ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Noah's Ark has been found with high probability on Mount Ararat

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1. No artigo, menciona que você afirmou que sua investigação revelou que o suposto local da arca “se apoia em um boato infundado”. Você pode explicar o que exatamente o levou a essa conclusão após sua investigação?

2. O artigo afirma que pesquisadores sérios da arca investigaram as alegações do NAMI de 2010 e concluíram que eram falsas, descrevendo-as como um “cenário de filme na encosta de uma montanha”. Qual é a sua avaliação das reivindicações do NAMI de 2010 e das evidências que elas apresentaram?

3. Alega-se que as estruturas encontradas eram demasiado pequenas para se enquadrarem na descrição bíblica da Arca de Noé e que os defensores afirmam que apenas uma pequena porção permanece enquanto a grande maioria desapareceu. Qual a sua opinião sobre a discrepância de tamanho e a noção de que apenas um fragmento foi descoberto?

4. O artigo afirma que os moradores locais admitiram ter sido contratados para transportar e montar as estruturas de madeira na montanha durante a entressafra. Você tem alguma informação ou evidência sobre quem pode ter orquestrado essa suposta configuração?

5. Há alegações de que o guia turco Parasut, que conduziu o NAMI ao local em 2010, é um “charlatão conhecido” e fez fortuna através destes esquemas. O que você pode nos dizer sobre a reputação e o envolvimento da Parasut?

6. É mencionado que Parasut se tornou uma figura poderosa e perigosa, possivelmente subornando autoridades no leste da Turquia. Você tem alguma ideia sobre as práticas e motivações supostamente antiéticas de Parasut?

7. O artigo sugere que esta “descoberta” de 2015 se parece mais com um “esquema elaborado para ganhar dinheiro” do que com uma arqueologia legítima. Com base na sua investigação, você concorda com esta avaliação? Por que ou por que não?

8. Quais você diria que são os sinais de alerta ou questões mais flagrantes que lançam dúvidas sobre a validade dessas supostas descobertas da Arca de Noé no Monte Ararat?

9. Na sua opinião, que tipo de evidência ou processo seria necessário para verificar de forma abrangente ou rejeitar estas alegações sobre a descoberta da Arca de Noé de uma vez por todas?

1. In the article, it mentions you stated that your investigation revealed the supposed ark site "leans on an unsubstantiated rumor." Can you expand on what exactly led you to this conclusion after your investigation?

2. The article claims that serious ark searchers have investigated the 2010 NAMI claims and concluded they were fake, describing it as a "movie-set on a mountainside." What is your assessment of the 2010 NAMI claims and the evidence they presented?

3. It's alleged that the structures found were too small to fit the biblical description of Noah's Ark and that defenders claim only a small portion remains while the vast majority vanished. What is your take on the size discrepancy and the notion that only a fragment was discovered?

4. The article states that locals admitted to being hired to haul and set up the wooden structures on the mountain during off-season. Do you have any information or evidence regarding who may have orchestrated this alleged set-up?

5. There are claims that the Turkish guide Parasut, who led NAMI to the site in 2010, is a "known charlatan" and has made a fortune through these schemes. What can you tell us about Parasut's reputation and involvement?

6. It's mentioned that Parasut has become a powerful and dangerous figure, possibly bribing officials in eastern Turkey. Do you have any insights into Parasut's alleged unethical practices and motivations?

7. The article suggests this 2015 "discovery" looks more like an "elaborate money-making scheme" rather than legitimate archaeology. Based on your investigation, do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?

8. What would you say are the most glaring red flags or issues that cast doubt on the validity of these supposed Noah's Ark findings on Mount Ararat?

9. In your opinion, what kind of evidence or process would be required to conclusively verify or dismiss these claims about discovering Noah's Ark once and for all?




Chinese explorers stand by claim of Noah's Ark find in Turkey


The Hong Kong-based team rebutted skepticism over their claims of finding Noah's Ark in Turkey, though they said further research is needed to prove beyond doubt that they have located the fabled biblical boat.

