ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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Morphogen Gradients

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1Morphogen Gradients Empty Morphogen Gradients Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:33 pm



28. Morphogen Gradients

Morphogen gradients refer to the differential concentration of specific molecules, termed morphogens, across a developing tissue. These gradients provide spatial information to cells and instruct them to adopt different cell fates based on their position within the gradient. Morphogens are signaling molecules that are produced by a specific set of cells in a developing tissue. Once produced, these morphogens spread out from their source, creating a concentration gradient. Cells in this tissue can sense the concentration of the morphogen, and their responses vary depending on this concentration. High concentrations close to the morphogen source might cause cells to adopt one particular fate, intermediate concentrations might lead cells to a different fate, and low concentrations yet another. The same molecule, by virtue of its concentration gradient, can thus specify multiple cell fates in a tissue.

Importance in Biological Systems

Pattern Formation: Morphogen gradients are instrumental in establishing the basic body plan of organisms. They help in determining the anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and other positional axes in developing embryos.
Regeneration: Some animals have the ability to regenerate lost body parts. Morphogen gradients play a pivotal role in such cases, ensuring that the regenerated structures form correctly.
Organ Development: Organs like the limb, lung, and even the brain use morphogen gradients to ensure that their different cell types are organized in the correct spatial arrangements.
Tissue Repair: In wound healing, morphogen gradients can help in guiding the repair process, ensuring that the right cell types are formed at the injury site.

Significance in Developmental Processes Shaping Organismal Form and Function

Morphogen gradients act as foundational systems in development, providing the blueprint for the organization of complex structures in organisms. They ensure that the myriad cell types present in a multicellular organism are arranged in an ordered, functional manner. Without them, the spatial organization and hence the proper functioning of tissues and organs would be severely compromised. In essence, morphogen gradients are one of nature's primary tools for creating order out of chaos, ensuring that cells in a developing organism know what roles to play and where to play them.

What roles do morphogens and growth factors play in tissue morphogenesis, regeneration, and organ development?

Morphogens and growth factors are key players in the orchestration of tissue morphogenesis, regeneration, and organ development. Their roles are multifaceted and essential for guiding cells in their decision-making processes. 

Tissue Morphogenesis

Spatial Patterning: Morphogens establish concentration gradients across a developing tissue. Cells sense their position within this gradient and adopt specific fates accordingly. This is crucial for creating distinct tissue regions and maintaining organized structures.
Cell Differentiation: Both morphogens and growth factors can influence the differentiation of stem cells and progenitors into various specialized cell types.
Cell Behavior Modulation: These molecules can influence cellular behaviors such as proliferation, migration, and apoptosis, which are fundamental processes in shaping tissues.


Stimulating Proliferation: Growth factors can stimulate cells to proliferate and replace lost or damaged tissues during regeneration.
Guiding Regrowth: In organisms capable of significant regeneration (like salamanders regrowing limbs), morphogens re-establish their gradients to guide the process, ensuring that structures form correctly.
Angiogenesis: Some growth factors play crucial roles in the formation of new blood vessels, ensuring that regenerating tissues receive adequate nutrients and oxygen.
Scar Prevention and Functional Restoration: Certain growth factors can minimize scar formation and promote the restoration of normal tissue functions.

Organ Development

Organ Patterning: Morphogens define the spatial domains of organs, ensuring cells within the organ know their relative positions. For instance, in the developing limb bud, morphogens help specify regions that will become the thumb versus the pinky.
Organ Size Regulation: Growth factors can promote or inhibit cell proliferation, playing a role in determining the size of an organ. Feedback mechanisms often ensure that an organ doesn't grow too large or too small.
Organ Functionality: Both morphogens and growth factors ensure that the cells within an organ differentiate in a manner that they can function together as a cohesive unit. For instance, in the kidney, they help in the formation of nephrons, the functional units of the organ.
Tissue Interactions: During organ development, different tissues often interact. For example, in tooth development, epithelial and mesenchymal tissues interact, guided by various growth factors and morphogens.

Morphogens and growth factors act as molecular guides, ensuring that cells in a developing or regenerating tissue "know" what to become and where to go. Through their actions, the intricate and organized structures of tissues and organs emerge, allowing for the myriad functions necessary for life.

How are morphogens and growth factors produced, secreted, and received by target cells?

Morphogens and growth factors are typically produced by cells as signaling molecules, and they follow a series of steps to exert their effects on target cells. Here's a breakdown of their production, secretion, and reception:


Transcription and Translation: The genes encoding for morphogens and growth factors are transcribed into mRNA, which is then translated into proteins in the cytoplasm.
Post-translational Modifications: Many morphogens and growth factors undergo modifications, such as glycosylation or phosphorylation, that are essential for their stability, activity, or secretion.


ER and Golgi Apparatus: Once synthesized, these proteins pass through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus, where they undergo further modifications and are packaged into vesicles.
Exocytosis: The vesicles transport the morphogens and growth factors to the cell membrane. Here, the vesicles fuse with the membrane and release their contents outside the cell, a process called exocytosis.
Bound or Free: Some morphogens and growth factors are sequestered by the extracellular matrix (ECM) and remain locally bound, while others diffuse freely. Their mode of distribution can impact the gradient formation and thus their signaling range.

