ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)

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Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)


Henry B. Smith Jr.: The Case for the Septuagint’s Chronology in Genesis 5 and 11  (2018)
The LXX’s primeval chronology, with a Creation date of ca. 5554 BC and a Flood date of ca. 3298 BC, has the strongest evidence favoring its originality

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)

A response to the video:
Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood

Hoffman’s proposed harmonization would still put much Egyptian prehistory before the Flood. The LXX has a longer chronology, which is more accepting of secular Egyptian history, but it does not fix all the problems.
Demetrius the Chronographer (in a quote preserved by Eusebius) places the LXX chronology in the second century BC. Therefore, all three texts have attestation much earlier than the first preserved manuscript.
We refuted the argument that an early 2nd century Jewish leader named Rabbi Akiba originated the MT chronology in order to mess with a chiliastic timing of the Messiah’s arrival.3 Even though several important LXX advocates claim the changes were made for eschatological reasons, Hoffman has a completely different reason why Jews might have created the Masoretic text.
Hoffman claims the Jews changed the genealogy so Melchizedek could be Shem (a son of Noah and an ancestor of the Jewish people).  Many Christian theologians of the past had no problem associating Shem and Melchizedek.

Hoffman thinks the MT was created around 60 AD, in the wake of the writing of the biblical book of Hebrews. But this would require someone to intercept the book of Hebrews very early in its existence, before it became widely known, decide it was a massively important work, and then convince the Jewish establishment that they needed to change the Torah to fix the problem. There is a lack of evidence for this. Given that Christians were able to make theological arguments for Christ from both texts, it follows that neither one was anti-Christian.

As an aside, if people were routinely having children in their 100s just a few generations before Abraham, why was Sarah past her childbearing years by the time she was 60? This is yet another factor that suggests the LXX dates have been tampered with.
Over and over again, the Christians with the best grasp of Hebrew and the most access to the different manuscripts came to the conclusion that it was the Masoretic that was the most reliable. As we said above, it formed the basis of Jerome’s Vulgate, which was the most influential Bible in the Western church for 1,000 years. The MT also formed the basis for all the Reformation and post-Reformation translations of the Old Testament from Hebrew into various world languages.
And like most informed Christians of generations past, we have come to the conclusion that the Masoretic is most probably original when it comes to the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies.


If you want to burn Blu-rays and DVD's, then feel free. Just use these resources at this link (download the disc images and artwork to make your own copies): https://drive.google.com/drive/folder...
This is a video explaining whether or not the Egyptian pyramids were built before the flood of Noah's day. It also deals with issues with the accuracy of the Hebrew Masoretic text verses the Greek Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Tower of Babel, the age of the Earth, an extra Cainan in Jesus' genealogy, and the identity of Melchizedek - not in that particular order.
The Jews distorted their own Bible in their attempt to disprove Christianity. But it really just made their own religion look stupid. So now it appears that the pyramids were built before the flood, that there wasn't enough time for the Tower of Babel event to have taken place, and that Shem outlived all his sons and grandsons. But thankfully God has preserved His Words in the Greek Septuagint, which was considered the Christian Bible in the days of the early church. And it preserves the original Hebrew...except for when it doesn't (the Greek isn't always perfect either).
Click here to view on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/219396064

Click here to view Kent Hovind's response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te1iQ...

Click here to read CMI’s response: https://creation.com/pyramids-before-...

Click here to watch my previous video "How Long Were The Israelites in Egypt?"
Here’s a clip from a BBC television mini-series called “Egypt” (episode 6) where they show an explorer from the early 1800’s, named Champollion, writing in his private diary that he found evidence that Egyptian history pre-dates Noah’s flood:
Atheist Claims:

Here's one video of an atheist, Shane Craig, using the age of the pyramids as proof that the flood of Noah couldn't have happened:

Here's a video of an atheist, Aron Ra, who says that the pyramids pre-date the flood:

Here's a video of an atheist, Matt Dillahunty, saying that ancient civilizations pre-date the flood:

Here's an atheist website claiming that the pyramids were built before the flood, and therefore the Bible must be wrong:

Here's an atheist website which claims that there wasn't enough time after the flood for the world to re-populate enough in order to build the Tower of Babel (scroll about halfway down the page to the heading that says "Re-population")
Jewish Claims:

Click here to view the video of Rabbi Asher Meza claiming that Shem is Melchizedek:
Good Articles:

For more information about the identity of Melchizedek and Shem, check out Tiffany Denham's article:

I also suggest reading an article by Answers in Genesis on the subject of the pyramids (I found this article to be very helpful in the making of this video):

Here's another excellent article from Answers In Genesis, dealing with the extra years in the genealogy: https://answersingenesis.org/bible-ti...
Text Preservation:

The video during the end credits is of Frank Turek. Click here to watch his full presentation about how text preservation really works:

Please check out the excellent documentary "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus"
And their 2nd film "Patterns of Evidence: "The Moses Controversy"
And their 3rd film "Patterns of Evidence: "The Red Sea Miracle"

William Lane Craig - Septuagint Vs. Masoretic Genealogies


The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew) Sem_tz51

What I fail to understand here is the whole Melchizedek Shem argument, Even if Shem were Melchizedek (and that can't be proven) how would it in anyway take away from Christ?
God used people in the OT to draw pictures of himself such as in the case of Joseph being betrayed by his brothers, sold for silver, a queen lies about him and tears off his garment, Joseph in prison with two men and one rises to be a cup-bearer while the other condemned, Joseph rises from his prison to become second in command in all of Egypt.
Joseph's life is a snapshot of the Messiah in astounding detail.-and events that would transpire in Christ's life hundreds of years in advance.
If Shem was the Melchizedek of the OT he is a type and God used them regularly.
God used the lives of the Patriarchs and Joseph, Moses,Joshua etc to paint vivid types, so Shem outliving many generations isn't an issue whatsoever. Keeping Shem alive until the patriarchs are alive seems to me quite logical. He is a witness to events on an actual story that would be skewed, accusations of the Hebrews "borrowing" from other cultures the flood story, when in fact it would be the other way around if the MT is correct.

