ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Logical fallacies

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1Logical fallacies Empty Logical fallacies Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:25 am



Logical fallacies


Creationism / ID is false, therefore, (strong) atheism is true.   This is one of the most frequent logical fallacies of proponents of naturalism. "  That is called Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise  This illicit negative) occurs when a categorical syllogism has a positive conclusion, but one or two negative premises. Atheists must be able to present and adopt a well-articulated, thorough-going positive world view based on positive evidence that results in good reasons to infer naturalism. What the debater must present, is a positive case for strong atheism by reference to the evidence that favors a naturalistic interpretation of reality. Asking to provide positive, compelling evidence that points to the fact that the natural world can have an origin on its own, is not the same as to ask for evidence that God does not exist. If atheists are going to argue that adequate answers exist without the need for God, they are at least going to have to provide sufficient naturalistic explanations. 

How you can provide a better world view based on naturalism/strong atheism over a proponent of creationism / intelligent design

If proponents of naturalism are going to argue that adequate answers exist without the need of a creator/intelligent designer, they are at least going to have to provide sufficient naturalistic explanations and reasons that top theism. By that, i mean positive, compelling evidence that points to the fact that the natural world is self-sufficient, and can have an origin on its own. They need good answers of how absolutely nothing magically can turn into something, or if they propose that the universe is eternal, and had no beginning, how we can reach now from eternity. If you add one event after the other starting now, whenever you stop, the time-lapse will always be a defined timespan. You cannot reach eternity by adding one event after the other. That's why there cannot be a past eternity, otherwise, we would never reach now.

Then the naturalist has to give good reasons of how randomness fine tuned the expansion of the Big Bang, the fundamental forces, and hundreds of physical parameters, and the conditions to permit life on earth, how life can emerge from non-life through unguided, lucky events, and randomness was able to create the storage device, transcription and translation machinery , invent a optimal genetic code, translation code, and incalculable amount of precise instructions to create the first irreducible complex self-replicating cell, and millions of amazingly diverse species with the ability to evolve, and explain the emergence of conscient intelligent minds from inanimate matter ( quantum mechanics supports the idea that conscience/mind predates, and permeates all physical being.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:20 pm; edited 5 times in total


2Logical fallacies Empty Re: Logical fallacies Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:45 pm



Creationism or intelligent design is false or unproven, therefore, (strong) atheism is true. This is one of the most frequent Logical fallacies in atheism / theism debates. " That is called Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise This illicit negative) occurs when a categorical syllogism has a positive conclusion, but one or two negative premises. Both sides however must be able to present and adopt a well-articulated, thorough-going positive world view based on positive evidence that results in good reasons to infer naturalism or creationism/Intelligent Design. What the debater must present, is a positive case for theism/atheism by reference to the evidence that favours a theistic/atheistic interpretation of reality.


3Logical fallacies Empty Re: Logical fallacies Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:03 am



Argument from ignorance

Claim: The Argument from ignorance asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.
Reply: Intelligent design wins using eliminative induction based on the fact that its competitors are false. Materialism explains basically nothing consistently in regards to origins but is based on unwarranted consensus and scientific materialism, a philosophical framework, that should never have been applied to historical sciences. Evidence should be permitted to lead wherever it is. Also, eventually, to an intelligent agency as the best explanation of origins.

And intelligent design wins based on abductive reasoning, using inference to the best explanation, relying on positive evidence, on the fact that basically all-natural phenomena demonstrate the imprints and signature of intelligent input and setup. We see an unfolding plan, a universe governed by laws, that follows mathematical principles, finely adjusted on all levels, from the Big Bang, to the earth, to permit life, which is governed by instructional complex information stored in genes and epigenetically, encoding, transmitting and decoding information, used to build, control and maintain molecular machines ( proteins ) that are build based on integrated functional complex parts ( primary to quaternary polypeptide strands and active centers ), which are literally nanorobots with internal communication systems, fully automated manufacturing production lines, transport carriers, turbines, transistors, computers, and factory parks, employed to give rise to a wide range, millions of species, of unimaginably complex multicellular organisms.

Claim: This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes the possibility that there may have been an insufficient investigation to prove that the proposition is either true or false.
Reply: Proofs exist only in mathematics and logic, not in science. Atheists repeatedly claim that a solid view or position, in order to be acceptable and valid, must be capable in principle of being empirically verified. The inadequacy of this epistemological approach led to the complete collapse amongst philosophers of science during the second half of the twentieth century, helping to spark a revival of interest in Metaphysics. Today’s Flew’s sort of challenge, which loomed so large in mid-century discussions, is scarcely a blip on the philosophical radar screen. Asking for 100 percent, to truly know what occurred in the past is unrealistic. We believe lots of things with confidence even though we do not have absolute certainty. It is up to logic and the factors of different lines of evidence to determine what causes best to explain our origins. Every worldview, without exception, is a faith-based belief system, consisting of a set of statements the holder adopts as being true. Starting from this view, we can dispense with the foolish notion of "proof," as some are so quick to require. Instead of "proof" in the absolute sense, we proceed with examining the available evidence, which should point with confidence to the worldview that best accounts for that evidence.

Claim: It also does not allow for the possibility that the answer is unknowable, only knowable in the future, or neither completely true nor completely false
Reply: Either there is a(are) God(s), conscious intelligent mind(s) at the bottom of all reality, or not. The dichotomy is jointly exhaustive: everything must belong to one party or the other, and mutually exclusive: nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts.

Only one worldview can be true. If the various worldviews have mutually exclusive truth claims, only one can be true. A true system of thought must be comprehensive of thought and life. It must possess consistency and coherence in its overall claims. But most importantly, the system must correspond to reality, past, present, and future, natural and supernatural. And all major systems of thought contain key truth claims which are contrary to those of all other systems. A worldview must be consistent and explain the evidence, phenomena, and observations in the natural world adequately.


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