Reception by Target Cells

Receptors: Morphogens and growth factors exert their effects by binding to specific receptors on the surface of target cells. These receptors are typically transmembrane proteins.
Activation: Binding of the morphogen or growth factor to its receptor induces a conformational change in the receptor, activating it.
Signal Transduction: This activation typically initiates a cascade of intracellular events, commonly known as a signal transduction pathway. It involves various molecules inside the cell, like kinases, phosphatases, and transcription factors.
Response: The signal eventually reaches the nucleus, influencing gene expression. Depending on the signal and the cell's context, this can lead to various responses, such as cell differentiation, proliferation, or migration.
Gradient Sensing: For morphogens, the concentration gradient is crucial. Cells are equipped to sense the concentration of morphogens in their surroundings and respond accordingly. Higher concentrations might activate more receptors or different sets of receptors, leading to varied cellular responses.

Termination and Modulation

Endocytosis: Receptors bound to their ligands (morphogens or growth factors) can be internalized by the cell through endocytosis, removing them from the cell surface and often leading to their degradation.
Proteolytic Cleavage: Some extracellular enzymes can degrade morphogens and growth factors, regulating their availability.
Negative Feedback Loops: Often, the pathways activated by morphogens and growth factors can lead to the production of inhibitors or other modulators that dampen the signal, ensuring that the response is fine-tuned and not excessive.

In essence, the production, secretion, and reception of morphogens and growth factors represent an intricate dance of molecular events, ensuring precise communication between cells for coordinated development and tissue function.

How do morphogens and growth factor signaling pathways contribute to the development of complex organisms?

Morphogens and growth factors play pivotal roles in the development of complex organisms by acting as signaling molecules that guide cellular decisions throughout development. Their signaling pathways contribute to the intricacies of developmental processes in several significant ways:

Pattern Formation

Spatial Gradients: Morphogens create concentration gradients across developmental fields. Depending on the concentration a cell is exposed to, it adopts a specific fate. This is crucial for setting up the anterior-posterior axis, dorso-ventral axis, and other key spatial coordinates in the developing embryo.

Cell Fate Determination

Dose-dependent Responses: Cells respond differently to various concentrations of morphogens. High concentrations might induce one cell fate, while lower concentrations induce another, leading to the formation of distinct cell types in a coordinated manner.

Regulation of Cellular Processes

Proliferation: Growth factors, as the name suggests, often promote cell growth by stimulating the cell cycle and encouraging cell division.
Differentiation: Both morphogens and growth factors can drive cells to differentiate into specific cell types by activating transcriptional programs pertinent to a certain lineage.
Migration: Some morphogens and growth factors guide cell movements, essential for processes like gastrulation, neural crest migration, and angiogenesis.
Survival: Growth factors can provide survival signals, preventing programmed cell death or apoptosis in specific cells.

Coordination of Developmental Processes

Synergy and Crosstalk: Multiple morphogens and growth factors often work in tandem, where one signal can modulate the response to another. This crosstalk ensures that developmental processes are intricately coordinated.
Temporal Regulation: The timing of morphogen or growth factor signaling can be critical. Sequential waves of different signals can guide the stepwise differentiation of tissues.

Tissue Repair and Regeneration

Wound Healing: Growth factors are essential for the wound healing process, promoting cell proliferation and migration to repair damaged tissues.
Regeneration: In organisms with regenerative capacities, growth factors guide the formation of new tissue, ensuring that it integrates seamlessly with the existing structures.

Formation and Maintenance of Stem Cell Niches

Stem Cell Maintenance: Certain growth factors are crucial for maintaining stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
Stem Cell Differentiation: In response to specific cues, these growth factors can also drive stem cells to differentiate into specific lineages.

Feedback Mechanisms

Fine-tuning Development: Many morphogen and growth factor pathways have built-in feedback mechanisms. These can be negative feedback loops that ensure homeostasis or positive feedback loops that amplify specific signals.

In sum, morphogen and growth factor signaling pathways are fundamental to the orchestrated development of complex organisms. They ensure that cells in the developing organism receive the correct instructions at the right time and in the right place, leading to the harmonious formation of tissues, organs, and systems. The precision and reliability of these pathways are a testament to the intricacies of developmental biology.

Appearance of morphogens in the evolutionary timeline

Morphogens, as signaling molecules that influence the fate of cells based on their concentration, are foundational to the development of multicellular organisms. Therefore, the emergence of morphogen signaling can be hypothesized to be closely associated with the early evolution of multicellularity. Here's a broad outline of when morphogens might have appeared in the evolutionary timeline, based on the emergence of multicellular organisms and known functions of specific morphogens:

