria. This distinctiveness in structure supports the concept that they have separate origins.
2. Variations in Biopolymer Synthesis: The pathways and enzymes involved in the synthesis of biopolymers, like peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls or chitin in fungal cell walls, are unique to their respective domains of life. These distinct mechanisms are consistent with the idea of separate origins for each domain.
3. Different Amino Acid Utilizations: Some organisms utilize non-standard amino acids in their proteins, which are not observed in other life forms. These unique amino acids and the tRNA synthetases that attach them suggest separate evolutionary or creation events.
4. Unique Biopolymer Functions: Certain biopolymers have functions that are not found in other domains of life. For example, some bacterial toxins, which are proteins, have no counterparts in eukaryotes or archaea, suggesting they arose from a separate origin.
5. Biopolymer Complexity: The complexity of certain biopolymers and their intricate interactions with other molecules in the cell, such as RNA interference mechanisms in eukaryotes, are not observed in other domains. This complexity is consistent with the idea of a separate origin.

1. Vollmer, W., Blanot, D., & de Pedro, M. A. (2008). Peptidoglycan structure and architecture. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 32(2), 149-167. Link. (This paper discusses the unique structure and synthesis of peptidoglycan in bacterial cell walls.)
2. Latgé, J. P. (2007). The cell wall: a carbohydrate armour for the fungal cell. Molecular Microbiology, 66(2), 279-290. Link. (This research article delves into the structure and significance of chitin and other components in the fungal cell wall.)
3. Ambrogelly, A., Palioura, S., & Söll, D. (2007). Natural expansion of the genetic code. Nature Chemical Biology, 3(1), 29-35. Link. (This study provides insight into the utilization of non-standard amino acids in various organisms.)
4. Montecucco, C., & Schiavo, G. (1995). Structure and function of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 28(4), 423-472. Link. (This paper explores the uniqueness and complexity of bacterial toxins such as tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins.)
5. Fire, A., Xu, S., Montgomery, M. K., Kostas, S. A., Driver, S. E., & Mello, C. C. (1998). Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature, 391(6669), 806-811. Link. (This landmark paper introduces the concept of RNA interference and its specificity in eukaryotes.)

37. Post-translational Modification Differences: Protein post-translation modification differences

1. Distinct Glycosylation Patterns: Glycosylation, the addition of carbohydrate groups to proteins, varies significantly between species. For instance, the types and patterns of glycosylation in mammals are distinctly different from those in yeast or plants. These distinct patterns are integral to the specific functions and interactions of proteins in each domain. Such pronounced differences in modification strategy suggest separate biochemical toolkits, potentially indicating distinct origins.
2. Diversity in Phosphorylation: Phosphorylation, a key regulatory modification, shows variation not just in the sites that are modified, but also in the kinases and phosphatases that mediate these changes. The specificity and the mechanisms by which these enzymes recognize their substrates are finely tuned to each organism's needs. The profound differences in these regulatory networks across the domains of life can be seen as evidence of separate origins.
3. Ubiquitination and Protein Degradation: While ubiquitination, which tags proteins for degradation, is conserved across eukaryotes, the exact mechanisms, ubiquitin ligases, and recognition systems display considerable variation. Prokaryotes, on the other hand, use entirely different systems like Clp or Lon proteases for protein degradation. The presence of a universal system in eukaryotes that's absent in prokaryotes can be interpreted as evidence for separate biogenetic origins.
4. Lipid Modifications and Membrane Anchoring: The processes by which proteins are modified with lipid groups and anchored to membranes differ widely. For instance, GPI anchoring is a complex process unique to eukaryotes, whereas various forms of lipidation occur in prokaryotes. These differences in protein-lipid interactions across domains point towards unique mechanisms, suggesting separate origin events.

1. Varki, A. (2017). Biological roles of glycans. Glycobiology, 27(1), 3-49. Link.
(An in-depth examination of the diverse biological roles and significance of glycans in various cellular processes and their implications in health and disease.)
2. Macek, B., & Mijakovic, I. (2011). Site-specific analysis of bacterial phosphoproteomes. Proteomics, 11(16), 3002-3011. Link.
(This study delves into the phosphoproteomes of bacteria, highlighting the significance of protein phosphorylation in bacterial cellular processes and its potential applications in biotechnology.)
3. Klionsky, D. J., et al. (2016). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy, 12(1), 1-222. Link.
(A comprehensive guide on the methodologies available for studying autophagy, offering a detailed interpretation of the results for these assays. This article acts as a vital resource for researchers in the field.)
4. Resh, M. D. (2016). Fatty acylation of proteins: The long and the short of it. Progress in Lipid Research, 63, 120-131. Link.
(A thorough overview of the process of fatty acylation of proteins, shedding light on the importance of this post-translational modification in regulating protein function, localization, and interaction.)