Last edited by Otangelo on Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:51 am; edited 5 times in total




Douglas Petrovich agrees with the Septuagint.




The Jews are correct in my opinion on this because all the Semitic tribes came from Shem, Shem would have been the High Priest.
Melchizedek is a King and met Abraham after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and those with him.
It seems Melchizedek is a paradox, he blessed Abraham and Abraham gave him a tithe he was a high priest to God and Melchizedek blessed God also for delivering Abraham from his enemies.
Melchizedek seems to be a human who was a high priest, the only person this man could have been would have been Shem.-Unless this was a "heavenly visitation" but we aren't told that, since we have an example of that in Abraham's 3 visitors and they don't align themselves with Melchizedek, nor do they "bless the most high" because these 3 are the most high.
Abraham bowed down and called him Lord Genesis 18
Hebrews 7 creates a paradox from Melchizedek-who was a king and blesses Abraham and also blesses the "Most High"
From the order of priesthood Abraham is the Father of this succession.
Key words of Paul- "first being by interpretation"
Melchizedek is a type -a juxtaposition of the whole and he represents King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; 3Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.
Melchizedek being the high priest represents God, but Abraham did not bow down to him, as he did with the 3 visitors. Melchizedek himself blesses the Most High, which shows he isn't the most high.
The Jews are correct in my opinion on this because all the Semitic tribes came from Shem, Shem would have been the High Priest, this was passed to Abraham when Melchizedek blesses him, Shem would have been the one to pass the proverbial torch to Abraham.
Where they get it wrong is the fact that Rachel was Jacob's beloved NOT Leah and Leah was the Mother of Levi.
It is when Rachel bears Joseph and Benjamin that it gets very interesting because these are the children born of Jacob that had his heart-and it is Joseph that becomes the type of Christ in his suffering,(betrayal) death (imprisonment) and resurrection (second in command throughout all Egypt) - and ALL the brothers BOW DOWN TO HIM... Joseph puts a cup in the bag of Benjamin- saying that whomever that cup is found that brother will serve HIM forever...This is a time line of events, its a juxtaposition with future events that will occur and it did occur as Joseph is a type of Christ and the cup is the cup of the new covenant.- which was passed to PAUL, Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin-the church is passed the cup of the new covenant from the type that Joseph was-This is quite amazing and shows that the Bible is a living breathing document that was wholly inspired by some brilliant supernatural mind.
There are two story lines going on in the scriptures at the same time in the OT-one occurring at the time, and another than has future implications just like the juxtaposition of Melchizedek.
The whole idea that because Christ wasn't from the tribe of Levi,thus can't be a high priest has no bearing on it because it was Rachel that was the beloved and it was Joseph the brothers bowed down too, every single one of them!

When you represent someone all that God is doing is a mirror of what is to come. Paul took Melchizedek and gave a deeper understanding of what Melchizedek represented.
Abraham never bowed on the ground and called Melchizedek Lord like he did during his visitation of the 3 visitors, Abraham never called Melchizedek Lord.
Paul is drawing a picture of Melchizedek- since he was the High Priest of God at the time of Abraham, what does God need a tithe for???
Does God need money, food, property, clothes or livestock?
It was SHEM as High Priest, he is the one God chose to carry on and was in the linage of Abraham, The Most High has no need of possessions, money or booty from a war with Chedorlaomer and those with him.
God asks for animal sacrifices. Only humans need a tithe for their needs.

Ignoring the fact that with each succession of bestowing blessing from one generation to the next I still claim that Shem is a type of Melchizedek and it was right to bless Abraham because this is what they did and we see that in Melchizedek to Abraham, Abraham to Issac, Issac to Jacob, Jacob to the sons of Joseph.
The ONLY person that could bestow on to Abraham a blessing was Shem or the Lord and we know it wasn't the Lord because Abraham did not bow to him, he gave him a tithe.
Melchizedek blessed Abraham and the Most high, that makes no sense if he was the Most High.

As stated before its a juxtaposition- Of Christ because he carries the linage that will eventually bring him into the world through generations and God's perfect timing
When Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor.- So If Melchizedek is God, didn't Abraham already meet him?
Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “I will give this land to your offspring. ” So Abram built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him. Genesis 12
Melchizedek is NOT Christ, (He represents the MOST HIGH) and blesses the most High because he was chosen by God to pass the torch to Abraham and did it by blessing Abraham and that could only have been Shem as a representative of the Most High.
When you represent someone all that God is doing is a mirror of what is to come. Paul took that and gave a deeper understanding of what Melchizedek represented and then God used Abraham to show how he planned to sacrifice his own Son by calling Abraham to do the same.
Then Issac was offered, as a juxtaposition- of the future of Christ suffering.

Then Jacob has a bride he was not seeking but got anyway- Just as the gentile church received Christ, and then Jacob had to work an extra 7 years to pay for his beloved Rachel who represent Israel who Jesus has to work longer for..(because they rejected him due to blindness)
God is revealing himself in Abraham,Issac and Jacob and it seems right that Melchizedek blesses Abraham, then the blessing moves to Issac and then to Jacob and then during the Jubilee (50 years after this whole revealing of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit- Through Abraham Issac and Jacob, Shem then dies. Seriously?
Seems awful fantastic to me. The Jews wouldn't even see this. I don't believe it, because they don't believe in the trinity, so they wouldn't have even known to put the death of Shem in the very area that makes sense with God using the Patriarchs to reveal key things about himself and his plan. What are the odds of that, that the very person that is a representation of the Holy Spirit who turns 50 (Jacob) at the end a timeline, would cause Shem to die when 50 represents Pentecost. That is just too much to be a "perfect guesstimate"
Shem would need to die at this point in the timeline, because he is not Jesus, he is Shem and from Shem this picture God paints moves on to Joseph- the proverbial torch is passed to him as the next in line of priest as its God giving more vivid details to this ongoing story.

