ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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Interesting facts about the geological column

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Interesting facts about the geological column

There are some interesting facts on the geological column, of the fossils 95 % of them are marine invertebrates, mainly shellfish. Of the remaining 5%, 95% are algae and plant fossils. 95% of the remaining 0.25% includes other invertebrates including insects. The remaining 0.0125% includes all vertebrates, mostly fish. 95% of the few land vertebrates consist of less than one bone. I got these figures from “The Young Earth” (Morris, J .D., 1994). The fossil record doesn’t look like the ones we see in college textbooks with equal space for all the different types of animals. The fossil record seems to point to a marine cataclysmic event and not long ages.

Claim: The K-T boundary, now more commonly referred to as the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary, is a distinct layer in the geological record that marks the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning of the Paleogene period. This boundary is dated to approximately 66 million years ago. Key features of the K-T boundary include:

1. A thin layer of clay enriched with iridium, an element rare in Earth's crust but more common in asteroids.
2. The last appearance of non-avian dinosaur fossils in the rock layers below this boundary.
3. A major extinction event, with approximately 75% of plant and animal species on Earth disappearing, including dinosaurs, flying pterosaurs, and many marine reptiles.
4. A significant change in fossil assemblages above and below the boundary, marking the transition from the "Age of Reptiles" to the "Age of Mammals."
5. In some locations, evidence of impact-related materials such as shocked quartz and tektites.

This boundary is widely accepted by the scientific community as marking the time of a massive asteroid impact, likely at the Chicxulub crater site in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. This impact is believed to have caused global climate disruption, leading to the mass extinction event. The K-T boundary is found worldwide in both marine and terrestrial rock formations, making it a crucial marker in geological and paleontological studies. The K-T boundary separates the age of reptiles and the age of mammals, which was first recognized over one hundred years ago by geologists who realized that there was a dramatic change in the types of fossils deposited on either side of this boundary. This boundary also separates two of the three eras of the Phanerozoic, which is the time in Earth history that began with the origin of complex life and extends to the present. These two eras are called the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Dinosaurs were prevalent during the Mesozoic Era and extinct during the Cenozoic Era. The last segment of the Mesozoic Era, from 135 to 65 millions of years ago, is called the Cretaceous Period. The first segment of the Cenozoic Era, from 65 million years ago until the present, has historically been called the Tertiary Period. The abbreviation for the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods is the K-T boundary, where K is the abbreviation for the German form of the word Cretaceous.
This boundary corresponds to one of the greatest mass extinctions in Earth's history. At least 75 percent of the species on our planet, both in the seas and on the continents, were extinguished forever. The most famous of the vanquished are the dinosaurs. However, these giants were only a small fraction of the plants and animals that disappeared. In the oceans, more than 90 percent of the plankton was extinguished, which inevitably led to the collapse of the oceanic food chain.

Reply:  The K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary, its interpretation differs between conventional geology and flood geology perspectives: From a flood geology perspective, the K-T boundary represents a specific phase or event within the global flood described in Genesis. It's seen as a marker of changing flood dynamics rather than millions of years of time. This layer likely formed during a particularly intense period of the flood, possibly due to:

1. A shift in flood water movements or sediment deposition patterns
2. A major tectonic event during the flood
3. Volcanic activity triggered by flood processes
4. Impacts from extraterrestrial objects as part of God's mechanism for initiating or intensifying the flood

The distinct features of this layer, including the iridium anomaly, are attributed to the extreme conditions present during the global flood rather than a separate extinction event millions of years ago. The changes in fossil assemblages above and below this layer are explained by different stages of the flood burying different ecological communities, rather than by extinctions spread over long ages. This boundary is seen as evidence supporting the reality of a catastrophic, worldwide flood event as described in Scripture, occurring within the biblical timeframe of Earth history. The fossil record is not a linear representation of Earth's history over millions of years, but rather the result of a catastrophic global flood. The apparent order in the fossil record is due to ecological zonation, hydrological sorting, and the order in which different habitats were engulfed by floodwaters. Instead of representing millions of years of separation, the K-T boundary is simply a division between different stages or phases of the global flood event, perhaps marking a significant change in flood dynamics or sediment deposition. Rather than a gradual extinction over millions of years or a sudden event 65 million years ago, most dinosaurs perished during the flood itself, with perhaps a few surviving temporarily afterward before dying out due to environmental changes.  Most dinosaurs were buried earlier in the flood event, with later flood stages burying other creatures that are now found in higher strata. Instead of separate extinction events spread over geological time, there was a single major extinction event - the global flood - which accounts for most of the fossil record. Features like the K-T boundary clay are flood deposits rather than the result of an asteroid impact or long-term geological processes. The fossil record is primarily a result of catastrophic burial during a global flood event, rather than a record of life's evolution over millions of years.