38. Presence of Unique Organelles: Organelles present in certain organisms and absent in others

1. Presence of Distinct Organelles in Different Domains (Point 1): Eukaryotic cells are characterized by the presence of membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus. These organelles are not found in prokaryotic cells. This stark contrast in cellular organization and compartmentalization supports the idea that eukaryotes and prokaryotes have separate origins.
2. Unique Organelles in Specific Lineages (Point 2): Certain eukaryotic lineages possess unique organelles that are not present in other lineages. For instance, dinoflagellates contain a unique organelle known as the dinoflagellate nucleus, which has its distinct DNA organization and transcriptional machinery. The presence of these lineage-specific organelles suggests a distinct origin for the groups that possess them.
3. Absence of Mitochondria in Certain Eukaryotic Groups (Point 3): Most eukaryotes contain mitochondria, which are often cited as evidence for an endosymbiotic origin from a prokaryotic ancestor. However, certain eukaryotic groups like Monocercomonoides sp. lack conventional mitochondria. The existence of these "amitochondriate" eukaryotes indicates the diverse origins of eukaryotic lineages.
4. Existence of Unique Photosynthetic Structures (Point 4): While plants, algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis, they possess different photosynthetic structures. Plants and algae have chloroplasts, while cyanobacteria have thylakoid membranes. The difference in these structures, despite serving a similar function, points toward separate origins for these groups.

1. Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th ed.). Garland Science. Link. (This textbook is a comprehensive source on cellular biology and covers the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the presence of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotes.)
2. Slamovits, C.H., Saldarriaga, J.F., Larocque, A., & Keeling, P.J. (2007). The highly reduced and fragmented mitochondrial genome of the early-branching dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina shares characteristics with both apicomplexan and dinoflagellate mitochondrial genomes. Journal of Molecular Biology, 372(2), 356-368. Link. (This paper investigates the unique characteristics of the dinoflagellate mitochondrial genome, which is distinct from other eukaryotic mitochondrial genomes.)
3. Karnkowska, A., Vacek, V., Zubáčová, Z., Treitli, S.C., Petrželková, R., Eme, L., ... & Hampl, V. (2016). A eukaryote without a mitochondrial organelle. Current Biology, 26(10), 1274-1284. Link. (The study describes Monocercomonoides sp., a eukaryotic organism that appears to lack mitochondria, offering insights into the evolution and diversity of eukaryotic cells.)
4. Tomitani, A., Knoll, A.H., Cavanaugh, C.M., & Ohno, T. (2006). The evolutionary diversification of cyanobacteria: Molecular–phylogenetic and paleontological perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(14), 5442-5447. Link. (This paper looks at the diversification of cyanobacteria and highlights their unique photosynthetic structures, offering insights into the evolution of photosynthesizing organisms.)

39. Promoter Region Differences: Variability in gene promoter regions

1. Promoter Region Complexity (Point 1): The diversity and complexity of promoter regions across the three domains of life are indicative of unique regulatory mechanisms. These differences ensure that genes are expressed in response to distinct environmental and developmental signals specific to each domain.
2. Conservation vs. Variation (Point 2): While some promoter motifs are conserved across species, indicating possible shared functions, many are unique to specific taxa. This uniqueness in promoter structures suggests distinct origins rather than shared ancestry.
3. Domain-Specific Regulatory Elements (Point 3): Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryotes have domain-specific transcription factors and regulatory elements. Such stark differences in regulatory machinery imply separate regulatory origins, making polyphyly a more suitable explanation.
4. Absence of Universal Promoter Elements (Point 4): If all life shared a common ancestor, we would anticipate a universal promoter element across all organisms. However, such a universal promoter is absent, further supporting the idea of separate origins.
5. Functional Implications of Promoter Differences (Point 5): Distinct promoter regions in the three domains lead to differential gene expression patterns. Such fundamental differences in gene expression point to different origins for these domains, as each would require its unique regulatory setup from the start.

