ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview
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ElShamah - Reason & Science: Defending ID and the Christian Worldview

Otangelo Grasso: This is my library, where I collect information and present arguments developed by myself that lead, in my view, to the Christian faith, creationism, and Intelligent Design as the best explanation for the origin of the physical world.

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The brain is a " Uber-Computer " - far more sophisticated than man-made computers

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The brain is a " Uber-Computer " - far more sophisticated than man-made computers


Cells are basically tiny computers: They send and receive inputs and output accordingly. In the last couple of decades, biologists have been working to hack the cells’ algorithm in an effort to control their processes 1

Stephen Hawking
"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. 5

Biological Cells are sophisticated data and information processing machines  2

Your Cortex Contains 17 Billion Computers. Brains receive input from the outside world, their neurons do something to that input, and create an output.  3
Why does this local spike change the way we think about the brain as a computer? Because the dendrites of a pyramidal neuron contain many separate branches. And each can sum-up-and-spit-out-a-spike. Which means that each branch of a dendrite acts like a little nonlinear output device, summing up and outputting a local spike if that branch gets enough inputs at roughly the same time. The extraordinary implication of these local spikes is that each neuron is a computer. By itself the neuron can compute a huge range of so-called nonlinear functions. Functions that a neuron which just sums-up-and-spits-out-a-spike cannot ever compute. a single neuron can compute an amazing range of functions even if it cannot make a local, dendritic spike. Because dendrites are naturally not linear: in their normal state they actually sum up inputs to total less than the individual values. They are sub-linear. For them 2+2 = 3.5. And having many dendritic branches with sub-linear summation also lets the neuron act as two-layer neural network. A two-layer neural network that can compute a different set of non-linear functions to those computed by neurons with supra-linear dendrites. And pretty much every neuron in the brain has dendrites. So almost all neurons could, in principle, be a two-layer neural network.

The other amazing implication of the local spike is that neurons know a hell of a lot more about the world than they tell us — or other neurons, for that matter.

Yes, the brain is a computer…No, it’s not a metaphor 4
The brain is a computer, and neuroscience is also branch of computer science. If you understand the formal definitions of computer and algorithm as given by computer science, then you know that the brain is very clearly a computer running algorithms, almost trivially so.

The formal definition of computing is:

(1) an algorithm is anything a Turing machine can do,
(2) computable functions are defined as those functions that we have algorithms for,
(3) a computer is anything which physically implements algorithms in order to solve computable functions.

Brains are also “uber-computers”, they just work in a different manner. we can think of neural networks as a sort of programming language: the synaptic connections in a neural network define the functions that they implement, so the set of all possible neural network architectures is effectively a programming language, and this language is Turing complete. Although there are many differences between artificial neural networks and brains, arguably those differences only render real brains more computationally powerful than artificial neural networks. This means that when we consider the set of all possible brains, then for any given computable function, there is probably a hypothetical brain that can solve it. Thus, the “language of brains”, as it were, is probably Turing complete.

Given that the set of neural networks is Turing complete (and therefore also probably the set of possible brains), it is pretty clear that brains deserve the title “computer”. Therefore, the brain is a computer. It’s not a metaphor, it’s not an analogy, it’s a fact.

An 83,000-Processor Supercomputer Can Only Match 1% of Your Brain.
Taking advantage of the almost 83,000 processors of one of the world's most powerful supercomputers, the team was able to mimic just one percent of one second's worth of human brain activity—and even that took 40 minutes. 6

Computers collaborate in the Internet much the way cells collaborate in multicellular organisms and the way organisms compete and collaborate in ecologies. 7

The Geometric Structure of the Brain Fiber Pathways

1. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/04/03/cells-like-computers-hacking-lead-new-diagnostic-tools/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3962179/#CIT0018
3. https://medium.com/the-spike/your-cortex-contains-17-billion-computers-9034e42d34f2
4. https://medium.com/the-spike/yes-the-brain-is-a-computer-11f630cad736
5. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/may/15/stephen-hawking-interview-there-is-no-heaven?CMP=fb_gu&fbclid=IwAR2ypbErBmXcZ8P1QKUyMzaH3vNJfMEpVPD2ss6RqVMS1oTNabF_CuOAfXo
6. https://gizmodo.com/an-83-000-processor-supercomputer-only-matched-one-perc-1045026757
7. http://evolutionofcomputing.org/index.html

Last edited by Otangelo on Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:48 pm; edited 3 times in total




Cells and the brain are an " Uber-Computer " - far more sophisticated that man-made computers

Cells are basically tiny computers: They send and receive inputs and output accordingly. In the last couple of decades, biologists have been working to hack the cells’ algorithm in an effort to control their processes 

Stephen Hawking
"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. 