Claim: There are no dinosaur fossils found above the KT boundary. The K-T boundary separates the age of reptiles and the age of mammals, which was first recognized over one hundred years ago by geologists who realized that there was a dramatic change in the types of fossils deposited on either side of this boundary. This boundary also separates two of the three eras of the Phanerozoic, which is the time in Earth history that began with the origin of complex life and extends to the present. These two eras are called the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Dinosaurs were prevalent during the Mesozoic Era and extinct during the Cenozoic Era. The last segment of the Mesozoic Era, from 135 to 65 millions of years ago, is called the Cretaceous Period. The first segment of the Cenozoic Era, from 65 million years ago until the present, has historically been called the Tertiary Period. The abbreviation for the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods is the K-T boundary, where K is the abbreviation for the German form of the word Cretaceous.
This boundary corresponds to one of the greatest mass extinctions in Earth's history. At least 75 percent of the species on our planet, both in the seas and on the continents, were extinguished forever. The most famous of the vanquished are the dinosaurs. However, these giants were only a small fraction of the plants and animals that disappeared. In the oceans, more than 90 percent of the plankton was extinguished, which inevitably led to the collapse of the oceanic food chain.
Reply: The K-T boundary, rather than representing a division between vast geological eras, actually marks a significant phase within the global flood event. This boundary doesn't indicate millions of years of separation, but rather a dramatic shift in flood dynamics and depositional patterns. The apparent extinction event at this boundary can be explained by the flood model. As floodwaters rose, they would have rapidly buried different ecological communities in sequence. The seeming disappearance of dinosaurs above this layer doesn't necessarily mean they went extinct at that exact moment, but rather that the conditions of burial changed. The flood model proposes that most dinosaurs were buried earlier in the catastrophe, while other creatures - including many mammals - were able to survive longer due to factors like mobility or habitat. These survivors were then buried in later flood stages, creating the impression of succession in the fossil record. The dramatic change in fossil types across this boundary reflects the complex nature of the flood event, with different phases characterized by varying water levels, sediment loads, and tectonic activity. This would naturally result in different burial patterns and fossil assemblages. The extinction percentages cited are based on uniformitarian assumptions about the fossil record. In the flood model, these numbers instead represent the devastating effects of a single, year-long global catastrophe rather than a gradual process over millions of years. The collapse of ocean ecosystems, including plankton, aligns with the flood model's prediction of massive upheaval in marine environments. Turbulent flood waters, changes in ocean chemistry, and rapid sedimentation would have dramatically affected marine life. While the K-T boundary is a significant geological marker, interpreting it through a flood geology lens provides a cohesive explanation for the observed patterns without requiring millions of years. This interpretation aligns with the biblical account of Earth's history and offers a framework for understanding major features of the fossil record within a young-Earth timescale.

Claim: Iridium is a very rare element in the Earth's crust, but is found in anomalously high concentrations (around 100 times greater than normal) in a thin worldwide layer of clay marking the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods, 66 million years ago. This boundary is marked by a major extinction event, including that of the dinosaurs along with about 70% of all other species. The clay layer also contains small grains of shocked quartz and, in some places, small weathered glass beads thought to be tektites. Tektites (from Ancient Greek τηκτός (tēktós) 'molten') are gravel-sized bodies composed of black, green, brown or grey natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts.

Reply: Rather than indicating an extraterrestrial impact 66 million years ago, the iridium-rich layer can be the result of volcanic activity during the flood. The flood event triggered intense volcanism, which would have released iridium from the Earth's mantle. The global nature of this layer is evidence supporting a worldwide flood rather than a localized event. Flood waters distributed this material across the Earth. The extreme pressures and temperatures during the flood event produced similar features. These materials were formed by the intense friction and heat generated by massive water movements and tectonic activity during the flood. Instead of marking a mass extinction 66 million years ago, this layer is evidence of the later stages of the flood, representing a point where many creatures had already been buried in lower sediments. The 66-million-year date can be rejected in favor of a much younger timescale, these layers were deposited only a few thousand years ago during the flood event. Rather than slow deposition over time,  this layer formed rapidly during the tumultuous conditions of a global flood. The iridium and other materials did come from sources within the Earth, released by the catastrophic processes of the flood, rather than from an extraterrestrial impact.

