ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Using Artificial Intelligence to write science articles - any problem?

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Using Artificial Intelligence to write science articles - any problem?

All too often, when I provide a response in Facebook groups or WhatsApp groups using AI, some people respond in a derogatory manner, implying that my response lacks authenticity or value because it was "written by an AI." However, this perspective fails to recognize the immense potential and benefits that AI advancements to the endeavor of communicating and disseminating scientific knowledge. The advent of AI tools should in my view be embraced, not disparaged, as they represent a remarkable technological achievement that can enhance our ability to convey complex scientific concepts and research findings in a clear, accessible manner. While AI-generated responses may not be "original works" in the traditional sense, they serve as powerful tools for synthesizing and articulating information coherently. In the realm of science, where effective communication is vital for advancing understanding and fostering intellectual discourse, AI-assisted communication can be invaluable. Rather than viewing AI as a threat, we should recognize its potential to bridge gaps between specialized scientific domains and diverse audiences, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge across various platforms and communities.

Moreover, the ability of AI models to rapidly process and integrate vast amounts of data from multiple sources can aid in the exploration of interdisciplinary connections, fostering novel insights and collaborations that might otherwise be overlooked. By leveraging the power of AI, scientists and communicators can more effectively navigate the ever-expanding landscape of scientific knowledge, distilling complex information into concise and understandable formats. Dismissing AI-generated responses as lacking authenticity or value is a narrow-minded perspective that fails to recognize the transformative potential of this technology. As with any tool, the value lies in how it is wielded, and in the case of AI language models, their responsible and ethical use can greatly enhance our ability to communicate, educate, and inspire others about the wonders of science.

My journey with AI began in February of last year. Prior to that, over the course of approximately 10 years, I had accumulated and identified 17 distinct mechanisms responsible for the creation of complex organisms. However, upon incorporating AI into my research, that list rapidly expanded to encompass 47 mechanisms. Similarly, while I had previously compiled 10 reasons to question the theory of universal common ancestry, that number surged to 52 after utilizing AI. Furthermore, my initial compilation of 30 epigenetic codes saw a remarkable increase, with the list growing to encompass 223 codes through the assistance of AI. This is just an example. Moreover, I frequently write a text, and ask AI to rewrite it, and in basically all cases, the rewritten text is far more elaborate. AI is a true game-changer. Nobody should be ridiculed or criticised for using it. Btw. This text was first written by me, and then rewritten by AI. That has become my modus operandi.

Otangelo & Claude :=P





Embracing AI as a Powerful Tool for Scientific Communication

In an era where the boundaries of knowledge are constantly expanding, the ability to effectively communicate complex scientific concepts and findings has become paramount. However, this endeavor is often fraught with challenges, as the vast expanse of information can be overwhelming, and bridging the gap between specialized domains and diverse audiences requires a delicate balance of expertise and accessibility.

It is within this context that the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) technology presents itself as a remarkable opportunity, one that should be embraced rather than disparaged. All too often, when I provide a response in Facebook groups or WhatsApp groups using AI, some people respond in a derogatory manner, implying that my response lacks authenticity or value because it was "written by an AI." However, this perspective fails to recognize the immense potential and benefits that AI advancements offer to the endeavor of communicating and disseminating scientific knowledge.

My journey with AI began in February 2022. Prior to that, over the course of approximately 10 years, I had accumulated and identified 17 distinct mechanisms responsible for the creation of complex organisms. However, upon incorporating AI into my research, that list rapidly expanded to encompass 47 mechanisms. Similarly, while I had previously compiled 10 reasons to question the theory of universal common ancestry, that number surged to 52 after utilizing AI. Furthermore, my initial compilation of 30 epigenetic codes saw a remarkable increase, with the list growing to encompass 223 codes through the assistance of AI. This is just an example of how AI has revolutionized my ability to explore and communicate scientific knowledge. The advent of AI tools should, in my view, be embraced, not disparaged, as they represent a remarkable technological achievement that can enhance our ability to convey complex scientific concepts and research findings in a clear, accessible manner. While AI-generated responses may not be "original works" in the traditional sense, they serve as powerful tools for synthesizing and articulating information coherently. In the realm of science, where effective communication is vital for advancing understanding and fostering intellectual discourse, AI-assisted communication can be invaluable. Moreover, the ability of AI models to rapidly process and integrate vast amounts of data from multiple sources can aid in the exploration of interdisciplinary connections, fostering novel insights and collaborations that might otherwise be overlooked. By leveraging the power of AI, scientists and communicators can more effectively navigate the ever-expanding landscape of scientific knowledge, distilling complex information into concise and understandable formats.

