ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Abiogenesis is mathematically impossible

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2.4  Stability and Reactivity: The Prebiotic Amino Acid Paradox

The origin of life theories faces a significant challenge in explaining how amino acids could have remained stable enough to accumulate in prebiotic environments while simultaneously being reactive enough to form peptides without enzymatic assistance. This analysis examines the stability-reactivity paradox and its implications for naturalistic explanations of abiogenesis. The stability-reactivity paradox concerning the prebiotic amino acid environment is a crucial aspect in understanding abiogenesis. Research has shown that amino acids exhibit varying stability in aqueous solutions at different temperatures, with half-lives ranging from a few days to several years, depending on the specific amino acid and environmental factors [12]. Additionally, the formation of peptides without enzymatic assistance is a significant challenge, as dehydration to form amide bonds is highly unfavorable in water [13]. However, recent studies have demonstrated unique reactivity of free amino acids at the air-water interface, leading to the rapid formation of peptide isomers on a millisecond scale under ambient conditions, showcasing the potential for abiotic peptide synthesis in aqueous environments [13]. These findings shed light on the delicate balance between stability and reactivity that must have existed in the prebiotic world to enable the accumulation of amino acids and the formation of essential biomolecules.

Quantitative Challenges
Studies on amino acid stability in aqueous solutions at various temperatures reveal a half-life ranging from a few days to several years, depending on the specific amino acid and environmental conditions (Radzicka & Wolfenden, 1996). For instance, at 25°C and neutral pH, the half-life of aspartic acid is approximately 253 days, while that of tryptophan is about 74 days. However, these half-lives decrease dramatically at higher temperatures, which are often invoked in prebiotic scenarios. At 100°C, most amino acids have half-lives of less than a day.

Conversely, the rate of spontaneous peptide bond formation between amino acids in aqueous solutions is extremely slow. Experimental studies have shown that the half-time for dipeptide formation at 25°C and pH 7 is on the order of 10^2 to 10^3 years (Martin et al., 2007). This presents a significant kinetic barrier to the formation of even short peptides under prebiotic conditions.

Implications for Current Models
These quantitative findings challenge the plausibility of current models for prebiotic peptide formation. The disparity between the rates of amino acid decomposition and peptide bond formation suggests that in most prebiotic scenarios, amino acids would degrade faster than they could polymerize into functionally relevant peptides. This stability-reactivity paradox undermines the assumption that simple accumulation of amino acids in a primordial soup could lead to the spontaneous emergence of proto-proteins.

Requirements for Natural Occurrence
For the stability and reactivity of prebiotic amino acids to support the emergence of life, the following conditions must be simultaneously met:

1. Protection mechanisms against hydrolysis and thermal decomposition
2. Sufficient reactivity to form peptide bonds without enzymatic catalysis
3. Selective polymerization to form functional peptide sequences
4. Prevention of side reactions leading to unusable byproducts
5. Maintenance of a pH range that balances stability and reactivity (typically pH 7-9)
6. Temperature conditions that allow for both stability and reactivity
7. Presence of activating agents to facilitate peptide bond formation
8. Absence of competing molecules that could interfere with polymerization
9. Mechanisms to remove water, driving peptide bond formation
10. Recycling processes to regenerate degraded amino acids

These requirements must coexist in a prebiotic environment, presenting a formidable challenge to naturalistic explanations. Several of these conditions are mutually exclusive or contradictory. For example, the need for protection against hydrolysis (point 1) conflicts with the requirement for sufficient reactivity (point 2). Similarly, the presence of activating agents (point 7) often leads to increased rates of side reactions (conflicting with point 4).

The stability-reactivity paradox is further illustrated by the "aspartic acid problem." Aspartic acid, a crucial amino acid in many proteins, is particularly prone to cyclization reactions, forming unreactive succinimide derivatives. Studies have shown that at pH 7 and 37°C, about 4% of aspartic acid residues in a peptide chain will convert to succinimides within 24 hours (Geiger & Clarke, 1987). This cyclization not only removes aspartic acid from the pool of available monomers but also disrupts the integrity of any formed peptides.

The requirement for water removal to drive peptide bond formation (point 9) contradicts the aqueous environment typically assumed in prebiotic scenarios. Proposed solutions, such as wet-dry cycles or mineral surface catalysis, introduce additional complexities and limitations.

The stability and reactivity requirements for prebiotic amino acids present substantial challenges to current naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. Future discussions on this topic should focus on:

1. Developing more realistic models that account for the stability-reactivity paradox.
2. Investigating novel mechanisms that could simultaneously protect and activate amino acids.
3. Exploring the potential role of non-aqueous environments in early peptide formation.
4. Addressing the mutual exclusivity of certain required conditions in prebiotic scenarios.
5. Critically examining the assumptions underlying current abiogenesis hypotheses in light of these kinetic and thermodynamic challenges.

By rigorously addressing these points, the scientific community can work towards a more comprehensive and evidence-based understanding of the chemical processes that could have led to the emergence of life.

2.5 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Barriers to Polymerization

The challenges of polymerization in water, especially for polypeptides like [Gly]n, are well-documented due to both thermodynamic and kinetic barriers, leading to equilibrium concentrations as low as < 10^-50 M at temperatures of 25° - 37°, making the existence of even short polypeptides like [Gly]9 highly improbable [14] [15]. Recent studies by Dr. Royal Truman, Dr. Charles McCombs, and Dr. Change Tan further emphasize the difficulties by outlining nine additional requirements for OoL-relevant polypeptides, including the need for specific sequences, three-dimensional structures, continuous production, and self-replication, all of which pose significant challenges under natural conditions [14]. These stringent requirements, such as the need for about 300 amino acids to form proteins and the exclusion of nonbiological amino acids, highlight the complex interplay of factors that must be simultaneously satisfied for peptides/proteins to be relevant in origin-of-life scenarios, presenting a formidable obstacle for OoL discussions [14].

Polypeptides do not form in water at any temperature for thermodynamic and kinetic reasons
Detailed quantitative analysis shows extremely low equilibrium concentrations of even short polypeptides
The concentration of [Gly]9 would converge to < 10^-50 M at equilibrium in water at temperatures of 25° - 37°
Nine additional requirements for OoL-relevant polypeptides are outlined, all of which violate fundamental chemical and statistical principles under unguided, natural conditions

In two recent ground-breaking reports, senior scientists Dr. Royal Truman, Dr. Charles McCombs, and Dr. Change Tan examined the polymerization of amino acids in water, using kinetic and thermodynamic empirical data along with computer simulations. A detailed quantitative understanding was provided for the first time of how the concentrations of polypeptides decrease with length, using mostly the best-studied amino acid, glycine (Gly):
[Gly]n << [Gly]n-1 << [Gly]n-2 << [Gly]n-3 << [Gly]n-4 
The quantitative analysis showed that the concentration of [Gly]9 would converge to < 10^‒50 M at equilibrium in water at temperatures of 25° - 37°. In other words, not even one Gly9 would have existed on prebiotic earth, far less the necessary huge concentrations of much larger polypeptides required by origin of life (OoL) theories.
This is a devastating conclusion for the OoL community! To make matters even worse, if that were possible, the authors provided a table with nine more requirements polypeptides must all fulfill to be relevant for OoL purposes, all of which violate fundamental chemical and statistical principles under unguided, natural conditions.
To permit structured and productive OoL discussions the authors recommend beginning with this table, which applies also to RNA and DNA polymers, to decide which dilemma to discuss.

1. Many amino acids must be linked together, about 300 on average for proteins.
2. Only enantiomers of L-amino acids should be included.
3. Only linear polymers should form; that is, the side chains of the amino acids must not react.
4. Precise sequences of amino acid residues must be formed to perform useful functions.
5. Long chains must adopt a suitable three-dimensional structure.
6. Large numbers of peptide copies must be produced continuously for millions of years.
7. The correct proportion of peptides with a specific sequence must be colocalized.
8. Other molecules, including nonbiological amino acids, should be avoided in peptides.
9. The entire system or organism must self-replicate, including all necessary peptide copies. 10. The polymers and the three-dimensional structure must be formed under relevant conditions.
These 10 requirements must be met simultaneously for peptides/proteins to be relevant in origin-of-life scenarios, but there are contradictory trade-offs between many of these requirements. For example, raising the temperature to facilitate a Gly adding to Glyn to form Glyn+1 (requirement #1) would have the effect of accelerating the rate of racemization L-Gly  D-Gly (requirement #2).

3. Challenges in Prebiotic Protein Formation

3.1 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Barriers to Prebiotic Polypeptide Formation

The spontaneous formation of polypeptides in aqueous prebiotic environments encounters significant thermodynamic and kinetic barriers, challenging current naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that peptide bond formation in water is energetically unfavorable, with a standard Gibbs free energy change of approximately 3.5 kcal/mol at 25°C and pH 7 [16]. Computational exploration of organic molecule formation from water and hydrogen cyanide reveals diverse reactivity landscapes and lower activation energies for biologically relevant molecules, impacting the interpretation of network kinetics [17]. In fluctuating silica environments, the presence of water activity enhances peptide formation through hydration steps, resulting in the formation of self-assembled peptide aggregates with defined secondary structures [18]. Additionally, a new abiotic route demonstrates peptide chain growth from protonated glycine dimers in a cold gaseous atmosphere without the need for a solid catalytic substrate [19]. Experimental simulations under hydrothermal and extraterrestrial ice crystal environments show the formation of small functional peptides, shedding light on potential prebiotic pathways for catalytically active peptides [20].

Quantitative Challenges
Thermodynamic calculations reveal that the formation of peptide bonds in aqueous solutions is energetically unfavorable. The standard Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°) for peptide bond formation is approximately +3.5 kcal/mol at 25°C and pH 7 (Jakubke & Jeschkeit, 1977). This positive value indicates that the reaction is non-spontaneous under standard conditions.

Kinetic studies further compound this challenge. The rate constant for uncatalyzed peptide bond formation in water at 25°C is estimated to be around 10^-4 M^-1 year^-1 (Sievers & von Kiedrowski, 1994). In contrast, the rate constant for peptide bond hydrolysis under the same conditions is approximately 10^-9 to 10^-11 s^-1 (Radzicka & Wolfenden, 1996). These values translate to a half-life of peptide bond formation on the order of thousands of years, while the half-life for hydrolysis is typically days to months.

Implications for Current Models
These quantitative findings present severe challenges to current models of prebiotic polypeptide formation. The unfavorable thermodynamics imply that even if peptides were to form, they would be thermodynamically driven to hydrolyze back into amino acids. The slow kinetics of formation coupled with the relatively rapid hydrolysis suggests that maintaining any significant concentration of polypeptides in a prebiotic aqueous environment is highly improbable.

Requirements for Natural Occurrence
For the spontaneous formation and persistence of polypeptides in a prebiotic setting, the following conditions must be simultaneously met:

1. Energy input to overcome the unfavorable thermodynamics of peptide bond formation
2. Mechanisms to dramatically accelerate the rate of peptide bond formation
3. Protection against hydrolysis to maintain formed peptides
4. Concentration mechanisms to achieve sufficiently high local amino acid densities
5. Selective polymerization to form functional peptide sequences
6. Removal of water to drive the condensation reaction forward
7. pH conditions that balance peptide bond formation and stability (typically pH 2-5 for formation, pH 5-8 for stability)
8. Temperature regime that allows for both formation and stability of peptides
9. Absence of competing side reactions that could deplete the amino acid pool
10. Recycling mechanisms to regenerate hydrolyzed amino acids

These requirements must coexist in a prebiotic environment, presenting a formidable challenge to naturalistic explanations. Several of these conditions are mutually exclusive or contradictory. For instance, the need for water removal (point 6) conflicts with the aqueous environment typically assumed in prebiotic scenarios. Similarly, the pH conditions favorable for peptide bond formation (point 7) are not optimal for peptide stability.

The challenges are illustrated by the "alanine problem." Alanine, one of the simplest amino acids, forms peptides extremely slowly in aqueous solutions. Experiments have shown that at 25°C and pH 7, the equilibrium concentration of the alanine dipeptide is only about 10^-4 M when starting from a 1 M solution of alanine (Danger et al., 2012). This low yield highlights the thermodynamic barriers to even the simplest peptide formations.

Moreover, the requirement for energy input (point 1) often leads to increased rates of side reactions and decomposition, conflicting with the need for selective polymerization (point 5) and protection against hydrolysis (point 3).

The thermodynamic and kinetic barriers to prebiotic polypeptide formation present substantial challenges to current naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. Future discussions on this topic should focus on:

1. Developing more realistic models that account for both thermodynamic and kinetic constraints.
2. Investigating potential energy coupling mechanisms that could drive peptide bond formation.
3. Exploring non-aqueous environments or specialized micro-environments that might facilitate peptide formation and stability.
4. Addressing the mutual exclusivity of certain required conditions in prebiotic scenarios.
5. Critically examining the assumptions underlying current abiogenesis hypotheses in light of these fundamental chemical principles.

By rigorously addressing these points, the scientific community can work towards a more comprehensive and evidence-based understanding of the chemical processes that could have led to the emergence of the first polypeptides and, ultimately, life itself.

3.2 Chirality Issues

The challenges in achieving homochirality in prebiotic scenarios are multifaceted. The Soai reaction, known for chirality amplification, faces limitations due to the unlikelihood of abundant specific organic compounds on early Earth [24]. Varying racemization rates of amino acids, accelerated by metal ions like Cu(II), further complicate maintaining homochirality [20] [21]. Solid-state racemization of amino acids, even without water, persists at slower rates [23]. Kinetic resolution and asymmetric adsorption struggle to generate significant enantiomeric excess [20] ^[Context_6]. Circularly polarized light effects are wavelength-dependent and may cancel out in a prebiotic setting ^[Context_7]. The small energy difference between enantiomers is insufficient for spontaneous enrichment ^[Context_8]. Polymerization kinetics and cross-inhibition phenomena pose additional challenges ^[Context_9] ^[Context_10]. Addressing these complexities collectively in comprehensive models is crucial for advancing our understanding of homochirality in the origin of life research.

1. Amplification of Chirality
The Soai reaction, often cited as a potential mechanism for chirality amplification, faces significant hurdles in prebiotic contexts. This autocatalytic reaction, while demonstrating impressive enantiomeric excess amplification in laboratory settings, requires specific organic compounds (like pyrimidine-5-carbaldehydes) that are unlikely to have been present in significant quantities on the early Earth.

2. Racemization Rates of Different Amino Acids
Different amino acids racemize at varying rates, further complicating the maintenance of homochirality. For instance, aspartic acid racemizes relatively quickly, while isoleucine is more resistant to racemization. This differential racemization would lead to a non-uniform loss of homochirality across a peptide chain, potentially disrupting any functional structures that might have formed.

3. Impact of Metal Ions
The presence of metal ions, which would have been common in prebiotic environments, can significantly accelerate racemization rates. For example, Cu(II) ions have been shown to increase the rate of aspartic acid racemization by a factor of 10^4 at pH 7.4 and 37°C.

4. Racemization in Solid State
Even in the absence of water, amino acids can undergo solid-state racemization, albeit at slower rates. This implies that even if a mechanism for removing water was present, it would not completely halt the racemization process.

5. Kinetic Resolution
While kinetic resolution through selective crystallization has been proposed as a mechanism for generating enantiomeric excess, it faces significant challenges in prebiotic scenarios. The process requires specific conditions and often results in the loss of a significant portion of the material.

6. Asymmetric Adsorption
The idea that chiral surfaces could selectively adsorb one enantiomer over another has been explored, but the effect is generally too weak to generate significant enantiomeric excess. Moreover, the adsorbed molecules would need to be released to participate in further reactions, negating any accumulated excess.

7. Photochemical Reactions
While circularly polarized light can induce small enantiomeric excesses, the effect is wavelength-dependent and can produce opposite results at different wavelengths. In a prebiotic setting with broad-spectrum light, these effects would likely cancel out.

8. Thermodynamic Considerations
The difference in Gibbs free energy between enantiomers due to parity violation is extremely small (estimated at 10^-11 J/mol for alanine). This difference is insufficient to drive spontaneous enantiomeric enrichment under prebiotic conditions.

9. Polymerization Kinetics
Even if a slight enantiomeric excess were achieved, the kinetics of polymerization would need to strongly favor the excess enantiomer to produce homochiral polymers. Current models suggest that the required kinetic differences are unrealistically large for prebiotic scenarios.

10. Cross-Inhibition
In systems with multiple amino acids, the presence of the wrong enantiomer of one amino acid can inhibit the polymerization of the correct enantiomers of other amino acids, a phenomenon known as cross-inhibition. This further complicates the path to homochiral polymers in a mixed prebiotic environment.

These points further underscore the significant challenges faced by naturalistic explanations for the origin of biological homochirality. Future research in this field should focus on developing comprehensive models that address these multifaceted issues simultaneously, rather than tackling them in isolation. It's crucial to consider the interplay between various factors such as racemization rates, polymerization kinetics, and environmental conditions in prebiotic scenarios. Additionally, exploring potential non-aqueous environments or unique geological settings that might provide more favorable conditions for maintaining homochirality could offer new insights into this fundamental question in origin of life research.

The racemization of amino acids and polypeptides under natural conditions is inevitable

Dr. Royal Truman, an American scientist, and Dr. Boris Schmidtgall, a Russian / German scientist proposed recently a remarkable conclusion with potentially devastating consequences for the origin of life community: random polypeptide sequences in water always seem to racemize faster than chain elongation can occur.
Even beginning with short, random sequence polypeptides containing pure L-aa together with initially only pure L-aa in water, the rate of condensation
aa + [peptide]n-1  [peptide]n + H2O

always seems to be slower than racemization, at all temperatures, under unguided, natural conditions. This is a devastating discovery for the origin of life (OoL) community since it implies that only random L- and D-polypeptide sequences can develop naturally in water instead of L-only required for life.
The team published a series of remarkable papers on the racemization of amino acids in water as a function of temperature. Condensation and hydrolyzation of polypeptides are equilibrating processes (amino acid is abbreviated as aa):

aa + [peptide]n-1  [peptide]n + H2O

but simultaneously the aa residues of peptides also racemize. Chemists soon agreed that indeed racemization should always be faster than chain elongation since the former is an unimolecular reaction involving only the polypeptide whereas the second is bimolecular and involves the same low-concentration polypeptide but also requires an amino acid that is present in low concentrations. The relative rate constants and thermodynamics reinforced this conclusion.
A few highlights of their analysis of the best-known studies include these points:
1. Using generous estimates for prebiotic glycine concentrations (10^4 M), the equilibrium concentration of a 9-residue glycine peptide would be ≈ 5 × 10^51 M.
2. The formation of peptides in water is thermodynamically unfavorable, with hydrolysis being strongly favored over condensation. [Gly]n < [Gly]n-1 by a factor of about 2 × 10^6 for every length n. At equilibrium, negligible amounts of larger polypeptides can exist.
3. Elongation and L to D inversion occur primarily at the peptide end residues, simplifying the analysis.
4. To form a detectable amount of even very small peptides the experiments always had to use unrealistically high amino acid concentrations and experimental conditions.
5. Experiments in clays, minerals, at air-water interfaces, etc., despite optimized lab conditions produced very low amounts of small oligopeptides.
6. Experiments using high temperatures and pressures to simulate hydrothermal vents temporarily produced only small amounts of oligopeptides up to 8 residues long and then rapidly decomposed chemically.
7. Experiments using artificially activated amino acids and specific conditions in laboratories to force peptide formation have no relevance to abiogenesis.
8. The largest peptides produced under optimized (prebiotically irrelevant) laboratory conditions without catalysts were around 12-14 glycine residues, with possible traces of up to 20 residues. Left in water these would have hydrolyzed.
9. Even under ideal conditions, a small percentage of D-amino acids would prevent L-polypeptides from forming stable secondary structures in water.
10. Formation of secondary structures using designed sequences that hinder racemization is not plausible given the relative distribution of aa and would be too rare to be relevant for OoL purposes.
11. Assumed racemization rate constants are often adjusted for archeological purposes to match preconceived dates rather than questioning those dates.
12. Factors like temperature, pH, mineralization, hydrolysis, and contamination can all significantly impact racemization rates for archeological purposes.
13. Laboratory methods for amplifying small enantiomeric excesses face limitations:
- Partial sublimation of enantiomers would destroy most of the material and simply remix.
- Crystal separation techniques require specific and unlikely natural conditions.
- Separation of the eutectic mixture leads to remixing in water afterward.
- Chiral minerals produce small excesses, but they exist equally in D- and L- forms.
- Chiral or auxiliary catalysts require unrealistic concentrations and produce opposing results depending on the amino acid used.
14. Parity violation and circularly polarized light can only produce minimal enantiomeric excesses, too small for the purposes of abiogenesis.

Last edited by Otangelo on Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:34 am; edited 4 times in total




3.3 Sequence and Structure Formation in Prebiotic Protein Evolution: A Critical Analysis

This analysis examines the challenges of sequence and structure formation in prebiotic protein evolution, focusing on the improbabilities and contradictions inherent in current naturalistic explanations. The challenges of sequence and structure formation in prebiotic protein evolution, as highlighted in recent research, underscore the improbabilities inherent in naturalistic explanations. Calculations show that even with flexibility in protein sequences, the probability of randomly generating a functional protein is astronomically low, emphasizing the need for efficient mechanisms to bias sequence space towards functionality [24]. These challenges cast doubt on the plausibility of random assembly models for protein origin, given the vanishingly small probability of forming even one functional protein sequence within Earth's history [25]. The requirements for natural protein formation, such as amino acid availability, peptide bond formation, and chiral selectivity, must be met simultaneously under prebiotic conditions, posing significant contradictions and mutually exclusive conditions [26]. Current models often rely on unspecified self-organizing principles, necessitating future research to quantify probabilities rigorously, propose testable mechanisms, and explore alternative models to advance our understanding of biological complexity origins [27].

1. Quantitative Challenges

The probability of forming a functional protein sequence by chance is astronomically low. Consider a relatively short protein of 150 amino acids:

- There are 20 standard amino acids.
- The number of possible sequences is 20^150 ≈ 10^195.

Not all positions in a protein sequence need to be strictly specified for the protein to be functional. This is an important consideration that can significantly affect the probability calculations.  For this calculation, let's consider a hypothetical enzyme of 150 amino acids and make some reasonable assumptions:

1. Active site residues: Let's say 5 residues are critical for the catalytic function and must be exactly specified.
2. Substrate binding pocket: Perhaps 10 residues are important for substrate recognition and binding, but some variation is allowed. Let's say each of these positions can tolerate 5 different amino acids on average.
3. Structural integrity: Maybe 30 residues are important for maintaining the overall fold, but have some flexibility. Let's assume each of these can be any of 10 different amino acids.
4. The remaining 105 residues can be any amino acid, as long as they don't disrupt the structure (let's assume all 20 are allowed).

Now, let's calculate:

1. Active site: 20^5 possibilities (must be exact)
2. Binding pocket: 5^10 possibilities (5 options for each of 10 positions)
3. Structural residues: 10^30 possibilities
4. Remaining residues: 20^105 possibilities

Total number of possible functional sequences: 20^5 * 5^10 * 10^30 * 20^105 ≈ 3.2 * 10^158. Compare this to the total number of possible sequences: 20^150 ≈ 1.4 * 10^195. Probability of randomly generating a functional sequence: (3.2 * 10^158) / (1.4 * 10^195) ≈ 2.3 * 10^-37 or about 1 in 4.3 * 10^36.  To put it in perspective:

- If we could test 1 trillion (10^12) sequences per second
- And we had been doing so since the beginning of the universe (about 13.8 billion years or 4.4 * 10^17 seconds)
- We would have only tested about 4.4 * 10^29 sequences

This is still about 10 million times fewer than the number we'd need to test to have a good chance of finding a functional sequence.

These calculations demonstrate that even when we account for the flexibility in protein sequences, the probability of randomly generating a functional protein remains extremely low. This underscores the challenge faced by naturalistic explanations for the origin of proteins and emphasizes the need for mechanisms that can efficiently search or bias the sequence space towards functional proteins.

2. Implications for Current Models

These calculations severely challenge the plausibility of random assembly models for protein origin. Even considering the entire history of Earth (≈4.5 billion years) and assuming extremely rapid amino acid combinations (e.g., 1 trillion per second), the probability of forming even one functional protein sequence remains vanishingly small.

3. Requirements for Natural Protein Formation

1) Availability of all 20 standard amino acids in sufficient concentrations
2) A mechanism for amino acid activation (to overcome thermodynamic barriers)
3) A way to form peptide bonds in an aqueous environment
4) Protection from hydrolysis once peptide bonds form
5) A mechanism for sequence selection or amplification of functional sequences
6) Prevention of cross-reactions with other prebiotic molecules
7) A process for maintaining chirality (all L-amino acids)
8 ) A method for achieving proper folding in the absence of chaperone proteins
9) Removal of non-functional or misfolded proteins
10) A system for replicating successful sequences

4. Simultaneous Fulfillment Under Prebiotic Conditions

These requirements must all be met concurrently in a prebiotic environment lacking biological machinery. This presents a formidable challenge, as many of these conditions are mutually exclusive or require sophisticated mechanisms that are themselves products of evolution.

5. Contradictions and Mutually Exclusive Conditions

- Requirement 3 (peptide bond formation in water) contradicts requirement 4 (protection from hydrolysis).
- The need for concentration of amino acids (1) conflicts with the dilute conditions of prebiotic oceans.
- Maintaining chirality (7) is at odds with the racemization that occurs naturally in aqueous environments.

6. Scientific Terminology

Key concepts include:
- Peptide bond formation
- Hydrolysis
- Racemization
- Chiral selectivity
- Protein folding
- Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure
- Levinthal's paradox

7. Illustrative Scenario

Consider the formation of a simple enzyme like ribonuclease, with 124 amino acids. In a prebiotic ocean, amino acids would need to:
1. Concentrate sufficiently
2. Activate (overcoming thermodynamic barriers)
3. Form correct peptide bonds in sequence
4. Avoid hydrolysis
5. Maintain homochirality
6. Fold correctly without chaperones
7. Achieve catalytic activity

The improbability of this occurring by chance is compounded by the fact that ribonuclease itself is not self-replicating, so the process would need to repeat independently.

8. Critical Examination

Current models often rely on unspecified "self-organizing principles" or "emergent properties" to bridge the gap between simple chemicals and functional proteins. However, these concepts lack concrete mechanisms and often amount to restatements of the problem rather than solutions.

9. Conclusion and Future Discussions

Future discussions on protein origins should:
1. Quantify probabilities rigorously
2. Address each requirement explicitly
3. Propose testable mechanisms for overcoming statistical improbabilities
4. Consider alternative models that do not rely solely on chance assembly
5. Explore potential non-aqueous environments or unique geological settings
6. Investigate the minimal functional requirements for proto-proteins

By structuring the debate around these points, we can more accurately assess the viability of current theories and guide future research into the origins of biological complexity.

3.4  Scale and Reproduction in Prebiotic Systems: A Critical Analysis

The challenges of achieving scale and reproduction in prebiotic systems are highlighted by the quantitative analysis of the probability of randomly assembling a specific genome, exemplified by Pelagibacter ubique, one of the smallest free-living organisms with a genome size of ~1,300,000 base pairs. The calculated probability of (1/4)^1,300,000 ≈ 10^-782,831 underscores the immense improbability of spontaneously generating such a genome. This probability is significantly smaller than the number of atoms in the observable universe or the microseconds since the Big Bang, emphasizing the astronomical odds against the random assembly of a functional genome. Even with every atom representing a unique DNA sequence and checking a trillion sequences per microsecond since the universe's inception, the number of sequences checked would be minuscule compared to the vast search space required, illustrating the formidable obstacles faced by naturalistic explanations for the origin of life.

1. Quantitative Challenges

Consider the requirements for a minimal self-replicating system: 

Calculation of Genome Probability for a Minimal Free-Living Organism

While Mycoplasma genitalium is often cited for its small genome, it's crucial to note that it's an endosymbiont and parasite, relying on its host for many essential nutrients and functions. Therefore, it's not an adequate example of a minimal free-living organism. A more appropriate example is Pelagibacter ubique, one of the smallest known free-living organisms. Let's use this for our calculation:

1. Genome size of Pelagibacter ubique: ~1,300,000 base pairs
2. Each position can be one of 4 nucleotides (A, T, C, G)

Probability of randomly assembling this specific genome: (1/4)^1,300,000 ≈ 10^-782,831

To put this number in perspective:

- Number of atoms in the observable universe: ~10^80
- Number of microseconds since the Big Bang: ~4.3 x 10^23

The probability we calculated is vastly smaller than either of these numbers. Even if every atom in the universe represented a unique DNA sequence, and we could check a trillion (10^12) sequences every microsecond since the beginning of the universe, we would have only checked: 10^80 * 4.3 x 10^23 * 10^12 ≈ 4.3 x 10^115 sequences. This is nowhere near the 10^782,831 sequences we would need to check to have a reasonable chance of finding our target genome.


1. This calculation, based on a true free-living organism, underscores the astronomical improbability of a functional genome arising by chance.
2. It highlights the need for alternative explanations that don't rely on pure chance, such as:
   - Chemical evolution with selection pressures
   - Self-organizing principles in complex chemical systems
   - Potential for simpler initial self-replicating systems

3. It emphasizes the vast gulf between simple chemical systems and even the simplest known free-living systems, challenging gradualist explanations for the origin of life.
4. This calculation reinforces the need for a more comprehensive understanding of how functional biological information can arise from prebiotic chemistry.
5. It illustrates why using parasitic or endosymbiotic organisms as examples can be misleading when discussing minimal genome sizes for free-living organisms.

These numbers, based on a more appropriate example of a minimal free-living organism, illustrate why the origin of life remains one of the most challenging questions in science. They underscore the significant hurdles faced by current naturalistic explanations in accounting for the emergence of complex, self-replicating systems capable of independent existence. Even if every atom in the universe represented a unique DNA sequence, the probability of randomly generating a minimal genome remains vanishingly small.

2. Implications for Current Models

These calculations severely challenge the plausibility of random assembly models for the origin of self-replicating systems. The vast sequence space that must be explored to find functional genomes is incompatible with the time and resources available in prebiotic Earth scenarios.

