ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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intelligent fools

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1 intelligent fools Empty intelligent fools Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:36 am



We need a new word to describe evolutionary biologists who talk like intelligent fools. 1


 Everything they observe requires intelligent design and looks like intelligent design, but they glibly describe them as coming about from stupid, blind processes.  Somebody provide us a one-word concoction that encapsulates the apostle Paul’s description, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

Wait: there is such a word – “sophomore.”  (Apologies to all second-year students.)  How about sophoxymoroniac?  Perfect.

Sophoxymoroniac, definition: a sophomoric (wise-fool) scientist with a mania for speaking in oxymorons (wise-foolish statements), like evolutionary design and Darwinian rationality.

   Now, we can expand our code language when describing Darwinists: you know, those sophoxymoroniacs with the fability to howl ev-illusionary mythoids in fogma.  

   Believing that blind duplication can produce machinery as elaborate as a nuclear pore complex  is like believing that swirling snowflakes can produce a living snowman without a kid and a fairy godmother.

 intelligent fools Emilys10

1) http://creationsafaris.com/crev200802.htm#20080202a


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