Origin of Multicellularity in Eukaryotes: This event would have dated back to over a billion years ago. The need for coordinated cell differentiation and tissue formation in early multicellular organisms would have necessitated signaling mechanisms resembling those of morphogens.
Early Animals and the Last Common Ancestor of Metazoans: As early animals would have evolved and diversified, more complex body plans would have emerged. Morphogens like Hedgehog, Wnt, and TGF-β/BMP have ancient origins and can be traced back to the last common ancestor of metazoans.
Radiation of Bilaterian Animals: The divergence of bilaterians from their cnidarian ancestors, supposedly roughly 600 million years ago, coincided with a significant increase in body plan complexity. Many morphogen signaling pathways, including those mentioned above, would be probably already in place by this time and further diversified with the evolution of more complex bilaterians.
Vertebrate Evolution: The emergence of vertebrates from their invertebrate chordate ancestors would have involved new adaptations and complexities in body plan and organ systems. While many morphogen systems were already present in early chordates, they took on new roles and specializations in vertebrates.
Land Plant Evolution: While our focus has been primarily on animals, it's worth noting that plants have their morphogen-like molecules. The emergence of multicellularity in plants and their colonization of land would have involved signaling molecules that played roles similar to those of animal morphogens.
Emergence of Tetrapods and Amniotes: As vertebrates transitioned from aquatic to terrestrial environments, the demands of life on land would have necessitated the refinement and possible emergence of specific morphogenetic processes, especially in limb development and organ differentiation.

De Novo Genetic Information necessary to instantiate  morphogens

Creating morphogens from scratch would require a series of coordinated processes and systems to ensure the successful integration and functionality of these molecules. 

Generation of Genetic Information: The core genetic code for the morphogen protein would need to be conceived. This means creating a sequence of nucleotides in the DNA that would, when transcribed and translated, produce the desired protein with its specific functional domains and activity.
Incorporation into the Genome: This new genetic sequence would have to be appropriately incorporated into a suitable locus within the genome. It would need the right surrounding regulatory elements to ensure that it is expressed in the correct cells and at the appropriate time during development.
Regulatory Networks: In addition to the basic genetic code for the morphogen itself, associated regulatory networks would be required. This would entail generating genes or sequences for transcription factors, enhancers, silencers, and other regulatory elements that control when, where, and how much of the morphogen is produced.
Proper Protein Folding and Post-translational Modifications: Once the morphogen is translated, it would need to fold correctly to achieve its functional conformation. Additionally, many proteins require post-translational modifications like phosphorylation, glycosylation, or lipidation. The machinery and coding for these modifications would have to be established simultaneously.
Secretion Mechanisms: Morphogens typically act outside the cell, requiring efficient secretion systems. The cellular machinery responsible for packaging and secreting the morphogen into the extracellular space would need to be in place.
Receptor Systems on Target Cells: For a morphogen to function, target cells must recognize and respond to it. This necessitates the de novo creation of specific receptors on the surfaces of these target cells. These receptors would then have to activate intracellular signaling pathways that culminate in changes in gene expression.
Degradation and Recycling Mechanisms: To ensure that morphogens don't accumulate indefinitely, systems for their degradation and recycling would have to be created. These systems help fine-tune the morphogen gradient and its effects on target cells.
Feedback Mechanisms: Successful morphogen function often requires feedback loops, both positive and negative, to modulate their production, secretion, or activity based on the needs of the developing tissue.
Integration with Existing Developmental Programs: Finally, the activity of the morphogen would have to be seamlessly integrated into existing developmental and cellular programs. This ensures that the morphogen's actions are coordinated with other processes shaping the organism.

Such a scenario, where all these elements come together de novo, portrays the immense complexity of biological systems and the intricacies involved in even a single developmental signaling molecule's function.

Manufacturing codes and languages that would have to emerge and be employed to instantiate  morphogens

Creating and establishing morphogens in an organism would entail more than just the genetic code. A suite of manufacturing codes, languages, and processes would need to be seamlessly integrated to ensure proper morphogen function:

Spatial and Temporal Codes: These would determine when and where morphogens are produced. This code would be critical in ensuring the morphogen acts in the right location at the right time.
Synthesis and Modification Codes: Once produced, morphogens, like other proteins, would undergo various modifications, such as folding, phosphorylation, or glycosylation. The cell would need to have codes for these modifications, dictating which modifications occur, in what order, and to what extent.
Transport Codes: Morphogens typically establish gradients, moving from their source to surrounding regions. The cell would require codes governing this transportation, ensuring that morphogens are diffused or actively transported appropriately.
Interaction Codes: Morphogens work by binding to receptors and other proteins. The organism would need codes specifying which cells have receptors, the nature of these receptors, and how they interact with the morphogen.
Degradation Codes: The life span of a morphogen in the extracellular space is crucial for its function. Codes governing when and how morphogens are degraded or recycled would be necessary to maintain proper gradient shapes and ensure morphogens don't accumulate indefinitely.
Feedback and Regulation Codes: Morphogen functions aren't static; they adjust based on various cellular needs. There would need to be codes dictating how the production and activity of morphogens are adjusted in response to feedback from target cells and tissues.
Integration Codes: Beyond just its own function, the morphogen's activity would need to be integrated with other cellular processes. Codes for how the morphogen interacts with other signaling pathways, cellular activities, and developmental processes would be essential.
Response Codes in Target Cells: When morphogens bind to target cells, these cells interpret the morphogen's concentration and respond appropriately. This interpretation is a form of cellular language, translating external signals into specific intracellular activities.
Storage Codes: In some cases, morphogens or their precursors might be stored in cells for rapid deployment when needed. Codes dictating how this storage occurs and is regulated would be crucial.

