ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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In Search Of The Holy Language

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1In Search Of The Holy Language Empty In Search Of The Holy Language Wed May 05, 2021 11:07 am


Hi all, I'm here today to share some valuable knowledge that I think you will be interested in...  

Are you aware that the entire Hebrew alphabet is produced by a single spiral form, which in turn in a product of natures law?

This is the SAME mathematical pattern we witness in all of the natural world - known as the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio.  We see these patterns in all plants, animals, humans, the life cycle of atomic particles and even the distances between the planets.  It is everywhere!

What does this prove?!  It proves a Creator, and that He signed His signature on ALL things in existence.

If you're interested to learn more or discuss please converse with me here, or you can check out my website.  Just Google:
Wix Anita Meyer Books

My books are:  In Search of the Holy Language, Beyond The Bible Code, Incredible Secrets of Scripture Unlocked, The Cosmic Key, Amazing Prophesies fulfilled.  You can find all my books on Amazon

Enjoy, and God Bless!

Otangelo, AnitaMeyer1 and notatinkertoy like this post

2In Search Of The Holy Language Empty Re: In Search Of The Holy Language Wed Dec 15, 2021 7:20 am


AnitaMeyer1 wrote:Hi all, I'm here today to share some valuable knowledge that I think you will be interested in...  

Are you aware that the entire Hebrew alphabet is produced by a single spiral form, which in turn in a product of natures law?

This is the SAME mathematical pattern we witness in all of the natural world - known as the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio.  We see these patterns in all plants, animals, humans, the life cycle of atomic particles and even the distances between the planets.  It is everywhere!

What does this prove?!  It proves a Creator, and that He signed His signature on ALL things in existence.

What about the following seven-fold, marriage-typological recursion (does this recursion have anything like the Golden Ratio?)?

1. the general cosmos and the special Earth.
  2. The Earth, as its own general subject, implying that which we all intuit is most valuable about the Earth unto itself in all the cosmos: its abiding maximal abundance of open liquid water.
    3. that water and its special relation to the Sun's light, hence the water cycle;
      4. The water cycle and its special beneficiary and member, biology;
        5. biology and its special category, animal biology (plant/animal/mineral = animal);
          6. Animal biology and its special category, human;
7. The man and his wife (Genesis 2:21-23)

By this seven-fold recursion, we can see that the account's not mentioning the material source of humans is not a simple lack of information, but, rather, is an anticipation. It also is an affirmation of human value. We humans are the Special creation of the Living God, so that not only are we not insignificant, we are the central value both of the entire account and the entire cosmos. Our value transcends that of the Earth, by our ability to both see and practically add to its proper complex cosmic value. As for the anticipation, that anticipation is fulfilled in Genesis 2, especially in vs. 18-23.

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