AFP /HO /Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI)/Newscom/File

A member of a group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers examine wooden beams inside a compartment of a structure that they claim might prove the existence of Noah's Ark, on Turkey's Mount Ararat. The team said that wooden specimens from the structure have been carbon dated to 4,800 years old, around the same time the ark is said to have been afloat.

By Stephen Kurczy Correspondent

April 30, 2010

Two members of the search team that claims to have found Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey responded to skepticism by saying that there is no plausible explanation for what they found other than it is the fabled biblical boat that weathered a storm that raged 40 days and 40 nights and flooded the entire Earth. Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) held a press conference April 25 in Hong Kong to present their findings and say they were “99.9 percent sure” that a wooden structure found at a 12,000-ft. elevation and dated as 4,800 years old was Noah’s Ark. A flood massive enough to float a boat to the top of Mount Ararat bucks against geologic studies that show no evidence of a worldwide flood that would also have wiped out all plants, animals, and most traces of human civilization. Even prominent fundamentalist Christians who do believe in a worldwide flood have cast doubt on the latest purported discovery. IN PICTURES: Noah's Ark But members of the Chinese-Turkish team stood by their finding. “How can a ship be on a mountain?” Yeung Wing-cheung, one of six team members who entered the structure on Mount Ararat last October, told the Monitor today by telephone from Hong Kong. “The only record of a wooden structure on Mount Ararat is Noah’s Ark," Clara Wei, the team coordinator, also said today by telephone from Beijing. "So up to now I believe this is the most probable explanation. We don’t have another explanation." It's not a hoax While both say more research is necessary, they rebutted critics who say that the finding was a hoax. NAMI is a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Media Evangelism Limited, founded in 1989 to publish multimedia geared toward evangelizing. “We don’t have anything to hide,” says Mrs. Wei. She says that massive wooden planks, some 20 meters long, were found in wooden rooms and hallways buried in the ice atop Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. People could not carry such heavy wood to such a height, nor can vehicles access such a remote location on the mountain. A video of the exploration shows team members wearing crampons and trekking through snow to reach the site. “You can hire horses to carry bags, but they cannot balance themselves with 20-meter-long timber,” says Wei, adding that there was no cultural evidence – such as pottery – that the structure was a former house or church. Turkish officials from Agri Province, the location of Mount Ararat, also attended this week’s press conference in Hong Kong. Lieutenant governor Murat Güven and Cultural Ministries Director Muhsin Bulut, both provincial officials, believe the discovery is likely Noah’s Ark, according to the announcement posted on the team's website. “The local government thinks this is Noah’s Ark,” Mr. Yeung says. Five-year search Over the decades, many explorers have hunted for Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat, and a number claimed to find the boat. Russian World War I aviator Vladimir Roskovitsky claimed to see a large ship resting high on Mount Ararat in 1917. The astronaut James Irwin led a number of disappointing expeditions to Mt. Ararat between 1982 and 1986. French industrialist Fernand Navarra ascended Ararat in 1955, recovering a piece of oak initially dated 5,000 years old; more accurate carbon dating later showed it in the range of A.D. 620 to A.D. 90. However, NAMI claims that their expedition was the first to invest several years of effort with the locals. Starting in 2004, NAMI spent several months every year at the mountain conducting searches while also maintaining contact with local fixers. What began as a documentary about the legend of Noah’s Ark turned into their own obsession with finding the mythic vessel when a local guide by the name of Parasut told them in mid-2008 that he knew the boat’s location. One team member, Panda Lee, visited the location that October. Wei says bad weather prevented NAMI from reaching the site again until October 2009, this time with a three-person film crew. They took video and rock and wood samples, which they then sent to a university in Tehran, Iran – she declined to reveal which one – for radiocarbon dating. This showed the wood to be 4,800 years old, Wei says. The team then spent several months speaking with Turkish officials and researchers before holding this week’s press conference in Hong Kong, which set off a firestorm of media reports on major outlets such as Fox News and Good Morning America. Team member who quit Initially, prominent ark-hunter Randall Price, an evangelical Christian and professor at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., was also a member of the team. He quit, however, over doubts about Parasut’s honesty, and has since concluded that the site is an elaborate "hoax." Mr. Price has questioned why Parasut and NAMI refuse to reveal the location of the finding.