It makes perfect sense when you see the overlay of a story that God has painted.
Then God moves on to give deeper details of betrayal, being sold for silver and a queen ripping off a garment, thrown into the depth of the earth to one rising up to become second in command in all Egypt -
And the brothers finally bowing to their brother during a 7 year famine in the land- which happened in Josephs time...but has not occurred in this juxtaposition story God has painted that is yet future...
When Israel recognizes their Messiah and looks on him who was pierced..Zech12- that will fulfill it.
Even the thief that was saved on the cross is remembered by Jesus in ages past when Joseph is in the prison and the cup-bearer rises from the pit.- to be in paradise..
When you try to wrap your mind around what this story paints. its some supernatural overlay to some future fulfillment you tend to put your trust in it, because it never fails to disappoint and shock you..What you see as an insignificance detail just comes to life. It takes on a life that's mindbogglingly accurate.

Oddly enough Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin, on the way to...
Well of course she would die, because Rachel represents Israel
and Benjamin represents the church.- he has the cup from one like the son of man Joseph/Jesus and Rachel is representative of Israel and dies in giving birth to Benjamin.
Rachel/Israel died giving birth to the CHURCH in whom Benjamin represents. - as he got the cup of the New Covenant...put in his bag from Joseph who was a type of Christ ages ago and then fulfilled in the NT.
""A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
That takes on a whole new dimension - as her children were no more killed by Herod, and no more at the birth of the Christ in Bethlehem, where Israel would reject their own Messiah and in turn the cup of the new covenant would be passed to the tribe of Benjamin which is the Apostle Paul.
So tell me these are just fantastic "coincidences " I'm not even remotely going to believe it..The Bible is a spiritual book and what may not make sense can have deeper significance so I don't mess with it.
As far as Eber being old, I don't have all the answers to every dilemma, I have a hard enough time wrapping my head around the stuff I have already been given, and its quite a lot that i haven't shared here.




After the flood could Noah's 3 sons & daughters in-laws reproduce enough people to build the pyramids?

To be honest this issuse presented a problem for your truly earlier on in his biblical apologetic stage and bible scoffers and flood deniers often point to this as an issue.
At first glance, the biblical timeline and the secular ancient Egyptian chronology put the pyramids of giza as being built before the flood (step pyramid est 2600 bce) and the (Great pyramid est 2500 bce) with the biblical chronology for Noah's flood being between 2500 and 2350 B.C..

This present a problem at first glance for the biblical literalist because according to the Genesis book of nations in Genesis chapter 11 kjv and onwards Mizriam (Egypt) is a post flood post Babel civilization, an offspring of Noah's son Ham who migrated to the continent of Africa after Babel.

However it is being reviled by some researchers that the secular ancient Egyptian dynastic/Chronology periods are way way way off with some pharaohs reign running in sequence with other pharaohs reign. So what does this mean? Well I'm glad you asked, this mean that the secular view of the ancient Egyptian chronology ( started by the pagan ancient Egyptian priest Manthos) should shave off over a Millenia from the current ancient Egyptian time line, and when doing so make everything lineup perfectly well with the biblical view of history as seen in the chart provided by yours truly below.

Closing thoughts;
Once the Ancient Egyptian and other ancient nations true chronology is revealed then it is clearly possible to see how 8 people coming off the ark around 2400 (B.C.) all with robust lifespans and a high population growth rate^ could produce 100's and 1000's people two to four centuries later. For instance the children of Israel went into Egypt with less than 150 people around 1800 (B .C.) and came out a mighty host over 400 years later with between a million to 2 million souls according to some biblical est. Plus how many people does it take to get a city started? 100, 200, 500 people? And as far as the pyramids and other ancient structures goes a few thousand intelligent individuals can get them all built in a few decades, esp with the Incredible pre-flood knowledge and tech Noah and family passed to their offspring after the flood.

Albeit those who look at the world through Darwinian glasses have the real issue with human population growth rates, for they believe mankind (modern homospian) have been committing incest and burying their dead and "artifacts" for over 300,000 years, with billions and billions being born and dying, and that's even with a low growth rate^, yet where are their graves? Surely the earth surface should be inundated with ancient graves, where are they? Where are their artifacts, someone pointed out that most things that have been found can be piled on the back of a pickup truck, very telling isn't it. The ancient and current human population growth isnt a Biblical Creationist problem its and Evolutionist and OEC problem.

Reference; P. Steve Anderson population and the bible...(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CbIhnqJ2ys8&feature=youtu.be)
Reference; Dr. Carl Baugh and Heffner crunched the current human population numbers.... https://youtu.be/CuJ_-5JZ4xc

Reference; see the book "The Evolution handbook




P. Steven Anderson crunched the Human population growth numbers and the data fit the Special Creation model much better than the evolutionary story of man's alleged humble beginnings & population growth. Watch the the below short video and leave your thoughts.





Nancy Cogar

The family of Noah was located west of Ararat after the flood, the civilization from that area sprang up and spread to Ur, Sumer Babylon etc
Asherah came from the root of Asshur and at this early history, the great-grandson of Noah (Genesis 10:Cool mentions Nimrod as the son of Cush and lists the cities of his kingdom, in the land of Shinar. The Bible speaks of Asshur and his building of cities in the Assyrian area, this Asshur gets confused with Shem's son who was named Asshur.
Asshur is considered to be another name for Nimrod.

Micah 5:6 clears this up and connects Nimrod with Assyria
And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders.
Nimrod means “the rebel” similar to the name of the antichrist that is “the lawless one”
So the whole opposition against God was set in motion from the beginning of the birth of civilization (tower of Babel) and Abraham lived in the midst of this.
At some point, we have to consider how bad things were before the flood to cause God to just wipe it all out and start over.

The Bible says there were giants in the land.
It would seem that Ham had a real issue when we look at the picture the Bible paints in detail. Noah listened to God and built the Ark to save his family and one night gets drunk after it's all over-who wouldn't feel like getting snockered?
So he gets smashed and falls asleep butt naked, and Ham sees him and doesn't have the common decency or respect his own Father to just walk over and cover him up, he just goes and blabs to his brothers who have the respect to do what is right.
Seems to me Ham and his sharing of information was his downfall and it is pretty certain he shared stories to his descendants that would have been better left unsaid and it seems to have made a big impact.
Maybe we would not have taken the whole earth being destroyed very well either, but it is apparent that stories of the Anunnaki that caused the birth of the Nephilim made a big impact because this is where the whole Nimrod ideas sprang and where all these God's were created in Mesopotamia and the seed of "Anu" which impacted Ham's descendants.
So the whole early ancient world seems to have been deluged with the stories that occurred pre-flood.
Abraham would have been the most unlikely candidate to be chosen by God because Abraham's Father was a Sumerian Priest, involve in this religion but Abraham rejected all the nonsense.
Abraham and anyone alive at the time would have lived with two prevailing stories that were in conflict, one story that came from Noah himself and others that came from all the pre-flood deities invented by the people through the stories that were shared.