There are things that we are simply unable to do on our own. I might be trained to be a musician, to play the violin. If my aim is to record a symphonic piece of music, and I am only trained to be a violinist, I might aim to achieve the goal by playing all instruments, perhaps not perfectly, but somehow getting it done. It will be very authentic, but also inherently limited since training is required to play all instruments to their full potential and perfectly. But when we have a full orchestra at our disposal and a conductor, and we can hire them for free, why would we not do it? That's how I feel about AI. It is a tool with all the knowledge of the world at our disposal, equal to all sorts and kinds of instrument players at our disposal, and on top of that, the conductor, who can tell us which musicians and instruments are required to play the entire piece. And then they can conduct the performance in a harmonious way. But in the end, it was the single musician who put the whole thing into motion. That's how I see myself – a simple musician with superpowers to do things that were before unachievable. I am able today to convey things that were impossible before AI came onto the scene. Maybe we should embrace the advancement of computing and informatic tools like AI for the good. It can provide us with knowledge that permits us to significantly build and advance our worldview with knowledge that was simply unachievable previously.

Dismissing AI-generated responses as lacking authenticity or value is a narrow-minded perspective that fails to recognize the transformative potential of this technology. As with any tool, the value lies in how it is wielded, and in the case of AI language models, their responsible and ethical use can greatly enhance our ability to communicate, educate, and inspire others about the wonders of science. Furthermore, I frequently write a text, and ask AI to rewrite it, and in basically all cases, the rewritten text is far more elaborate. AI is a true game-changer. Nobody should be ridiculed or criticized for using it. This introduction chapter itself is a testament to the power of AI, as it was first written by me and then rewritten by an AI assistant to enhance its clarity, cohesion, and depth of perspective. In conclusion, as we embark on this journey of scientific exploration and communication, let us not shy away from the transformative potential of AI technology. Instead, let us embrace it as a powerful tool that can amplify our voices, bridge gaps, and propel our collective understanding of the natural world to new heights. For in the end, it is not the source of the words that matters, but the pursuit of knowledge and the ability to share it with others in a way that inspires, enlightens, and fosters a deeper appreciation for the wonders of our universe.




The number of AI and robotics papers published in high-quality science journals has been rising exponentially. In the Nature Index, which covers 82 such journals, the growth curve resembles exponential growth1. While the exact count may vary, it’s safe to say that thousands of scientific papers have been written using AI. Researchers worldwide contribute to this growth, and leading countries include the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France1. Additionally, generative AI tools are increasingly used to write scientific literature.

10 September 2018 How AI technology can tame the scientific literature
As artificially intelligent tools for literature and data exploration evolve, developers seek to automate how hypotheses are generated and validated.

Use of artificial intelligence in scientific paper writing

The articles highlight several potential benefits of using AI in scientific writing:

1. AI can help improve the clarity, style, and coherence of scientific writing, especially for non-native English speakers. As stated in [2]: "Overall, artificial intelligence can be an effective tool to improve the clarity, style, and coherence of scientific writing, helping non-native English speakers communicate their research more effectively."

2. AI can assist in tasks like literature review, outlining, and drafting sections like the introduction, abstract, and title. From [3]: "Another option for writing a scientific review article is using AI to complete the literature review, outline the manuscript, and write the first draft of the review article."

3. AI can streamline routine tasks, freeing up time for researchers. [4] states: "AI-based technologies can streamline routine tasks, but they also risk contaminating the scientific research landscape and undermining the credibility of authentic works produced by human researchers."

4. AI can process vast amounts of data efficiently and automate tasks like formatting and citation. As mentioned in [5]: "AI has the capability to process vast amounts of data swiftly and efficiently, empowering researchers to navigate through sophisticated datasets and draw out meaningful insights. Additionally, the automation features of AI streamline tasks like formatting and citation, freeing up substantial time and energy for researchers."

Regarding whether it is prohibited to write science articles using AI, the articles do not explicitly state a blanket prohibition. However, they highlight concerns and emphasize the need for transparency, ethical guidelines, and human oversight:

- [5] states: "There is a consensus on the necessity for transparency and the author's responsibility to uphold content integrity."

- [4] mentions: "New AI technologies increased the risk of creating falsified work, combined with the difficulties of detecting such publications and the absence of perfect and comprehensive AI-detection tools, increasing the risk of developing an environment encouraging fraudulent research."

- [3] notes: "Some contend that AI is a useful aid in writing, but many scientists and publishers reject the use of AI to write papers single-handedly or listing an LLM as the author of a paper."

So while AI is not outright prohibited, there is a strong emphasis on responsible use, transparency, and human oversight to maintain the integrity of scientific publications.

[1] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372279823_The_Role_of_Artificial_Intelligence_in_Academic_Paper_Writing_and_Its_Potential_as_a_Co-_Author_Letter_to_the_Editor
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10508892/
[3] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11914-023-00852-0
[4] https://journals.lww.com/jnsm/fulltext/2023/06030/adapting_to_the_impact_of_artificial_intelligence.9.aspx
[5] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.2147/NSS.S455765


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