In essence, introducing functional morphogens into an organism without them would mean developing a vast array of manufacturing codes and languages to ensure the morphogens are produced, modified, transported, and function correctly. Each of these codes would need to be intricately linked and coordinated, underlying the profound complexity of even this single aspect of developmental biology.

Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms necessary to be instantiated for  morphogens

Establishing the function and regulation of morphogens from scratch would necessitate a complex interplay of epigenetic controls. Here's an outline of the epigenetic components and the collaborative systems required for the development and maintenance of morphogens:

DNA Methylation: This is the addition of a methyl group to the cytosine base in DNA. Methylation patterns can influence whether morphogen genes are accessible for transcription. Hypomethylation might increase morphogen expression, while hypermethylation could silence or reduce its expression.
Histone Modifications: Histones are proteins around which DNA is wound, affecting its accessibility. Various modifications to histones, such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation, can influence the expression of morphogen genes by altering chromatin structure.
Chromatin Remodeling: Complexes like SWI/SNF can move or restructure nucleosomes, making DNA more or less accessible. Their activity can be directed towards morphogen gene loci to either promote or inhibit transcription.
Non-Coding RNAs: Some non-coding RNAs, like long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) or enhancer RNAs (eRNAs), can influence the expression of nearby morphogen genes. They can act as scaffolds or guides, recruiting epigenetic modifiers to specific gene loci.
RNA Methylation: Modifications on RNA, especially m6A methylation, can influence RNA stability, translation, and decay. These modifications can regulate the amount of morphogen protein produced from the mRNA.
Higher-Order Chromatin Organization: The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus, involving domains like TADs (Topologically Associating Domains), can influence gene expression. Morphogen genes might need to be positioned in specific nuclear domains for proper regulation.
Feedback Loops with Signaling Pathways: Morphogen activities often lead to signaling events that feed back into the nucleus, influencing the epigenetic landscape. For instance, a signaling pathway activated by a morphogen could influence histone modification patterns at the morphogen gene locus, affecting its future expression.
Interplay with Cellular Memory Systems: For tissues to remember their identity during regeneration or repair, memory systems (often epigenetic) are crucial. These systems would interact with morphogen pathways to ensure consistent tissue identity and function.
Collaboration with Cellular Environment: The cellular microenvironment, including the extracellular matrix, neighboring cells, and systemic signals, can influence the epigenetic state of a cell. These signals could adjust the epigenetic controls on morphogen expression in response to changing conditions.
Interaction with Cell Cycle Machinery: Epigenetic controls often intersect with cell cycle regulation. The expression of morphogens might be synchronized with specific cell cycle stages, ensuring the right morphogen levels at the right cellular phase.

For morphogens to function effectively and be integrated seamlessly into an organism's developmental processes, all these systems must operate in concert. The regulation and interdependence of these systems would have to be exquisitely tuned to ensure proper spatial and temporal expression of morphogens, laying down the foundation for organized tissue and organ development.

Signaling Pathways necessary to create, and maintain morphogens

The establishment of morphogens would necessitate the parallel development of specific signaling pathways, as morphogens exert their influence mainly by activating these pathways. Let's delve into these pathways and their intricate web of interactions:

Wnt Signaling Pathway: Wnt proteins, which serve as morphogens, bind to Frizzled receptors and LRP co-receptors, leading to the stabilization of β-catenin. This stabilized β-catenin moves to the nucleus and regulates gene expression. This pathway can intersect with others, like the Notch pathway, to refine cellular responses.
Hedgehog (Hh) Signaling Pathway: Hh proteins interact with the Patched (Ptc) receptor, leading to the activation of Smoothened (Smo) and culminating in the regulation of gene expression. The Hh pathway can crosstalk with the Wnt pathway to coordinate tissue patterning.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Signaling: BMPs, a subgroup of the TGF-β family, bind to their receptors, leading to the phosphorylation of SMAD proteins, which then regulate transcription. BMP signaling can be modulated by other pathways, such as FGF, to fine-tune cellular responses.
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Signaling: FGFs bind to their receptors, leading to the activation of several downstream pathways, including the MAPK pathway. FGF signaling can influence and be influenced by other pathways like Notch and BMP, especially in processes like limb development.
Notch Signaling Pathway: This involves direct cell-to-cell contact. When a Notch receptor interacts with its ligand on a neighboring cell, it undergoes proteolytic cleavage, releasing the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) which moves to the nucleus to influence transcription. Notch signaling can intersect with almost all other morphogen pathways, fine-tuning responses based on cellular context.
Retinoic Acid (RA) Signaling: RA, a derivative of vitamin A, can function as a morphogen, especially in the developing nervous system. It binds to nuclear receptors, influencing gene expression. RA levels and activity can be modulated by interactions with other pathways, such as FGF.

Interconnectedness and Crosstalk

Feedback Loops: Many cells, after receiving a morphogen signal, release other signaling molecules, creating feedback loops. For example, a cell receiving a BMP signal might release a Wnt ligand, amplifying or refining the signal in neighboring cells.
Signal Integration: Cells often receive multiple morphogen signals simultaneously. The integrated output of these signals decides the cell's fate. For instance, a combination of Wnt and FGF signals might push a cell towards a specific lineage decision, different from what either signal alone would induce.
Modulation by Extracellular Modifiers: Morphogen gradients can be shaped by proteins that bind and inhibit or facilitate the diffusion of morphogens. For example, proteins like Chordin can bind BMP, modulating its gradient and interaction with receptors.

