ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Rapture: When will it be, before, or after the tribulation ?

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Rapture: When will it be, before, or after the tribulation?

How did I come out of pre-trib rapture doctrine?

Barbara Vannah:
(1) I started reading Jesus' own words in the Bible where he (the ultimate expert on the subject) explicitly stated the "tribulation," the "coming of the Son of Man," the timing ("after"), and the rapture ("sent forth his angels to gather the elect... from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven") to meet him ("in the clouds," "in the air").
All the quotes are Jesus' own words. This is direct evidence.
It took me one full year to read just the two major passages over and over and over. Those passages speaking directly to the topic, in the context, giving explicit details and facts on the tribulation, Second Coming, rapture, and timing absolutely blew me away. I was in shock!
How could my beloved elders and pastors whom I'm sure were born again Christians be teaching a doctrine that was in direct contradiction to the explicitly stated words of Jesus himself on the topic?
I asked them.
Can you please show me a verse in the Bible that gives direct evidence on the pre-trib rapture?
Head teaching elder working 40 years in a church with the pre-trib doctrine in the church's statement of faith responded, "Well, that's a problem because there isn't one."
Pastor with a Rev. Dr. Dr. (two doctorates from two seminaries) responded, "I'll give you a paper." He gave me Charles Ryrie's (professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and president of Cairn's University Bible college) paper. Ryrie gave no direct evidence.
I compared Ryrie's paper on pre-trib to another chapter in his textbook on his rules of hermeneutics (how to accurately interpret Scripture).
His pre-trib paper broke every one of his own rules over and over (18 times).
I wrote a paper on Ryrie's pre-trib "support" and sent it back to the Rev. Dr. Dr. and the elders of the church; they never responded. How could they? Their jobs were on the line if they went against the statement of faith in their church, but they had not one verse of direct support for the pre-trib doctrine.
(2) On and on over the years, I asked high authorities in churches, "Please, can you show me a verse in the Bible that directly states the pre-trib doctrine." Not one could -- There are no verses that state two comings or two parts to the Second Coming, a secret/silent/invisible coming, no trumpets/shouting/voice, no one "seeing" the coming, the Rapture BEFORE the tribulation, no angels used, back to heaven, 7-year gap, then another coming . . . not one verse in the Bible ever explicitly states any of the main tenets of the pre-trib doctrine.
These great men in great churches from great seminaries were in direct contradiction to the words of Jesus himself in the Bible.
I then asked the question, Where did they get this doctrine?
The pre-trib doctrine comes out of dispensationalism (strongly taught by Dallas Theological Seminary, the home of most Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S.) which was developed as a system from the teachings of John Nelson Darby, considered by some to be the father of dispensationalism (1800–82), who strongly influenced the Plymouth Brethren of the 1830s in Ireland and England.
Darby, a powerful and influential speaker, brought the pre-Trib rapture doctrine to America in his six visits between 1859 and 1874; his system of prophetic interpretation was eagerly adopted, especially pre-Trib, that is until some went back to the Bible. His doctrine is not found in the church before that. Early church fathers who referred to the post-Trib view included Didache and Barnabas (both first quarter of 2nd century), the Shepherd of Hermas (A.D. 150); Justin Martyr (A.D. 150), Irenaeus (late 2nd century), Tertullian (late 2nd to 3rd century) etc.
How could great Christian seminaries and churches adopt a doctrine that has no direct evidence from the Bible?
Regarding apologetics on eschatological issues (like pre-Trib), they developed a system of thought that adds words to Scripture, takes away words from Scripture, changes words, takes words out of context…, plus fire pastors or professors who do not hold to the pre-Trib doctrine.
I choose a process that uses the biblical Laws of Truth (direct evidence from the primary source) that states facts, quotes from the Bible on the topic and in the context, references,... summarized in a literal-historical hermeneutic.
Jesus said, “AFTER that tribulation… the Son of Man (will come).” (Mark 13:24-27; Matt 24:29-31)
Jesus never said, “Before.”
Jesus is the paramount expert.

