ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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The atheists skeleton in the basement

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1The atheists skeleton in the basement Empty The atheists skeleton in the basement Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:47 am



Removing the smoking screen of atheism, what is left?

Stripping away the veils, excavating beyond the smoke and mirrors, we uncover an unvarnished reality. Amid the discourse surrounding evolution and the atheistic worldview, once we cast aside the concept of a potent, timeless, intelligent Creator, what remains is randomness. This notion posits that non-intelligent strokes of luck orchestrated the genesis of the universe, the precision-engineered laws of physics, their meticulous calibration, and the advent of a life-sustaining celestial sphere. Contemplate the sequence of events: from the ignition of life ignited by intricate, encoded directives, to the intricate cellular machinery, the marvel of assembly lines, generators of energy, and microscopic chemical factories. Ponder the transition from non-sentience to sentience, from unconsciousness to consciousness, from entropy to order, and from disarray to intricate complexity.

Thus, the inquiry arises: Does this alternative narrative genuinely hold logical coherence? Can we reasonably accept that the symphony of existence, with all its breathtaking intricacies, is truly a product of fortuitous accidents and unguided happenstance? The odyssey from chaos to the sublime mosaic of life presents a leap adorned with lingering uncertainties.

The sobering truth, going right
down to the bottom of the facts,
removing the smoking screen
from the picture, all the
blabbering about evolution and
forth,,, all that atheists and their
naturalistic worldview has left,
once a Powerful Eternal Intelligent Creator is eliminated, is the
alternative of radom,
non-intelligent lucky accidents
creating the universe, the Laws
of physics, fine-tuning both, creating
a life-permitting planet, life driven
by complex codified
instructional information, creating
complex machines, production lines
energy turbines, and chemical
factories, the cell.

The hidden skeleton
in the atheist's wardrobe,
in the basement.

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