If I were alive at the time, I would have wanted to meet Noah himself and get to the bottom of it and it is certain that Abraham did just that, he never left the area until a few years after Noah died, Abraham was 58.
God protected the timeline through the chain of custody-THROUGH OATH.
From Noah the oath was passed to Shem
From Shem (Melchizedek) the oath was passed to Abraham
From Abraham to Issac
From Issac to Jacob

Then Shem died. Shem was the witness that God kept alive until the Patriarchs were chosen, protecting the whole historical timeline and the chain of custody.
Those that argue that the Septuagint is accurate and that Shem died long before Abraham was born do not see how crucial it was that Shem live until the Patriarchs were chosen. Shem was King and high priest of Salem, the living witness to events of the past and the only one who would have had the authority to correct the historical inaccuracies
Shem needed to witness Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, because they were the types God used to reveal Himself in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God overlapped lives to protect the historical chain of custody.

We have Bruegel's depiction of the architecture and renditions of the tower of Babel so disputing a painter's rendition of it is not in any way historical.
Of course, it would take millions of people to build the tower that looks like the painting, but the bible doesn't have a multitude of generations alive at the time so the idea of what the tower looked like is interpolated to be this massive tower but not enough generations alive at the time to justify it.
Any claim to how many people were needed to build the structure of the tower is not based on any details given in the Bible, so we are left with Bruegel's depiction rather than the reality of not having this information available.

Nathan makes an error in reasoning and we're left with debating Bruegel's painting.
So any claim of the population needed for the tower is moot, the Bible doesn't give us enough information on the tower to make any claim and the generations born are simply not there to justify millions of people.
Nathan also appeals to emotion with Shem.

"Poor Shem" he witnessed the death of his whole family, children, grandchildren, Friends, etc.. because he lived such a very long life.
Yet Shem witnessed the death of the WHOLE WORLD while on the Ark.
He literally lived through the most traumatic time in history, so claiming anything on emotion is resolved, there are far more important things unfolding and the purpose of your life that was spared goes far beyond simple gratitude.
Shem's life was spared by God for a purpose beyond Shem and certainly Shem more than anyone would have understood the concept more than anyone.
Noah was a Patriarch and chose Shem to succeed him
Nathan doesn't understand there are far more important and crucial foundational issues. God does not leave anything to conjecture and the death of Shem would definitely would have caused a lapse because promises from the time of Noah were passed from one generation to the succeeding according to whom God chose and they passed this through an oath
21(For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec:)

Hebrews 7
We can follow the timeline perfectly and it's quite shocking how the Bible confirms it.
From Noah, Shem is in succession to be the Patriarch, he is described as living forever due to his very long life and Shem is a type of Christ as High Priest and we can follow the oath to see where it leads

Shem as Melchizedek blesses Abraham who is the next Patriarch and then follows Issac and then Jacob- THEN Shem dies and what we have next is the betrayal and selling off of Joseph who IS a type of Christ who is a form of Melchizedek - Isn't it awfully convenient that after the Patriarch of the faith -Abraham, Isaac, Jacob have been blessed by oath then a type of Christ appears in the life of Joseph that fills the story up with being betrayed, sold for silver etc.
Having Shem die long before Abraham, breaks the chain of custody and that chain leads straight to Joseph who was used as a type and his life mirrors what occurred during Christ's life, and it is through Jacob that Joseph has this coat of many colors and is itself a type of a Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
Shem died before this event happened, but Jacob was alive to actually see the fulfillment of Melchizedek coming into focus and it fits the timeline of the events that Shem die at this time as God is choosing Joseph as a type of Christ, who is
in the order of Melchizedek.- and it ALL Came through the oath, from one proceeding Patriarch to the next.

The fact is the "order of Melchizedek", has an actual order from one to the next.
Not understanding this "order" makes the idea just vague, we don't know what it means if we don't allow types that God has given us to show us the deeper meaning.
God paints a vivid picture in Genesis.

Nothing is missing in the Book of Genesis it has the whole Gospel hidden away and when we follow it, it takes us on an amazing adventure.
There is only one person that can be Melchizedek and that is Shem
Jesus wasn't hanging out as King in Salem and the only other person it could have been would have been Shem, Shem becomes the type of "Melchizedek "
God used Shem, just like he used Joesph to be a type of the Messiah who is Melchizedek
God painted a picture of himself REPEATEDLY..Through the Patriarchs of the Faith.

Abraham who would take his Son and offer him up as a sacrifice and Isacc who was offered and was spared with a ram caught in a thicket and Jacob who loved Rachel (Israel) but ended up with Leah (Gentiles-whom he did not desire) and had to work longer to get his beloved Rachel is the story of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit -
IN FINE DETAIL. Even the fact that Israel did not recognize her Messiah when he came, is locked up in an OT story of Rachel wanting Leah's mandrakes and was even willing to trade her husband Jacob for them- the fact that Jacob is a type of the Holy Spirit in this story takes on a whole new dimension.

Mandrakes is an anesthetic, making you unaware or asleep and that is what occurred to Israel in the NT, she was asleep during her visitation.
When God has completed one portion of the picture he has painted- it moves to the next generation in line and more details are given is finer detail of another person he has chosen to reveal himself
That picture was painted for us with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and THEN Shem dies (Melchizedek) and it is time for the next who WILL be Melchizedek under another type and that is Joseph.
We know who Melchizedek is, he is Jesus Christ, but God chose types to shadow him until the Lord was born and the order of Melchizedek was through oath
From Noah, Shem, Abraham, Issac, Jacob to Joseph and it is the details of Joseph's life that confirm who the Messiah would be and who he was, who suffered, died, rose again, and became second in command over all of Egypt-(Egypt a type of the whole earth) as Jesus KING OF JERUSALEM reigns forever as Melchizedek.