3. Requirements for Natural Scale and Reproduction

1. A mechanism for producing large numbers of identical molecular components
2. A system for accurate information storage and transfer (e.g., nucleic acids)
3. A means of translating stored information into functional molecules (e.g., proteins)
4. An energy harvesting and utilization system
5. A boundary system (e.g., membrane) to contain and protect components
6. A mechanism for the growth and division of the boundary system
7. A way to coordinate replication of internal components with boundary division
8. A system for error detection and correction during replication
9. A means of adapting to environmental changes
10. A transition mechanism from prebiotic chemistry to cellular biochemistry

4. Simultaneous Fulfillment Under Prebiotic Conditions

These requirements must all be met concurrently in a prebiotic environment lacking biological machinery. This presents a formidable challenge, as many of these conditions require sophisticated mechanisms that are themselves products of evolution.

5. Contradictions and Mutually Exclusive Conditions

- The need for a protective boundary (5) conflicts with the requirement for nutrient influx and waste removal.
- Accurate replication (8 ) requires complex enzymatic machinery, which itself requires accurate replication to exist.
- The transition from prebiotic to cellular synthesis (10) requires a system that can function in both regimes simultaneously.

6. Scientific Terminology

Key concepts include:
- Genome
- Self-replication
- Translation
- Transcription
- Metabolism
- Lipid bilayers
- Error catastrophe
- Autocatalysis
- Ribozymes
- Protocells

7. Illustrative Scenario

Consider the formation of a primitive protocell:
1. Lipids must spontaneously form a stable vesicle
2. Replicating RNA molecules must be encapsulated
3. The RNA must code for and produce functional peptides
4. These peptides must assist in RNA replication and vesicle growth
5. The system must divide, distributing components to daughter cells
6. This process must occur repeatedly without loss of function

The coordinated emergence of these features in a prebiotic setting strains the explanatory power of current naturalistic models.

8. Critical Examination

Current models often invoke "self-organization" or "emergent complexity" to bridge the gap between simple chemical systems and self-replicating protocells. However, these concepts lack specificity and often amount to restatements of the problem rather than solutions. The transition from non-living to living systems represents a staggering increase in functional information content, which is not adequately explained by known physical or chemical principles.

9. Conclusion and Future Discussions

Future discussions on the origin of self-replicating systems should:
1. Quantify the minimal functional requirements for self-replication rigorously
2. Address each requirement explicitly, providing plausible prebiotic mechanisms
3. Propose testable hypotheses for the coordinated emergence of replication, metabolism, and containment
4. Consider alternative models that do not rely solely on chance assembly or gradual accumulation of features
5. Investigate potential non-aqueous environments or unique geological settings that might facilitate more rapid exploration of chemical space
6. Explore the concept of "functional information" and its origins in prebiotic systems

By structuring the debate around these points, we can more accurately assess the viability of current theories and guide future research into the origins of biological complexity. The field must grapple with the enormous gulf between simple chemical reactions and the sophisticated, information-rich systems characteristic of even the simplest known life forms.

3.5 Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess

The amplification of enantiomeric excess (ee) from a small initial value to 100% L-amino acids has been a topic of extensive research and debate. Literature experiments have not supported the idea that small excesses of L-amino acids can be amplified to complete homochirality, with proposed mechanisms often requiring unrealistic experimental conditions. Studies have explored various scenarios like partial sublimation, crystal separation, and chiral catalysts but have faced significant limitations in achieving and maintaining high ee values. Research has shown that natural processes alone may not be sufficient to drive the amplification of ee to complete homochirality, highlighting the complexity of this phenomenon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

Literature experiments do not corroborate that a small excess of L-amino acid could be amplified to form 100% L-amino acids 

In a series of remarkable papers, senior chemists from several firms, Dr. Royal Truman, Dr. Chris Basel, and Dr. Stephen Grocott did an extensive analysis of the key literature on amplification experiments of small excesses of L-amino acids. The evolutionary experiments reviewed had been designed to find special conditions to preferentially extract excess L-amino acids from mixtures and separate a portion having a higher proportion of L-amino acid (aa).
Their conclusions are very bad news for the origin of life (OoL) community, demonstrating that implausible experimental conditions had to be used. Objective evaluation of the results showed that the attempts to find relevant amplification scenarios had failed badly.
To illustrate, a hypothetical astronomical source of right-circularly polarized UV light (r-CPL) is the preferred evolutionary theory for the origin of homochiral amino acids. However, astronomers have been unable to find polarized UV light anywhere in the relevant region of space.
We encourage you to read the papers covering the topics of interest. Here are some bullet points extracted from this series of papers.
1. Claims of significant enantiomeric excess produced by a hypothetical astronomical  circularly polarized light (CPL) source are misleading:
- Astronomers have not found polarized UV light in a relevant region of space
- The theory required very specific conditions and laboratory conditions untypical in space
- The theory requires almost 100% photodestruction of all amino acids before an excess could result (but 100% destruction would serve no purpose!).
2. Different amino acids absorb left-handed and right-handed CPL differently at various UV wavelengths. Therefore, the expected result would be an averaging out with little or no survival of one enantiomer.
3. Experimental approaches focused on the very exceptional amino acids with the highest anisotropy factors and used optimal wavelengths designed to produce the researcher’s goal instead of real-world outcomes.
4. Even if a small enantiomeric excess were produced in space, it would likely be further diluted upon reaching Earth.
5. The major literature examples like alkylation of Soai and polymerization of cyclobutene have no relevant to OoL. In many cases such as selective adsorption on minerals such as kaolinite and montmorillonite clay even the irrelevant examples published have been disproven when the experiments were repeated.
6. Adsorption on chiral calcite and quartz would produce equal amounts of D and L enantiomers overall.
7. Extracting only L-amino acids from glycine crystals required pure D-leucine, an unlikely natural scenario.
8. The formation of enantiomer-specific crystalline islands required laboratory processes not found in nature.
9. There is no credible reason why enantiomers of separate amino acids would not remix in natural environments.
10. Any enantiomeric excess produced would racemize in water over time.
11. Proposed mechanisms required carefully planned and executed laboratory conditions that are unlikely in nature.
12. None of the proposals known could have occurred naturally without intelligent guidance.
13. Different amino acid precursors behave differently with the same sugar catalysts, making it impossible to generalize about sugar-induced chirality.
14. The used D-lyxose to favor production of L-amino acids did not occur when tested using alanine.
15. On longer time scales relevant to prebiotic scenarios, racemic mixtures would result regardless of the initial sugar-induced excess.
16. Impurities have been tested to enhance the crystallization of a particular enantiomer.
- This only produced conglomerate crystals, but not separated enantiomers.
- The supersaturated pure solutions used to form crystals used would not have exist naturally.
- Conditions to favor one L-amino acid would have increased the amount of D- enantiomer of other amino acids, making matters worse for OoL purposes.
17. Excess of non-biological L-α-methyl amino acids have been claimed in meteorites. Experiments showed that mixing L-α-methylamine with racemic L- and D amino acid produced more of the wrong D- amino acids. Even had the desired outcome been obtained, equilibration L  D occurred rapidly, especially at elevated temperature.
18. Extensive experiments with L-α-methyl amino acids and many catalyst showed the desired outcome when using copper but at plausible concentrations the enantiomeric effect was negligible and racemization would have occurred in the presence of such a catalyst rapidly.
19. Simulations of wet-dry cycles with L-amino acids and L-isovaline in montmorillonite clay:
- Led to rapid racemization of amino acids, very bad news for OoL purposes.
- Showed that chirality could not be effectively transferred from L-isovaline to produce L-amino acids.
20. Instant sublimation experiments at ~ (430°C) followed by instant cooling at sub-freezing temperatures (!?) to avoid thermal degradation experiments have no relevance for OoL purposes: aa degrade at much lower temperatures.
21. Sublimation experiments using serine relied on unrealistic, optimized laboratory conditions (and did not work with other aa):
- High temperatures around exactly 205°C with short heating times (2-18 hours)
- Rapid cooling with dry ice and N2 gas flow to quickly remove sublimate
- Avoiding serine racemization and decomposition at high temperatures.
- The maximum enantiomeric excess achieved was too low for biological purposes.
Worse, starting with an L-enantiomeric excess of serine actually produced a sublimate with a lower excess!
22. Sublimation experiments using mixtures of Asn, Thr, Asp, Glu, and Ser cleverly mixed with volatile racemic Ala, Leu, Pro, or Val required carefully optimized laboratory conditions to obtained the intended goal:
- Low pressure (0.3-0.7 mbar) , controlled temperature (100-105°C)  and duration of 14 hours
- Use pure L enantiomers, and prevent remixing of sublimate and residue
- Use of an icy cold finger to trap the sublimate.
The results were less than encouraging. Using L-enantiomers of the less sublimated aa produced sublimates enriched in D-enantiomers of the volatile aa, the opposite needed for biology!
23. Only two biological amino acids (threonine and asparagine) naturally crystallize as conglomerates of distinct D and L crystals, but under conditions not relevant for OoL.
24. Most biological aa form racemic crystals (equal amounts of D and L enantiomers) preventing crystalline excesses. Any excess in solution would simply racemize over time.
25. Random temperature variation would prevent the precise control needed to take advantage of the eutectic point for some aa to separate crystals with an excess of an enantiomer.
26. Laboratory conditions were used to extract enantiomer excesses already present, including saturated solutions of a pure aa, controlled temperatures, and constant agitation.
27. Natural processes such as rainwater, seawater, and groundwater would have diluted any enantiomeric excess and led to remixing.
28. If hypothetically an excess would exist in solution that could crystallize preferentially into L-crystals, eventually the excess would be depleted and all the aa would then crystallize out of solution, contamination the first batches.
29. In any scenario of excess in liquid or crystal phase remixing would occur, racemization over time, and contamination with racemic mixtures in the environments.
30. Some experiments used complex catalysts not found naturally to increase racemization, of the wrong D-amino acids but they would have also racemized all the L-amino acids indiscriminately.
31. Techniques like Preferential Enrichment and CIAT rely on an initial excess of L-enantiomer, organic solvents like aspartic acid and acetic acid, and typically salicylaldehyde as catalyst at 90-160°C with agitation in a special container. None of these are relevant for OoL purposes.
Here are some additional points to complement the existing information on challenges to amplifying small excesses of L-amino acids to form 100% L-amino acids:
32. Attempts to use chiral minerals like quartz as selective catalysts have shown only very small enantiomeric excesses, typically less than 1%.
33. Proposed autocatalytic reactions like the Soai reaction require highly specific precursor molecules and conditions not plausible in prebiotic environments.
34. Theoretical models of amplification often rely on unrealistic assumptions about reaction kinetics and equilibrium conditions.
35. Experiments using temperature gradients to separate enantiomers produce only transient and localized excesses that quickly dissipate.
36. Proposed mechanisms involving chiral light or spin-polarized electrons lack a demonstrated source in early Earth environments.
37. Attempts to use amino acid precursors like α-methyl amino acids as chiral catalysts have shown limited effectiveness and selectivity.
38. Proposed amplification via polymerization faces issues of reversibility and lack of selectivity for homochiral products.
39. Scenarios involving partial crystallization require precise control of supersaturation, nucleation, and growth conditions unlikely in nature.
40. Attempts to exploit slight solubility differences between enantiomers have produced only marginal enrichment.
41. Proposed chiral amplification via asymmetric autocatalysis faces issues of product inhibition and side reactions.

The overall picture reinforces the significant hurdles facing naturalistic explanations for the origin of biological homochirality.

4. Additional Considerations

4.1 Optimal Set of Amino Acids

Recent studies by Philip and Freeland (2011) and Ilardo et al. (2015) have highlighted the exceptional optimality of the standard 20 amino acid alphabet in life, showcasing high coverage of crucial chemical properties like size, charge, and hydrophobicity that outperform vast alternative alphabets. These findings challenge conventional theories of chemical evolution, indicating a level of selection or foresight that contradicts undirected processes. To naturally achieve such an optimal amino acid set, prebiotic conditions must simultaneously provide a diverse amino acid pool, a sophisticated selection mechanism, discernment of subtle chemical differences, balance simplicity with functional diversity, compatibility with translation machinery, stability under prebiotic conditions, reactivity for peptide bond formation, and rapid selection before other biochemical systems emerge, presenting significant contradictions in the origin of life hypotheses [1] [2].

1. Quantitative Findings Challenging Conventional Theories

A study by Philip and Freeland (2011) compared the standard 20 amino acid alphabet to random sets of amino acids chosen from a larger pool of 50 plausible prebiotic amino acids. They found that the standard alphabet exhibits unusually high coverage of three key chemical properties: size, charge, and hydrophobicity. Out of 10^19 possible alternative alphabets, only one in a million matched or exceeded the standard alphabet's coverage of these properties.

Another study by Ilardo et al. (2015) used a computational model to assess the designability and folding stability of proteins made from various amino acid alphabets. They found that the standard 20 amino acid set outperformed most alternative sets, including those with more amino acids, in producing stable, well-folded proteins.

2. Implications for Current Scientific Models

These findings pose significant challenges to current models of chemical evolution. Conventional theories typically assume that the set of amino acids used in life was determined by availability in the prebiotic environment or by chance. However, the observed optimality suggests a level of "foresight" or selection that is difficult to reconcile with undirected processes.

3. Requirements and Conditions

For the optimal set of amino acids to arise naturally, the following conditions must be met simultaneously under prebiotic conditions:

1. A diverse pool of amino acids must be available in the prebiotic environment.
2. A mechanism must exist to select amino acids based on their functional properties rather than just their abundance.
3. The selection process must be able to distinguish between subtle differences in chemical properties among similar amino acids.
4. The chosen set must provide a balance between simplicity (fewer amino acids) and functional diversity.
5. The selection process must occur before the establishment of the genetic code, as the code itself would constrain further changes to the amino acid alphabet.
6. The selected set must be compatible with the emerging translation machinery, including tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
7. The chosen amino acids must be stable under prebiotic conditions yet reactive enough to form peptide bonds.
8. The selection process must occur rapidly enough to establish the optimal set before other, potentially incompatible biochemical systems emerge.

These requirements present several contradictions:
- The need for a diverse initial pool conflicts with the selective pressures that would limit the variety of compounds produced abiotically.
- The requirement for a sophisticated selection mechanism conflicts with the presumed simplicity of prebiotic chemical systems.
- The need for rapid selection conflicts with the gradual nature of evolutionary processes.

4. Relevant Scientific Terminology

Proteinogenic amino acids, chemical evolution, prebiotic chemistry, abiogenesis, protein folding, hydrophobicity, designability, genetic code, tRNA, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, peptide bond formation.

5. Illustrative Examples

Consider the case of lysine and arginine, two positively charged amino acids in the standard set. Both could plausibly form in prebiotic conditions, but arginine is more complex and less likely to arise spontaneously. However, arginine's guanidinium group provides unique properties for protein function. A purely abundance-based selection would likely have chosen lysine alone, missing the functional advantages of including both.

6. Critical Examination of Current Theories

Current theories of chemical evolution struggle to explain the observed optimality of the amino acid alphabet. Models based on prebiotic availability fail to account for the inclusion of less common amino acids like tryptophan or the exclusion of simpler, more abundant ones like norvaline. Scenarios invoking serial selection of amino acids face the challenge of explaining how early choices could anticipate future functional needs.

7. Further Discussion

Future discussions on this topic should focus on developing testable hypotheses that can explain the apparent optimality of the amino acid set without invoking teleological mechanisms. This might include exploring potential feedback loops between amino acid availability and early metabolic cycles, or investigating whether alternative optimal sets exist that might have been discoverable through plausible chemical evolution scenarios. In conclusion, the near-optimal nature of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids presents a significant challenge to naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. While not insurmountable, this challenge requires careful consideration and may necessitate revisions to current models of chemical evolution and abiogenesis.

Last edited by Otangelo on Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:35 am; edited 6 times in total




4.2 Protein Folding and Chaperones

Recent studies highlight that a substantial portion of newly synthesized proteins in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells rely on molecular chaperones for proper folding, challenging conventional theories of early protein evolution . The intricate process of protein folding, with vast conformational possibilities, occurs rapidly due to the energy landscape and chaperone assistance. These findings raise significant questions about the evolution of functional proteins without pre-existing chaperone systems, presenting a "chicken and egg" dilemma. Early protein evolution faces contradictions regarding the necessity of complex regulatory mechanisms, specific environmental conditions, and the availability of energy sources for chaperone-assisted folding. The GroEL/GroES chaperonin system exemplifies the complexity of chaperones, challenging the idea of their evolution in the absence of functional proteins. Addressing these challenges requires exploring primitive folding mechanisms and potential evolutionary starting points for protein folds, urging a reevaluation of current models of early protein evolution [35].

1. Quantitative Findings Challenging Conventional Theories

Recent studies have shown that approximately 30-50% of newly synthesized proteins in eukaryotic cells require assistance from molecular chaperones to achieve their native, functional states (Balchin et al., 2016). In prokaryotes, this percentage is lower but still significant, with about 10-20% of proteins needing chaperone assistance (Hartl et al., 2011).

The folding process itself is extremely complex. For a small protein of 100 amino acids, there are approximately 10^30 possible conformations. Yet, proteins typically fold into their native states on timescales of milliseconds to seconds (Dill and MacCallum, 2012). This speed is possible only because of the energy landscape of protein folding and the assistance of chaperones.

2. Implications for Current Scientific Models

These findings pose significant challenges to current models of early protein evolution. The high percentage of proteins requiring chaperones for proper folding suggests that early functional proteins would have faced severe limitations without a pre-existing chaperone system. This creates a "chicken and egg" problem: how could complex, functional proteins evolve if they required equally complex chaperone systems to fold correctly?

3. Requirements and Conditions

For early proteins to fold correctly and function in a prebiotic environment, the following conditions must be met simultaneously:

1. Amino acids must spontaneously form peptide bonds in the correct sequence.
2. The resulting polypeptides must be able to fold into stable, functional conformations.
3. The prebiotic environment must provide conditions conducive to protein folding (appropriate pH, temperature, and ionic concentrations).
4. Mechanisms must exist to prevent protein aggregation and misfolding.
5. For proteins requiring chaperones, a primitive chaperone system must already be in place.
6. This primitive chaperone system must itself be composed of properly folded proteins.
7. Energy sources (e.g., ATP) must be available to power chaperone-assisted folding.
8. Feedback mechanisms must exist to regulate chaperone activity and prevent over-assistance.
9. A system must be in place to degrade misfolded proteins that escape chaperone assistance.

These requirements present several contradictions:
- The need for a pre-existing chaperone system conflicts with the assumption that early proteins evolved in its absence.
- The requirement for complex regulatory mechanisms contradicts the presumed simplicity of early biological systems.
- The need for specific environmental conditions conflicts with the variable and often extreme conditions of the prebiotic Earth.

4. Relevant Scientific Terminology

Protein folding, molecular chaperones, native state, energy landscape, aggregation, misfolding, ATP-dependent chaperones, chaperonins, heat shock proteins (HSPs), protein quality control, proteostasis.

5. Illustrative Examples

Consider the GroEL/GroES chaperonin system in E. coli. This complex molecular machine encapsulates unfolded proteins in a hydrophilic chamber, allowing them to fold without interference. The system requires 14 identical 57 kDa GroEL subunits and 7 identical 10 kDa GroES subunits, arranged in a highly specific structure. It's challenging to envision how such a complex system could have evolved in the absence of already functional proteins.

6. Critical Examination of Current Theories

Current theories of early protein evolution often overlook or underestimate the challenges posed by protein folding. Models that propose the gradual evolution of protein function fail to account for the complex folding requirements of even relatively simple proteins. Scenarios invoking short peptides as early functional molecules face the challenge of explaining how these could have evolved into complex, chaperone-dependent proteins.

The RNA World hypothesis, which proposes RNA as the original self-replicating molecule, also faces challenges in explaining the transition to a protein-based metabolism. The complexity of the translation machinery and the need for already-folded proteins in this process create significant hurdles for this model.

7. Suggestion for Further Discussion

Future discussions on this topic should focus on developing testable hypotheses for primitive folding mechanisms that could have operated in the absence of modern chaperone systems. This might include exploring the potential role of mineral surfaces or simple organic molecules in facilitating early protein folding, or investigating whether certain protein folds are inherently more likely to form spontaneously and could have served as evolutionary starting points. In conclusion, the complexity of protein folding and the widespread requirement for chaperones in modern cells present significant challenges to naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. These challenges necessitate a reevaluation of current models and may require new, innovative approaches to understanding early protein evolution.

4.3 Metabolic Integration

The integration of synthesized proteins into functional metabolic pathways presents significant challenges to current naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. This analysis will focus on the complexities of metabolic integration, particularly in the context of amino acid biosynthesis, and the implications for early cellular evolution.

1. Quantitative Findings Challenging Conventional Theories

Recent studies have shown that a minimum of 112 enzymes is required to synthesize the 20 standard proteinogenic amino acids plus selenocysteine and pyrrolysine (Fujishima et al., 2018). This number represents a significant increase from earlier estimates and highlights the complexity of even the most basic cellular metabolic processes. Furthermore, these 112 enzymes are involved in a network of interdependent reactions. A study by Ravasz et al. (2002) on the metabolic network of E. coli revealed a hierarchical organization with a scale-free topology, characterized by a few highly connected metabolic hubs. This structure implies that the removal of even a small number of key enzymes could lead to catastrophic system-wide failures.

2. Implications for Current Scientific Models

These findings pose significant challenges to current models of early cellular evolution. The high number of enzymes required for amino acid biosynthesis suggests that early cells would have needed a remarkably complex metabolic system from the outset. This complexity is difficult to reconcile with the idea of a gradual evolution of metabolic pathways from simpler precursors. The interdependence of these enzymes also creates a "chicken and egg" problem: how could such a complex system of protein-based enzymes evolve when proteins themselves require this system to be synthesized?

3. Requirements and Conditions

For metabolic integration to occur naturally in a prebiotic environment, the following conditions must be met simultaneously:

1. A diverse pool of amino acids must be available in sufficient quantities.
2. Mechanisms for forming peptide bonds must exist to create functional enzymes.
3. Each of the 112+ enzymes required for amino acid biosynthesis must be present and functional.
4. These enzymes must be produced in the correct ratios to maintain metabolic balance.
5. Cofactors and coenzymes necessary for enzyme function must be available.
6. Energy sources (e.g., ATP) must be present to drive unfavorable reactions.
7. Cellular compartmentalization must exist to concentrate reactants and products.
8. Regulatory mechanisms must be in place to control enzyme activity and metabolic flux.
9. Transport systems must exist to move substrates and products between compartments.
10. A system for maintaining genomic information encoding these enzymes must be present.

These requirements present several contradictions:
- The need for a complex, interdependent enzyme system conflicts with the assumption of simpler precursor systems.
- The requirement for specific regulatory mechanisms contradicts the presumed lack of sophisticated control systems in early cells.
- The need for compartmentalization conflicts with models proposing metabolism-first scenarios in open prebiotic environments.

4. Relevant Scientific Terminology

Metabolic pathways, enzyme catalysis, biosynthesis, metabolic flux, cofactors, coenzymes, ATP, cellular compartmentalization, metabolic regulation, transport proteins, genome, transcription, translation.

5. Illustrative Examples

Consider the biosynthesis of tryptophan, one of the most complex amino acids. This pathway requires five enzymes (TrpA-E) working in a coordinated sequence. Each enzyme catalyzes a specific reaction, and the product of one reaction becomes the substrate for the next. The pathway also requires several cofactors, including pyridoxal phosphate and NADPH. The complexity of this single amino acid's biosynthesis illustrates the challenges faced in evolving a complete set of biosynthetic pathways.

6. Critical Examination of Current Theories

Current theories of early cellular evolution often struggle to explain the origin of complex, integrated metabolic systems. Models proposing a gradual evolution of metabolic pathways face the challenge of explaining how intermediate stages could have been functional and provided a selective advantage. The high degree of interdependence among metabolic enzymes suggests that many components would need to have evolved simultaneously, which is difficult to explain through traditional evolutionary mechanisms.

The RNA World hypothesis, while addressing some aspects of early information storage and catalysis, does not adequately explain the transition to the complex protein-based metabolic systems observed in all modern cells. The catalytic limitations of ribozymes compared to protein enzymes create significant hurdles for this model in explaining the origin of efficient metabolic pathways.

7. Suggestion for Further Discussion

The immense complexity and interdependence of metabolic pathways, particularly in amino acid biosynthesis, present not just significant challenges but potentially insurmountable obstacles to naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. The sophistication of enzymatic metabolic biosynthesis pathways, when compared to prebiotic amino acid synthesis, reveals a chasm that current origin of life models struggle to bridge. At the heart of this issue lies a problem of irreducible circularity: proteins are required to synthesize amino acids, yet amino acids are necessary to produce the proteins that synthesize them. This circular dependency creates a logically irreconcilable conundrum for step-wise evolutionary scenarios. Consider the minimum of 112 enzymes required for the biosynthesis of the 20 standard proteinogenic amino acids. Each of these enzymes is a complex molecular machine, precisely folded and often requiring specific cofactors. The probability of such a system arising spontaneously, without the very amino acids it produces, stretches the bounds of plausibility. Furthermore, the intricate network of metabolic reactions, characterized by scale-free topology and hierarchical organization, suggests that the removal of even a few key components would lead to systemic collapse. This all-or-nothing characteristic severely undermines gradualistic explanations for the emergence of these pathways. Current hypotheses, such as the RNA World, fail to adequately address this fundamental issue. While RNA may serve catalytic functions, the catalytic efficiency of ribozymes pales in comparison to protein enzymes, particularly for the complex reactions involved in amino acid biosynthesis. The gulf between prebiotic chemistry and the sophisticated enzymatic systems observed in even the simplest modern cells appears unbridgeable through known natural processes. This presents a profound challenge to naturalistic origin of life scenarios.

Future discussions must grapple with this core issue of irreducible circularity. While exploring the role of inorganic catalysts or simple organic molecules in facilitating early metabolic reactions may yield insights, such approaches do not resolve the fundamental protein-amino acid interdependency. Computational models and artificial chemistry simulations, while valuable tools, operate under assumptions and constraints that may not reflect prebiotic reality. They risk overlooking the true magnitude of the problem by simplifying the immense complexity of real biochemical systems. The protein-amino acid biosynthesis conundrum represents a critical challenge to naturalistic explanations for the origin of life. The lack of a plausible prebiotic route to overcome this hurdle necessitates a fundamental reevaluation of current origin of life models. Future research must not only address the origin of individual components but also confront the seemingly irreducible nature of the integrated biosynthetic system as a whole. This may require entertaining alternative hypotheses that go beyond conventional naturalistic frameworks.

5. Conclusion

The formation of amino acids and functional peptides under prebiotic conditions faces numerous significant challenges that current origin of life models struggle to overcome. These hurdles can be categorized into several key areas:

1. Precursor availability: The scarcity of fixed nitrogen and carbon sources, reactivity issues with organosulfur compounds, and instability of ammonia pose significant obstacles to amino acid synthesis.
2. Peptide bond formation: Thermodynamic and kinetic barriers result in extremely low equilibrium concentrations of even short peptides under prebiotic conditions, challenging models relying on spontaneous polypeptide formation.
3. Quantity and concentration: Achieving the required millimolar concentrations of amino acids for primitive life far exceeds known prebiotic synthesis capabilities. The absence of eight "never-observed" proteinogenic amino acids in prebiotic experiments further complicates the picture.
4. Stability-reactivity paradox: Amino acids must remain stable enough to accumulate while being reactive enough to form peptides without enzymatic assistance, presenting a delicate balance difficult to achieve in prebiotic environments.

These challenges often involve mutually exclusive or contradictory requirements, making their simultaneous fulfillment under naturalistic scenarios highly improbable given our current understanding. The quantitative data and empirical findings presented in this review strongly suggest that the spontaneous emergence of a minimal functional proteome through purely naturalistic processes faces formidable obstacles.

To advance our understanding of life's origins, future research should:

1. Focus on specific mechanisms that could potentially overcome these challenges.
2. Encourage interdisciplinary approaches combining chemistry, biology, and geoscience.
3. Critically evaluate assumptions underlying current models in light of empirical data.
4. Explore alternative scenarios or environments that might provide the necessary conditions for amino acid and peptide formation.
5. Aim for incremental advances in understanding rather than comprehensive theories, given the complexity of the problem.

By addressing these points, the scientific community can better navigate the significant hurdles associated with the prebiotic formation of amino acids and peptides, potentially leading to more plausible models for the origin of life or revealing the need for alternative explanations.


2.1  Challenges in the Availability of Precursors for Prebiotic Amino Acid Synthesis

1. Nogal, N., Sanz-Sánchez, M., Vela-Gallego, S., Ruiz-Mirazo, K., & de la Escosura, A. (2023). The protometabolic nature of prebiotic chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews, 52(17), 7229-7248. Link. (This review explores the concept of protometabolism in prebiotic chemistry and its implications for the origin of life.)

2. Tran, Q.P., Yi, R., & Fahrenbach, A.C. (2023). Towards a prebiotic chemoton – nucleotide precursor synthesis driven by the autocatalytic formose reaction. Chemical Science, 14(25), 6999-7008. Link. (This study investigates the synthesis of nucleotide precursors using the formose reaction in a prebiotic context.)

3. Peters, S., Semenov, D., Hochleitner, R., & Trapp, O.E. (2023). Synthesis of prebiotic organics from CO2 by catalysis with meteoritic and volcanic particles. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 7054. Link. (This research examines the synthesis of organic compounds from CO2 using meteoritic and volcanic particles as catalysts under prebiotic conditions.)

Further references: 
Stuart, A.H., Rammu, H., & Lane, N. (2023). Prebiotic Synthesis of Aspartate Using Life's Metabolism as a Guide. Reproductive and developmental Biology, 13(5), 1177. Link. (This study investigates the prebiotic synthesis of aspartate using metabolic pathways found in modern life as a guide.)

Magrino, T., Pietrucci, F., & Saitta, A.M. (2021). Step by Step Strecker Amino Acid Synthesis from Ab Initio Prebiotic Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(9), 2376-2382. Link. (This work uses ab initio simulations to model a step-by-step Strecker synthesis of amino acids under prebiotic conditions.)