Biological Cells are sophisticated data and information processing machines  

Your Cortex Contains 17 Billion Computers. Brains receive input from the outside world, their neurons do something to that input, and create an output.  
Why does this local spike change the way we think about the brain as a computer? Because the dendrites of a pyramidal neuron contain many separate branches. And each can sum-up-and-spit-out-a-spike. Which means that each branch of a dendrite acts like a little nonlinear output device, summing up and outputting a local spike if that branch gets enough inputs at roughly the same time. The extraordinary implication of these local spikes is that each neuron is a computer. By itself the neuron can compute a huge range of so-called nonlinear functions. Functions that a neuron which just sums-up-and-spits-out-a-spike cannot ever compute. a single neuron can compute an amazing range of functions even if it cannot make a local, dendritic spike. Because dendrites are naturally not linear: in their normal state they actually sum up inputs to total less than the individual values. They are sub-linear. For them 2+2 = 3.5. And having many dendritic branches with sub-linear summation also lets the neuron act as two-layer neural network. A two-layer neural network that can compute a different set of non-linear functions to those computed by neurons with supra-linear dendrites. And pretty much every neuron in the brain has dendrites. So almost all neurons could, in principle, be a two-layer neural network.

The other amazing implication of the local spike is that neurons know a hell of a lot more about the world than they tell us — or other neurons, for that matter.

Yes, the brain is a computer…No, it’s not a metaphor 
The brain is a computer, and neuroscience is also branch of computer science. If you understand the formal definitions of computer and algorithm as given by computer science, then you know that the brain is very clearly a computer running algorithms, almost trivially so.

The formal definition of computing is:

(1) an algorithm is anything a Turing machine can do,
(2) computable functions are defined as those functions that we have algorithms for,
(3) a computer is anything which physically implements algorithms in order to solve computable functions.

Brains are also “uber-computers”, they just work in a different manner. we can think of neural networks as a sort of programming language: the synaptic connections in a neural network define the functions that they implement, so the set of all possible neural network architectures is effectively a programming language, and this language is Turing complete. Although there are many differences between artificial neural networks and brains, arguably those differences only render real brains more computationally powerful than artificial neural networks. This means that when we consider the set of all possible brains, then for any given computable function, there is probably a hypothetical brain that can solve it. Thus, the “language of brains”, as it were, is probably Turing complete.

Given that the set of neural networks is Turing complete (and therefore also probably the set of possible brains), it is pretty clear that brains deserve the title “computer”. Therefore, the brain is a computer. It’s not a metaphor, it’s not an analogy, it’s a fact.

An 83,000-Processor Supercomputer Can Only Match 1% of Your Brain.
Taking advantage of the almost 83,000 processors of one of the world's most powerful supercomputers, the team was able to mimic just one percent of one second's worth of human brain activity—and even that took 40 minutes. 6

The brain is a " Uber-Computer " - far more sophisticated than man-made computers U4muwVk




James Webber:
The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body.

The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body.

It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses.
The brain is made up of many specialized areas that work together:

• The cortex is the outermost layer of brain cells. Thinking and voluntary movements begin in the cortex.
• The brain stem is between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain. Basic functions like breathing and sleep are controlled here.
• The basal ganglia are a cluster of structures in the center of the brain. The basal ganglia coordinate messages between multiple other brain areas.
• The cerebellum is at the base and the back of the brain. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance.
The brain is also divided into several lobes:
• The frontal lobes are responsible for problem solving and judgment and motor function.
• The parietal lobes manage sensation, handwriting, and body position.
• The temporal lobes are involved with memory and hearing.
• The occipital lobes contain the brain's visual processing system.

There is nothing quite like the brain. Yet to the atheist it has a massive universal defect. Since the beginning all people from different races, different, geographic locations, different ages, different intellectual aptitudes, different life functions have all believed in God.

For the atheist this has to be a malfunction, a defect, a unexplained phenomenal. Some atheist try to rationalize the magnificent brain having such (to them) this defect only to be chasing their own tails. They continually cry out "Where is you evidence" as if the human testimony through the ages means nothing.

You don't have to train people to believe in God, it comes to them naturally. People have to be trained not to believe in God.
God has place the knowledge of His existence within all people. What one does with that knowledge has eternal ramifications.


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