ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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Omnipotence definded

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1Omnipotence definded Empty Omnipotence definded Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:25 pm



Omnipotence definded


Claim: God would not have any need to operate within naturalistic constraints.
Reply: God is limited he cannot design something simpler than necessary, that would still work. God cannot create a life-permitting universe, that operates based on physical laws based on mathematics, that work in an interdependent fashion with the physical world, and change the laws, without changing the outcome of the system. God could not create a universe selecting any laws of physics, or fine-tune parameters and constants, nor any coupling constants of the fundamental forces without considering upon what physical conditions and parameters they would operate. Nor could he create a factory (cells), or a machine( proteins ) with specific purposes based on any arrangement or complexity. , nor a living system that only works based on instructional assembly information, without creating that informational system as well. He could not create a specific function that requires a system with a minimal number of parts, by reducing that number of parts, and retaining the function of the system. Nothing is really simple if it does not work.

Michio Kaku on The God Equation | Closer To Truth Chats Apr 6, 2021
Einstein used to say that the fundamental problem he grappled with was quote did god have a choice in making the universe in other words if the universe unique was it did it have to be that way and I think the answer is yes because all the other universes that we play with are inconsistent mathematically you know in our universe we know that two plus two is four however in other universes that we can create on a sheet of paper two plus two equals five two plus two equals six and we throw them out because we know they're mathematically inconsistent and why are they mathematically consistent because they contain what are called anomalies and divergences these are the killers the killers of any unified fuel theory so many proposals have been made hundreds of proposals have been made most of them can be killed off immediately because they have divergences they blow up or they're anomalous and violate some basic principle and so in other words I think that the solution to the whole problem is unique there is only one universe only one equation which is mathematically self-consistent and 2 plus 2 always equals 4.

Many people would say that part of God’s omnipotence is that he can “do anything.” But that’s not really true. It’s more precise to say that he has the power to do all things that power is capable of doing. Power can’t make an illogical statement logical; it can’t create, for example, a square circle. And while an omnipotent Creator can make beings who possess free will, he can’t do that while at the same time controlling their behavior. This would be a contradiction that “power” cannot overcome. In other words, God could prevent all wrongdoing from occurring, or even most of it, but he couldn’t do so without blocking or limiting or overriding our free will.  If God’s plan was simply for us to do things, or to do things a certain way, than free will would not have been necessary. No, the purpose for which we were created is not to do things, although there are things that we do; it is instead for us to be in relationship with him, in the manner – roughly at least -– of spouses (in some analogies) or, more likely, of parent and child.

Illogical things such as "create a rock bigger than He can lift" or commit theistic suicide do not mean He is not "all-powerful." The English term omnipotent is understood by theists to apply only to things that are logical to be ALL-Powerful by. This would include the creation of matter and omnipresence and abilities that are within the logical realm of a progressive ORDER which does not contradict itself. You can not ask for illogical contradiction as a part of being all-powerful.

Occam’s Razor is certainly not intended to promote false – thus, simplistic — theories in the name of their supposed “simplicity.” We should prefer a working explanation to one that does not, without arguing about “simplicity”. Such claims are really pointless, more philosophy than science. The only important scientific point is: what gives us an empirically well-supported, “best explanation”?

Maximal Power

Last edited by Otangelo on Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total


2Omnipotence definded Empty Re: Omnipotence definded Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:34 am



Michio Kaku on The God Equation | Closer To Truth Chats Apr 6, 2021

Einstein used to say that the fundamental problem he grappled with was quote did god have a choice in making the universe in other words if the universe unique was it did it have to be that way and I think the answer is yes because all the other universes that we play with are inconsistent mathematically you know in our universe we know that two plus two is four however in other universes that we can create on a sheet of paper two plus two equals five two plus two equals six and we throw them out because we know they're mathematically inconsistent and why are they mathematically consistent because they contain what are called anomalies and divergences these are the killers the killers of any unified fuel theory so many proposals have been made hundreds of proposals have been made most of them can be killed off immediately because they have divergences they blow up or they're anomalous and violate some basic principle and so in other words I think that the solution to the whole problem is unique there is only one universe only one equation which is mathematically self-consistent and 2 plus 2 always equals 4.



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