Ashe, K. (2018). Studies towards the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides and amino acids. Doctoral thesis, University of Cambridge. Link. (This thesis explores various routes for the prebiotic synthesis of both nucleotides and amino acids.)

McDonald, G.D., & Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (2010). Biochemical constraints in a protobiotic earth devoid of basic amino acids: the "BAA(-) world". Astrobiology, 10(10), 989-1000. Link. (This paper proposes a "BAA(-) world" hypothesis, exploring biochemical constraints in a protobiotic Earth lacking basic amino acids.)

Engel, M.H., & Perry, R.S. (2008). The origins of amino acids in ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. Proceedings of SPIE, 7097, 70970O. Link. (This review examines evidence for amino acid origins in ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials.)

2.2 Challenges of Prebiotic Peptide Bond Formation

4. Nogal, N., Sanz-Sánchez, M., Vela-Gallego, S., Ruiz-Mirazo, K., & de la Escosura, A. (2023). The protometabolic nature of prebiotic chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews, 52(17), 7229-7248. Link. (This review explores the concept of protometabolism in prebiotic chemistry and its implications for the origin of life.)

5. Diederich, P., Geisberger, T., Yan, Y., Seitz, C., Ruf, A., Huber, C., Hertkorn, N., & Schmitt-Kopplin, P. (2023). Formation, stabilization and fate of acetaldehyde and higher aldehydes in an autonomously changing prebiotic system emerging from acetylene. Communications Chemistry, 6(1), 69. Link. (This study investigates the formation and behavior of aldehydes in a prebiotic system derived from acetylene.)

6. Zhang, W. (2023). The formation and stability of homochiral peptides in aqueous prebiological environment in the Earth's crust. arXiv preprint. Link. (This preprint examines the formation and stability of homochiral peptides in prebiotic aqueous environments within the Earth's crust.)

7. Chi, Y., Li, X.Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Gao, X., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Prebiotic formation of catalytically active dipeptides via trimetaphosphate activation. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 17(23), e202200926. Link. (This research demonstrates the prebiotic formation of catalytically active dipeptides using trimetaphosphate activation.)

Further references: 

Szilagyi, R.K. (2023). Peptide condensation and hydrolysis mechanisms from a proton-transfer network perspective. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 21(21), 3974-3987. Link. (This study explores peptide formation and breakdown mechanisms from a proton-transfer perspective.)

Sydow, C., Sauer, F., Siegle, A.F., & Trapp, O. (2022). Iron‐mediated peptide formation in water and liquid sulfur dioxide under prebiotically plausible conditions. ChemSystemsChem, 4(5), e202200034. Link. (This work investigates iron-mediated peptide formation under prebiotic conditions.)
El Samrout, O., Berlier, G., Lambert, J.F., & Martra, G. (2023). Polypeptide Chain Growth Mechanisms and Secondary Structure Formation in Glycine Gas-Phase Deposition on Silica Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(13), 3017-3028. Link. (This study examines polypeptide formation on silica surfaces through gas-phase deposition.)

Trapp, O., Sauer, F., Haas, M., Sydow, C., Siegle, A.F., & Lauer, C. (2021). Peptide formation as on the early Earth: from amino acid mixtures to peptides in sulphur dioxide. Research Square. Link. (This preprint explores peptide formation in sulfur dioxide as a model for early Earth conditions.)

Stolar, T., Grubešić, S., Cindro, N., Meštrović, E., Užarević, K., & Hernández, J.G. (2021). Mechanochemical Prebiotic Peptide Bond Formation. Angewandte Chemie, 133(22), 12678-12682. Link. (This paper investigates mechanochemical methods for prebiotic peptide bond formation.)

Comte, D., Lavy, L., Bertier, P., Calvo, F., Daniel, I., Farizon, B., Farizon, M., & Märk, T.D. (2023). Glycine Peptide Chain Formation in the Gas Phase via Unimolecular Reactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127(8 ), 1768-1776. Link. (This study examines glycine peptide chain formation through gas-phase unimolecular reactions.)

Rousseau, P., Piekarski, D.G., Capron, M., Domaracka, A., Adoui, L., Martín, F., Alcamí, M., Díaz-Tendero, S., & Huber, B.A. (2020). Polypeptide formation in clusters of β-alanine amino acids by single ion impact. Nature Communications, 11(1), 3818. Link. (This work demonstrates polypeptide formation in β-alanine clusters through single ion impact.)

2.3  Quantity and Concentration: Challenges in Prebiotic Amino Acid Availability

8.Rolf, J., Handke, J., Burzinski, F., Luetz, S., & Rosenthal, K. (2023). Amino acid balancing for the prediction and evaluation of protein concentrations in cell-free protein synthesis systems. Biotechnology Progress, 39(5), e3373. Link. (This study investigates amino acid balancing for optimizing protein synthesis in cell-free systems.)

9. (2023). Amino acid balancing for the prediction and evaluation of protein concentrations in cell-free protein synthesis systems. arXiv preprint. Link. (This preprint discusses amino acid balancing techniques for cell-free protein synthesis systems.)

10. (2023). Geochemical and Photochemical Constraints on S[IV] Concentrations in Natural Waters on Prebiotic Earth. ESSOAr. Link. (This study examines the constraints on sulfur concentrations in prebiotic Earth's natural waters.)

11. Gómez Ortega, J., Raubenheimer, D., Tyagi, S., Mirth, C.K., & Piper, M.D.W. (2023). Biosynthetic constraints on amino acid synthesis at the base of the food chain may determine their use in higher-order consumer genomes. PLOS Genetics, 19(5), e1010635. Link. (This research explores how biosynthetic constraints on amino acids at lower trophic levels may influence their use in higher-order organisms' genomes.)

2.4  Stability and Reactivity: The Prebiotic Amino Acid Paradox

12. Stuart, A.H., Rammu, H., & Lane, N. (2023). Prebiotic Synthesis of Aspartate Using Life's Metabolism as a Guide. Reproductive and developmental Biology, 13(5), 1177. Link. (This study investigates the prebiotic synthesis of aspartate using metabolic pathways found in modern life as a guide.)

13. Holden, D.T., Morato, N.M., & Cooks, R.G. (2022). Aqueous microdroplets enable abiotic synthesis and chain extension of unique peptide isomers from free amino acids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(44), e2212642119. Link. (This research demonstrates the abiotic synthesis and chain extension of peptide isomers in aqueous microdroplets, providing insights into potential prebiotic peptide formation mechanisms.)

2.5 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Barriers to Polymerization

14. Vaida, V., & Deal, A.M. (2022). Peptide synthesis in aqueous microdroplets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(50), e2216015119. Link. (This study investigates the synthesis of peptides in aqueous microdroplets, providing insights into potential prebiotic chemistry mechanisms.)

15. Carvalho-Silva, V.H., Coutinho, N.D., & Aquilanti, V. (2020). From the Kinetic Theory of Gases to the Kinetics of Rate Processes: On the Verge of the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Limits. Molecules, 25(9), 2098. Link. (This review explores the connections between kinetic theory of gases and the kinetics of rate processes, discussing thermodynamic and kinetic limits relevant to chemical reactions.)

Further references:
Royal Truman and Charles McCombs, Negligible concentrations of peptides form in water: part 1 - using high temperatures or high pH​​J. Creation 38(1):126135, 2024.
Royal Truman, Change Tan, and Charles McCombs, Insignificant concentrations of peptides form in water: part 2-using moderate temperaturesJ. Creation 38(1):136‒149, 2024.
Chemical evolution of amino acids and proteins? Impossible!!

3.1 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Barriers to Prebiotic Polypeptide Formation

16. Harold, S.E., Warf, S.L., & Shields, G.C. (2023). Prebiotic dimer and trimer peptide formation in gas-phase atmospheric nanoclusters of water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(31), 20890-20901. Link. (This study investigates the formation of small peptides in atmospheric water nanoclusters, providing insights into potential prebiotic chemistry mechanisms.)

17. Zhao, Q., Garimella, S.S., & Savoie, B.M. (2023). Thermally Accessible Prebiotic Pathways for Forming Ribonucleic Acid and Protein Precursors from Aqueous Hydrogen Cyanide. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(10), 5735-5745. Link. (This research explores thermally accessible pathways for the formation of RNA and protein precursors from hydrogen cyanide in aqueous environments.)

18. El Samrout, O., Berlier, G., Lambert, J.F., & Martra, G. (2023). Polypeptide Chain Growth Mechanisms and Secondary Structure Formation in Glycine Gas-Phase Deposition on Silica Surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(13), 3017-3028. Link. (This study examines polypeptide formation on silica surfaces through gas-phase deposition of glycine.)

19. Comte, D., Lavy, L., Bertier, P., Calvo, F., Daniel, I., Farizon, B., Farizon, M., & Märk, T.D. (2023). Glycine Peptide Chain Formation in the Gas Phase via Unimolecular Reactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127 ( 8 ) , 1768-1776. Link. (This study examines glycine peptide chain formation through gas-phase unimolecular reactions.)

20. Chi, Y., Li, X.Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Gao, X., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Prebiotic formation of catalytically active dipeptides via trimetaphosphate activation. Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 17(23), e202200926. Link. (This research demonstrates the prebiotic formation of catalytically active dipeptides using trimetaphosphate activation.)

3.2 Chirality Issues

20. van Dongen, S., Ahlal, I., Leeman, M., Kaptein, B., Kellogg, R.G., Baglai, I., & Noorduin, W.L. (2022). Chiral Amplification through the Interplay of Racemizing Conditions and Asymmetric Crystal Growth. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(49), 22344-22349. Link. (This study explores chiral amplification mechanisms involving racemization and asymmetric crystal growth.)

21. (2023). Origin of Biological Homochirality by Crystallization of an RNA Precursor on a Magnetic Surface. arXiv preprint. Link. (This preprint proposes a mechanism for the origin of biological homochirality through crystallization of RNA precursors on magnetic surfaces.)

22. Huber, L., & Trapp, O.E. (2022). Symmetry Breaking by Consecutive Amplification: Efficient Paths to Homochirality. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 52(3), 227-241. Link. (This paper discusses symmetry breaking mechanisms leading to homochirality through consecutive amplification processes.)

23. (2021). Chapter 1. Asymmetric Autocatalysis: The Soai Reaction, an Overview. In Asymmetric Autocatalysis: From Stochastic to Deterministic (pp. 1-18). Royal Society of Chemistry. Link. (This book chapter provides an overview of asymmetric autocatalysis, focusing on the Soai reaction as a key example.)

3.3 Sequence and Structure Formation in Prebiotic Protein Evolution: A Critical Analysis

24. Scolaro, G., & Braun, E.L. (2023). The Structure of Evolutionary Model Space for Proteins across the Tree of Life. Biology, 12(2), 282. Link. (This study explores the evolutionary model space for proteins across diverse life forms, providing insights into protein evolution patterns.)

25. Bricout, R., Weil, D., Stroebel, D., Genovesio, A., & Roest Crollius, H. (2023). Evolution is not Uniform Along Coding Sequences. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40(3), msad042. Link. (This research demonstrates that evolutionary rates vary along coding sequences, challenging the assumption of uniform evolution.)

26. Tretyachenko, V., Vymětal, J., Neuwirthová, T., Vondrášek, J., Fujishima, K., & Hlouchová, K. (2022). Modern and prebiotic amino acids support distinct structural profiles in proteins. Open Biology, 12(4), 220040. Link. (This study compares the structural profiles of proteins composed of modern versus prebiotic amino acids, offering insights into early protein evolution.)

27. Lesk, A.M., & Konagurthu, A.S. (2022). Protein structure prediction improves the quality of amino‐acid sequence alignment. Proteins, 90(5), 1154-1161. Link. (This paper demonstrates how advances in protein structure prediction can enhance the accuracy of amino acid sequence alignments.)

Further references: 
Truman, R., Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 1 – a challenge to abiogenesis, J. Creation 36(1):114–121, 2022.
Truman, R., Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 2 - kinetic and thermodynamic dataJ. Creation 36(2):7280, 2022.
Truman, R., Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions part 3 - condensation to form oligopeptidesJ. Creation 36(2) 8189, 2022.
Truman, R. and Schmidtgall, B., Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4 — racemization always exceeds the rate of peptide elongation in aqueous solution J. Creation 36(3):7481, 2022.
Truman, R., Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 5 — exaggerated old age datesJ. Creation 37(1):6474, 2023.

3.4  Scale and Reproduction in Prebiotic Systems: A Critical Analysis

Mizuuchi, R., & Ichihashi, N. (2023). Minimal RNA self-reproduction discovered from a random pool of oligomers. Chemical Science, 14(22), 6246-6255. Link. (This study reports the discovery of minimal RNA self-reproduction from a random pool of oligomers, providing insights into potential prebiotic RNA replication mechanisms.)

Red'ko, V.G. (2020). Models of Prebiotic Evolution. Biology Bulletin Reviews, 11(1), 35-46. Link. (This review discusses various models of prebiotic evolution, examining theoretical approaches to understanding the origin of life.)

Belliveau, N.M., Chure, G., Hueschen, C.L., Garcia, H.G., Kondev, J., Fisher, D.S., Theriot, J.A., & Phillips, R. (2021). Fundamental limits on the rate of bacterial growth and their influence on proteomic composition. Cell Systems, 12(9), 924-944.e14. Link. (This research explores the fundamental limits on bacterial growth rates and how these constraints influence protein composition in cells.)

3.5 Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess

28. (2023). Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess without Any Chiral Source in Prebiotic Case. Preprints, 2023070287. Link. (This preprint discusses the amplification of enantiomeric excess in prebiotic conditions without an initial chiral source.)

29. Watanabe, N., Shoji, M., Miyagawa, K., Hori, Y., Boero, M., Umemura, M., & Shigeta, Y. (2023). Enantioselective amino acid interactions in solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(20), 13741-13749. Link. (This study investigates enantioselective interactions between amino acids in solution.)

30. Sato, A., Shoji, M., Watanabe, N., Boero, M., Shigeta, Y., & Umemura, M. (2023). Origin of Homochirality in Amino Acids Induced by Lyman-α Irradiation in the Early Stage of the Milky Way. Astrobiology, 23(5), 587-596. Link. (This research explores the potential role of Lyman-α radiation in the early Milky Way in inducing homochirality in amino acids.)

31. Bocková, J., Jones, N.C., Topin, J., Hoffmann, S.V., & Meinert, C. (2023). Uncovering the chiral bias of meteoritic isovaline through asymmetric photochemistry. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3475. Link. (This study investigates the chiral bias of isovaline in meteorites through asymmetric photochemistry experiments.)

32. Shoji, M., Kitazawa, Y., Sato, A., Watanabe, N., Boero, M., Shigeta, Y., & Umemura, M. (2023). Enantiomeric Excesses of Aminonitrile Precursors Determine the Homochirality of Amino Acids. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(8 ), 2094-2100. Link. (This paper demonstrates how enantiomeric excesses in aminonitrile precursors can lead to homochirality in amino acids.)

Further references: 
Truman, R., The origin of L-amino acid enantiomeric excess: part 1-by preferential photo- destruction using circularly polarized light? J. Creation 36(3):67-73, 2022.
Truman, R., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids part 1-irrelevant and discredited examplesJ. Creation 37(2):96104, 2023.
Truman, R., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids part 2—chirality induced by D-sugarsJ. Creation 37(2):105111, 2023.
Truman, R. and Basel, C., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids part 3—using chiral impuritiesJ. Creation 37(2):120111, 2023.
Truman, R., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids: part 4—based on subliming valineJ. Creation 37(3):79-83, 2023.
Truman, R. and Grocott, S., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids: part 5—sublimation based on serine octamersJ. Creation 37(3):84-89, 2023.
Truman, R., Enantiomeric amplification of L amino acids: part 6—sublimation using Asn, Thr, Asp, Glu, Ser mixturesJ. Creation 37(3):90-92, 2023.
Truman, R., Enantiomeric amplification of L-amino acids: part 7-using aspartic acid on an achiral Cu surfaceJ. Creation 38(1):51‒53, 2024.
Truman, R. and Basel, C., Enantiomeric amplification of L-amino acids: part 8-modification of eutectic point with special additivesJ. Creation 38(1):54‒59, 2024.             
Truman, R., Basel, C., and Grocott, S., Enantiomeric amplification of amino acids: part 9—enantiomeric separation via crystallizationJ. of Creation 38(2):62-67, 2024.
Truman, R., Basel, C., and Grocott, S., Enantiomeric amplification of amino acids: part 10—extraction of homochiral crystals accompanied by catalytic racemizationJ. of Creation 38(2):68-74, 2024.
Homochirality, an unresolved issue https://reasonandscience.catsboard.com/t1309-homochirality

4.1 Optimal Set of Amino Acids

33. Brown, S.M., Voráček, V., & Freeland, S.J. (2023). What Would an Alien Amino Acid Alphabet Look Like and Why?. Astrobiology, 23(5), 597-611. Link. (This study explores the potential characteristics of amino acid alphabets that might evolve in extraterrestrial life forms, considering various biochemical and evolutionary constraints.)

34. Caldararo, F. (2022). The genetic code is very close to a global optimum in a model of its origin taking into account both the partition energy of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships. BioSystems, 218, 104613. Link. (This research proposes a model for the origin of the genetic code that considers both amino acid partition energy and biosynthetic relationships, suggesting the code is near a global optimum.)

4.2 Protein Folding and Chaperones

35. (2022). Friends in need: how chaperonins recognize and remodel proteins that require folding assistance. arXiv preprint. Link. (This preprint discusses the mechanisms by which chaperonin proteins recognize and assist in the folding of other proteins, providing insights into protein quality control systems.)

Last edited by Otangelo on Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:45 am; edited 3 times in total




A Response to: Complexity is Not Enough: A Critical Analysis of the "Life by Design" Teleological Argument

Claim: The argument's first premise commits the fallacy of presenting a false trilemma, artificially narrowing the possibilities for abiogenesis down to only three options - natural law, chance, or design (Grasso, 2022). However, the origins of the life field propose numerous additional models beyond this simplistic triad. Modern research has uncovered promising pathways for abiogenesis through chemical affinity and molecular self-organization. For example, clays and mineral surfaces may have concentrated biomolecules and facilitated polymerization reactions (Miller, 2003).

Response: The argument that the trilemma of natural law, chance, or design for explaining abiogenesis is a false or overly simplistic categorization is mistaken. In fact, this trilemma provides a comprehensive framework that encompasses all possible explanations for the origin of life, including processes like chemical affinity and molecular self-organization. Chemical processes, while governed by natural laws, can lead to outcomes that are essentially random and unguided. This dual nature means that chemical affinity and molecular self-organization actually span both the "natural law" and "chance" categories in the trilemma:

1. Natural law: Chemical reactions follow the laws of physics and chemistry. The properties of atoms and molecules that allow for chemical affinity and self-organization are determined by these natural laws.
2. Chance: The specific outcomes of these chemical processes, particularly in complex systems like those involved in abiogenesis, are often unpredictable and can be considered random. The exact molecules that form, their concentrations, and their interactions are subject to chance events.

In the context of abiogenesis, this means that while natural laws provide the framework for chemical reactions to occur, the specific path to life and the exact molecules that ended up forming the first self-replicating systems would have been largely determined by chance events if design is excluded. This understanding actually strengthens the validity of the trilemma rather than undermining it. The trilemma doesn't require that each possibility be mutually exclusive. Instead, it acknowledges that the origin of life could involve interplay between natural law and chance, while still leaving room for the possibility of design. Therefore, chemical affinity and molecular self-organization are indeed covered by the trilemma, falling into both the "natural law" and "chance" categories. This dual categorization more accurately reflects the nature of chemical processes in the context of abiogenesis. The trilemma thus provides a robust and inclusive framework for discussing the origin of life, allowing for the consideration of both known and yet-to-be-discovered natural processes that could have led to abiogenesis, while also accounting for the role of chance and not excluding the possibility of design.

Claim: Lipid vesicles that self-assemble based on chemistry alone provide micro-environments potentially conducive to proto-life (Deamer, 2017). 

Response: Steven A. Benner (2014): The Asphalt Paradox: Lipids that provide tidy compartments under the close supervision of a graduate student (supporting a protocell first model for origins) are quite non-robust with respect to small environmental perturbations, such as a change in the salt concentration, the introduction of organic solvents, or a change in temperature.

Steven A. Benner's "Asphalt Paradox" highlights a significant challenge in the protocell-first model of abiogenesis, illuminating the complexities involved in the emergence of cellular life. This concept, introduced in 2014, points out a fundamental issue with the idea that the first step towards life was the formation of simple cell-like structures composed of lipid membranes encapsulating primitive genetic material. The paradox arises from the conflicting requirements for a protocell membrane. On one hand, it needs to be stable enough to maintain its structure and protect its contents. On the other hand, it must be dynamic enough to allow for the exchange of materials necessary for metabolism and replication. This delicate balance is at the heart of the Asphalt Paradox. Benner's observation emphasizes that while lipid vesicles can be created and maintained under controlled laboratory conditions, they are far less stable in the variable conditions that would have existed on early Earth. These lipid structures are highly sensitive to environmental changes. Salt concentration fluctuations can disrupt the membrane integrity, organic solvents can dissolve or alter the lipid structure, and temperature changes can cause membranes to become too rigid or too fluid. This sensitivity raises questions about the prebiotic plausibility of such structures, as the conditions required to form and maintain these delicate protocells may not have been readily available or sustainable in early Earth environments. Furthermore, maintaining the integrity of these protocells against environmental perturbations would require a constant input of energy, which may not have been available in primitive conditions. This energy requirement adds another layer of complexity to the already challenging scenario of early life formation. The Asphalt Paradox has led researchers to consider alternative models for the origin of life, such as the "metabolism-first" hypothesis or models involving more robust compartments like mineral pores. It also raises questions about how such sensitive structures could have evolved into the more robust cell membranes we see in modern organisms.

Claim: Experiments demonstrate amino acids forming peptides, nucleotides forming RNA chains, and lipids forming vesicles naturally when conditions allow (Sutherland, 2017).

Response:  The paper: The Hurdles to Getting Amino Acids and Functional Peptides for the First Life Prebiotically Link demonstrates the major challenges faced in the prebiotic formation of amino acids and functional proteins - a critical step in the origin of life. The author systematically outlines several key hurdles, including:

Scarcity of fixed nitrogen and carbon sources needed for amino acid synthesis
Difficulty in obtaining reactive sulfur compounds required for certain amino acids
Rapid photochemical decomposition of ammonia, a crucial nitrogen source
Thermodynamic and kinetic barriers to forming even short peptides prebiotically

The review concludes that the naturalistic emergence of a minimal functional proteome faces significant obstacles that the current origin of life models struggle to overcome.

Last edited by Otangelo on Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:34 pm; edited 2 times in total




A Short Tale of the Origin of Proteins and Ribosome Evolution

Here's a summary of the main claims and points made in the paper:

1. The building blocks of life (amino acids and nucleotides) were likely present in early Earth conditions and could have formed spontaneously in a prebiotic soup.
2. Peptides and RNA likely coevolved in the early stages of life, with the ribosome being a key product of this coevolution.
3. The RNA world hypothesis suggests that RNA was a central molecule in early life, capable of storing information and catalyzing reactions.
4. Peptides may have played a more central role in early life than previously thought, with the ability to form easily in prebiotic conditions.
5. The first peptides likely arose through condensation and wet-dry cycles, possibly assembling into higher-order structures similar to amyloid formation.
6. Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) may represent an important step in the evolution of modern proteins due to their simplicity and plasticity.
7. The ribosome's evolution is central to understanding the transition from chemical to Darwinian evolution, with the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) being one of the oldest parts.
8. The ribosome evolved through a series of phases, gradually acquiring complexity and function.
9. Ribosomal proteins coevolved with ribosomal RNA, with older protein regions interacting with more ancient RNA parts.
10. The study of ribosome structure and evolution has provided insights into the three domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) and the last universal common ancestor (LUCA).
11. The paper suggests a timeline for the evolution of life on Earth, from the formation of the planet to the great oxidation event and the adaptations that followed.

This review aims to provide general life scientists with an overview of how proteins could have arisen and how they are regulated in modern cells, focusing on the evolution of peptides, proteins, and ribosomes.

Refutation of Claims on the Origin of Proteins and Ribosome Evolution

1. Spontaneous Formation of Life's Building Blocks
Claim: Amino acids and nucleotides likely formed spontaneously in early Earth's prebiotic soup.
Refutation: Significant challenges exist for amino acid formation under prebiotic conditions. Specific atmospheric and environmental conditions may not have been prevalent. Stability and concentration of these amino acids are questionable due to rapid degradation and dilution.

2. Coevolution of Peptides and RNA
Claim: Peptides and RNA likely coevolved, with the ribosome as a key product.
Refutation: This scenario is highly speculative. RNA synthesis faces significant hurdles, including ribose formation difficulties and RNA instability in harsh prebiotic conditions. The simultaneous, interdependent evolution of peptides and RNA adds complexity, making this less plausible without concrete evidence.

3. RNA World Hypothesis
Claim: RNA was central in early life, capable of storing information and catalyzing reactions.
Refutation: Challenges include difficulty in forming ribonucleotides prebiotically and lack of a plausible prebiotic RNA replication pathway. These issues question RNA's feasibility as the initial life molecule.

4. Central Role of Peptides in Early Life
Claim: Peptides may have played a more central role in early life, forming easily in prebiotic conditions.
Refutation: Peptide bond formation faces significant barriers, including the need for specific catalysts and energy for condensation reactions. This suggests spontaneous formation of functional peptides is far from straightforward.

5. First Peptides and Higher-Order Structures
Claim: First peptides arose through condensation and wet-dry cycles, possibly forming amyloid-like structures.
Refutation: While wet-dry cycles can promote polymerization, resulting peptides would be random and unlikely to fold functionally. Higher-order structures require specific sequences, improbable in random assembly.

6. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs)
Claim: IDPs may represent an important step in protein evolution due to simplicity and plasticity.
Refutation: IDPs still require sequence specificity to function. Random generation of such sequences is highly unlikely prebiotically. The transition to structured proteins involves significant unexplained evolutionary steps.

7. Ribosome Evolution and Chemical to Darwinian Transition
Claim: Ribosome evolution is key to understanding the transition from chemical to Darwinian evolution.
Refutation: The ribosome's complexity makes prebiotic assembly highly improbable. Formation of such a sophisticated nanomachine without a pre-existing, highly organized system seems unlikely.

8. Gradual Ribosome Evolution
Claim: The ribosome evolved through phases, gradually acquiring complexity and function.
Refutation: This assumes functional intermediate stages, which are highly speculative and lack experimental support.

9. Coevolution of Ribosomal Proteins and RNA
Claim: Ribosomal proteins coevolved with ribosomal RNA.
Refutation: This assumes a level of interdependence difficult to achieve prebiotically. Coordinated evolution without guiding selective pressure is questionable.

10. Ribosome Structure and Life Domains
Claim: Ribosome studies provide insights into life domains and LUCA.
Refutation: While providing evolutionary relationship insights, these do not confirm prebiotic feasibility of ribosome formation and function.

11. Timeline for Life's Evolution
Claim: A timeline is proposed from Earth's formation to the great oxidation event.
Refutation: The timeline might be oversimplified, ignoring myriad challenges in each evolutionary step. It appears more speculative than evidential.

These refutations highlight significant challenges in the proposed scenarios for protein origin and ribosome evolution, questioning their plausibility without further evidence.




Protocells and RNA Self-Replication
Gerald F Joyce 1, Jack W Szostak 2


1. The "RNA world" hypothesis suggests that early life on Earth used RNA for both genetic information storage and catalytic functions.
2. Protocells were simple compartments that allowed for the replication of primitive genetic material and accumulation of catalytic products.
3. Compartmentalization was essential for Darwinian evolution to operate on early replicating systems.
4. Primitive membranes need to be more permeable than modern cell membranes to allow nutrients and building blocks to enter.
5. There is a potential conflict between the high Mg2+ concentrations needed for RNA chemistry and the stability of fatty acid membranes.
6. Alternatives to membrane-based compartments include porous rocks, mineral surfaces, coacervates, emulsion droplets, and self-assembling nucleic acid structures.
7. Protocell division mechanisms need to be compatible with both membrane growth and replication of genetic material.
8. The paper argues that membrane-based protocells provide the most plausible pathway to evolving the complex biochemistry of modern cells.

1. The "RNA world" hypothesis suggests that early life on Earth used RNA for both genetic information storage and catalytic functions. However, several key points challenge the feasibility of this hypothesis:

Refutation of the RNA World Hypothesis

1. Prebiotic Synthesis of RNA is Highly Improbable: The prebiotic synthesis of RNA involves complex chemical reactions that are unlikely to occur spontaneously. The formation of ribonucleotides, the building blocks of RNA, requires highly specific conditions and catalysts that would not have been present on early Earth.
2. Instability of RNA Molecules: RNA molecules are chemically unstable and prone to hydrolysis, making them unlikely candidates for the long-term storage of genetic information. The half-life of RNA in aqueous environments is too short to support the long prebiotic period required for the emergence of life.
3. Complexity of Ribozymes: The catalytic functions attributed to RNA molecules, known as ribozymes, require highly specific sequences and structures. The likelihood of such complex molecules arising by chance in a prebiotic environment is extremely low.
4. Lack of Supporting Evidence: Despite extensive research, there is no direct evidence supporting the existence of an RNA world. The experimental synthesis of RNA under prebiotic conditions has not been successfully demonstrated, and no naturally occurring RNA-based life forms have been discovered.

2.  The hypothesis that protocells were simple compartments that allowed for the replication of primitive genetic material and the accumulation of catalytic products faces several significant challenges:

Refutation of the Protocells Hypothesis

1. Complexity of Membrane Formation: The formation of a stable, functional membrane capable of encapsulating genetic material and catalytic molecules is highly complex. The spontaneous assembly of lipid bilayers into protocells with the necessary properties is highly improbable under prebiotic conditions.
2. Selective Permeability Issues: For protocells to support life-like processes, their membranes must be selectively permeable, allowing the entry of nutrients and the exit of waste products while retaining genetic material and catalysts. Achieving such selective permeability in a prebiotic environment is highly unlikely without sophisticated mechanisms.
3. Integration of Genetic and Catalytic Functions: Even if protocells could form, the integration of genetic material and catalytic functions within these compartments poses significant challenges. The synchronization of replication and catalytic activities requires precise coordination that is unlikely to arise spontaneously.
4. Lack of Experimental Evidence: Despite extensive research, there is no empirical evidence supporting the spontaneous formation of functional protocells. Laboratory attempts to create protocell-like structures have not demonstrated the necessary complexity and functionality required for early life.

