ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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The complexity of E.Coli

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1The complexity of E.Coli Empty The complexity of E.Coli Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:31 pm



The complexity of E.Coli

Evolution Impossible Dr. John F. Ashton, PhD page 40
A single living E. coli contains around 2.4 million protein molecules made up of approximately 4,000 different types of proteins. Along with these proteins the cell contains around 255,000 nucleic acid molecules made up of 660 different types of nucleic acids. Included with these nucleic acids are around 1.4 million polysaccharides (long chains of sugar-type molecules) molecules made up of three different types of polysaccharides. Associated with these polysaccharides are around 22 million lipid molecules made up of 50 to 100 different types of lipids. These lipids also cooperate with many millions of metabolic intermediate molecules made up of about 800 different types of compounds that have to be at just the right concentration, otherwise, the cell will die. Along with the metabolic intermediates, there are many millions of mineral molecules made up of 10 to 30 different types of minerals. The above components make up about 30 percent of the cell with the balance being water amounting to approximately 24.3 billion water molecules. These provide the environment for the life-sustaining chemical reactions to take place within the cell structures. Of the nonwater components of a cell, more than 90 percent is made up of biopolymers, that is proteins — which are long chains of amino acids, nucleic acids that are made up of long chains of nucleotides, polysaccharides that are long chains of sugar molecules, and lipids that are the molecules that make up fats. (Lipids are not true biopolymers from a biochemistry definition perspective, but they can aggregate to form large structures such as membranes.) the DNA of E. coli contains 4,288 genes. The simple single living E. coli cell requires around 4,750 different types of amazingly complex biopolymer type molecules, constructed to undertake approximately 800 different simultaneous chemical reactions. Indirectly, through the action of proteins, every aspect of this metabolism and the infrastructure of the organism is coded into its genome. This genetic
material or DNA of E. coli consists of 4.6 million pairs of nucleotides.


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