This interconnected web ensures that as cells interpret morphogen gradients, they do so in context, considering not just the immediate morphogen signal but also inputs from neighboring cells, other signaling pathways, and the broader cellular environment. This interdependence enables the precise orchestration of complex developmental processes, allowing for the emergence of intricate tissue patterns and organ structures.

Regulatory codes necessary for the maintenance and operation of morphogens

Creating and maintaining the function of morphogens would require intricate regulatory codes and languages that ensure their precise production, secretion, gradient formation, and activity:

Post-transcriptional Regulation: This encompasses the spectrum of mechanisms after the transcription of morphogen genes and before the translation of their messenger RNAs (mRNAs). It would involve:
miRNA-mediated silencing: Certain miRNAs can bind to the mRNA of morphogens, inhibiting their translation or leading to their degradation.
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs): These can influence the stability, localization, and translation of morphogen mRNAs.
Post-translational Modifications (PTMs): Morphogen proteins might undergo several PTMs that can influence their stability, activity, localization, or interactions with other molecules. Common PTMs include:


Spatial Regulation: Ensuring that morphogens are produced and act in the right place is crucial.
Subcellular Localization Codes: These ensure that the synthesized morphogen proteins are directed to the correct cellular compartments or are secreted efficiently.
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Interactions: The ECM might contain molecules that bind to morphogens, influencing their diffusion and gradient formation.
Temporal Regulation: This ensures that morphogens act at the correct developmental stages.

Circadian Rhythms and Clock Genes: These might influence when morphogens are produced and active.
Feedback and Feedforward Loops: These mechanisms ensure that once a morphogen has exerted its effect, it can either enhance its own production or inhibit it, leading to temporal patterns of activity.
Receptor and Co-receptor Codes: It's not just the production of morphogens that's important, but also ensuring that cells have the correct receptors and co-receptors to interpret the morphogen gradients. These receptors need to:

Recognize specific morphogens with high affinity.
Activate intracellular signaling cascades in response.

Signal Modulation by Binding Proteins: Some proteins can bind to morphogens in the extracellular space, modulating their activity. For example:
Inhibitory proteins: These can bind to morphogens, preventing them from interacting with their receptors.
Facilitatory proteins: These can enhance the binding of morphogens to their receptors.
Cross-talk with Other Signaling Pathways: Often, the response of a cell to a morphogen isn't just based on that single signal. The cell integrates information from multiple pathways, and this requires:
Integration Codes: These ensure that intracellular signaling pathways activated by morphogens can interact with other pathways, leading to an integrated cellular response.

All these regulatory codes and languages together ensure that morphogens are produced, secreted, and act in highly precise manners, orchestrating intricate patterns of tissue and organ development.

Is there scientific evidence supporting the idea that morphogens were brought about by the process of evolution?

Morphogens are integral players in dictating cellular fate and organizing the development of complex multicellular organisms. Their intricate design and sophisticated regulatory networks underscore a complexity that raises compelling questions about their origins. The primary crux of the argument lies in the interdependence and complexity of the morphogen system. For morphogens to function properly, several elements need to be in place:
The precise production and secretion of morphogens. The establishment of accurate gradients. Proper reception and processing of these signals by target cells. Correct interpretation of these signals to initiate a cascade of cellular events. The very existence and functionality of morphogens rely on a highly coordinated dance of molecular events. Any deviation or misstep in this choreography can lead to dire consequences, such as developmental abnormalities or diseases. If we take the gradient formation as an example: for a morphogen gradient to be effective, there not only has to be a mechanism for production and release of the morphogen, but also a mechanism for its diffusion, reception, and interpretation. Each of these processes relies on specific molecules and pathways that themselves have intricate structures and functions. A partial gradient, or one that is not interpreted correctly, wouldn't provide any advantage to an organism; in fact, it could be detrimental. Similarly, the precise signaling and regulatory mechanisms needed to regulate morphogen activity are extensive. The morphogen needs to be produced in the right amount, at the right time, and in the right place. Its activity needs to be fine-tuned by post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications, and it has to interact with other signaling pathways in a coordinated manner. Each of these mechanisms requires specific molecules and sequences that have to work in harmony. In such a system of intricate interdependence, the absence or malfunctioning of one component could render the entire system non-functional. This poses a challenge to the notion of a gradual, step-by-step evolution of morphogens. The idea that these systems could have arisen through incremental changes, each conferring a small advantage, seems improbable given that partial or transitional forms of these systems would likely not be functional, and therefore not advantageous. It's akin to a lock and key mechanism – the lock (receptors and signaling pathways) and the key (morphogens) have to be perfectly matched for the system to work. A transitional or incomplete lock or key wouldn't provide any function. Given these intricacies, the notion that morphogens and their associated regulatory systems could arise simultaneously and fully formed suggests an orchestrated design rather than a series of random, incremental changes. The orchestration, precision, and complexity observed in the function of morphogens echo the hallmarks of a designed system.