But this really makes no sense if some obscure guy in the OT was Melchizedek
The chain of custody falls apart if it's not and the idea of the blessing passed by oath gets ignored.
Nathan just ignores these issues.

So how does the aegypt timeline line up with the OT then?

Egypt chonology is a mess because all history is based on it and it's not just the Bibical record but other civilizations and historial alignments as well.
Even secular Egyptologists agree that Egyptian chronologies are in desperate need of revision. Manetho compiled Egyptian history into dynasties that are commonly used today, but many in the list could have ruled as a nome kingdoms which are either inflated timespans or overlapping rulers.

Flood year 1656AM
1757 AM Peleg born (2248 BC) (for in his days was the earth divided; Genesis 10:25
Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt in 526 BC
Byzantine chronicler Constantinus Manasses (d. 1187) wrote that the Egyptian state lasted 1663 years. If correct, then counting backward from the time that Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt in 526 BC, gives us the year of 2188 BC for the founding of Egypt, about 60 years after the birth of Peleg. (Ref Ussher)
That date is 1817AM-founding of Egypt
Mizraim, the son of Ham, led his colony into Egypt.

Manetho, who recorded the history of Egypt in the third century BC. wrote that the Tower of Babel occurred five years after the birth of Peleg.
If this was so, then this would confirm that the migrations recorded in Genesis 10 occurred over a period of time.
These ancient historians in different times and in different places have confirmed the amazing accuracy of the biblical genealogies and historians all point to Peleg's birth. The beginning of Egypt would have been founded 101 years after the flood of Noah.

After the Flood, conditions of longevity continued for a while, with life-spans only gradually being reduced. Noah lived 950 years (350 of them after the Flood, Gen. 9:28-29). Noah's 3 sons had a recorded total of 16 sons and, presumably, about the same number of daughters, with each family thus averaging about 10 children. From the Flood to the birth of Abraham a total of 292 years and 8 generations are recorded.
Since there are 70 nations mentioned in Genesis 10 as resulting from the "division" at Babel, it is reasonable to infer that there were 70 family groups living during the time of Babel, representing probably the generation of Noah's grandsons and great-grandsons. Seventy families containing 800 or 1,000 individuals altogether seem to fit the situation described at Babel, leaving us with 56,000 to 70,000 indivduals, but even then we cannot assume that of all these people all just hung out in one general location, they could have migrated out to build near the general area into Nineveh and even Canaan and possibly as far as Egypt.
People had to grow crops to survive and raise livestock, that takes property so people weren't just all hanging out in cities, they had to migrate.
Gen 10:11

11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,(south of Mosul in northern Iraq.)
Rehoboth is only 20 miles from Beersheba, so they were already 450 miles from Babylon into present day Israel, not a streach to imagine they were also in Egypt before the tower of Babel even occurred.
The problem here is the monstrocity of Bruegel's architecture and renditions of the tower of Babel. That painted structure would have taken millions of people and a massive labor force and its just unrealistic.
Not sure how people waiting until they were 100 years older to have children (LXX) helps Nathan's hypothisis when it doesn't describe the tower dimensions in the Bible-that's 100 years of less people early in the Biblical account, it doesn't make sense that it helps his argument at all.

Normally I wouldn't bother with commenting more but since you're adding info to dispute Nathan then I'll add more.
⁠Nathan makes an error in the genealogy, by assumptions.

⁠Arphaxad was born two years after the flood. This doesn't mean Arphaxad is the first to be born to Noah's sons.
⁠Arphaxad is listed because he is the first son after the flood that God has CHOSEN in the genealogy of Shem, it is Shem's line that is listed and no one else.
⁠What if Shem had triplets the first year after the flood and then his wife became pregnant again and had Arphaxad two years after the flood?
⁠The point here is we cannot make assumptions based on information not given.
⁠Ham and Japheth lines are not being followed except later in a general listing of sons, and no daughters are listed from any of the genealogies so Arphaxad isn't necessarily the "first one born" after the flood, he's the "first" son of Shem and one God has chosen.
⁠I know this won't be a popular argument (with women) but it would seem from the passages of scripture that God caused more females to be born early in history after the flood than males. The ratio I gave earlier was a general ratio of equal amounts of males and females but there is enough evidence to show that more females were being born.
⁠Jacob's daughter Dinah was only mentioned in scripture due to being raped. Assumptions are made that Dinah was his only daughter.
⁠⁠But Gen 34:8 answers that question.
⁠And Hamor communed with them (Jacob), saying, The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter: I pray you give her him to wife. 9And make ye marriages with us, and give your daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you.
⁠So, Dinah was not Jacob's only daughter.

⁠The birth of females was not recorded in the scriptures, but we can observe through the lives of the Patriarchs that there seemed to be more women around than men to marry. Men in this instance were a foundation for the future for women and the stability of the family structure, marriage guaranteed women would be provided for, but there is far more to it than that. Families that had daughters could secure a position for the family unit by offering their daughters in marriage, they gained some financial security with the bride price which would be paid to the father. Given this fact, then why is there so many women that are given as handmaids, when financial security could be extended if they actually married?
⁠It is apparent that there were more women around because handmaids were given and acquired along with concubines.

⁠⁠The fact that there were even handmaids as servants for married women would imply that there were far more women than men to go around, and it would make sense for this to occur if God wanted to grow the population.
⁠Rather than 1 birth a year, a man could be the father of many children in a year's time, through wives, concubines, and handmaids. That's not a popular thought these days, but was the reality in the ancient world. Just like slavery was a reality because the limits of transportation required it, but that's another subject.