1.  Juven-Gershon, T., & Kadonaga, J. T. (2010). Regulation of gene expression via the core promoter and the basal transcriptional machinery. Developmental Biology, 339(2), 225-229. Link. (This paper provides an in-depth look at the core promoter elements and how they contribute to the regulation of gene expression.)
2. Bell, S. D. (2005). Archaeal transcriptional regulation—variation on a bacterial theme?. Trends in Microbiology, 13(6), 262-265. Link. (A comprehensive study discussing the unique promoter structures found in Archaea, differentiating them from bacterial counterparts.)
3. Sandelin, A., Carninci, P., Lenhard, B., Ponjavic, J., Hayashizaki, Y., & Hume, D. A. (2007). Mammalian RNA polymerase II core promoters: insights from genome-wide studies. Nature reviews. Genetics, 8(6), 424-436. Link. (This review focuses on the diversity of eukaryotic core promoters and their roles in directing RNA polymerase II-mediated transcription.)
4. Sharma, C. M., Hoffmann, S., Darfeuille, F., Reignier, J., Findeiss, S., Sittka, A., ... & Vogel, J. (2010). The primary transcriptome of the major human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Nature, 464(7286), 250-255. Link. (An exploration of promoter structures in bacteria, with a focus on their evolutionary implications.)

40. Protein Domain Variability: Variability in protein domains

1. Distinct Molecular Complexity (Point 1): The three domains of life - Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota - demonstrate distinct molecular complexities. These complexities are not mere variations but are fundamentally different in their structures and functions. This distinctiveness suggests separate origins rather than a shared ancestry.
2. Unique Protein Domains (Point 2): The protein domains present in the three domains of life have unique properties, sequences, and structures that do not appear to derive from a shared precursor. The individual nature of these protein domains suggests separate origins.
3. Presence of Domain-Specific Proteins (Point 3): Certain proteins are exclusive to one of the three domains and are not found in the others. This exclusivity challenges the idea of a shared ancestry and points towards independent origins.
4. Biochemical Pathways Variation (Point 4): While there are similarities in metabolic pathways across the domains, there are also significant variations. Some of these biochemical pathways are unique to specific domains, again pointing towards a separate origin for each domain.
5. Membrane Lipid Structures (Point 5): The membrane lipids of Archaea are different from those of Bacteria and Eukaryota. This fundamental biochemical difference suggests separate biochemical ancestries.
6. Information Processing Mechanisms (Point 6): The molecular machinery for DNA replication, transcription, and translation varies considerably between the domains. These fundamental differences in information processing mechanisms imply separate origins.
7. Absence of Intermediary Forms (Point 7): No intermediary forms that bridge the molecular or structural gaps between the three domains have been identified. The lack of these forms provides support for the idea of separate creations rather than a gradual progression from a common ancestor.
8. RNA Polymerases Variation (Point 8 ): The RNA polymerases, essential for gene transcription, vary substantially between the domains. Eukaryotes have multiple forms, while Bacteria and Archaea have one primary form each, and these are distinctly different.

1. Woese, C. R., Kandler, O., & Wheelis, M. L. (1990). Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 87(12), 4576-4579. Link. (This landmark paper proposes the division of life into three domains, based on ribosomal RNA data.)
2. Forterre, P. (2013). The common ancestor of archaea and eukarya was not an archaeon. Archaea, 2013. Link. (Forterre challenges the idea that the last common ancestor of Archaea and Eukarya was an archaeon, offering an alternative perspective.)
3. Spang, A., Saw, J. H., Jørgensen, S. L., Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, K., Martijn, J., Lind, A. E., ... & Guy, L. (2015). Complex archaea that bridge the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nature, 521(7551), 173-179. Link. (This paper discusses complex Archaea that might hold clues about the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.)
4. Grossman, A. R., Bhaya, D., Apt, K. E., & Kehoe, D. M. (1995). Light-harvesting complexes in oxygenic photosynthesis: diversity, control, and evolution. Annual Review of Genetics, 29(1), 231-288. Link. (This study explores the variety and control mechanisms of light-harvesting complexes in oxygenic photosynthesis.)


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