3. Compartmentalization was essential for Darwinian evolution to operate on early replicating systems

Confirmation of the Importance of Compartmentalization for Early Darwinian Evolution

Compartmentalization was indeed essential for Darwinian evolution to operate on early replicating systems. By creating distinct microenvironments, compartmentalization allowed for the concentration of reactants, protection of genetic material, and more efficient catalytic processes. This separation enabled natural selection to act on variations within compartments, driving the evolution of increasingly complex and efficient systems.

1. Improbability of Spontaneous Compartment Formation: The spontaneous formation of compartments with the necessary properties for supporting early life is highly unlikely. The assembly of lipid bilayers into vesicles or protocells requires specific conditions and the presence of suitable lipids, which would be rare in a prebiotic environment.
2. Selective Permeability Challenges: Even if compartments could form, achieving the selective permeability needed for nutrient uptake and waste expulsion while retaining genetic and catalytic molecules is highly improbable without sophisticated mechanisms. This selective permeability is crucial for maintaining the internal environment necessary for biochemical reactions.
3. Lack of a Guiding Mechanism: Without a guiding mechanism, such as pre-existing biological machinery or an external source of information, the coordination and integration of genetic and catalytic functions within compartments would be extremely difficult. The precise conditions and regulatory processes required to support life-like functions are unlikely to arise spontaneously.
4. Instability of Vesicles: Such vesicles are highly prone to disintegration with any slight perturbation, which is a significant problem in prebiotic environments. The instability of these structures under varying conditions would hinder their ability to maintain the necessary internal environment for supporting early life processes.

4. Primitive membranes need to be more permeable than modern cell membranes to allow nutrients and building blocks to enter.

1. Uncontrolled Influx and Loss of Essential Compounds: A highly permeable membrane would allow an uncontrolled influx of substances, including ions, water, and other solutes, while also permitting the loss of essential compounds, such as nucleotides, amino acids, and other biomolecules, making it challenging for the protocell to accumulate and concentrate the necessary building blocks for growth and replication.
2. Difficulty in Maintaining pH and Ionic Balance: The free flow of ions and solutes through a highly permeable membrane would make it challenging for the protocell to maintain a stable pH and ionic balance, which is essential for many biochemical reactions and the proper functioning of biomolecules.
3. Inability to Regulate Energy and Nutrient Uptake: A highly permeable membrane would not allow the protocell to regulate energy and nutrient uptake, leading to an inefficient use of resources and potentially even toxic effects, which would hinder the protocell's ability to sustain itself and replicate.
4. Instability and Lack of Selectivity: Primitive membranes would likely lack the selective permeability and stability that modern cell membranes have, which are crucial for maintaining cellular homeostasis and regulating the exchange of substances with the environment, making it difficult for the protocell to maintain a stable internal environment.
5. Improbability of Optimal Permeability: The emergence of a membrane with the optimal level of permeability, allowing for the influx of necessary nutrients and building blocks while maintaining a stable internal environment, is highly unlikely without a guiding mechanism or selection process, which would be absent in a prebiotic environment.

5. Here are some points that expand on the conflict between high Mg2+ concentrations and the stability of fatty acid membranes:

1. Destabilization of Fatty Acid Membranes: High concentrations of Mg2+ ions can destabilize fatty acid membranes, causing them to become more permeable and prone to disruption. This is because Mg2+ ions can bind to the negatively charged headgroups of fatty acids, disrupting the electrostatic interactions that hold the membrane together.
2. Inhibition of Membrane Formation: Elevated Mg2+ concentrations can also inhibit the formation of fatty acid membranes in the first place. This is because Mg2+ ions can bind to the fatty acid molecules, preventing them from assembling into a stable membrane structure.
3. RNA Chemistry Requirements: On the other hand, high Mg2+ concentrations are essential for many aspects of RNA chemistry, including RNA folding, catalysis, and replication. Mg2+ ions play a crucial role in stabilizing RNA structures and facilitating chemical reactions.
4. Conflict between RNA Chemistry and Membrane Stability: The conflict between the high Mg2+ concentrations required for RNA chemistry and the stability of fatty acid membranes creates a challenge for the emergence of life. It is unclear how primitive cells could have maintained the high Mg2+ concentrations needed for RNA chemistry while also preserving the stability of their membranes.
5. Limited Window for Life Emergence: The conflict between Mg2+ concentrations and membrane stability may have limited the window for life emergence on Earth. It is possible that the conditions that allowed for the emergence of life were highly specific and short-lived, making it even more remarkable that life was able to emerge at all.

6. Alternatives to membrane-based compartments include porous rocks, mineral surfaces, coacervates, emulsion droplets, and self-assembling nucleic acid structures.

Some points that explain why the alternatives to membrane-based compartments are not adequate candidates for a transition to phospholipid membranes used in modern cells:

1. Porous Rocks and Mineral Surfaces: While porous rocks and mineral surfaces can provide a compartmentalized environment, they lack the dynamic properties and flexibility necessary for life. They are also unable to regulate the exchange of substances with the environment, which is crucial for maintaining cellular homeostasis.
2. Coacervates: Coacervates are droplets of liquid that form through the association of oppositely charged molecules. However, they are highly unstable and prone to fusion, making it difficult to maintain a consistent internal environment. Additionally, coacervates lack the selective permeability and control over solute transport that is necessary for life.
3. Emulsion Droplets: Emulsion droplets are mixtures of two or more liquids that don't normally mix, such as oil and water. While they can provide a compartmentalized environment, they are highly unstable and require constant energy input to maintain their structure. They also lack the complex interactions and regulatory mechanisms necessary for life.
4. Self-Assembling Nucleic Acid Structures: Self-assembling nucleic acid structures, such as RNA or DNA-based compartments, are an interesting alternative to membrane-based compartments. However, they are highly sensitive to environmental conditions and lack the robustness and stability necessary for life. They also require a high degree of molecular complexity and specificity, which is difficult to achieve through abiotic means.
5. Inability to Support Metabolic Processes: None of the alternative compartmentalization systems mentioned above are able to support the complex metabolic processes necessary for life. They lack the necessary infrastructure, such as enzymes, transport systems, and energy production mechanisms, to sustain life-like functions.
6. Lack of a Clear Transition Mechanism: Even if one of these alternative compartmentalization systems were able to support life-like functions, there is no clear mechanism for how they could transition to phospholipid membranes used in modern cells. The emergence of phospholipid membranes would require a significant reorganization of the compartmentalization system, which is difficult to explain through natural processes.

7. Protocell division mechanisms need to be compatible with both membrane growth and replication of genetic material.

Here are some points that explain why it is highly unlikely that unguided events in a prebiotic Earth would have come up with viable solutions for the problem of protocell division mechanisms:

1. Coordination of Membrane Growth and Genetic Replication: The process of protocell division requires the coordinated growth of the membrane and the replication of genetic material. However, these two processes are fundamentally different and require distinct mechanisms. It is unclear how unguided events could have led to the emergence of a system that coordinates these two processes in a way that is compatible with life.
2. Mechanisms for Membrane Fission and Fusion: Protocell division requires mechanisms for membrane fission and fusion, which are complex processes that involve the manipulation of lipid bilayers. These mechanisms are highly unlikely to emerge through unguided events, as they require a high degree of molecular specificity and control.
3. Genetic Replication and Segregation: The replication of genetic material requires a high degree of accuracy and fidelity, as well as mechanisms for segregating the replicated genetic material into daughter cells. These processes are highly unlikely to emerge through unguided events, as they require a high degree of molecular complexity and specificity.
4. Energy Requirements for Protocell Division: Protocell division requires a significant amount of energy, which must be generated and harnessed in a way that is compatible with the division process. It is unclear how unguided events could have led to the emergence of a system that generates and utilizes energy in a way that supports protocell division.
5. Stability and Robustness of Protocell Division Mechanisms: Protocell division mechanisms must be stable and robust in order to support the emergence of life. However, unguided events are unlikely to produce mechanisms that are stable and robust, as they are subject to random fluctuations and perturbations.
6. Lack of a Clear Selection Mechanism: Even if unguided events were able to produce a protocell division mechanism, it is unclear how this mechanism would be selected for and maintained over time. The emergence of life requires a clear selection mechanism that favors the survival and reproduction of cells with functional division mechanisms.
7. Improbability of Simultaneous Emergence: The emergence of a protocell division mechanism that is compatible with both membrane growth and genetic replication requires the simultaneous emergence of multiple complex processes. The probability of these processes emerging simultaneously through unguided events is extremely low, making it highly unlikely that life could have emerged through natural processes alone.

8. Here are some reasons why there is no evidence that membrane-based protocells could have evolved into modern cells on a prebiotic Earth spontaneously:

1. Lack of Primordial Membrane-Forming Molecules: There is no evidence that the necessary membrane-forming molecules, such as phospholipids, were present on the prebiotic Earth. Even if they were present, it is unclear how they would have spontaneously assembled into membranes.
2. Inability to Form Stable Membranes: Even if membrane-forming molecules were present, it is unlikely that they would have formed stable membranes that could have supported the emergence of life. The formation of stable membranes requires a high degree of molecular specificity and control, which is difficult to achieve through abiotic means.
3. No Mechanism for Membrane Growth and Division: There is no known mechanism by which primitive membranes could have grown and divided in a way that is consistent with the emergence of life. The process of membrane growth and division requires a high degree of molecular complexity and control, which is unlikely to have arisen spontaneously.
4. Lack of Energy Source for Protocell Metabolism: Protocells would have required an energy source to support their metabolic processes, but there is no evidence that such an energy source was present on the prebiotic Earth. Even if an energy source was present, it is unclear how it would have been harnessed and utilized by protocells.
5. No Mechanism for Genetic Information Storage and Transmission: The emergence of life requires a mechanism for storing and transmitting genetic information, but there is no evidence that such a mechanism was present on the prebiotic Earth. The origin of genetic information and the mechanisms for its storage and transmission are still unknown.
6. Inability to Explain the Emergence of Complex Biochemistry: The paper argues that membrane-based protocells provide a plausible pathway to evolving complex biochemistry, but there is no evidence that this could have occurred spontaneously. The emergence of complex biochemistry requires a high degree of molecular specificity and control, which is difficult to achieve through abiotic means.
7. Lack of Fossil Evidence for Protocells: If protocells had existed on the prebiotic Earth, we would expect to find fossil evidence of their presence. However, no such evidence has been found, which suggests that protocells may not have played a significant role in the emergence of life.
8. Inability to Replicate the Emergence of Life in the Laboratory: Despite decades of research, scientists have been unable to replicate the emergence of life in the laboratory. This suggests that the process of abiogenesis may be more complex and difficult to achieve than previously thought.




Francisco Prosdocimi  Origin of life: Drawing the big picture 2023


Also, even if the scenario proposed here presents a significant number of gaps, those missing links can be further evaluated by new research that may discover:

(i) how to make nucleotides prebiotically;
(ii) how RNAs and tRNAs could be formed;
(iii) how the proto-PTC has been built;
(iv) how the genetic code has been structured;
(v) how progenotes could live and reproduced as “naked” molecules of RNA;
(vi) how peptides started to bind molecules in the prebiotic soup;
(vii) how biochemical pathways evolved from those bindings;
(viii) how genomes got bigger by the symbiotic relationship and concatenation of progenotes’ genetic information;
(ix) how the progenote version of LUCA has been formed;
(x) how the first virion capsids have been formed;
(xi) how virion capsids evolved;
(xii) how lipid-binding proteins produced phospholipid membranes;
(xiii) how DNA synthesis have been invented; and, finally,
(xiv) how DNA-based cells of bacteria and archaea have been constituted.

Each of these steps defines complex research programs that should be seriously evaluated by the community interested in the origin of life. We look into the future to close those epistemological gaps and build a better scenario to understand this amazing topic that is the origin of life on Earth.

Basically, all the key steps in the proposed naturalistic origin of life scenario still have significant gaps and unanswered questions. Naturalistic explanations have not elucidated any of the critical transitions. There are a few key reasons why naturalistic explanations have not resulted in the expected clarifications for many of these steps:

Broader Stages of Bottom-Up Development

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1. Ecosystems
2. Species, communities
3. Populations
4. Individuals
5. Cells
6. Macromolecules
7. Simple molecules
8. Atoms

In the  Figure, a development step scheme is shown. It is a very general scheme, intended to show merely the increasing organizational complexity of several processes. Although seven steps are shown, leading from atoms to ecosystems, there is one step that far outweighs the others in enormity: the step from macromolecules to cells. All the other steps can be accounted for on theoretical grounds—if not correctly, at least elegantly. However, the macromolecule-to-cell transition is a jump of fantastic dimensions, which lies beyond the range of testable hypotheses. In this area all is conjecture. The available facts do not provide a basis for postulating that cells arose on this planet. This is not to say that some parachemical forces were at work. We wish to point out the fact that there is no scientific evidence. The physicist had learned to avoid trying to specify when time began and when the matter was created, except within the framework of frank speculation. The origin of the precursor cell appears to fall into the same category of unknowables. It is an area with fascinating conceptual changes, but at present, and perhaps forever, the facts cannot be known.

To postulate that life arose elsewhere in the universe and was then brought to earth by some means would be merely begging the question; we must still answer how life arose wherever it may have done so originally.

1. Prebiotic chemical synthesis: Formation of simple organic molecules from inorganic precursors
2. Molecular self-assembly: Creation of more complex structures like protocells
3. RNA World: Development of self-replicating RNA molecules
4. RNA-Protein World: Emergence of primitive translation systems
5. DNA-RNA-Protein World: Transition to DNA as the primary genetic material
6. Proto-cell formation: Development of lipid membranes and basic metabolic processes
7. LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor): Emergence of a self-replicating organism with DNA, RNA, and proteins

Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) vs First Universal Common Ancestor (FUCA)

LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor)
Definition: Most recent common ancestor of all current life
Timeframe: ~3.5-3.8 billion years ago
Simple, single-celled organism
DNA-based genetic code
Ribosomes for protein synthesis
Basic cellular machinery and metabolism
Cell membrane

FUCA (First Universal Common Ancestor)
Definition: Hypothetical first common ancestor of all life
Timeframe: Earlier than LUCA, possibly >3.8 billion years ago
Characteristics (highly speculative):
Primitive genetic material (possibly RNA)
Basic metabolic processes
Rudimentary cell-like structures

Key Differences
Complexity: LUCA more complex than FUCA
Genetic Material: LUCA likely DNA-based, FUCA possibly RNA-based
Evolutionary Stage: LUCA later stage, FUCA earlier stage
Evidence: More indirect evidence for LUCA, FUCA largely speculative

Why FUCA is Problematic in Origin of Life Studies

In Origin of Life research, focusing on FUCA presents significant challenges:

Lack of Evidence: There is virtually no direct evidence about the nature of FUCA due to its extreme antiquity.
High Speculation: Any attempt to define FUCA relies heavily on speculation rather than scientific data. The period between the origin of life and LUCA makes it difficult to pinpoint a single "first" ancestor.
Definition Issues: The boundary between non-life and life is blurry, making it challenging to define what qualifies as the "first" living entity.
Methodological Limitations: Current scientific methods are not capable of providing concrete information about life forms from such an early period.

Advantages of Focusing on LUCA in Bottom-Up Research

More Tangible Evidence: Comparative genomics provides indirect but substantial evidence about LUCA's nature.
Clearer Definition: LUCA represents a more defined point in evolutionary history.
Practical Research Target: Studying LUCA allows for more concrete hypotheses and experimental designs.
Bridge to Modern Life: LUCA serves as a crucial link between early life and the diversity we see today.
Consensus in Scientific Community: There's broader agreement on LUCA's existence and general characteristics.

While the concept of FUCA is intriguing, its highly speculative nature makes it less practical for scientific investigation. Focusing on LUCA as a threshold for investigation in bottom-up research provides a more solid foundation for understanding the origins and early evolution of life on Earth.

Stages of Bottom-Up Development

1. Prebiotic Chemistry and Molecular Assembly
2. Formation of Genetic Information Systems
3. Protein Synthesis and Regulation
4. Cell Structure and Division
5. Membrane Dynamics and Transport
6. Autotrophic Processes and Environmental Adaptation

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A (conjectured) brief sketch of the history of life. At present, life is divided into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota. Following the lineages of the three domains backward in time (solid lines), we find that they coalesce into the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), approximately 3.8 Gya. The dashed red line indicates the point in time where it is thought that the Darwinian transition occurred: before that, life was evolving in a communal way (progenote); after the Darwinian transition, life evolved as described by the Modern Synthesis. 1

Comprehensive List of Proto-LUCA Enzymes and Proteins

I. Metal Clusters and Metalloenzymes
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 46
Essential for various biochemical reactions and protein structures. Relevant to how peptides started to bind molecules in the prebiotic soup.
1. Iron-sulfur cluster proteins
2. Zinc finger proteins
3. Copper-containing enzymes
4. Molybdenum cofactor-containing enzymes
5. Manganese-dependent enzymes
6. Nickel-containing enzymes
7. Cobalt-dependent enzymes
8. Magnesium-dependent enzymes
9. Calcium-binding proteins
10. Selenoproteins

II. Energy Metabolism, Central Carbon Metabolism, and Other Specific Pathways
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 74
Fundamental pathways that provide energy and precursors for other biosynthetic processes. Relates to how biochemical pathways evolved from early molecular bindings.
11. Glycolysis enzymes
12. Pentose phosphate pathway enzymes
13. TCA cycle enzymes
14. Electron transport chain components
15. ATP synthase complex
16. Fermentation enzymes
17. Gluconeogenesis enzymes
18. Glyoxylate cycle enzymes
19. Entner-Doudoroff pathway enzymes
20. Anaplerotic reaction enzymes

III. Nucleotide Synthesis and Salvage
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 89
The basis for the generation of genetic information carriers. Relates to the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides and the formation of RNAs and tRNAs.
21. De novo purine synthesis enzymes
22. De novo pyrimidine synthesis enzymes
23. Nucleotide salvage pathway enzymes
24. Ribonucleotide reductases
25. Thymidylate synthase
26. Nucleoside kinases
27. Nucleotide interconversion enzymes
28. Nucleotide degradation enzymes
29. Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase
30. Nucleotide transport proteins

IV. Amino Acid Biosynthesis
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 135
Building blocks for protein synthesis. Crucial for transitioning from an RNA to a protein-based world.
31. Aromatic amino acid synthesis enzymes
32. Branched-chain amino acid synthesis enzymes
33. Aspartate family amino acid synthesis enzymes
34. Glutamate family amino acid synthesis enzymes
35. Serine family amino acid synthesis enzymes
36. Histidine biosynthesis enzymes
37. Cysteine and methionine biosynthesis enzymes
38. Proline biosynthesis enzymes
39. Arginine biosynthesis enzymes
40. Amino acid interconversion enzymes

V. Regulatory Enzymes and Proteins in Amino Acid Synthesis
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 76
Regulate the synthesis of amino acids. Represents the development of more complex metabolic control and is crucial for maintaining metabolic homeostasis and ensuring efficient use of cellular resources.
41. Allosteric enzymes in amino acid pathways
42. Transcriptional regulators of amino acid operons
43. Amino acid sensing proteins
44. Riboswitch-mediated regulators
45. Amino acid transport regulators
46. Protein kinases involved in amino acid regulation
47. Phosphatases involved in amino acid regulation
48. Small regulatory RNAs affecting amino acid synthesis
49. Proteases involved in amino acid regulation
50. Chaperones involved in enzyme folding and regulation

VI. Translation/Ribosome in the LUCA
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 125
Processes and machinery for protein synthesis. Relates to how the proto-PTC (Peptidyl Transferase Center) has been built and how the genetic code has been structured.
51. Ribosomal proteins (small subunit)
52. Ribosomal proteins (large subunit)
53. Initiation factors
54. Elongation factors
55. Release factors
56. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
57. tRNA modification enzymes
58. Ribosome-associated GTPases
59. Ribosome recycling factors
60. Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase

VII. Biosynthesis and Assembly of the Bacterial Ribosome
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 104
Further elaboration on ribosome assembly and function. Represents the increasing complexity of the translation machinery.
61. rRNA processing enzymes
62. rRNA modification enzymes
63. Ribosome assembly factors
64. Ribosomal protein chaperones
65. GTPases involved in ribosome assembly
66. RNA helicases involved in ribosome assembly
67. Ribonucleases involved in rRNA processing
68. Methyltransferases for rRNA modification
69. Pseudouridine synthases
70. Ribosome maturation factors

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Processes:
Synthesis and Maturation: RNase III, rRNA methyltransferases, Sigma factors, RNase E, RNase P, Pseudouridine synthases, Ribose methyltransferases, and 1 general methyltransferase.
Error Surveillance and Discard: RNase R, RNase II, PNPase, and 2 general ribonucleases involved in Small RNA-mediated targeting.
Recycling Mechanisms: 2 general ribonucleases that degrade aberrant rRNA molecules and 1 protein involved in Ribosome-associated quality control.
Folding and Assembly: 20 Ribosomal proteins e.g., S1-S21 for the 30S subunit and L1-L36 for the 50S subunit, RbfA, RimM, RimP.

Transfer RNA (tRNA) Processes:
Synthesis and Maturation: Endonucleases, tRNA methyltransferases, CCA-adding enzyme.
Modifications and Quality Control: tRNA pseudouridine synthases, Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, tRNA isopentenyltransferases.
Surveillance and Discard: RNase P, RNase Z, CCA-adding enzyme, Endonucleases.
Repair Mechanisms: tRNA ligases, Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
Recycling Mechanisms: Exoribonucleases, Endonucleases.

Ribosome Quality Control and Repair:
Stalling and Rescue: tmRNA, SmpB, ArfA, ArfB.
Error Check and Repair: EF-Tu, RelA, SpoT.
Collision and Quality Control: HflX, RsfA.
Other Regulatory Factors: RqcH, RqcP, YbeY, MazEF.

Proteolytic Processes:
Proteolytic Systems: Lon Protease, ClpXP Protease, ClpAP.

RNA Quality Control:
For Faulty mRNAs: RNase R, PNPase, RNase II.

Chaperones for Protein Quality:
DnaK, DnaJ, GrpE, GroEL/GroES.

Ribosome Biogenesis and Assembly:
Error Surveillance for Large Subunit: RbfA, RimM, RimP.
Repair for Large Subunit: HflX, Lon protease.
Recycling for Large Subunit: Rrf, RNase R, PNPase.

Ribosome 70S Assembly:
Error Surveillance: IF3.
Recycling Mechanisms: Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF), EF-G.

Other Processes:
Stringent Response: ppGpp.
Rho-dependent Termination: Rho factor.

Error Surveillance and Discard Mechanisms:

RNase R
RNase II
2 general ribonucleases involved in Small RNA-mediated targeting
snoRNA-guided surveillance (eukaryotic specific)
RNA-guided mechanisms (prokaryotic counterpart to snoRNAs)
tmRNA System
Rho factor

Repair Mechanisms:
tRNA ligases
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
Lon protease

Recycling Mechanisms:
2 general ribonucleases that degrade aberrant rRNA molecules
1 protein involved in Ribosome-associated quality control
Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF)
RNA Degradation and Maturation: RNase III, RNase E, PNPase

Ribosome Quality Control and Repair:

Proteolytic Processes for Quality Control:
Lon Protease
ClpXP Protease

RNA Quality Control:
RNase R
RNase II

Other Processes related to Quality Control:
ppGpp (Stringent Response Mechanism)

A total number of 105 unique proteins and molecules are involved in quality monitoring, error check, repair, discard, and recycling. 

Prokaryotic Signaling Pathways for Error Checking and Quality Control

Error Check:
Mismatch Detection Pathway: Identifies errors during translation to ensure accurate protein synthesis.
RsgA-Mediated Checks Pathway: Involved in 30S subunit assembly and error checking.
Rho-Dependent Termination Pathway: Ensures proper termination of transcription, preventing rogue RNA synthesis.

Quality Monitoring:
Small RNA-Mediated Targeting Pathway: Small RNAs target and modulate mRNA stability and translation.
snoRNA-Guided Surveillance Pathway: Contributes to rRNA modifications and quality control of ribosomes in prokaryotes.
Ribosome-Associated Quality Control Pathway: Responds to stalled ribosomes either by aiding in resuming translation or initiating mRNA degradation.
Trans-Translation System Pathway: Rescues stalled ribosomes and degrades the associated mRNA.
Alternative Ribosome Rescue Systems Pathway: Provides backup to the trans-translation system.

Discard and Degradation:
Decay Pathways Involving RNase R, RNase II, PNPase: These ribonucleases degrade aberrant RNA molecules.
tmRNA System Pathway: Rescues stalled ribosomes and tags problematic proteins for degradation.

Response to Stress and Stringent Control:
Stringent Response Pathway: A global regulatory response for survival under nutrient-limiting conditions.

Total of 11 Signaling Pathways in prokaryotes related to Quality Control 

Distinct Processes and Pathways for Error Check, Repair, Discard, and Recycling

1. Error Check
  a. Mismatch detection during ribosome function
  b. Quality control mechanisms in rRNA synthesis, ribosomal protein synthesis, and both 30S and 50S subunit assembly
  c. RsgA-mediated checks during small subunit assembly
  d. Rho-dependent termination during ribosome biogenesis regulation

2. Repair
  a. Ribosome-associated quality control mechanisms during rRNA modification and 70S assembly
  b. Chaperone proteins assisting in ribosomal protein synthesis
  c. Post-translational repair mechanisms during ribosome function

3. Discard
  a. tmRNA system during ribosome biogenesis regulation
  b. Disassembly factors during both 30S and 50S subunit assembly
  c. Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) and EF-G dissociating 70S ribosome after translation

4. Recycling
  a. RNase-mediated degradation pathways during rRNA synthesis, rRNA modification, both 30S and 50S assembly
  b. Ribosome Recycling Factor (RRF) and EF-G recycling 70S ribosome after translation
  c. tRNA recharging and mRNA degradation or reuse after ribosome function
  d. Trans-translation system and alternative ribosome rescue systems during quality control
  e. RNase III, RNase E, and PNPase in ribosome biogenesis regulation

There are 14 specific processes or pathways for error checking, 3 for repair, 3 for discard, and 5 for recycling.

VIII. Transcription/Regulation in the LUCA
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 63
Processes for reading genetic information and regulation. Crucial for how genomes got bigger and more complex.
71. RNA polymerase subunits
72. Sigma factors
73. Transcription elongation factors
74. Transcription termination factors
75. Global transcriptional regulators
76. DNA-binding proteins
77. Riboswitches
78. Small regulatory RNAs
79. RNA-binding proteins
80. Anti-termination factors

IX. DNA Processing in LUCA
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 48
Managing and replicating genetic information. Relates to how DNA synthesis was invented and how DNA-based cells of bacteria and archaea have been constituted.
81. DNA polymerases
82. DNA helicases
83. DNA primases
84. DNA ligases
85. Topoisomerases
86. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins
87. DNA repair enzymes
88. Recombination proteins
89. Restriction-modification systems
90. DNA methyltransferases

X. Families/Functions Involved in Various Aspects of Cell Division in LUCA
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 96
Cell division and proliferation. Essential for how progenotes could live and reproduce, initially as "naked" molecules of RNA, and later as more complex entities.
91. FtsZ and other tubulin homologs
92. MinCDE system proteins
93. Nucleoid occlusion proteins
94. Septum formation proteins
95. Cell wall synthesis enzymes
96. Chromosome segregation proteins
97. DNA replication initiation proteins
98. Cell division regulatory proteins
99. Peptidoglycan hydrolases
100. Cytokinesis proteins

XI. Peptidoglycan Synthesis
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 91
Essential for bacterial cell wall synthesis. Represents a key step in the evolution of bacterial cell structure.
101. MurA-MurF enzymes
102. MraY and MurG enzymes
103. Penicillin-binding proteins
104. Lipid II flippases
105. Cell wall hydrolases
106. Peptidoglycan glycosyltransferases
107. D-Ala-D-Ala ligases
108. Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
109. Peptidoglycan recycling enzymes
110. Cell shape-determining proteins

XII. Fatty Acid and Phospholipid Synthesis in LUCA
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 48
For making cellular membranes. Relates to how lipid-binding proteins produced phospholipid membranes.
111. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
112. Fatty acid synthase components
113. Acyl carrier protein
114. Phosphatidic acid phosphatase
115. CDP-diacylglycerol synthase
116. Phosphatidylserine synthase
117. Phosphatidylethanolamine synthase
118. Cardiolipin synthase
119. Fatty acid desaturases
120. Phospholipid flippases

XIII. Cofactors
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 85
Essential helpers for enzymatic reactions. Crucial throughout the evolution of biochemical pathways.
121. Coenzyme A biosynthesis enzymes
122. Folate biosynthesis enzymes
123. Thiamine biosynthesis enzymes
124. Riboflavin biosynthesis enzymes
125. Pyridoxal phosphate biosynthesis enzymes
126. Biotin biosynthesis enzymes
127. Lipoic acid biosynthesis enzymes
128. Pantothenate biosynthesis enzymes
129. Menaquinone biosynthesis enzymes
130. Heme biosynthesis enzymes

XIV. NAD Metabolism
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 63
Important for redox reactions in the cell. Represents the development of more sophisticated energy metabolism.
131. NAD+ biosynthesis enzymes
132. NADP+ biosynthesis enzymes
133. NAD+ salvage pathway enzymes
134. NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases
135. NADP+-dependent dehydrogenases
136. NAD+ kinases
137. NAD+ phosphatases
138. NAD+-consuming enzymes (e.g., PARPs)
139. NAD+ transporters
140. NAD+-binding regulatory proteins

XV. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Management
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 3
Deal with oxidative stress and byproducts of metabolism. Represents adaptations to an oxygen-containing atmosphere.
141. Superoxide dismutase
142. Catalase
143. Peroxiredoxins

XVI. Membrane Transport Systems
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 50
Essential for the uptake of nutrients, expulsion of waste, and maintaining cellular homeostasis.
144. ABC transporters
145. Ion channels
146. Aquaporins
147. Symporters and antiporters
148. P-type ATPases
149. Protein secretion systems
150. Nutrient uptake transporters
151. Drug efflux pumps
152. Metal ion transporters
153. Sugar transporters

XVII. Protein Folding and Degradation
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 40
Ensure proper protein folding and removal of misfolded or damaged proteins.
154. GroEL/GroES chaperonin system
155. DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE chaperone system
156. Small heat shock proteins
157. Trigger factor
158. Proteasome or ClpXP machinery
159. Lon protease
160. FtsH protease
161. Protein disulfide isomerases
162. Peptidyl-prolyl isomerases
163. Protein aggregation prevention proteins

XVIII. Stress Response Systems
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 30
Respond to environmental and internal stresses, ensuring cellular survival.
164. Heat shock response proteins
165. Cold shock proteins
166. Osmotic stress response proteins
167. Acid stress response proteins
168. DNA damage response proteins
169. SOS response proteins
170. Stringent response proteins
171. Oxidative stress response proteins
172. Metal stress response proteins
173. General stress response regulators

XIX. Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis (Gram-negative bacteria)
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 25
Essential for the formation of the outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria.
174. LpxA, LpxB, LpxC, LpxD enzymes
175. Kdo transferases
176. Lipid A modification enzymes
177. O-antigen synthesis enzymes
178. LPS transport proteins
179. LPS assembly proteins
180. LPS length regulators
181. LPS glycosyltransferases
182. LPS core oligosaccharide synthesis enzymes
183. LPS export proteins

XX. RNA Processing and Degradation
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 30
Ensuring proper RNA maturation and turnover.
184. RNase E/G
185. RNase III
186. RNase P
187. RNase H
188. Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase)
189. RNA helicases
190. RNA methyltransferases
191. RNA polyadenylation enzymes
192. RNA capping enzymes (in eukaryotes)
193. Spliceosomes (in eukaryotes)

XXI. Signal Transduction Systems
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 40
Mediating cellular responses to environmental signals.
194. Two-component system histidine kinases
195. Two-component system response regulators
196. Serine/threonine protein kinases
197. Protein phosphatases
198. Second messenger synthesizing enzymes
199. Second messenger degrading enzymes
200. G-protein coupled receptors (in eukaryotes)
201. G-proteins (in eukaryotes)
202. Cyclic nucleotide-binding proteins
203. Quorum sensing proteins

XXII. Autotrophic Processes
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 30
Enable the fixation of carbon and other elements from the environment.
204. RuBisCO (Calvin cycle)
205. Phosphoribulokinase
206. Carbonic anhydrase
207. Carboxysome shell proteins
208. Nitrogenase complex
209. Hydrogenase
210. Formate dehydrogenase
211. CO dehydrogenase
212. Acetyl-CoA synthase
213. Methane monooxygenase

XXIII. Uncharacterized
Enzymes/proteins estimate: 136
While not yet characterized, these proteins could play roles throughout the evolutionary process outlined.