Yeung and Wei say that this could open the site to pillaging. While ark-hunting has become an industry of sorts in southeastern Turkey, with a number of locals on hand to show visitors where to find the ark, Wei insists their guide is trustworthy and only wants to bring attention to his discovery on the mountain. “He thinks we have the power to bring this to the world. He knows we can do that for him,” she says. Wei and Yeung both declined the reveal the amount of money NAMI spent searching for the ark. Yeung said it came from private donors in Hong Kong and Australia. Open to interpretation Creationists, like many of those searching for the ark, have long sought evidence of Noah's Ark to reaffirm their belief that God created the world in seven days and judges the wicked, as when the world was destroyed in a flood that spared only Noah and his family. “If Noah built a real solid boat just like you or I could build a solid boat, and traveled over a stormy sea just like you or I could travel over a stormy sea, and landed on solid ground just like you or I could land on solid ground, if all that could be affirmed, it would also affirm the moral theories that they’re interested in,” says Christopher Toumey, an anthropology professor at the University of South Carolina. The story of an ancient flood is more ancient than Genesis, says Professor Toumey. A passage from the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh, among the world's oldest known literature, tells of a man named Ziusudra surviving a great flood. The Babylonian version of that story says Utnapishtum survives the flood. The plot was reworked and the name again changed, this time to Noah, in the version in the book of Genesis. As such, Toumey says the discovery of Noah's Ark may not necessarily prove useful to evangelical Christians. “Obviously they want it to affirm the story of Noah. It could just as easily affirm the story of Ziusudra or Utnapishtum,” Toumey told the Monitor. Investigation continues Turkey’s culture minister this week ordered a probe into how NAMI brought pieces of the wood sampled from Turkey to China. “How did these objects get there [to Hong Kong] and under whose authority were the officials present there? We are investigating this,” Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay said, according to local newspaper Today’s Zaman. At the same time he welcomed the finding and said it could boost tourism. The next step in the discovery, says Wei, is to coordinate with scientists, researchers, and the Turkish government to conduct further studies on the site. Mrs. Wei says she is 99.9 percent sure they have found Noah’s Ark. “We need scientists to give us another 0.1 percent.” [Editor's note: The original article was unclear regarding how long Noah's Ark was afloat. According to the Book of Genesis chapters 7 and 8, a storm raged for 40 days and 40 nights, and Noah's Ark floated on the flood waters for about five months before coming to rest "on the mountains of Ararat." Noah, his family, and two of every animal remained inside the boat for about 13 months total.] IN PICTURES: Noah's Ark Further reading:




The Pseudoarchaeology of Noah’s Ark

December 23, 2020 Carl Feagans Pseudoarchaeology 1


Noah’s ark gets discovered several times a year (maybe more than Atlantis). A recent set of press releases would have us believe it’s a fact hidden by the Armenians or the Russians… or some conspiracy or another.

The Seven Warning Signs of Pseudoarchaeology includes discoveries pitched directly to the media. The pseudoarchaeologist knows his or her claim will not stand up to scrutiny by actual archaeologists so it gets pitched directly to the media. This isn’t always a hard and fast rule: some genuine archaeological work has skipped scrutiny by peers. But in general, this is a red flag.

Joel Klenck fits that mold. I regularly read news items that include the word “archaeologist” through Google Alerts and early in December I happened across an alert to a story that included “Noah’s ark” in the title. I won’t mention the online news service since it was probably just an automated aggregator picking up a Releasewire press release.

First, it’s worth noting that anyone can draft and create a press release. Services like Releasewire will send your release to a couple dozen news outlets for about $50.

Second, it’s also interesting that the source of the press release is an actual archaeologist. Educated at Harvard no less. It says so in the release.

I looked at his Twitter profile and he archived a bunch of old press releases about Noah’s ark to his Academia page.

So what’s going on? Has Noah’s ark been found?

Probably not. I actually had a short post about this “discovery” back in March 2010, Noah’s Ark Found… again. In that short post, I mentioned an outfit called Noah’s Ark Ministries International (NAMI) and I predicted:

The site site will always remain “a closely guarded secret” No scientific publication of the find(s) will see the light of peer-reviewed literature, and Any additional information will be in the form of press release.