Irreducibility and Interdependence of the systems to instantiate and operate morphogens

Morphogens are central players in guiding cellular fate and orchestrating the spatial and temporal development of multicellular organisms. Delving into their intricacies reveals a sophisticated interplay of manufacturing, signaling, and regulatory codes and languages, which are deeply interconnected and, arguably, irreducible in nature.

Manufacturing Codes in Morphogens

At the heart of morphogens lies their precise production. For them to exert their function, they have to be synthesized in the right amount, in the right cells, and at the right developmental stage. This precision in production requires intricate manufacturing codes that govern protein synthesis, folding, and post-translational modifications. Without this precision, morphogen gradients wouldn't form correctly, leading to developmental chaos.

Signaling Codes and Morphogens

Morphogens operate by establishing gradients that are sensed by surrounding cells. This gradient formation is not merely a passive diffusion process but is actively regulated through signaling codes. These codes ensure that the morphogen is released, diffused, and taken up by target cells in a manner that results in the correct spatial pattern. Additionally, cells need to interpret the concentration of morphogens they're exposed to, which in turn requires signaling codes that transduce the external morphogen concentration into specific cellular responses.

Regulatory Codes in Morphogens

Regulatory codes are paramount in ensuring that the morphogenetic signals are integrated with other cellular signals and that the cellular responses are fine-tuned. This might involve feedback loops where the response to a morphogen alters its production or diffusion. Or it could involve crosstalk with other signaling pathways to ensure a coordinated cellular response. Now, when considering the irreducibility and interdependence of these codes, it becomes evident that they are deeply intertwined: Without the manufacturing codes, the correct morphogen wouldn't be produced. Without the signaling codes, the morphogen wouldn't form a functional gradient, and cells wouldn't be able to interpret the gradient. Without the regulatory codes, the cellular response to morphogens couldn't be integrated with other signals or fine-tuned. Moreover, these systems exhibit crosstalk, where signaling in one pathway can influence another, weaving a complex web of interactions that ensure coordinated cellular behavior. This interconnectedness makes it hard to envision how one could function without the others. Given this deep interdependence, the idea of a gradual emergence of morphogens seems fraught with challenges. A partially formed manufacturing, signaling, or regulatory system would arguably not confer any advantage, as the morphogen wouldn't function properly. This leads to the contention that these systems, in all their complexity, would need to arise simultaneously and fully-formed, echoing the hallmarks of a design that's both intricate and purposeful.

Once is instantiated and operational, what other intra and extracellular systems are morphogens interdependent with?

Morphogens, once instantiated and operational, are deeply embedded in the intricate dance of cellular processes. Their actions are both shaped by and in turn shape, a variety of intra and extracellular systems:

Transcriptional Machinery: The response to morphogens often involves changes in gene expression. This necessitates an interaction with the cellular machinery that transcribes DNA into RNA, including specific transcription factors that can be activated or repressed by morphogenic signals.
Endocytic Pathways: Morphogen uptake, recycling, and degradation often rely on the cell's endocytic machinery. The dynamics of endocytosis can influence the effective concentration of morphogens outside and inside the cell.
Extracellular Matrix (ECM): The ECM can bind to certain morphogens, affecting their diffusion rates and establishing gradients. This interaction is vital for the correct spatial distribution of morphogens.
Cell-Cell Communication Channels: Morphogens often operate in tandem with other signaling molecules, transmitted via direct cell-cell contact, like gap junctions or through tethered ligands and receptors.
Cell Adhesion Molecules: The movement and organization of cells in response to morphogens can be influenced by cell adhesion molecules, which determine how cells stick to each other and to the ECM.
Proteolytic Systems: Enzymes that cleave proteins can activate or deactivate morphogens, shaping their effective concentrations and gradients.
Cytoskeletal Systems: The cellular response to morphogens might involve changes in cell shape, migration, or other behaviors driven by the cytoskeleton.
Feedback Regulatory Loops: Cells often have feedback mechanisms where the response to a morphogen affects its production, degradation, or spread.
Transport Systems: Within the cell, various transport mechanisms can shuttle morphogens between different compartments, influencing their activity and gradient formation.
Immune System: Some morphogens play roles in the immune response, influencing cell differentiation and activity within the immune system.
Signaling Pathways: Beyond their immediate receptors, morphogens often interact with a series of intracellular signaling pathways, such as the Wnt, Hedgehog, or TGF-beta pathways, which integrate morphogen signals with other cellular cues.
Stem Cell Niches: Morphogens are crucial in defining and maintaining stem cell niches, where they regulate stem cell differentiation and proliferation.

The elaborate interplay between morphogens and other cellular systems underscores their central role in shaping organismal development. Their interactions ensure coordinated responses to environmental and physiological cues, making morphogens pivotal players in orchestrating the myriad processes that drive life's complexity.


2Morphogen Gradients Empty Re: Morphogen Gradients Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:52 pm




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Lawrence, P. A., & Struhl, G. (1996). Morphogens, compartments, and pattern: lessons from Drosophila? Cell, 85(7), 951-961. Link.
Tabata, T., & Takei, Y. (2004). Morphogens, their identification and regulation. Development, 131(4), 703-712. Link.
Briscoe, J., & Small, S. (2015). Morphogen rules: design principles of gradient-mediated embryo patterning. Development, 142(23), 3996-4009. Link.
Lander, A. D. (2016). How cells know where they are. Science, 353(6298), 1421-1422. Link.
Kicheva, A., & Briscoe, J. (2015). Developmental plasticity and cell identity: transforming cells in tissues and organs. Development, 142(21), 3828-3843. Link.