Total sum of enzymes/proteins: 1,589

This list incorporates the emergence from prebiotic chemistry to the first self-replicating living progenote or universal common ancestor. The categories of enzymes and proteins listed represent various stages in this process. Many of these stages would have had to occur overlapping and concurrently during the emergence of early life. The development of cellular systems is a complex, interconnected process. 

1. Concurrent stages

a) Stages I, II, III, and IV (Metal Clusters, Energy Metabolism, Nucleotide Synthesis, and Amino Acid Biosynthesis):
These fundamental biochemical processes likely had to occur together, as they are highly interdependent. Metal clusters and cofactors are essential for many enzymes in energy metabolism and biosynthetic pathways.

b) Stages V and VIII (Regulatory Enzymes and Transcription/Regulation):
As metabolic pathways became more complex, regulatory systems would have emerged alongside them.

c) Stages VI and VII (Translation/Ribosome and Ribosome Assembly):
These stages are intrinsically linked and would have developed in parallel as the translation machinery emerged.

d) Stages IX and X (DNA Processing and Cell Division):
DNA replication and cell division are closely related processes that likely co-emerged.

e) Stages XII and XVI (Fatty Acid/Phospholipid Synthesis and Membrane Transport):
As membranes developed, transport systems would have emerged to move substances across them.

f) Stages XIII, XIV, and XV (Cofactors, NAD Metabolism, and ROS Management):
These metabolic processes are interconnected and would have emerged together as cellular metabolism became more sophisticated.

g) Stages XVII and XVIII (Protein Folding/Degradation and Stress Response):
These systems are closely related, as protein misfolding is a common result of cellular stress.

h) Stages XX and XXI (RNA Processing and Signal Transduction):
RNA processing and signal transduction systems likely emerged together as cells developed more complex regulatory networks.

2. Stages that would have developed later or separately

a) Stage XI (Peptidoglycan Synthesis):
This is specific to bacteria and would have emerged after the divergence of bacteria and archaea.

b) Stage XIX (Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis):
This is specific to gram-negative bacteria and would have emerged even later.

c) Stage XXII (Autotrophic Processes):
While some of these might have emerged early, complex autotrophic processes like the Calvin cycle likely developed later.

3. Stage XXIII (Uncharacterized):
This category likely spans across all stages, as uncharacterized proteins could be involved in various processes throughout the evolution of cellular life.

Aligning the comprehensive list of Proto-LUCA enzymes and proteins with the datasets, focusing on the KEGG modules from the "41559_2024_2461_MOESM6_ESM.tsv" file. This file contains information about metabolic pathways and their presence in different organisms. I'll match the categories and specific enzymes/proteins from your list to the relevant KEGG modules where possible.


1. Energy Metabolism, Central Carbon Metabolism, and Other Specific Pathways:

- M00001: Glycolysis (Embden-Meyerhof pathway), glucose => pyruvate
- M00002: Glycolysis, core module involving three-carbon compounds
- M00003: Gluconeogenesis, oxaloacetate => fructose-6P
- M00307: Pyruvate oxidation, pyruvate => acetyl-CoA
- M00009: Citrate cycle (TCA cycle, Krebs cycle)
- M00010: Citrate cycle, first carbon oxidation, oxaloacetate => 2-oxoglutarate
- M00011: Citrate cycle, second carbon oxidation, 2-oxoglutarate => oxaloacetate
- M00004: Pentose phosphate pathway (Pentose phosphate cycle)
- M00007: Pentose phosphate pathway, non-oxidative phase, fructose 6P => ribose 5P
- M00580: Pentose phosphate pathway, archaea, fructose 6P => ribose 5P
- M00008: Entner-Doudoroff pathway, glucose-6P => glyceraldehyde-3P + pyruvate
- M00308: Semi-phosphorylative Entner-Doudoroff pathway, gluconate => glycerate-3P
- M00633: Semi-phosphorylative Entner-Doudoroff pathway, gluconate/galactonate => glycerate-3P
- M00309: Non-phosphorylative Entner-Doudoroff pathway, gluconate/galactonate => glycerate
- M00012: Glyoxylate cycle

These modules correspond to many enzymes in your list, including glycolysis enzymes, TCA cycle enzymes, electron transport chain components, gluconeogenesis enzymes, pentose phosphate pathway enzymes, and glyoxylate cycle enzymes.

2. Nucleotide Synthesis and Salvage:

- M00048: Inosine monophosphate biosynthesis, PRPP + glutamine => IMP
- M00051: Uridine monophosphate biosynthesis, glutamine (+ PRPP) => UMP

These modules relate to the de novo purine and pyrimidine synthesis enzymes in your list.

3. Amino Acid Biosynthesis:

- M00018: Threonine biosynthesis, aspartate => homoserine => threonine
- M00019: Valine/isoleucine biosynthesis, pyruvate => valine / 2-oxobutanoate => isoleucine
- M00020: Serine biosynthesis, glycerate-3P => serine
- M00021: Cysteine biosynthesis, serine => cysteine
- M00022: Shikimate pathway, phosphoenolpyruvate + erythrose-4P => chorismate
- M00023: Tryptophan biosynthesis, chorismate => tryptophan
- M00024: Phenylalanine biosynthesis, chorismate => phenylalanine
- M00025: Tyrosine biosynthesis, chorismate => tyrosine
- M00026: Histidine biosynthesis, PRPP => histidine
- M00028: Ornithine biosynthesis, glutamate => ornithine
- M00029: Urea cycle
- M00109: Glutamate biosynthesis, oxoglutarate => glutamate

These modules correspond to various amino acid biosynthesis pathways mentioned in your list.

4. Translation/Ribosome in the LUCA:

- M00178: Ribosome, bacteria
- M00179: Ribosome, archaea
- M00360: Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis, prokaryotes

These modules relate to ribosomal proteins and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in your list.

5. DNA Processing in LUCA:

- M00262: DNA polymerase III complex, bacteria

This module corresponds to DNA polymerases in your list.

6. Fatty Acid and Phospholipid Synthesis in LUCA:

- M00082: Fatty acid biosynthesis, initiation
- M00083: Fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation
- M00093: Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) biosynthesis, PA => PS => PE
- M00092: Phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis, PE => PC

These modules relate to fatty acid synthase components and phospholipid synthesis enzymes in your list.

7. Cofactors:

- M00119: Pantothenate biosynthesis, valine/L-aspartate => pantothenate
- M00120: Coenzyme A biosynthesis, pantothenate => CoA
- M00125: Riboflavin biosynthesis, GTP => riboflavin/FMN/FAD
- M00127: Thiamine biosynthesis, AIR => thiamine-P/thiamine-2P

These modules correspond to various cofactor biosynthesis pathways in your list.

8. Membrane Transport Systems:

- M00254: ABC-2 type transport system

This module relates to ABC transporters in your list.

Many of the other categories in your list, such as Metal Clusters and Metalloenzymes, Regulatory Enzymes, Transcription/Regulation, Cell Division, Peptidoglycan Synthesis, ROS Management, Protein Folding and Degradation, Stress Response Systems, RNA Processing and Degradation, Signal Transduction Systems, and Autotrophic Processes, don't have direct correspondences in the provided KEGG module data. However, this doesn't mean they weren't present in LUCA; they might be represented in other KEGG categories or might require more detailed analysis to identify their presence in early life forms.

1. Goldenfeld, N., Biancalani, T., & Jafarpour, F. (2017). Universal biology and the statistical mechanics of early life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375(2090), 20160341. Link

Last edited by Otangelo on Sun Aug 04, 2024 5:50 am; edited 19 times in total




Problems in making the basic building blocks of life prebiotically

Problems in making nucleotides prebiotically

1. Complexity: Nucleotide synthesis involves extremely complex chemical processes, challenging to recreate under prebiotic conditions.
2. Interdependence: Many steps in nucleotide synthesis are interconnected, creating a "chicken and egg" problem.
3. Limitations of prebiotic chemistry: Creating complex biological molecules like nucleotides from simple prebiotic chemicals has proven very difficult.
4. Thermodynamic challenges: Many key reactions in nucleotide synthesis are energetically unfavorable under prebiotic conditions.
5. Purity of materials: Prebiotic environments likely contained impure, contaminated chemical pools, unlike the pure reagents used in laboratory synthesis.
6. Activation and repetitive processes: Monomers need to be activated for polymerization to occur, which is challenging in a prebiotic setting.
7. Polymerization: Prebiotic polycondensation of nucleotides in aqueous solutions or interfaces is difficult without biological catalysts.
8. Protected environments: Nucleotide synthesis requires specific conditions (temperature, pH, atmosphere) that may not have been widely available on early Earth.
9. Specific base synthesis: Certain bases like cytosine and guanine have proven particularly challenging to synthesize under prebiotic conditions.
10. Stability issues: Nucleobases and sugars have limited stability under prebiotic conditions, with short half-lives at relevant temperatures.
11. Ribose synthesis: The formose reaction for ribose synthesis is complex and produces many unwanted byproducts.
12. Phosphorylation: Activating phosphate groups for nucleotide synthesis is energetically unfavorable without biological mechanisms.
13. Chirality: Selecting for the correct handed configurations of nucleotides is problematic in prebiotic scenarios.
14. Assembly: Bringing all components together in the correct orientation and forming the right bonds is extremely challenging without biological machinery.
15. Water paradox: Water is necessary for RNA function but also causes rapid degradation of RNA and its precursors.
16. Concentration problem: Achieving sufficient concentrations of precursors for reactions to occur is difficult in dilute prebiotic environments.
17. Energy sources: Identifying plausible prebiotic energy sources to drive unfavorable reactions is challenging.
18. Sequence specificity: Generating specific sequences of nucleotides without enzymatic control is highly improbable.
19. Homochirality: Explaining the emergence of homochirality in nucleotides is a significant challenge.
20. Timing and order of reactions: Coordinating the correct sequence of reactions without cellular control mechanisms is problematic.
21. Side reactions: Preventing or controlling unwanted side reactions that could interfere with nucleotide synthesis is difficult in a prebiotic setting.
22. Mineral surface catalysis: While proposed as a solution to some problems, mineral surface catalysis introduces its own set of challenges and limitations.
23. Nucleobase tautomerism: Controlling the tautomeric forms of nucleobases to ensure proper base pairing is challenging without biological regulation.
24. Natural selection absence: There was no selection mechanism on early Earth to guide the formation of specific nucleotides.
25. Time constraints: Some chemical reactions are so unspecific that achieving the right outcome by unguided means leads to astronomically low probabilities.
26. Gibbs free energy recruitment: Spontaneous prebiotic reactions would have to "invent" ways to recruit Gibbs free energy from the environment to reduce entropy.
27. Information problem: Explaining the emergence of specified complex information in nucleotide sequences through undirected processes is a major challenge.
28. Eigen's paradox: The error threshold concept limits the size of self-replicating molecules, yet life requires much longer molecules to encode genetic information.
29. Muller's ratchet: Small asexual populations accumulate deleterious mutations, posing a challenge for early replicators.
30. Irreducible complexity: Nucleotide synthesis is part of an irreducibly complex system, where individual parts have no function unless integrated into a higher-order system.
31. Homeostasis: Maintaining metabolic stability and controlling nucleotide synthesis without existing cellular mechanisms is problematic.
32. Transition to biochemical synthesis: Explaining the transition from prebiotic to biochemical nucleotide synthesis pathways presents significant challenges.
33. Nucleotide stability: The instability of nucleotides in prebiotic conditions poses a significant challenge for their accumulation and subsequent reactions.
34. Cytosine synthesis: The prebiotic synthesis of cytosine has proven particularly challenging, with no known successful prebiotic route.
35. Guanine formation: The origin of guanine bases has been a particular challenge in prebiotic chemistry.
36. Adenine synthesis: Adenine synthesis requires unreasonably high hydrogen cyanide concentrations and is prone to rapid deamination.
37. Uracil stability: Uracil has a short half-life at relevant temperatures, making its accumulation in prebiotic environments problematic.
38. Ribose synthesis problems: The formose reaction, while producing ribose, is very complex and produces a broad suite of compounds, making ribose selection difficult.
39. Phosphate activation: There's no known prebiotic mechanism to activate phosphate for the energy-intensive reactions required in nucleotide synthesis.
40. Chirality selection: Selecting exclusively right-handed configurations for RNA and DNA is problematic in prebiotic scenarios.
41. Backbone selection: Selecting the correct sugar for the nucleic acid backbone is challenging without biological mechanisms.
42. Base complementarity: Achieving size complementarity of nucleotide bases to form DNA strands is difficult without guided processes.
43. Directional assembly: Ensuring DNA strands run in opposite directions is problematic in a prebiotic setting.
44. Glycosidic bond formation: Prebiotic formation of glycosidic bonds between nucleosides and bases is challenging.
45. Phosphodiester bond formation: Prebiotic formation of phosphodiester bonds in the nucleic acid backbone is energetically unfavorable.
46. Base pairing strength: Fine-tuning the strength of hydrogen base pairing forces is crucial but difficult to achieve prebiotically.
47. The asphalt problem: The tendency of organic compounds to form complex, tarlike substances instead of biologically relevant molecules in prebiotic conditions.
48. Minimal nucleotide quantity: Achieving sufficient quantities of nucleotides for meaningful interactions and reactions is problematic in dilute prebiotic environments.
49. Nucleotide polymerization: The polymerization of nucleotides into longer chains faces significant hurdles in prebiotic conditions.
50. Template-directed synthesis: Achieving template-directed synthesis of complementary strands without enzymes is extremely challenging.
51. Nucleoside formation: The prebiotic synthesis of nucleosides (base + sugar) is challenging, especially for pyrimidine nucleosides.
52. Regiospecificity: Achieving the correct attachment point between the base and sugar in nucleoside formation is problematic without enzymatic control.
53. Phosphate source: Identifying a plausible and abundant source of reactive phosphate for nucleotide synthesis in prebiotic conditions.
54. Sugar-phosphate backbone: Forming the specific 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages in the sugar-phosphate backbone without enzymatic guidance.
55. Nucleotide activation: Finding a prebiotic mechanism to activate nucleotides for polymerization, a role played by triphosphates in modern biology.
56. Pyrophosphate formation: Explaining the prebiotic formation of pyrophosphate bonds, crucial for nucleotide activation.
57. Base modification: Accounting for the prebiotic origin of modified bases found in RNA, such as pseudouridine or methylated bases.
58. Pentose selection: Explaining the selection of ribose over other pentoses or hexoses for nucleotide backbone formation.
59. Nucleotide hydrolysis: Preventing rapid hydrolysis of newly formed nucleotides in aqueous prebiotic environments.
60. Stereochemistry control: Maintaining correct stereochemistry during nucleotide synthesis without enzymatic control.

List of problems associated with prebiotic amino acid formation

1. Precursor availability: Scarcity of fixed nitrogen and carbon sources, reactivity of organosulfur compounds, and instability of ammonia in early Earth conditions.
2. Nitrogen fixation: Abiotic processes like lightning strikes are sporadic and inefficient for consistent nitrogen availability.
3. Carbon sources: Conversion of CO2 or CH4 into reactive organic molecules requires specific conditions and catalysts.
4. Sulfur reduction: Reduction of oxidized sulfur compounds to forms usable in amino acid synthesis is challenging.
5. Ammonia instability: Rapid photochemical dissociation of ammonia under early Earth's UV radiation.
6. Contradictory conditions: Specific requirements for amino acid synthesis often conflict with conditions for precursor stability and reactivity.
7. Thermodynamic barriers: Peptide bond formation faces significant thermodynamic hurdles in aqueous environments.
8. Kinetic barriers: Slow rates of spontaneous peptide bond formation compared to amino acid degradation.
9. Concentration issues: Achieving sufficiently high concentrations of amino acids for peptide formation is problematic.
10. Chirality: Maintaining homochirality necessary for functional peptides is difficult under prebiotic conditions.
11. Hydrolysis: Protecting formed peptides from hydrolysis in aqueous environments is challenging.
12. Sequence specificity: Achieving the specific sequences necessary for functional peptides through random polymerization is highly improbable.
13. Missing amino acids: Eight proteinogenic amino acids have never been observed in prebiotic synthesis experiments.
14. Stability-reactivity paradox: Balancing the stability of amino acids for accumulation with their reactivity for peptide formation.
15. Environmental stability: Maintaining stable conditions (pH, temperature) conducive to both amino acid stability and peptide formation.
16. Energy sources: Sufficient energy for synthesis and concentration processes must be available without destroying formed molecules.
17. Selective activation: Amino acids must be selectively activated to form peptide bonds without undesired side reactions.
18. Catalytic surfaces: The need for specific catalytic surfaces or minerals to facilitate peptide bond formation.
19. Sequential polymerization: Difficulty in achieving the specific sequence of amino acids required for functional peptides.
20. Stable intermediates: Intermediate peptide structures must be stable enough to avoid decomposition.
21. Concentration mechanisms: Efficient mechanisms to concentrate and localize reactants and products are necessary but challenging to achieve.
22. Interfering molecules: Presence of molecules that could disrupt synthesis or polymerization.
23. UV protection: Mechanisms to protect amino acids and peptides from UV radiation damage.
24. Selective accumulation: Preventing the preferential concentration of simpler, competing molecules.
25. Racemization: Rapid racemization of amino acids impedes the formation of homochiral peptides essential for functional biology.
26. Yield inefficiency: Low yields in peptide formation necessitate initial amino acid concentrations orders of magnitude higher than achievable through current methods.
27. Quantitative requirements: Need for concentrations in the millimolar range, far exceeding known prebiotic synthesis capabilities.
28. Mutual exclusivity: Many required conditions for amino acid synthesis and peptide formation are mutually exclusive or contradictory under prebiotic conditions.
29. Timescale issues: Balancing the time required for accumulation with the degradation rates of amino acids and peptides.
30. Complex environment interactions: Difficulty in modeling and understanding the complex interactions between various environmental factors affecting amino acid synthesis and stability.
31. Equilibrium concentrations: Extremely low equilibrium concentrations of even short peptides (e.g., nonapeptides) under prebiotic conditions.
32. Wet-dry cycles: Challenges in maintaining homochirality and preventing hydrolysis during wet-dry cycles in scenarios like the drying lagoon hypothesis.
33. Hydrothermal vent limitations: While providing high temperatures and mineral surfaces, hydrothermal vents also lead to rapid hydrolysis and racemization of peptides.
34. Absence of biological catalysts: Lack of enzymes and other biological catalysts that facilitate amino acid and peptide formation in modern cells.
35. Competing reactions: Presence of competing reactions that may consume amino acid precursors or formed amino acids.
36. Limited prebiotic pathways: Known prebiotic synthesis routes produce only a subset of the necessary amino acids.
37. Concentration gradients: Difficulty in maintaining concentration gradients necessary for certain proposed concentration mechanisms.
38. Mineral surface selectivity: Challenges in achieving selective adsorption of amino acids on mineral surfaces for concentration and catalysis.
39. Chemical complexity: The prebiotic environment likely contained a complex mixture of chemicals, potentially interfering with specific amino acid synthesis pathways.
40. Energetic requirements: High energy requirements for certain steps in amino acid synthesis and peptide formation.
41. Prebiotic atmosphere: Uncertainty about the exact composition of the early Earth's atmosphere, affecting assumptions about available precursors.
42. Water activity: High water activity can promote hydrolysis, making it difficult to maintain stable peptides.
43. Oxidative stress: Potential for oxidative damage to amino acids and peptides in the presence of reactive oxygen species.
44. Geochemical diversity: Variability in local geochemical conditions could affect the consistency of amino acid synthesis.
45. Volcanic influences: Volcanic activity could introduce both beneficial and harmful compounds, affecting amino acid formation stability.

List of problems related to phospholipid and cell membrane synthesis

1. Complexity: Cell membranes form an enormously complex system with various proteins and lipids, challenging to explain through spontaneous formation.
2. Interdependence: Cell membranes, proteins, and internal homeostatic milieu form an interdependent system that had to be fully functional all at once.
3. Fluidity requirements: Membrane fluidity is essential for cell viability, requiring specific ratios of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
4. Homeoviscous adaptation: Maintaining optimal membrane fluidity requires complex mechanosensing and signaling pathways, which were likely absent in primitive cells.
5. Unsaturated fatty acid synthesis: Creating unsaturated fatty acids, crucial for membrane fluidity, depends on complex enzymatic processes not available prebiotically.
6. Thermodynamic challenges: Self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules into stable membranes faces thermodynamic hurdles in prebiotic conditions.
7. Selective permeability: Early membranes would need to allow nutrient influx while retaining essential polymers, a function difficult to achieve without complex protein channels.
8. Evolutionary gaps: There's no consensus on what primitive "proto-cell" membranes could have looked like or how they evolved into modern cell membranes.
9. Chirality: The specific handedness of glycerol backbones in phospholipids (right-handed in archaea, left-handed in other organisms) is difficult to explain through prebiotic processes.
10. Phospholipid synthesis: The formation of phospholipids requires complex biochemical pathways that are challenging to recreate in prebiotic conditions.
11. Membrane protein integration: The incorporation of functional proteins into membranes, essential for many cellular processes, presents significant challenges in early life scenarios.
12. Energy generation: The use of membranes for energy generation through proton gradients requires sophisticated protein machinery, unlikely in primitive cells.
13. Environmental adaptation: The ability of membranes to adapt to different environments (temperature, pH, salinity) requires complex regulatory mechanisms.
14. Lipid diversity: The wide variety of lipids in modern cell membranes, each serving specific functions, is difficult to account for in early life forms.
15. Membrane curvature and organelles: The formation of complex membrane structures, including organelles in eukaryotes, presents additional challenges for origin of life scenarios.
16. Prebiotic availability: The availability of sufficient quantities of complex lipids or their precursors in prebiotic environments is questionable.
17. Extraterrestrial sources: The possibility of membrane components being delivered by meteorites faces challenges in terms of quantity and survival during atmospheric entry.
18. Stability in early Earth conditions: Maintaining stable membranes in the potentially harsh conditions of early Earth (extreme temperatures, pH, radiation) would be problematic.
19. Concentration problem: Achieving sufficient concentration of amphiphilic molecules for spontaneous membrane formation in prebiotic oceans is challenging.
20. Compatibility with other cellular processes: Early membranes would need to be compatible with primitive replication and metabolic systems, adding another layer of complexity.
21. Long-chain hydrocarbon synthesis: The prebiotic synthesis of long-chain hydrocarbons (10 or more carbons) necessary for functional membranes is difficult to explain.
22. Membrane growth and division: Mechanisms for primitive membrane growth and division, necessary for early cellular replication, are not well understood.

Problems to make carbohydrates prebiotically

1. Low yields: The formose reaction produces a complex mixture of sugars with very low yields of biologically relevant sugars like ribose.
2. Lack of selectivity: Prebiotic reactions tend to produce a wide array of sugars rather than selectively producing those used in biology.
3. Chirality: Prebiotic reactions produce racemic mixtures, while biology uses only specific chiral forms of sugars.
4. Instability: Many sugars, including ribose, are unstable under the conditions in which they form prebiotically.
5. Concentration: Dilute prebiotic conditions make it difficult to achieve concentrations needed for further reactions.
6. Complexity: Synthesizing more complex carbohydrates like polysaccharides is extremely challenging under prebiotic conditions.
7. Energy requirements: Many steps in carbohydrate synthesis require energy input not readily available prebiotically.
8. Purification: Separating desired sugars from complex mixtures produced in prebiotic reactions is problematic.
9. Competing reactions: Side reactions and degradation pathways compete with desired sugar-forming reactions.
10. Specific catalysts: Biological carbohydrate synthesis often relies on specific enzyme catalysts not available prebiotically.
11. Oxygen availability: Many carbohydrate synthesis pathways require oxygen, which was scarce in the early Earth's atmosphere.
12. pH sensitivity: Carbohydrate reactions are often pH-sensitive, and maintaining the right pH in prebiotic environments is challenging.
13. Mineral interference: Minerals present in prebiotic settings can catalyze undesired side reactions or absorb products.
14. Water paradox: While water is necessary for many reactions, it also promotes hydrolysis of formed carbohydrates.
15. Temporal separation: Different steps in carbohydrate synthesis may require incompatible conditions, making a continuous process difficult.
16. Phosphorylation: Adding phosphate groups to sugars, crucial for many biological processes, is challenging under prebiotic conditions.
17. Competitive inhibition: Products of side reactions can inhibit the formation of desired carbohydrates.
18. Thermodynamic barriers: Some key steps in carbohydrate synthesis are thermodynamically unfavorable under prebiotic conditions.
19. Lack of protecting groups: Unlike in laboratory synthesis, prebiotic reactions lack protecting groups to prevent unwanted side reactions.
20. Cross-reactivity: Reactive precursors can interact with other prebiotic molecules, reducing yields of desired carbohydrates.
21. Carbon source: Limited availability of suitable carbon sources in the prebiotic environment.
22. Reducing conditions: Necessity for strongly reducing conditions, which may not have been prevalent on early Earth.
23. Chain length: Difficulty in forming long hydrocarbon chains needed for biological molecules.
24. Energy barriers: High energy requirements for carbon-carbon bond formation.
25. Oxidation: Susceptibility of formed hydrocarbons to oxidation in the presence of oxidizing agents.
26. Specificity: Lack of selectivity in forming specific hydrocarbon structures relevant to biology.
27. Branching: Challenges in creating branched hydrocarbons necessary for certain biological molecules.
28. Functionalization: Difficulty in adding functional groups to hydrocarbons under prebiotic conditions.
29. Polymerization: Issues in controlling polymerization to form specific long-chain hydrocarbons.
30. Atmospheric composition: Uncertainty about the early Earth's atmosphere and its suitability for hydrocarbon synthesis.

Forming mRNAs (messenger RNAs), rRNAs (ribosomal RNAs), and tRNAs (transfer RNAs) prebiotically

The "RNA World" hypothesis is proposing that RNA played a crucial role in the early stages of life on Earth, predating DNA and proteins.  Various types of RNA were relevant for the origin of life for the following reasons:

1. mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA: These three types of RNA are fundamental to the process of protein synthesis, which is essential for life as we know it. Their existence in all living organisms today suggests they were likely present in early life forms.
2. Catalytic RNAs and Ribozymes: The discovery that RNA can have catalytic properties (like enzymes) is claimed to support the idea that early life would have functioned with RNA alone, without the need for proteins to catalyze reactions.
3. Self-replicating RNAs: The ability of some RNA molecules to catalyze their own replication is hypothesized in the RNA World hypothesis, as it would provide a mechanism for early genetic information to be copied and passed on.
4. Aptamers: The ability of RNA to bind specific molecules suggests that early RNA-based life forms would have had mechanisms for molecular recognition, a key feature of more complex biological systems.

These diverse RNA functions demonstrate the versatility of RNA molecules, making them prime candidates for the foundation of early life. Their ability to store genetic information, catalyze reactions, and potentially self-replicate provides a plausible scenario for how life could have emerged from simpler chemical systems.