Those predictions held up. It turns out that Joel Klenck is was once associated with NAMI. And what began as a curiosity ended up being quite the rabbit hole for me as I sought more information as to why a Harvard educated archaeologist would get behind such a ludicrous claim.

Noah’s Ark Ministries International

This was a Hong Kong-based Christian church or evangelical organization dedicated to locating the Noah’s ark. They worked with a Kurdish guide, Ahmet Parasut, from Turkey. Together they announced that “discovery” of Noah’s ark I mentioned back in 2010 after a trip or trips they took up Mount Ararat.

The Chinese team, along with Parasut’s team had grand claims of chambers, rooms, artifacts, pieces of wood that were carbon dated to 4800 years ago, etc. An interview with Randall Price gives some fascinating insight into this group, which no longer appears to exist (or maybe they changed their name), and Para?ut. It seems likely from what I read and the interviews I listened to by Price and Patton that NAMI were victims of deception at the hands of Para?ut.

The NAMI team from Hong Kong and the skeptical Americans in the middle, Don Patton, Davide McQueen, and Randall Price. Clara Wei is apparently not of NAMI. Photo -image capture from Don Patton interview.

Price and Don Patton were to be part of a geological team from the United States, since only the Chinese could get the necessary permits from the Turkish government. It turns out that NAMI was really just interested in their financial and credential contributions more than their actual expertise. Once Price and Patton began asking some uncomfortable questions, like “can we see the site” Para?ut and NAMI became increasing guarded.

Para?ut demanded up-front payment of $100,000 in order to visit the site, but ultimately kept the site, its location, and visitation very guarded. In fact, Parasut and NAMI showed Price and Randall photos that couldn’t even be the site based on vegetation and insects in the photos. Oh, and one of the photos was of a known tomb just a few miles from Para?ut’s restaurant!

NAMI ultimately only did press releases. As I predicted in 2010. Para?ut refused access to the site and showed fake photos. As I predicted in 2010.

The Harvard Archaeologist

So why is this “Harvard educated archaeologist,” Joel Klenck, now publishing press releases?

I honestly don’t know. I’d assume one of these things:

He’s a genuine believer that Para?ut and NAMI found the ark. He’s looking for some sort of monetary gain. He’s looking for notoriety and status. Some combination of 1-3 above.

But Klenck has been in this game a while. It turns out that, in 2011, he took a tour from Mountain Ararat Trek where he strayed from the main tour group, possibly in search of Parasut’s alleged site. Though he claims he was in search of a site to use the toilet. He was gone for four hours and his entire tour group was ordered to return.

It was in 2011 through 2013 that most of his press releases were written and uploaded to press release sites like Releasewire. But the latest two have shown up in December of 2020.

On December 7, 2020, he released “Archaeologist: Noah’s Ark a Fact and Matches Three Non-Biblical Accounts.”

In it, he claims that the ark is a vessel on Mt. Ararat that measures “nearly 150 meters long” and in an area “exactly two stadia wide and five stadia in length.” Apparently the Bablylonian writer, Berossus, of the 3rd century BCE wrote that boat piloted by Xisouthros was 5 stadia long and 2 stadia wide.

One of the photos of “cross beams” he claims are in “locus 7, area A” of the remains of the ark. Klenck provides no evidence that he’s even been to the alleged site let alone that the site is real. This photo he credits as belonging to PRC, Inc, but it was apparently one of the photos that was shown by Parasut to the Chinese team (NAMI) and Price and Patton. Note the bright section chipped away and the cobwebs. This is clearly a recent structure and, thus, a fraud.

Klenck goes on and notes how the ark’s remains are in a seasonal lake due to glacial melt and cross beams, and so on.

For this he provides a “related images” section that shows some wood beams. Some of which have cobwebs. Cobwebs. At high altitude on Mt. Ararat.

Even if we assume the alleged site is within the habitation zone of spiders and the insects they eat, the photos are spurious. There are no scales. There are no overview photographs. There is no site sketch. There is no site record or actual detailed article that outlines the methods and results used in recording and documenting the site.

There probably isn’t a site.