Claim: A stretch not at all supported by any scientific findings with respect to Iridium, and there is absolutely no evidence suggesting the level of volcanic activity to put so much Iridium into the KT boundary clay. Particles and gases were sampled at Mauna Loa volcano during and after its eruption in March and April 1984, and at Kilauea volcano in 1983, 1984, and 1985. The samples were analyzed by INAA for more than 40 elements. Iridium was found at Kilauea and Mauna Loa in samples collected during as well as after fountaining activity. Osmium was only found in the Mauna Loa samples. Enrichment factors for Ir in the volcanic fumes range from 104 to 105 relative to the Hawaiian rock standard BHV01. Iridium fluxes at Mauna Loa and Kilauea ranged from 80 to 3,000 and 10 to 320 g/d, respectively. The amount of Ir released from the magma into the fumes was 1 TO 12 PERCENT. Calculations assuming Deccan volcanism as the source for Ir at the K/T boundary layer show that the concentration of Ir left in the basalts may be too low to account for all of the K/T Ir. It would require a very high fraction (> 80 PERCENT) of the Ir to be purged from the basalt to account for all of it, which cannot be supported by the Hawaiian data. We can't just brush all science rudely off the table onto the floor to prop up our religious beliefs, and doing so harms Christianity. It's okay if the Great flood was allegorical and it's okay if other biblical stories are allegorical. It's still a good and valuable book.

Reply: The global flood was a cataclysmic event of unparalleled magnitude, far beyond what we observe in today's geological processes. These massive impacts dramatically altered Earth's axis tilt. This sudden shift caused immense displacement of water, contributing to the rapid flooding described in Genesis. The impacts also triggered unprecedented tectonic activity and volcanism on a global scale, far surpassing anything we see today. This aligns perfectly with the biblical description of "the fountains of the great deep" bursting forth. The pre-flood world, with its uniform global climate, supports the idea of an Earth without axial tilt. This arrangement, possibly combined with an atmospheric "greenhouse" effect, explains the consistent fossil evidence of tropical vegetation found even in today's polar regions. The "windows of heaven" being opened could refer to the collapse of this water vapor canopy, adding to the floodwaters. The "storm of heavenly bodies" provides a mechanism for both initiating the flood and causing the drastic changes we see in Earth's geology. These impacts would have released enormous amounts of iridium and other elements from deep within the Earth, as well as possibly introducing extraterrestrial material. This explains the iridium-rich layer far better than the conventional asteroid impact theory. This catastrophic model accounts for the rapid burial of organisms, the formation of fossil fuels, and the restructuring of Earth's surface in ways that gradual processes over millions of years simply cannot explain satisfactorily. By integrating these impact events into our flood model, we can better understand how this global catastrophe reshaped our planet, created the geological features we see today, and caused the mass extinction recorded in the fossil record - all within the biblical timeframe and without resorting to millions of years. This framework allows us to interpret the scientific evidence through the lens of biblical history, demonstrating that true science aligns with Scripture when properly understood. The flood was a real, global event that shaped Earth's geology, not an allegory, and understanding it in this way strengthens rather than harms our faith in the accuracy and authority of God's Word.