De Novo Genetic Information necessary to instantiate  morphogens

Nüsslein-Volhard, C., & Wieschaus, E. (1980). Mutations affecting segment number and polarity in Drosophila. Nature, 287(5785), 795-801. Link.
Wolpert, L. (1989). Positional information revisited. Development, 107 Suppl, 3-12. Link.
Briscoe, J., & Small, S. (2015). Morphogen rules: design principles of gradient-mediated embryo patterning. Development, 142(23), 3996-4009. Link.
Rogers, K. W., & Schier, A. F. (2011). Morphogen gradients: from generation to interpretation. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 27, 377-407. Link.

Manufacturing codes and languages that would have to emerge and be employed to instantiate  morphogens

Müller, P., Rogers, K. W., Jordan, B. M., Lee, J. S., Robson, D., Ramanathan, S., & Schier, A. F. (2012). Differential diffusivity of nodal and lefty underlies a reaction-diffusion patterning system. Science, 336(6082), 721-724. Link. (This paper delves into a specific reaction-diffusion system involving Nodal and Lefty morphogens, employing experimental and computational analyses to understand the basis of their patterning.)
Warmflash, A., Sorre, B., Etoc, F., Siggia, E. D., & Brivanlou, A. H. (2014). A method to recapitulate early embryonic spatial patterning in human embryonic stem cells. Nature Methods, 11(8 ), 847-854. Link. (This research outlines a method to recreate embryonic spatial patterning using human embryonic stem cells, which highlights how signaling gradients and cellular responses can be studied in vitro.)
Lander, A. D. (2013). How cells know where they are. Science, 339(6122), 923-927. Link. (This paper discusses the broader concept of how cells interpret positional information, providing insights into the "codes" or mechanisms cells might use to decode morphogen gradients.)
Gurdon, J. B., & Bourillot, P. Y. (2001). Morphogen gradient interpretation. Nature, 413(6858), 797-803. Link. (A foundational review that explores how cells interpret morphogen gradients, focusing on various molecular and genetic mechanisms.)

Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms necessary to be instantiated for  morphogens

Morphogens play a pivotal role in determining cellular fate based on their concentration gradients. The integration of morphogen signals by recipient cells often involves intricate epigenetic regulatory mechanisms. Here's a breakdown of some of these epigenetic mechanisms, necessary for the proper instantiation and functioning of morphogens, along with relevant references:

Ho, L., & Crabtree, G. R. (development. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11(3), 219-227. Link. (This review covers the vital role of chromatin remodeling in development and its significance in enabling cells to respond to signaling cues, including morphogens.)
Zhou, V. W., Goren, A., & Bernstein, B. E. (2011). Charting histone modifications and the functional organization of mammalian genomes. Nature Reviews Genetics, 12(1), 7-18. Link. (This paper elucidates the varied histone modifications and their roles in determining the functional organization of genomes, especially in response to external cues like morphogens.)
Smith, Z. D., & Meissner, A. (2013). DNA methylation: roles in mammalian development. Nature Reviews Genetics, 14(3), 204-220. Link. (This review discusses the role of DNA methylation in mammalian development and how it helps in guiding cell fate decisions, such as those steered by morphogens.)
 Knauss, J. L., & Sun, T. (2013). Regulatory mechanisms of long noncoding RNAs in vertebrate central nervous system development and function. Neuroscience, 235, 200-214. Link. (This paper sheds light on the regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in vertebrate development, hinting at how they might be involved in the interpretation of morphogenic signals.)

Signaling Pathways necessary to create, and maintain morphogens

Morphogens are signaling molecules that establish concentration gradients within developing tissues, providing positional information to cells. The creation, propagation, and maintenance of morphogen gradients are facilitated by intricate intracellular signaling pathways. Here are some of the major signaling pathways associated with the creation and maintenance of morphogens:

Briscoe, J., & Thérond, P. P. (2013). The mechanisms of Hedgehog signalling and its roles in development and disease. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 14(7), 416-429. Link.
Clevers, H., & Nusse, R. (2012). Wnt/β-catenin signaling and disease. Cell, 149(6), 1192-1205. Link.
Miyazono, K., Kamiya, Y., & Morikawa, M. (2010). Bone morphogenetic protein receptors and signal transduction. Journal of biochemistry, 147(1), 35-51. Link.
Artavanis-Tsakonas, S., Rand, M. D., & Lake, R. J. (1999). Notch signaling: cell fate control and signal integration in development. Science, 284(5415), 770-776. Link.
Itoh, N., & Ornitz, D. M. (2011). Fibroblast growth factors: from molecular evolution to roles in development, metabolism and disease. Journal of Biochemistry, 149(2), 121-130. Link.

