ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Is space-time an illusion ?

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1Is space-time an illusion ? Empty Is space-time an illusion ? Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:27 am



Is space-time an illusion ?

Spacetime as we perceive “independent of Mind”? "IMPOSSIBLE!"
We already know that Quantum Gravity tells us space and time don’t have fundamental existence like we thought it did, and that space and time are either “emergent” or illusory all together. But don’t just take my word for it:
“The predictions of Quantum Mechanics are Independant of the relative arrangement of space and time of the individual measurements... So Quantum Mechanics transgresses space and time in a very deep sense. We would be well advised to reconsider the foundations of space and time in a conceptual way.” - Physicist Anton Zeilinger
Unifying Quantum Mechanics with General Relativity is next to impossible as well without ditching spacetime. And Quantum Entanglement (when particles behave as if there’s literally no space between them) are a huge clue to spacetime not being fundamental.
“Research in Quantum Gravity strongly suggests that our world is not fundamentally spatiotemporal, but that spacetime may only emerge in some sense from a non-spatiotemporal structure.” - Physicist Christian Wuthridge
“I am almost certain that space and time are illusions. These are primitive notions that will be replaced by something more sophisticated.” - Institute for advanced study at Princeton, Physicist Nathan Seiberg
“There are almost as many contending ideas for a quantum theory of gravity as scientists working on the topic. The disputes obscure and important truth: the competing approaches all say space is derived from something deeper - an idea that breaks with 2,500 perspectives of scientific and philosophical understanding.” - Mathematician, planetary scientist, and Author, George Musser
“Everyone in string theory is convinced... that spacetime is doomed. But we don’t know what it’s replaced by.” - Nobel Laureate, Physicist David Gross
“Emergent spacetime is the new fundamental paradigm in quantum gravity.” - Physicist Hyak Seok Yang
“‘Spacetime is doomed’ is really an elementary consequence of the existence of both quantum mechanics and gravity.” - Physicist Nima Arkani
“The whole notion of space and time is probably not really fundamental.” - Physicist Fotoni Markopoulou
“Space is obviously not fundamental.” - Cosmologist, Sean Carrol
“There aren’t many things in Quantum Gravity that everyone agrees on... Yet the one thing many people seem to agree on in Quantum Gravity is that we are going to have to cope with space and time not being fundamental.” Philosopher of Physics, Eleanor Knox
Ditching space and time is consensus in Quantum Gravity amongst the experts, and for good reason.
It gets worse....
Now there’s a growing body of evidence in neuroscience that the brain (whatever mode of mentality the brain actually turns out to be) constructs space and time as an evolutionary hack go help distinguish between things and navigate (distance and duration is mentally constructed, like in a dream or hallucination, to aid in survival). So right now your mind is mentally hallucinating this reality but when our hallucinations agree we call it “real”:
“We are all hallucinating all the time. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, that’s what we call ‘reality.’” - Neuroscientist Anil Seth
Many cognitive scientists are now forced to take serious the idea that space and time are mental constructions and don’t exist beyond mind:
“The intellectual history of are species is slowly giving up the idea that the way we perceive the world is the way it is. So, we thought about flat earth, why? Because that’s the way it looks. We gave that up, it was hard, but we gave it up. Then we had to give up geocentric universe... people died over that one. And again, why was it so hard to give up? It sure looked like sun, and the moon, and the stars went around the earth. It was hard for us to give that up. I’m saying the next step is space and time themselves. Flat earth? Geocentric universe? These are just warm ups. Now as a species we have to give up space and time themselves.” - Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman
Two very respected names in neuroscience (one of them is the Chairman Emeritus of the department of Physiology & Neuroscience at the NYU School of Medicine) argue that we have sufficient reason to think that perhaps space and time are mental.
“We summarize current neuroscience views on space and time, discuss whether the brain perceives or makes distance and duration, analyze how assumed representations of distance and durations relate to each other, and consider the option that SPACE AND TIME ARE MENTAL CONSTRUCTS.” Neuroscientists György Buzsáki Rodolfo Llinás (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6362/482)





2Is space-time an illusion ? Empty Re: Is space-time an illusion ? Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:41 am




“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer”
― Nassim Haramein


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