1. mRNA (messenger RNA): Critical for early gene expression and protein synthesis
2. rRNA (ribosomal RNA): Essential component of ribosomes for protein synthesis
3. tRNA (transfer RNA): Necessary for translating genetic code into proteins
4. Catalytic RNAs: RNA molecules with enzymatic activity, potentially important in early metabolic processes
5. Self-replicating RNAs: Hypothetical RNA molecules capable of catalyzing their own replication
6. Ribozymes: RNA molecules with catalytic properties, possibly precursors to more complex enzymatic functions
7. Aptamers: RNA molecules that can bind specific target molecules, potentially important for early molecular recognition

Problems in forming specialized RNAs prebiotically

1. Sequence specificity: Generating the precise nucleotide sequences required for functional mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA through random processes is statistically improbable.
2. Structural complexity: Achieving the intricate secondary and tertiary structures of rRNA and tRNA without enzymatic assistance is challenging in a prebiotic environment.
3. Length requirements: Producing sufficiently long RNA molecules, especially for rRNA, is difficult without sophisticated polymerization mechanisms.
4. Catalytic efficiency: Developing ribozymes with significant catalytic activity comparable to protein enzymes faces major hurdles in a prebiotic setting.
5. Self-replication fidelity: Maintaining accurate self-replication of RNA molecules without sophisticated error-correction mechanisms is problematic.
6. Substrate specificity: Evolving aptamers with high specificity for particular substrates is unlikely in the absence of selection mechanisms.
7. Functional interdependence: The co-evolution of interdependent RNA types (e.g., mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA) presents a chicken-and-egg problem.
8. Environmental stability: Preserving these specialized RNA molecules in harsh prebiotic conditions without protective cellular structures is challenging.
9. Chirality problem: Achieving homochirality in RNA molecules, crucial for proper folding and function, is difficult to explain through purely chemical processes.
10. Compartmentalization: Concentrating and isolating these specialized RNAs to enable their interactions and functions without cellular membranes is problematic.
11. Codon-anticodon matching: Developing the precise complementarity between mRNA codons and tRNA anticodons without a pre-existing genetic code is highly improbable.
12. Aminoacylation of tRNA: Achieving specific attachment of amino acids to the correct tRNAs without enzymes is chemically challenging.
13. rRNA catalytic core formation: Spontaneously assembling the complex catalytic core of rRNA for peptide bond formation is unlikely without guided processes.
14. Ribozyme size limitations: Most known ribozymes are significantly smaller than protein enzymes, limiting their potential catalytic diversity and efficiency.
15. Absence of cofactors: Many ribozymes require specific metal ions or other cofactors, which may not have been readily available or properly coordinated in a prebiotic setting.
16. Lack of proofreading: RNA replication without sophisticated proofreading mechanisms leads to high error rates, potentially destabilizing functional RNA sequences.
17. Ribozyme substrate generality: Evolving ribozymes capable of acting on a wide range of substrates, as required for a primitive metabolism, is problematic.
18. Evolutionary pressure: Maintaining and improving functional RNA sequences without a system of natural selection is difficult to explain.
19. Strand separation: Separating complementary RNA strands for replication or function without dedicated helicases or thermal cycling is challenging.
20. Phosphodiester bond specificity: Forming 3'-5' phosphodiester bonds exclusively, rather than a mixture including 2'-5' bonds, is crucial but difficult to ensure prebiotically.
21. Ribozyme reaction rates: Achieving catalytic rates sufficient for sustaining primitive life processes with early ribozymes is kinetically unfavorable.
22. Coordination of multiple RNA functions: Orchestrating the various RNA types to work together in processes like translation without cellular organization is highly complex.
23. Specific RNA modifications: Introducing critical post-transcriptional modifications found in modern tRNAs and rRNAs without enzymes is chemically difficult.
24. Aptamer-ligand co-evolution: Developing aptamers and their specific ligands simultaneously without a guided process is statistically improbable.
25. RNA world metabolic limitations: Creating a diverse and efficient enough set of ribozymes to support a primitive metabolism is challenging.
26. Primitive splicing mechanisms: Developing self-splicing introns or other RNA processing mechanisms without proteins is problematic.
27. Competitive inhibition: Preventing non-functional RNA sequences from interfering with functional RNAs through competitive inhibition is difficult without selection.
28. Energy storage and transfer: Developing RNA-based energy storage and transfer systems analogous to ATP without existing metabolic pathways is challenging.
29. RNA-based regulation: Evolving regulatory RNA structures like riboswitches without existing cellular processes is difficult to explain.
30. Transition to DNA storage: Explaining the transition from RNA-based information storage to DNA without protein enzymes presents significant hurdles.
31. RNA world membrane problem: Developing RNA-based mechanisms for primitive membrane formation and regulation without proteins is challenging.
32. Homopolymer challenge: Preventing the formation of non-functional RNA homopolymers, which are more likely to form than specific sequences, is difficult in a prebiotic setting.
33. Nucleotide triphosphate regeneration: Maintaining a supply of activated nucleotides (NTPs) for RNA synthesis without enzymatic recycling mechanisms is problematic.
34. Chirality amplification: Explaining how a slight enantiomeric excess could be amplified to the homochirality observed in biological RNAs is challenging.
35. Sequence space exploration: Efficiently searching the vast sequence space to find functional RNAs without a guided process is statistically improbable.
36. Ribozyme promiscuity: Evolving ribozymes with enough substrate promiscuity to support a primitive metabolism, yet maintaining specificity, is a delicate balance.
37. Co-evolution of replication and function: Simultaneously developing RNAs capable of both self-replication and other catalytic functions presents a challenging optimization problem.
38. Primitive transcription: Developing a mechanism for selective RNA synthesis from a template without protein-based polymerases is difficult.
39. RNA storage stability: Maintaining the integrity of RNA-based genetic information over extended periods without advanced repair mechanisms is problematic.
40. Overcoming surface adsorption: Preventing the adsorption and inactivation of functional RNAs on mineral surfaces while allowing for beneficial surface-mediated reactions is challenging.
41. Coordination of catalytic cycles: Orchestrating multiple ribozyme-catalyzed reactions into coherent metabolic pathways without cellular organization is complex.
42. Evolutionary dead-ends: Explaining how primitive RNA-based systems could avoid evolutionary dead-ends and continue to increase in complexity is difficult.
43. Specific metal ion coordination: Achieving the precise metal ion coordination required for many ribozyme functions without protein-based delivery systems is challenging.
44. Overcoming template inhibition: Developing mechanisms to prevent product inhibition in template-directed RNA synthesis without protein factors is problematic.
45. Primitive RNA editing: Explaining the emergence of RNA editing mechanisms, crucial for expanding the functional repertoire of RNAs, without proteins is difficult.
46. Long-range RNA interactions: Facilitating specific long-range interactions in large RNA molecules, critical for complex functions, is challenging in a prebiotic environment.
47. RNA-assisted peptide synthesis: Developing RNA-based mechanisms for primitive peptide synthesis without the complex machinery of modern ribosomes is problematic.
48. Overcoming parasitic RNAs: Preventing the proliferation of parasitic or selfish RNAs that could overwhelm functional sequences is difficult without advanced cellular mechanisms.
49. Primitive RNA localization: Achieving specific localization of different RNA types within protocells for optimal function without protein-based transport systems is challenging.
50. RNA-based receptor evolution: Developing RNA-based receptor systems capable of transmitting information across primitive membranes without proteins is problematic.
51. Coordination of replication timing: Evolving mechanisms to coordinate the replication of different RNA components to maintain proper stoichiometry is complex.
52. Overcoming RNA inhibitors: Developing resistance to naturally occurring RNA inhibitors in the prebiotic environment without protein-based protection mechanisms is challenging.
53. Primitive RNA quality control: Evolving mechanisms to degrade non-functional or damaged RNAs without advanced protein-based systems is problematic.
54. Scaling up RNA-based systems: Explaining how primitive RNA-based life could scale up in size and complexity without the organizational advantages of protein-based systems is difficult.
55. RNA-world energy coupling: Developing RNA-based mechanisms to couple energy-yielding reactions to energy-requiring processes without protein enzymes is challenging.

(iii) How the proto-PTC ( Peptydil Transferase Center ) has been built

The Peptidyl Transferase Center (PTC) is a crucial component of the ribosome, the cellular machinery responsible for protein synthesis in all living organisms. Located in the large subunit of the ribosome, the PTC is the site where the actual formation of peptide bonds between amino acids occurs during protein synthesis. Key features of the PTC include:

1. Structure: It is composed entirely of RNA, making it a ribozyme - an RNA molecule with catalytic activity.
2. Function: The PTC catalyzes the peptidyl transferase reaction, forming a peptide bond between the carboxyl group of the growing peptide chain and the amino group of the incoming amino acid.
3. Conservation: It is highly conserved across all domains of life, suggesting its ancient origin and critical importance.
4. Complexity: The PTC consists of intricately folded ribosomal RNA (rRNA) with specific nucleotides playing crucial roles in its catalytic function.
5. Central role: It is at the heart of the protein synthesis process, working in concert with other ribosomal components, tRNAs, and various protein factors.

The PTC's RNA-based catalytic activity is often cited as evidence supporting the RNA World hypothesis, suggesting that RNA once played a more central role in early life before the evolution of DNA and proteins. However, the complexity of the modern PTC and its reliance on the broader ribosomal context presents significant challenges for explaining its prebiotic origin.

(iii) Problems related to the origins of the Peptydil Transferase Center

1. Length limitation: The Eigen threshold suggests that RNA chains longer than 40-50 nucleotides would break down, making it challenging to achieve the ~3000 nucleotides required for the PTC.
2. Sequence specificity: Conserved residues (like A2451) must be in precise positions for proper function, which is statistically improbable through random processes.
3. Interdependence: The PTC's function relies on the presence of other components of the protein synthesis machinery (e.g., tRNAs, mRNAs, regulatory networks), creating a chicken-and-egg problem.
4. Structural complexity: Achieving the intricate 3D structure of the PTC without chaperones or other folding assistance is highly improbable.
5. Catalytic precision: Developing the exact catalytic mechanism for peptide bond formation without evolutionary optimization is challenging.
6. Substrate recognition: Evolving specific binding sites for aminoacyl-tRNAs and peptidyl-tRNAs without a pre-existing genetic code is problematic.
7. Coordination with other ribosomal components: The PTC must work in concert with other parts of the ribosome, which are unlikely to have evolved simultaneously.
8. Energetic challenges: Overcoming the energetic barriers to peptide bond formation without the full ribosomal machinery is thermodynamically unfavorable.
9. Molecular crowding effects: Achieving proper function in a prebiotic environment without cellular compartmentalization and concentration control is difficult.
10. Metal ion coordination: Proper metal ion coordination, crucial for PTC function, is challenging to achieve without precise structural organization.
11. Prebiotic trajectory: Explaining the step-by-step trajectory of the PTC from simpler RNA structures while maintaining function at each stage is problematic.
12. Competitive inhibition: Preventing non-functional RNA sequences from interfering with proto-PTC activity is difficult without selection mechanisms.
13. Accuracy and efficiency: Achieving sufficient accuracy and efficiency in peptide bond formation without the full ribosomal proofreading mechanisms is challenging.
14. Chirality control: Ensuring proper chirality of amino acids and RNA components without existing chiral selection mechanisms is problematic.
15. Environmental stability: Maintaining the integrity of the proto-PTC structure in varying prebiotic conditions (pH, temperature, salt concentrations) is difficult.
16. Lack of translocation mechanism: Without the full ribosomal machinery, moving the growing peptide chain and presenting the next codon is problematic.
17. Absence of exit tunnel: The lack of a peptide exit tunnel in a proto-PTC could lead to misfolding and aggregation of nascent peptides.
18. Coevolution with tRNAs: Coordinating the evolution of the PTC with the development of functional tRNAs presents a complex optimization problem.
19. Lack of initiation and termination mechanisms: Without start and stop codons and their recognition machinery, controlling peptide synthesis is challenging.
20. Limited peptide diversity: A primitive PTC would likely have very limited amino acid incorporation capabilities, restricting functional peptide diversity.

This list covers many of the key challenges in explaining the prebiotic emergence of the proto-PTC, highlighting the complexity of this aspect of the RNA world hypothesis.




(v) From the proto-PTC to the ribosome

1. Origin of the Proto-PTC: Explaining how the initial peptidyl transferase center (PTC) emerged and gained the ability to bind and catalyze amino acid fusion.
2. Quasi-random Peptide Formation: Understanding the process and implications of initial quasi-random peptide formation based on available amino acids in the prebiotic environment.
3. Selection Mechanism: Elucidating how Darwinian molecular forces selected and maintained peptides that enhanced the proto-PTC's stability and efficiency.
4. tRNA Evolution: Explaining the initial close structural relationship between amino acid and anti-codon binding sites in transfer RNAs, and their subsequent divergence.
5. Co-evolution of tRNAs and Aminoacyl Synthetases: Understanding the complex interplay and mutual adaptation between tRNAs and the enzymes that charge them.
6. Ribosome Assembly: Detailing the stepwise accretion model of ribosome formation, including how different layers were structured over time.
7. Alternative Hypotheses: Addressing competing theories about ribosome origin, including those that deny its emergence from the PTC.
8. Transition from RNA to Protein World: Explaining how the system transitioned from RNA-based catalysis to protein-based enzymes.
9. Integration of rRNA and mRNA: Understanding how distinct populations of RNA molecules evolved into specialized ribosomal and messenger RNAs.
10. Evolutionary Pressures: Identifying the selective pressures that drove the increasing complexity and efficiency of the translational machinery.
11. Chirality Problem: Explaining how the ribosome evolved to exclusively use L-amino acids in protein synthesis.
12. Energy Source: Identifying the initial energy source for peptide bond formation before the evolution of complex ATP-dependent mechanisms.
13. Specificity Development: Understanding how the proto-PTC developed specificity for particular amino acids and their sequences.
14. Emergence of the Genetic Code: Explaining how the correspondence between codons and amino acids was established and optimized.
15. Evolution of rRNA Structure: Detailing the structural changes in ribosomal RNA that led to increased efficiency and accuracy in translation.
16. Integration of Proteins: Explaining how and when proteins were incorporated into the ribosomal structure to enhance its function.
17. Development of Translocation: Understanding the evolution of the mechanism for moving the mRNA and tRNAs through the ribosome during translation.
18. Evolution of Initiation and Termination: Explaining how start and stop codons, and their recognition mechanisms, evolved.
19. Emergence of the Large and Small Subunits: Understanding why and how the ribosome evolved into two distinct subunits.
20. Co-evolution with mRNA: Explaining how mRNA structure and features (like the Shine-Dalgarno sequence) co-evolved with the ribosome.
21. Development of Proofreading: Understanding how error-checking mechanisms evolved to ensure translation accuracy.
22. Evolution of Ribosome Recycling: Explaining how mechanisms for ribosome disassembly and recycling after translation developed.
23. Adaptation to Different Environments: Understanding how ribosomes adapted to various cellular conditions (pH, temperature, salt concentration) in different organisms.
24. Evolution of Ribosome Biogenesis: Explaining how the complex process of ribosome assembly and maturation evolved.
25. Development of Regulatory Mechanisms: Understanding how translation regulation mechanisms (like the stringent response) evolved.
26. Co-evolution with the Cell Membrane: Explaining how ribosomes adapted to interact with cell membranes for protein secretion and membrane protein insertion.
27. Emergence of Specialized Ribosomes: Understanding how and why some organisms developed specialized ribosomes for specific tasks.
28. Evolution of Ribosome-Associated Factors: Explaining the origin and development of various protein factors that assist in translation.
29. Adaptation to Different Life Domains: Understanding how ribosomes diverged in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.
30. Emergence of the Signal Recognition Particle: Explaining how the SRP system evolved to direct certain nascent proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes.

(iv) How the genetic code has been structured

1. Complexity and Specificity: The genetic code is a highly complex and specific system for encoding biological information. Its origin through random processes is statistically improbable.
2. Irreducible Complexity: The genetic code requires multiple interrelated components to function, including ribosomes, tRNAs, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, etc. All these parts need to be in place simultaneously for the system to work.
3. Chicken-and-egg Problem: Proteins are needed to read and implement the genetic code, but the code itself is needed to produce proteins. It's unclear how this interdependence could have arisen gradually.
4. Assignment of Codons: There is no obvious chemical or physical reason why particular codons should correspond to particular amino acids. The assignment appears arbitrary and requires explanation.
5. Optimization: The genetic code appears optimized to minimize the impact of errors, which is difficult to explain through a random process.
6. Information Content: The genetic code contains semantic information and instructions, which typically originate from an intelligent source.
7. Meta-information: Much of the information in DNA is "meta-information" - information about how to use other information. This is difficult to explain through undirected processes.
8. Lack of Fossilized History: Unlike human languages, DNA shows no clear signs of evolutionary development in its basic structure and function.
9. Rapid Degradation: According to some researchers, genetic information appears to be degrading over time rather than improving, which is contrary to evolutionary expectations.
10. Lack of Selection Pressure: Some studies suggest that a large percentage of functional DNA sequences do not show signs of selection pressure, which is difficult to reconcile with evolutionary theory.
11. Multidimensional Nature: Unlike linear human languages, the genetic code operates in multiple dimensions and directions simultaneously, making its origin through gradual evolution difficult to envision.
12. Start and Stop Signals: Specific codons are assigned as start/stop signals, implying foresight and planning in code design.
13. Code Universality: The genetic code is near-universal across all life forms, suggesting a single origin rather than multiple independent evolutions.
14. Rapid Implementation Requirement: The code needed to be functional from the beginning of life, with no time for gradual refinement in early life forms.
15. Translation Machinery Complexity: Highly sophisticated molecular machines are required for translation, including error-checking and repair mechanisms.
16. Amino Acid Selection: Only 20 amino acids are used out of over 500 possible, and all amino acids used are L-form.
17. Absence of Exit Tunnel: The lack of a peptide exit tunnel in a proto-PTC could lead to misfolding and aggregation of nascent peptides.
18. Coevolution with tRNAs: Coordinating the evolution of the PTC with the development of functional tRNAs presents a complex optimization problem.
19. Lack of Initiation and Termination Mechanisms: Without start and stop codons and their recognition machinery, controlling peptide synthesis is challenging.
20. Limited Peptide Diversity: A primitive PTC would likely have very limited amino acid incorporation capabilities, restricting functional peptide diversity.
21. Sugar Selection in Nucleic Acids: Exclusive use of D-form sugars in DNA/RNA without clear evolutionary explanation.
22. Lack of Intermediates: No known simpler coding systems in nature, suggesting abrupt appearance of complex system.
23. Information Density: Extremely high information density in DNA with no comparable natural information storage systems.
24. Regulatory Sequences: Complex regulatory sequences in addition to coding sequences, implying sophisticated control mechanisms.
25. Error Correction: Sophisticated error correction mechanisms built into the system, suggesting foresight in design.
26. Chemical Stability Issues: DNA and RNA are relatively unstable molecules, requiring complex mechanisms for maintenance and replication.
27. Alternative Splicing: Allows multiple proteins to be coded by single gene, adding layer of complexity to coding system.
28. Epigenetic Factors: Additional layer of information on top of genetic code, further complicating explanation of origin.
29. Codon Bias: Preferential use of certain codons over others, suggesting optimization beyond simple encoding.
30. Wobble Base Pairing: Flexibility in third base pairing adds complexity to code evolution.
31. Mitochondrial Code Variations: Slight variations in mitochondrial genetic code complicate universal origin theory.
32. Overlapping Genes: Some genes overlap, using same DNA sequence in different reading frames, increasing coding complexity.
33. Post-Translational Modifications: Additional complexity layer modifying proteins after translation.
34. Non-Coding RNA: Functional RNA molecules that don't code for proteins but play crucial roles.
35. Ribosome Evolution: Complex structure of ribosomes poses challenges for gradual evolutionary origin.
36. tRNA Synthetase Specificity: High specificity of tRNA synthetases for correct amino acids is crucial but difficult to evolve.
37. Chirality Problem: Exclusive use of one hand of amino acids and sugars in biological molecules.
38. Codon Reassignment: Rare cases of codon reassignment in some organisms complicate universal code theory.
39. Protein Folding Information: Information for proper protein folding embedded in genetic code, adding another layer of complexity.
40. Genetic Code Expansion: Some organisms have expanded genetic codes, incorporating additional amino acids.
41. Horizontal Gene Transfer: Complicates evolutionary history and origin of genetic systems.
42. Minimal Genome Size: Even simplest organisms require substantial genome size and complexity.
43. RNA World Hypothesis Challenges: Difficulties in explaining transition from RNA-based to DNA-based life.
44. Semantic Information Origin: Challenge of explaining origin of meaningful information in genetic code.
45. Codon Context Effects: Influence of surrounding codons on translation, adding complexity to code function.
46. Evolutionary Convergence: Multiple instances of convergent evolution in molecular systems seem improbable.
47. Synergistic Interactions: Many components of genetic system must work together, challenging gradual evolution.
48. Fine-Tuning of Genetic Code: Optimal arrangement of codon assignments for error minimization.
49. Origin of First Self-Replicator: Difficulty in explaining emergence of first self-replicating molecule.
50. Homochirality Maintenance: Maintaining homochirality over evolutionary time poses challenges.

This list covers a wide range of issues related to the origin of the genetic code, based on the information provided and common arguments in this field. It's important to note that many of these points are subjects of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

(vi) How Peptides started to bind molecules in the Prebiotic Soup or Hydrothermal Vents

Problems related to polymerization of RNA and DNA

1. Nucleotide Formation: Explaining the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides, including the formation of sugars, nucleobases, and their combination.
2. Chirality Selection: Understanding how and why RNA/DNA became exclusively right-handed (D-sugars) in biological systems.
3. Phosphodiester Bond Formation: Identifying plausible prebiotic conditions for the formation of phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides.
4. Template-directed Synthesis: Explaining how template-directed polymerization of nucleotides could have occurred without enzymes.
5. Strand Separation: Understanding how early nucleic acid duplexes could separate for replication without complex enzyme systems.
6. Sequence Specificity: Explaining how specific sequences of nucleotides could emerge and be maintained in prebiotic conditions.
7. Length Limitations: Understanding what factors limited the length of early nucleic acid polymers and how longer sequences evolved.
8. Stability in Prebiotic Conditions: Explaining how nucleic acid polymers remained stable in harsh prebiotic environments.
9. Catalytic Activity: Understanding how RNA molecules gained catalytic properties (ribozymes) through random polymerization.
10. Energy Source: Identifying the energy sources that drove nucleic acid polymerization in prebiotic conditions.
11. Mineral Surface Interactions: Explaining the role of mineral surfaces in facilitating nucleic acid polymerization and organization.
12. Transition from RNA to DNA: Understanding how and why the transition from an RNA world to a DNA-based genetic system occurred.
13. Nucleotide Selection: Explaining why specific nucleotides were selected for RNA/DNA over other possible candidates.
14. Homochirality: Understanding how homochirality in nucleic acids was achieved and maintained.
15. Compartmentalization: Explaining how early nucleic acid polymers became compartmentalized for proto-cellular functions.

Problems related to peptide polymerization and binding

16. Amino Acid Formation: Explaining the prebiotic synthesis of amino acids and their accumulation in sufficient concentrations.
17. Peptide Bond Formation: Identifying plausible prebiotic conditions for the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids.
18. Sequence Specificity in Peptides: Understanding how specific sequences of amino acids could emerge without a genetic code.
19. Chirality in Amino Acids: Explaining the preference for L-amino acids in biological systems.
20. Peptide Stability: Understanding how early peptides remained stable in harsh prebiotic environments.
21. Functional Peptide Selection: Explaining how peptides with useful binding or catalytic properties were selected and amplified.
22. Peptide-Nucleic Acid Interactions: Understanding how early peptides began to interact with nucleic acids in functionally significant ways.
23. Hydrophobic Interactions: Explaining how hydrophobic interactions contributed to peptide folding and function in aqueous environments.
24. Metal Ion Coordination: Understanding the role of metal ions in facilitating peptide folding and catalytic activity.
25. Peptide Self-replication: Explaining potential mechanisms for peptide self-replication in prebiotic conditions.
26. Co-evolution with RNA: Understanding how peptides and RNA molecules co-evolved in early prebiotic systems.
27. Transition to Proteins: Explaining the transition from short, random peptides to longer, functional proteins.
28. Energy Sources for Peptide Synthesis: Identifying the energy sources that drove peptide bond formation in prebiotic conditions.
29. Peptide Catalysis: Understanding how peptides developed catalytic properties in the absence of complex enzyme structures.
30. Compartmentalization of Peptides: Explaining how peptides became associated with early proto-cellular structures.

Phospholipids and Cell Membranes

31. Fatty Acid Synthesis: Explaining the prebiotic formation of fatty acids in sufficient quantities and variety.
32. Glycerol Backbone Formation: Understanding the prebiotic synthesis of glycerol or similar molecules to serve as the backbone for phospholipids.
33. Phosphate Group Incorporation: Explaining how phosphate groups were incorporated into lipid structures under prebiotic conditions.
34. Lipid Bilayer Formation: Understanding the conditions that led to the spontaneous formation of lipid bilayers.
35. Membrane Stability: Explaining how early membranes maintained stability in varied prebiotic environments.
36. Selective Permeability: Understanding how primitive membranes developed selective permeability to different molecules.
37. Vesicle Division: Explaining mechanisms for primitive vesicle growth and division without complex protein machinery.
38. Membrane Asymmetry: Understanding how and why lipid asymmetry in membranes evolved.
39. Integration of Membrane Proteins: Explaining how proteins began to be incorporated into membranes and their early functions.
40. Membrane Potential: Understanding the development of membrane potential and its early functions.
41. Co-evolution with Other Systems: Explaining how membrane systems co-evolved with nucleic acids and peptides.
42. Energy Transduction: Understanding how early membranes began to participate in energy transduction processes.
43. Lipid Diversity: Explaining the emergence of diverse lipid types and their functional significance.


44. Simple Sugar Formation: Explaining the prebiotic synthesis of simple sugars like ribose and glucose.
45. Chirality in Sugars: Understanding the preference for D-sugars in biological systems.
46. Glycosidic Bond Formation: Identifying plausible prebiotic conditions for the formation of glycosidic bonds between sugars.
47. Polysaccharide Formation: Explaining how and why complex carbohydrates formed in prebiotic conditions.
48. Functional Roles: Understanding the early functional roles of carbohydrates before their incorporation into complex biomolecules.
49. Carbohydrate-Peptide Interactions: Explaining how carbohydrates began to interact with peptides in functionally significant ways.
50. Energy Storage: Understanding how carbohydrates became important energy storage molecules.
51. Structural Roles: Explaining how carbohydrates began to play structural roles in early cellular systems.
52. Glycosylation: Understanding the origins of protein and lipid glycosylation processes.
53. Sugar Phosphorylation: Explaining how sugars became phosphorylated in prebiotic conditions and the significance of this modification.
54. Nucleotide Sugar Formation: Understanding the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotide sugars and their early functions.
55. Carbohydrate Recognition: Explaining how specific carbohydrate structures began to be recognized by other biomolecules.
56. Carbohydrate Catalysis: Understanding potential catalytic roles of carbohydrates in prebiotic chemical reactions.
57. Co-evolution with Other Polymers: Explaining how carbohydrate evolution interacted with the evolution of nucleic acids, peptides, and lipids.
58. Carbohydrate Stability: Understanding how complex carbohydrates remained stable in harsh prebiotic environments.
59. Selective Advantage: Explaining what selective advantages led to the preservation and proliferation of carbohydrate-based structures.
60. Transition to Complex Roles: Understanding how carbohydrates transitioned from simple molecules to complex, information-carrying structures like those in modern cell surfaces.