Question: Then why does the fossil record segregate fossils as though there are multiple consecutive catastrophes? Why are there not bison mammoths and deer in the Hell Creek Formation?
Reply:  The apparent segregation of fossils doesn't necessarily indicate multiple consecutive catastrophes over long ages. Instead, it can be explained by the complex dynamics of the global flood event. During the flood, different ecological zones would have been inundated at different times and rates. The order we see in the fossil record largely reflects the order in which various habitats were overcome by floodwaters. Marine creatures and low-lying coastal areas would have been buried first, followed by progressively higher elevations. Additionally, hydrological sorting played a significant role. As floodwaters rose and moved, they sorted and deposited organisms and sediments based on factors like body density, shape, and habitat. This natural sorting process created the apparent order we see in the fossil record. The absence of certain animals like bison, mammoths, and deer in the Hell Creek Formation can be explained by their different pre-flood habitats and their ability to flee rising waters. These mammals likely occupied higher elevations or were more mobile than dinosaurs, allowing them to survive longer into the flood event. They would have been buried in higher layers of sediment, which we now interpret as "later" geological strata. The flood was not a single, uniform event but a complex catastrophe with multiple phases. There would have been periods of upheaval followed by relative calm, then renewed catastrophic activity. This dynamic process contributed to the layered nature of the fossil record. The flood model actually provides a more coherent explanation for the distribution of fossils than the conventional view. It accounts for the rapid burial necessary to create fossils, the widespread distribution of fossil-bearing strata, and the existence of poly-strate fossils that cut through multiple layers. The segregation of fossils we observe is consistent with a single, complex, global catastrophe - the Genesis Flood - rather than requiring multiple events spread over millions of years.

Claim: Hydrological sorting A.) is not perfect as is seen and B.) sorts by body density not by taxonomy as is seen in the actual fossil record.
Reply: Hydrological sorting alone doesn't fully explain the fossil record patterns we observe. The flood model actually incorporates multiple factors beyond simple hydrological sorting:

Ecological zonation: Different creatures occupied distinct habitats before the flood. As floodwaters rose, they would have inundated these zones sequentially, creating a general order in burial.
Mobility and survival ability: Some creatures were better equipped to flee rising waters or survive longer in flood conditions. This contributes to their placement in higher strata.
Complex flood phases: The year-long flood wasn't a single event but had multiple stages of water rise, tectonic activity, and sedimentation patterns.
Pre-flood geography: The pre-flood world likely had a different topography, affecting how and when various populations were overcome by floodwaters.
Post-flood localized events: Some upper layers may represent post-flood localized catastrophes, like ice age events or volcanic eruptions.

Regarding taxonomy, its correct that perfect sorting by species isn't observed. However, the general patterns we see often reflect ecological communities rather than strict taxonomic groupings. Creatures that lived together tend to be buried together. The conventional geological column is an idealized concept. In reality, there are many "out of place" fossils that don't fit neatly into the expected evolutionary sequence. The flood model doesn't claim perfect sorting, but rather offers a framework to understand the general patterns we observe while accounting for exceptions. It provides a more cohesive explanation for rapid burial, widespread distribution of fossils, and preservation of soft tissues than does the conventional long-age model.

Claim: Canopy? Of water? What was holding it up? And impacts able to give us an axial tilt would have been catastrophic far beyond anything substantiated by science. You don't give an 8,000 mile diameter planet with no tilt suddenly 23.5 degrees of tilt via impacts without rendering its surface molten for a long, long time. The entire surface would have been rendered molten and Noah and all on board would have died. Absolute fantasy. I find all this pretending and just Making Stuff Up exceedingly disrespectful to the magnificent procession of events it took to get us where we are today.
Response: The water canopy hypothesis is just one potential explanation for the pre-flood world's climate. While some have proposed a literal canopy of water vapor, others suggest a more complex atmospheric arrangement that created a greenhouse effect. The exact mechanism isn't crucial to the overall flood model. Regarding the impacts and axial tilt, we must remember that the flood was a unique, supernatural event unlike anything we observe today. The Bible describes God actively intervening in this process. These weren't simply random asteroid strikes, but divinely directed events as part of God's judgment. The conventional calculations about energy and heat don't necessarily apply when we're dealing with miraculous intervention. It's important to note that the flood account describes God supernaturally protecting Noah and the ark. The same divine power that brought about the flood also ensured the survival of those God chose to preserve. What might seem impossible by purely naturalistic standards becomes feasible when we account for God's direct involvement. Rather than disrespecting the history of our planet, the flood model offers a framework that aligns with both the biblical account and the observable evidence. It provides explanations for rapid geological changes, fossil formation, and the restructuring of Earth's surface that gradual processes struggle to account for. The conventional view of Earth's history, with its millions of years of slow change, actually diminishes the awe-inspiring power and purpose behind creation. The flood model showcases God's judgment, power, and mercy on a grand scale, while also providing a coherent explanation for the geological and paleontological evidence we observe. Instead of "making stuff up," we're interpreting the evidence through the lens of Scripture, which we believe to be the ultimate authority on Earth's true history. This approach allows us to understand our world's past in a way that honors both God's Word and the scientific observations we can make today.


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