The second press release by Klenck the very next day was full of claims about the ark’s location being suppressed by Ottoman Turks, Armenians, a Soviet cabal and the Marxist-Leninist establishment. And it rings all the bells of having been invented of whole cloth.


Whether or not the ark belonging to Noah really exists or even did exist as told in Genesis isn’t even a question. It makes for a fun story in a book written by people who long ago adopted the stories of the region: the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Atra-Hasis, and the like. People live around water. They always have. And flooding is catastrophic to this day. But there is not, nor was there ever, enough water in the world sufficient enough to submerge entire continents 4,800 years ago.The flood myth of the bible simply didn’t happen.

The timbers in the lower right are really just light-weight 1×6 planks a little more sturdy than balsa wood that were charred on the outside and rubbed with ash. Patton comes back to this crevasse with a guide that helped “build the set” months before. The moving glacier had already broken up the fake wall built into the side of the ice. Photo-screen capture from Don Patton Interview.

Klenck’s and NAMI’s contention that there exists the remains of a boat–large enough to house two of every animal on the planet—shipwrecked on Mount Ararat requires that this be true. It requires that the laws of physics, all the geologic evidence, biological evidence, paleontological evidence, and so on, be discarded.

Joel Klenck is an apparent Harvard trained archaeologist that owns a company that calls itself “Paleontological Research Corporation.” You might think this would make me curious about his actual motivations. Are they one or more of those listed above? The truth is, I don’t care.

Klenck is meeting multiple Warning Signs and Hallmarks of Pseudoarchaeology:

1. The Discoverer pitches the claim directly to the media. Where’s the site report? The detailed photographs? The measurements? The hard data? The article in Nature, Current Anthropology, or Archaeological Science?

2. Evidence for a discovery is anecdotal. True, he’s provided some photos. But these photos are useless. They could literally have been taken anywhere but Mt. Ararat and no one could be he wiser. There are no testable data.

3. Appeals to myths. The alleged remains of this ark fit the words of both the bible and non-biblical accounts!

4. A casual approach to evidence. Again, the evidence is anecdotal. There’s this “take my word for it in this press release” mentality that both the now-nonexistent NAMI and Klenck took. This is to such a degree that Christian organizations that you might think would be on-board are calling B.S. Randall Price is a noted Biblical archaeologist. He say’s it’s a fraud. The Ark Museum people in Kentucky say it’s nonsense. I think this is probably because organizations like NAMI, though they were probably victims of deception by Parasut, were looking for money and they want to dissuade churches from wasting money on a scam.

Click some of the links. Have a look and maybe a laugh or two. My predictions back in 2010 for this ‘discovery” held.Download and watch the interview by Geologist Don Patton, PhD who trekked up the mountain in 2010 and visited the site where the fraud was “built” –a structure constructed like a “movie set” that was destroyed by the moving glacier which he estimates to be moving at about 1 foot per day.