⁠God called Abraham when he was 75 and living in Haran and God told him to leave, so Abraham left with his family and all that he acquired and at this point we do not know if Hagar was with them, but she was Egyptian.
⁠⁠Abraham travels to Canaan and there is a famine so he travels into Egypt and at this point the Pharaoh takes Sarah.
⁠The concern that Abraham had about traveling into Egypt shows that it was well established. It is likely servants along with Hagar were given to Abraham at this time including livestock, which was gifts for Sarah's "brother" from the Pharaoh.
Abraham and Sarah visited Egypt, 27 years after the death of Peleg and the visit to Egypt could have been the same year Abraham left Haran. Ussher claims it was a year after Abraham left Haran (not sure why)

⁠The fact that Abraham was fearful of going into Egypt, afraid he'd be killed for Sarah is convincing evidence that it was a formidable place.
⁠Eight years after this visit to Egypt Abraham is going to war against Chedorlaomer a formidable king who had taken Lot his nephew.
Chedorlaomer, with Amraphel of Shinar, Arioch of Ellasar and Tidal king of the nations, combined their forces and carried away Lot as a prisoner with all the plunder of Sodom and Gomorrah.
⁠Chedorlaomer had formed an alliance with a group of other kings (Genesis 14:1–3)
⁠It seems like a total 180-degree turn for Abraham, from being fearful of entering Egypt and then a short time later going to war against Chedorlaomer and the kings united with him. It makes no sense unless Egypt from Abraham's perspective was more formidable than going to war with Chedorlaomer, and those united with him, which implies a lot.
⁠Egypt was 266 years old when Abraham visited, if he went when he was 75 which would seem logical because it only takes a few months to get to Canaan from Haran, and that is if you're taking your time.
⁠It seems feasible that when Abraham was in Egypt, Hagar was given to him at this time.
⁠The Pharaoh paid a bride price for Sarah, showing this was a practice in the ancient world and not just a practice of the Hebrews.

⁠Men that had daughters born in the family would secure the family's position in offering their daughters as wives, this extended the family's position and secured a future for their daughters.
⁠When Abraham's servant was sent to fetch a bride for Isaac, the servant paid a bride price for Rebekah -(and she left with her damsels)- Keep in mind here that to send Rebekah with "damsels" is putting a crunch on the family's position, unless there are more than enough women to go around.
⁠Laban was someone that was more than willing to take advantage of a situation as we find later with Jacob, even taking advantage of his own family members since Laban was Jacob's uncle (the brother of Rebekah)
⁠Why are handmaids even given to Rebekah and then Leah and Rachel as servants for them when the handmaids could be married to others that extended the family position?
⁠Jacob had Leah and Rachel as wives but along with them, Jacob was also the father of their handmaid's offspring, Bilhah and Zilpah

⁠When nailing down the early population, we have to inspect all of the details in the scriptures that are given, along with the longevity of the population.
⁠The scriptures indicate far more women to go around than males born and this fact would cause the population to explode.
⁠Obviously, God prefers one man for one woman, but in the early days after the flood to increase the population it could be argued that more females were born, and close intermarrying siblings weren't an issue.
⁠As long as people were cared for within this family structure God permitted this.
⁠⁠Abraham himself was born in this very situation, showing how early in the Biblical record he lived, his father Terah was with Abraham's mother and Sarah's mother making Sarah his half-sister which is realistic being born 292 years after the flood.

⁠The Old Testament is filled with men with wives and concubines.
⁠If the population born were nearly equal, then this fact would not be so.
⁠The OT addresses the population issue very well in indirect ways.

You need to really contemplate these issues because if the chain of custody doesn't go from Shem to Abraham we have a real problem.
The promise could then be argued that the promises were usurped or broken and didn't go through a succession of people chosen by God to each individual through this order of descent.-that was passed by an oath.
It starts with Shem, skipping over him is a problem and breaks the chain of promises passed to him.
It could then be argued that the Hebrews "could have" borrowed from others, and it's a valid argument, but it's not a valid one if Shem was alive to witness the birth of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and he passed the blessing and promises to Abraham.
I have to admit, this would be the first time I have seen a total breakdown of this chain of events- I can understand the genealogy through the ages
and I can understand the Priesthood through Shem
But if he is dead, the whole thing unravels.
And I have never seen that happen once in the scriptures.

another point for you to contemplate is the list above on trying to figure out who the person could possible be- The scriptures addresses it in what God was doing, if we pay attention to what God was habitually doing then it is not that hard to know who the man is- that is the king of Salem.
-It CANNOT be Jesus. In Hebrews it is Christ, but a forerunner held the office in the OT.- Because through the OT God used people as types Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I didn't just make that up. If it were "made up" then the type would not follow anything that makes a lick of sense. But it does make sense and leads to information that is astounding and fulfilled in the New Testament.
God used Joseph as a type in shocking detail- for what the Messiah would endure, and then rose from the pit that saved both Jew and Gentile.
God used forerunners to hold these positions. EVERY TIME!
God used King David as a forerunner in the idea that one day the King of Kings would hold that position.
Throughout the OT God used MEN to shadow himself.
Jesus didn't just step into these positions because he is God. God mirrored all of the titles and positions using men down through the ages- and then he earned these positions- by defeating the devil and laying down his life.
Once you begin to see the types God was constantly using in the OT the Hebrews7 question gets addressed, because it certainly cannot be Jesus in the OT hanging out getting spoils of war and then blessing Abraham with the Kings of Sodom & Gommorah present.
The lack of passing a blessing on to the next generation that God had chosen is a serious blunder since we see it occur over and over again in each succeeding generation.
Since the promise was given to Shem, Shem needs to pass that to Abraham and by failing to recognize this and given all the factual information isn't "circular reasoning"
LXX makes a huge blunder stating Mathusalah died a few years after the flood and we're supposed to ignore that error because it has Shem dying early so there is no possibility this is Shem- Okay, so who is this man? It's a fair question because it most definitely is a man.
The problem is we can follow the oath and it doesn't lead to Levi and when it's all said and done what happens actually addresses a mystery that most people don't even understand, because God uses these types and if you don't have a grip on them then things said in the Old Testament do not make sense.
The oath/promises
Shem- who is a type of ancient of days- came from a pre-flood world.
To Abraham- Type of the Father, offering up his Son
To Isaac.- Type of the Son offered as a sacrifice
To Jacob. Type of the Holy Spirit with two brides- Leah & Rachel-Jews and Gentiles
To Joseph, - a double portion - Type of the Messiah
Jacob blesses the Sons of Joseph- Manasseh and Ephraim
Ephraim being younger receives the greater blessing.
In the scripture, God says "and Ephraim is my firstborn"
That comment makes no sense, because Ephraim wasn't Joseph's "firstborn"
It's not understandable until you allow the types God is using to represent the person he is shadowing.
Joseph was a type of the Messiah in amazing detail - His younger son Ephraim is HIS firstborn- Being born again. It's all so beautiful.
Genesis is painting a portrait through the lives of men and the face he paints throughout is the face of Jesus Christ.
But with the chain broken in the LXX- all of this unravels.
The accusation of the MT being written by a bunch of Jews trying to hide that Jesus is the Messiah is hogwash.-They certainly did a poor job of it, if that were even remotely true.
That accusation shows a complete ignorance of the OT.