It is important because we either "build our arks" (post-trib) or eat-drink-be-merry (pre-trib) before Jesus' Second Coming.
"The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah...
you also must be ready." (Matt 24:37, 44)
It is critical because it shows the process of thinking, even in good churches.
Post-trib simply collects the facts of Scripture to form a conclusion.
Pre-trib is a black box of labyrinthine assumptions infused into Scripture.
One Christian professor (a FB friend) urged me to watch another seminary president's lecture opposing post-trib and supporting pre-trib.
His one-hour lecture took me 11 hours to investigate continually asking this question hundreds of times, "Where did he get this idea, because it's not stated in Scripture?" I then analyzed this president's method of interpretation which broke every major, sound hermeneutical rule over and over. His thinking was compartmentalized: (1) using good hermeneutics for soteriology but (2) discarding good hermeneutics for eschatology.
Since the tenets of pre-trib are not found directly in Scripture, heavy indoctrination is required for seminary students who become pastors that indoctrinate their congregations--The doctrine is learned by trusting authority figures above the clear, direct words of Scripture.
It is this underlying process of thinking being taught to good churches that is the most troubling. If we cannot think clearly in small things (like discerning truth from error in post- or pre-trib), how will we ever think clearly in big things (like when the most deceptive man in history, the Antichrist, arrives)?
We won't. (Luke 16:10)




RE: James Pannafino’s “The Rapture Revelation: Our Blessed Hope” lecture notes outlining Dispensational eschatology: The Pretribulation Rapture (pre-trib)
“Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” is important. (Matt 4:4)
If an idea (doctrine, view, theory) is NOT in the BIBLE, then it cannot be declared biblically true.
Exegesis takes directly stated facts (words, evidence) from the Bible and allows those facts to form the conclusion themselves.
Exegesis uses sound hermeneutics such as “in context” and an understanding of words from the biblical linguistics as they are used in the Bible without adding words, taking away words, changing words, changing definitions of words, taking out of context, etc.
Occam’s Razor:
A simple conclusion with the many facts and few assumptions has a high probability of accuracy.
A complicated conclusion with less facts and many assumptions has a low probability of accuracy.
A. Example:
Idea—Jesus’ Second Coming will happen after (“post”) the tribulation.
Bible verse--
Jesus states, “AFTER the tribulation… THEN…the Son of Man will appear in the sky.”
(Matt 24:29-31)
Jesus states, “AFTER that tribulation…THEN…they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds.” (Mark 13:24-27)
The idea is “after.”
The Bible states “after.”
The idea is taken directly from Scripture.
Therefore, the idea is biblically true.
B. Example:
Idea—At Jesus’ loud, visible Second Coming the Rapture will occur.
First, biblical definitions of words are determined by CONTEXT on the topic in Scripture.
Context determines meaning.
Definition of “Second Coming” means “the Second Coming of Jesus TO EARTH.”
Jesus’ First Coming was to earth.
Jesus’ Second Coming will be to earth:
“The Lamb was standing on Mount Zion.” Rev 14:1.
“The Lord… His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.” Zech 14:4.
Definition of Rapture means “caught up” – taken directly from Scripture.
PAUL SAID, “The Lord Himself will DESCEND FROM HEAVEN with A SHOUT, with the voice of the archangel and WITH THE TRUMPET of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first [the Resurrection]. THEN we who are alive and remain will be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord in the air [the RAPTURE].” (1 Thess 4:16-17)
ENGLISH VERB: caught up
GREEK: harpazo
LATIN: rapere or “rapio” for the two words “caught up” in 1 Thess 4:17
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
The idea (“the Rapture happens at the loud Second Coming”) is clearly and directly stated in Scripture by the words in 1 Thess 4:16-17:
“The Lord Himself will descend from heaven” at the loudly announced Second Coming with “a shout… and with the trumpet of God…. THEN we who are alive and remain will be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.”
The idea is directly stated in Scripture.
The idea is biblically true.
Mark 13:24-27
The idea (“the Rapture happens at the loud, visible Second Coming”) is directly stated in Mark 13:24-27 (and in the parallel passage of Matt 24:29-31).
Jesus said, “AFTER that tribulation,… THEN they will SEE the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And THEN HE WILL SEND forth the ANGELS and will GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT FROM THE FOUR WINDS, from THE FARTHEST END OF THE EARTH [the Rapture] to the farthest end of heaven.” (Mark 13:24-27)
Scripture clearly and directly states the idea (“the Rapture happens at the visible Second Coming”).
“The Son of Man coming…the angels will gather together his elect from the four winds, from the FARTHEST END OF THE EARTH” to “be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (Rapture).
(Mark 13:24-27; 1 Thess 4:17)
Matthew 24:29-31
Jesus said, “AFTER the tribulation…THEN the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and THEN all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will SEE the SON OF MAN COMING on the clouds of the sky. AND He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other”
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
“With regard to THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST and our gathering together to him…
IT WILL NOT COME unless the apostasy comes first, and the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS [Antichrist] is revealed.”
EXEGESIS is so simple—just read it and believe it—that even a 10-year-old read these Bible passages for the first time and concluded with the post-tribulation rapture view:
Jesus’ Second Coming happens “after the tribulation” and "THEN" the angels “gather the elect…from the farthest end of earth” [the Rapture] to be with him in the clouds [the Great Gathering].
(Mark 13:24-27; Matt 24:29-31; 1 Thess 4:16-17; 2 Thess 2:1-4)




