ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Welcome to my library—a curated collection of research and original arguments exploring why I believe Christianity, creationism, and Intelligent Design offer the most compelling explanations for our origins. Otangelo Grasso

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Chemotrophic bacterias

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1Chemotrophic bacterias Empty Chemotrophic bacterias Wed 5 Mar 2014 - 0:18



Chemotrophic bacterias

Chemotrophs are organisms that obtain energy by the oxidation of electron donors in their environments. These molecules can be organic (chemoorganotrophs) or inorganic (chemolithotrophs). The chemotroph designation is in contrast to phototrophs, which utilize solar energy. Chemotrophs can be either autotrophic or heterotrophic.


2Chemotrophic bacterias Empty Nitrobacter Wed 5 Mar 2014 - 0:21




Nitrobacter is a genus of mostly rod-shaped, gram-negative, and chemoautotrophic bacteria.

Nitrobacter plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle by oxidizing nitrite into nitrate in soil. Unlike plants, where electron transfer in photosynthesis provides the energy for carbon fixation, Nitrobacter uses energy from the oxidation of nitrite ions, NO2-, into nitrate ions, NO3-, to fulfill their energy needs. Nitrobacter fixes carbon dioxide via the Calvin cycle for their carbon requirements.


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