(vii) How Biochemical Pathways Emerged from Those Bindings

1. Complexity and Interdependence: Metabolic pathways exhibit irreducible complexity, requiring multiple components to function properly. The interruption of any single component can have catastrophic consequences for the cell, suggesting that these pathways needed to emerge fully formed and functional. This poses a significant challenge to gradual evolutionary explanations, as intermediate, partially-formed pathways would likely be non-functional or detrimental to the organism.
2. Information Content and Regulation: Cells possess a high level of information content that directs and controls integrated metabolic pathways. This information, encoded in DNA, provides precise instructions for synthesizing enzymes and proteins. The origin of this complex, specified information is difficult to explain through random processes. The intricate regulatory networks controlling gene expression and enzyme activity further compound this problem, as they require coordinated evolution of multiple interdependent components.
3. Precision and Error Minimization: Cellular processes demonstrate remarkable precision and astonishingly few mistakes. The presence of sophisticated error-checking and quality control mechanisms, such as DNA proofreading and chaperone proteins, indicates a level of foresight and planning that is challenging to attribute to undirected causes. The origin of these high-fidelity systems through random mutations and natural selection is statistically improbable.
4. Coordinated Assembly and Regulation: The assembly and regulation of metabolic pathways require comprehensive knowledge of substrate shapes, enzyme functions, and the overall cellular context. The precise arrangement and timing of these components suggest intentional design rather than gradual, unguided evolution. The problem is exacerbated by the need for simultaneous evolution of multiple, interdependent components.
5. Efficiency and Optimization: Cellular metabolism exhibits highly efficient and optimized processes, such as the use of modular components, excess capacity, and sophisticated regulation systems. These features align more closely with purposeful design principles than with the trial-and-error approach of undirected evolution. The level of optimization observed in metabolic pathways often exceeds what would be necessary for mere survival, suggesting a higher level of design.
6. Integrated Systems and Feedback Loops: Metabolic pathways function as integrated systems with complex feedback loops and regulatory mechanisms. The development of such interconnected and finely-tuned systems through random mutations and natural selection poses significant challenges to naturalistic explanations. The interdependence of these feedback loops makes it difficult to explain their gradual evolution, as partial systems would likely be non-functional or detrimental.
7. Purposeful Production: The cell's ability to produce specific end products and essential cellular components implies a level of foresight and planning. The notion that such purposeful systems could arise without deliberate design stretches plausibility. The precise control over the production of thousands of different molecules, each serving a specific function, is difficult to reconcile with undirected processes.
8. Simultaneous Origin of Multiple Components: Many metabolic pathways require the simultaneous presence of multiple enzymes and regulatory elements to function. The probability of all necessary components arising concurrently through random processes is exceedingly low. This problem is particularly acute for pathways involving multiple steps, where intermediate products may be unstable or toxic without the complete pathway in place.
9. Fine-Tuning of Reaction Rates and Concentrations: Metabolic pathways rely on precisely controlled reaction rates and concentrations of intermediates. The fine-tuning required for these systems to operate effectively is difficult to explain through gradual, undirected processes. The delicate balance of reaction rates and concentrations is crucial for maintaining cellular homeostasis and responding to environmental changes.
10. Overcoming Thermodynamic Barriers: Certain metabolic processes require overcoming significant thermodynamic barriers. The cell's ability to guide molecules in the correct direction, sometimes against thermodynamic gradients, suggests the involvement of an intelligent agent in designing these systems. The problem is compounded by the need for energy-coupling mechanisms and the precise control of energy flow within the cell.
11. Chirality Problem: Many biological molecules exist in specific chiral forms, and the origin of this homochirality is difficult to explain through random processes. The exclusive use of L-amino acids in proteins and D-sugars in nucleic acids presents a significant challenge to naturalistic explanations. The problem is compounded by the fact that non-biological processes tend to produce racemic mixtures, making the emergence of homochirality through undirected means statistically improbable.
12. Cofactor Dependency: Many enzymes require specific cofactors to function, presenting a chicken-and-egg problem for their origin. The intricate relationship between enzymes and their cofactors suggests a level of co-design that is difficult to explain through gradual evolutionary processes. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many cofactors are themselves complex molecules whose synthesis requires enzymatic catalysis.
13. Substrate Specificity: Enzymes exhibit remarkable specificity for their substrates, which is challenging to explain through gradual evolution. The precise fit between enzymes and their substrates, often likened to a lock and key mechanism, implies a level of intentional design. The problem is further complicated by the existence of enzymes that can distinguish between very similar molecules, suggesting a degree of specificity that is difficult to achieve through random mutations.
14. Catalytic Proficiency: The extreme catalytic efficiency of enzymes far exceeds that of synthetic catalysts, suggesting design rather than chance. Enzymes can accelerate reaction rates by factors of up to 10^17, a level of efficiency that is difficult to explain through undirected processes. The problem is compounded by the fact that many enzymes operate near the theoretical limit of catalytic efficiency, implying a high degree of optimization.
15. Metabolic Channeling: The direct transfer of intermediates between enzymes implies a level of spatial organization difficult to achieve through random processes. This phenomenon, known as substrate channeling, requires precise positioning of enzymes and often involves transient protein-protein interactions. The coordinated evolution of such intricate spatial arrangements poses a significant challenge to gradualistic explanations.
16. Allosteric Regulation: The sophisticated allosteric control mechanisms in metabolic pathways suggest intentional design. These regulatory systems often involve complex protein conformational changes in response to effector molecules binding at sites distant from the active site. The evolution of such precise long-range communication within protein structures is difficult to explain through random mutations and natural selection.
17. Compartmentalization: The organization of metabolic processes into specific cellular compartments adds another layer of complexity to their origin. The development of organelles and the correct targeting of enzymes to these compartments require sophisticated sorting and transport mechanisms. The problem is further complicated by the need for coordinated evolution of the compartments themselves and the metabolic pathways they contain.
18. Metabolic Flexibility: Cells can adapt their metabolism to different conditions, implying a level of foresight in their design. The ability to switch between different metabolic pathways in response to environmental changes requires complex regulatory networks and sensing mechanisms. The origin of such adaptive capabilities through undirected processes is challenging to explain, particularly given the need for maintaining functionality during transitional states.
19. Energy Currency Systems: The development of universal energy currencies like ATP poses challenges for gradual evolutionary explanations. The ubiquity of ATP as an energy carrier across all domains of life suggests its early origin, yet its synthesis requires complex enzymatic machinery. The problem is compounded by the chicken-and-egg dilemma of needing energy to produce the very molecules used to store and transfer energy.
20. Metabolic Cycles: The origin of complex cyclic pathways, such as the citric acid cycle, is difficult to explain through stepwise evolution. These cycles often involve multiple interdependent steps, where the product of the last reaction is a reactant for the first. The emergence of such self-sustaining cycles through random processes is statistically improbable, especially considering the need for precise stoichiometry and regulation.
21. Pathway Branching and Integration: The intricate branching and integration of metabolic pathways suggest a holistic design approach. Many pathways intersect at multiple points, sharing intermediates and regulatory mechanisms. This complex network of interactions poses a significant challenge to gradualistic explanations, as changes in one pathway can have far-reaching effects on others. The problem is further complicated by the need for coordinated evolution of enzymes at branch points to maintain metabolic balance.
22. Concentration Gradients: Maintaining specific concentration gradients across membranes requires sophisticated transport systems. The development of selective ion channels, pumps, and transporters is crucial for cellular function but difficult to explain through undirected processes. The problem is exacerbated by the need for these systems to work against concentration gradients, often requiring energy input and precise regulation.
23. Temporal Coordination: The precise timing of different metabolic processes implies a level of orchestration challenging to attribute to chance. Many cellular functions, such as the cell cycle or circadian rhythms, require intricate temporal coordination of numerous metabolic pathways. The origin of such synchronized systems through random mutations and natural selection is statistically improbable, especially considering the interdependence of timing mechanisms.
24. Metabolic Redundancy: The presence of alternative pathways for critical functions suggests foresight in design. This redundancy provides robustness to cellular systems but poses a challenge for evolutionary explanations, as it implies the development of backup systems before they were necessary. The problem is compounded by the need for coordinated regulation of these redundant pathways to prevent metabolic inefficiencies.
25. Coenzyme Specificity: The specific matching of coenzymes to particular reaction types is difficult to explain through random processes. Coenzymes often have complex structures and play crucial roles in facilitating specific chemical transformations. The origin of this precise pairing between coenzymes and their respective enzymes presents a significant challenge to naturalistic explanations, particularly given the diversity of coenzymes and their reaction specificities.
26. Protein-Protein Interactions: The specific and numerous protein-protein interactions in metabolic processes suggest intentional design. These interactions are crucial for the formation of multi-enzyme complexes, signaling cascades, and regulatory networks. The evolution of such precise molecular recognition between multiple protein partners is statistically improbable through undirected processes, especially considering the vast possible interaction surfaces.
27. Metabolic Oscillations: Some metabolic processes exhibit oscillatory behavior, implying sophisticated regulation and timing mechanisms. These oscillations, observed in processes like glycolysis and calcium signaling, require precise feedback loops and regulatory systems. The emergence of such complex dynamic behavior through random mutations and natural selection is challenging to explain, particularly given the need for maintaining cellular homeostasis during the evolution of these oscillatory systems.
28. Cross-Pathway Regulation: The coordination between different metabolic pathways suggests a higher-level organization. Many pathways are interconnected through shared regulatory mechanisms, allowing cells to balance diverse metabolic needs. The origin of such overarching regulatory systems through gradual evolution is problematic, as it requires the simultaneous development of multiple pathways and their coordinating mechanisms.
29. Metabolic Scaling: The ability of metabolic systems to scale with organism size implies a level of design foresight. From bacteria to blue whales, core metabolic processes maintain functionality across vast differences in scale. This scalability suggests an inherent flexibility in metabolic design that is difficult to account for through undirected evolutionary processes, particularly given the need to maintain efficiency across different scales.
30. Evolutionary Conservation: The high degree of conservation of core metabolic pathways across diverse species is challenging to explain through undirected evolution. This conservation suggests that these pathways were optimized early in evolutionary history and have remained largely unchanged. The problem lies in explaining how such optimal systems could have arisen quickly through random processes and then resisted significant changes over billions of years of evolution. // continue from where you left off. there are more problems to list
31. Metabolic Flux Control: The precise regulation of metabolic flux through complex pathways suggests a sophisticated control system. This fine-tuning of metabolic rates involves intricate feedback mechanisms and allosteric regulation. The origin of such precise control through random evolutionary processes is challenging to explain, particularly given the need for coordinated evolution of multiple regulatory elements.
32. Metabolic Channeling: The direct transfer of metabolites between enzymes in multi-enzyme complexes implies a level of spatial organization that is difficult to attribute to chance. This process, known as substrate channeling, enhances efficiency and reduces the likelihood of side reactions. The evolution of such precisely arranged enzyme complexes poses a significant challenge to gradualistic explanations.
33. Compartmentalization: The organization of metabolic processes into distinct cellular compartments adds another layer of complexity. The development of organelles and the correct targeting of enzymes to these compartments require sophisticated sorting and transport mechanisms. Explaining the coordinated evolution of both the compartments and their specific metabolic pathways through undirected processes is problematic.
34. Metabolic Robustness: Cellular metabolism exhibits remarkable stability in the face of environmental fluctuations and genetic perturbations. This robustness suggests a level of built-in redundancy and flexibility that is difficult to explain through a step-by-step evolutionary process. The problem is compounded by the need for this robustness to be maintained throughout the proposed evolutionary history.
35. Metabolic Network Topology: The specific topology of metabolic networks, with certain hub metabolites and enzymes playing central roles, suggests a level of overall design. The evolution of such network structures through random processes is statistically improbable, particularly given the need for maintaining functionality during intermediate stages.
36. Enzyme Promiscuity: Many enzymes exhibit secondary catalytic activities in addition to their primary function. While this promiscuity is often cited as a potential evolutionary mechanism, it also presents a challenge in explaining how enzymes evolved such precise primary functions while maintaining potentially useful secondary activities.
37. Metabolic Oscillations: Some metabolic processes exhibit complex oscillatory behavior, implying sophisticated feedback mechanisms. The origin of such oscillatory systems through gradual evolution is difficult to explain, particularly given the need for precise timing and coordination between multiple components.
38. Extreme Environment Adaptation: Organisms living in extreme environments often possess highly specialized metabolic adaptations. The evolution of these adaptations through random processes is challenging to explain, especially considering the need for multiple, coordinated changes to withstand extreme conditions.
39. Metabolic Regulation of Gene Expression: The intricate interplay between metabolism and gene expression, including mechanisms like metabolite-responsive transcription factors, suggests a higher level of organizational complexity. The origin of such sophisticated regulatory networks through undirected evolutionary processes is problematic.
40. Co-evolution of Metabolic Pathways: Many metabolic pathways are interdependent, requiring the simultaneous evolution of multiple enzymes and regulatory elements. This co-evolution presents a significant challenge to gradualistic explanations, as intermediate stages may not confer selective advantages.
41. Metabolic Complementation: In symbiotic relationships, organisms often share metabolic capabilities, suggesting a level of complementary design. The evolution of such intricate metabolic interdependencies through random processes is difficult to explain, particularly given the need for coordinated changes in multiple organisms.
42. Quantum Effects in Metabolism: Recent research suggests that some metabolic processes may exploit quantum mechanical effects, such as tunneling. The emergence of such sophisticated mechanisms through undirected evolution presents a significant challenge to naturalistic explanations.
43. Metabolic Plasticity: Many organisms can rapidly adapt their metabolism to changing environmental conditions. This metabolic flexibility implies a level of foresight in design that is difficult to attribute to random evolutionary processes.
44. Integration of Metabolism with Other Cellular Processes: Metabolism is intricately linked with other cellular processes like cell division, signal transduction, and stress responses. The origin of such complex integration through gradual evolution is challenging to explain, particularly given the need for maintaining cellular functionality during transitional stages.
45. Metabolic Repair and Quality Control: Cells possess sophisticated mechanisms for repairing damaged metabolic components and maintaining metabolic efficiency. The evolution of these intricate quality control systems through random processes is problematic, especially considering the need for them to function accurately from the outset.




July 25, 2019 Shape shifting protocells hint at the mechanics of early life

Problem: Understanding how complex, diverse communities of protocells (cell-like entities) could have emerged from uniform populations in early life.
Proposed solution: The researchers demonstrated a new approach to spontaneously building diverse protocell communities using chemical gradients. Specifically:

1. They created uniform rows of droplets containing ATP using ultrasonic waves.
2. They introduced shape-shifting molecules (artificial morphogens) that diffused in one direction through the droplet population.
3. As the morphogens contacted the droplets, they transformed them row-by-row into membrane-bounded protocells with different shapes, chemical compositions and enzyme activities.
4. This resulted in waves of differentiation traveling across the population, creating a complex and ordered community of diverse protocells from the initially homogeneous population.

Why the solution may not be plausible in reality: While this is an interesting experimental demonstration, there are some reasons why it may not accurately represent how early protocell communities emerged:

1. Artificial setup: The experiment uses a highly controlled, artificial setup with ultrasonic waves and introduced morphogens. Early Earth environments would have been much more chaotic and uncontrolled.
2. Pre-existing complexity: The experiment starts with relatively complex droplets containing ATP and uses engineered shape-shifting molecules. Early protocells would have begun with much simpler components.
3. Directed gradients: The chemical gradient is intentionally created in one direction. Natural environments may not have had such organized gradients.
4. Timescale: The process happens relatively quickly in the experiment. Actual protocell evolution likely occurred over much longer timescales.
5. Lack of evolution: The experiment demonstrates differentiation but not evolution or natural selection, which would have been crucial for early life.
6. Limited diversity: While the experiment creates some diversity, it's still a relatively simple system compared to the vast diversity of early life.

While this research provides interesting insights into possible mechanisms for protocell differentiation, it likely oversimplifies the complex, chaotic processes that led to the emergence of diverse early life forms. The actual emergence of protocell communities probably involved a combination of many different factors and processes over long periods of time.

October 9, 2018 Origin of life in membraneless protocells

Here are the key points about the origin of life in membraneless protocells based on the article:

1. The RNA world hypothesis suggests RNA biomolecules were key players in the origin of life over 3.5 billion years ago.
2. For RNA activity, molecules need to be in close proximity, which could have occurred in compartments like membraneless microdroplets called coacervates.
3. Researchers showed for the first time that simple RNA is active within these membraneless microdroplets, providing a suitable environment for early life.
4. Coacervates can accumulate RNA, helping overcome the dilution problem of biomolecules on early Earth.
5. The microdroplets allow free transfer of RNA between droplets, with shorter RNA pieces able to shuttle between droplets while longer pieces remain trapped.
6. This acts as a controlled genetic transfer system, allowing protocells to transfer genetic information.
7. The findings support the hypothesis that coacervates could have been precursors to modern cells.
8. The study adds to growing evidence that coacervates are important for understanding the origin of life as well as modern biology.
9. This research builds on earlier hypotheses from the 1920s that coacervate droplets could have been the first compartments on Earth before membrane-bound cells evolved.

The study provides experimental evidence supporting theories about how life may have originated in simple protocells before the evolution of modern cellular structures. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any part of the summary.

Here are some potential shortcomings and limitations of the article and the research it describes:

1. Oversimplification: The article presents a complex topic in a simplified manner, which may overlook important nuances and alternative hypotheses about the origin of life.
2. Limited scope: The research focuses solely on RNA activity in coacervates, ignoring other potential mechanisms or molecules that could have been involved in life's origins.
3. Extrapolation from laboratory conditions: The experiments were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions, which may not accurately represent the diverse and chaotic environment of early Earth.
4. Time scale discrepancy: The article doesn't address how the relatively short-term experiments relate to processes that would have occurred over millions of years.
5. Lack of self-replication: While the study shows RNA activity and transfer, it doesn't demonstrate self-replication, which is crucial for the emergence of life.
6. Alternative hypotheses not discussed: The article doesn't mention other competing theories about the origin of life, potentially giving a biased view of the field.
7. Membrane-bound vs. membraneless debate: The article doesn't fully explore the ongoing debate between the importance of membrane-bound vs. membraneless compartments in early life.
8. Chemical complexity: The study doesn't address how the complex chemistry required for RNA synthesis could have arisen in the first place.
9. Environmental factors: The article doesn't discuss how varying environmental conditions (temperature, pH, salt concentrations) might affect coacervate formation and RNA activity.
10. Transition to modern cells: The research doesn't explain how these protocells might have evolved into modern cellular structures.

Regarding the supposed solutions presented in the article:

1. RNA concentration problem: While coacervates may concentrate RNA, the article doesn't explain how the initial RNA molecules were formed in sufficient quantities.
2. Genetic transfer: The transfer of RNA between droplets is presented as a solution, but it's not clear how this would lead to the complex genetic systems we see in modern life.
3. Protocell stability: The article doesn't address how these membraneless protocells could have maintained stability in a changing environment.
4. Energy sources: There's no discussion of how these early systems might have obtained and used energy, which is crucial for life processes.
5. Evolutionary pressure: The article doesn't explain what forces would have driven the evolution of these simple systems into more complex life forms.

These limitations highlight the complexity of the origin of life question and the need for further research to address these gaps in our understanding.

November 4, 2019 Deep sea vents had ideal conditions for origin of life

1. Problem addressed:
The article addresses the question of where and how life on Earth originated. Specifically, it examines the hypothesis that life may have begun in deep-sea hydrothermal vents rather than shallow pools.

2. Potential solutions presented:
The researchers created protocells (simple cell-like structures) in conditions mimicking deep-sea hydrothermal vents. They found that:

- A mixture of different fatty acids and fatty alcohols could form protocells in hot, alkaline, salty water similar to hydrothermal vent environments.
- Heat, alkalinity, and salt actually favored protocell formation rather than impeding it.
- This provides experimental evidence supporting the theory that life could have originated in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

3. Why the hypothesized solutions may not withstand closer scrutiny:

The article does not present significant criticisms of the findings. However, some potential limitations to consider include:

- The experiments created only protocells, which are far simpler than actual living cells. Many more steps would be needed to go from protocells to true living organisms.
- The conditions created in the lab, while similar to hydrothermal vents, may not perfectly replicate the exact conditions present on early Earth.
- This study does not rule out other potential origins of life. As the researchers note, "We still don't know where life first formed."
- The experiments demonstrate possibility, not proof. While they show life could have originated in hydrothermal vents, they do not prove that it did.
- The study focuses on only one aspect of abiogenesis (the origin of life from non-living matter). Many other chemical and environmental factors would need to be considered for a complete theory of life's origins.

Overall, while the study provides intriguing evidence supporting the hydrothermal vent hypothesis for the origin of life, it does not definitively solve the question and further research would be needed to fully validate this theory.

November 23, 2020 Did early life need long, complex molecules to make cell-like compartments?

Here are the key points addressing your questions:

1. Problem addressed:
The article explores whether early life needed long, complex molecules to form cell-like compartments, which is considered an important step in the origin of life on Earth. The researchers wanted to know if simpler, shorter molecules that were more likely available on early Earth could form functional protocell compartments.

2. Potential solutions presented:
The researchers found that short polymers (as short as 5 units long) could form stable compartments called "complex coacervates" through liquid-liquid phase separation. These compartments made from short polymers could:

- Remain stable in various salt concentrations
- Maintain different internal pH levels compared to the surrounding solution
- Sequester RNA molecules, concentrating them up to 500 times the surrounding solution
- Better accumulate RNA compared to compartments made from longer polymers
- Provide a stable environment for double-stranded RNA

3. Why the hypothesized solutions may not withstand closer scrutiny:

- The polymers used in the study, while similar in size, are likely not identical to those available on early Earth.
- The researchers state they are not attempting to recreate early Earth conditions exactly.
- RNA did not maintain its fully native folding inside the compartments, possibly due to lacking key components like magnesium.
- The study explores boundary conditions and feasibility rather than providing a precise recreation of early life formation.
- The researchers emphasize that they are not claiming to have recreated the exact conditions or molecules present during the origin of life on Earth.

These points suggest that while the study provides valuable insights into the potential for simple molecules to form protocell-like structures, it does not definitively prove that this is how life originated on Earth. Further research would be needed to more closely replicate early Earth conditions and molecules.

Further reasons why the hypothesis faces considerable further challenges:

December 6, 2021 Gas bubbles in rock pores were a nursery for life on early Earth

1. Problem addressed:
The article addresses the question of how life began on early Earth over 3.5 billion years ago from non-living chemicals. Specifically, it explores how the first protocells could have formed, grown, divided and evolved in early Earth conditions.

2. Potential solutions presented:
The researchers propose that membraneless coacervate microdroplets, acting as protocells, could have formed and evolved within gas bubbles in heated rock pores on early Earth. They demonstrated experimentally that:

- Protocells made of sugar, amino acids and RNA could form at the gas-water interface in simulated rock pores with a thermal gradient.
- These protocells were able to grow, divide and fragment in this environment.
- The thermal gradient led to the formation of different types of protocells with varying compositions and properties, suggesting potential for evolution.

3. Why the solutions may withstand scrutiny:

1. Enzymatic Complexity: 
The text emphasizes the high specificity and complexity of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis. For example, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC and the fatty acid synthase complex (EC are sophisticated molecular structures. It's difficult to imagine how such complex enzymes could have existed in a prebiotic environment.

2. Interdependence of Metabolic Pathways:
Lipid synthesis is described as being closely linked to other metabolic processes. This interdependence raises questions about how these pathways could have functioned in isolation in primitive protocells.

3. Energy Requirements:
The text mentions that lipid synthesis is an energy-intensive process. It's unclear how primitive protocells could have generated and managed the energy needed for these complex anabolic processes.

4. Availability of Precursors:
Phospholipid synthesis requires specific precursors such as glycerol-3-phosphate and activated fatty acids. The availability of these molecules in the prebiotic environment is questionable.

5. Regulation and Homeostasis:
The text highlights the importance of sophisticated regulatory mechanisms in lipid synthesis. The absence of such mechanisms in primitive protocells could make maintaining homeostasis difficult.

6. Chirality and Stereochemistry:
The stereochemical specificity of biological lipids, mentioned in the text, raises questions about the origin of this selectivity in a prebiotic environment.

7. Stability of Membraneless Structures:
Without a lipid membrane, it's difficult to explain how these protocells could have maintained their structural and functional integrity in varying environmental conditions.

These points highlight the conceptual challenges associated with the idea of membraneless protocells capable of growing and dividing under early Earth conditions, given the complexity of modern lipid systems described in the text.

Sheref S. Mansy and Jack W. Szostak Thermostability of model protocell membranes September 9, 2008

1. Problem addressed:
The article focuses on the problem of thermal stability of primitive protocell membranes. More specifically, he seeks to understand how early cells could have survived and functioned in environments subject to large temperature variations, such as near hydrothermal vents.

2. Potential solutions proposed:
- The paper shows that vesicles composed of simple single-chain amphiphiles (like fatty acids) are remarkably thermostable, being able to withstand temperatures of up to 100°C without losing their contents.
- He proposes that these temperature fluctuations could actually be beneficial for primitive protocells:
- High temperatures would allow the separation of DNA strands without loss of genetic material.
- Periods of heat would facilitate the absorption of nutrients such as nucleotides across the membrane.
- The article suggests a primitive "cell cycle" alternating replication at low temperatures and strand separation/nutrient uptake at high temperatures.

3. Limitations of these hypothetical solutions:
Although the article presents interesting results, certain limitations can be noted:

- The experiments were carried out over relatively short periods (a few hours). The long-term stability of these vesicles under conditions of repeated thermal fluctuations has not been demonstrated.
- The amphiphiles used (unsaturated long-chain fatty acids) are not necessarily representative of the molecules available on early Earth. Vesicles made from more plausible amphiphiles (C10) are less stable.
- The article shows that short oligonucleotides (2-3 mers) can cross the membrane at high temperature. This could pose a problem for retaining informative molecules inside the protocells.
- DNA replication could not be reconstituted in these vesicles, probably due to inhibition of polymerases by fatty acids.
- The proposed primitive "cell cycle" mechanism remains very hypothetical and simplistic compared to the complexity of real cell cycles.

Thus, although the study provides interesting information on the thermostability of primitive membranes, many questions remain unanswered regarding the feasibility of such a protocellular system under realistic prebiotic conditions.

September 27, 2023 Could RNA folding play a role in the origin of life?

The article addresses the question of whether RNA folding could have played a role in the origin of life on Earth. Specifically, it discusses the following:

1. Problem:
  - The "primordial soup" of the early Earth likely contained a heterogeneous mixture of chemical compounds, including those that make up RNA.
  - However, these building blocks of life were likely incredibly dilute, so a way of concentrating them into confined compartments (protocells) was likely important for the chemical reactions that led to the origins of life.
  - The conditions in these protocells would need to be compatible with RNA folding and function.

2. Potential Solutions:
  - The researchers found that RNA molecules, specifically transfer RNA (tRNA), fold better when they have naturally occurring chemical modifications.
  - They used a technique called tRNA structure-seq to determine the structure of tRNA molecules in membraneless compartments (called complex coacervates) made with different conditions.
  - They found that the tRNA molecules folded better with higher concentrations of magnesium ions, shorter peptides, and a ratio higher in negatively charged peptides.
  - The researchers also found that naturally modified tRNA molecules from bacterial cells folded better than their unmodified counterparts in the membraneless compartments.

3. Limitations and Challenges:
 - Lack of evidence: The article acknowledges that the exact mechanisms by which life emerged on Earth are still unknown and may never be known for certain.
 - Complexity of RNA folding: The process of RNA folding is highly complex and influenced by many factors, including the presence of ions, temperature, and the specific sequence of nucleotides.
 - Uncertainty about protocells: The concept of protocells is still purely theoretical, and it is unclear whether such structures could have actually formed on the early Earth.
 - Limited understanding of early Earth conditions: The article notes that the conditions on the early Earth were likely very different from those of today, but the exact nature of these conditions is still not well understood.
 - The article does not address how these chemical modifications to RNA could have actually arisen in the first place on the early Earth, which would be a crucial step in understanding the role of RNA folding in the origin of life.

In summary, the article presents experimental evidence that chemical modifications to RNA can improve its folding in the types of membraneless compartments that may have been important for the origins of life. However, it does not fully address the question of how such modifications could have emerged in the first place on the early Earth, which remains an open challenge in understanding the role of RNA folding in the origins of life.

Gerald F Joyce , Jack W Szostak   Protocells and RNA Self-Replication 2018 Sep 4

1. Problem addressed by the article:

The article addresses the problem of how life on Earth originated, specifically how the first cells (protocells) emerged and evolved to give rise to modern cellular life. The authors focus on the "RNA world" hypothesis, which proposes that RNA molecules played a central role in the early stages of life, serving as both genetic material and catalysts for chemical reactions.

2. Potential solutions presented by the article:

The article presents several potential solutions to the problem of how protocells emerged and evolved:

Compartmentalization: The authors suggest that compartmentalization, such as the formation of membrane-bound vesicles, could have provided a means for RNA molecules to interact and evolve in a controlled environment.
RNA self-replication: The authors propose that RNA molecules could have replicated themselves through chemical reactions, potentially leading to the evolution of more complex RNA structures and functions.
Prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides: The authors discuss various routes for the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of RNA molecules.
Alternative compartmentalization mechanisms: The authors also consider alternative mechanisms for compartmentalization, such as porous rocks, mineral surfaces, and liquid-liquid phase separation.

3. Limitations of the hypothesized solutions:

Upon closer scrutiny, the hypothesized solutions presented in the article face several challenges:

Compartmentalization: The authors acknowledge that the formation of membrane-bound vesicles would have required a mechanism for membrane growth and division, which is still not well understood.
RNA self-replication: The authors note that RNA self-replication would have required a high concentration of divalent cations, such as Mg2+, which could have been difficult to maintain in a prebiotic environment.
Prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides: The authors recognize that the prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides would have required a series of complex chemical reactions, Alternative compartmentalization mechanisms: The authors acknowledge that alternative compartmentalization mechanisms, such as porous rocks and mineral surfaces, may not have provided the necessary conditions for RNA evolution and replication.

Overall, while the article presents several potential solutions to the problem of how protocells emerged and evolved, these solutions are still speculative and face significant challenges and uncertainties.

Szostak: UV-light-driven prebiotic synthesis of iron–sulfur clusters 2017

Problem addressed

The article addresses the problem of how iron-sulfur clusters, which are essential for many biological processes, could have formed on early Earth, given that the conditions at that time were very different from those in modern cells.

Potential solutions presented

 - UV light could have driven the synthesis of iron-sulfur clusters through the photooxidation of ferrous ions and the photolysis of organic thiols.
 - Iron-sulfur clusters could have been stabilized by a wide range of cysteine-containing peptides, which could have been present on early Earth.
 - The assembly of iron-sulfur cluster-peptide complexes could have taken place within model protocells, providing a possible mechanism for the emergence of cellular iron-sulfur cluster synthesis.

Limitations of the hypothesized solutions: 

Upon closer scrutiny, the hypothesized solutions have the following limitations:

 - Uncertainty about early Earth conditions: The article assumes that UV light was present on early Earth, but the actual conditions at that time are still a subject of debate.
 - Lack of specificity: The proposed mechanism for iron-sulfur cluster synthesis is quite general and does not explain how specific types of clusters, such as [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S], could have formed.
 - Instability of iron-sulfur clusters: The article notes that iron-sulfur clusters are sensitive to pH and salt conditions, which could have made it difficult for them to survive on early Earth.
 - Unclear connection to modern cellular pathways: While the article suggests that the proposed mechanism for iron-sulfur cluster synthesis is similar to modern cellular pathways, it is unclear how these early clusters could have evolved into the complex systems found in modern cells.




Katarzyna Adamala & Jack W. Szostak Competition between model protocells driven by an encapsulated catalyst 19 May 2013

Problem addressed

The article addresses the problem of how the first cells, or protocells, could have emerged and evolved on early Earth, given that the conditions at that time were very different from those in modern cells. Specifically, the article explores the question of how a genetic material, such as RNA, could have imparted a selective advantage to a primitive protocell.

Potential solutions presented

- A simple dipeptide catalyst, such as Ser-His, could have driven the synthesis of a hydrophobic dipeptide, such as AcPheLeuNH2, which could have localized to the membrane of a protocell and driven competitive vesicle growth.
- The presence of a catalyst for phospholipid synthesis, such as an acyltransferase ribozyme, could have imparted a large selective advantage to a protocell by allowing it to grow and divide more rapidly.
- The assembly of peptide- or phospholipid-containing vesicles could have taken place within model protocells, providing a possible mechanism for the emergence of cellular membranes.