RE: James Pannafino’s “The Rapture Revelation: Our Blessed Hope” lecture notes outlining Dispensational eschatology: The Pretribulation Rapture (pre-trib)
Whereas EXEGESIS allows God’s words in Scripture to speak for themselves,
EISEGESIS reads men’s words into Scripture changing them.
EXEGESIS uses an historical, linguistic literal hermeneutic in order to
interpret according to the plain, simple reading
unless a literal interpretation would be absurd, contradict other Scripture, or break sound hermeneutical rules, then it is metaphorical.
“Jesus is the Lamb.”
Literally, “Jesus” is the name of a man.
Metaphorically, he symbolizes a “Lamb.”
(It would be absurd to think Jesus has four legs and contradict Scripture to say he morphed from man to lamb.)
“Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” is important,
like finding true pieces of a puzzle to uncover the true picture. (Matt 4:4; Deut 8:3)
“Do not add to or take away from” the words of God. (Deut 4:2; 12:32; Rev 22:18-19)
EISEGESIS breaks rules of sound hermeneutics and molds the meanings to fit a predetermined bias (such as an errant church doctrine or other idea of man).
The typical process of eisegesis involves--
--adding words not found in Bible passages
--taking away from God’s words (ignoring, supplanting words) in the Bible
-- changing God’s words (redefining or giving new meanings not found) in the Bible
--contradicting God’s words in the Bible
--taking God’s words out of context
--misusing God’s words in wrong applications
--gnostic claims (esoteric, hidden, special knowledge not stated in the words of God)
--avalanching with assumptions
--replacing simple, direct words in the Bible with labyrinthine, complex teaching by authorities
--basing conclusions on many assumptions and few facts (Occam’s Razor)
--a plethora of logical fallacies (like attacking opponent’s character instead of his arguments)
--The Emperor’s New Clothes—“It’s there; you’re just too inept to see it, but the king does.”
--breaking major hermeneutical rules
--threatening people’s jobs or reputations if they don’t believe the errant doctrine
“Compartmentalization” is like living in two different rooms separated by a thick wall. One of the two has light, the other is dark. One follows a good set of rules, the other follows a very different set of rules contradicting the first. The occupant has no idea that the rooms are contradictory, because when he walks between them, his mind is trained to transition through extensive rationalizations making inconsistencies (the wall) invisible.
EXAMPLE: Graduate level text, THE CRIMINAL PERSONALITY, by Samuel Yochelson, p. 30:
In the morning, the man goes to church and says his rosaries.
In the afternoon, he robs the 7/11.
When he is in church, he thinks “church” alone.
When he is in 7/11, he thinks robbery alone.
He compartmentalizes two different sets of rules for his life.
EXAMPLE: Charles Ryrie (prof at DTS and president of Cairn University) wrote the text DISPENSATIONALISM TODAY. In the chapter “The Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism,”
Ryrie supports the historical, linguistic literal hermeneutic with 8 excellent rules to interpret the Bible (pp. 86-109).
In Ryrie’s book BASIC DOCTRINE, in the chapter entitled “The Pretribulational Rapture View” (given to me by my Rev. Dr. Dr. Pastor), Ryrie describes and defends pre-trib rapture consistently breaking all eight of his own hermeneutical rules.
He compartmentalizes one set of rules for soteriology (salvation) and a different set of rules for eschatology (pre-trib).
EXAMPLE: John MacArthur’s Commentary on Matthew often uses the historical, linguistic literal hermeneutic with good exegesis until he arrives at Matthew 24:29-31 describing Jesus’ “coming on the clouds,” “after the tribulation,” “sending forth the angels to gather the elect from the four winds” in one event (the post-trib rapture).
MacArthur ignores the passage, describes pre-trib doctrine, states 1 Thess 4:16-17 proves pre-trib (when it does not mention the tribulation at all), and breaks major hermeneutical rules as he shifts from exegesis to eisegesis.
He compartmentalizes.
EXAMPLE: John MacArthur’s 59-minute sermon (youtube) on Mark 13:24-27 exegetes Mark 13:24-25 using historical, linguistic, literal hermeneutics, then 4 minutes before the end of his sermon, switches to eisegesis on Mark 13:26-27 (the Rapture) breaking hermeneutical rules to describe pre-trib.
He compartmentalizes.
EXAMPLE: President Andy Woods of Chafer Theological Seminary took me 11 hours to analyze his one-hour lecture against post-trib in support of pre-trib.
When a seminary president does not follow basic rules of hermeneutics using instead eisegesis (adding, taking away, changing words…), it took hours to understand where he got his labyrinthine ideas from (Dispensational eschatology).
PART 3 James Pannafino’s lecture: “The Rapture Revelation” –
Is he using exegesis or eisegesis?