The Genesis account shows the logical relation between sets.
It's pretty mindblowing because the details illustrate simple set relationships in the Venn diagram of probability, logic, statistics, linguistics and computer science.
The Genesis account is drawing a Venn diagram- it's very hard for me to even describe it, let alone totally comprehend it.
I guess I have "circular reasoning" because I see circles in my head which is the Venn diagram of logic & linguistics, here is one set of circles that swirl through my head.

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew) 208526018_4457274040949232_3150823682965617164_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeGspP5_sPCVu7xGAq_A7EYKsWNWrjWdm7-xY1auNZ2bvwq5q_N1RuHj_YRpgE4zICIbjKipCUH0XeRAW3E_CwFk&_nc_ohc=xEYM0marLDQAX8I12mi&_nc_ht=scontent.faju2-1




Problem: Were the pyramids built before the Flood? According to Creation scientists, the Great Flood in Noah's day occurred in about 2350 B.C. And then the Tower of Babel event would have occurred sometime after that, and then the Great Pyramids of Giza would have been built sometime after that. But, according to Egyptologists, the Pyramids of Giza were built about 2550 B.C., about 200 years before the Flood. But, wait a minute now, how could the Egyptians have built the Pyramids a whole 200 years before the Flood, when the nation of Egypt didn't even EXIST until AFTER the Tower of Babel? That doesn't make any sense.

Alex Dominguez Stars Reveal Age of the Pyramids 7 January 2006
Cambridge University Egyptologist Kate Spence says that byanalyzing the relative position of Earth and two stars, she hasdated the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza — one of theSeven Wonders of the Ancient World — to within five years of 2478B.C. That means the Great Pyramid is 4,478 years old — or 75 yearsolder than one commonly accepted estimate.




Bible Chronology Charts The Septuagint (LXX) vs. corrupted Masoretic

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew) Bible-11

Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew) Bible-12




Nancy Cogar

The pyramids were built after Babel and the dispersion, which occurred during the life of Peleg, Scripture connects Noah’s son Ham and his grandson Mizraim with the land of Egypt.
Constantinus Manasses wrote that the Egyptian state lasted 1663 years, counting backwards gives us a date of 60 years after the birth of Peleg, when the Egyptian civilization began. Egyptian historian, Manetho, recorded the civilization of Egypt began 5 years after the birth of Peleg
Early Arabic work known as Kitab al-Magall -States that Nimrod built the towns
and began his reign as king over earth when Reu was 163, and that he reigned for 69 years. In addition, Nimrod built, Nisibis, Raha (Edessa) and Harran when Peleg was 50- So all these link to Peleg.
I was incorrect- there is a 1366 years difference in the Septuigent timeline, from Adam to Abraham which is ridiculous.
14 generations from Adam to Selah
14 generations from Eber to Amminadab
14 generations from Abraham to David,
14 generations from David, to Babylonian captivity
14 generations from Captivity to the birth of Christ.
Good luck stretching out those generations to fit into anything believable adding 1366 years to the timeline.









Walker's geology model proposes that the limestone was deposited during the biblical Flood. The sequential positions of rock layers relative to the timing of the Flood, as described in the Bible, align with the geological layers observed in the Giza Plateau. The limestone layers containing fossils were formed towards the end of the Flood, as the waters were receding. The presence of fossil shells and nummulites in the Giza limestone is indeed well-documented by geologists. These fossils provide valuable insights into the ancient marine environment and the organisms that lived there.  The exact mechanisms and processes of the deposition of the Giza limestone are still subject to ongoing scientific study and refinement.

According to Walker's model, the sequential positions of the rock layers in the Giza Plateau are consistent with the order of deposition described in the biblical account of the Flood. This alignment is evidence that the limestone layers were formed during the receding stages of the Flood. There is internal geological evidence within the limestone layers themselves that points to their formation during a catastrophic event like the Flood. This evidence includes features such as cross-bedding, which is often associated with fast-flowing water and sediment deposition. The presence of fossil shells and nummulites within the Giza limestone gives support for Walker's interpretation. These marine fossils indicate that the limestone was deposited rapidly in a marine environment, consistent with the conditions described during the Flood. The limestone layers at the Giza Plateau show minimal signs of erosion or mixing of fossils from different time periods. This is evidence that the limestone was deposited rapidly and in a relatively short timescale, as would be expected during a catastrophic event like the Flood.

The Pyramids of Egypt were built during the Old Kingdom period of ancient Egyptian history, specifically between the 27th century BCE and the 22nd century BCE. The most famous and largest pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, were constructed during the 4th Dynasty, which lasted from approximately 2613 BCE to 2494 BCE. The construction of pyramids continued during subsequent dynasties, although they became less massive and more elaborate over time.




In the work of scholars Chris Hardy and Robert Carter, have examined the chronology provided by the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. According to their research, the Septuagint chronology suggests that the Earth's habitable environment is at most 7,680 years old (with my own calculation at 7,480 years), and at least 6,142 years old based on the Masoretic text.

By analyzing the genealogical information found in the book of Genesis, Hardy and Carter estimate that the Flood occurred around 3386 B.C. at its maximum and 3171 B.C. at its minimum, according to the Septuagint. On the other hand, the Masoretic text indicates a maximum age for the Earth of 6,357 years and a minimum of 6,142 years, with the Flood estimated to have taken place between 2646 B.C. and 2431 B.C.