ararat flood mt. ararat noah's ark

About Carl Feagans




New Film and Book Document Great Noah’s Ark Find


COPENHAGEN — The documentary film is produced by Clara Wei, a Hong Kong based journalist. She has taken part in the ark search together with the NAMI-group that claimed to have found the ark.The release of the two-hour discovery comes after the release of a book by the Danish journalist Henri Nissen. This is the first book ever that investigates the spectacular Chinese find from 2010. The book is called NOAH’S ARK: Ancient Accounts and New Discoveries. (It will be released for sale on October 31, 2012).
The new two-hour English cinema /TV film is called: “The Days of Noah – Apocalypse.” It is now available from “Sparkling Sun” in Hong Kong. (Contact: Clara Wei: e-mail: clarawei@sparklingsun.com.hk ). The film as well as the book show the amazing discovery of a big wooden structure, 4,200 meters up on Mount Ararat, buried under 5 to 10 meters of big stone and ice. One of the tunnels reveals a wooden structure which is over 10 meters high and has at least three floors, with a staircase in between two wooden walls. There are other rooms and spaces all made of wooden walls. One has a shelf; another has stairs made into one long tree trunk. In some places you can go from one room to another.
This film will be offered from Sparkling Sun for TV and cinemas before it is released for public sale. But the book is available now – printed as well as to download as an e-book from Amazon. A shorter part of the book, leaving out the historical and scientific chapters, is also released as an e-book. (called: NOAH’S ARK: Ancient Accounts and New Discoveries – Abridged)
Noah’s Village will show artifacts from the ark find.
Artifacts from Noah’s Ark will be on display in a planned new archaeological museum called “Noah’s Village” near the mighty Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey.
Behind this project is the famous mountain rescuer Ahmet Ertugrul. He is the guide that led a Hong Kong group in search for the ancient ark, and in 2008 he actually found a very large wooden structure at an altitude of 4,200 meters (c. 13,775 feet) on the biblical mountain of Ararat.
The expedition group kept the secret for two years while they tried to find out more about what they had found. But in May 2010, they told the world about their discovery and published pictures and videos from within the structure. They are convinced that this structure is the 4,000-5,000 year old ship that the Bible tells about in Genesis.
Inside the seven rooms of the possible ark, they also found some amazing old artifacts like rope, crystal, white pellets, and different kinds of wood.
Remarkable site
“The site is remarkable and comprises a large all-wood structure with an archaeological assemblage that appears to be mostly from the late Epipaleolithic Period (before the Stone Age),” states Dr. Joel Klenck, a Harvard-trained archaeologist, in a new book about the spectacular find.
The book Noah’s Ark: Ancient Accounts and New Discoveries is authored by the Danish journalist and ark researcher Henri Nissen. It’s the first and only book to explain about the new find that has been largely ignored by most scientists and media who thought it was just another false claim.
But in the book, Nissen argues that it might actually be the ancient ark. And if so, it would be the greatest discovery ever.
In any case, Dr. Joel Klenck has examined the site and analyzed the archaeological remains.
“The site is no hoax,” Dr. Klenck states to the critics who have accused the Kurdish guide of having planted the wooden structure. Dr. Klenck is amazed by the inside of the ark that seems to have been hidden under the surface for thousands of years. He comments, “The site is wonderfully preserved and exhibits a wide array of plant materials including structures made of cypress and one room with a floor covered by chickpea seeds.”
Klenck additionally notes, “I was most impressed by the artifact assemblage, particularly the basalt bowls, stone cores, and debitage.”
Explorers will open the site
The wooden structure that might measure more than 100 meters is buried under tons of stones and ice, and most of the edifice remains unexplored.
“The plan of the explorers is now to open the find by moving stones and ice from it,” explains author Henri Nissen. “Until now very few people have been allowed to see the site which is located at an altitude of 4,200 meters (13,775 feet). Artifacts soon will be brought down to the nearby town of Dogubayazit.”
“Ahmet Ertugrul, the Kurdish ark finder, told me that the plan is to set up a Noah’s Village Museum with old Armenian and Kurdish houses on 30,000 square meters of his own land in the foothills that is 1850 meters above sea level and 700 meters south of his Parasut camping business and café. Also, the Hong Kong Chinese discovery group NAMI (Noah’s Art Ministries International) is involved in the project together with the Turkish authorities,” says Henri Nissen.
“But Ahmet Ertugrul is impatient to display the artifacts so they can be seen and studied. He is looking for financial partners who can help him gain some money out of his great discovery. Until now he has paid most expenses, and people have even accused him of the discovery being a fraud. This has been very difficult for him. Therefore, he wants to build a school and a hospital for the local population in the Noah’s Village and even a mosque and a church side by side.”
“The large all-wood structure that was found under stones and ice is no hoax.” states a Harvard archaeologist, “and it might be the famous Ark of Noah, suggests this new book.”








An International Team Collaborates Across Disciplines to Uncover the Mystery of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood Local | 14 Jun 2024 6:30 pm


Noah's Ark has been found with high probability on Mount Ararat  - Page 2 20240614182101217427contentPhoto1
(2nd from left) Mr. Andrew YUEN, Chairman of Noah's Ark Ministries International, (in the Middle) Ms. Angela KWAN - Director of Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation, (3rd from right), Mr. Veli ALTUNDAG, Deputy General Manager & Mining Engineer of The General Directorate of Mineral Research & Exploration of Turkey, and (2nd from right) Mr. Wing-Cheung YEUNG, Director of Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation conducted on-site inspection at Mount Ararat.

Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation, in co-operation with Igdir University and Noah's Ark Ministries International announced the establishment of the new “Mount Ararat Research Center”.

The international conference was held at Igdir University in Turkey. Over 20 experts from various fields shared their latest research findings at the event. The image shows Dr. Melek YILDIZTURAN, an archaeologist from the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

(1st from left) President of Igdir University attended the international conference on archaeological research with (2nd from left) Mr. Wing-Cheung YEUNG, Director of Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation, (2nd from right) Chairman of Noah's Ark Ministries International Mr. Andrew YUEN, and (far right) Director of Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation Ms. Angela KWAN.

Chairman of Noah's Ark Ministries International Mr. Andrew YUEN expressed the hope that the establishment of Mount Ararat Research Center will help reveal the true existence of the Ark, and that Mount Ararat will be designated as a cultural heritage site, thereby drawing the attention of tourists and the educational community.

Mr. Wing-Cheung YEUNG, Director of Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation, stressed the importance of media publicity and public education, and pledged to work closely with the government and universities to ensure the transparency and accuracy of research.

The story of Noah's Ark, which comes from the Book of Genesis in the Bible, is considered by some to be historical, while others view it as a story. In recent years, expedition teams and archaeologists have discovered suspected Noah's Ark ruins on a Turkish mountain, making the eternal mystery even more intriguing. To further explore the truth, researchers from around the world have carried out cross-disciplinary cooperation. Recently, an international conference on archaeological research was held at Igdir University in Turkey to share the latest research results on Noah's Ark and the Great Flood, and to establish the "Mount Ararat Research Centre” (The Centre), which, based on science, aims to reveal the mysteries of ancient civilizations. The two-day "International Conference On Archaeological-Ethnographic Traces Of The Great Flood In Mount Ararat And Igdir Plain And The Research Of Noah' S Ark Within The Scope Of Cultural Heritage" was co-organized by the Noah’s Ark International Scientific Search & Artefacts Conservation Foundation (The Foundation), Igdir University, and The General Directorate of Mineral Research & Exploration (MTA). More than 20 experts from various fields, including archaeology, geology, anthropology, botany, palaeontology, and volcanology, were invited from Ataturk University, Izmir University, Kafkas University, and the Anatolian Civilizations Museum.  

Scholars Gather to Share Research Results According to records, the snowy ridge of Mount Ararat in Turkey was the final resting place of Noah's Ark. In May this year, the foundation, MTA, and several universities and museums formed a scientific research team to launch investigations on Mount Ararat, the Great Flood, and Noah's Ark, using aerial photography for mapping and planning, and collecting samples for analysis. The team disclosed the latest research results at this meeting. Mr. Korhan ÇAKIR, Museum Director of the MTA and a geological engineer, shared the mysterious landforms and ruins of the Snow Ridge, including a 4-meter-high and 8-meter-long giant rhinoceros fossil. Dr. Irakli Anachabadze, an associate professor at the European University of Tbilisi, Georgia, detailed his expedition experience in the mountains last year. American archaeologist Ted Wright discussed how humans dispersed to various places after the Flood and provided new archaeological evidence.   Research Centre Preserving Historical Relics At the conference, the foundation announced the establishment of the "Mount Ararat Research Center” in cooperation with Igdir University, which will soon launch a large-scale archaeological and geological research project. Mr. Andrew Yuen, chairman of Noah's Ark Ministries International, said: "The establishment of the centre will help reveal the true existence of the Ark. I hope the authorities will list Mount Ararat as a cultural heritage to attract the attention of tourists and the educational community."

The research centre will explore ancient history from an interdisciplinary perspective and establish the "Noah's Ark National Geopark" to protect precious relics. Mr. Wing-Cheung Yeung, director of the foundation, emphasized that media publicity and educating the public are equally important. In the future, the centre will work closely with the Turkish government and universities to ensure the transparency and accuracy of research, in order to discover more truths about Noah's Ark and the Great Flood, and jointly explore and protect human heritage.









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