RE: James Pannafino’s “The Rapture Revelation: Our Blessed Hope” lecture notes outlining Dispensational eschatology: The Pretribulation Rapture (pre-trib)
PART 3 Does “The Rapture Revelation” use
Whereas EXEGESIS allows God’s words in Scripture to speak for themselves,
EISEGESIS reads men’s ideas into Scripture changing God’s words.
EXEGESIS uses an historical, linguistic, literal hermeneutic in order to
interpret according to the plain, simple reading of Scripture.
“Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” is important, (Matt 4:4; Deut 8:3).
“Do not add to or take away from” the words of God. (Deut 4:2; 12:32; Rev 22:18-19)
EISEGESIS breaks rules of sound hermeneutics and molds the meanings to fit a predetermined bias (such as an errant church doctrine) including:
--adding words not found in Bible passages
--taking away from God’s words in the Bible
-- changing God’s words in the Bible
--contradicting God’s words in the Bible
--taking God’s words out of context
--replacing literal words in the Bible with labyrinthine teaching by authorities
--basing conclusions on many assumptions and few facts (Occam’s Razor)
--a plethora of logical fallacies
--The Emperor’s New Clothes—“It’s there; you’re just too inept to see it, but the king does.”
--breaking major hermeneutical rules
RESPONSE to “The Rapture Revelation” by James Pannafino
James quotes many passages [Titus 2:11-13; 1 thess 4:13-18; John 3:2-3; John 14:1-3; 1 Cor 15:51-53; Rev 19:11-14, 16; Rev 1:7; Matt 24:29-30 (avoiding vs. 31 about the Rapture and the parallel passage in Mark 13:24-27 literally describing the Rapture], 2 Thess 2:3-4; Romans 11:25-26; Dan 9:24; Zech 12:10-11). Excellent.
Except, he does no exegesis—showing how the facts in these passages prove his beliefs.
He quotes a passage, then (like MacArthur) makes an assertion (not proven in that passage).
To the contrary, my belief of the post-trib rapture is easily described by quoting facts:
“AFTER that tribulation,” “then,” Jesus will “send the angels to gather the elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth” (Mark 13:24-27) to “be caught up… in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess 4:17) to “meet him in the clouds of the sky” (Matt 24:30-31) in one event literally and explicitly described (in Mark 13:24-27; Matt 24:29-31; 1 Thess 4:16-17) using conjunctions such as “and then,” “and then,” “and,” “and,” “and” (in Matt 24:30-31). Using stated facts in the three major passages on the Second Coming and the Rapture ties them altogether into ONE EVENT (one Second Coming with the Rapture at that time).
This is exegesis: using the facts of Scripture to form the conclusion (post-trib rapture).
James stated, “The Rapture will be secret and instantaneous* (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).”
He also stated, “The Rapture is described in … 1 Corinthians 15:50-54.”
Note: He gives the reference. He makes two assertions.
But the reference does NOT prove his assertions.
The Rapture in NOT mentioned anywhere in the entire chapter of 1 Cor 15, much less 1 Cor 15:51-53.
1 CORINTHIANS 15:51-53
“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.”
This passage does not prove “the Rapture”—no Rapture is mentioned in this passage.
It does not prove a “secret” Rapture—the trumpet is blasting alerting everyone!
It does not prove an “instantaneous” Rapture—because this passage is about THE RESURRECTION, not the Rapture. The Resurrection is “in the twinkling of an eye”—instantaneous—not the Rapture.
James’ one statement* about 1 Cor 15:51-53
added words to the passage (Rapture, secret);
took away words (“the dead will be raised”);
misapplied words (“instantaneous” to the Rapture instead of the Resurrection);
changed words (Resurrection means Rapture—C.f. Woods whom James recommended);
and thus used eisegesis.
James uses eisegesis.
What is the Rapture?
Context and linguistic analysis of the Greek and Latin NT word determines the English meaning.
“We who are alive and remain will be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord in the air” [the Rapture]. (1 Thess 4:16-17)
ENGLISH VERB: caught up
GREEK: harpazo
LATIN: rapere or “rapio” for the two words “caught up” in 1 Thess 4:17
How does a Dispensationalist (pre-trib) usually argue back on 1 Cor 15?
You are too literal.
(ME: I believe “every word.”)
You are too inept.
(I can’t see what’s not there.)
You don’t understand Israel.
(The Resurrection is for all believers.)
You are closed.
(“Unless I am convinced by Scripture…”)