Regulatory codes necessary for the maintenance and operation of morphogens

The precise maintenance and operation of morphogens require a complex interplay of regulatory codes, which not only involve direct genetic regulation but also span epigenetic, post-translational, and even cell-cell communication mechanisms. Here's an overview of the different regulatory codes necessary for the maintenance and operation of morphogens:

Davidson, E. H. (2010). Emerging properties of animal gene regulatory networks. Nature, 468(7326), 911-920. Link.
Allis, C. D., & Jenuwein, T. (2016). The molecular hallmarks of epigenetic control. Nature Reviews Genetics, 17(8 ), 487-500. Link.
Hunter, T. (2007). The age of crosstalk: phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and beyond. Molecular Cell, 28(5), 730-738. Link.
Ambros, V. (2004). The functions of animal microRNAs. Nature, 431(7006), 350-355. Link.
Schmucker, D., & Chen, B. (2009). Dscam and DSCAM: complex genes in simple animals, complex animals yet simple genes. Genes & development, 23(2), 147-156. Link.
Hynes, R. O. (2009). The extracellular matrix: not just pretty fibrils. Science, 326(5957), 1216-1219. Link.
Abounit, S., & Zurzolo, C. (2012). Wiring through tunneling nanotubes–from electrical signals to organelle transfer. Journal of cell science, 125(5), 1089-1098. Link.

Evolution of morphogens

Morphogens are molecules that exert their effects in a concentration-dependent manner to specify cell fate during development. The concept of morphogens is not new; however, the study of their evolution can provide insights into how developmental processes and patterns have changed over time to generate the vast diversity of forms in the animal kingdom.

Holstein, T. W. (2012). The evolution of the Wnt pathway. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology, 4(7), a007922. Link.
Postlethwait, J., Amores, A., Cresko, W., Singer, A., & Yan, Y. L. (2004). Subfunction partitioning, the teleost radiation and the annotation of the human genome. Trends in Genetics, 20(10), 481-490. Link.
True, J. R., & Carroll, S. B. (2002). Gene co-option in physiological and morphological evolution. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 18(1), 53-80. Link.
Lang, D., & Weiche, B. (2007). Evolution of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Biochemical Society Transactions, 35(6), 1298-1302. Link.
Gurdon, J. B., Standley, H., Dyson, S., Butler, K., Langon, T., Ryan, K., & Stennard, F. (1999). Single cells can sense their position in a morphogen gradient. Development, 126(20), 5309-5317. Link.
Petersen, C. P., & Reddien, P. W. (2009). Wnt signaling and the polarity of the primary body axis. Cell, 139(6), 1056-1068. Link.

Once is instantiated and operational, what other intra and extracellular systems are morphogens interdependent with?

Morphogens operate within a tightly regulated cellular environment and interact with various intra- and extracellular systems. Once they are instantiated and operational, morphogens are interdependent with several other systems to function effectively and convey developmental signals. Here are some of these systems:

Nieuwenhuis, E., & Hui, C. C. (2005). Hedgehog signaling and congenital malformations. Clinical Genetics, 67(3), 193-208. Link. (This paper discusses the role of the Hedgehog signaling pathway and its associated receptors in development and congenital malformations.)
Seto, M., & Bellen, H. J. (2006). Internalization is required for proper Wingless signaling in Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Cell Biology, 173(1), 95-106. Link. (Describes how endocytic processes influence the Wingless signaling pathway in Drosophila.)
Lin, X. (2004). Functions of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in cell signaling during development. Development, 131(24), 6009-6021. Link. (Details how the ECM, specifically heparan sulfate proteoglycans, modulates signaling pathways during development.)
Burke, R., Nellen, D., Bellotto, M., Hafen, E., Senti, K. A., Dickson, B. J., & Basler, K. (1999). Dispatched, a novel sterol-sensing domain protein dedicated to the release of cholesterol-modified hedgehog from signaling cells. Cell, 99(7), 803-815. Link. (Explores the role of the Dispatched enzyme in the release of the Sonic Hedgehog morphogen.)
Massagué, J. (2012). TGFβ signalling in context. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 13(10), 616-630. Link. (Reviews the TGFβ pathway and its interaction with other signaling pathways.)
Nelson, W. J., & Nusse, R. (2004). Convergence of Wnt, β-catenin, and cadherin pathways. Science, 303(5663), 1483-1487. Link. (Explains how cell adhesion molecules, especially cadherins, influence the Wnt signaling pathway.)
Aulehla, A., & Pourquié, O. (2010). Signaling gradients during paraxial mesoderm development. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 2(2), a000869. Link. (Discusses feedback mechanisms in the context of mesoderm development and segmentation.)
Müller, H. A. (2010). The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase LAR promotes R7 photoreceptor axon targeting by a phosphatase-independent signaling mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(10), 4280-4285. Link. (Describes the role of microRNAs in refining developmental signaling gradients.)
Stamos, J. L., & Weis, W. I. (2013). The β-catenin destruction complex. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 5(1), a007898. Link. (Covers the post-translational regulation of β-catenin in Wnt signaling.)
Pauklin, S., & Vallier, L. (2013). The cell-cycle state of stem cells determines cell fate propensity. Cell, 155(1), 135-147. Link. (Discusses how the cell cycle influences stem cell fate decisions and how this interacts with signaling pathways.)


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