Hardy and Carter have also explored the margin of error between the geochronologies derived from the Masoretic and Septuagint versions. They argue that the Septuagint chronology, which is considered more complete and without gaps, only deviates from the Masoretic text by a maximum of 308 years. They believe that their methodology is appropriate for examining these chronologies.

Based on their findings, they conclude that it is not accurate to make a generic claim that the age of the Earth's habitable environment is around 10,000 years old, as these chronologies do not support such a timeframe. Instead, they propose that, according to the Septuagint text, the age of the Earth is at most 7,680 years (or 7,480 years by my calculation), while the Masoretic text suggests a minimum age of 6,142 years.




How many of you believe the earth is 6000 years old with a creation date of 4004 BC? This modern-day false chronology is based on the shorter/altered genealogies of the Masoretic Text (Genesis 5 and 11) with the Flood occurring "after" the pyramids were built. This chronology was "never" believed by any early Christian in the second century, or by anybody in the first century.  They all believed in creation around 5500 BC, using chronology that is representative of the LXX.
With a flood date around 3200-3300 BC (which is "before" the pyramids were built).  Why do you believe creation was in 4004 BC when there is no ancient witness to this claim?

5586BC - This date appeared in the Septuagint (LXX)
5555BC - Josephus(37AD-100AD),
5529BC - Theophilus of Antioch (115AD-181AD)
5537BC - Julius Africanus (160AD-240AD)
5469 BC - Gregory of Tours -
5500BC - Hippolytus (Died 240AD)
5508BC - The year of creation adopted in the 7th century AD in "Constantinople and used by the Eastern Orthodox church until the 18th century AD  
5493 BC -  This is the date used by the Ethiopian Church  
5490 BC - The date of the year of creation used by the Syrian Christians
5500BC - The Chronicle of Axum
5493BC - Panadorus of Alexandrea
5493BC - Maximus the Confessor -
5492BC - George Syncellus
5469BC - Sulpicius Severus
5336BC - Isidor of Seville
5228BC - Eusebius
5199BC - Jerome

When we look at the ancient witnesses in the chronology from Adam to the flood, we see this:

1. Demetrius (220 BC) - 2,264 years
2. Josephus (37AD) -  2,256 years
3. Theophilus (115 AD) - 2,242 years
4. Africanus (160 AD) - 2,262 years
5. Hippolytus (234AD) - 2,242 years
6. LXX - Codex Vaticanus (4th century) - 2,242 years
7. LXX - Codex Alexandrinus(5th century) - 2,262 years
So, looking at the ancient witnesses from the 3rd century BC, to the 3rd century AD, we  see that:

The LXX Codex Alexandrinus is a match to Africanus, Demetrius and 6 years different with Josephus....
The LXX Codex Vaticanus is a match to Theophilus and Hippolytus...

From the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, all the witnesses show a time period from Adam to the flood, from 2242 to 2264 years...a variation of only 22 years.
The masoretic time frame of 1656 years, does not have one ancient witness during the period from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, not one.




Generally, historians and archaeologists consider the advent of writing as the beginning of documented history, as it allows for the creation of written records that can be directly interpreted.

By this definition, the oldest documented history of human civilization is also considered to begin with the development of writing in Sumer around 3200 BCE. The Sumerian cuneiform script is widely accepted as one of the earliest, if not the earliest, forms of writing.

This marks the transition from prehistory to history in Mesopotamia, as writing allowed for the creation of written records, which are essential for studying historical events and developments.
The Sumerians, who inhabited southern Mesopotamia (modern-day southern Iraq), are credited with inventing one of the earliest known writing systems. Initially, this writing system was primarily used for economic and administrative purposes, such as keeping records of trade, taxes, and inventories. Over time, it evolved to include more complex texts like legal documents, royal inscriptions, literary works, and religious texts.
The earliest texts were often pictographic or ideographic, representing objects or concepts directly. As the system developed, it became more abstract and phonetic, allowing for the representation of spoken language. This development in writing enabled the Sumerians to record their history, laws, myths, and daily life, providing us with invaluable insights into one of the world's earliest civilizations.
It's important to note that while 3200 BCE marks the beginning of written history in Sumer, the civilization itself is believed to have emerged earlier, with archaeological evidence suggesting organized settlements and complex societies in the region as far back as 4500 BCE.

However, there are other early writing systems that emerged around the same time or shortly after:

1. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs: Developed around 3100-3000 BCE, slightly later than Sumerian cuneiform.
2. Indus script (Harappan Civilization): Used in the Indus Valley Civilization from about 3300-1300 BCE. However, this script remains undeciphered, making it difficult to classify it definitively as "documented history."
3. Chinese oracle bone script: The earliest confirmed Chinese writing dates back to the Shang Dynasty, around 1600 BCE.

These dates refer to the earliest known writing systems. Human civilizations, defined by complex social structures, urban development, and technology, existed before the invention of writing. For example:

- The pyramids of Giza in Egypt, built around 2500 BCE, predate most of the written records we have from ancient Egypt.
- The Indus Valley Civilization had sophisticated urban planning and drainage systems from around 3300 BCE.

The earliest documented and reported Egyptian history dates back to around 3100-3200 BC. This period marks the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period of Ancient Egypt and the first pharaohs. The Egyptian calendar began around 3,100 BC, under the reign of King Narmer or Menes, considered the founder of the 1st Dynasty and the one who united Upper and Lower Egypt. The earliest known hieroglyphic inscriptions on the Narmer Palette depict this king wearing the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt, providing some of the earliest historical records. Other archaeological evidence from the Early Dynastic period includes the tombs of the 1st and 2nd dynasty kings at Abydos.
The first historically recorded year in Egypt is around 2925 BC, based on the beginning of the 3rd Dynasty reign of King Djoser.
Djoser's step pyramid at Saqqara, built around 2667–2648 BC, marks an important transition in pyramid construction and documentation. Thus, although prehistory and early civilizations existed before 3,100 BC in Egypt, this early dynastic period represents the beginning of documented royal lineages, historical inscriptions, and the first writing systems that provide information about the history, culture, and events of Egypt. ancient Egypt.


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