Unlike many other transitions in evolution, there are no intermediates between eukaryotes and prokary-otes. It is as if honeybees mutated into humans with-out any evidence of rats, cats, or chimpanzees in be-tween. The evolutionary processes behind this great revolution have had to be discerned without the help of one of the evolutionist’s most trusted sources of evidence—the fossil record (pp. 147-148, parentheti-cal item in orig.).
Unlike many other transitions in evolution, there are no intermediates between eukaryotes and prokary-otes. It is as if honeybees mutated into humans with-out any evidence of rats, cats, or chimpanzees in be-tween. The evolutionary processes behind this great revolution have had to be discerned without the help of one of the evolutionist’s most trusted sources of evidence—the fossil record (pp. 147-148, parentheti-cal item in orig.).