McAtheist Burgers Menue :
McSauerkrauss : Lettuce with virtual particles
McDarwin : Naturally selected MUTA Korean BBQ & Salsa
McDawkins : Selfish genes with lettuce
McIncredible : Imaginary peppinos, mixed with incredulity
McBus : No spice & hot but butter & sweet
McFSM: Meat balls with noodles
McIgnorant : Xquisite Don't know bread & beef
McMagic : Multiverse pork with onions
McSauerkrauss : Lettuce with virtual particles
McDarwin : Naturally selected MUTA Korean BBQ & Salsa
McDawkins : Selfish genes with lettuce
McIncredible : Imaginary peppinos, mixed with incredulity
McBus : No spice & hot but butter & sweet
McFSM: Meat balls with noodles
McIgnorant : Xquisite Don't know bread & beef
McMagic : Multiverse pork with onions