ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Is theism wishful thinking ?

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1Is theism wishful thinking ?  Empty Is theism wishful thinking ? Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:52 am



Is theism wishful thinking ?

Objection: Theism is wishful thinking. You believe in God because you want to. It helps you to cope with death. (paraphrased)
1) Why do you think that the case is any different for you (the atheist)?
2) I can turn around and say that "You choose to not believe in God because you worship the god of your own Lusts".
3) And, I can provide you quotes from atheists who have admitted as much (Dawkins' Foundation Ads).
4) Or I can say that "You choose to not believe in God because of a personal emotional preference, a wanting a world in which there is no God".
5) And, I can provide you quotes from atheists who have admitted as much (Nagel).
6) So, this argument is a two-edged sword that can as easily be turned against you (the atheist).
Conclusion: So, the argument that Theists are Theists because of wish-fulfillment (or wishful thinking) is a Non Sequitur (it does not follow).
So, let us look at the evidence instead.
1) Atheism is foundationally IRRational
Atheism is foundationally IRRational because it necessitates
(a) an universe caused by nothing, with no cause, or
(b) an infinite regress of universes, both of which are IRRATIONAL;
AND atheism necessitates
(c) determinism, and hence no freewill, and therefore
(d) no rationality, and
(e) no good or evil, and
(f) no morality, and
(g) no common-sense day-to-day freedom of choice that we experience on a daily basis.
In addition, Atheism provides NO Rational warrant for (i) cause and effect, (ii) rationality, or (iii) science.
2) Mere-Christian Theism on the other hand is completely rational.
Mere-Christian Theism on the other hand is completely rational.
It provides Rational Warrant for (i) cause and effect, (ii) rationality, or (iii) science.
And it does not fail for the various items listed above.
Conclusion: Mere-Christian Theism is the Rational Choice over Atheism.


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