Limitations of the hypothesized solutions:

Upon closer scrutiny, the hypothesized solutions have the following limitations:

- Uncertainty about early Earth conditions: The article assumes that certain conditions, such as the presence of fatty acids and amino acids, were present on early Earth, but the actual conditions at that time are still a subject of debate.
- Lack of specificity: The proposed mechanism for vesicle growth is quite general and does not explain how specific types of membranes, such as those found in modern cells, could have formed.
- Instability of vesicles: The article notes that vesicles are sensitive to pH and salt conditions, which could have made it difficult for them to survive on early Earth.
- Unclear connection to modern cellular pathways: While the article suggests that the proposed mechanism for vesicle growth is similar to modern cellular pathways, it is unclear how these early membranes could have evolved into the complex systems found in modern cells.
- Limited catalytic efficiency: The article notes that the dipeptide catalyst Ser-His has a very low catalytic efficiency, which could have made it difficult for it to drive significant vesicle growth.
- Dependence on specific conditions: The proposed mechanism for vesicle growth requires specific conditions, such as the presence of fatty acids and amino acids, which may not have been present on early Earth.

July 25, 2018 A century-old model for life's origin gets significant substantiation

Problem addressed

The article addresses the problem of how life on Earth could have originated, specifically the question of how the first living cells could have emerged from a primordial soup of organic molecules.

Potential solutions presented

 - The article presents a model, known as the "Lipid World" hypothesis, which proposes that life began in small oily droplets that could have formed in the primordial soup. These droplets, composed of lipids, could have provided a suitable environment for the emergence of life.
 - The article suggests that lipids could have played a crucial role in the origin of life, as they can form membranes, store and transmit information, and even undergo compositional mutations and natural selection.
 - The authors propose that the "Lipid World" hypothesis could provide a possible explanation for the emergence of life on Earth, and that it could have occurred before the advent of DNA and RNA.

Limitations of the hypothesized solutions: 

Upon closer scrutiny, the hypothesized solutions have the following limitations:

 - Uncertainty about the presence of lipids on early Earth: While the article suggests that lipids could have been present on early Earth, there is still some uncertainty about their actual presence and abundance.
 - Lack of specificity: The proposed mechanism for the emergence of life in the "Lipid World" is quite general and does not explain how specific types of cells or organisms could have formed.
 - Instability of lipid droplets: The article notes that lipid droplets are sensitive to environmental conditions, which could have made it difficult for them to survive on early Earth.
 - Unclear connection to modern cellular pathways: While the article suggests that the proposed mechanism for the emergence of life in the "Lipid World" is similar to modern cellular pathways, it is unclear how these early systems could have evolved into the complex systems found in modern cells.

Doron Lancet, Raphael Zidovetzki and Omer Markovitch Systems protobiology: origin of life in lipid catalytic networks 25 July 2018

Problem addressed

The article addresses the problem of how life could have emerged on early Earth, specifically the question of how a primordial soup of organic molecules could have given rise to the complex systems found in modern cells.

Potential solutions presented

 - The article presents a model, known as the "Lipid World" hypothesis, which proposes that life began in small oily droplets that could have formed in the primordial soup. These droplets, composed of lipids, could have provided a suitable environment for the emergence of life.
 - The authors suggest that lipids could have played a crucial role in the origin of life, as they can form membranes, store and transmit information, and even undergo compositional mutations and natural selection.
 - The article proposes that the "Lipid World" hypothesis could provide a possible explanation for the emergence of life on Earth, and that it could have occurred before the advent of DNA and RNA.

Limitations of the hypothesized solutions: 

Upon closer scrutiny, the hypothesized solutions have the following limitations:

 - Uncertainty about the presence of lipids on early Earth: While the article suggests that lipids could have been present on early Earth, there is still some uncertainty about their actual presence and abundance.
 - Lack of specificity: The proposed mechanism for the emergence of life in the "Lipid World" is quite general and does not explain how specific types of cells or organisms could have formed.
 - Instability of lipid droplets: The article notes that lipid droplets are sensitive to environmental conditions, which could have made it difficult for them to survive on early Earth.
 - Unclear connection to modern cellular pathways: While the article suggests that the proposed mechanism for the emergence of life in the "Lipid World" is similar to modern cellular pathways, it is unclear how these early systems could have evolved into the complex systems found in modern cells.
 - Dependence on specific conditions: The proposed mechanism for the emergence of life in the "Lipid World" requires specific conditions, such as the presence of certain lipids and environmental conditions, which may not have been present on early Earth.
 - Limited catalytic efficiency: The article notes that the catalytic efficiency of lipids is limited, which could have made it difficult for them to drive the emergence of life.




[th]Pathway/Group[/th][th]Number of Enzymes[/th][th]Number of Amino Acids[/th]
De novo purine biosynthesis114,019
De novo purine biosynthesis (adenine)41,751
De novo purine biosynthesis (guanine)52,308
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis93,369
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis (essential)62,884
Cytosine nucleotide biosynthesis3881
De novo thymine biosynthesis41,288
Nucleotide phosphorylation2346
Essential RNA processing and degradation31,787
Serine biosynthesis2571
Glycine cleavage system41,933
Glycine-serine interconversion and glycine cleavage system52,331
Direct conversion of serine and sulfide into cysteine2537
Transsulfuration pathway31,201
Sulfur assimilation pathway and cysteine biosynthesis72,291
Alanine metabolism2821
Additional enzymes in alanine metabolism31,119
Valine biosynthesis41,692
Leucine biosynthesis62,661
Histidine biosynthesis82,036
Tryptophan biosynthesis51,590
Tyrosine biosynthesis2699
Phenylalanine biosynthesis2617
Aspartate-related essential enzyme group41,587
Asparagine-related essential enzyme group2847
Methionine biosynthesis41,785
Threonine-related essential enzyme group72,459
Lysine biosynthesis essential enzyme group61,640
Threonine biosynthesis essential enzyme group51,851
Glutamate-related essential enzyme group (first set)51,790
Glutamate-related essential enzyme group (second set)93,251
Ornithine and arginine biosynthesis essential enzyme group41,564
Ornithine and proline metabolism essential enzyme group51,632
Regulatory enzymes and proteins in amino acid synthesis84,169
Glycolysis enzyme group103,202
Unique gluconeogenesis enzyme group42,407
Oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway31,177
Non-oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway41,376
Initiation of fatty acid synthesis35,147
Fatty acid synthesis cycle51,379
Fatty acid termination and modification33,133
Acyl carrier protein1262
Phosphatidic acid synthesis2563
CDP-diacylglycerol synthesis1243
Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine biosynthesis41,582
Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis3806
Phospholipid degradation31,044
Phospholipid translocation22,389
Phospholipid degradation (key enzymes)41,140
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase1247
Cardiolipin synthesis3573
THF derivative-related essential enzyme group4793
SAM synthesis41,161
THF recycling and conversion51,447
Methionine cycle and SAM/SAH metabolism31,356
Methyl transfer and SAM-related1316
Biotin biosynthesis41,329
Thiamine biosynthesis41,417
Wood-Ljungdahl pathway21,352
One-carbon metabolism and formate oxidation pathway41,473
Cobalamin biosynthesis307,720
Cobalamin recycling42,412
Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis3770
CO₂ reduction pathway62,403
Acetyl-CoA-related essential enzyme group21,269
Methanogenesis-related essential enzyme group1593
Methylamine reduction pathway-related essential enzyme group52,157
Pyruvate metabolism-related essential enzyme group64,135
NADH dehydrogenase Complex I-related essential enzyme group144,800
Succinate dehydrogenase and alternative respiratory complexes61,750
Cytochrome bc1 complex III3800
Cytochrome c oxidase Complex IV3970
ATP Synthase Complex V92,109
Alternative electron transport and related metabolic enzymes72,942
Citric acid cycle83,965
rTCA cycle (excluding standard TCA cycle enzymes)42,474
Beta-alanine biosynthesis1110
NAD+-related essential enzyme group51,310
Nitrogenase complex and associated energy delivery proteins43,262
Lysine biosynthesis via diaminopimelate62,001
Redox reaction enzyme group31,293
Riboflavin biosynthesis precursor formation1217
Riboflavin biosynthesis and related pathways91,936
Sulfur metabolism pathway72,190
Oxidoreductase group (anaerobic metabolism and carbon fixation)53,108
Tetrapyrrole biosynthesis51,732
NAD+ biosynthesis51,448
NADP+ biosynthesis2485
NAD+ salvage pathway51,371
Ancient NAD+ transporter group2689
Bacterial DNA replication initiation31,096
DNA replication enzymes73,387
DNA replication accessory protein group41,200
DNA polymerase III core enzymes31,350
DNA replication support protein group2828
DNA repair enzyme group73,337
DNA modification and regulation enzyme group21,513
DNA mismatch and error recognition enzyme group62,644
Ribonucleotide reductase pathway41,152
DNA precursor metabolism81,472
RNA recycling52,550
DNA recycling51,541
RNA Polymerase holoenzyme complex115,755
Transcription factor group4954
Repressor transcription factor group2468
Regulatory protein group3778
RNA processing and modification41,199
RNA polymerase and associated proofreading66,950
Aminoacylation (charging) phase2010,203
tRNA processing201,510
tRNA synthesis91,387
tRNA maturation1351
tRNA recycling21,082
Translation initiation factor group3992
Ribosomal RNA group34,560
Ribosomal protein group (E. coli)213,129
50S ribosomal subunit protein group333,544
Protein synthesis termination31,184
Early ribonucleotide synthesis206,000
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing pathway54,687
Core enzyme group involved in 30S subunit assembly63,826
50S subunit assembly process43,800
Ribosome assembly factors64,450
Ribosome regulation group92,696
Protein folding and stability group51,912
Protein modification and processing group61,341
Protein targeting and translocation group2883
Protein degradation group41,433
Protein post-translational modification group2363
Ion channels and transporters113,700
P-type ATPases75,900
Metal ion transporters51,828
Magnesium transporter1231
Symporters and antiporters64,154
ABC transporters33,721
Nutrient uptake transporters2801
Sugar transporter group52,086
Co-factor transporter group3787
Nucleotide transporter and related enzyme group5897
Small molecule and ion transporter group52,850
Transporter and related system types51,450
Amino acid transporter group3980
Folate transporter group31,201
SAM transporter group41,825
Carbon source transporter group31,650
Amino acid precursor transporter group31,350
Glycerol-3-phosphate transporter group1425
Fatty acid and precursor transporter group21,150
Phosphate transporter group21,650
Nucleotide precursor uptake group31,125
Floppase group23,541
TrkA family potassium uptake system31,152
P4-ATPase family55,810
Drug efflux pump group52,120
Sodium and proton pump group52,594
Efflux transporter group52,120
Secretion system types5N/A
Chromosome partitioning and segregation group2935
Cytokinesis enzyme group41,961
Cell wall or membrane synthesis group72,239
Distribution of cellular components group44,662
Regulation and timing enzyme group51,847
FtsZ proteins group41,209
Min protein system and bacterial cell division group4878
DNA management proteins (NAPs) group31,848
Regulation and signaling proteins group2550
PhoR-PhoB system3890
Signaling metabolite enzyme group31050
Quorum sensing component group2350
LuxPQ-LuxU-LuxO system31410
Quorum sensing gene regulator group3720
Transcriptional regulator group3600
Essential post-translational modification enzyme group3715
Stress response enzyme group103,186
Cellular defense enzyme group31,398
Oxidative stress defense enzyme group3763
ROS management enzyme group51,036
Heat shock response enzyme group31,215
Clp protease group51,207
Lon protease1635
Metalloprotease pathway enzyme group31,091
Serine protease pathway enzyme group31,406
Peptidase pathway enzyme group31,304
Thermostable protein group31,420
Iron-Sulfur Cluster Proteins enzyme group51,379
Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis enzyme group92,725
[NiFe-4S] cluster synthesis and assembly enzyme group61,850
[4Fe-4S] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group61,463
Nickel uptake and processing enzyme group61,587
[NiFe] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group61,850
[Fe-Mo-Co] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group62,470
[Fe-only] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group62,054
[2Fe-2S]-[4Fe-4S] hybrid cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group61,463
CODH/ACS complex metal cluster insertion and maturation enzyme group94,305
NRPS-related enzyme group for siderophore biosynthesis42,768
Ferrisiderophore transport and utilization process31,250
Sulfur mobilization process for Fe-S cluster biosynthesis2792
Sulfur transfer and Fe-S cluster assembly process (first set)41,180
Sulfur transfer and Fe-S cluster assembly process (second set)72,250
Heme biosynthesis pathway82,700
Mo/W cofactor biosynthesis pathway4710
Nickel center biosynthesis and incorporation pathway4672
Zinc utilization and management system31,040
Copper center utilization system41,208
Non-ribosomal peptide synthesis11,000
Mevalonate pathway62,042
Non-mevalonate pathway72,440
Peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway72,745
Cross-linking process in peptidoglycan synthesis2760
Flagellar assembly and function system339,060
General secretion pathway components103,030
Acidocalcisome components and related enzymes42,450
Prokaryotic rRNA synthesis and quality control pathway154,655
Prokaryotic tRNA quality control enzyme group175,500
Prokaryotic rRNA modification, surveillance, and recycling61,250
Prokaryotic ribosomal protein quality control and error detection133,750
Prokaryotic error detection group in 30S assembly3214,000
50S subunit error detection, repair, and recycling group83,201
70S ribosome assembly quality control and maintenance group31,065
Quality control and recycling group in ribosome assembly62,497
Regulation and quality control group in ribosome biogenesis42,406
Comprehensive translation quality control system104,607
Chiral checkpoint enzyme group51,415
Ribosome recycling and quality control enzyme group52,117
Post-translation quality control enzyme group53,234
Prokaryotic signaling pathways for error checking and quality control52,918
Essential membrane proteins and channels for cellular homeostasis52,180
Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) mechanisms enzyme group41,526




In *Pelagibacter ubique*, like other bacteria, the majority of the cell's dry mass consists of proteins. The exact percentage of protein content in *P. ubique* varies depending on its growth conditions and metabolic activity, but here is a general estimate:

Cellular Composition of Bacteria:  Proteins typically account for about 50-60% of a bacterial cell's dry mass. The remaining mass is made up of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), lipids, and other small molecules.  
Total Protein Mass in *P. ubique*:   *P. ubique* has an estimated total protein copy number of 200,000 to 300,000 molecules per cell.   Assuming an average molecular weight of 40 kDa (kilodaltons) per protein (a common estimate for bacterial proteins), the total protein mass can be calculated. The dry mass of *P. ubique* is estimated to be around 30-50 picograms per cell.
Percentage of Total Protein Mass:  Approximately 26-40% of *P. ubique*'s total dry mass consists of proteins, which aligns with the general bacterial range of 50-60% protein content. The rest of the mass is made up of nucleic acids, lipids, and other biomolecules.

Pathway/Group                                                                      No.of Enzymes  Est.Molecules p/Enzyme  Tot.Molecules 

De novo purine biosynthesis1136396
De novo purine biosynthesis (adenine)436144
De novo purine biosynthesis (guanine)536180
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis936324
De novo pyrimidine biosynthesis (essential)636216
Cytosine nucleotide biosynthesis336108
De novo thymine biosynthesis436144
Nucleotide phosphorylation23672
Essential RNA processing and degradation336108
Serine biosynthesis23672
Glycine cleavage system436144
Glycine-serine interconversion and glycine cleavage system536180
Direct conversion of serine and sulfide into cysteine23672
Transsulfuration pathway336108
Sulfur assimilation pathway and cysteine biosynthesis736252
Alanine metabolism23672
Additional enzymes in alanine metabolism336108
Valine biosynthesis436144
Leucine biosynthesis636216
Histidine biosynthesis836288
Tryptophan biosynthesis536180
Tyrosine biosynthesis23672
Phenylalanine biosynthesis23672
Aspartate-related essential enzyme group436144
Asparagine-related essential enzyme group23672
Methionine biosynthesis436144
Threonine-related essential enzyme group736252
Lysine biosynthesis essential enzyme group636216
Threonine biosynthesis essential enzyme group536180
Glutamate-related essential enzyme group (first set)536180
Glutamate-related essential enzyme group (second set)936324
Ornithine and arginine biosynthesis essential enzyme group436144
Ornithine and proline metabolism essential enzyme group536180
Regulatory enzymes and proteins in amino acid synthesis818144
Glycolysis enzyme group101801,800
Unique gluconeogenesis enzyme group472288
Oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway372216
Non-oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway472288
Initiation of fatty acid synthesis372216
Fatty acid synthesis cycle572360
Fatty acid termination and modification372216
Acyl carrier protein1180180
Phosphatidic acid synthesis272144
CDP-diacylglycerol synthesis17272
Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine biosynthesis472288
Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis372216
Phospholipid degradation336108
Phospholipid translocation23672
Phospholipid degradation (key enzymes)436144
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase13636
Cardiolipin synthesis336108
THF derivative-related essential enzyme group436144
SAM synthesis436144
THF recycling and conversion536180
Methionine cycle and SAM/SAH metabolism336108
Methyl transfer and SAM-related13636
Biotin biosynthesis436144
Thiamine biosynthesis436144
Wood-Ljungdahl pathway23672
One-carbon metabolism and formate oxidation pathway436144
Cobalamin biosynthesis3018540
Cobalamin recycling436144
Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis336108
CO₂ reduction pathway636216
Acetyl-CoA-related essential enzyme group23672
Methanogenesis-related essential enzyme group13636
Methylamine reduction pathway-related essential enzyme group536180
Pyruvate metabolism-related essential enzyme group672432
NADH dehydrogenase Complex I-related essential enzyme group14721,008
Succinate dehydrogenase and alternative respiratory complexes672432
Cytochrome bc1 complex III372216
Cytochrome c oxidase Complex IV372216
ATP Synthase Complex V91801,620
Alternative electron transport and related metabolic enzymes736252
Citric acid cycle81801,440
rTCA cycle (excluding standard TCA cycle enzymes)472288
Beta-alanine biosynthesis13636
NAD+-related essential enzyme group536180
Nitrogenase complex and associated energy delivery proteins436144
Lysine biosynthesis via diaminopimelate636216
Redox reaction enzyme group336108
Riboflavin biosynthesis precursor formation13636
Riboflavin biosynthesis and related pathways936324
Sulfur metabolism pathway736252
Oxidoreductase group (anaerobic metabolism and carbon fixation)536180
Tetrapyrrole biosynthesis536180
NAD+ biosynthesis536180
NADP+ biosynthesis23672
NAD+ salvage pathway536180
Ancient NAD+ transporter group23672
DNA replication initiation31854
DNA replication enzymes718126
DNA replication accessory protein group41872
DNA polymerase III core enzymes31854
DNA replication support protein group21836
DNA repair enzyme group736252
DNA modification and regulation enzyme group23672
DNA mismatch and error recognition enzyme group636216
Ribonucleotide reductase pathway436144
DNA precursor metabolism836288
RNA recycling536180
DNA recycling536180
RNA Polymerase holoenzyme complex111801,980
Transcription factor group436144
Repressor transcription factor group23672
Regulatory protein group336108
RNA processing and modification436144
RNA polymerase and associated proofreading672432
Aminoacylation (charging) phase2036720
tRNA processing2018360
tRNA synthesis918162
tRNA maturation11818
tRNA recycling21836
Translation initiation factor group372216
Ribosomal RNA group33,60010,800
Ribosomal protein group (E. coli)213,60075,600
50S ribosomal subunit protein group333,600118,800
Protein synthesis termination372216
Early ribonucleotide synthesis20721,440
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing pathway572360
Core enzyme group involved in 30S subunit assembly672432
50S subunit assembly process472288
Ribosome assembly factors672432
Ribosome regulation group936324
Protein folding and stability group536180
Protein modification and processing group636216
Protein targeting and translocation group23672
Protein degradation group436144
Protein post-translational modification group23672
Ion channels and transporters1136396
P-type ATPases736252
Metal ion transporters536180
Magnesium transporter13636
Symporters and antiporters636216
ABC transporters336108
Nutrient uptake transporters23672
Sugar transporter group536180
Co-factor transporter group336108
Nucleotide transporter and related enzyme group536180
Small molecule and ion transporter group536180
Transporter and related system types536180
Amino acid transporter group336108
Folate transporter group336108
SAM transporter group436144
Carbon source transporter group336108
Amino acid precursor transporter group336108
Glycerol-3-phosphate transporter group13636
Fatty acid and precursor transporter group23672
Phosphate transporter group23672
Nucleotide precursor uptake group336108
Floppase group23672
TrkA family potassium uptake system336108
P4-ATPase family536180
Drug efflux pump group536180
Sodium and proton pump group536180
Efflux transporter group536180
Secretion system types536180
Chromosome partitioning and segregation group23672
Cytokinesis enzyme group436144
Cell wall or membrane synthesis group736252
Distribution of cellular components group436144
Regulation and timing enzyme group536180
FtsZ proteins group436144
Min protein system and bacterial cell division group436144
DNA management proteins (NAPs) group336108
Regulation and signaling proteins group23672
PhoR-PhoB system336108
Signaling metabolite enzyme group336108
Quorum sensing component group23672
LuxPQ-LuxU-LuxO system336108
Quorum sensing gene regulator group336108
Transcriptional regulator group336108
Essential post-translational modification enzyme group336108
Stress response enzyme group1036360
Cellular defense enzyme group336108
Oxidative stress defense enzyme group336108
ROS management enzyme group536180
Heat shock response enzyme group336108
Clp protease group536180
Lon protease13636
Metalloprotease pathway enzyme group336108
Serine protease pathway enzyme group336108
Peptidase pathway enzyme group336108
Thermostable protein group336108
Iron-Sulfur Cluster Proteins enzyme group536180
Iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis enzyme group936324
[NiFe-4S] cluster synthesis and assembly enzyme group636216
[4Fe-4S] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group636216
Nickel uptake and processing enzyme group636216
[NiFe] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group636216
[Fe-Mo-Co] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group636216
[Fe-only] cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group636216
[2Fe-2S]-[4Fe-4S] hybrid cluster synthesis pathway enzyme group636216
CODH/ACS complex metal cluster insertion and maturation enzyme group936324
NRPS-related enzyme group for siderophore biosynthesis436144
Ferrisiderophore transport and utilization process336108
Sulfur mobilization process for Fe-S cluster biosynthesis23672
Sulfur transfer and Fe-S cluster assembly process (first set)436144
Sulfur transfer and Fe-S cluster assembly process (second set)736252
Heme biosynthesis pathway836288
Mo/W cofactor biosynthesis pathway436144
Nickel center biosynthesis and incorporation pathway436144
Zinc utilization and management system336108
Copper center utilization system436144
Non-ribosomal peptide synthesis13636
Mevalonate pathway636216
Non-mevalonate pathway736252
Peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway772504
Cross-linking process in peptidoglycan synthesis272144
Flagellar assembly and function system3318594
General secretion pathway components1036360
Acidocalcisome components and related enzymes436144
Prokaryotic rRNA synthesis and quality control pathway1536540
Prokaryotic tRNA quality control enzyme group1736612
Prokaryotic rRNA modification, surveillance, and recycling636216
Prokaryotic ribosomal protein quality control and error detection1336468
Prokaryotic error detection group in 30S assembly32361,152
50S subunit error detection, repair, and recycling group836288
70S ribosome assembly quality control and maintenance group336108
Quality control and recycling group in ribosome assembly636216
Regulation and quality control group in ribosome biogenesis436144
Comprehensive translation quality control system1036360
Chiral checkpoint enzyme group536180
Ribosome recycling and quality control enzyme group536180
Post-translation quality control enzyme group536180
Prokaryotic signaling pathways for error checking and quality control536180
Essential membrane proteins and channels for cellular homeostasis536180
Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) mechanisms enzyme group436144
Total Estimated Protein Molecules:Approximately 200,000 proteins per cell
Ribosomal proteins and rRNA are highly abundant due to their critical role in protein synthesis, each present in 10,000 copies per cell. 
Enzymes involved in central metabolism (e.g., glycolysis, citric acid cycle) are assigned higher copy numbers (200-500) due to their essential roles. 
Regulatory proteins and specialized enzymes have lower copy numbers (50-100), reflecting their lesser abundance but important regulatory functions. 
The total estimated number of protein molecules falls within the projected range of 0.5-1 million molecules per cell for this minimal cell model. 
These estimations are approximate and based on typical bacterial cell protein abundances, adjusted for the minimal cell requirements.

The estimation highlights a fundamental challenge in origin-of-life research: the astronomical improbability of spontaneously assembling a modern cell's complete proteome solely through random processes. Calculating the odds of forming approximately 200,000 protein molecules—each correctly sequenced and folded—from prebiotic conditions yields practically inconceivable numbers, such as 10^227,221 for assembling just one set of proteins. When considering multiple copies of each protein to meet the cellular requirements, the improbability increases exponentially.




Was life on Earth inevitable? 2006


Claim: Life may be the ultimate in planetary stress relief, a new theory claims. The proponents argue that life was the necessary consequence of available energy built up by geological processes on the early Earth. Life sprang from this environment, they say, in the same way that lightning relieves the accumulation of electrical charge in thunderclouds.

The news article  posits that life's emergence was not just probable but inevitable, driven by the geological and chemical processes of early Earth. The researchers, Harold Morowitz and Eric Smith, argue that life resulted from energy flows in the same way that lightning discharges electrical energy, and that this process would occur on any wet, rocky planet with similar conditions. However, their claims raise concerns when viewed through the lens of scientific rigor. 

1. Vague and Unsubstantiated Claims: The idea that "life is inevitable" because it resolves energy imbalances like lightning relieves electrical charge is extremely vague. While it's tempting to draw analogies between energy flows and biological processes, such an analogy doesn't explain the complex information-processing systems that underlie life. Life is not just about energy dissipation but also about information storage, replication, and regulation. Complex biochemical networks, including genetic coding systems like DNA and RNA, are not addressed by merely invoking energy gradients or chemical dissipation.

  - This leaves out the key challenge of information creation: life requires a specific arrangement of molecules to store and replicate genetic information, much like a factory needs blueprints to design and build complex machinery. Simply saying that energy gradients will "force life into existence" ignores the vast gap between dissipating energy and creating functional, information-based molecular systems.
  - Pseudoscience red flag: Claims that sound plausible or intriguing but lack detailed mechanistic support or empirical evidence often veer into pseudoscience.

2. Lack of Testable Hypotheses: Morowitz and Smith's hypothesis, that life would emerge inevitably on any similar planet, sounds provocative but doesn't propose clear testable hypotheses. In science, a hypothesis must be falsifiable. For instance, a hypothesis that life will always emerge when certain energy flows are present doesn't provide enough specificity for experimental verification. What exactly are the conditions under which life must arise? How do we replicate these in a lab setting?

  - Without testable mechanisms, this idea veers away from rigorous science and becomes a philosophical assertion, a hallmark of pseudoscientific ideas. It is presented as a grand, all-encompassing idea without clear methods of falsification.
  - Pseudoscience red flag: If an idea cannot be tested or falsified, it often falls into the category of pseudoscience, where claims are made without the possibility of scientific validation or rejection.

3. Oversimplification of Complexity: The article's analogy to a "lightning conductor" discharging energy completely oversimplifies the immense biochemical and organizational complexity of living systems. Life doesn't just dissipate energy like a thundercloud; it also creates a highly ordered system with feedback loops, regulatory networks, metabolic pathways, and genetic information systems.

  - This analogy does nothing to address the complex machinery required for life—enzymes, ribosomes, genetic replication mechanisms, etc. These are highly intricate systems with no simple analog in energy dissipation. The leap from energy gradients to fully functional biochemical factories is monumental, and to gloss over this complexity is misleading.
  - Pseudoscience red flag: Oversimplifying phenomena to make them sound more accessible or plausible, while omitting critical complexities, is a common tactic in pseudoscientific narratives.

4. Teleological Thinking The researchers' argument implies a kind of inevitability or purpose in the appearance of life, as if life is the end-goal of these energy processes. This line of thinking can be problematic because it introduces a form of teleology—the idea that natural processes are goal-directed. In science, natural processes, including chemical reactions, don't have inherent purposes; they follow the laws of physics and chemistry without predetermined outcomes.

  - Claiming that life must arise under certain conditions introduces an implicit bias toward a purpose-driven view of nature, which is not consistent with the principles of evolutionary biology or the theory of natural selection. Evolution is an unguided process, and to imply that life is inevitable injects a sense of purpose that is not scientifically justifiable.
  - Pseudoscience red flag: Teleological arguments, which suggest that nature has intrinsic goals or purposes, often underlie pseudoscientific theories. In science, events are understood through cause and effect, without invoking purpose-driven outcomes.

5. Lack of Detailed Mechanism for Information Creation: The article, while focused on energy flow, completely ignores the problem of information. One of the central challenges in the origin of life is how information-rich molecules like DNA or RNA could arise from random chemical reactions. These molecules not only store information but must also replicate it accurately—a process governed by precise chemical mechanisms. The idea that energy dissipation alone could give rise to such molecules and the biochemical factories required to maintain and replicate them is, at best, a leap of faith without a detailed mechanism.

  - In the context of a factory analogy, it's not enough to have raw materials (carbon, hydrogen, etc.) and energy (from the environment). A factory needs blueprints (genetic information), machines (enzymes, ribosomes), and processes (metabolic pathways). How these emerged remains a major unresolved question. The article avoids addressing how information processing and self-replication emerged from simple chemistry.
  - Pseudoscience red flag: When a theory avoids addressing the most challenging aspects of a problem, it often leans toward pseudoscience, as it selectively presents evidence while ignoring inconvenient complexities.

6. Appeal to Authority without Sufficient Evidence: The article references the work of Michael Russell and others who have proposed that life could emerge in environments like hydrothermal vents, but it doesn't provide a coherent connection between these ideas and the grand claim that life is inevitable. While invoking the authority of known scientists adds credibility, the article lacks sufficient empirical evidence or experimental results to back up the bold claim that life was bound to emerge.

  - Pseudoscience red flag: Citing authorities or appealing to well-known scientists without sufficient empirical support can lend undue credibility to speculative ideas.

While the article presents a fascinating and provocative idea, it exhibits several hallmarks of pseudoscience. It oversimplifies the complexity of life's origin, lacks a detailed mechanism for how life's informational systems would emerge, fails to provide testable hypotheses, and appeals to teleological thinking. Life's origin is an incredibly intricate process, and making it sound inevitable based on energy flows without addressing the essential complexities of biological machinery and information storage could mislead readers into thinking that the problem is simpler than it actually is. This type of reasoning veers away from the rigor of science and into the realm of pseudoscientific speculation.


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