Which is used in post-tribulation rapture (post-trib)?
Which is used in pre-tribulation rapture (pre-trib)?
Are we training our mind in truth (exegesis) or error (eisegesis)?

Pre-trib says that Jesus comes “BEFORE” the tribulation in a SECRET, SILENT, INVISIBLE return TO THE CLOUDS of earth to RAPTURE the saints WITHOUT ANGELS and take them BACK TO HEAVEN.
(Taught by MacArthur, Ryrie, Walvoord, Swaggart, Woods, Tim LaHaye (LEFT BEHIND)…All following Dallas Theological Seminary Dispensational end-time eschatology)

MARK 13:24-27,
Jesus said, “AFTER that tribulation,… THEN THEY WILL SEE the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. AND THEN HE WILL SEND forth the ANGELS and will GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT FROM THE FOUR WINDS, from THE FARTHEST END OF THE EARTH [the Rapture] to the farthest end of heaven.”

“Elect” is defined by Romans 8:33-39. The fact that all believers FROM ALL NATIONS coming from heaven with Jesus are called “the elect” means the elect are Jews and Gentiles from all nations. The elect, the saints, believers, and Christians are synonyms.
MATTHEW 24:29-31
Jesus said, “AFTER the TRIBULATION of those days… AND THEN the sign of the Son of Man will APPEAR in the sky, AND THEN ALL THE TRIBES OF THE EARTH WILL MOURN, AND they will SEE the Son of Man coming on THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. AND He will send forth HIS ANGELS with a great trumpet AND they will gather together His elect from the four winds, FROM ONE END OF THE SKY TO THE OTHER.” [the Rapture]

PAUL SAID, “The Lord Himself will DESCEND FROM HEAVEN with A SHOUT, with the voice of the archangel and WITH THE TRUMPET of God, AND the dead in Christ will rise first [the Resurrection]. THEN we who are alive and remain will be CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord in the air [the Rapture].

ENGLISH VERB: caught up
GREEK: harpazo
LATIN: rapere or “rapio” for the two words “caught up” in 1 Thess 4:17

According to the plain reading of Scripture, the Bible facts are “AFTER the tribulation,” “the coming of the Son of Man” [the Second Coming], “all the tribes of earth… will SEE,” “the dead in Christ will rise” [the Resurrection], “angels… gather elect… caught up in the clouds… to meet the Lord in the air” [the Rapture].
ONE Second Coming is described tying every event together with many conjunctions (“and,” “then,” “and then”) in all the Bible passages on the topic proving the Rapture comes at the one-and-only loud (trumpets), visible (“SEE”), one-and-only Second Coming of the Son of Man back to earth.

How do Dispensationalists look at the clear facts of these paramount passages to prove a secret rapture before the tribulation which is NOT stated in the Bible?
--add words by inserting a 7-year gap to split the passages in half to create 2 parts to the Second Coming
--change definitions of words: Part 1 is called “the Rapture” and Part 2 is called “the Second Coming.”
--change meanings of words: “The Rapture is the Resurrection and vv.”
--take away words by rejecting the angels from carrying up believers in the Rapture
--add words like the angels gathering Jews from all the earth back to Jerusalem
--take out of context, change words, change meanings, add and take away words, insert dogma not found in the passage like using the literal first century church of Philadelphia (the sixth church, not the last), change it into an allegorical end-time church, change “time of testing” into “the great tribulation,” and promise the Rapture (not found in any passages on the 7 churches)
(Rev 3:7+)

Pre-trib uses eisegesis to insert “before,” “7 years,” “secret,” “invisible,” “silent,” “two parts…” which are all the main tenets of pre-trib NOT found anywhere in the Bible.
This is eisegesis.

Post-trib takes the stated facts of Scripture in the paramount passages on the topic and lets those facts form the conclusion.
This is exegesis.


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